Exhibit 99.4

                            SOLUTIA EUROPE SA/NV
                                 TERM SHEET

ISSUE:                  Senior Secured Euro Notes (the "Secured Notes").

ISSUER:                 Solutia Europe SA/NV ("Solutia Europe").

GUARANTORS:             All subsidiaries of Solutia Europe.

RANKING:                The Secured Notes will represent senior secured
                        obligations of Solutia Europe and the Guarantors,
                        and will rank pari passu with all other senior
                        obligations of Solutia Europe and the Guarantors.

SECURITY:               Fully perfected 1st priority lien on substantially
                        all of the property and assets of Solutia Europe
                        and, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable
                        local laws, the Guarantors, including, but not
                        limited to, intercompany debt in favor of Solutia
                        Europe or the Guarantors, accounts receivables,
                        inventory, PP&E, intellectual property, and capital
                        stock; provided, however, that any lien in debt,
                        cash and/or receivables will not, in the absence of
                        a default, interfere with the day to day operations
                        of Solutia Europe and the Guarantors; and provided
                        further that in the event that applicable local laws
                        do not permit the granting of liens on the assets of
                        the Guarantors, the parties will use reasonable
                        efforts to seek alternative means of providing a 1st
                        priority lien or to create structural seniority in
                        favor of the Secured Notes. Pledge of intercompany
                        debt to include (euro)69 million obligation of
                        Solutia UK Holdings Ltd. (the "UK Note"). The UK
                        Note will be amended to provide that its terms may
                        not be amended without the consent of the holders of
                        the Secured Notes other than to extend its maturity
                        to a date or dates not later than December 15, 2008.

INTEREST:               10.00% per annum, payable semi-annually in cash.

NO CROSS DEFAULT        Elimination of cross-defaults related to bankruptcy
TO SOLUTIA INC.         of Solutia Inc.

DEFAULT INTEREST:       2.00% per annum increase during an event of default.

MATURITY DATE:          December 15, 2008

OPTIONAL                The Secured Notes will be redeemable from proceeds
REDEMPTION:             of asset sales at par at Solutia Europe's option, in
                        whole or in part, prior to maturity in increments of
                        not less than (euro) 10 million; provided, however
                        that any such asset sale must be permitted pursuant
                        to the limitations and prohibitions described below.
                        Except with respect


                                                                Exhibit 99.4

                        to proceeds of such asset sales, the Secured Notes
                        will (i) not be redeemable for 18 months after the
                        close of the transactions , (ii) will be redeemable
                        thereafter at the following premiums: (x) 1.05 times
                        the principal amount during the period commencing on
                        the 19th month after the close of the transactions
                        and ending on the 30th month after the close of the
                        transactions, (y) 1.03 times the principal amount
                        during the period commencing on the 31st month after
                        the close of the transactions and ending on the 42nd
                        month after the close of the transactions, and (z)
                        1.01 times the principal amount during the period
                        commencing on the 43rd month of the close of the
                        transactions and ending on the 54th month after the
                        close of the transactions. Commencing with the 55th
                        month after the close of the transactions, the
                        Secured Notes will be redeemable at par.

LIMITATIONS &           Including but not limited to: (i) "ring fence"
PROHIBITIONS:           covenants prohibiting dividends and intercompany
                        indebtedness related transfers by Solutia Europe or
                        the Guarantors outside the companies obligated on
                        the Secured Notes, (ii) prohibition on restricted
                        payments (including prohibition on additional
                        intercompany loans to entities other than Solutia
                        Europe and the Guarantors), (iii) prohibition on
                        cash payment of principal or interest on the
                        Convertible Subordinated Bonds dated January 26,
                        1999 issued by Solutia Europe so long as the Secured
                        Notes are outstanding, (iv) limitation on
                        indebtedness, (v) limitation on liens, (vi)
                        prohibition on payment restrictions affecting
                        Solutia Europe's and Guarantors' ability to make
                        payment on the Secured Notes, (vii) restrictions
                        with respect to affiliate transactions (including
                        restricting transfer pricing to terms no less
                        favorable to Solutia Europe and the Guarantors than
                        those that would be available from unrelated third
                        parties, (viii) restrictions on issuance of
                        guarantees, (ix) restrictions on merging,
                        consolidating or disposing of substantially all the
                        stock or assets of Solutia Europe or a Guarantor,
                        (x) restrictions on asset sales, (xi) covenant that
                        the trademark and patent licenses between Solutia
                        Inc and Solutia Europe will be extended through at
                        least December 15, 2008 and the fees on such
                        licenses will not be increased from the rates set
                        forth in the licenses.

REPORTING               Requirement that Solutia Europe make available to
REQUIREMENTS:           holders of Secured Notes quarterly and annual US
                        GAAP balance sheets, income statements and cash flow
                        statements on a consolidated and consolidating basis
                        for Solutia Europe and the Guarantors, and that
                        Solutia Inc. file such documents on Form 8K promptly

MECHANICS OF            The agreement in principle of the parties reflected
EFFECTING THE           herein shall be effected in the following manner:
                        (1) at the bondholder meeting


                                                                Exhibit 99.4

AGREEMENT:              scheduled for December 16, 2003, Solutia Europe
                        shall propose, and the members of the Committee will
                        support, an amendment to the Fiscal Agency Agreement
                        providing for the waiver of any events of default
                        related to a bankruptcy of Solutia Inc. through
                        January 30, 2004 and providing that the interest
                        rate on the Euro Notes shall be increased for the
                        period from December 17, 2003 through February 14,
                        2004 by 4% with such increase in interest to be paid
                        in advance on December 17, 2003; (2) Solutia Europe
                        shall call a second bondholder meeting for as soon
                        as is practicable, but in any event no later than
                        January 29, 2004, and shall publish and transmit a
                        notice of such second meeting in which Solutia
                        Europe proposes that the holders of the Euro Notes
                        adopt resolutions in order to implement this Term
                        Sheet, (3) Solutia Inc., Solutia Europe and the
                        Committee promptly will enter into an agreement
                        providing that they will use their best efforts to
                        implement the foregoing and to negotiate definitive
                        documentation in good faith so that such
                        documentation may be executed at such second

CONDITIONS              Including but not limited to (i) satisfactory
PRECEDENT:              completion of the Committee's confirmatory due
                        diligence, (ii) negotiation of definitive
                        documentation in form and substance acceptable to
                        the Committee in its sole and absolute discretion,
                        (iii) opinions of counsel of Solutia Europe, (iii)
                        receipt of a usury permit, if necessary, (iv)
                        payment of Committee's reasonable fees and expenses
                        at Closing, and (v) the Credit Facility between
                        Solutia Inc. and Ableco shall be amended so that
                        implementation of the terms set forth herein will
                        not breach such agreement or such credit facility
                        will be replaced by a DIP Credit Agreement that
                        would not be breached by the implementation of the
                        terms set forth herein.

EXPENSES:               Solutia Europe and Solutia Inc. have entered into
                        engagement and retention letters with counsel and a
                        financial advisor chosen by the Committee and such
                        agreements shall be unaffected by whether or not the
                        agreements reflected herein are implemented.

INDEMNIFICATION:        Solutia Europe and the Guarantors shall indemnify
                        the noteholders and their control persons,
                        affiliates, agents, representatives and assigns from
                        and against any and all liabilities which may be
                        incurred by them (i) based on the conduct of Solutia
                        Europe, the Guarantors or their affiliates, or (ii)
                        which asserts that any of the agreements or
                        transactions provided for in this Term Sheet
                        conflicts with or violates any contract, agreement,
                        order, proceeding, duty or law applicable to SESA or
                        any of its affiliates.


                                                                Exhibit 99.4

                        Indemnification shall survive termination of this
                        Term Sheet.

NO COMMITMENT:          Nothing contained in this term sheet shall be deemed
                        to be a binding commitment of the Committee to
                        consummate the transactions described herein. Any
                        such commitment shall be evidenced by the
                        noteholders' execution of a formal commitment letter
                        or definitive documentation. This term sheet is
                        intended to be merely an outline to facilitate the
                        negotiation and preparation of a definitive
                        agreement and related documents.
