Exhibit 99.13

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                           SHARE PLEDGE AGREEMENT


a Belgian company limited by shares, having its registered office at
Boondaelse Steenweg 6, 1050 Brussels, Belgium and registered at the
Crossroads Bank for Enterprises, under enterprise number 0460.474.440,

                                                               (the PLEDGOR)


a Belgian bank, with registered office at Havenlaan 2, B-1080 Brussels,
Belgium, registered at the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises under enterprise
number 0462.92.0.226, acting for itself and as joint creditor pursuant to
Clause 2.1 of the Collateral Agency Agreement (as defined below),

                                                               (the PLEDGEE)

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(A)    The Pledgor and the Noteholders have agreed to amend and restate the
       Pledgor's euro 200,000,000 6.25 percent Notes due 2005, as amended and
       restated, the euro 200,000,000 10.00 percent Senior Secured Notes due
       2008 (together with the Terms and Conditions of Notes annexed thereto,
       as amended, modified or supplemented from time to time, the NOTES and
       such Terms and Conditions of Notes, as amended, modified or
       supplemented from time to time, the TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF NOTES)
       pursuant to an Agreement of Understanding and Restructuring dated
       30 January 2004 among the Pledgor and the Noteholders party thereto (as
       amended, modified or supplemented from time to time, the AGREEMENT OF
       UNDERSTANDING). In connection with the Notes, the Pledgor will enter
       into a Fiscal Agency Agreement dated on or about the date of this
       Agreement among the Pledgor, Kredietbank S.A. Luxembourgeoise as fiscal
       agent and paying agent and KBC Bank NV as principal paying agent (as
       amended, modified or supplemented from time to time, the FISCAL AGENCY
       AGREEMENT). The Noteholders and the Couponholders are entitled to the
       benefit of, are bound by and are deemed to have notice of all of the
       provisions of the Fiscal Agency Agreement.

(B)    It is a requirement of the Agreement of Understanding and the Terms
       and Conditions of Notes that the Pledgor pledge its shares in the
       Company (as defined below) to the Pledgee to secure its obligations
       to the Pledgee as provided herein and undertake the obligations
       contemplated by this Agreement.

(C)    Pursuant to Clause 2.1 of the Collateral Agency Agreement (as
       defined below), the Pledgee shall be the joint creditor (together
       with the relevant Noteholder) of each and every obligation of the
       Pledgor towards each of the Noteholders under the Notes and the
       other Credit Documents to which the Pledgor is party, and
       accordingly the Pledgee will have its own independent right to
       demand performance by the Pledgor of those obligations. There is as
       a result a joint creditorship under New York law between the
       Noteholders and the Pledgee with regard to the sums owed under the
       Notes and the other Credit Documents.

(D)    The Pledgor is the legal and beneficial owner of the entire share
       capital of Amcis AG (AMCIS or COMPANY), a stock corporation
       (Aktiengesellschaft) organised under the laws of Switzerland,
       having its corporate seat at Hauptstrasse 159, CH-4416 Bubendorf,
       Switzerland, which is registered in the Commercial Register
       (Handelsregister) of the Canton of Basel-Landschaft, under
       registration number

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       CH-280.3.916.120-1. The entire share capital of the Company consists
       of 100 registered shares with a nominal value of CHF 500.00 each (the
       EXISTING SHARES and together with any shares of the Company owned by
       the Pledgor in the future, the SHARES).

(E)    In consideration of the agreements set forth herein and in the
       Terms and Conditions of Notes, the Agreement of Understanding and
       the other Credit Documents, the Pledgor agrees to create a first
       ranking pledge in respect of the pledged assets described herein in
       favor of the Pledgee under the following terms (the AGREEMENT).

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained,
the Parties hereto agree as follows:


       In this Agreement the following terms have the following meanings:

       AGREEMENT has the meaning given to it in the Preamble.

       CHF means the lawful currency of Switzerland.

       COLLATERAL AGENCY AGREEMENT means the collateral agency agreement
       dated on or about the date of this Agreement among the Pledgor, the
       Subsidiary Guarantors, the Pledgee and the Noteholders party
       thereto, as amended, modified or supplemented from time to time.

       PLEDGE means the pledge of the Shares created or arising pursuant
       to this Agreement.

       SECURED OBLIGATIONS means all present and future actual and
       contingent indebtedness, obligations and liabilities of the Pledgor
       to the Pledgee which may arise under, out of, or in connection
       with, the Collateral Agency Agreement, the Fiscal Agency Agreement,
       the Notes, any other Credit Document to which the Pledgor is party.

       SHARE CERTIFICATES means the share certificates evidencing the
       Shares as set out in the Schedule 1 to this Agreement.

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       Unless otherwise defined herein, defined terms shall bear the same
       meanings ascribed to them in the Terms and Conditions of Notes, and
       if not defined therein, the meaning ascribed to them under Swiss

       Where the context so admits, the singular includes the plural and
       vice versa.

       The headings in this Agreement are for convenience only and are to
       be ignored in construing this Agreement.

       Any reference in this Agreement to a defined document is a
       reference to that defined document as amended, supplemented,
       substituted or novated from time to time, in accordance with its

2.     PLEDGE

2.1.   As security for the Secured Obligations, the Pledgor hereby pledges, as
       a first ranking pledge, in accordance with article 899 et seq. of the
       Swiss Civil Code and the provisions set out below to the Pledgee,
       acting in its capacity of joint and several creditor with the
       Noteholders pursuant to Clause 2.1 of the Collateral Agency Agreement:

       (a)    the Shares; and

       (b)    all additional shares in Amcis from time to time acquired or
              subscribed for by the Pledgor in any manner (including by
              way of capital increases) and all aforesaid claims relating
              thereto (all such additional shares hereinafter included
              when referring to the Shares); and

       (c)    all present (whether or not due) and future rights
              attributable to the Shares, including but not limited to all
              purchase and subscription rights relating to the Shares, all
              claims for repayment of share capital, payment of
              compensation for redemption of shares, credit balances from
              settlements and liquidation proceeds including the right to
              the liquidation quota, as well as to any other rights and
              benefits attributable to the Shares (all such rights
              hereinafter included when referring to the Shares).

2.2.   This Pledge shall not in any way be affected by any regrouping or
       splitting of the Shares, and, as the case may be, the Future Shares, or
       by any similar operation, and the securities resulting from any such
       operation shall be part of the Shares, and, as the case may be, the
       Future Shares.

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3.1.   The Pledge of the Shares shall be completed at the offices of
       Schellenberg Wittmer, Lowenstrasse 19, 8001 Zurich, simultaneously
       with the signing of this Agreement, whereby the Pledgor or the
       Pledgor's duly authorized representative shall deliver to the Pledgee
       the following documents:

       (a)    the Share Certificates, duly endorsed in blank, to the
              Pledgee or the Pledgee's duly authorised representative;

       (b)    a certified true copy of the resolution of the board of
              directors of Amcis acknowledging the pledging of the Shares
              in favor of the Pledgee;

       (c)    a certified and true copy of the public deed containing the
              resolution of an extraordinary shareholders' meeting of the
              Company resolving on the deletion of all transfer
              restrictions relating to the Shares in the Company's
              articles of incorporation, with an attached copy of the
              amended articles of incorporation as they are registered
              with the Commercial register of the Canton of
              Basel-Landschaft; and

       (d)    a copy of the share register of the Company evidencing the
              existence of the pledge in favor of the Pledgee.


       Without prejudice and in addition to the representations and
       warranties of the Pledgor under the other Credit Documents to which
       the Pledgor is party, the Pledgor represents and warrants to the
       Pledgee as of the date hereof and undertakes during the subsistence
       of this Agreement as follows:

4.1.   it is the sole legal and beneficial owner of the Shares, free and
       clear from any Lien except for Permitted Liens imposed by mandatory
       operation of law; the Shares are validly issued and fully paid up;

4.2.   it has full power, authority and legal right to pledge all of its
       rights, title and interest in the Shares pursuant to this Agreement
       and to perform its obligations hereunder; as a consequence, this
       Agreement has been duly and validly executed and delivered by the
       Pledgor and constitutes a legal, valid and binding obligation of
       the Pledgor, enforceable against it in accordance with its terms;

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4.3.   the Shares are free and clear of all Liens, except for Permitted
       Liens imposed by mandatory operation of law; there is no cause for
       suspension of the voting rights attached to the Shares; as of the
       date hereof, none of the Shares is subject to any seizure or
       enforcement measure;

4.4.   no other certificates have been issued for the Shares than the
       Share Certificates listed in Schedule 1;

4.5.   the Shares are free and clear of all transfer restrictions under
       the Company's Articles of Association, and are free and clear of
       options, purchase or similar rights or claims or any other similar
       interests in favor of any third party, except for Permitted Liens
       imposed by mandatory operation of law. As a consequence, the
       entering into, execution, delivery and performance by the Pledgor
       of this Agreement does not require any consent of the Company or
       any other Person (except for those consents which have been

4.6.   there are no silent partnership agreements or similar arrangements
       by which a person is entitled to a participation in the profits or
       revenue of the Company;

4.7.   this Agreement creates a valid and enforceable Pledge over the
       Shares in favour of the Pledgee under the laws of Switzerland which
       pledge shall not be subject to any prior Lien (other than Permitted
       Liens imposed by mandatory operation of law);

4.8.   the entering into, execution, delivery and performance by the
       Pledgor of this Pledge Agreement and the consummation by the
       Pledgor of the transactions hereby contemplated will not conflict
       with any law of Belgium as of the date hereof, or result in a
       breach or default of the articles of association, by-laws,
       regulations or other similar charter documents of the Pledgor, or a
       breach of or default under any material agreement or other
       instrument to which the Pledgor is a party or by which the Pledgor
       may be bound.

4.9.   the Pledgor is a corporation duly incorporated and validly existing
       under the laws of its jurisdiction of incorporation and is not in
       liquidation, with the power to enter into this Agreement and to
       exercise its rights and perform its obligations hereunder and that
       all corporate and other actions required to authorise the execution
       and performance of this Agreement have been duly taken;

4.10.  the Company is duly incorporated and validly existing as a stock
       corporation (Aktiengesellschaft) under the laws of Switzerland, has
       the power to own its assets

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       and conduct its business as currently conducted, and has a share capital
       of CHF 50,000, divided into 100 registered shares with a nominal
       value of CHF 500 each, (all of which have been validly issued and)
       are fully paid-in, and none of which is subject to any seizure or
       enforcement measure as of the date hereof; and

4.11.  Neither the Pledgor nor the Company is insolvent, nor subject to
       any insolvency proceedings or in any other similar situation of
       conflicting claims of creditors in a way, which could give these
       creditors reasonable grounds for a claim against the Company or the
       Pledgor. No resolutions have been taken, nor has any petition been
       filed, to dissolve or liquidate any of the Pledgor or the Company,
       nor has the Pledgor or the Company been declared bankrupt nor has a
       suspension of payments been granted to either of the Pledgor or the


5.1.   The Pledgor undertakes to the Pledgee to the extent not already
       effectuated by virtue of Clause 2.1(b) hereof, to pledge hereunder,
       immediately upon its acquisition or subscription thereof, any and
       all additional shares of stock or other securities of Amcis.

5.2.   The Pledgor undertakes to the Pledgee that at any time and from
       time to time it will promptly take all action or execute all such
       documents (including assignments, transfers, charges, notices and
       instructions) that the Pledgee may reasonably request upon the
       written instructions of the Requisite Noteholders, in order to
       perfect the security interest granted or purported to be granted
       hereby or for the exercise of all rights, powers and remedies of
       the Pledgee provided by or pursuant to this Agreement or by law
       and/or to facilitate the realization of the Shares.

5.3.   If so reasonably requested by the Pledgee upon the written
       instructions of the Requisite Noteholders the Pledgor shall take
       all such action as is available to it (including making all filings
       and registrations) as may be necessary for the purpose of the
       creation, perfection or maintenance of any security conferred or
       intended to be conferred on the Pledgee by or pursuant to this

5.4.   The Pledgor shall not:

       (a)    create or permit to arise any Lien on the Shares or any interest
              in or part of the Shares (irrespective of whether ranking behind
              the pledge created hereby), except for Permitted Liens imposed by
              mandatory operation of law;

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       (b)    permit or resolve on the re-introduction of any transfer
              restrictions relating to the Shares in the articles of
              incorporation of the Company;

       (c)    not take any steps, including, without limitation, the exercise
              of any right it has under any agreement pertaining to or in
              relation with the Shares, which may jeopardise or adversely
              affect the security interest constituted in this Agreement,
              except as permitted in the Terms and Conditions of Notes; or

       (d)    sell or attempt to sell or otherwise dispose of the Shares or any
              interest in or part of the Shares except in accordance with the
              provisions of this Agreement and the Terms and Conditions of


6.1.   So long as no Event of Default has occurred and is continuing, the
       Pledgor shall be entitled to exercise any and all membership rights
       pertaining to the Shares, including, without limitation, the right to
       vote in the general meeting of Amcis in a manner (i) which does not
       adversely affect the validity or enforceability of this Pledge, and
       (ii) which does not cause an Event of Default to occur. In
       particular, and unless agreed otherwise by the Requisite Noteholders,
       the Pledgor shall cast its votes against any proposal for the
       liquidation, merger or split-up of the Company, or against any
       proposal which is liable to result in a dilution of the rights
       attaching to the Shares.

6.2.   Upon the occurrence of an Event of Default which is continuing, in
       addition to all the rights and remedies of a secured party on default
       under applicable law and subject to the Collateral Agency Agreement
       and the Terms and Conditions of Notes, the Pledgor shall exercise the
       membership rights conferred by the Shares, including, without
       limitation, the right to vote in the general meeting of Amcis in
       accordance with the instructions received from the Pledgee, which
       instructions the Pledgee shall seek in due time.

6.3.   The Pledgor shall forthwith give the Pledgee a copy of any convening
       notice or agenda of general shareholders meetings of the Company and
       inform the Pledgee about the exercise of the membership rights
       pertaining to the Shares.

6.4    Unless agreed otherwise by the Pledgee and subject to the Terms and
       Conditions of Notes, the Pledgor shall exercise all subscription
       rights to which it may be entitled. The Pledgor shall cause shares
       resulting form the exercise of any such right to be

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       pledged to the Pledgee as collateral for the Secured Obligations, and
       these shares shall be part of the Shares for the purpose of this
       Agreement, and shall be delivered immediately to the Pledgee, endorsed
       in blank, together with a copy of the updated share register of the
       Company evidencing the existence of the pledge of those new Shares
       in favor of the Pledgee.


7.1.   Subject at all times to the restrictions set forth in the Terms and
       Conditions of Notes, any payment of dividends or other payments by
       Amcis relating to the Shares and claims pledged under this Agreement
       shall be made to the Pledgor, provided no Event of Default has
       occurred which is continuing.

7.2.   Upon the occurrence of an Event of Default which is continuing, any
       payment of dividends or other payments by Amcis relating to the
       Shares and claims pledged under this Agreement shall be made to the
       Pledgee which shall apply the same towards the Secured Obligations as
       provided under, and subject to the terms of, the Collateral Agency

7.3.   Similarly, upon occurrence of an Event of Default that is continuing,
       any and all:

       (a)    dividends and interest paid or payable other than in cash in
              respect of, and instruments and other property received,
              receivable or otherwise distributed in respect of, or in
              exchange for, the Shares;

       (b)    dividends and other distributions paid or payable in cash in
              respect of the Shares in connection with a partial or total
              liquidation or dissolution or in connection with a reduction
              of capital, capital surplus or paid-in-surplus; and

       (c)    cash paid, payable or otherwise distributed in respect of
              principal (nominal value/stated capital) of, or in
              redemption of, or in exchange for, the Shares;

       shall be exclusively made and/or paid to the Pledgee which shall
       apply the same towards the Secured Obligations as provided under,
       and subject to the terms of, the Collateral Agency Agreement.

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8.1.   Continuing Security

       (a)    This Pledge shall be a continuing security for the due
              performance of the Secured Obligations, and shall remain in
              force until expressly released in accordance with Clause 10 of
              this Agreement.

       (b)    This Pledge shall not be discharged or in any way prejudiced or
              affected by any change in the constitution or status of the
              Pledgor or any other Person or by any legal limitation,
              disability, incapacity or other circumstances relating to the
              Pledgor or any other Person, by any invalidity, illegality or
              unenforceability of the obligations of the Pledgor or any other

       (c)    The Pledgee or, as the case may be, Requisite Noteholders may
              at any time without discharging or in any way affecting this
              Pledge (a) grant the Pledgor or any Subsidiary Guarantor any
              time or indulgence, (b) concur in any moratorium of the
              Secured Obligations, (c) amend the terms and conditions of the
              Secured Obligations in accordance with the provisions of the
              Terms and Conditions of Notes and the applicable laws,
              (d) abstain from taking or perfecting any other security and
              discharge any other security, (e) abstain from exercising any
              right or recourse or from proving or claiming any debt and
              waive any right or recourse and (f) apply any payment received
              from the Pledgor or for its account towards the Secured
              Obligations or any other obligations of the Pledgor of the
              Pledgee's choice.

8.2.   Rights Additional

       All the rights of the Pledgee hereunder shall be in addition to any
       other right vested in the Pledgee and all such rights may be
       exercised from time to time and as often as the Pledgee may deem
       expedient. The Pledgor waives any right it may have of first
       requiring the Pledgee to proceed against or claim payment from any
       other party, or enforce any guarantee or security before enforcing
       the Pledge.

8.3.   Preservation of Security in Case of Transfer

       Without prejudice to the scope of the Secured Obligations, the
       Pledgor and the Pledgee agree that in the event of transfer of all
       or any part of the Secured Obligations by way of assignment or
       novation in accordance with the Credit Documents or in the event of
       a change or replacement of the Pledgee or the Pledgor in accordance
       with the Credit Documents, this Pledge will be maintained,

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       automatically and without any further formality or consent, to
       secure the Secured Obligations as assigned or novated in favour of
       the Pledgee (or the new Pledgee, if any). To the extent that any
       such further formality or consent on the part of Pledgor or of the
       Company will, nevertheless, be required, Pledgor hereby undertakes
       to perform, and to have the Company perform, any such formality or
       consent without delay upon the Pledgee's request.


9.1.   At any time after the occurrence of an Event of Default which is
       continuing, the pledge created hereunder shall become immediately
       enforceable and the Pledgee shall in particular have the right,
       subject to the Collateral Agency Agreement and to the Terms and
       Conditions of Notes, to:

       (a)    enforce the Pledge in respect of any or all of the Shares, in
              accordance with applicable legal provisions and as set forth
              in this Agreement; and

       (b)    apply any payments which may be received or receivable by the
              Pledgee in respect of the Shares to satisfaction of the
              Secured Obligations and as provided in the Collateral Agency
              Agreement; and

       (c)    exercise all rights and remedies it possesses, and to act
              generally in relation to the Shares in such manner as it shall
              determine within the limit of the applicable law and its
              rights under this Agreement.

9.2.   When exercising its right to enforce the Pledge after the
       occurrence of an Event of Default which is continuing, the Pledgee
       shall be entitled, at its discretion,

       (a)    to sell all or part of the Shares either through public
              auction (offentliche Versteigerung) or in a private sale
              (Selbstverkaufsrecht), without regard to the procedures and
              formalities provided for in the Swiss Federal Act Debt
              Collection and Bankruptcy of 1889, as amended, and without any
              notice thereof to the Pledgor other than a notice intending to
              inform the Pledgor that a sale of the Shares will take place,
              this notice being sent in accordance with Clause 14.6 of this
              Agreement to the Pledgor no later than 10 (ten) Business Days
              prior to such sale; or

       (b)    notwithstanding the foregoing and the provisions of Art. 41 of
              the Swiss Federal Law on the Recovery of Debts and Bankruptcy
              or any other applicable law, to institute and pursue the
              ordinary procedure for recovery of

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              debt without having first to dispose of the Shares or to
              institute statutory proceedings for the realization thereof.

9.3.   The Pledgee has the right to acquire for itself all or any part of
       the Shares in any such public auction or private sale
       (Selbsteintrittsrecht). In case of an acquisition of the Shares by
       the Pledgee in a private sale, such sale has to be at arm's length,
       i.e. at the real value (the REAL VALUE (wirklicher Wert)) of the
       acquired Shares. If the Pledgor and the Pledgee do not reach an
       agreement on the Real Value within 30 calendar days following the
       Pledgee's corresponding offer, the Real Value shall be determined by
       an independent expert to be mutually appointed by the Parties. The
       expert's determination of the Real Value shall be final
       (Schiedsgutachten). If the parties cannot, within 60 days following
       the Pledgee's offer, agree on the expert to be appointed, the
       independent expert shall be appointed by the president of the
       "Treuhand-Kammer", Zurich, Switzerland.

9.4.   In view of a realization of the Pledge in accordance with the terms
       and conditions set forth above, the Pledgor, being the sole owner
       and holder of the Shares, hereby expressly declares its approval of
       the assignment and transfer of the Shares being subject to such
       realization to the acquirer of such Shares. The Pledgor further
       agrees that the respective acquirer will hold the Shares following
       their assignment and transfer and Pledgor will see for it that such
       acquirer will without any delay be entered in the Company's share
       register as the owner of the Shares.

9.5.   The proceeds from the realization of the Pledge shall be applied to
       towards the Secured Obligations, including any costs and expenses
       of the Pledgee, in accordance with the Collateral Agency Agreement,
       but without prejudice to the rights of the Pledgee to recover any
       shortfall from the Pledgor.


10.1.  This Agreement shall remain in full force and effect until the
       earlier of (a) the date upon which all Secured Obligations have
       been irrevocably paid and discharged in full; and (b) the date
       notified by the Pledgee to the Pledgor. The Pledge shall not cease
       to exist if any payments made in satisfaction of the Secured
       Obligations have only temporarily discharged the Secured

10.2.  This Pledge is in addition to any existing or future collateral,
       guarantee or other security held by the Pledgee.

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10.3.  This Pledge shall be discharged by, and only by, the express
       release thereof granted by the Pledgee.

10.4.  The Pledgee shall, in accordance with the Collateral Agency
       Agreement, grant an express release of this Pledge without delay
       upon demand of the Pledgor, as soon as all Secured Obligations
       shall have been fully and finally discharged.

10.5.  Any release or discharge of the Pledge shall be null and void and
       without effect if any payment received by the Pledgee and applied
       towards satisfaction of all or part of the Secured Obligations

       (a)    is avoided or declared invalid as against the creditors of the
              maker of such payment; or

       (b)    becomes repayable by the Pledgee to a third party; or

       (c)    proves not to have been effectively received by the Pledgee;

       and the Pledgee shall be entitled to enforce the Pledge as if such
       release or discharge had not occurred.


       The Pledgee shall not be liable for any acts or omissions with respect
       to the Shares or the enforcement or the losses arising in connection
       with the exercise of any of its rights, powers and discretions
       hereunder, save for liabilities and expenses arising from the gross
       negligence or willful misconduct of the Pledgee. The Pledgee shall
       not be under any obligation to the Pledgor to take any steps
       necessary to preserve any rights in the Shares against any other
       parties but may do so at its option, and all expenses reasonably
       incurred in connection therewith shall be for the account of the
       Pledgor and shall be part of the Secured Obligations. If any such
       expenses are borne by the Pledgee, the Pledgor shall on first demand
       reimburse the Pledgee therefor, and its reimbursement obligation
       shall be part of the Secured Obligations.


       All expenses that the Pledgee may incur in connection with (i) the
       administration of this Agreement as further provided in the
       Collateral Agency Agreement, (ii) the custody or preservation of,
       or the sale of, collection from, or other realization upon, any of
       the Shares, (iii) the exercise or enforcement of any of the rights
       of the

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       Pledgee hereunder, or (iv) the failure by the Pledgor to perform or
       observe any of the provisions hereof, shall be borne by the Pledgor. All
       other expenses and duties reasonably incurred in connection with this
       Agreement, in particular with regard to the establishment and
       perfection of the Pledge, its enforcement and the granting of any
       release, shall be borne by the Pledgor. The Pledgor shall on first
       demand reimburse the Pledgee for any such expenses or duties paid by
       it, and the same shall be part of the Secured Obligations.

13.    TAXES

       The Pledgor shall pay, promptly on demand of the Pledgee all stamp,
       registration, notarial and other similar Taxes or fees paid or
       payable by the Pledgee in connection with any action taken or
       contemplated by or on behalf of the Pledgee for perfecting,
       enforcing, releasing, canceling, reassigning or resolving any doubt
       concerning, or for any other purpose in relation to this Agreement,
       any amendment thereto, any transfer and/or assignment of the rights
       and/or obligations under the same or the Security created or
       intended to be created in respect of the Share and shall, from time
       to time, indemnify the Pledgee promptly on demand against any
       liabilities, costs, claims and expenses resulting from any failure
       to pay by the Pledgor or any delay by Pledgor in paying any such
       Taxes or fees.


14.1.  During the continuation of this Agreement, so long as no Event of
       Default has occurred and is continuing, the Pledgee will not
       declare itself to be the beneficial owner of the Shares or any
       additional pledged shares and the Pledgee may disclose and deliver
       a copy of the present Agreement to any tax or other authority, if
       asked to do so.

14.2.  If any of the provisions of this Agreement should be or become
       invalid, unenforceable or impractical in whole or in part, the
       validity of the other provisions hereof shall not be affected. In
       that case the invalid, unenforceable or impractical provision is
       deemed to be replaced by such valid and enforceable provision or
       arrangement, which corresponds as closely as possible to the invalid,
       unenforceable or impractical provision and to the parties' economic
       aims pursued by and reflected in this Agreement. The same applies in
       the event that this Agreement does not contain a provision which it
       needs to contain in order to achieve the economic purpose as
       expressed herein (Regelungslucke).

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14.3.  Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary contained herein, the
       parties hereto agree that this Agreement is subject in all respects
       to the terms of the Collateral Agency Agreement and for the
       avoidance of doubt, in the event of any inconsistency, the
       provisions of the Collateral Agency Agreement shall prevail.

14.4.  No modification or amendment of this Agreement shall be binding
       upon any party hereto unless such modification or amendment shall
       be in writing and signed a duly authorized officer of the Pledgee
       and the Pledgor.

14.5.  No failure or delay by a party hereto in exercising any right,
       power or privilege under this Agreement shall operate as a waiver
       thereof nor shall any single or partial exercise of any right,
       power or privilege preclude any other or further exercise thereof
       or the exercise of any other right, power or privilege.

       All the rights of the Pledgee hereunder shall be in addition to any
       other right vested in the Pledgee and all such rights may be
       exercised from time to time and as often as the Pledgee may deem
       expedient. The Pledgor waives any right it may have of first
       requiring the Pledgee to proceed against or claim payment from any
       other party, or enforce any guarantee or security before enforcing
       the Pledge.

14.6.  All communications to be made hereunder shall be made in writing to
       the following addresses:

       If made to the Pledgor:       Solutia Europe SA/NV
                                     Boondaelse Steenweg 6
                                     B-1050 Brussels
                                     Parc Scientifique-Fleming
                                     rue Laid Burniat 3
                                     B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
                                     Att.: For the Attention of
                                     Legal Department
                                     Fax: +32 (0)1 048 1224

       If made to the Pledgee:       KBC Bank NV
                                     Havenlaan 12
                                     B-1080 Brussels
                                     Att.: Mr Dirk De Bleser
                                     Fax: +32 (0)2 429 4920

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14.7.  Any communication or document made or delivered by one Person to
       another under or in connection with this Agreement shall only be

       (a)    by way of fax, when received in legible form;

       (b)    if by way of letter, when it has been left at the relevant
              address with acknowledgement of receipt or when it has been
              delivered to the addressee by registered mail;

       (c)    and, if a particular department or officer is specified as
              part of its address details provided under Clause 14.6, if
              addressed to that department or officer.

14.8.  This Agreement shall become effective on 11 February 2004.


       This Agreement shall be governed by, and construed in accordance
       with, the domestic substantive laws of Switzerland.


       Any and all disputes arising out of or in connection with this
       Agreement including but not limited to matters of validity,
       conclusion, binding effect, interpretation, construction,
       performance or non-performance and remedies shall be subject to the
       non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Commercial Court (Handelsgericht)
       of the Canton of Zurich, Switzerland, venue being Zurich 1. If
       there is no ordinary place of foreclosure in Switzerland according
       to the Federal Statute on Debt Collection and Bankruptcy (SchKG),
       the place of foreclosure (Betreibungsort) shall be Zurich 1, which
       shall be the place of performance for obligations arising under
       this Agreement.


       The Pledgee shall be entitled, at any time and as often as may be
       expedient, to delegate all or any of the powers and discretion
       vested in it by, this Agreement in such manner, upon such terms and
       to such Person as the Pledgee in its absolute discretion may think

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       This Agreement shall be binding on, and inure for the benefit of,
       the Pledgor, the Pledgee and their respective successors and
       assigns. The expressions Pledgee and Pledgor include their
       respective successors, and, in the case of the Pledgee, its nominee
       or such other Person as may from time to time be appointed
       Collateral Agent.


       The Pledgee shall be entitled to assign or otherwise transfer any
       and all of its rights and duties under this Agreement to third
       parties. The Pledgor may not assign or transfer any of its rights
       or obligations under this Agreement, save prior agreement in
       writing of the Pledgee.


       A certificate by the Pledgee as to the amount and the terms and
       conditions of the Secured Obligations owing to the Pledgee from the
       Pledgor is, prima facie evidence of the matters to which it


       This Agreement is executed in English only, and no translation
       thereof shall be binding on the parties hereto or consulted in
       order to interpret this Agreement. Without prejudice to any other
       procedural rule applicable to any dispute, any notice or other
       communication under or in connection with this Agreement shall be
       in the English language or, if in any other language, accompanied
       by a translation into English. In the event of any conflict between
       the English text and the text in any other language, the English
       text shall prevail except that where a German translation of a
       legal term appears in such text, the German translation shall


22.1.  The Pledgee shall not be responsible to any Noteholder for:

       (a)    the adequacy, accuracy or completeness of any recitals,
              statements, representations or warranties contained in any
              Subsidiary Guaranty or Collateral Document;

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       (b)    the adequacy, accuracy or completeness of any statement or
              information (whether written or oral) made in or supplied in
              connection with any Subsidiary Guaranty or Collateral Document; or

       (c)    the legality, validity, effectiveness, adequacy or
              enforceability of any Subsidiary Guaranty or Collateral
              Document (including but not limited to validity of the
              Floating Charge Agreement (overeenkomst pand op
              handelszaak/contrat de gage sur fonds de commerce) between the
              Issuer and the Pledgee).

22.2.  Each Noteholder is responsible to make, and to continue to make,
       its own independent appraisal of all risks arising under or in
       connection with the Notes, the Subsidiary Guaranties and the
       Collateral Documents (including but not limited to the financial
       condition and affairs of the Issuer and the Subsidiary Guarantors,
       the nature and extent of any recourse against any party or its
       assets or the legality, validity, effectiveness, adequacy or
       enforceability of any Subsidiary Guaranty or Collateral Document).

11 February 2004

Executed by:


/s/ Kristel Deroover
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/s/ Dirk De Bleser
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Head Operations and Accounting
