Exhibit 99.17

                                                EXECUTION VERSION

                         TRADEMARK PLEDGE AGREEMENT


CARBOGEN AG, c/o Carbogen Laboratories AG, Schachenallee 29, CH-5000 Aarau,
                                                               (the PLEDGOR)


KBC BANK NV, a Belgian bank, with registered office at Havenlaan 2, B-1080
Brussels, Belgium, registered at the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises under
enterprise number 0462.92.0.226, acting for itself and as joint creditor
pursuant to Clause 2.1 of the Collateral Agency Agreement (as defined

                                                               (the PLEDGEE)

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A.       Solutia Europe SA/NV (the ISSUER) and the Noteholders have agreed
         to amend and restate the Issuer's euro 200,000,000 6.25 percent
         Notes due 2005, as amended and restated, the euro 200,000,000 10.00
         percent Senior Secured Notes due 2008 (together with the Terms and
         Conditions of Notes annexed thereto, as amended, modified or
         supplemented from time to time, the NOTES and such Terms and
         Conditions of Notes, as amended, modified or supplemented from time
         to time, the TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF NOTES) pursuant to an
         Agreement of Understanding and Restructuring dated 30 January 2004
         among the Issuer and the Noteholders party thereto (as amended,
         modified or supplemented from time to time, the AGREEMENT OF
         UNDERSTANDING). In connection with the Notes, the Issuer will enter
         into a Fiscal Agency Agreement dated on or about the date of this
         Agreement among the Issuer, Kredietbank S.A. Luxembourgeoise as
         fiscal agent and paying agent, and KBC Bank NV as principal paying
         agent (as defined herein) (as amended, modified or supplemented
         from time to time, the FISCAL AGENCY AGREEMENT). The Noteholders
         and the Couponholders are entitled to the benefit of, are bound by
         and are deemed to have notice of all of the provisions of the
         Fiscal Agency Agreement.

B.       It is a requirement of the Agreement of Understanding and the Terms
         and Conditions of Notes that the Pledgor guaranty the prompt
         payment and performance when due of all obligations of the Issuer
         under the Credit Documents and grant a pledge of its trademark
         "CarboGen" (as defined below) to the Pledgee to secure its
         obligations to the Pledgee as provided herein and undertake the
         obligations contemplated by this Agreement.

C.       Pursuant to Clause 2.1 of the Collateral Agency Agreement, the
         Pledgee shall be the joint creditor (together with the relevant
         Noteholder) of each and every obligation of the Pledgor, as
         guarantor, towards each of the Noteholders under the Pledgor
         Subsidiary Guaranty and the other Credit Documents to which it is a
         party, and accordingly the Pledgee will have its own independent
         right to demand performance by the Pledgor of those obligations.
         There is as a result a joint creditorship under New York law
         between the Noteholders and the Pledgee with regard to the sums
         owed under the Pledgor Subsidiary Guaranty and the other Credit


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D.       The Pledgor is the legal and beneficial owner of the trademark
         "CarboGen" (the TRADEMARK, as hereinafter defined).

E.       In consideration of the agreements set forth herein and in the
         Terms and Conditions of Notes, the Agreement of Understanding and
         the other Credit Documents, the Pledgor agrees to create a first
         ranking pledge in respect of the Trademark in favour of the Pledgee
         under the following terms (the AGREEMENT).

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained,
the Parties agree as follows:


1.1.     In this Agreement the following terms have the following meanings:

         AGREEMENT has the meaning given to it in the Preamble.

         COLLATERAL AGENCY AGREEMENT means the collateral agency agreement
         dated on or about the date of this Agreement among the Issuer, the
         Subsidiary Guarantors, the Pledgee and the Noteholders party
         thereto, as amended, modified or supplemented from time to time.

         PARTY means a party to this Agreement.

         PAYMENT DEFAULT means the default of the Pledgor to pay to the
         Pledgee any amounts when due owed by the Pledgor under the Pledgor
         Subsidiary Guaranty, the Collateral Agency Agreement and any other
         Credit Document to which it is party.

         PLEDGE means the pledge of the Trademark created or arising
         pursuant to this Agreement.

         PLEDGOR SUBSIDIARY GUARANTY means the Subsidiary Guaranty made by
         the Pledgor in favour of the Pledgee on or about the date of this

         SECURED OBLIGATIONS means all present and future actual and
         contingent indebtedness, obligations, and liabilities of the
         Pledgor to the Pledgee, which may arise under, out of, or in
         connection with the Collateral Agency Agreement, the Pledgor
         Subsidiary Guaranty or any other Credit Document to which the
         Pledgor is party.


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         TRADEMARK means any and all trademarks registered and pending
         applications owned by Pledgor in any countries or registration
         systems which consist of or contain the element "CarboGen",
         including without limitation the trademarks listed in Schedule 1.

         Unless the context otherwise requires or unless otherwise defined
         in this Agreement, words and expressions defined in the Terms and
         Conditions of Notes shall have the same meaning when used in this

1.2.     Where the context so admits, the singular includes the plural and
         vice versa.

1.3.     The headings in this Agreement are for convenience only and are to
         be ignored in construing this Agreement.

1.4.     Any reference in this Agreement to a defined document is a
         reference to that defined document as amended, supplemented or
         novated from time to time in accordance with its terms.

2.       PLEDGE

2.1.     As security for the Secured Obligations, the Pledgor hereby pledges
         the Trademark to the Pledgee as a first and first priority pledge.

2.2.     Within 5 (five) Business Days of the date hereof, the Pledgor shall
         deliver to the Pledgee a letter substantially in the form as set
         forth in Schedule 2 for the registration of the Pledge with the
         Swiss Federal Intellectual Property Institute, duly signed by the

2.3.     The Pledgor authorizes the Pledgee to register the Pledge in other
         countries or registration systems and undertakes to do all acts and
         things necessary or useful, and to procure that any and all such
         acts and things be done to properly effect such further
         registrations. The costs of such registrations shall be borne by
         the Pledgor.

2.4.     The Pledgor shall when applying for new trademarks containing or
         consisting of the element "CarboGen" in any country or registration
         system simultaneously register at its own cost the Pledge
         thereupon. The Pledgor shall without delay inform the Pledgee of
         any such new applications for trademarks and provide the Pledgee
         with copies thereof.


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3.1.     This Agreement shall create a continuing security and no change or
         amendment or increase whatsoever to the Notes or in any document or
         agreement related thereto nor any release of Security shall affect
         the validity or the scope of this Agreement. This Agreement shall
         not be discharged or in any way prejudiced or affected by any
         change in the constitution or status of the Pledgor or any other
         Person or by any legal limitation, disability, incapacity or other
         circumstances relating to the Pledgor or any other Person, by any
         invalidity, illegality or unenforceability of the obligations of
         the Pledgor or any other Person. The Pledgee or, as the case may
         be, Requisite Noteholders may at any time without discharging or in
         any way affecting this Agreement (a) grant the Issuer or any
         Subsidiary Guarantor any time or indulgence, (b) concur in any
         moratorium of the Secured Obligations, (c) abstain from taking or
         perfecting any other security and discharge any other security, (d)
         abstain from exercising any right or recourse or from proving or
         claiming any debt and waive any right or recourse, (e) amend the
         terms and conditions of the Secured Obligations in accordance with
         the Terms and Conditions of Notes and applicable law, and (f) apply
         any payment received from the Pledgor or for its account towards
         the Secured Obligations or any other obligations of the Pledgor of
         the Pledgee's choice.

3.2.     Without prejudice to the scope of the Secured Obligations, the
         Pledgor and the Pledgee agree that in the event of a transfer of
         all or any part of the Secured Obligations by way of assignment or
         novation in accordance with the Credit Documents or in the event of
         a change or replacement of the Pledgee or the Pledgor in accordance
         with the Credit Documents, the Assignments will be maintained,
         automatically and without any further formality or consent, to
         secure the Secured Obligations as assigned or novated in favour of
         the Pledgee (or the new Pledgee, if any). To the extent that any
         such further formality or consent on the part of Pledgor will,
         nevertheless, be required, the Pledgor hereby undertakes to perform
         any such formality or consent without delay upon request of the
         Pledgee, who shall itself act upon the written instructions of the
         Requisite Noteholders.


         Without prejudice and in addition to the representations and
         warranties of the Pledgor under the Pledgor Subsidiary Guaranty and
         the other Credit Documents to


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         which the Pledgor is party, the Pledgor represents and warrants to
         the Pledgee as of the date hereof and undertakes during the
         subsistence of this Agreement as follows:

4.1.     the Trademark is duly registered in the countries and registration
         systems listed in Schedule 1 and Pledgor does not own any other
         Trademarks than those listed in Schedule 1;

4.2.     in the past the Pledgor had pledged the Trademark to Citibank N.A.,
         New York, in its capacity as administrative agent, and such pledge
         is today released. However, it is possible that such released
         pledge is still registered in certain countries and registration
         systems; the Pledgor is the sole legal and beneficial owner of the
         Trademark and subject to any remaining registrations of such
         released pledge, the Trademark is free and clear of any Liens,
         except for Permitted Liens imposed by mandatory operation of law;
         this Agreement creates a valid and enforceable pledge over the
         Trademark in favour of Pledgee under the laws of Switzerland;

4.3.     the Pledgor has not assigned, transferred or otherwise disposed of
         the benefit of the Trademark;

4.4.     there are no agreements between the Pledgor and any third party
         relating to the Pledge that could negatively affect the obligations
         of the Pledgor or the rights of the Pledgee under this Agreement or
         the enforcement of the Pledge or the proceeds of the enforcement of
         the Pledge;

4.5.     no third party has made, or to the Pledgor's knowledge threatened
         to make, any claim against the Pledgor based on the alleged
         infringement of its intellectual property right in connection with
         the use of the Trademark in the ordinary course of the Pledgor's

4.6.     no third party has challenged, or to the Pledgor's knowledge
         threatened to challenge, the validity of any of the Trademark in
         any invalidity lawsuit or similar proceedings before competent

4.7.     the Pledgor is not aware of any infringement of the Trademark by
         third parties;

4.8.     the Pledgor is a corporation duly incorporated and validly existing
         under the laws of Switzerland and is not in liquidation, with the
         power to enter into this Agreement and to exercise its rights and
         perform its obligations hereunder; all corporate and other actions
         required to authorise the execution and performance of this


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         Agreement have been duly taken; no consent of any Person is
         required for the execution, delivery and performance of this
         Agreement, other than those that have been obtained;

4.9.     the Pledgor is not insolvent, nor subject to any insolvency
         proceedings or in any other similar situation of conflicting claims
         of creditors in a way, which could give these creditors reasonable
         grounds for a claim against the Pledgor. No resolutions have been
         taken, nor has any petition been filed, to dissolve or liquidate
         the Pledgor, nor has the Pledgor been declared bankrupt nor has a
         suspension of payments been granted to the Pledgor;

4.10.    this Agreement does not violate any law or regulation applicable to
         the Pledgor as of the date hereof, its constitutional documents or
         any material contractual or other obligation binding upon it, that
         would prevent it from pledging the Trademark.


         The Pledgor hereby undertakes:

         (a)  with the exception of the Pledge or Permitted Liens by
              mandatory operation of law, not to grant, create or permit any
              Lien, or otherwise transfer the Trademark or take any other
              action with respect to the Trademark that could reasonably be
              expected to jeopardize any rights of the Pledgee under this
              Agreement, or could reasonably be expected to jeopardize the
              enforcement or the value of the Pledge;

         (b)  to promptly inform the Pledgee of any fact or event which
              could reasonably be expected to at any time to jeopardize or
              affect the Plegdee's right over the Trademark or the Pledgee's
              ability to enforce the Pledge;

         (c)  to promptly execute and deliver all instruments and documents,
              and take all action that the Pledgee may reasonably request
              upon the written instructions of the Requisite Noteholders in
              order to register, perfect and protect the Pledge or to enable
              the Pledgee to exercise and enforce its rights and remedies
              under this Agreement in any country or registration system;

         (d)  to promptly inform the Pledgee of all infringements of the
              Trademark by third parties, of all third party challenges to
              the validity of the Trademark and of all third party claims
              based on the alleged infringement of their intellectual


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              property rights in connection with the use of the Trademark in
              the ordinary course of the Pledgor's business;

         (e)  to do all acts and things necessary to maintain the legal
              validity and prevent any deterioration of the legal standing
              of the Trademark, in particular to defend the Trademark
              against each and every nullity claim by third parties and to
              take at its own costs legal steps against each and every
              infringement of the Trademark to the extent such acts, things
              or steps are reasonable in view of the value of the relevant

         (f)  to have the released pledge of the Trademark in favour of
              Citibank N.A., New York, in its capacity as administrative
              agent, removed without delay from all registration systems in
              all countries in which the Trademark is registered.


6.1.     This Agreement shall remain in full force and effect until the
         earlier of (a) the date upon which all Secured Obligations have
         been irrevocably paid and discharged in full; and (b) the date
         notified by the Pledgee to the Issuer. This Agreement shall not
         cease to exist if any payments made in satisfaction of the Secured
         Obligations have only temporarily discharged the Secured

         After the full and complete satisfaction of all Secured Obligations
         or if so required by Swiss mandatory law, the Pledgee shall release
         and cancel the security constituted by this Agreement and procure
         the reassignment to the Pledgor of the property and assets assigned
         to the Pledgee pursuant to this Agreement.

         Any release or discharge of the Pledge shall be null and void and
         without effect if any payment received by the Pledgee and applied
         towards satisfaction of all or part of the Secured Obligations

         (a)  is avoided or declared invalid as against the creditors of the
              maker of such payment; or

         (b)  becomes repayable by the Pledgee to a third party; or

         (c)  proves not to have been effectively received by the Pledgee;


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         and the Pledgee shall be entitled to enforce the Pledge as if such
         release or discharge had not occurred.

6.2.     This security is in addition to any existing or future collateral,
         guarantee or other security held by the Pledgee.


7.1.     At any time after the occurrence of a Payment Default that is
         continuing, the Pledge shall become immediately enforceable and the
         Pledgee shall in particular have the right, in addition to all the
         rights and remedies of a secured party on default under applicable
         law and subject to the Collateral Agency Agreement and to the Terms
         and Conditions of Notes, to:

         (a)  enforce the Pledge in respect of the Trademark, in accordance
              with applicable legal provisions and as set forth in this
              Agreement; and

         (b)  apply any payments which may be received or receivable by the
              Pledgee in respect of the Trademark to satisfaction of the
              Secured Obligations and as provided in the Collateral Agency
              Agreement; and

         (c)  exercise all rights and remedies it possesses, and to act
              generally in relation to the Trademark in such manner as it
              shall determine within the limit of the applicable law and its
              rights under this Agreement.

7.2.     When exercising its right to enforce the Pledge after the
         occurrence of a Payment Default that is continuing, the Pledgee
         shall be entitled, at its discretion,

         (a)  to sell the Trademark either through public auction
              (offentliche Versteigerung) or by way of private sale
              (Selbstverkaufsrecht), without regard to the procedures and
              formalities provided for in the Swiss Federal Act Debt
              Collection and Bankruptcy of 1889, as amended, and without any
              notice thereof to the Pledgor other than a notice intending to
              inform the Pledgor that a sale of the Trademark will take
              place, this notice being sent in accordance with Clause 10.8
              of this Agreement to the Pledgor no later than 10 (ten)
              Business Days prior to such sale; or

         (b)  notwithstanding the foregoing and the provisions of Art. 41 of
              the Swiss Federal Law on the Recovery of Debts and Bankruptcy
              or any other


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              applicable law, to institute and pursue the ordinary procedure
              for recovery of debt without having first to dispose of the
              Trademark or to institute statutory proceedings for the
              realization thereof.

7.3.     The Pledgee has the right to acquire the Trademark for itself in
         any such public auction or private sale. In case of an acquisition
         of the Trademark by the Pledgee in a private sale, such sale has to
         be at arm's length, i.e. at the real value (the REAL VALUE
         (wirklicher Wert)) of the acquired Trademark. If the Pledgor and
         the Pledgee do not reach an agreement on the Real Value within 30
         calendar days following the Pledgee's corresponding offer, the Real
         Value shall be determined by an independent expert to be mutually
         appointed by the Parties. The expert's determination of the Real
         Value shall be final (Schiedsgutachten). If the parties hereto
         cannot, within 60 days following the Pledgee's offer, agree on the
         expert to be appointed, the independent expert shall be appointed
         by the president of the "Treuhand-Kammer", Zurich, Switzerland.

7.4.     In view of a realization of the Pledge in accordance with the terms
         and conditions set forth above, the Pledgor, being the sole owner
         and holder of the Trademark, hereby expressly declares its approval
         of the assignment and transfer of the Trademark being subject to
         such realization to the acquirer of such Trademark. The Pledgor
         further agrees that the respective acquirer will hold the Trademark
         following their assignment and transfer and Pledgor will see for it
         that such acquirer will without any delay be registered as the
         owner of the Trademark with the Swiss Federal Intellectual Property
         Institute and/or any other relevant country and registration system
         listed in Schedule 1.

7.5.     The proceeds from the realization of the Pledge shall be applied to
         towards the Secured Obligations, including any costs and expenses
         of the Pledgee, in accordance with the Collateral Agency Agreement,
         but without prejudice to the rights of the Pledgee to recover any
         shortfall from the Pledgor.


         All expenses that the Pledgee may incur in connection with (i) the
         administration of this Agreement as further provided in the
         Collateral Agency Agreement, (ii) the custody or preservation of,
         or the sale of, collection from, or other realization upon, any of
         the Trademark, (iii) the exercise or enforcement of any of the
         rights of the Pledgee hereunder, or (iv) the failure by the Pledgor
         to perform or observe any of


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         the provisions hereof, shall be borne by the Pledgor. All other
         expenses and duties reasonably incurred in connection with this
         Agreement, in particular with regard to the establishment and
         perfection of the Pledge, its enforcement and the granting of any
         release, shall be borne by the Pledgor. The Pledgor shall on first
         demand reimburse the Pledgee for any such expenses or duties paid
         by it, and the same shall be part of the Secured Obligations.

         The Pledgee shall not be liable for any acts or omissions with
         respect to the Trademark or the enforcement or the losses arising
         in connection with the exercise of any of its rights, powers and
         discretions hereunder, save for liabilities and expenses arising
         from the gross negligence or willful misconduct of the Pledgee. The
         Pledgee shall not be under any obligation to the Pledgor to take
         any steps necessary to preserve any rights in the Trademark against
         any other parties but may do so at its option, and all expenses
         reasonably incurred in connection therewith shall be for the
         account of the Pledgor and shall be part of the Secured
         Obligations. If any such expenses are borne by the Pledgee, the
         Pledgor shall on first demand reimburse the Pledgee therefor, and
         its reimbursement obligation shall be part of the Secured

9.       TAXES

         The Pledgor shall pay, promptly on demand of the Pledgee all stamp,
         registration, notarial and other similar Taxes or fees paid or
         payable by the Pledgee in connection with any action taken or
         contemplated by or on behalf of the Pledgee for perfecting,
         enforcing, releasing, canceling, reassigning or resolving any doubt
         concerning, or for any other purpose in relation to this Agreement,
         any amendment thereto, any transfer and/or assignment of the rights
         and/or obligations under the same or the security created or
         intended to be created in respect of the Trademark and shall, from
         time to time, indemnify the Pledgee promptly on demand against any
         liabilities, costs, claims and expenses resulting from any failure
         to pay by the Pledgor or any delay by any Pledgor in paying any
         such Taxes or fees.


10.1.    The Pledgee may disclose and deliver a copy of the present
         Agreement to any tax or other authority, if asked to do so.


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10.2.    Changes to and amendments of this Agreement including this Clause
         10.2 must be made in writing. No oral supplements to this Agreement
         have been or will be made.

10.3.    The rights of each Party under this Agreement:

         (a)  may be exercised as often as necessary;

         (b)  are cumulative and not exclusive of its rights or remedies
              provided by law;

         (c)  may be waived only in writing and specifically.

         No failure or delay of a Party in exercising any right, power or
         privilege under this Agreement shall operate as a waiver thereof,
         nor shall any single or partial exercise of any right, power or
         privilege preclude any other or further exercise thereof or the
         exercise of any other right, power or privilege.

         All the rights of the Pledgee hereunder shall be in addition to any
         other right vested in the Pledgee and all such rights may be
         exercised from time to time and as often as the Pledgee may deem
         expedient. The Pledgor waives any right it may have of first
         requiring the Pledgee to proceed against or claim payment from any
         other party, or enforce any guarantee or security before enforcing
         this Pledge.

10.4.    If any of the provisions of this Agreement should be or become
         invalid, unenforceable or impractical in whole or in part, the
         validity of the other provisions hereof shall not be affected. In
         that case the invalid, unenforceable or impractical provision is
         deemed to be replaced by such valid and enforceable provision or
         arrangement, which corresponds as closely as possible to the
         invalid, unenforceable or impractical provision and to the Parties'
         economic aims pursued by and reflected in this Agreement. The same
         applies in the event that this Agreement does not contain a
         provision which it needs to contain in order to achieve the
         economic purpose as expressed herein (Regelungslucke).

10.5.    Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary contained herein, the
         parties hereto agree that this Agreement is subject in all respects
         to the Collateral Agency Agreement and for the avoidance of doubt,
         in the event of any inconsistency, the provisions of the Collateral
         Agency Agreement shall prevail.


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10.6.    No modification or amendment of this Agreement shall be binding
         upon any party hereto unless such modification or amendment shall
         be in writing and signed a duly authorized officer of the Pledgee
         and the Pledgor.

10.7.    No failure or delay by a party in exercising any right, power or
         privilege under this Agreement shall operate as a waiver thereof
         nor shall any single or partial exercise of any right, power or
         privilege preclude any other or further exercise thereof or the
         exercise of any other right, power or privilege.

         All the rights of the Pledgee hereunder shall be in addition to any
         other right vested in the Pledgee and all such rights may be
         exercised from time to time and as often as the Pledgee may deem
         expedient. The Pledgor waives any right it may have of first
         requiring the Pledgee to proceed against or claim payment from any
         other party, or enforce any guarantee or security before enforcing
         the Pledge.

10.8.    All communications to be made hereunder shall be made in writing to
         the following addresses:

         If made to the Pledgor:       Solutia Europe SA/NV
                                       Boondaelse Steenweg 6
                                       B-1050 Brussels
                                       Parc Scientifique-Fleming
                                       rue Laid Bumiat 3
                                       B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
                                       Att.: For the Attention of
                                       Legal Department
                                       Fax: +32 (0)1 048 1224

         If made to the Pledgee:       KBC Bank NV
                                       Havenlaan 12
                                       B-1080 Brussels
                                       Att.: Mr Dirk De Bleser
                                       Fax: +32 (0)2 429 4920


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10.9.    Any communication or document made or delivered by one Person to
         another under or in connection with this Agreement shall only be

         (a)  by way of fax, when received in legible form;

         (b)  if by way of letter, when it has been left at the relevant
              address with acknowledgement of receipt or when it has been
              delivered to the addressee by registered mail;

         (c)  and, if a particular department or officer is specified as
              part of its address details provided under Clause 10.8, if
              addressed to that department or officer.

10.10.   This Agreement is executed in English only, and no translation
         thereof shall be binding on the parties hereto or consulted in
         order to interpret this Agreement. Without prejudice to any other
         procedural rule applicable to any dispute, any notice or other
         communication under or in connection with this Agreement shall be
         in the English language or, if in any other language, accompanied
         by a translation into English. In the event of any conflict between
         the English text and the text in any other language, the English
         text shall prevail except that where a German translation of a
         legal term appears in such text, the German translation shall

10.11.   This Agreement shall become effective on 11 February 2004.


         This Agreement shall be governed by, and construed in accordance
         with, the substantive laws of Switzerland.


         Any and all disputes arising out of or in connection with this
         Agreement including but not limited to matters of validity,
         conclusion, binding effect, interpretation, construction,
         performance or non-performance and remedies shall be subject to the
         non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Commercial Court (Handelsgericht)
         of the Canton of Zurich, Switzerland, venue being Zurich 1, subject
         to review as provided for by law. If there is no ordinary place of
         foreclosure in Switzerland according to the Federal Statute on Debt
         Collection and Bankruptcy (SchKG), the place of foreclosure
         (Betreibungsort) shall be Zurich 1, which shall be the place of
         performance for obligations arising under this Agreement.


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         The Pledgee shall be entitled, at any time and as often as may be
         expedient, to delegate all or any of the powers and discretion
         vested in it by, this Agreement in such manner, upon such terms and
         to such Person as the Pledgee in its absolute discretion may think


         This Agreement shall be binding on, and inure for the benefit of,
         the Pledgor and the Pledgee and their respective successors and
         assigns. The expressions Pledgee and Pledgor include their
         respective successors, and, in the case of the Pledgee, its nominee
         or such other Person as may from time to time be appointed
         Collateral Agent.


         The Pledgee shall be entitled to assign or otherwise transfer any
         and all of its rights and duties under this Agreement to third
         parties. The Pledgor may not assign or transfer any of its rights
         or obligations under this Agreement, save prior agreement in
         writing of the Pledgee.


         A certificate by the Pledgee as to the amount and the terms and
         conditions of the Secured Obligations owing to the Pledgee from the
         Pledgor is, prima facie evidence of the matters to which it


17.1.    The Pledgee shall not be responsible to any Noteholder for:

         (a)  the adequacy, accuracy or completeness of any recitals,
              statements, representations or warranties contained in any
              Subsidiary Guaranty or Collateral Document;

         (b)  the adequacy, accuracy or completeness of any statement or
              information (whether written or oral) made in or supplied in
              connection with any Subsidiary Guaranty or Collateral
              Document; or


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         (c)  the legality, validity, effectiveness, adequacy or
              enforceability of any Subsidiary Guaranty or Collateral
              Document (including but not limited to validity of the
              Floating Charge Agreement (overeenkomst pand op
              handelszaak/contrat de gage sur fonds de commerce) between the
              Issuer and the Pledgee).

17.2.    Each Noteholder is responsible to make, and to continue to make,
         its own independent appraisal of all risks arising under or in
         connection with the Notes, the Subsidiary Guaranties and the
         Collateral Documents (including but not limited to the financial
         condition and affairs of the Issuer and the Subsidiary Guarantors,
         the nature and extent of any recourse against any party or its
         assets or the legality, validity, effectiveness, adequacy or
         enforceability of any Subsidiary Guaranty or Collateral Document).

11 February 2004

Executed by:


/s/ Kristel Deroover
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/s/ Dirk De Bleser
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Head Operations & Accounting
