Exhibit 99.3

                                                               Execution copy

                           Dated 11 February 2004

                            SOLUTIA EUROPE SA/NV

                           FISCAL AGENCY AGREEMENT

                 10.00 percent Senior Secured Notes due 2008

                                                               Execution copy

                              TABLE OF CONTENTS


1        APPOINTMENT OF FISCAL AGENT AND PAYING AGENTS.......................1

2        AMOUNT; EXECUTION...................................................1

3        AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVES..........................................1

4        FORM OF THE NOTES AND EXCHANGE OF NOTES.............................2

5        RELIANCE ON INSTRUCTIONS............................................3

6        ISSUER'S REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES.............................3

           DATES; RECORD DATES...............................................3


9        LIABILITY...........................................................5

10       INDEMNIFICATION BY ISSUER...........................................5

11       INDEMNIFICATION BY THE PAYING AGENTS................................5

12       COMPENSATION OF THE PAYING AGENTS...................................6

13       MEETING OF THE NOTEHOLDERS..........................................6

14       NOTICES.............................................................6


16       BENEFIT OF AGREEMENT................................................7

17       NOTES HELD BY A PAYING AGENT........................................7

18       COUNTERPARTS........................................................8

19       GOVERNING LAW.......................................................8

20       SUBMISSION TO NY JURISDICTION.......................................8

21       ENGLISH.............................................................8

22       SEVERABILITY........................................................8

23       MODIFICATION OF FISCAL AGENCY AGREEMENT.............................8


25       CLEARING AGREEMENT..................................................9

26       PRIOR FISCAL AGENCY AGREEMENT.......................................9


                                                               Execution copy

THIS AGREEMENT dated as of 11 February 2004 AMONG:

(1)      SOLUTIA EUROPE SA/NV a societe anonyme/naamloze vennootschap
         (limited liability company) organized under the laws of Belgium
         (the "ISSUER");

(2)      KREDIETBANK S.A. LUXEMBOURGEOISE acting through its office at
         43 boulevard Royal, 2955 Luxembourg, as fiscal agent and paying agent
         (Kredietbank S.A. Luxembourgeoise or any successor or additional
         fiscal and paying agent appointed hereunder being called the
         "FISCAL AGENT");

(3)      KBC BANK NV acting through its registered office at Havenlaan 2,
         1080 Brussels, Belgium, and registered in the Register of Legal
         Persons under number 0462.920.226, as principal paying agent (KBC
         Bank NV or any successors appointed hereunder being called the
         "PRINCIPAL PAYING AGENT" or together with the Fiscal Agent, the
         "PAYING AGENTS").

WHEREAS on 11 February 2000, the Issuer agreed to issue euro 200,000,000
6.25 percent Notes due 2005 (the "ORIGINAL NOTES") pursuant to a
subscription agreement dated 11 February 2000, and the Paying Agents,
subject to the terms and conditions set forth in a fiscal agency agreement
dated as of 11 February 2000 agreed to act as the fiscal agent, paying agent
and principal paying agent in respect of the Original Notes.

WHEREAS the Issuer has agreed to amend and restate the Original Notes as
euro 200,000,000 10.00 percent Notes due 2008 together with the Terms and
Conditions of Notes annexed thereto (the Terms and Conditions of Notes, as
amended, modified, supplemented or replaced from time to time, including all
exhibits and schedules thereto, the "TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF NOTES" and such
Notes, as amended, modified, supplemented or replaced from time to time,
including all exhibits and schedules thereto, the "NOTES") in accordance
with a meeting of the holders of the Original Notes held on 29 January 2004.
In connection therewith, the Issuer is entering into this Agreement and has
also entered into the Agreement of Understanding and Restructuring dated
30 January 2004 with the holders of the Notes party thereto.

WHEREAS the Paying Agents, subject to the terms and conditions set forth in
this Agreement, agree to act as the fiscal agent, paying agent and principal
paying agent in respect of the Notes. All terms not otherwise defined herein
shall have the meanings set forth in the Terms and Conditions of Notes
attached as Schedule 1 hereto.

NOW, THEREFORE, for due and valuable consideration, the sufficiency of which
is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto hereby agree as follows:


         The Issuer hereby appoints the Fiscal Agent to act, on the terms
         and conditions specified herein and in the Notes, as fiscal and
         paying agent for the Notes, the Principal Paying Agent as principal
         paying agent for the Notes and the Paying Agents as paying agents
         for the Notes.


2.1      The aggregate principal amount of Notes which may be amended and
         restated hereunder is euro 200,000,000.

2.2      Each of the Global Note and the Definitive Notes, if any, (each as
         defined in Section 4 below), shall be executed by or on behalf of
         the Issuer by the manual or facsimile signature of two directors
         being Authorized Representatives (as defined in Section 3 hereof)
         of the Issuer and authenticated manually by or on behalf of the
         Principal Paying Agent.


         From time to time the Issuer will furnish the Principal Paying
         Agent with a certificate of the Issuer certifying the incumbency
         and specimen signatures of directors authorized to execute Notes on
         behalf of


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         the Issuer (each an "AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE"). Until
         the Principal Paying Agent receives a subsequent incumbency
         certificate of the Issuer, the Principal Paying Agent shall be
         entitled to rely on the last such certificate delivered to it for
         purposes of determining the Authorized Representatives. The
         Principal Paying Agent shall have no responsibility to the Issuer
         to determine by whom or by what means a facsimile signature may
         have been affixed on the Notes or the Coupons, if any, or to
         determine whether any facsimile or manual signature is genuine, if
         such facsimile or manual signature resembles the specimen
         signatures filed with the Principal Paying Agent by a duly
         authorized officer of the Issuer and the Principal Paying Agent
         believes such facsimile or manual signature to be genuine. Any Note
         or Coupon bearing the manual or facsimile signature of a person who
         is an Authorized Representative on the date such signature is
         affixed shall bind the Issuer after the completion thereof by the
         Principal Paying Agent, notwithstanding that such persons shall
         have ceased to hold office on the date such Note, with attached
         Coupons, if applicable, is authenticated and delivered by the
         Principal Paying Agent.


         With regard to the issuance of Notes:

4.1      THE PERMANENT GLOBAL NOTE: The Notes will initially be represented
         by a permanent global note (the "PERMANENT GLOBAL NOTE" or the
         "GLOBAL NOTE"), without coupons, substantially in the form of
         Schedule 2 hereto. Immediately before amending the Original Notes,
         the Issuer shall deliver to the Principal Paying Agent, and the
         Principal Paying Agent shall authenticate, the duly executed
         Permanent Global Note. The Principal Paying Agent shall then return
         the Permanent Global Note to or to the order of the Issuer for
         delivery to the National Bank of Belgium (the "BNB") or a
         depositary for the BNB as operator of the X/N clearing system (the
         "BNB SYSTEM") for credit to the account of the Principal Paying
         Agent with the BNB System. The Principal Paying Agent will transfer
         all interests in the Permanent Global Note to the BNB as operator
         of the BNB System in exchange for the existing global note, which
         shall then be cancelled and returned to the Issuer.

4.2      THE DEFINITIVE NOTES: The Global Note will become exchangeable in
         whole, but not in part (free of charge to the holder), for Notes in
         definitive form (the "DEFINITIVE NOTES") in the denominations of
         euro 1,000, euro 10,000 and euro 100,000 if (i) the Euroclear
         System ("EUROCLEAR"), Clearstream Banking, societe anonyme
         ("CLEARSTREAM, LUXEMBOURG") or the BNB System are closed for a
         continuous period of 14 days (other than by reason of public
         holidays) or (ii) default is made in any payment under or in
         relation to the Global Note or, (iii) the Issuer would suffer a
         material disadvantage as a result of a change in laws or
         regulations (taxation or otherwise) or as a result of a change in
         the practice of the BNB System, Euroclear and/or Clearstream,
         Luxembourg which would not be suffered were the Notes in definitive
         form and a certificate to such effect signed by two duly authorized
         officers of the Issuer is given to the Principal Paying Agent.
         Thereupon (in the case of (iii) above) the Issuer may give notice
         to the Principal Paying Agent, the Collateral Agent and the
         Noteholders of its intention to exchange the Global Note for
         Definitive Notes on the Definitive Exchange Date (defined below).

         On any Definitive Exchange Date, the Global Note shall be
         surrendered to or to the order of the Principal Paying Agent. In
         exchange for the Global Note, the Issuer will deliver, or procure
         the delivery of, an equal aggregate principal amount of Definitive
         Notes (having attached to them all Coupons in respect of interest
         which has not already been paid on the Global Note), security
         printed in accordance with any applicable legal and stock exchange
         requirements and in or substantially in the form set out in this
         Agreement. On exchange of the Global Note, the Issuer will ensure
         that it is cancelled and, if the holder so requests, returned to
         the holder together with any relevant Definitive Notes. No
         Definitive Notes delivered in exchange for the Global Note will be
         mailed or otherwise delivered to any location in the United States
         in connection with such exchange.

         If Definitive Notes have not been delivered by 5:00 p.m. (Brussels
         time) on the Definitive Exchange Date, then at 5:00 p.m. (Brussels
         time) on the Definitive Exchange Date, the holder(s) of the Global
         Note will cease to have any rights thereunder and Accountholders
         will acquire directly against the Issuer all those rights that they
         would have had if they had been the holders of Definitive Notes in
         an aggregate principal


                                                               Execution copy

         amount equal to the amount of Notes they were shown as holding on
         the records of Euroclear and/or Clearstream, Luxembourg.

         Each Definitive Note will be security printed in accordance with
         applicable legal and stock exchange requirements and will be in
         substantially the form set out in Schedule 3 hereto and will have
         attached to it Coupons (in substantially the form set out in
         Schedule 4 hereto). The Terms and Conditions of Notes attached as
         Schedule 1 hereto will be affixed to the Notes.

         "ACCOUNTHOLDER" means, for so long as any of the Notes are
         represented by the Global Note and the Global Note is held by or on
         behalf of BNB, each person who is, from time to time, shown in the
         records of Euroclear or Clearstream, Luxembourg as the holder of a
         particular principal amount of Notes. "DEFINITIVE EXCHANGE DATE"
         means the date falling not less than 60 days after that date on
         which the relevant event occurs or notice is given and on which
         date banks are open for business in the city in which the specified
         office of the Principal Paying Agent is located and in the city in
         which the relevant clearing system is located.


         No Paying Agent shall incur any liability to the Issuer in acting
         hereunder pursuant to instructions which such Paying Agent
         reasonably believed in good faith to be genuine and to have been
         given by an Authorized Representative.


         Each Paying Agent is entitled to assume that the issuance and
         delivery of the Notes by the Issuer have been duly and validly
         authorized by the Issuer and that the Notes, when completed,
         authenticated and delivered pursuant hereto, will constitute the
         legal, valid and binding obligations of the Issuer.


7.1      PAYMENT TO AGENT: the Issuer will, on each date on which any
         payment in respect of the Notes becomes due, transfer to the
         Principal Paying Agent by 11:00 a.m. Brussels time such amount as
         may be required for the purposes of such payment. The Issuer will
         procure the delivery to the Principal Paying Agent by 10:00 a.m.
         (local time in the city of the Principal Paying Agent's specified
         office) on the second business day in the city of the Principal
         Paying Agent's specified office before the due date for any such
         payment a copy of irrevocable instructions issued by it for such
         payment to be made to the Principal Paying Agent. For the purposes
         of this sub-Clause 7.1, the date on which a payment in respect of
         the Notes becomes due means the first date on which the holder of a
         Note or Coupon could claim the relevant payment by transfer to an
         account under the Notes, but disregarding the necessity for it to
         be a business day in any particular place of presentation.

7.2      NOTIFICATION OF NON-PAYMENT: The Principal Paying Agent will
         forthwith notify by fax the Issuer and each other Paying Agent if
         it has not by the due date for any payment due in respect of the
         Notes received the full amount so payable on such date.

7.3      PAYMENT BY PAYING AGENTS: Unless they receive a notification from
         the Principal Paying Agent under sub-Clause 7.2, each Paying Agent
         will, subject to and in accordance with the Notes, pay or cause to
         be paid on behalf of the Issuer on and after each due date therefor
         the amounts due in respect of the Notes and Coupons and, in the
         case of each Paying Agent other than the Principal Paying Agent,
         will be entitled to claim any amounts so paid from the Principal
         Paying Agent. If any payment provided for in sub-Clause 7.1 of this
         Section is made late but otherwise in accordance with this
         Agreement, the Paying Agents may nevertheless make payments in
         respect of the Notes and Coupons. However, unless and until the
         full amount of any such payment has been made to the Principal
         Paying Agent, the Paying Agents will not be bound to make such


                                                               Execution copy

7.4      REIMBURSEMENT OF PAYING AGENTS: The Principal Paying Agent will on
         demand promptly reimburse each other Paying Agent for payments in
         respect of the Notes and Coupons properly made by it in accordance
         with the Notes and this Agreement.

7.5      LATE PAYMENT: If the Principal Paying Agent has not by the due date
         for any payment in respect of the Notes received the full amount
         payable on such date but receives it later, it will forthwith give
         notice to each other Paying Agent and Noteholders that it has
         received such full amount.

7.6      METHOD OF PAYMENT TO AGENT: Unless otherwise provided in the Notes,
         all sums payable to the Principal Paying Agent hereunder will be
         paid in euros and in immediately available or same day funds to
         such account with such bank in Brussels as the Principal Paying
         Agent may from time to time notify to the Issuer.

7.7      MONEYS HELD BY AGENT: The Principal Paying Agent may deal with
         moneys paid to it under this Agreement in the same manner as other
         moneys paid to it as a banker by its customers except that (1) it
         may not exercise any lien, right of set-off or similar claim in
         respect of them, (2) it shall not be liable to anyone for interest
         on any sums held by it under this Agreement unless any payment to
         any person hereunder or under any Note is not made as a result of
         the negligence, bad faith or wilful misconduct of the Principal
         Paying Agent and (3) money held by it need not be segregated except
         as required by law. Any monies paid by the Issuer to the Principal
         Paying Agent for payment of principal or interest which remain
         unclaimed for two years after such monies have become due and
         payable will be repaid to the Issuer upon its written request and
         the holder may thereafter look only to the Issuer for payment

7.8      PARTIAL PAYMENTS: If on presentation of a Note or Coupon only part
         of the amount payable in respect of it is paid (except as a result
         of deduction of tax as permitted by the terms and conditions of the
         Notes) the Paying Agent to whom the Note or Coupon is presented
         shall procure that such Note or Coupons shall have attached to it
         or endorsed on it a memorandum of the amount paid and the date of

7.9      PAYMENT OF INTEREST IN THE UNITED STATES: Notwithstanding any other
         provision herein, no payment with respect to interest or principal
         on any Note may be made at the office of any Paying Agent in the
         United States, and any otherwise allowable payment may be made only
         upon presentation and surrender at such office outside the United
         States of the Note, in the case of principal, or presentation of a
         global Note or presentation and surrender of the applicable Coupon,
         in the case of interest. No payment on a Note shall be made by
         transfer to an account in, or by mail to an address in, the United
         States (other than to a financial institution or for persons for
         which the financial institution has collected such payment).

7.10     BNB SYSTEM: As long as the Notes or the Global Note shall be held
         in, or on behalf of, the BNB System, the provisions of this Clause
         7 shall be supplemented and/or superseded to the extent necessary
         by (i) the relevant provisions of the Clearing Agreement executed
         on or about 11 February 2000 between, the Issuer, the Principal
         Paying Agent and the Belgian National Bank as operator of the BNB
         System (the "CLEARING AGREEMENT"), (ii) the regulations of the BNB
         System and (iii) any applicable provisions of Belgian law and
         regulation; provided that the Issuer shall, and the Principal
         Paying Agent and the Paying Agent shall jointly and severally, give
         equivalent effect to sub-Clause 7.1 and sub-Clause 7.6 and the
         Paying Agent undertakes to the Issuer to comply with its
         obligations under the Clearing Agreement.


         In accordance with the terms and conditions of the Notes and this
         Agreement or if otherwise requested by the Issuer,

         the Principal Paying Agent will or will procure that the Paying
         Agent will:

8.1      receive requests to effect exchanges of the Global Note to Definitive


                                                               Execution copy

8.2      maintain a record of the Global Note and the certificate number or
         numbers of all Definitive Notes and Coupons delivered hereunder;

8.3      carry out such other acts as may be necessary to give effect to the
         terms and conditions of the Notes with respect to payment,
         transfer, cancellation and replacement (if any Note or Coupon is
         mutilated or defaced or is apparently destroyed, lost or stolen, it
         may be replaced at the specified office of any Paying Agent subject
         to all applicable laws and stock exchange requirements upon payment
         by the claimant of the expenses incurred in connection therewith
         and on such terms and with such indemnity as the Issuer and the
         Principal Paying Agent may require; mutilated or defaced Notes of
         Coupons must be surrendered before replacements will be issued);

         the Fiscal Agent will:

8.4      upon and in accordance with the instructions of the Issuer received
         at least 5 days before the proposed publication date, arrange for
         the publication of any notice which is to be given to the
         Noteholders and supply a copy thereof to each other Paying Agent,
         the Collateral Agent, the BNB System, Euroclear, Clearstream,
         Luxembourg and, so long as the Notes are listed thereon, the
         Luxembourg Stock Exchange.

9        LIABILITY

         Neither the Paying Agents nor their officers or employees shall be
         liable for any act or omission hereunder except in the case of
         negligence, bad faith or wilful misconduct. The duties and
         obligations of the Paying Agents and their officers and employees
         shall be determined by the express provisions of this Agreement and
         they shall not be liable except for the performance of such duties
         and obligations as are specifically set forth herein and no implied
         covenants shall be read into this Agreement against them. The
         Paying Agents may consult with counsel and shall be fully protected
         in any action reasonably taken in good faith in accordance with the
         reasonable advice of counsel. Neither the Paying Agents nor their
         officers or employees shall be required to ascertain whether any
         issuance or sale of Notes (or any amendment or termination of this
         Agreement) have been duly authorized or are in compliance with any
         other agreement to which the Issuer is a party (whether or not the
         Paying Agents are also a party to such other agreement).


         The Issuer agrees to indemnify and hold harmless each of the Paying
         Agents and each of its respective directors, officers and employees
         from and against any and all liabilities (including liability for
         penalties), losses, claims, damages, actions, suits, judgments,
         demands, costs and expenses (including legal fees and expenses)
         arising out of or in connection with its or their respective
         performance under this Agreement, except to the extent that they
         are caused by the negligence, bad faith or wilful misconduct of
         each such Paying Agent or the directors, officers and employees of
         each such Paying Agent. The foregoing indemnity includes, but is
         not limited to, any action taken or omitted in good faith within
         the scope of this Agreement upon telephone, telecopier or other
         electronically transmitted instructions, if authorized herein,
         received from or reasonably believed by each of the Paying Agents
         in good faith to be genuine and to have been given by, an
         Authorized Representative. This indemnity shall survive the
         resignation or removal of any Paying Agent and the satisfaction or
         termination of this Agreement.


         Each of the Paying Agents agree severally to indemnity and hold
         harmless the Issuer and its directors, officers and employees from
         and against any and all liabilities (including liability for
         penalties), losses, claims, damages, actions, suits, judgments,
         demands, costs and expenses (including legal fees and expenses)
         arising out of or in connection with its performance, in any
         capacity, under this Agreement, except to the extent that they are
         caused by the negligence, bad faith or wilful misconduct of the
         Issuer. This indemnity shall survive the resignation or removal of
         any Paying Agent and the satisfaction or termination of this


                                                               Execution copy


         The Issuer agrees to pay the compensation of each of the Paying
         Agents at such rates as shall be agreed upon from time to time and
         to reimburse each Paying Agent for reasonable out-of-pocket
         expenses (including costs of preparation of the Notes and
         reasonable legal fees and expenses), disbursements and advances
         incurred or made in accordance with any provisions of this
         Agreement. The obligations of the Issuer to each of the Paying
         Agents pursuant to this Section shall survive the resignation or
         removal of any Paying Agent and the satisfaction or termination of
         this Agreement.


         Attached hereto as Schedule 5 are the provisions for meetings of
         the Noteholders.

14       NOTICES

14.1     All communications by or on behalf of the Issuer relating to the
         issuance, transfer, exchange or payment of Notes or interest
         thereon shall be directed to the Principal Paying Agent at its
         address set forth in sub-Clause 14.2(iv) hereof (or such other
         address as the Principal Paying Agent shall specify in writing to
         the Issuer).

14.2     Notices and other communications hereunder shall (except to the
         extent otherwise expressly provided) be in writing and shall be
         addressed as follows, or to such other addresses as the parties
         hereto shall specify from time to time:

                  (i) if to the Issuer:

                  Solutia Europe SA/NV
                  Boondaelse Steenweg 6
                  B-1050 Brussels

                  Parc Scientifique-Fleming
                  Rue Laid Burniat 3
                  B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve

                  Attention:   Legal Department
                  Fax no.:     +32 10 48 12 24

                  (ii) if to the Collateral Agent:

                  KBC Bank NV
                  Havenlaan 12
                  B-1080 Brussels

                  Attention:   Mr. Dirk De Bleser
                  Fax no.:     +32 2 429 49 20


                                                               Execution copy

                  (iii) if to the Fiscal Agent:

                  Kredietbank S.A. Luxembourgeoise
                  43 boulevard Royal
                  2955 Luxembourg

                  Attention:   Back-Office Emissions
                  Fax no.:     +352 47 97 73 907

                  (iv) if to KBC Bank NV as the Principal Paying Agent:

                  KBC Bank NV
                  Havenlaan 2
                  B-1080 Brussels

                  Attention:   Mrs. Marie-Therese Broothaers
                  Fax no.:     +32 2 429 52 73


         Subject to the limitations contained in the Terms and Conditions of
         Notes, the Principal Paying Agent may at any time resign as such
         agent or a Paying Agent may at any time resign as such paying agent
         by giving written notice to the Issuer and the Collateral Agent of
         such intention on its part, specifying the date on which its
         desired resignation shall become effective; provided, however, that
         such date shall be not less than 30 days after the giving of such
         notice by the Principal Paying Agent or a Paying Agent to the
         Issuer and the Collateral Agent. The Principal Paying Agent or a
         Paying Agent may be removed at any time by the filing with it of an
         instrument in writing signed by a duly authorized officer of the
         Issuer and specifying such removal and the date upon which it is
         intended to become effective. Such registration or removal shall
         take effect on the date of the appointment by the Issuer of a
         successor agent or paying agent and the acceptance of such
         appointment by such successor Agent or Paying Agent, which
         successor shall be a reputable and substantial bank or financial
         institution. In the event of resignation by the Principal Paying
         Agent or a Paying Agent, if a successor agent or paying agent has
         not been appointed by the Issuer within three months after the
         giving of notice by the Principal Paying Agent or such Paying Agent
         of its intention to resign, the Principal Paying Agent or such
         Paying Agent may appoint as successor Agent or Paying Agent a
         reputable and substantial bank or financial institution. Subject to
         the limitations contained in the Terms and Conditions, the Issuer
         may appoint a successor agent and additional or successor paying
         agents and shall forthwith give notice of any such appointment to
         the continuing Agent and each continuing Paying Agent, the
         Collateral Agent and the Noteholders, whereupon the Issuer, the
         continuing Agent and each continuing Paying Agent and the
         additional or successor agent or paying agent shall acquire and
         become subject to the same rights and obligations between
         themselves as if they had entered into an agreement in the form
         mutatis mutandis of this Agreement.


         This Agreement is solely for the benefit of the parties hereto,
         their successors, assigns and any additional Agent or Paying Agent
         appointed in accordance with Section 15 above and the holders from
         time to time of the Notes and no other person shall acquire or have
         the right under or by virtue hereof.


         Each of the Paying Agents, in its individual or other capacity, may
         become the owner or pledgee of the Notes with the same rights it
         would have if it were not acting as fiscal and/or paying agent


                                                               Execution copy


         This Agreement may be executed by the parties hereto in any number
         of counterparts, and by each of the parties hereto in separate
         counterparts, each such counterpart, when so executed and
         delivered, shall be deemed to be an original, but all such
         counterparts shall together constitute but one and the same


         This Agreement shall be construed and enforced in accordance with,
         and the rights of the parties shall be governed by, the laws of the
         State of New York without regard to the conflicts of laws
         principles thereof.


         The Issuer hereby irrevocably submits to the non-exclusive
         jurisdiction of any New York State or United States Federal court
         sitting in New York City over any suit, action or proceeding
         arising out of or relating to this Agreement or the Notes. The
         Issuer irrevocably waives, to the fullest extent permitted by law,
         any objection which it may have to the laying of the venue of any
         such suit, action or proceeding brought in such a court and any
         claim that any such suit, action or proceeding brought in such a
         court has been brought in an inconvenient forum. As long as any of
         the Notes or any of the Coupons appertaining thereto remain
         outstanding, the Issuer will at all times have an authorized agent
         for service of process in New York City, upon whom process may be
         served in any suit, action or proceeding arising out of or relating
         to this Agreement or any Note or any of the Coupons appertaining
         thereto. Service of process upon such agent and written notice of
         such service mailed or delivered to the Issuer shall to be extent
         permitted by law be deemed in every respect effective service of
         process upon the Issuer in any such suit, action or proceeding. The
         Issuer hereby appoints CT Corporation System, 111 Eighth Avenue,
         New York, New York 10011 as its agent for such purpose, and
         covenants and agrees that (i) service of process in any such suit,
         action or proceeding may be made upon it at the specified office of
         such agent (or such other address or at the office of any other
         authorized agent which the Issuer may designate by written notice
         to the Principal Paying Agent) and (ii) prior to any termination of
         such agency for any reason, it will so appoint a successor thereto
         as agent hereunder.

21       ENGLISH

         This Agreement is executed in English only, and no translation
         thereof shall be binding on the parties hereto or consulted in
         order to interpret this Agreement.


         If one or more provisions contained in this Agreement shall be
         invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect under any
         applicable law, the validity, legality, or enforceability of the
         remaining provisions shall not in any way be affected or impaired.

         In case of any such illegality, invalidity or unenforceability, the
         parties shall negotiate in good faith with a view to agree on the
         replacement of such provision by a provision which is legal, valid
         and enforceable and which is to the extent practicable in
         accordance with the intents and purposes of this Agreement and
         which in economic effect comes as close as practicable to the
         provision being replaced.


         This Agreement, including the Schedules hereto, may be amended by
         the Issuer and the Principal Paying Agent, without the consent of
         the Collateral Agent or the holder of any Note or Coupon, for the
         purposes of curing any ambiguity, or of curing, correcting or
         supplementing any defective provisions contained herein or therein
         or in any other manner which the Issuer and the Principal Paying
         Agent may deem necessary or desirable and which will not be
         inconsistent with the Notes or any Coupons and which will not


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         affect the interests of the holders of Notes or any Coupons, provided
         the foregoing shall not be in derogation of the right of the Issuer
         to amend the terms of the Notes as provided in Schedule 5.


         Attached hereto as Schedule 6 is the Collateral Agency Agreement.
         Certain Subsidiaries Guaranties and Collateral Documents will be
         entered into in connection with the Notes.

         KBC Bank NV has been appointed by Requisite Noteholders as
         Collateral Agent pursuant to a meeting of the Noteholders held on
         29 January 2004, the Agreement of Understanding and the Collateral
         Agency Agreement. KBC Bank NV, in its capacity as Collateral Agent,
         shall not act or be deemed to act as agent or representative of or
         for the Issuer or any of its Subsidiaries.


         As long as the Notes (or the Global Note(s) representing the Notes
         shall be held in, or on behalf of, the BNB System, the provisions
         of this Agreement shall be supplemented and/or superseded to the
         extent necessary by the relevant provisions of the Clearing
         Agreement, the regulations of the BNB System and any applicable
         provisions of Belgian law and regulation.


         The parties hereto agree that for all purposes with respect to the
         amended and restated Notes, this Fiscal Agency Agreement supersedes
         the Fiscal Agency Agreement dated as of February 11, 2000 among the
         Issuer, the Paying Agents and Solutia Inc.


                                                               Execution copy

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be
executed on their behalf by their officers thereunto duly authorized, all as
of the day and year first above written.

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                        SOLUTIA EUROPE SA/NV

                                        By: /s/ Kristel Deroover
                                             Name: Kristel Deroover
                                             Title: Attorney

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                        KREDIETBANK S.A. LUXEMBOURGEOISE

                                        By: /s/ Luc Bauduin
                                             Name: Luc Bauduin
                                             Title: General Manager

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                        KBC BANK NV

                                        By: /s/ Luc Bauduin
                                             Name: Luc Bauduin
                                             Title: General Manager

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                                      S-1             Fiscal Agency Agreement