Exhibit 99.5

                                                                EXECUTION COPY

                         SECURITY TRANSFER AGREEMENT

                            DATED 4TH MARCH, 2004


                           CP FILMS VERTRIEBS GMBH

                                AS TRANSFEROR


                                 KBC BANK NV

                                AS TRANSFEREE

                                ALLEN & OVERY



CLAUSE                                                                  PAGE

1.       Interpretation....................................................2
2.       Transfer of Security Assets.......................................3
3.       Substitution for Delivery.........................................4
4.       Security Purpose..................................................4
5.       Identification of Security Assets.................................4
6.       Disposal of Security Assets.......................................5
7.       Location of Security Assets.......................................5
8.       Right of the Transferee to Examine the Security Assets............5
9.       Reservation of Title..............................................5
10.      Taking Possession by the Transferee...............................6
11.      Enforcement and Realisation.......................................6
12.      Maintenance of Liable Capital.....................................6
13.      Undertakings......................................................8
14.      Further Assurance.................................................8
15.      Representations and Warranties....................................8
16.      Insurance of the Security Assets..................................9
17.      Third Party Rights................................................9
18.      Release of Security..............................................10
19.      Indemnity........................................................10
20.      Duration and Independence........................................10
21.      Costs and Expenses...............................................11
22.      Miscellaneous....................................................11
23.      Assignment.......................................................11
24.      Severability.....................................................11
25.      Notices..........................................................11
26.      Governing Law....................................................12
27.      Jurisdiction.....................................................12


         4th March, 2004


(1)      CP FILMS VERTRIEBS GMBH, a limited liability company (Gesellschaft
         mit beschrankter Haftung) organised under the laws of Germany,
         having its corporate seat in Bielefeld, Germany, which is
         registered in the Commercial Register (Handelsregister) at the
         Local Court (Amtsgericht) of Bielefeld under registration number
         HRB 33407

         (the TRANSFEROR)


(2)      KBC BANK NV, a Belgian bank with registered office at Havenlaan 2,
         B-1080 Brussels, Belgium, and registered at the Crossroads Bank for
         Enterprises under enterprise number 0462.920.226

         (the ASSIGNEE).


(A)      Solutia Europe SA/NV (the ISSUER) and the holders of the Notes have
         agreed to amend and restate the Issuer's euro 200,000,000 6.25
         percent Notes due 2005, as amended and restated, the euro
         200,000,000 10.00 percent Senior Secured Notes due 2008 (together
         with the Terms and Conditions of Notes (as defined below) and as
         amended, modified or supplemented from time to time, the NOTES)
         pursuant to an Agreement of Understanding and Restructuring dated
         30th January, 2004 among the Issuer and the holders of the notes
         party thereto (as amended, modified or supplemented from time to
         time, the AGREEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING). In connection with the
         Notes, the Issuer has entered into the Fiscal Agency Agreement
         dated 11th February, 2004 among the Issuer, Kredietbank S.A.
         Luxembourgeoise as fiscal agent and paying agent, and KBC Bank NV
         as principal paying agent (as amended, modified or supplemented
         from time to time, the FISCAL AGENCY AGREEMENT). The holders of the
         Notes and the couponholders are entitled to the benefit of, are
         bound by and are deemed to have notice of all of the provisions of
         the Fiscal Agency Agreement.

(B)      It is a requirement of the Agreement of Understanding and the Terms
         and Conditions of Notes that the Transferor guarantees the prompt
         payment and performance when due of all obligations of the Issuer
         under the Credit Documents (as defined below) and grants security
         in respect of the Security Assets (as defined below) to the
         Transferee to secure its obligations to the Transferee as provided
         herein and undertakes the obligations contemplated by this

(C)      In consideration of the agreements set forth herein and in the
         Terms and Conditions of Notes, the Agreement of Understanding and
         the other Credit Documents, the Transferor agrees to transfer the
         Security Assets (as defined below) in favour of the Transferee
         under the following terms.


IT IS AGREED as follows:



         In this Agreement:

         AGREEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING has the meaning given to that term under
         (A) of the preamble.

         BUSINESS DAY means a day (other than a Saturday or a Sunday) on
         which banks are open for general business in Brussels and Frankfurt
         am Main.

         COLLATERAL AGENCY AGREEMENT means the collateral agency agreement
         dated 11th February, 2004 among the Issuer, Amcis AG, Carbogen AG,
         certain holders of the Notes and the Pledgee, as amended, modified
         or supplemented from time to time.

         CREDIT DOCUMENTS means the Agreement of Understanding, the Fiscal
         Agency Agreement, the Collateral Agency Agreement, the Notes
         (including without limitation the Terms and Conditions of Notes),
         the Subsidiary Guaranties, the Collateral Documents and any other
         agreement, instrument, and other document executed and delivered
         pursuant hereto or thereto or otherwise evidencing or securing any
         Note or any other obligation of the Pledgor, as amended, modified
         or supplemented from time to time.

         EURO, euro, or EUR means the lawful currency of the Participating
         Member States.

         EVENT OF DEFAULT has the meaning given to such term in the Terms
         and Conditions of Notes.

         FISCAL AGENCY AGREEMENT has the meaning given to that term under
         (A) of the preamble.

         GERMAN SUBSIDIARY GUARANTY means the guaranty made by the
         Transferor in favour of the Transferee dated on or about the date
         of this Agreement.

         GERMANY means the Federal Republic of Germany.

         ISSUER has the meaning given to that term under (A) of the

         NOTES has the meaning given to such term under (A) of the Preamble.

         PARTICIPATING MEMBER STATE means a member state of the European
         Union that adopts or has adopted the euro as its lawful currency
         under the legislation of the European Union pertaining to the
         Economic and Monetary Union.

         PARTY means a party to this Agreement.

         PAYMENT DEFAULT means the default of the Transferor to pay to the
         Transferee any amounts owed by the Transferor to the Transferee
         under the German Subsidiary Guaranty and any other Credit Document
         to which it is party when due, provided that the enforcement of the
         German Subsidiary Guaranty or the respective Credit Document is not
         excluded pursuant to the maintenance of liable capital provisions
         of the German Subsidiary Guaranty or the respective Credit


         SECURED CLAIMS means all present and future rights and claims
         (Anspruche) (whether actual or contingent and whether held jointly
         or severally or in any other capacity whatsoever) of the Transferee
         against the Transferor which may arise under, out of, or in
         connection with the Collateral Agency Agreement, the German
         Subsidiary Guaranty or any other Credit Document to which the
         Transferor is party.

         SECURITY means any and all security granted by the Issuer or any
         third party to the Transferee with a view to securing the Secured

         SECURITY ASSETS means (i) all machinery, equipment, tools and other
         moveable fixed assets (bewegliches Anlagevermogen) other than
         leased assets as set out in Schedule 3 as amended and supplemented
         from time to time (MOVEABLE FIXED ASSETS) and (ii) all supplies and
         operating materials (Roh-, Hilfs- und Betriebsstoffe) as well as
         finished and unfinished products and merchandise (fertige und
         unfertige Erzeugnisse und Waren) (INVENTORIES) kept or deposited at
         the date of this Agreement and at any time after the date of this
         Agreement at each of the Security Locations.

         SECURITY LOCATION means the premises rented or owned by the
         Transferor as shaded by lines (schraffiert) in the plan attached in
         Schedule 1 hereto.

         TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF NOTES means the terms and conditions of the
         notes as set out in Schedule 1 of the Fiscal Agency Agreement as
         amended, modified or supplemented from time to time.

1.2      Where the context so admits, the singular includes the plural and
         vice versa.

1.3      The headings in this Agreement are for convenience only and are to
         be ignored in construing this Agreement.

1.4      Any reference in this Agreement to a defined document is a
         reference to that defined document as amended, supplemented or
         novated from time to time.

1.5      Unless defined in this Agreement, words and expressions defined in
         the Terms and Conditions of Notes shall have the same meaning when
         used in this Agreement.


(a)      The Transferor hereby transfers and assigns all title to the
         Security Assets to the Transferee. To the extent that the
         Transferor holds, or will in future hold, title in the form of
         co-ownership (Miteigentum) or joint ownership (Gesamthandseigentum)
         in respect of the Security Assets or part thereof, it herewith
         transfers such ownership rights to the Transferee. Additionally,
         the Transferor transfers and assigns to the Transferee all inchoate
         rights (Anwartschaftsrechte) it holds, or will hold in future, in
         respect of the Security Assets.

(b)      Any ownership rights (Eigentum), co-ownership rights (Miteigentum),
         joint ownership rights (Gesamthandseigentum) or inchoate rights
         (Anwartschaftsrechte) in respect of assets brought to the Security
         Location in future will be automatically transferred to the
         Transferee at the time such assets are actually brought to the
         Security Location, in any event, however, no later than at the time
         the Transferor acquires such rights.

(c)      The Transferor hereby assigns to the Transferee all claims against
         any suppliers arising from the termination (Auflosung) or
         non-performance or partial performance of contracts, including, but
         not limited to, repayments of payments made.


(d)      The Transferee accepts such transfers and assignments.


(a)      Instead of delivering the Security Assets to the Transferee, the
         Transferor and the Transferee (as indirect possessor (mittelbarer
         Besitzer)) agree that the Transferor will carefully safeguard the
         Security Assets for the Transferee free of charge (kostenlose

(b)      To the extent that third parties have or obtain actual possession
         of the Security Assets, the Transferor hereby transfers and assigns
         to the Transferee any existing or future claims it may have for the
         surrender (Herausgabeanspruch) of the Security Assets. The
         Transferee accepts such transfers and assignments.


         The Security Assets shall serve as collateral for the Secured Claims.


(a)      The Transferor undertakes to promptly (but in any event within 10
         Business Days) deliver to the Transferee upon the occurrence of a
         Payment Default (or at such other time as the Transferee may
         request in order to safeguard its legitimate interests) an
         up-to-date, accurate and complete list of all the Security Assets
         each having a book value equal to or exceeding EUR 1,000. An
         up-to-date, accurate and complete list of all the Security Assets
         as per the date of this Agreement is attached hereto as Schedule 2.

(b)      The list referred to above shall comprise a description of the type
         and amount of goods, their standard cost per item and the total
         value of items of the Inventories and of the nature and book value
         of the Moveable Fixed Assets and such other data and information in
         relation to the Security Assets as from time to time may be
         reasonably requested by the Transferee in order to safeguard its
         legitimate interests.

(c)      The Transferor shall have the right to deliver the relevant lists
         on a hard disk readable with standard business hard- and software.
         The Transferee may contact the Transferor from time to time with a
         view to agreeing the necessary details.

(d)      For the avoidance of doubt, the Transferee shall also be entitled
         to any and all Security Assets if for any reason whatsoever such
         Security Assets are not, or are incompletely contained in any of
         the lists provided to the Transferee pursuant to this Clause 5.

(e)      If the Transferor employs a third party for its bookkeeping and/or
         data-processing, the Transferor hereby authorises the Transferee to
         obtain the lists of Security Assets directly from such third party
         at the Transferor's expense and hereby instructs the third party to
         provide the Transferee with the list in accordance with the terms
         and conditions of this Agreement.

(f)      The Transferor shall promptly provide the Assignee with an amended
         and supplemented copy of Schedule 3 if any leased assets other than
         currently set out in Schedule 3 are brought to or removed from the
         Security Location after the date of this Agreement.



         The Transferor may dispose of any Security Assets in the ordinary
         course of its business.


(a)      The Transferor is obliged to keep the Security Assets in the
         Security Location. The Transferor shall deal carefully with the
         Security Assets and shall give due regard to all necessary care and
         maintenance of the Security Assets at its own expense.

(b)      Upon the occurrence of a Payment Default, the Transferee has the
         right to mark the Security Assets as its property. The Transferor
         shall keep accurate records of the Security Assets transferred and
         assigned to the Transferee.

(c)      A removal of Security Assets from the Security Locations specifying
         the respective Security Asset, or a disposal of Security Assets,
         other than removals or disposals in the ordinary course of
         business, are only allowed with the prior written consent of the


(a)      The Transferee or any representative of its choice acting
         reasonably is entitled to inspect the Security Assets, the Security
         Location and any documentation or records of the Transferor
         concerning the Security Assets during normal business hours upon 3
         Business Days' prior notice to the Transferor. The Transferee may
         examine the Security Assets without such notice in order to permit
         the safeguarding of its legitimate interests. The Transferor shall
         provide all necessary information and has to allow access to
         documentation relating to the Security Assets and the Security
         Location respectively.

(b)      If, and to the extent, documents required for the evaluation or
         realisation of the Security Assets have been delivered by the
         Transferor to a third party (especially to an accountant or tax
         advisor) the Transferor hereby assigns to the Transferee its claims
         against such third party for providing information and for
         delivering such documents and hereby authorises the third party to
         provide the Transferee with such information and documents required
         to evaluate and realise the Security Assets. The Transferee accepts
         such assignments.

(c)      To the extent that information in connection with the Security
         Assets have been stored in an electronic data processing system,
         the Transferor shall allow the Transferee access to the computer,
         including the peripheral equipment and all data concerning the
         Claims. Moreover, software operators shall be made available
         insofar as required, and any assistance required shall be provided
         to the Transferee. If a third party handles the electronic
         processing of data, the Transferor hereby assigns to the Transferee
         all its claims to obtain these services, and hereby instructs such
         third party to handle the processing of data for the Transferee
         upon its instructions as it did for the Transferor. The Transferee
         hereby accepts such assignment.


         The Transferor shall extinguish any reservation of title arising in
         the normal course of business by settling the purchase price when
         due for the Security Assets affected by such reservation of title.
         The Transferee is entitled but not obliged to make such payments on
         behalf of the Transferor, in which case title to such Security
         Assets shall pass from any holder of such reservation of title to
         the Transferee.



(a)      The Transferee is entitled to revoke the right of disposal (Clause
         6) of the Security Assets and to recover the Security Assets if a
         Payment Default has occurred that is continuing. The Transferee
         must notify its intention to recover the Security Assets to the
         Transferee by giving 5 (five) Business Days' notice. Such notice
         period is not necessary if the Transferor has generally ceased to
         make payments or upon filing of an application for insolvency
         proceedings by the Transferor. However, after all Payment Defaults
         have been cured, the Transferee shall retransfer possession of the
         Security Assets to the Transferor save to the extent that the
         Security Assets have been sold and any proceeds resulting from such
         sale have been applied in payment of any of the Secured Claims.

(b)      The Transferee is further entitled to revoke the authorisation to
         dispose and to request delivery of the Security Assets (i) if the
         Transferor is in a material breach of its duty to handle the
         Security Assets with care, (ii)if it disposes of the Security
         Assets not in the ordinary course of business, or (iii) after the
         Transferee has made a claim under the German Subsidiary Guaranty
         which the Transferor has not paid when due, if (x) the Transferor
         breaches any of the undertakings set out in Clause 13 hereof or (y)
         the Transferor fails to deliver on due time any lists of Security
         Assets according to Clause 5 (a) hereof.


(a)      The Transferee is entitled to realise the Security Assets and
         enforce all other rights arising from this Agreement immediately
         upon the occurrence of a Payment Default which has been declared to
         the Transferor and is continuing.

(b)      The Transferee will notify the Transferor of its intention to
         realise the Security Assets by giving 5 (five) Business Days'
         notice, whereby this notice may be given together with and at the
         same time as the notice required according to Clause 10 (a). Such
         notice period is not necessary if the Transferor has generally
         ceased to make payments or upon filing of an application for
         insolvency proceedings by the Transferor.

(c)      The Transferee is entitled to sell the Security Assets by way of
         private sale (freihandiger Verkauf) or private auction (freihandige
         Versteigerung) in a commercially reasonable manner in its own name
         but as trustee for the account of the Transferor. The Transferee is
         also entitled to demand from the Transferor that the Transferor
         realises the Security Assets in the best way possible or helps with
         the realisation. The Transferor is obliged to transfer immediately
         all proceeds resulting from such realisation to the Transferee.

(d)      After the realisation of the Security Assets the Transferee will
         apply the proceeds to cover the Secured Claims pursuant to Clause
         4.1 of the Collateral Agency Agreement. If the proceedings of the
         realisation are subject to turnover tax, the Transferee will submit
         a credit note to the Transferor to the effect that such credit note
         is to be seen as an invoice for the delivery of goods. It shall in
         any event meet the requirements of German turnover tax law.

(e)      The Transferee may determine which of the Security, if applicable,
         shall be used to satisfy the Secured Claims.


(a)      The enforcement of this Agreement shall be, at the date hereof and
         at any time hereafter, limited to an amount equal to the net assets
         of the Transferor, which are calculated as the Transferor's total
         assets (the calculation of which shall take into account the
         captions reflected


         in Section 266 (2) A, B and C of the German Commercial Code
         (Handelsgesetzbuch)) less its reserves for own shares (Section
         266 (3) A III. 2. of the German Commercial Code) less its liabilities
         (the calculation of which shall take into account the captions
         reflected in Section 266 (3) B, C and D of the German Commercial
         Code) less its registered share capital (Stammkapital) (the NET

(b)      For the purposes of calculating the Net Assets the balance sheet
         shall be adjusted in a way that (i) any amounts which the
         Transferor has received from funds from the issuance of the Notes
         which have been on-lent by the Issuer to the Transferor and are
         still outstanding at the time of the enforcement of this Agreement
         shall be disregarded or (ii) the amount of any increase of the
         Transferor's registered share capital out of retained earnings
         (Kapitalerhohung aus Gesellschaftsmitteln) after the date of this
         Agreement that has been effected without the prior written consent
         of the Transferee shall be deducted from the Transferor's
         registered share capital.

(c)      Furthermore, the Transferor shall, in a situation where

         (i)      it does not have sufficient assets to maintain its
                  registered share capital; and

         (ii)     the Transferee would (but for this Clause) be entitled and
                  is seeking to enforce the security granted under this

         realise any and all of its assets that are shown in the balance sheet
         with a book value (Buchwert) which is significantly lower than the
         market value of such assets, provided such asset is not necessary
         for the Transferor's business (betriebsnotwendig).

(d)      For the purpose of the calculation of the Net Assets and thus the
         enforceable amount, the Transferor will deliver within 30 Business
         Days after the notification by the Transferee of a Payment Default,
         to the Transferee an up to date balance sheet drawn-up by its
         auditors or any other reputable firm of auditors together with a
         determination of the Net Assets by the respective auditors. The
         balance sheet and determination of Net Assets shall be prepared in
         accordance with accounting principles pursuant to the German
         Commercial Code (Handelsgesetzbuch) and be based on the same
         principles that were applied when establishing the previous year's
         balance sheet.

(e)      Should the Transferor fail to deliver such balance sheet and/or
         determination of the Net Assets within the 30 Business Day period
         referred to above or if the Transferor has generally ceased to make
         payments or upon filing of an application for insolvency
         proceedings by the Transferor, the Transferee shall be entitled to
         enforce this Agreement, without the enforcement limitations
         provided for above applying at the time of such enforcement, but is
         obliged to retransfer proceeds from such enforcement to the extent
         that the Transferor demonstrates in reasonable detail that the
         enforcement of this Agreement violated the rules on preservation of
         the stated share capital under Sections 30, 31 GmbH-Act as set out
         in paragraph (a)-(c) above by resulting or enhancing negative
         assets (Unterbilanz) of the Transferor.

(f)      This Agreement shall further not be enforced to the extent that the
         Transferor demonstrates in reasonable detail that such enforcement
         would lead to a breach of the Gebot der Rucksichtnahme auf die
         Eigenbelange der Gesellschaft (duty of care owing by the relevant
         shareholders vis-a-vis the respective company) and of the Verbot
         des existenzvernichtenden Eingriffs (prohibition of
         insolvency-causing intervention), as developed by the recent
         jurisdiction (in particular BGH II ZR 178/99 "Bremer Vulkan", BGH
         II ZR 196/00 and BGH II ZR 300/00 "KBV"), of the Federal Supreme
         Court (Bundesgerichtshof), caused for example, as far as this would
         be within the scope of the cited court rulings, if the entering
         into this Agreement and its enforcement results in the illiquidity
         (Zahlungsunfahigkeit) of the


         Transferor. The Transferee shall be obliged to retransfer proceeds
         from such enforcement to the extent that the Transferor demonstrates
         in reasonable detail that the enforcement of this Agreement violated
         the rules of the cited Federal Supreme Court rulings. Otherwise,
         any claim for damages to the Transferee (excluding, for the
         avoidance of doubt, any claim relating to unjust enrichment) by the
         Transferor, any shareholders of the Transferor or its managing
         directors shall be excluded.

(g)      Notwithstanding paragraph (a)-(f) above the Transferee shall be
         entitled to immediate enforcement of the security granted under
         this Agreement, if and to the extent the Transferee has already
         made a claim under the German Subsidiary Guaranty and the
         enforcement of the German Subsidiary Guaranty was not excluded
         pursuant to its maintenance of capital rules, but is obliged to
         retransfer proceeds from such enforcement of the security granted
         under this Agreement in accordance with paragraphs (e) and (f)


         The Transferor undertakes:

         (a)      to inform the Transferee promptly (unverzuglich) of any
                  subsequent changes which impacts negatively on the average
                  aggregate monthly value of the Security Assets, provided
                  that such change of the average aggregate monthly value of
                  the Security Assets exceeds Euro 100,000 with respect to
                  the total number of Security Assets;

         (b)      to inform the Transferee without undue delay of any
                  subsequent changes to the Security Locations;

         (c)      to inform the Transferee promptly of any attachments
                  (Pfandung) regarding any and all of the Security Assets
                  or any other measures which may impair or jeopardise the
                  Transferee's rights relating to the Security Assets. In the
                  event of an attachment, the Transferor undertakes to forward
                  to the Transferee without undue delay a copy of the
                  attachment order and all other documents necessary for a
                  defence against the attachment. The Transferor shall inform
                  the attaching creditor promptly;

         (d)      to notify the Transferee promptly of any event or
                  circumstance which adversely affects the validity or
                  enforceability of this Agreement;

         (e)      to refrain from any acts or omissions which materially
                  adversely affect the security created under this Agreement
                  or result in a loss of the Security Assets; and

         (f)      to promptly provide the Transferee at its request with all
                  information and documents it may reasonably require in
                  relation to the Security Assets.


         The Transferor shall, at its own costs and expenses, undertake all
         actions or make all declarations the Transferee acting reasonably
         may require for perfecting or protecting or facilitating the
         enforcement or realisation of the Security intended to be created
         by this Agreement.


         Without prejudice and in addition to the representations and
         warranties of the Transferor under the Subsidiary Guaranty and the
         other Credit Documents to which the Transferor is party, the
         Transferor represents and warrants to the Transferee as of the date
         hereof that:


         (a)      it is validly existing and neither insolvent, nor subject
                  to any insolvency proceedings nor in a financial crisis

         (b)      the specification of the premises set out in Schedule 1
                  and to the best of its knowledge and in accordance with
                  the principles of prudent businessmen (Sorgfalt eines
                  ordentlichen Kaufmanns) the list of Security Assets in
                  Schedule 2 each represent a complete and accurate
                  specification of the German premises the Transferor uses
                  at the date of this Agreement to keep or deposit
                  Inventories or of the Security Assets, as the case may be;

         (c)      to the best of its knowledge the Transferor holds either
                  full title (Eigentum), or title in the form of
                  co-ownership (Miteigentum), or title in the form of joint
                  ownership (Gesamthandseigentum), or inchoate rights
                  (Anwartschaftsrecht) with regard to the Security Assets;

         (d)      all necessary corporate action has been taken to authorise
                  the entry into this Agreement.



         The Transferor undertakes at its own expense to keep the Security
         Assets insured against risks normally insured against by companies
         carrying on a similar business, and in particular to maintain all
         insurance required by mandatory German law.


         The Transferor herewith assigns any and all present and future
         insurance claims (other than liability insurance claims
         (Haftpflichtversicherungsanspruche) it holds under the respective
         insurance contracts entered into with the insurer(s) as security
         for the Secured Claims. The Transferee accepts such assignment. The
         Transferor undertakes to notify the insurer(s) about this Agreement
         and about the assignment of the insurance claims concerning the
         Security Assets. Notwithstanding such assignment the Transferor
         will continue to be obliged under the respective insurance
         contracts with the proviso that the Transferor is not entitled to
         terminate any of the insurance contracts without the prior written
         consent of the Transferee. Insofar, as additional declarations and
         actions are necessary for the assignment of the insurance claims
         the Transferor shall, at the Transferee's request, make such
         additional declarations or undertake such actions.


         The Transferor undertakes to require the insurer(s) to submit an
         insurance policy to the Transferee. If the insurer(s) refuse(s) to
         issue insurance policies, the Transferor will request an insurance
         confirmation from the respective insurer(s) for the benefit of the
         Transferee in the form of a Sicherungsschein or a
         Sicherungsbestatigung as the case may be.

         To the extent the Transferor is not, or not sufficiently,
         insured, the Transferee has the right to insure the Security Assets
         at their full value from time to time at the Transferor's expense.


         If and to the extent that there exists, in relation to the Security
         Assets, a pledge by law (gesetzliches Pfandrecht) in favour of any
         Person other than the Transferee, the Transferor


         shall, at the Transferee's request, promptly provide that all sums
         properly due to such third party have been duly paid. The
         Transferee shall be entitled to make such payments if and to the
         extent that the Transferor does not promptly provide such evidence.


         After the full and complete satisfaction of all Secured Claims or
         if so required by German mandatory law, the Transferee shall
         retransfer the assigned Security Assets to the Transferor who
         accepts such retransfer and surrender the excess proceeds, if any,
         resulting from any realisation of the Security Assets or part
         thereof. The Transferee will, however, transfer any Security Assets
         to a third party to the extent that it is required by compulsory
         law or contractual agreement with the Transferor to do so.

19.      INDEMNITY


         The Transferee shall not be liable for any loss or damage suffered
         by the Transferor save in respect of such loss or damage which is
         suffered as a result of the gross negligence or wilful misconduct
         of the Transferee.


         The Transferor will indemnify the Transferee against any losses,
         actions, claims, expenses, demands and liabilities which may be
         reasonably incurred by or made against the Transferee for anything
         done or omitted in the exercise or purported exercise of the powers
         contained herein and occasioned by any breach of the Transferor of
         any of its obligations or undertakings herein contained other than
         to the extent that such losses, actions, claims, expenses, demands
         and liabilities are incurred or made against the Transferee as a
         result of the gross negligence or wilful misconduct of the


20.1     DURATION

         This Agreement shall remain in full force and effect until the
         earlier of (a) the date upon which all Secured Claims have been
         irrevocably paid and discharged in full; and (b) the date notified
         by the Transferee to the Transferor. This Agreement shall not cease
         to exist if any payments made in satisfaction of the Secured Claims
         have only temporarily discharged the Secured Claims.


         This Agreement shall create a continuing security and no change or
         amendment or increase whatsoever to the Notes or in any document or
         agreement related thereto nor any release of Security shall affect
         the validity or the scope of this Agreement.


         This Agreement is independent from any other Security. No other
         such Security shall prejudice, be prejudiced by, or be merged in
         any way with, this Agreement.



         The Transferor shall on demand pay (or procure payment) to the
         Transferee all expenses that the Transferee may incur in connection
         with (i) the administration of this Agreement as further provided
         in the Collateral Agency Agreement, (ii) the custody or
         preservation of, or the sale of, collection from, or other
         realisation upon, any of the Security Assets, (iii) the exercise or
         enforcement of any of the rights of the Transferee hereunder, or
         (iv) the failure by the Transferor to perform or observe any of the
         provisions hereof. The Transferor shall on demand pay (or procure
         payment) to the Transferee the amount of all other costs, charges,
         fees and expenses (including fees for legal advisers) reasonably
         and properly incurred by the Transferee in connection with the
         preparation, execution, performance and amendment of this
         Agreement, or any waiver in relation thereto, together in each case
         with any applicable value added tax or other taxes.



         Changes to and amendments of this Agreement including this Clause
         must be made in writing.


         The rights of each Party under this Agreement:

(a)      may be exercised as often as necessary;

(b)      are cumulative and not exclusive of its rights or remedies provided
         by law;

(c)      may be waived only in writing and specifically.

         Delay in exercising, partial exercising or non-exercising
         of any rights is not a waiver of that right.


         The Transferor may not assign or transfer any of its rights under
         this Agreement, save prior agreement in writing of the Transferee.


(a)      If a term of this Agreement is or becomes illegal, invalid or
         unenforceable, that will not affect the legality, validity or
         enforceability of any other terms of this Agreement.

(b)      The illegal, invalid or unenforceable term shall be deemed to be
         replaced by that term which best meets the intent of the replaced

25.      NOTICES

25.1     NOTICES

         Any notice or other communication under or in connection with this
         Agreement to the Transferor or the Transferee shall be in writing
         and shall be delivered personally, by post or facsimile and shall
         be sent to the address or facsimile number of the party, and for the


         attention of the individual, as set forth in Schedule 4 or such
         other address or facsimile number as is notified by that party for
         this purpose to the Transferee from time to time. Any notice under
         this Agreement shall also be copied to the Issuer.

25.2     LANGUAGE

         Unless otherwise agreed, any notice or other communication under or
         in connection with this Agreement shall be in the English language
         or, if in any other language, accompanied by a translation into
         English. In the event of any conflict between the English text of
         this Agreement, any notice or other communication and the text in
         any other language, the English text shall prevail except that
         where a German translation of a legal term appears in such text,
         the German translation shall prevail.

25.3     DELIVERY

         Any communication made by one Party to another under or in
         connection with this Agreement will only be effective:

         (a)      if by way of fax, when received in legible form; or

         (b)      if by way of letter, when it has been left at the relevant
                  address with acknowledgement of receipt or when it has
                  been delivered to the addressee by registered mail;

         and, if a particular department or officer is specified as
         part of its address details, if addressed to that department or


         This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of Germany.


(a)      The courts of Frankfurt am Main, Germany, have exclusive
         jurisdiction to settle any dispute in connection with this

(b)      The Transferee may also take legal action against the Transferor
         before any other competent court of law having jurisdiction over
         the Transferor.

This Agreement has been entered into on the date stated at the beginning of
this Agreement and has been executed in three originals.




By: /s/ Kristel Deroover
        Kristel Deroover


By: /s/ Dirk De Bleser
    Dirk De Bleser
    Head of Operations & Accounting
