Exhibit 99

Citigroup Center
153 East 53rd Street
New York, New York 10022-4675
Telephone: (212) 446-4800
Facsimile: (212) 446-4900
Richard M. Cieri (RC-6062)
Jonathan S. Henes (JH-1979)

Attorneys for the Debtors and Debtors in Possession


- ----------------------------------------------------x
In re                                               :   Chapter 11
SOLUTIA INC., ET AL.,                               :   Case No. 03-17949 (PCB)
     Debtors.                                       :   (Jointly Administered)
- ----------------------------------------------------x


 X  All Debtors                              Axio Research Corporation
- ---                                      ---

    Solutia Inc.                             Solutia Investments, LLC
- ---                                      ---

    Solutia Business Enterprises, Inc.       Beamer Road Management Company
- ---                                      ---

    Solutia Systems, Inc.                    Monchem, Inc.
- ---                                      ---

    Solutia Overseas, Inc.                   Solutia Inter-America, Inc.
- ---                                      ---

    CPFilms Inc.                             Solutia International Holding, LLC
- ---                                      ---

    Solutia Management Company, Inc.         Solutia Taiwan, Inc.
- ---                                      ---

    Monchem International, Inc.              Solutia Greater China, Inc.
- ---                                      ---

                            MONTH OF MAY 2006 (1)

(1)      The information contained in the Debtors' monthly operating report
         (the "MOR") is unaudited and is limited to the time period
         indicated and is presented in a format prescribed by the bankruptcy
         court. The MOR does not purport to represent financial statements
         prepared in accordance with GAAP nor is it intended to fully
         reconcile to the financial statements filed by Solutia Inc. with
         the Securities and Exchange Commission. Additionally, while every
         effort has been made to assure its accuracy and completeness,
         errors or omissions may have inadvertently occurred and the Debtors
         reserve the right to amend their MOR as necessary.



- ----------------------------------------------------x
In re                                               :   Chapter 11
SOLUTIA INC., ET AL.,                               :   Case No. 03-17949 (PCB)
    Debtors.                                        :   (Jointly Administered)
- ----------------------------------------------------x

                              MONTH OF MAY 2006

DEBTORS' ADDRESS:                      575 Maryville Centre Dr.
                                       St. Louis, MO 63141

                                       Richard M. Cieri (RC-6062)
                                       Jonathan S. Henes (JH-1979)
                                       Citigroup Center
                                       153 East 53rd Street
                                       New York, New York 10022-4675

CURRENT MONTH NET LOSS ($M):           $ 3

REPORT PREPARER:                       Timothy J. Spihlman


The undersigned, having reviewed the attached report and being familiar with
the Debtors' financial affairs verifies, under penalty of perjury, that the
information contained herein is complete, accurate and truthful to the best
of my knowledge.

DATE:     June 27, 2006                    /s/ Timothy J. Spihlman
                                           Timothy J. Spihlman
                                           Vice President and Controller

Indicate if this is an amended statement by checking here:  _______


                           SOLUTIA INC., ET. AL.,
               Case Nos. 03-17948 (PCB) through 03-17962 (PCB)
                           (Debtors in Possession)

                          For the Month of May 2006

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Solutia Inc.                                                $ 222,321,112.00
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Solutia Business Enterprises, Inc.*                         $ --
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Solutia Systems, Inc. *                                     $ --
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Solutia Overseas, Inc. *                                    $ --
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

CPFilms Inc.                                                $ 8,894,690.25
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Solutia Management Company, Inc. *                          $ --
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Monchem International, Inc. *                               $ --
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Axio Research Corporation *                                 $ --
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Solutia Investments, LLC *                                  $ --
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Beamer Road Management Company *                            $ --
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Monchem, Inc. *                                             $ --
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Solutia Inter-America, Inc.                                 $ 46,793.38
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Solutia International Holding, LLC *                        $ --
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Solutia Taiwan, Inc.                                        $ 24,014.57
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Solutia Greater China, Inc. *                               $ --
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

* These non-operating debtors had no constructive disbursements made on
  their behalf.


                           SOLUTIA INC., ET. AL.,
               Case Nos. 03-17948 (PCB) through 03-17962 (PCB)
                           (Debtors in Possession)

                           STATEMENT ON INSURANCE
                          For the Month of May 2006

         All insurance policy premiums due, including those for workers
compensation and disability insurance, have been paid and all the policies
remain in effect.


                          SOLUTIA INC., ET. AL.,
               Case Nos. 03-17948 (PCB) through 03-17962 (PCB)
                           (Debtors in Possession)

                              SOLUTIA GROUP*
                          (DOLLARS IN MILLIONS)

                                                              MONTH ENDED
                                                              MAY 31, 2006
TOTAL NET SALES                                             $            267
TOTAL COST OF GOODS SOLD                                                 228
GROSS PROFIT                                                              39

TOTAL MAT EXPENSE                                                         24
OPERATING INCOME                                                          15

EQUITY EARNINGS FROM AFFILIATES                                            4
INTEREST EXPENSE                                                          (9)
OTHER EXPENSE, NET                                                         -

  Professional fees                                                       (6)
  Adjustment to allowed claim amounts                                     (1)

INCOME BEFORE TAXES                                                        3
Income tax expense                                                         2
NET INCOME                                                  $              1

See Accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

* Includes non-U.S. subsidiaries of the Solutia Inc. corporate organization
  that did not commence Chapter 11 cases.


                        SOLUTIA INC., ET. AL.,
               Case Nos. 03-17948 (PCB) through 03-17962 (PCB)
                           (Debtors in Possession)

                            SOLUTIA GROUP*
                          AS OF MAY 31, 2006

                                                                 (Dollars in
                       ASSETS                                     millions)
                       ------                                 ---------------
Cash                                                            $        270
Trade Receivables, net                                                   326
Inventories                                                              299
Other Current Assets                                                     130
TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS                                                   1,025
Property, Plant and Equipment, net                                       810
Investments in Affiliates                                                209
Intangible Assets, net                                                   128
Other Assets                                                             109
TOTAL ASSETS                                                    $      2,281

Accounts Payable                                                $        197
Short Term Debt                                                          650
Other Current Liabilities                                                255
TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES                                              1,102
Long-Term Debt                                                           266
Other Long-Term Liabilities                                              268
TOTAL LIABILITIES NOT SUBJECT TO COMPROMISE                            1,636
LIABILITIES SUBJECT TO COMPROMISE                                      2,109
SHAREHOLDERS' DEFICIT                                                 (1,464)
TOTAL LIABILITIES & SHAREHOLDERS' DEFICIT                       $      2,281

See Accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

* Includes non-U.S. subsidiaries of the Solutia Inc. corporate organization that
  did not commence Chapter 11 cases.


                                             SOLUTIA INC., ET. AL.,
                                 Case Nos. 03-17948 (PCB) through 03-17962 (PCB)
                                             (Debtors in Possession)

                                                 SOLUTIA GROUP*

                                              (DOLLARS IN MILLIONS)

                                                                                            MONTH ENDED
NET CASH PROVIDED BY OPERATING ACTIVITIES:                                                 MAY 31, 2006
         Net income                                                                     $                    1
         Depreciation and amortization                                                                      11
         Changes in assets and liabilities:
          Trade receivables                                                                                (14)
          Inventories                                                                                        3
          Accounts payable                                                                                 (11)
          Other assets and liabilities                                                                      24
         NET CASH PROVIDED BEFORE REORGANIZATION ITEMS                                                      14
          Professional services fees                                                                        (4)
                   NET CASH USED IN REORGANIZATION ITEMS                                                    (4)
                   NET CASH PROVIDED BY OPERATING ACTIVITIES                                                10

         Property, plant and equipment purchases                                                            (7)
                   NET CASH USED IN INVESTING ACTIVITIES                                                    (7)

                   NET CASH PROVIDED BY FINANCING ACTIVITIES                                                 -

NET INCREASE IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS                                                                    3
CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS, BEGINNING OF PERIOD                                                             267
CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS, END OF PERIOD                                                $                  270

See Accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

* Includes non-U.S. subsidiaries of the Solutia Inc. corporate organization that
  did not commence Chapter 11 cases.


                          SOLUTIA INC., ET. AL.,
               Case Nos. 03-17948 (PCB) through 03-17962 (PCB)
                           (Debtors in Possession)

                        SOLUTIA CHAPTER 11 DEBTORS
                           (DOLLARS IN MILLIONS)

                                                           MONTH ENDED
                                                           MAY 31, 2006
TOTAL NET SALES                                        $                 216
TOTAL COST OF GOODS SOLD                                                 193
GROSS PROFIT                                                              23

TOTAL MAT EXPENSE                                                         19

OPERATING INCOME                                                           4

EQUITY EARNINGS FROM AFFILIATES                                            5
INTEREST EXPENSE, NET                                                     (7)
OTHER INCOME, NET                                                          1

  Professional fees                                                       (5)
  Adjustment to allowed claim amounts                                     (1)

LOSS BEFORE TAXES                                                         (3)
Income tax expense                                                         -
NET LOSS                                               $                  (3)

See Accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.


                                SOLUTIA INC., ET. AL.,
                    Case Nos. 03-17948 (PCB) through 03-17962 (PCB)
                                (Debtors in Possession)

                              SOLUTIA CHAPTER 11 DEBTORS
                                  AS OF MAY 31, 2006

                                                                         (Dollars in
                                ASSETS                                    millions)
                                ------                                 ---------------
Cash                                                                     $        158
Trade Receivables, net                                                            181
Account Receivables-Unconsolidated Subsidiaries                                    55
Inventories                                                                       181
Other Current Assets                                                               81
TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS                                                              656
Property, Plant and Equipment, net                                                659
Investments in Subsidiaries and Affiliates                                        576
Intangible Assets, net                                                            100
Other Assets                                                                       59
TOTAL ASSETS                                                             $      2,050

Accounts Payable                                                         $        150
Short Term Debt                                                                   650
Other Current Liabilities                                                         180
TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES                                                         980
Other Long-Term Liabilities                                                       198
TOTAL LIABILITIES NOT SUBJECT TO COMPROMISE                                     1,178
LIABILITIES SUBJECT TO COMPROMISE                                               2,219
SHAREHOLDERS' DEFICIT                                                          (1,347)
TOTAL LIABILITIES & SHAREHOLDERS' DEFICIT                                $      2,050

See Accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.


                           SOLUTIA INC., ET. AL.,
               Case Nos. 03-17948 (PCB) through 03-17962 (PCB)
                           (Debtors in Possession)



Nature of Operations

         Solutia Inc., together with its subsidiaries (referred to herein as
"Solutia", the "Solutia Group" or the "Company"), is a global manufacturer
and marketer of a variety of high-performance chemical-based materials.
Solutia is a world leader in performance films for laminated safety glass
and after-market applications; specialty products such as water treatment
chemicals, heat transfer fluids and aviation hydraulic fluids; and an
integrated family of nylon products including high-performance polymers and

         Prior to September 1, 1997, Solutia was a wholly-owned subsidiary
of the former Monsanto Company (now known as Pharmacia Corporation, a
wholly-owned subsidiary of Pfizer, Inc. ("Pharmacia")). On September 1,
1997, Pharmacia distributed all of the outstanding shares of common stock of
Solutia as a dividend to Pharmacia stockholders (the "Solutia Spinoff"). As
a result of the Solutia Spinoff, on September 1, 1997, Solutia became an
independent publicly held company and its operations ceased to be owned by
Pharmacia. A net deficiency of assets of $113 million resulted from the

Proceedings Under Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code

         On December 17, 2003, Solutia Inc. and its 14 U.S. subsidiaries
(the "Debtors") filed voluntary petitions for reorganization under Chapter
11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code (the "Chapter 11 Cases") in the U.S.
Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York (the "Bankruptcy
Court"). The cases were consolidated for the purpose of joint administration
and were assigned case number 03-17949 (PCB). Solutia's subsidiaries outside
the United States were not included in the Chapter 11 filing.

         The filing was made to restructure Solutia's balance sheet by
reducing indebtedness to appropriate levels, to streamline operations and to
reduce costs, in order to allow Solutia to emerge from Chapter 11 as a
viable going concern, and to obtain relief from the negative financial
impact of liabilities for litigation, environmental remediation and certain
post-retirement benefits (the "Legacy Liabilities") and liabilities under
operating contracts, all of which were assumed at the time of the Solutia
Spinoff. These factors, combined with the weakened state of the chemical
manufacturing sector, general economic conditions and continuing high,
volatile energy and crude oil costs have been an obstacle to Solutia's
financial stability and success.

         Under Chapter 11, Solutia is operating its businesses as a
debtor-in-possession ("DIP") under court protection from creditors and
claimants. Since the Chapter 11 filing, orders sufficient to enable Solutia
to conduct normal business activities, including the approval of Solutia's
DIP financing, have been entered by the Bankruptcy Court. While Solutia is
subject to Chapter 11, all transactions not in the ordinary course of
business require the prior approval of the Bankruptcy Court.

         On January 16, 2004, pursuant to authorization from the Bankruptcy
Court, Solutia entered into a $525 million DIP credit facility. This DIP
facility consists of (i) a $50 million multiple draw term loan;


(ii) a $300 million single draw term loan, which was drawn in full on the
effective date of the facility; and (iii) a $175 million borrowing-based
revolving credit facility, which includes a $150 million letter of credit
subfacility. The DIP credit facility was subsequently amended on March 1,
2004, July 20, 2004 and June 1, 2005. A fourth amendment was entered into on
March 17, 2006, with Bankruptcy Court approval. The fourth amendment, among
other things, (i) increased the DIP facility from $525 million to $825
million; (ii) extended the term of the DIP facility from June 19, 2006 to
March 31, 2007; (iii) decreased the interest rate on the term loan component
of the DIP facility from LIBOR plus 425 basis points to LIBOR plus 350 basis
points; (iv) increased certain thresholds allowing the Debtors to retain
more of the proceeds from certain dispositions and other extraordinary
receipts; (v) approved the disposition of certain assets of the Debtors;
(vi) allowed refinancing of, and certain amendments to, Solutia Europe
S.A./N.V.'s outstanding Euronotes; and (vii) amended certain financial and
other covenants. The fourth amendment also contains a number of other
modifications required to make the remaining terms of the DIP facility
consistent with the amendments set forth above.

         As a consequence of the Chapter 11 filing, pending litigation
against Solutia is generally stayed, and no party may take any action to
collect its pre-petition claims except pursuant to an order of the
Bankruptcy Court. November 30, 2004 was the last date by which holders of
pre-filing date claims against the Debtors could file such claims. Any
holder of a claim that was required to file such claim by November 30, 2004,
and did not do so may be barred from asserting such claim against the
Debtors and, accordingly, may not be able to participate in any distribution
on account of such claim. Differences between claim amounts identified by
the Debtors and claims filed by claimants will be investigated and resolved
in connection with the Debtors' claims resolution process, and only holders
of claims that are ultimately allowed for purposes of the Chapter 11 Cases
will be entitled to distributions. Solutia has not yet fully completed its
analysis of all the proofs of claim. Since the settlement terms of allowed
claims are subject to a confirmed plan of reorganization, the ultimate
distribution with respect to allowed claims is not presently ascertainable.

         On February 14, 2006, the Debtors filed with the Bankruptcy Court
their Joint Plan of Reorganization (the "Plan") and Disclosure Statement
(the "Disclosure Statement"). The Plan and Disclosure Statement along with
the Relationship Agreement (as defined below) and the Retiree Settlement
Agreement, entered into among Solutia, the Official Committee of Unsecured
Creditors (the "Unsecured Creditors' Committee") and Official Committee of
Retirees appointed in the Debtors' Chapter 11 Cases (the "Retirees'
Committee"), Monsanto, certain retirees and the other parties thereto (the
"Retiree Settlement"), set forth the terms of a global settlement (the
"Global Settlement") between Solutia, the Unsecured Creditors' Committee,
the Retirees' Committee, Monsanto Company ("Monsanto") and Pharmacia. The
Global Settlement provides for, among other things, the reallocation of
certain Legacy Liabilities among Solutia, Monsanto and Pharmacia and the
treatment various constituencies in the Chapter 11 Cases will receive under
the Plan. The Disclosure Statement contains a description of the events that
led up to the Debtors' bankruptcy filings, the actions the Debtors' have
taken to improve their financial situation while in bankruptcy and a current
description of the Debtors' businesses. The reallocation of liabilities
between Solutia and Monsanto is set forth in a Relationship Agreement (the
"Relationship Agreement") to be entered into between Solutia and Monsanto
upon confirmation of the Plan. The Relationship Agreement was filed with the
Bankruptcy Court on February 14, 2006 as an exhibit to the Plan.

         Solutia also issued a press release on February 14, 2006 announcing
the filing of the Plan and Disclosure Statement with the Bankruptcy Court.
The press release was furnished to the Securities and Exchange Commission in
a Form 8-K filing on February 14, 2006. The Plan, including the Relationship
Agreement and Retiree Settlement Agreement, and the Disclosure Statement
were furnished as exhibits to a Form 8-K filed on February 21, 2006.


         The Plan, which incorporates the Relationship Agreement and Retiree
Settlement, is subject to approval by the Bankruptcy Court in accordance
with the Bankruptcy Code as well as various other conditions and
contingencies, some of which are not within the control of Solutia, and
therefore are subject to change and are not binding upon any party. The
Disclosure Statement remains subject to change pending a hearing in the
Bankruptcy Court to consider the legal adequacy of the Disclosure Statement.
Once the Disclosure Statement is approved by the Bankruptcy Court, it will
be distributed to all constituencies entitled to vote on the Plan. Solutia
cannot provide any assurance that any plan of reorganization ultimately
confirmed by the Bankruptcy Court, or any disclosure statement ultimately
approved by the Bankruptcy Court, will be consistent with the terms of the
Plan and Disclosure Statement.

         If confirmed, the Plan will provide Solutia with significant relief
from the Legacy Liabilities Solutia was required to assume in the Solutia
Spinoff. These Legacy Liabilities included: (1) retiree medical, retiree
life insurance and retiree disability benefits ("Retiree Welfare Benefits")
for those individuals who retired or became disabled prior to the Solutia
Spinoff ("Pre-Spin Retirees"); (2) environmental remediation costs related
to activities of the chemicals business of Pharmacia that occurred prior to
the Solutia Spinoff; and (3) toxic tort litigation costs relating to
chemical exposure associated with the activities of Pharmacia that occurred
prior to the Solutia Spinoff.

         Under the Plan, Solutia would emerge from bankruptcy as an
independent publicly held company ("reorganized Solutia"). The Plan provides
for $250 million of new investment in reorganized Solutia. This new
investment will be in the form of a rights offering to certain unsecured
creditors, who will be given the opportunity to purchase 22.7 percent of the
common stock in reorganized Solutia. Monsanto will backstop the rights
offering, meaning it will commit to purchase up to the entire $250 million
of stock, to the extent the stock is not purchased by eligible unsecured
creditors in the rights offering.

         Of this $250 million new investment, $175 million would be set
aside in a Voluntary Employees' Beneficiary Association ("VEBA") Retiree
Trust to fund the Retiree Welfare Benefits for those Pre-Spin Retirees who
receive these benefits from Solutia, and $50 million would be used to fund
reorganized Solutia's environmental remediation commitments in Anniston,
Alabama and Sauget, Illinois, as described below. The remaining $25 million
would be available for reorganized Solutia to pay any of the Legacy
Liabilities that it is retaining.

         Under the Plan and Relationship Agreement, as between Monsanto and
Solutia, Monsanto would be responsible, with certain exceptions, for all
current and future tort litigation costs arising from the conduct of
Pharmacia's chemical business prior to the Solutia Spinoff, including
litigation arising from exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls ("PCBs") and
other chemicals. In addition, Monsanto would accept financial responsibility
for environmental remediation obligations at all sites for which Solutia was
required to assume responsibility as part of the Solutia Spinoff but which
were never owned or operated by Solutia. These include more than 50 sites
with active remediation projects and approximately 200 additional known
sites and off-site disposal facilities, as well as sites that have not yet
been identified. Finally, Monsanto would share financial responsibility with
Solutia for off-site remediation costs in Anniston, Alabama and Sauget,
Illinois. Under this cost-sharing mechanism, the first $50 million would be
paid from the proceeds of the rights offering (as described above), Monsanto
would pay the next $50 million (less amounts it has paid for remediation at
these sites during the Chapter 11 Cases, which totaled over $30 million as
of January 31, 2006), Solutia would be responsible for the next $325 million
in costs, and any further costs would be shared equally between Solutia and
Monsanto. Under certain circumstances, Solutia would be able to defer paying
a portion of its shared responsibility with respect to


the Anniston and Sauget sites in excess of $30 million in any calendar year,
up to $25 million in the aggregate. Any deferred amounts would be paid by
Monsanto, but subject to repayment by Solutia at a later date. The Plan and
Relationship Agreement provide that Solutia will continue to pay its annual
installment and education fund obligations relating to the August 2003
Anniston PCBs settlement and education fund obligations relating to the
Anniston Partial Consent Decree, as described in Solutia's Annual Report on
Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2005.

         The Plan incorporates the terms of the Retiree Settlement
Agreement, which was negotiated with the Retirees' Committee, which
represents more than 23,000 former employees of Pharmacia and Solutia and
their dependents. Although the Retiree Settlement Agreement includes benefit
modifications, the Plan, through the $175 million from the rights offering
that will be allocated to the VEBA Trust, provides significant current
funding which will greatly improve Solutia's ability to meet these benefit
obligations going forward. Under the Retiree Settlement Agreement, retirees
will retain certain company-provided medical benefits, although the cost to
retirees for such benefits will increase. Many retirees will retain their
company-provided life insurance benefits, although some will experience a
reduction in the benefit provided. The Retiree Settlement Agreement also
maintains Solutia's rights according to a separate 2001 settlement and a
post-settlement retiree medical plan, under which Solutia intends to make
certain changes on or after the effective date of the Plan, including the
elimination of company-provided medical benefits for certain groups of
retirees that also are eligible for Medicare coverage.

         In consideration of the benefit modifications being accepted by
retirees pursuant to the Retiree Settlement Agreement, the Plan contemplates
that the retirees would receive an allowed unsecured claim in the aggregate
amount of $35 million in Solutia's bankruptcy case. The common stock in
reorganized Solutia received on account of this claim would be deposited in
the VEBA Trust and used to pay Retiree Welfare Benefits. This deposit would
be in addition to the $175 million that would be contributed to the VEBA
Trust from the proceeds of the rights offering. The VEBA Trust would be a
bankruptcy-remote entity and would be managed by an independent trustee.

         The Plan does not provide for distributions to the holders of
Solutia's existing equity. Under the Plan, Solutia's existing shares of
common stock, as well as options and warrants to purchase its common stock,
would be cancelled and holders of Solutia's common stock, including options
and warrants to purchase Solutia's common stock, would receive no
consideration for that stock or those options and warrants. Although the
Plan does not provide for any distributions to holders of Solutia's existing
equity, the Official Committee of Equity Security Holders in Solutia's
bankruptcy case has filed a complaint against Pharmacia and Monsanto, and an
objection to the proofs of claim filed by Monsanto and Pharmacia in
Solutia's bankruptcy, arguing that holders of Solutia's existing equity are
entitled to distribution on the basis of several legal theories.

         In order to exit Chapter 11, Solutia must propose and confirm a
plan of reorganization that satisfies the requirements of the U.S.
Bankruptcy Code. As provided by the U.S. Bankruptcy Code, Solutia had the
exclusive right to propose a plan of reorganization for 120 days following
the Chapter 11 filing date. The Bankruptcy Court has subsequently approved
several extensions of the exclusivity period, the most recent of which is
set to expire on October 10, 2006. Although Solutia expects to receive
further extensions of the exclusivity period, no assurance can be given that
any such future extension requests will be granted by the Bankruptcy Court.
Moreover, although Solutia has filed the Plan which provides for Solutia's
emergence from bankruptcy as a going concern, there can be no assurance that
the Plan, or any other plan of reorganization, will be confirmed by the
Bankruptcy Court or that any such plan will be implemented successfully.


Basis of Consolidation

         The consolidated financial statements of the Solutia Group include
the accounts of Solutia Inc. and its majority-owned U.S. and non-U.S.
subsidiaries. The non-U.S. subsidiaries did not commence Chapter 11 cases.
The consolidated financial statements of the Solutia Chapter 11 Debtors
include the accounts of Solutia Inc. and its majority-owned U.S.
subsidiaries, with investments in non-U.S. subsidiaries accounted for on the
cost basis. In each case, all significant intercompany transactions and
balances have been eliminated in consolidation. Companies in which Solutia
has a significant interest but not a controlling interest are accounted for
under the equity method of accounting and included in investments in
subsidiaries and affiliates in the statement of consolidated financial
position. Solutia's proportionate share of these companies' net earnings or
losses is reflected in equity earnings (loss) from affiliates in the
consolidated statement of operations. In accordance with Financial
Accounting Standards Board Interpretation No. 46, Consolidation of Variable
Interest Entities, variable interest entities in which Solutia is the
primary beneficiary are consolidated within the consolidated financial

         Certain information and footnote disclosures normally included in
financial statements prepared in accordance with generally accepted
accounting principles in the United States of America have been condensed or
omitted for purposes of this Operating Report. The consolidated statement of
operations for any interim period is not necessarily indicative of the
results that may be expected for a quarter, full year, or any future interim


         At May 31, 2006, total liquidity for the Solutia Group was
approximately $354 million, consisting of $270 million of cash and DIP
facility availability of $84 million. At May 31, 2006, total liquidity for
the Solutia Chapter 11 Debtors was approximately $242 million, consisting of
$158 million of cash and DIP facility availability of $84 million.


         The significant accounting policies are consistent with those
listed in the Company's 2005 Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with the
Securities and Exchange Commission on March 15, 2006.


                                                     SOLUTIA INC., ET. AL.,
                                        Case Nos. 03-17948 (PCB) through 03-17962 (PCB)
                                                    (Debtors in Possession)

                                                   SOLUTIA CHAPTER 11 DEBTORS
                                                    MONTH ENDED MAY 31, 2006

                                                          PRE-PETITION            POST-PETITION                  TOTAL
                                                             AMOUNT                  AMOUNT                     AMOUNT
                                                      ---------------------   ----------------------     ----------------------
1.     GROSS SALARIES AND WAGES                                          -            19,655,741.71              19,655,741.71

2.     PAYROLL TAXES WITHHELD                                            -             4,677,742.54               4,677,742.54

3.     EMPLOYER PAYROLL TAX CONTRIBUTED                                  -             1,507,168.73               1,507,168.73

4.     GROSS TAXABLE SALES                                               -             1,151,480.84               1,151,480.84

5.     SALES TAXES COLLECTED / USE TAX PAID                              -               463,431.45                 463,431.45

6.     PROPERTY TAXES PAID                                               -                        -                          -

7.     OTHER TAXES PAID                                                  -               184,213.15                 184,213.15


                                                     SOLUTIA INC., ET. AL.,
                                        Case Nos. 03-17948 (PCB) through 03-17962 (PCB)
                                                    (Debtors in Possession)

                                                   SOLUTIA CHAPTER 11 DEBTORS
                                                    MONTH ENDED MAY 31, 2006


                                       PRE-PETITION  POST-PETITION         TOTAL                                       ITEM
  DEBTOR ENTITY           DATE            AMOUNT        AMOUNT             AMOUNT     TYPE OF TAX                     NUMBER
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Solutia Inc.            05/01/06             -          26,568.47          26,568.47  Employee Payroll Taxes             2
Solutia Inc.            05/03/06             -          82,977.35          82,977.35  Employee Payroll Taxes             2
Solutia Inc.            05/04/06             -          78,739.79          78,739.79  Employee Payroll Taxes             2
Solutia Inc.            05/05/06             -         160,538.39         160,538.39  Employee Payroll Taxes             2
Solutia Inc.            05/09/06             -           1,408.32           1,408.32  Employee Payroll Taxes             2
Solutia Inc.            05/10/06             -          91,513.93          91,513.93  Employee Payroll Taxes             2
Solutia Inc.            05/11/06             -         212,844.33         212,844.33  Employee Payroll Taxes             2
Solutia Inc.            05/12/06             -         206,018.28         206,018.28  Employee Payroll Taxes             2
Solutia Inc.            05/15/06             -       1,532,861.09       1,532,861.09  Employee Payroll Taxes             2
Solutia Inc.            05/17/06             -          79,281.38          79,281.38  Employee Payroll Taxes             2
Solutia Inc.            05/18/06             -          74,984.16          74,984.16  Employee Payroll Taxes             2
Solutia Inc.            05/19/06             -         143,641.74         143,641.74  Employee Payroll Taxes             2
Solutia Inc.            05/24/06             -          78,746.28          78,746.28  Employee Payroll Taxes             2
Solutia Inc.            05/25/06             -         201,597.05         201,597.05  Employee Payroll Taxes             2
Solutia Inc.            05/26/06             -         181,665.78         181,665.78  Employee Payroll Taxes             2
Solutia Inc.            05/31/06             -       1,607,919.55       1,607,919.55  Employee Payroll Taxes             2
Solutia Inc.            05/01/06             -             118.83             118.83  Employer Payroll Taxes             3
Solutia Inc.            05/03/06             -          25,161.68          25,161.68  Employer Payroll Taxes             3
Solutia Inc.            05/04/06             -          23,345.44          23,345.44  Employer Payroll Taxes             3
Solutia Inc.            05/05/06             -          38,620.60          38,620.60  Employer Payroll Taxes             3
Solutia Inc.            05/09/06             -           1,408.32           1,408.32  Employer Payroll Taxes             3
Solutia Inc.            05/10/06             -          27,199.92          27,199.92  Employer Payroll Taxes             3
Solutia Inc.            05/11/06             -          69,370.89          69,370.89  Employer Payroll Taxes             3
Solutia Inc.            05/12/06             -          47,411.53          47,411.53  Employer Payroll Taxes             3
Solutia Inc.            05/15/06             -         525,882.97         525,882.97  Employer Payroll Taxes             3
Solutia Inc.            05/17/06             -          24,156.09          24,156.09  Employer Payroll Taxes             3
Solutia Inc.            05/18/06             -          22,604.61          22,604.61  Employer Payroll Taxes             3
Solutia Inc.            05/19/06             -          34,571.34          34,571.34  Employer Payroll Taxes             3
Solutia Inc.            05/24/06             -          24,073.76          24,073.76  Employer Payroll Taxes             3
Solutia Inc.            05/25/06             -          66,054.89          66,054.89  Employer Payroll Taxes             3
Solutia Inc.            05/26/06             -          39,642.27          39,642.27  Employer Payroll Taxes             3
Solutia Inc.            05/31/06             -         552,877.05         552,877.05  Employer Payroll Taxes             3
Solutia Inc.            05/19/06             -         422,536.00         422,536.00  Sales/Use                          5
CPFilms Inc.            05/31/06             -          36,979.25          36,979.25  Sales                              5
CPFilms Inc.            05/31/06             -           3,916.20           3,916.20  Use                                5
Solutia Inc.            05/01/06             -             150.00             150.00  Franchise Tax                      7
Solutia Inc.            05/10/06             -              50.00              50.00  Annual Report                      7
Solutia Inc.            05/10/06             -           3,400.00           3,400.00  Other - OH CAT                     7
CPFilms Inc.            05/15/06             -          45,000.00          45,000.00  Other - Franchise                  7
Solutia Inc.            05/22/06             -             188.15             188.15  Railcar Tax                        7
Solutia Inc.            05/24/06             -              25.00              25.00  Annual Report                      7
Solutia Inc.            05/25/06             -          66,000.00          66,000.00  Franchise Tax                      7
Solutia Inc.            05/26/06             -           3,000.00           3,000.00  Business License                   7
Solutia Inc.            05/26/06             -             400.00             400.00  Franchise Tax                      7
Solutia Inc.            05/31/06             -          66,000.00          66,000.00  Other - Franchise                  7
