Attorney at Law*
                               268 West 400 South
                                    Suite 300
                           Salt Lake City, Utah 84101
                            Telephone (801) 575-8073
                          *Admitted only in California

                                 August 1, 2000

Mr. Sal Casaccio
Learner's World
369 Avenue U

Brooklyn, New York 11223

RE: Settlement of Fees Agreement

Mr. Casaccio

         Due to the fact that over 583 hours have been  incurred to complete and
file the Form 10-SB and its subsequent comments and amendments,  the Form 10-KSB
and its subsequent comments and amendments, and the Forms 10-QSB, we have agreed
to  renegotiate  the  total  fee  which  is to be paid  to me for the  aforesaid
services. Myself and the support staff have spent over 583 hours to date to file
Section 12G forms on behalf of Learner's World and respond to comments  thereon,
which were received from the SEC. Additionally, as of today's date there remains
an  outstanding  balance of $5,000 due as  outlined in the fee  agreement  dated
October 13, 1999.  This letter will serve to memorialize  the agreement which we
have reached for the purpose of settling the question of the fees to be paid for
our work to date on the Forms 10-SB,  10-KSB and 10-QSB for Learner's  World. As
full  payment  to me for the work of  myself  and  staff in  preparing  the said
filings for Learner's World, Inc. Learner's World, Inc. shall:

     o    Issue to Richard  D.  Surber,  pursuant  to an S-8  Registration,  two
          hundred  seventy  one  thousand  (271,000)  shares of common  stock of
          Learner's  World,  Inc.,  together  with  an  option  to  purchase  an
          additional two hundred fifty thousand  (250,000) shares at an exercise
          price of $0.20 per share.  The shares shall be issued,  and the Option
          granted to Richard D.  Surber,  for  services  rendered  and  expenses
          incurred in the completion  and filing of the Forms 10-SB,  10-KSB and
          10-QSB for Learner's World, Inc. The aforesaid shares and Option shall
          be  registered  by  Learner's  World,  Inc.  with the  Securities  and
          Exchange  Commission  on a  Form  S-8  Registration  to  be  filed  by
          Learner's World, Inc.

     o    The two hundred seventy one thousand  (271,000) shares shall be issued
          immediately  following the filing of the S-8 Registration by Learner's
          World  registering  the shares and option granted  hereunder.  The S-8
          Registration  of the shares and Option  shall be filed within ten (10)
          business days of the signing of this agreement.

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Sal Casaccio
RE: Settlement of Fees Aggrement

Page 2
August 1, 2000

     o    The Option to  purchase  the  additional  two hundred  fifty  thousand
          shares  shall be  exercised  within  one year of the filing of the S-8
          registration  statement registering the shares and Option to be issued
          to Richard D. Surber pursuant to this agreement.

     o    The  issuance  of the  271,000  free  trading  shares and grant of the
          250,000 share option to purchase  free trading  shares shall cover all
          hourly and expense costs that have been incurred in the preparation of
          and filing of the Forms 10-SB,  10-KSB and 10-QSB for Learner's  World
          through August 1, 2000.

This agreement  covers the 583 + hours spent on all projects of Learner's World,
Inc through  August 1, 2000.  These hours  consisted  of over 170 hours of legal
time and 413 hours of  paralegal  and staff  support  time,  valued in excess of
$74,000.  If additional  work is carried out for Learner's  World, an additional
fee will be required.


/s/ Richard D. Surber
- -----------------------
Richard D. Surber, Esq

     Learner's  World,  Inc  agrees to the terms  outlined  in this  letter  and
acknowledges  that fulfillment of these terms will serve as payment of all debts
owed to Richard D. Surber, Esq. By Learner's World, Inc. as of August 1, 2000.

Learner's World, Inc.

   /s/ Sal Casaccio                                     August 1, 2000
- ---------------------------                         ------------------------
Sal Casaccio, CEO                                             Date

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