TERMINATION AGREEMENT

This  Termination  Agreement  concerning  the  Data-Center  Agreements  (the
"Agreement")  is  entered  into  as  of  25  June  2002  among

1.     Cybernet  Internet  Dienstleistungen  AG
       Stefan-George-Ring  19-23,  D-81929  Munich

                                - hereinafter referred to as "Cybernet" -


2.     Telehouse  Deutschland  GmbH
       Hanauer  Landstr.  316-324,  60314  Frankfurt/Main

                                - hereinafter  referred  to  as  "Telehouse" -

                - 1. and 2. together hereinafter referred to as the "Parties"
                and each a "Party" -


1.     Cybernet is engaged in the internet service providing business and leases
       premises  -  which  are  not  owned by Cybernet - for data-centers in
       Frankfurt, Hamburg  and  Munich  (individually,  a  "Data-Center"  and
       collectively, the "Data-Centers").  Cybernet is leasing the premises as
       lessee on the basis of (i) a  lease agreement concerning the Frankfurt
       Data Center with GIP Gewerbe im Park GmbH  ("GIP") dated June 7/11, 1999
       taken over by Deutsche  Immobilien  Fonds AG,  Hamburg, ("DIFA") on the
       basis of a unilateral transaction dated November 23, 1999 and amended by
       supplement between Cybernet, DIFA and Telehouse, dated September 1, 2000
       (the  "Frankfurt Lease Agreement"), (ii) a lease agreement concerning
       the  Munich Data Center with DIFA dated June 30/July 7, 1999 amended by
       the  supplement  between  Cybernet,  DIFA and Telehouse dated November 1,
       2000/February  15,  2001 (the "Munich Lease Agreement"), (iii) a lease
       agreement concerning  the  Hamburg Data Center with DIFA dated January
       27, 1999 amended by the supplement between  Cybernet, DIFA and Telehouse
       dated October 18/November 1/December  4,  2000  (the "Hamburg Lease
       Agreement"), (collectively, the "Lease Agreements").  Cybernet  also owns
       hardware  or  has  certain  proprietary  rights as beneficial  property
       (wirtschaftliches Eigentum) to such hardware and has rights to  use such
       hardware under the terms of the Lease Agreements and has equipped the
       Data-Centers with such hardware in order to let the Data-Centers to third

2.     Telehouse operates (i) the Frankfurt Data-Center as a lessee on the basis
       of a data-center operating agreement with Cybernet dated August 30, 2000
       amended by a supplement dated July 2, 2001 (the "Frankfurt Data-Center
       Agreement"), (ii) the  Munich  Data-Center  on the basis of a data-center
       operating agreement  with  Cybernet  dated  September  29, 2000,  amended
       by  a  supplement  dated  July  2,  2001  (The  "Munich  Data-Center
       Agreement"),  and  (iii)  the  Hamburg  Data-Center  on  the  basis of  a

       data-center  operating agreement with Cybernet dated September 29, 2000
       (the "Hamburg  Data-Center Agreement"),  (individually, "Data-Center
       Agreement", collectively,  the  "Data-Center Agreements";  Exhibit  1).

3.     Cybernet  leases  back from Telehouse co-location areas on the basis of a
       data  center service agreement  of July 3, 2001 regarding premises in the
       Data Centers  in  Frankfurt  and  Munich (the "Data Center Service
       Agreement"), which shall  not be affected by this Agreement, but which
       shall  be  amended.

4.     By  a  separate Asset Purchase and Transfer Agreement, Cybernet and Disko
       Leasing GmbH, Dusseldorf ("Disko") have agreed (i) to sell and transfer
       to Disko all  of  the  assets,  equipment, furniture and fixtures as well
       as the related guarantees  and  all  of  Cybernet's  other  proprietary
       rights to such assets, equipment, furniture  and  fixtures and its rights
       under the terms of the Lease Agreements to use such  assets,  equipment,
       furniture and fixtures which are located in the Data-Centers and as set
       forth in such Asset Purchase and Transfer Agreement (ii) to arrange  for
       the intended termination of the Hamburg Lease Agreement  and parts of the
       Frankfurt  and  Munich  Lease Agreements and the conclusion of new leases
       with DIFA and Telehouse which conditions mirror the Lease  Agreements
       (iii) to arrange for an agreement between Telehouse, DIFA, and Disko, in
       order that Telehouse and DIFA give consent to the transfer of Cybernet's
       title, of other proprietary rights and of Cybernet's rights under the
       terms of the  Lease  Agreements to use as mentioned under (i) and agree
       to grant to Disko the  same  legal and contractual title and positions in
       such respect as Cybernet holds under the Lease Agreements and  (iv) to
       provide for the termination of the Data-Center  Agreements  between
       Cybernet and Telehouse in order to permit Disko to enter into new service
       agreements  with  Telehouse.

5.     By this Agreement, the parties hereto agree on the termination of each of
       the  Data-Center  Agreements,  namely  for  (i) the Munich Data-Center,
       (ii) the Frankfurt Data-Center and (iii) the Hamburg Data-Center;
       provided, however, that Telehouse  concludes  new Lease Agreements with
       DIFA concerning the Data Centers which  mirror  the  Lease  Agreements.

Now,  therefore,  the  Parties  agree  as  follows:

                                    Section 1
                    Termination of the Data-Center Agreements

1.     Subject  to  the  terms  and  conditions  of  this Agreement, each of the
       Data-Center Agreements as set forth in the Preamble above shall terminate
       as of 30  June 2002.  Any  and  all  rights  and  obligations  under  the
       Data-Center Agreements  shall  cease  as  of such date, except for the
       obligation to pay the monthly  fee  as provided for in such Data Center
       Agreement which shall cease as of  the  Effective Date as defined in the
       Asset Purchase and Transfer Agreement.

2.     Cybernet  shall  return  to  Telehouse  all  comfort  letters  and  bank
       guarantees  provided by Telehouse to Cybernet in connection with the Data
       Center Agreements.

3.     Cybernet  hereby  waives its rights to withdraw and remove all equipments
       and  fixtures, including those that are a permanent part of the rented
       space, on time  prior  to  the  termination  of  the  respective  Data
       Center  Agreement.

                                    Section 2
                      Condition Precedent to Effectiveness

This  Agreement  shall only become effective and have the effect as described in
Section  1  above,  if,  and  insofar  as,

1.     Telehouse  concludes new lease agreements with DIFA for the Hamburg lease
       object and  partial  spaces  of  the  Frankfurt  and Munich lease objects
       which conditions  mirror  the  existing lease agreements between DIFA-
       Cybernet ("New Lease  Agreements";  Exhibit  2);

2.     Disko  enters into the Asset Purchase and Transfer Agreement as described
       in  the  Preamble  (4)  above  and  the  purchase  price  is  paid.

                                    Section 3

All notices and other communications under this Agreement must be in writing and
sent  -  prior by telefax - by courier or mail to the following addresses (or at
such  other  address  as  may  be  specified):

     To  Cybernet:       Cybernet  Internet  Dienstleistungen  AG
                         Attn.:  Eduard  Seligmann
                         Stefan-George-Ring  19-23,  D-81929  Munich

     With  a  copy  to:  Herzog  Rechtsanwalte
                         Attn:  Mr  Christoph  Heyne
                         Paul-Ehrlich-Strasse  37  -  39
                         D-60596  Frankfurt/Main

     To  Telehouse:      Telehouse  Europe
                         Attn.:  Barney  Bannington
                         Coriander  Avenue,  London  E14,  2AA

                         Telehouse  Deutschland  GmbH
                         Attn.:  Werner  Tillmanns
                         Hanauer  Landstrasse  316  -  320
                         D-60314  Frankfurt  am  Main

     With  a  copy  to:  Lovells
                         Attn:  Marc  Werner/Oliver  Platt
                         Darmstadter  Landstr.  125,
                         60598  Frankfurt/Main

                                    Section 4

1.     The  Parties  will  not  at  any  time  hereafter  divulge (other than as
       required  by  law)  any  confidential information in relation to the
       Data-Center Agreements  or  this  Agreement.

2.     For  the  purposes  of Sub-Section  1, "confidential  information" shall
       include  information  of  a  confidential nature and not publicly known
       which is owned  by  the  parties  or  used  in  or  otherwise relates to
       the Data-Centers including, without limitation, information relating  to:

       (i)     the business methods, corporate plans, management systems,
               finances, new business opportunities  or  development projects of
               the  Data-Centers;  or

       (ii)    the marketing or sales of any past or present or future products,
               goods or services  including,  without limitation, customer names
               and lists and other details  of  customer  names  and  lists  and
               other details of customers, sales targets,  sales  statistics,
               market  share  statistics, prices, market research reports  and
               advertising  and  other  promotional  materials;  or

       (iii)   future projects, business  development  or  planning,  commercial
               relationships  and  negotiations;  or

       (iv)     any trade secrets or other information relating to the provision
                of any product  or  service.

                                    Section 5
                               Prior Arrangements

This  Agreement  supersedes  all  prior  arrangements  and  understandings, both
written  and  oral,  with  respect  thereto,  except for the Data Center Service
Agreement  (Exhibit  3),  as amended, between the parties as listed in Exhibit 4
which  shall  remain  unaffected  by  the  aforesaid.

                                    Section 6

Each Party shall bear its own expenses relating to the execution or consummation
of  this  Agreement,  including  any  fees and disbursements of their respective
legal,  accountancy  and  other  advisors.

                                    Section 7
                           Governing Law, Jurisdiction

1.     This  Agreement shall be governed exclusively by German law and construed
       in accordance with the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany without
       regard to the  conflicts  of  laws  rules  and  the  United  Nations
       Convention  on  the International  Sale  of  Goods.

2.     The regional court of Frankfurt am Main shall have exclusive jurisdiction
       of  any  case or controversy arising under or in connection with this

                                    Section 8

Should  any  provision  of this Agreement or any provision to be incorporated in
future  be  or  become  invalid or unenforceable, the validity of the balance of
this Agreement shall not be affected thereby. The same applies if this Agreement
contains  any omissions. In lieu of the invalid or unenforceable provision or in
order to complete any omission, a fair provision shall apply which to the extent
legally  permissible comes as close as possible to what the Parties had intended
or  would have intended according to the spirit and purpose of this Agreement if
they had considered the matter at the time this Agreement was executed. The same
applies  if  the  provision  is  invalid because of the stipulated scope or time

                                    Section 9
                        In-writing requirement, Exhibits

1.     Any  amendment  or  supplement to this Agreement must be in writing. This
       also  applies  to  this  section  9.

2.     Any  and  all  Exhibits  are  part  of  this  Agreement.

Dusseldorf,  25  June  2002

For                                             For
Cybernet  Internet                              Telehouse
Dienstleistungen  AG:                           Deutschland  GmbH:

/s/ Andreas Eder  /s/ Claudio Morandi          /s/ Werner Tillmanns
- -------------------------------------         ----------------------------------


Exhibit  1     Data  Center  Agreements
Exhibit  2     New  Lease  Agreements  Telehouse  and  DIFA
Exhibit  3     Data  Center  Service  Agreements
Exhibit  4     2nd  Amendment  to  Data  Center  Service  Agreement