312396 v.3 [6P1_03!.WPD]
      Exhibit 10.2
                                  Cakewalk LLC
                            250 W. 57 St., Suite 620
                              New York, N.Y. 10107

                                                September 28, 1999

Mr. Joel Arberman, President
CDbeat.com, Inc.
444 Bedford Street
Suite 8s
Stamford, Ct. 06901

                              Re: Letter of Intent

Dear Joel:

      The purpose of this letter is to set forth in writing our mutual intent to
consummate  a merger  between  CDbeat.com,  Inc.  ("CDbeat")  and  Cakewalk  LLC
("Cakewalk") on the terms and conditions set forth herein.

      Cakewalk  desires  to use  its  status  as one  of the  country's  leading
independent    record   labels,    together   with   its   premier   roster   of
shareholders/investors including senior members of Lazard Freres, BankBoston and
Prudential  Insurance,  as  a  platform  for  effectuating  a  content-oriented,
niche-oriented consolidation/rollup within the independent segment of the record
business under a parent public holding company structure. An important component
of  Cakewalk's  strategy is the  incorporation  of a  distinctive  and effective
Internet  strategy in order to take  advantage  of  existing  and new methods of
distributing  music content.  Cakewalk's game plan therefore is to incorporate a
dual content and technology strategy.

      CDbeat owns  proprietary  disc/digital  recognition  software  that allows
users who are  listening  to music on their  computer  simultaneously  to access
various artist and genre-related Internet sites and other information.  CDbeat's
software  also has the  ability to deliver  music via the  Internet  by means of
digital  download,  custom CDs and  related  technologies.  CDbeat's  shares are
quoted on the NASDAQ Bulletin Board under the symbol CDBT.

      In view of the foregoing, Cakewalk and CDbeat agree as follows:

      1. CDbeat and Cakewalk will merge in a manner to be determined which shall
be tax-free to the  investors  in  Cakewalk.  CDbeat  will  maintain  its public
company  status,  and the parties  agree to make any  required  filings with the
Securities and Exchange Commission  including,  without  limitation,  the filing
required by the  provisions of Section 14(f) of the  Securities  Exchange Act of
1934, as amended (the "14(f) Notice"), in order to effectuate the merger.


      2. After the merger,  the surviving  company in the merger  ("Newco") will
immediately change its name to such new name as its new board of directors shall

      3. Newco will be managed by Robert Miller as President and Chief Executive
Officer, together with such other officers,  including a chief operating officer
and a chief  financial  officer,  as shall be  selected  by Mr.  Miller with the
consent of the Newco board of  directors.  Joel  Arberman  will  become  Newco's
Internet Officer.

      4. The initial  Newco board of  directors  will  consist of the  following
seven members plus one observer:

                                  Joel Arberman
                                Adam Blumenkranz
                                  Robert Ellin
                                  Peter Ezersky
                                 Jonathan Foster
                                  David Goddard
                            Robert Miller (Chairman)
                            Thomas Cyrana (observer)

      5. Newco will also have an Advisory Board  consisting of various music and
technology luminaries.

      6. Upon the closing of the merger,  each company's  equity owners will own
9,773,865 Newco common shares,  constituting 50% each of the post-merger  common
shares, substantially as follows:

            CDbeat                  Common Shares
      Public shareholders             561,600
      Consultants                      42,597
      Bryan Eggers                    178,026
      Joel Arberman                 1,172,550
      Atlantis Equities             7,819,092
            Total                   9,773,865

            Cakewalk                Common Shares
            --------                -------------
      Lazard Freres group           3,751,209
      BankBoston                    2,138,751
      Robert Miller                 1,540,821
      Prudential/EFI                1,471,829
      Joel Dorn                       620,928
      Signet/MCG                      250,327
            Total                   9,773,865

      7. In addition to the foregoing shares, upon the closing of the merger the
following additional option shares will be outstanding:

            CDbeat                  Options ($2.50/sh. exp. 12/31/00)
      Director/Employees               33,280
      Consultants                     113,486
      Shareholders                     43,750
      Atlantis Equities               762,064
            Total                     952,580

      8. In addition, Newco will issue 2,932,159 management stock options, at an
exercise  price per share to be agreed upon prior to closing;  1,955,750 of such
options  will be issued to Robert  Miller,  with the  balance  reserved to other
officers of Newco and to be awarded by the Newco board of directors.

      9.  Cakewalk's  record label,  32 Records,  will continue to be managed by
Joel Dorn (Music  Director),  Michael Weiner (General Manager) and Fran Saporito

      10. CDbeat represents that Joel Arberman and Atlantis Equities,  Inc., who
together  beneficially own in excess of 90% of CDbeat's  existing  shares,  have
committed to vote their shares in favor of the merger.  Cakewalk represents that
the  Investor  Representatives  from Lazard  Freres and  BankBoston,  as well as
Prudential  Insurance/EFI,  have  preliminarily  approved the merger.  All major
shareholders  of Newco  will  agree to a  one-year  lockup on their  post-merger

       11. The parties intend that the merger close as soon as practicable,  and
have agreed upon  November 1, 1999 as the  intended  closing  date.  The parties
agree to work expeditiously towards completing due diligence and the drafting of
a definitive merger agreement,  which the parties intend to execute on or before
October 15, 1999. Thereafter, CDbeat will give the required 14(f) Notice.

      12.  CDbeat  has  prepared  the  attached  press  release   regarding  the
transaction covered hereby, which Cakewalk consents to.

      13.  This  letter  of  intent   shall  not  create  any  legally   binding
obligations,  and the  contemplated  merger  shall be subject  to the  following
conditions, among other things:

      -  Approval of Cakewalk's Supervisory Board and CDbeat's board of
      -  Satisfactory  mutual legal and  financial due diligence
      -  All necessary approvals
      -  Completion  of the merger on a tax-free  basis to Cakewalk's owners
      -  Execution of definitive documentation,  including representations
      and warranties, covenants, conditions and other customary terms

      14. Each party will bear its own expenses,  and will  cooperate to provide
access to all records and corporate documents.

      Please  indicate your agreement to the foregoing by signing a copy of this


                                          /s/ Robert Miller

                                          Robert Miller
                                          President & CEO

CDbeat.com, Inc.

By: /s/ Joel Arberman
      Joel Arberman
      President & CEO