Payment Date: 03/25/01

               MORTGAGE PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES, Series 2001-2
                     Bank of America, FSB, Master Servicer

Class Information                                Current Payment Information

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                 Beginning       Pass Thru     Principal       Interest      Total           Principal  Interest
Type       Class Code   Name     Cert. Bal.      Rate          Dist. Amt.      Dist. Amt.    Dist.           Losses     Shortfalls
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Senior                  A1        329,261,000.00    7.000000%     7,494,499.30  1,920,689.17    9,415,188.46       0.00       0.00
                        A2         55,000,000.00    7.000000%             0.00    320,833.33      320,833.33       0.00       0.00
                        A3         15,196,000.00    7.000000%             0.00          0.00            0.00       0.00       0.00
                        A4          9,363,000.00    6.750000%             0.00     52,666.88       52,666.88       0.00       0.00
                        A5          3,518,000.00    7.000000%             0.00     20,521.67       20,521.67       0.00       0.00
                        A6          3,646,000.00    7.000000%             0.00     21,268.33       21,268.33       0.00       0.00
                        A7          3,302,000.00    7.250000%             0.00     19,949.58       19,949.58       0.00       0.00
                        A8          3,302,000.00    6.750000%             0.00     18,573.75       18,573.75       0.00       0.00
                        A9          2,981,000.00    7.000000%             0.00     17,389.17       17,389.17       0.00       0.00
                        A10         3,251,000.00    7.000000%             0.00     18,964.17       18,964.17       0.00       0.00
                        A11         2,565,000.00    7.250000%             0.00     15,496.88       15,496.88       0.00       0.00
                        A12         2,659,000.00    7.250000%             0.00     16,064.79       16,064.79       0.00       0.00
                        A13         1,640,000.00    7.250000%             0.00      9,908.33        9,908.33       0.00       0.00
                        A14         3,176,000.00    7.250000%             0.00     19,188.33       19,188.33       0.00       0.00
                        A15         2,174,000.00    7.250000%             0.00     13,134.58       13,134.58       0.00       0.00
                        A16         2,373,000.00    7.250000%             0.00     14,336.88       14,336.88       0.00       0.00
                        A17        75,000,000.00    7.000000%     1,813,027.82    437,500.00    2,250,527.82       0.00       0.00
                        A18           253,000.00    7.000000%             0.00      1,475.83        1,475.83       0.00       0.00
                        A19           200,000.00    7.000000%             0.00      1,166.67        1,166.67       0.00       0.00
                        A20           200,000.00    7.000000%             0.00      1,166.67        1,166.67       0.00       0.00
                        A21           200,000.00    7.000000%             0.00      1,166.67        1,166.67       0.00       0.00
                        A22           200,000.00    7.000000%             0.00      1,166.67        1,166.67       0.00       0.00
                        A23           200,000.00    7.000000%             0.00      1,166.67        1,166.67       0.00       0.00
                        A24           200,000.00    7.000000%             0.00      1,166.67        1,166.67       0.00       0.00
                        A25           200,000.00    7.000000%             0.00      1,166.67        1,166.67       0.00       0.00
                        A26           200,000.00    7.000000%             0.00      1,166.67        1,166.67       0.00       0.00
                        A27           200,000.00    7.000000%             0.00      1,166.67        1,166.67       0.00       0.00
                        A28           200,000.00    7.000000%             0.00      1,166.67        1,166.67       0.00       0.00
                        A29           200,000.00    7.000000%             0.00      1,166.67        1,166.67       0.00       0.00
                        A30           200,000.00    7.000000%             0.00      1,166.67        1,166.67       0.00       0.00
                        A31           200,000.00    7.000000%             0.00      1,166.67        1,166.67       0.00       0.00
                        A32           200,000.00    7.000000%             0.00      1,166.67        1,166.67       0.00       0.00
                        A33           200,000.00    7.000000%             0.00      1,166.67        1,166.67       0.00       0.00
                        A34           200,000.00    7.000000%             0.00      1,166.67        1,166.67       0.00       0.00
                        A35           200,000.00    7.000000%             0.00      1,166.67        1,166.67       0.00       0.00
                        A36           200,000.00    7.000000%             0.00      1,166.67        1,166.67       0.00       0.00
                        A37           200,000.00    7.000000%             0.00      1,166.67        1,166.67       0.00       0.00
                        A38           200,000.00    7.000000%             0.00      1,166.67        1,166.67       0.00       0.00
                        A39           200,000.00    7.000000%             0.00      1,166.67        1,166.67       0.00       0.00
                        A40           200,000.00    7.000000%             0.00      1,166.67        1,166.67       0.00       0.00
                        A41         2,565,000.00    6.750000%             0.00     14,428.13       14,428.13       0.00       0.00
                        A42         2,659,000.00    6.750000%             0.00     14,956.88       14,956.88       0.00       0.00
                        APO            51,383.33    0.000000%            47.26          0.00           47.26       0.00       0.00
Residual                AR                100.00    7.000000%           100.00          0.58          100.58       0.00       0.00
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Subordinate             B1         11,833,000.00    7.000000%         8,005.09     69,025.83       77,030.92       0.00       0.00
                        B2          4,128,000.00    7.000000%         2,792.61     24,080.00       26,872.61       0.00       0.00
                        B3          2,477,000.00    7.000000%         1,675.70     14,449.17       16,124.87       0.00       0.00
                        B4          1,376,000.00    7.000000%           930.87      8,026.67        8,957.54       0.00       0.00
                        B5          1,101,000.00    7.000000%           744.83      6,422.50        7,167.33       0.00       0.00
                        B6          1,101,060.79    7.000000%           744.87      6,422.85        7,167.73       0.00       0.00
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Totals          -        -        550,351,544.12     -            9,322,568.36  3,121,440.94   12,444,009.30     -          -
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Class Information

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                             Ending Cert.          Unpaid
Type             Class Code     Name         Notional Bal.         Interest
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Senior                          A1        321,766,500.70              0.00
                                A2         55,000,000.00              0.00
                                A3         15,284,643.33              0.00
                                A4          9,363,000.00              0.00
                                A5          3,518,000.00              0.00
                                A6          3,646,000.00              0.00
                                A7          3,302,000.00              0.00
                                A8          3,302,000.00              0.00
                                A9          2,981,000.00              0.00
                                A10         3,251,000.00              0.00
                                A11         2,565,000.00              0.00
                                A12         2,659,000.00              0.00
                                A13         1,640,000.00              0.00
                                A14         3,176,000.00              0.00
                                A15         2,174,000.00              0.00
                                A16         2,373,000.00              0.00
                                A17        73,186,972.18              0.00
                                A18           253,000.00              0.00
                                A19           200,000.00              0.00
                                A20           200,000.00              0.00
                                A21           200,000.00              0.00
                                A22           200,000.00              0.00
                                A23           200,000.00              0.00
                                A24           200,000.00              0.00
                                A25           200,000.00              0.00
                                A26           200,000.00              0.00
                                A27           200,000.00              0.00
                                A28           200,000.00              0.00
                                A29           200,000.00              0.00
                                A30           200,000.00              0.00
                                A31           200,000.00              0.00
                                A32           200,000.00              0.00
                                A33           200,000.00              0.00
                                A34           200,000.00              0.00
                                A35           200,000.00              0.00
                                A36           200,000.00              0.00
                                A37           200,000.00              0.00
                                A38           200,000.00              0.00
                                A39           200,000.00              0.00
                                A40           200,000.00              0.00
                                A41         2,565,000.00              0.00
                                A42         2,659,000.00              0.00
                                APO            51,336.07              0.00
Residual                        AR                  0.00              0.00
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Subordinate                     B1         11,824,994.91              0.00
                                B2          4,125,207.39              0.00
                                B3          2,475,324.30              0.00
                                B4          1,375,069.13              0.00
                                B5          1,100,255.17              0.00
                                B6          1,100,315.92              0.00
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Totals            -              -        541,117,619.09     -
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                             Payment Date: 03/25/01

               MORTGAGE PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES, Series 2001-2
                     Bank of America, FSB, Master Servicer

Class Information                                Current Payment Information

                                                      Factors per $1,000

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                   Beginning     Pass Thru    CUSIP       Principal     Interest    Ending Cert./
Type        Class Code    Name   Cert. Bal.(Face)  Rate       Numbers       Dist.         Dist.     Notional Bal.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Senior                     A1    329,261,000.00     7.000000% 060506UE0    22.761576      5.833333    977.238424
                           A2     55,000,000.00     7.000000% 060506UF7     0.000000      5.833333  1,000.000000
                           A3     15,196,000.00     7.000000% 060506UG5     0.000000      0.000000  1,005.833333
                           A4      9,363,000.00     6.750000% 060506UH3     0.000000      5.625000  1,000.000000
                           A5      3,518,000.00     7.000000% 060506UJ9     0.000000      5.833333  1,000.000000
                           A6      3,646,000.00     7.000000% 060506UK6     0.000000      5.833333  1,000.000000
                           A7      3,302,000.00     7.250000% 060506UL4     0.000000      6.041667  1,000.000000
                           A8      3,302,000.00     6.750000% 060506UM2     0.000000      5.625000  1,000.000000
                           A9      2,981,000.00     7.000000% 060506UN0     0.000000      5.833333  1,000.000000
                           A10     3,251,000.00     7.000000% 060506UP5     0.000000      5.833333  1,000.000000
                           A11     2,565,000.00     7.250000% 060506UQ3     0.000000      6.041667  1,000.000000
                           A12     2,659,000.00     7.250000% 060506UR1     0.000000      6.041667  1,000.000000
                           A13     1,640,000.00     7.250000% 060506US9     0.000000      6.041667  1,000.000000
                           A14     3,176,000.00     7.250000% 060506UT7     0.000000      6.041667  1,000.000000
                           A15     2,174,000.00     7.250000% 060506UU4     0.000000      6.041667  1,000.000000
                           A16     2,373,000.00     7.250000% 060506UV2     0.000000      6.041667  1,000.000000
                           A17    75,000,000.00     7.000000% 060506UW0    24.173704      5.833333    975.826296
                           A18       253,000.00     7.000000% 060506UX8     0.000000      5.833333  1,000.000000
                           A19       200,000.00     7.000000% 060506UY6     0.000000      5.833333  1,000.000000
                           A20       200,000.00     7.000000% 060506UZ3     0.000000      5.833333  1,000.000000
                           A21       200,000.00     7.000000% 060506VA7     0.000000      5.833333  1,000.000000
                           A22       200,000.00     7.000000% 060506VB5     0.000000      5.833333  1,000.000000
                           A23       200,000.00     7.000000% 060506VC3     0.000000      5.833333  1,000.000000
                           A24       200,000.00     7.000000% 060506VD1     0.000000      5.833333  1,000.000000
                           A25       200,000.00     7.000000% 060506VE9     0.000000      5.833333  1,000.000000
                           A26       200,000.00     7.000000% 060506VF6     0.000000      5.833333  1,000.000000
                           A27       200,000.00     7.000000% 060506VG4     0.000000      5.833333  1,000.000000
                           A28       200,000.00     7.000000% 060506VH2     0.000000      5.833333  1,000.000000
                           A29       200,000.00     7.000000% 060506VJ8     0.000000      5.833333  1,000.000000
                           A30       200,000.00     7.000000% 060506VK5     0.000000      5.833333  1,000.000000
                           A31       200,000.00     7.000000% 060506VL3     0.000000      5.833333  1,000.000000
                           A32       200,000.00     7.000000% 060506VM1     0.000000      5.833333  1,000.000000
                           A33       200,000.00     7.000000% 060506VN9     0.000000      5.833333  1,000.000000
                           A34       200,000.00     7.000000% 060506VP4     0.000000      5.833333  1,000.000000
                           A35       200,000.00     7.000000% 060506VQ2     0.000000      5.833333  1,000.000000
                           A36       200,000.00     7.000000% 060506VR0     0.000000      5.833333  1,000.000000
                           A37       200,000.00     7.000000% 060506VS8     0.000000      5.833333  1,000.000000
                           A38       200,000.00     7.000000% 060506VT6     0.000000      5.833333  1,000.000000
                           A39       200,000.00     7.000000% 060506VU3     0.000000      5.833333  1,000.000000
                           A40       200,000.00     7.000000% 060506VV1     0.000000      5.833333  1,000.000000
                           A41     2,565,000.00     6.750000% 060506VW9     0.000000      5.625000  1,000.000000
                           A42     2,659,000.00     6.750000% 060506VX7     0.000000      5.625000  1,000.000000
                           APO        51,383.33     0.000000% 060506VY5     0.919743      0.000000    999.080257
Residual                   AR            100.00     7.000000% 060506VZ2   1,000.000000    5.833333      0.000000
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Subordinate                B1     11,833,000.00     7.000000% 060506WA6     0.676505      5.833333    999.323495
                           B2      4,128,000.00     7.000000% 060506WB4     0.676505      5.833333    999.323495
                           B3      2,477,000.00     7.000000% 060506WC2     0.676505      5.833333    999.323495
                           B4      1,376,000.00     7.000000% 060506WD0     0.676505      5.833333    999.323495
                           B5      1,101,000.00     7.000000% 060506WE8     0.676505      5.833333    999.323495
                           B6      1,101,060.79     7.000000% 060506WF5     0.676505      5.833333    999.323495
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Totals       -             -     550,351,544.12       -            -           -             -           -
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

               MORTGAGE PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES, Series 2001-2
                     Bank of America, FSB, Master Servicer

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                             COLLATERAL INFORMATION
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Prin balance       541,117,618.51   541,117,618.51
Loan count                   1344             1344
Avg loan rate           8.046853%             8.05
Prepay amount        8,861,582.99     8,861,582.99

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                FEES AND ADVANCES
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Master serv fees       478,537.44       478,537.44
Sub servicer fees            0.00             0.00
Trustee fees             1,605.19         1,605.19

Agg advances                  N/A              N/A
Adv this period              0.00             0.00

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                          LOSSES & INSURANCE COVERAGES
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Realized losses              0.00             0.00
Cumulative losses            0.00             0.00

Coverage Amounts                           Total
- ----------------                           -----
Bankruptcy                   0.00             0.00
Fraud               11,007,030.88    11,007,030.88
Special Hazard               0.00             0.00

                         Aggregate Certificate Information
   Class            Aggregate           Aggregate                     Aggregate
   Type            Percentage           Prepay Pct.              End Cert. Bal.
   Senior           96.002235%           100.000000%            528,335,483.33
   Junior            3.997765%             0.000000%             22,001,166.80

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                          DELINQUENCY INFORMATION
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Period                             Loan Count    Ending Stated Balance
- ------                             ----------    ---------------------
30 to 59 days                           0                         0.00
60 to 89 days                           0                         0.00
90 or more                              0                         0.00
Foreclosure                             0                         0.00

Totals:                                 0                         0.00
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                REO INFORMATION
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   REO Date        Loan Number     Ending Stated Balance          Book Value
   --------        -----------     ---------------------          ----------
   N/A              #                   0                            N/A
   N/A              #                   0                            N/A
   N/A              #                   0                            N/A
   N/A              #                   0                            N/A
   N/A              #                   0                            N/A
   N/A              #                   0                            N/A
   N/A              #                   0                            N/A
   N/A              #                   0                            N/A
   Totals:                              0                            N/A

Current Total Outstanding Balance:                                      0.00
Current Total Outstanding Number of Loans:                                 0

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                               OTHER INFORMATION
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                  Amount/Withdrawal     Total/Ending Bal.
                                  -----------------     -----------------
Available remittance amount           12,444,009.30         12,444,009.30
Principal remittance amount            9,322,568.36          9,322,568.36
Interest remittance amount             3,121,440.94          3,121,440.94