THIS AGREEMENT dated for reference the 21st day of January, 2002.


           KWEI CHI PING, JUSTIN, of Flat A, 16th Floor, Cornell Court, 56
           King's Road, North Point, Hong Kong;


           WONG WOON TAK, SIMON, of Flat 4E, Block 16, Provident Centre, 51
           Wharf Road, North Point, Hong Kong;


           YIM CHUN KEUNG, WILSON, of Flat H, 20th Floor, Block 8, Melody
           Garden, 2 Wa Chui Road, Tuen Mun N.T., Hong Kong

           (hereinafter collectively called the "Vendors")


          WORLD  ENVIROTECH,  INC.,  a Colorado  corporation  with a  registered
          office  in the  State of  Florida,  USA,  located  at 7293 S.  Sherman
          Street, Littleton, CO 80122, and a head office within British Columbia
          located at Suite 830 - 789 West Pender Street, Vancouver

          (hereinafter called the "Purchaser" or "WEI")

AND:      PROTECTSERVE  PACIFIC LIMITED.,  a company duly incorporated under the
          laws of Hong  Kong and  having  an office  and  place of  business  at
          1101-2, 11/F 148 Electric Road, North Point, Hong Kong

          (hereinafter called the "Company" or "PSP")


A.   Majority shareholder Xin Net corp., a Florida corporation with a registered
     office in the State of Florida,  U.S.A. are legal and /or beneficial owners
     of an aggregate OF 15,370,675 shares on a post  consolidation  basis in the
     capital of WORLD  ENVIROTECH,  INC.  after  subscribing  to  US$600,000  in
     private placements;

B.   The Vendors  are the legal  and/or  beneficial  owners of an  aggregate  of
     5,633,036 shares in the capital of the Company (the "Shares"), allocated as

         Kwei Chi Ping, Justin                       3,098,170
         Yim Chun Keung, Wilson                      1,408,259
         Wong, Simon                                 1,126,607

         Total                                       5,633,036

C.   The  Vendors  have each  agreed  to sell and the  Purchaser  has  agreed to
     purchase the Shares upon the terms and conditions herein set forth.

NOW THEREFORE in consideration of the premises, the covenants and agreements and
warranties hereinafter set forth, it is hereby agreed as follows:


1.   Based on and relying upon the  representations  and warranties  herein, the
     Vendors  hereby  each  agree to sell the  Shares to the  Purchaser  and the
     Purchaser  hereby  agrees to  purchase  the Shares  from the Vendors on the
     terms and conditions herein contained.

2.   All shares  referred to  hereunder  in this SALE AND  PURCHASE  section are
     after an announced 1: 4 consolidation.

3.   The purchase  price  payable by the Purchaser to the Vendors for the Shares
     payable on the Closing Date shall be 30,000,000 restricted common shares in
     the capital stock of the Purchaser as per the  allocation  table set out in
     Schedule  "A", to be issued in exchange  for the shares held by the Vendors
     in the Company.

4.   On February 15, 2002, the purchase price will be adjusted based the capital
     financing of WEI in the following manner:

        (a)    in the event that WEI has raised US$900,000 on or before February
               15, 2002 through private placement,  the purchase price shall not
               be adjusted;

        (b)    in the event that WEI has raised US$800,000 on or before February
               15, 2002 through private  placement,  the purchase price shall be
               adjusted to 32,500,000 restricted common shares of WEI;

        (c)    in the event that WEI has raised US$700,000 on or before February
               15, 2002 through private  placement,  the purchase price shall be
               adjusted to 35,000,000 restricted common shares of WEI;

        (d)    in the event that WEI has raised US$600,000 on or before February
               15, 2002 the  purchase  price  shall be  adjusted  to  37,500,000
               restricted common shares of WEI.

4.   WEI shall on or before February 20, 2002 issue to the Vendors the
     additional restricted common shares in the capital stock of WEI, if any,
     pursuant to the adjusted purchase price pursuant to Section 3 of this
5.   The restricted common shares will be issued pursuant to exemptions under
     Regulation S promulgated under the US Securities Act 1933 and under the
     Securities Act of British Columbia.


6.   The  Parties  agree that in the event that  PSP's net  (after  tax)  profit
     calculated  according to US GAAP shall be less than HK$9,000,000 for the 12
     months ending on December 31, 2002,  the  Purchaser  will have the right to
     buy back from the Vendors, pro rata, certain common shares of the Purchaser
     issued  to the  Vendor on the  Closing  Date at the rate of  $US$0.001  per
     share.  The Pay Back formula shall be for every  HK$333,333  that PSP falls
     short of the  HK$9,000,000 net profit the Purchaser shall have the right to
     buy-back  1,000,000 common shares issued to the Vendors.  The Parties agree
     that within 5 days of written  notice from the  Purchaser  each Vendor will
     execute and deliver to the  Purchaser all transfer  documents  necessary to
     transfer the Vendors' shares, to be bought back by the Purchaser,  free and
     clear of all charges,  liens and  encumbrances,  and forthwith upon receipt
     and  registration  of all documents  necessary to transfer to the Purchaser
     the  shares  to be  bought  back by the  Purchaser  free  and  clear of all
     charges, liens and encumbrances, the Purchaser shall deliver to each Vendor
     a  certified  cheque  payable to the  Vendor in the amount of the  purchase
     price specified in the written notice.


7.   The Company and the Vendors, jointly and severally, represent and warrant
     to the Purchaser, to the best of their knowledge, information and belief
     after making due inquiry that:

        (a)    the  Company  is a  company  duly  incorporated  in Hong  Kong on
               September 25, 2000 under  Companies  Ordinance  under the name of
               Global Surveillance Communications Limited and, effective January
               15, 2001, changed its name to ProtectServe  Pacific Limited.  The
               Company is not a reporting  company and is a valid and subsisting
               company in good standing with all regulatory authorities;

        (b)    the  authorized  capital of the  Company  consists  of  6,000,000
               Shares with a par value of HK$1.00 per share,  of which there are
               5,633,036 Shares issued and outstanding;

        (c)    attached  hereto as Schedule "B" are true and complete  copies of
               the Company's audited and unaudited financial  statements for the
               period  from date of  incorporation  to  September  30, 2001 (the
               "Company's  Financial   Statements").   The  Company's  Financial
               Statements  have been prepared in accordance  with the Statements
               of  Auditing  Standards  issued  by  the  Hong  Kong  Society  of
               Accountants and present fairly the financial position, results of
               operations and  statements of changes in the Company's  financial
               position for the period indicated.

        (d)    since  September  30,  2001,  the  Company's  business  has  been
               operated  substantially  in  accordance  with  all  laws,  rules,
               regulations,  orders of  competent  regulatory  authorities,  and
               there has not been:

                (i)   any event or change in circumstances that has had, or
                      which the Company may expect to have, a material adverse
                      effect on the Company or its business;

                (ii)  any change in liabilities of the Company  that has had, or
                      which the Company may expect to have, a material adverse
                      effect on the Company or its business;

                (iii) any incidence, assumption or guarantee of any indebtedness
                      for borrowed money by the Company;

                (iv)  any payments by the Company in respect of any indebtedness
                      of the Company for borrowed money or in satisfaction of
                      any liabilities of the Company, other than in the ordinary
                      course of business;

                (v)   the creation, assumption or sufferance of the existence of
                      any lien on any assets reflected on the Company Financial

                (vi)  any grant of any severance, continuation or termination
                      pay to any director, officer, stockholder or employee of
                      the Company; or any entering into of an employment,
                      deferred compensation or other similar agreement, or
                      amendment or variation to any such existing agreement;

                (vii) any change by the Company in its accounting principles,
                      methods or practices or in the manner it keeps its books
                      and records; (viii) any distribution, dividend or bonus by
                      the Company to any of its respective officers, directors,
                      stockholders or affiliates, or any of their respective
                      affiliates or associates; and

                (ix)  any material capital expenditure or commitment by the
                      Company or material sale, assignment, transfer, lease or
                      other disposition of or agreement to sell, assign,
                      transfer lease or otherwise dispose of any asset or
                      property by the Company other than in the ordinary course
                      of business.

        (e)    the Shares are free and clear of all liens,  claims,  charges and
               encumbrances of every nature and kind whatsoever;

        (f)    the Shares are duly authorized, validly issued and outstanding as
               fully paid and non-assessable shares;

        (g)    the Vendors are the sole registered  and/or  beneficial owners of
               the Shares and have due and  sufficient  right and  authority  to
               transfer  the legal and  beneficial  title and  ownership  of the
               Shares to the Purchaser,  and each of the Vendors and the Company
               has due and sufficient right, power and authority  (including any
               and all necessary corporate and/or shareholder authorizations) to
               enter into this Agreement on the terms and conditions  herein set
               forth,  and this  Agreement,  when  executed and delivered by the
               Vendors  and  Company,   will  constitute  a  legal  and  binding
               obligation  of  each  such  party   enforceable   against  it  in
               accordance with its terms;

        (h)    no person,  firm or corporation  has any agreement or option or a
               right  capable of becoming an  agreement  for the purchase of the
               Shares or any other shares in the capital of the Company owned by
               the Vendors or any right capable of becoming an agreement for the
               purchase,  subscription or issuance of any of the unissued shares
               in the capital of the Company;

        (i)    the Company has the full  corporate  power and authority to carry
               on the business  presently being carried on by it and as proposed
               to be carried on by it;

        (j)    the Company  holds all  licenses  and permits as may be requisite
               for  carrying  on its  business  in the  manner  in  which it has
               heretofore been carried on.

        (k)    there are no material liabilities, contingent or otherwise, other
               than as set forth in Schedule "H" attached hereto;

        (l)    at  the  Time  of  Closing,   the  Company  shall  not  have  any
               liabilities,   contingent   or   otherwise,   other   than  those
               liabilities  set forth as of December  31,  2001 in Schedule  "C"
               attached  hereto,  except  that  the  Company  may  have  further
               liabilities  incurred in its normal  course of  business  for the
               period from December 31, 2001 to the Date of Closing;

        (m)    the books and records of the Company fairly and correctly set out
               and disclose in all material  respects,  in accordance  with Hong
               Kong  generally  accepted  accounting  principles,  the financial
               position of the  Company as at the date  hereof and all  material
               financial  transactions  of the Company  relating to its business
               have been accurately recorded in such books and records;

        (n)    no  payments  of any kind have been made or  authorized  to or on
               behalf  of the  Vendors  or any of  them  or to or on  behalf  of
               officers,  directors or  shareholders of the Company or under any
               management  agreements with the Company which are not recorded in
               the  books or  records  of the  Company  or  which  have not been
               disclosed in writing to the Purchaser other than payments made in
               the normal course of business;

        (o)    there is no basis for and there are no actions, suits, judgments,
               investigations  or  proceedings  outstanding or pending or to the
               knowledge  of the Company or the Vendors,  jointly or  severally,
               threatened  against or affecting  the Company at law or in equity
               or  before  or  by  any  federal,   state,   municipal  or  other
               governmental department, commission, board, bureau or agency;

        (p)    to the best of the  Vendors'  knowledge,  the  Company  is not in
               breach of any laws, ordinances,  statutes, regulations,  by-laws,
               orders or decrees to which it is subject or which apply to it;

        (q)    the Company is not a party to any  collective  agreement with any
               labour union or other association or employees and no attempt has
               been made to organize or certify the  employees of the Company as
               a bargaining unit;

        (r)    there are no pensions, profit sharing, group insurance or similar
               plans or other deferred compensation plans affecting the Company;

        (s)    the  Company is not  indebted  to any  employee of the Company or
               other  workers  engaged in the  business  of the  Company for any
               wages  or  salaries  and the  Company  has not  received  or been
               notified of any general wage claims;

        (t)    the  Company  is the  sole  beneficial  owner  and has  good  and
               marketable  title to all its properties and assets free and clear
               of all liens,  mortgages,  pledges,  deeds of trust,  conditional
               sale  agreements,  encumbrances,  charges or claims of every kind
               and nature whatsoever;

        (u)    the Company has not experienced nor is it aware of any occurrence
               or event which has had, or might  reasonably be expected to have,
               a materially adverse affect on its business or the results of its

        (v)    neither  the  Vendors  nor any  officer,  director,  employee  or
               shareholder of the Company is now indebted or under obligation to
               the Company on any account  whatsoever;  and other than those set
               forth in Schedule "C" attached hereto the Company is not indebted
               or under  obligation  to the  Vendors or any  officer,  director,
               employee or shareholder of the Company.

8.  The Vendors hereby jointly and severally represent and warrant to the
Purchaser as follows that:

        (a)    the Vendors have the capacity to protect  their own  interests in
               connection  with the  acquisition  of the  common  shares  of the
               Purchaser and are capable of  evaluating  the merits and risks of
               an investment  in the  Purchaser by reason of their  business and
               financial knowledge and experience;

        (b)    the  Vendors  are  acquiring  the  shares of common  stock of the
               Purchaser for investment for their own account,  not as a nominee
               or agent,  and not with the view to, or for resale in  connection
               with, any distribution  thereof.  The Vendors understand that the
               shares of common stock of the Purchaser  have not been,  and will
               not be,  registered  under the US Securities Act 1933, as amended
               (the  "Securities  Act"), by reason of a specific  exemption from
               the   registration   provisions  of  the   Securities   Act,  the
               availability of which depends upon, among other things,  the bona
               fide  nature of the  investment  intent and the  accuracy  of the
               Vendors' representations as expressed herein;

        (c)    each Vendor  acknowledges  that the shares of common stock of the
               Purchaser   must  be  held   indefinitely   unless   subsequently
               registered  under the  Securities Act or unless an exemption from
               such  registration  is  available.  Each  Vendor  is aware of the
               restrictions  and  limitations  on resale of the shares of common
               stock of the  Purchaser  into the United States or to a US Person
               under the  Securities  Act. In addition,  each Vendor is aware of
               the provisions of Rule 144  promulgated  under the Securities Act
               ("Rule  144") which  permit  limited  resales in the US of shares
               purchased in a private  placement  subject to the satisfaction of
               certain conditions,  including, among other things, the existence
               of a  public  market  for  the  shares  of  common  stock  of the
               Purchaser, the availability of certain current public information
               about the Purchaser,  the resale occurring not less than one year
               after a party has purchased and paid for the security to be sold,
               the sale being effected  through a "broker's  transaction"  or in
               transactions  directly  with a "market  maker"  and the number of
               shares  being sold during any  three-month  period not  exceeding
               specified limitations;

        (d)    each Vendor also  acknowledges that the shares of common stock of
               the  Purchaser  must be  held  indefinitely  unless  subsequently
               registered  under the Securities Act (British  Columbia) (the "BC
               Act") or unless an exemption from such registration is available.
               Each  Vendor is aware  that the  shares  of  common  stock of the
               Purchaser  are  subject to  restriction  on  transferability  and
               resale and may not be transferred  or resold in British  Columbia
               or to  British  Columbia  residents  except as  permitted  by the
               Securities Act (British  Columbia) (the "BC Act") and Regulations
               made under the BC Act;

        (e)    each  of the  Vendors  has  had an  opportunity  to  discuss  the
               Purchaser's  business,  management and financial affairs with the
               Company's  management  and has  also  had an  opportunity  to ask
               questions  of the  Purchaser's  officers,  which  questions  were
               answered  to the  Vendors'  satisfaction.  Each  Vendor  has been
               furnished  with  or has  had  access  to  such  information  as a

               sophisticated  investor would customarily require to evaluate the
               merits and risks of the proposed  investment  together  with such
               additional  information as is necessary to verify the accuracy of
               the information  supplied.  The Vendors represent and acknowledge
               that   they   have  been   solely   responsible   for  their  own
               due-diligence  investigation  of the Purchaser and its management
               and  business,  for their own analysis of the merits and risks of
               this  investment,  and for their own analysis of the terms of the
               investment,  and that in taking any action or performing any role
               relative to the  proposed  investment,  they have acted solely in
               their own interest, and that neither they nor any of their agents
               or  employees  has  acted  as  an  agent,  employee,  partner  or
               fiduciary of any other person,  or as an agent of the  Purchaser,
               or  as an  issuer,  underwriter,  broker,  dealer  or  investment
               advisor relative to this investment;

        (f)    each of the Vendors  understands  that the  Purchaser has limited
               operating  history and that investment in the Purchaser  involves
               substantial  risks.  The  Vendors  further  understand  that  the
               acquisition  of the shares of common stock of the Purchaser  will
               be a highly speculative investment.  Each of the Vendors is able,
               without impairing his financial condition,  to hold the shares of
               common stock of the Purchaser  for an  indefinite  period of time
               and to suffer a complete loss of his investment;

        (g)    each of the Vendors  agrees to  indemnify  and hold  harmless the
               Purchaser and its  officers,  directors and agents for any costs,
               liabilities or losses caused by any misstatement of material fact
               by such Vendor with respect to the representations and warranties
               contained  in  this  Section  or any  other  written  information
               provided to the Purchaser by such Vendor in  connection  with the
               investment contemplated by this Agreement; and

        (h)    each Vendor  represents  and warrants to the Purchaser that he is
               not a US Person as defined in Regulation S as  promulgated  under
               the  Securities  Act and that the buy order for the common shares
               of the Purchaser originated by each Vendor outside of the US.


9.  The Company and the Vendors jointly and severally covenant and agree that:

        (a)    the  representations  and warranties  contained in this Agreement
               shall  be  true  at and as of the  Time  of  Closing  as if  such
               representations and warranties were made as of such time;

        (b)    the Company and the Vendors will permit the  Purchaser or whoever
               it directs on its behalf to examine the records,  statements  and
               accounts  of the  Company  on  regular  business  days and during
               regular  business  hours up to and including the Closing Date and
               make  such  audit of the  books of  account  of the  Company  and
               physical  verification  of the  inventory  of the  Company as the
               Purchaser may see fit;

        (c)    the   representations,   warranties,   covenants  and  agreements
               contained   herein   shall   survive   the   Closing   Date   and
               notwithstanding  the  Closing  of the  purchase  and sale  herein
               contemplated, shall continue in full force and effect;

        (d)    the Company and the Vendors will, jointly and severally, prior to
               Closing,  take all steps and proceedings and execute such further
               assurances  and  documents  as  may be  required  to  obtain  the
               transfer  and  registration  of the  Shares  into the name of the
               Purchaser  provided that all terms and  conditions to be observed
               and  performed by the  Purchaser at the Time of Closing have been
               observed and performed;


10.  As an inducement to the Company and each of the Vendors to enter into this
     Agreement and to consummate the transactions provided for herein, the
     Purchaser represents and warrants to the Company and each of the Vendors,
     to the best of its knowledge, information and belief after making due
     inquiry that:

        (a)    the Purchaser was  incorporated  on March 16, 1994 under the laws
               of the  State of  Colorado  under  the name of World  Envirotech,

        (b)    the Purchaser is duly incorporated,  validly existing and in good
               standing under the laws of the State of Colorado;

        (c)    the Purchaser is now and as of the Closing Date will be traded on
               the OTC Bulletin Board;

        (d)    it has full and absolute right, power and authority to enter into
               this Agreement on the terms and conditions  herein set forth,  to
               carry out the transactions  contemplated  hereby and, to transfer
               on the  Closing  Date to the  Vendors  all legal  and  beneficial
               ownership in and to the restricted common shares;

        (e)    this  Agreement once duly executed and delivered by the Purchaser
               will  constitute  a legal,  valid and binding  obligation  of the
               Purchaser;  enforceable  against the Purchaser in accordance with
               its terms;

        (f)    no proceedings have been taken or authorized by the Purchaser, or
               to the knowledge of the Purchaser, by any person, with respect to
               the   bankruptcy,   insolvency,   liquidation,   dissolution   or
               winding-up of the Purchaser or with respect to any  amalgamation,
               merger, consolidation,  arrangement or reorganization relating to
               the Purchaser;

        (g)    the  authorized  capital  stock  of  the  Purchaser  consists  of
               100,000,000  shares of US $0.001 par value  common stock of which
               5,402,700 are issued and outstanding as of January 9, 2002;

        (h)    all of the issued and  outstanding  shares of the Purchaser  have
               been duly and validly  authorized  and issued in accordance  with
               applicable  laws  and are  validly  outstanding,  fully  paid and

        (i)    the Purchaser has no outstanding stock options, warrants or other
               rights  to  purchase,   or  subscribe  to  or  other   securities
               convertible  into or  exchangeable  for any shares of the capital
               stock of the Purchaser or contracts or  arrangements  of any kind
               relating to the  issuance,  sale or transfer of any capital stock
               or other equity securities of the Purchaser;

        (j)    all of the  restricted  common shares which will be issued to the
               Vendors  hereunder in  compliance  with  applicable  laws and the
               articles  of the  Purchaser,  and will be issued  fully  paid and
               non-assessable,  and  free  and  clear  of  all  liens,  charges,
               encumbrances  and  trading  restrictions  other  than  as  may be
               imposed by applicable U.S. Federal and State laws;

        (k)    attached  hereto as Schedule "D" are true and complete  copies of
               the Purchasers  audited financial  statements for the fiscal year
               ended on February 28, 2001 as contained in the  Purchasers'  Form
               10-KSB and Unaudited Financial Statements as of May 31, August 31
               and November 30, 2001  contained in the  Purchaser's  Form 10-QSB
               Interim  Reports  for  the  1st,  2nd  and  3rd  Quarter,   2001,
               respectively  (the  "Purchaser's  Financial   Statements").   The
               Purchaser's Financial Statements have been prepared in accordance
               with  the  US  Generally  Acceptable  accounting  principles  and
               present fairly the financial position,  results of operations and
               statements of changes in the Purchaser's  financial  position for
               the period indicated;

        (l)    no adverse  material changes in the affairs of the Purchaser have
               occurred since November 30, 2001;

        (m)    there  are  no  liabilities,   contingent  or  otherwise  of  the
               Purchaser  which are not  disclosed or reflected in its Financial
               Statements set forth in Schedule "D" attached hereto;

        (n)    at the  time  of  Closing,  the  Purchaser  shall  not  have  any
               liabilities,   contingent   or   otherwise,   other   than  those
               liabilities  set forth as of November  30,  2001 in Schedule  "E"
               attached  hereto,  except  that the  Purchaser  may have  further
               liabilities  incurred in its normal  course of  business  for the
               period from  November 30, 2001 to the Date of Closing;

        (o)    there is no litigation,  proceeding,  or investigation pending or
               threatened against the Purchaser, nor does the Purchaser know, or
               have grounds to know, of any basis for any litigation, proceeding
               or  investigation  against the Purchaser,  except as disclosed in
               writing to the Vendors;

        (p)    since  November  30,  2001,  the  Purchaser's  business  has been
               operated  substantially  in  accordance  with  all  laws,  rules,
               regulations,  orders of  competent  regulatory  authorities,  and
               there has not been:

                (i)    any event or change in circumstances that has had, or
                       which the Purchaser may expect to have, a material
                       adverse effect on the Purchaser or its business;

                (ii)   any change in liabilities of the Purchaser that has had,
                       or which the Purchaser may expect to have, a material
                       adverse effect on the Purchaser or its business;

                (iii)  any incidence, assumption or guarantee of any indebted-
                       ness for borrowed money by the Purchaser;

                (iv)   any payments by the Purchaser in respect of any indebted-
                       ness of the Purchaser for borrowed money or in satisfac-
                       tion of any liabilities of the Purchaser, other than in
                       the ordinary course of business;

                (v)    the creation, assumption or sufferance of the existence
                       of any lien on any assets reflected on the Purchaser
                       Financial Statements;

                (vi)   any grant of any severance, continuation or termination
                       pay to any director, officer, stockholder or employee of
                       the Purchaser; or any entering into of an employment,
                       deferred compensation or other similar agreement, or
                       amendment or variation to any such existing agreement;

                (vii)  any change by the Purchaser in its accounting principles,
                       methods or practices or in the manner it keeps its books
                       and records;

                (viii) any distribution, dividend or bonus by the Purchaser to
                       any of its respective officers, directors, stockholders
                       or affiliates, or any of their respective affiliates or
                       associates; and

                (ix)   any material capital expenditure or commitment by the
                       Purchaser or material sale, assignment, transfer, lease
                       or other disposition of or agreement to sell, assign,
                       transfer lease or otherwise dispose of any asset or
                       property by the Purchaser other than in the ordinary
                       course of business.

        (q)    the Purchaser does not own or lease any real property or material
               assets  other  than  those set  forth in  Schedule  "F"  attached

        (r)    there are no contracts or indebtedness  between the Purchaser and
               any of its  shareholders,  or  affiliates or associates of any of
               its  shareholders  other  than  those set forth in  Schedule  "G"
               attached hereto;

        (s)    there are no material contracts to which the Purchaser is a party
               other than those set forth in Schedule "H" attached hereto;

        (t)    the  operation  of the  Purchaser's  business has not violated or
               infringed any U.S. Federal or State laws or regulations;

        (u)    all tax returns and reports of the  Purchaser  required by law to
               be  filed  prior to the  date  hereof  have  been  filed  and are
               substantially true, complete and correct, and all taxes and other
               government  charges  have been paid or accrued  in the  Purchaser
               Financial Statements;

        (v)    the  information  contained in the  documents,  certificates  and
               written statements  (including this Agreement and the attachments
               thereto)  furnished by the Purchasers to the Vendors are true and
               complete in all  material  respects  and do not omit to state any
               material fact necessary in order to make the statements  therein;

        (w)    there  is no fact  known  to the  Purchaser  that  has  not  been
               disclosed to the Vendors in writing that could  reasonably have a
               material adverse effect on the Purchaser.

Purchasers Covenants

11.  The Purchaser covenants and agrees on the Closing Date, and provided that
     all terms and conditions to be observed and performed by the Vendors at the
     Time of Closing have been observed and performed, the Purchaser will issue

     the restricted common shares to the Vendors, such restricted common shares
     to be issued free and clear of any liens, encumbrances and charges, but
     subject to applicable trading restrictions imposed by U.S. and British
     Columbia securities legislation, and imposed under such other securities
     legislation applicable in each jurisdiction where any of the Vendors are


12.  The joint and several obligations of the Vendors to carry out the terms of
     this Agreement and to complete the sale contemplated herein is subject to
     the following conditions:

     (a)   the Purchaser shall have performed and satisfied each of its
           obligations hereunder required to be performed and satisfied by it on
           or prior to the Closing Date and each of the representations and
           warranties of the Purchaser contained herein shall have been true and
           correct and contained no misstatement or omission that would make any
           such representation or warrant misleading when made, and shall be
           true and correct and contain no misstatement or omission that would
           make any such representation or warranty misleading at and as of the
           Closing Date with the same force and effect as if made as of the
           Closing Date;

     (b)   the transactions contemplated by this Agreement shall not violate any
           applicable law and there shall be no pending actions or proceedings
           by any State, U.S. Federal or State regulatory authority or by any
           other person challenging or seeking to materially restrict or
           prohibit the transfer and exchange contemplated hereby or the
           consummation of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement;

     (c)   the Purchaser's Board of Directors, by proper and sufficient vote
           respectively, shall have approved this Agreement and the transactions
           contemplated hereby.


13.  All obligations of the Purchaser under this Agreement are subject to the
     fulfillment on or prior to Closing, of each of the following conditions to
     the satisfaction of the Purchaser's solicitor:

        (a)    all  covenants,  warranties and agreements of the Company and the
               Vendors to be performed on or before the Closing Date pursuant to
               the  terms  and  conditions  of this  Agreement  have  been  duly

        (b)    the Vendors  shall  transfer the Shares to the Purchaser and such
               Shares  shall be  registered  on the books of the  Company in the
               name of the Purchaser at the Time of Closing; and

        (c)    the representations and warranties of the Company and the Vendors
               set forth in this  Agreement  shall be true and correct as of the
               date of the  Agreement  and shall be true and  correct  as at the
               Date of Closing as if made by the Vendors on the Closing Date.

14.  The Company and the Vendors jointly and severally agree that the foregoing
     conditions in section 13 are inserted for the exclusive benefit of the
     Purchaser and may be waived by the Purchaser in whole or in part at any

15.  In the event any of the conditions set forth in section 13, are not met by
     the Closing Date for whatever reason, the Purchaser at his option, may
     elect not to proceed with the purchase of the Shares contemplated herein
     without prejudice to any other rights and remedies.


16.  It is understood that the certificates evidencing the Purchaser's shares of
     common stock may bear one or more legends in substantially the following
     forms, as well as any other legend required by the laws of any applicable




     The Purchaser need not record a transfer of the shares, unless the
     conditions specified in any applicable legends are satisfied. The Purchaser
     may also instruct its transfer agent not to record the transfer of any of
     the shares unless the conditions specified in the applicable legends are

17.  The legend relating to the Securities Act endorsed on a stock certificate
     pursuant to this Agreement and the stop transfer instructions with respect
     to the shares represented by such certificate shall be removed and the
     Purchaser shall issue a certificate without such legend to the holder of
     such shares if such shares are registered under the Securities Act and a
     prospectus meeting the requirements of Section 10 of the Securities Act is
     available or if such holder provides to the Purchaser an opinion of counsel
     reasonably satisfactory to the Purchaser, or a no-action letter or
     interpretive opinion of the staff of the Securities and Exchange Commission
     (the "SEC") to the effect that a public sale, transfer or assignment of
     shares may be made without registration and without compliance with any
     restriction such as Rule 144.


18.  The sale and purchase of the Shares shall be closed on January 18, 2002 or
     on such other date agreed by all of the parties hereunder, at the office of
     the Purchaser, or at any other place agreed to by all of the Parties, which
     date and time are referred to herein as the "Date of Closing", the "Closing
     Date", the "Closing" and the "Time of Closing".

19.  At Closing, the Vendors shall deliver to the Purchaser:

        (a)    share  certificates  duly  endorsed  for  transfer  of  5,623,036
               Shares,   constituting   the   totality  of  Shares   issued  and
               outstanding  at Closing  Date,  with a par value of  HK$1.00  per
               share in the capital of the  Company  into the  Purchaser's  name
               representing the Shares;

        (b)    certified  copies of  resolutions of the directors of the Company
               authorizing   and   approving   the   transfer   of  the  Shares,
               registration  of  the  Shares  in  the  name  of  the  Purchaser,
               authorizing the issue of new share certificates  representing the
               Shares  in the name of the  Purchaser,  and entry of the name and
               address  of the  Purchaser  into  the  Register  of  Members  and
               Register of Directors of the Company;

        (c)    all  corporate  records  and  books of  account  of the  Company,
               including,  without limitation,  the minute book, corporate seal,
               share register books,  share certificate books and annual reports
               of the Company;

        (d)    certified  copies of such  resolutions  of the  shareholders  and
               directors  of the  Company as are to be passed to  authorize  the
               execution,  delivery and  implementation of this Agreement and of
               all documents to be delivered by the Vendor pursuant thereto;

        (e)    a  certificate  signed by the Company  and the  Vendors  that all
               covenants,  warranties and agreements of the Vendors  pursuant to
               the terms of this Agreement have been duly performed and that the
               representations  and  warranties of the Vendors set forth in this
               Agreement are true and correct as at the Date of Closing;

20.      At Closing the Purchaser shall deliver to the Vendor the following:

        (a)    share  certificates  representing the restricted common shares in
               the names and denominations set out in Schedule "A" hereto;

        (b)    certified copies of resolutions of the directors of the Purchaser
               authorizing  and approving the issuance of the restricted  common
               shares,  registration of the restricted common shares in the name
               of the  Vendors  in  accordance  with  Schedule  "A"  hereto  and
               authorizing the issue of the new share certificates  representing
               such restricted common shares;

        (c)    all  corporate  records  and  books of  account  of the  Company,
               including without limitation, the minute book;

        (d)    certified  copies of such  resolutions  of the  directors  of the
               Purchaser  as  are  to be  passed  to  authorize  the  execution,
               delivery  and   implementation  of  this  Agreement  and  of  all
               documents to be delivered to the Vendors pursuant thereto; and

        (e)    a  certificate  signed  by  a  duly  authorized  officer  of  the
               Purchaser  that all  covenants,  warranties and agreements of the
               Purchaser  pursuant to the terms of this Agreement have been duly
               performed  and that the  representations  and  warranties  of the
               Purchaser set forth in this  Agreement are true and correct as at
               the Closing;


21.  The Purchaser shall be indemnified and held harmless by the Company and the
     Vendors in respect of any and all damages incurred by the Purchaser as a
     result of any inaccuracy or misrepresentation in or breach of any
     representation or warranty, covenant or agreement made in this Agreement by
     the Company and the Vendors.

22.  The Vendors shall each be indemnified and held harmless by the Purchaser in
     respect of any and all damages incurred by any of such Vendors as a result
     of any inaccuracy or misrepresentation in or breach of any representation,
     warranty, covenant or agreement made by the Purchaser in this Agreement.


23.  Except as hereinafter provided, all representations, warranties, covenants,
     agreements and obligations of the parties hereto shall survive the Closing
     and shall expire one year following the Closing Date.


24.  This Agreement shall be governed by and be construed in accordance with the
     laws of the State of Colorado, USA.

25.  Any notice to be given to a party  hereto shall be in writing and signed by
     or on  behalf  of such  party  and  shall be given  to the  other  party by
     delivery  thereto,  or  by  sending  by  prepaid  registered  mail,  telex,
     facsimile,  telegram or cable to the  address of the other as  hereinbefore
     set forth or to such other address of which notice is given, and any notice
     shall be deemed not to have been  sufficiently  given until it is received.
     Any notice or other  communication  contemplated  herein shall be deemed to
     have been  received  on the day  delivered,  if  delivered;  on the seventh
     business day following the mailing thereof, if sent by registered mail; and
     on the business day following the  transmittal  thereof,  if sent by telex,
     facsimile, telegram or cable. If normal mail, telex, facsimile, telegram or
     cable service shall be interrupted by strike,  slow down,  force majeure or
     other cause,  the party  sending the notice shall  utilize any of the other
     such  services  which have not been so  interrupted  or shall  deliver such
     notice in order to ensure prompt receipt of same by the other party.

26.  The parties shall execute such further assurances and other documents and
     instruments and do such further and other things as may be necessary to
     implement and carry out the intent of this Agreement.

27.  The provisions herein contained constitute the entire agreement between the
     parties hereto and supersede all previous expectations, understandings,
     communications, representations and agreements whether verbal or written
     between parties.

28.  This Agreement may be amended by a written instrument signed by the party
     against whom enforcement of the amendment is sought and any waivers made on
     the part of the Purchaser with respect to any terms or conditions herein
     must be in writing and signed by them.

29.  If any provision of this Agreement is unenforceable or invalid for any
     reason whatever, such unenforceability or invalidity shall not effect the
     enforceability or validity of the remaining provisions of this Agreement
     and such provision shall be severable from the remainder of this Agreement.

30.  Time shall be of the essence hereof.

31.  The headings  appearing in this  Agreement are inserted for  convenience of
     reference only and shall not affect the interpretation of this Agreement.

32.  This  Agreement  shall  enure to the  benefit  of and be  binding  upon the
     parties and their successors and permitted assigns.

33.  This Agreement may be executed in as many  counterparts as may be necessary
     or by facsimile and each such  agreement or facsimile so executed  shall be
     deemed to be an original and such  counterparts  together shall  constitute
     one and the same Agreement.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused this indenture to be executed
as of the day and year first above written.

Signed, sealed and delivered by                 )
KWEI CHI PING, JUSTIN in the presence of:       )
Witness Name                                    )       ________________________
                                                )       KWEI CHI PING, JUSTIN
- ----------------------------------------------- )
Witness Address                                 )
- ----------------------------------------------- )
- ----------------------------------------------- )
Witness Occupation                              )

Signed, sealed and delivered by                 )
WONG WOON TAK, SIMON in the presence of:        )
Witness Name                                    )       ________________________
                                                )       WONG WOON TAK, SIMON
- ----------------------------------------------- )
Witness Address                                 )
- ----------------------------------------------- )
- ----------------------------------------------- )
Witness Occupation                              )

Signed, sealed and delivered by                 )
YIM CHUN KEUNG, WILSON in the presence of:      )
Witness Name                                    )       ________________________
                                                )       YIM CHUN KEUNG, WILSON
- ----------------------------------------------- )
Witness Address                                 )
- ----------------------------------------------- )
- ----------------------------------------------- )
Witness Occupation                              )



- ----------------------------------------
Authorized Signatory

- ----------------------------------------
Authorized Signatory



- ----------------------------------------
Authorized Signatory

- ----------------------------------------
Authorized Signatory

                                  SCHEDULE "A"

I.       Share Allocation Table for shares of the Purchaser to be issued to the Vendors on closing.

         -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------

         Name                                                          No. of Shares
         -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------

         Kwei Chi Ping, Justin                                          15,600,000
         -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------

         Wong  Woon Tak, Simon                                           8,900,000
         -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------

         Yim Chun Keung, Wilson                                          5,500,000
         -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------

         Total                                                          30,000,000
         -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------

II.      Additional Share Allocation Table for shares of the Purchaser to be issued to the Vendors in the event that WEI has raised
         capital funds on or before February 15, 2002.

- -------------------------------------- --------------------- -------------------- --------------------- ---------------------

Name                                   if US$900,000 has     if US$800,000 has    if US$700,000 has     if US$600,000 has
                                       been raised           been raised          been raised           been raised
- -------------------------------------- --------------------- -------------------- --------------------- ---------------------

Kwei Chi Ping, Justin                  0                     2,500,000            5,000,000             7,500,000
- -------------------------------------- --------------------- -------------------- --------------------- ---------------------
Total                                  0                     2,500,000            5,000,000             7,500,000
- -------------------------------------- --------------------- -------------------- --------------------- ---------------------

                                  SCHEDULE "B"

                PSP's Audited and Unaudited Financial Statements

                                  SCHEDULE "C"

As of December 31, 2001 PSP has the following liabilities:

                                  SCHEDULE "D"

     WEI's Form 10-KSB for February 28, 2001 and Form 10-QSB Interim Reports
                     for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Quarters, 2001

                                  SCHEDULE "E"

As of ___________________, 2002, WEI has the following liabilities:

                                  SCHEDULE "F"

WEI has the following Lease or material assets:

                                  SCHEDULE "G"

WEI has the following contracts with or indebtedness to its shareholders,
affiliates or associates of any of its shareholders:

                                  SCHEDULE "H"

WEI has the following material contracts: