CERTIFICATE OF AMENDMENT
                            ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION
                             WORLD WIDE VIDEO, INC.

     The  undersigned  President  and  Secretary  of World Wide Video,  Inc.,  a
Colorado corporation (the "corporation") does hereby certify that:

         the Board of Directors of said corporation at a meeting duly convened
or pursuant to an action by unanimous written consent, adopted resolutions to
amend the original Articles of Incorporation, as follows:

         ARTICLE I shall be amended to change the name to Reva, Inc.

         ARTICLE IV is hereby amended as follows:

 Section 5."Reverse Stock Split. Each share of the Corporation's Common
Stock, no par value, issued and outstanding immediately prior to May 12, 2003
(the "Old Common Stock") shall automatically and without any action on the part
of the holder thereof be reclassified as and changed, pursuant to a reverse
stock split (the "Reverse Stock split"), into a fraction thereof of 1/16 of a
share of the Corporation's outstanding Common Stock, no par value (the "New
Common Stock"), subject to the treatment of fractional share interests as
described below. Each holder of a certificate or certificates which immediately
prior to the May 12, 2003 represented outstanding shares of Old Common Stock
(the "Old Certificates," whether one or more) shall be entitled to receive, upon
surrender of such Old Certificates to the Corporation's Transfer Agent for
cancellation, a certificate or certificates (the "New Certificates," whether one
or more) representing the number of whole shares of the New Common Stock into
which and for which the shares of the Old Common Stock formerly represented by
such Old Certificates so surrendered are classified under the terms hereof. From
and after the May 12, 2003, Old Certificates shall represent only the right to
receive New Certificates pursuant to the provisions hereof. No certificates or
scrip representing fractional share interests in New Common Stock will be
issued, and no such fractional share interest will entitle the holder thereof to
vote, or to any rights of a shareholder of the Corporation. Any fraction of a
share of New Common Stock to which the holder would otherwise be entitled will
be adjusted upward to the nearest whole share. If more than one Old Certificate
shall be surrendered at one time for the account of the same Shareholder the
number of full shares of New Common Stock for which New Certificates shall be
issued shall be computed on the basis of the aggregate number of shares
represented by the Old certificates so surrendered. In the event that the
Corporation's Transfer Agent determines that a holder of Old Certificates has
not tendered all his certificates for exchange, the Transfer Agent shall carry
forward any fractional share until all certificates of that holder have been
presented for exchange such that payment for fractional shares to any one person
shall not exceed the value of one share. If any New Certificate is to be issued
in a name other than that in which the Old Certificates surrendered for exchange
are issued, the Old Certificates so surrendered shall be properly endorsed and
otherwise in proper form for transfer. From and after the May 12, 2003, the
amount of capital represented by the shares of the New Common Stock into which
and for which the shares of the Old Common Stock are reclassified under the
terms hereof shall be the same as the amount of capital represented by the
shares of Old Common Stock so reclassified until after reduced or increased in
accordance  with  applicable  law." No  shareholder  shall be reversed below 100
shares,  and no  shareholder  owning  less than 100  shares  shall be  reversed.
Fractional interest shall be rounded up to next whole share.

         At a duly called shareholders meeting, the proposed Amendments to the
Articles of Incorporation were presented to the shareholders for vote on April
14, 2003. A quorum of the common voting shares was present at the meeting, in
person or by proxy. The number of common shares of the Corporation outstanding
and entitled to vote on the amendments to the Articles of Incorporation was
99,992,941. The above amendments have been approved by a vote of a majority of
stockholders attending a meeting entitled to vote thereon, pursuant to the
Colorado Business Corporation Act, as amended, which is in effect currently.
There were 122,781 shares of preferred stock issued and outstanding which did
not vote on the name change but who could not have defeated it, since they only
have one vote per share, and preferred shares had no right to vote on the
reverse split of the common stock. The number of common shares voted for the
amendments to the Articles of Incorporation were 33,853,662, and no shares were
voted against the Amendments.

Dated: /s/April 18, 2003


By: /s/John Perry         By: /s/Frank Maas
       President                 Secretary