PRESS RELEASE DATED FEBRUARY 27, 2006


Continental Minerals Corporation                                               Great China Mining Inc.
1020 - 800 West Pender Street                                                  (formerly China NetTV Holdings Inc.)
Vancouver, BC                                                                  World Trade Centre
Canada V6C 2V6                                                                 Suite 536-999 Canada Place
Tel   604 684 6365                                                             Vancouver, BC V6C 3E2
Fax  604 684 8092                                                              Tel   604 641 1366
Toll Free 1 800 667 2114                                                       Fax  604 641 1377
www.continentalminerals.com                                                    www.greatchinamining.com
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                       2006 PROGRAM LAUNCHED AT XIETONGMEN
                       Five Drill Rigs Currently in Action

February 27, 2006,  Vancouver,  BC - Gerald S.  Panneton,  President  and CEO of
Continental  Minerals Ltd. (TSX Venture:  KMK; OTCBB: KMKCF) and Anthony Garson,
President  and CEO of Great China Mining Inc.  (OTC.BB-GCHA),  announce that the
2006  program  has  commenced  at  the  Xietongmen  Project  site,  located  240
kilometres  from the  city of  Lhasa  in  Tibet,  People's  Republic  of  China.
Continental  is the  operator of the  project,  and holds a 50%  interest in the
parent  holding  company that owns 100% of the Xietongmen  Project.  Continental
expects to complete the  expenditures  required to earn an additional 10% (for a
combined 60%) interest by April 2006.

Drilling in 2005  outlined a  significant  porphyry  copper-gold  deposit,  with
excellent  potential for expansion.  Building on that success,  a  comprehensive
program  is  planned  for 2006,  encompassing  expanded  technical  studies  and
community and  stakeholder  engagement  activities.  The objectives are to fully
assess the  resource  potential  of the  project  and  initiate  programs  for a
feasibility study and environmental and social impact  assessments.  The studies
are targeted for completion in 2007.

Drilling, Engineering, Environment and Socio-economic Studies

The northwest-southeast  trending Xietongmen deposit was tested by 21,000 metres
of drilling in 2005 over an area of approximately 900 metres by 400 metres.  The
50-metre  drill spacing  demonstrated  strong  continuity to the copper and gold
mineralization,  both laterally and vertically,  and an average thickness of 200
metres.  The  initial  estimate  of the  mineral  resources1,  at a 0.5%  copper
equivalent cut-off, includes:

   o      Measured resources of 106 million tonnes grading 0.49% copper and 0.73
          g/t gold (0.91% copper-equivalent),  containing 2.49 million ounces of
          gold and 1.15 billion pounds of copper; plus
   o      Inferred  resources of 29 million tonnes grading 0.43% copper and 0.59
          g/t gold (0.78% copper-equivalent),  containing 550,000 ounces of gold
          and 273 million pounds of copper.

The deposit  remains  open to the north,  south and east,  so there is excellent
potential  for  expansion.  Drilling  is ramping up with five (out of a total of
ten) rigs already on site; 22,000 metres are planned to expand the deposit.

Surface  exploration in 2005 outlined  several  anomalous areas elsewhere on the
property that need to be drill  tested.  A ground  magnetic  survey is currently
underway to better define areas of  mineralization.  Drilling is planned to test
geophysical and copper-gold anomalies.

Extensive engineering studies have been initiated,  and 8,000 metres of drilling
will be directed  toward  collecting  data to support these studies.  Some holes
will  be  drilled  to  provide  additional  samples  to  complete  metallurgical
testwork,  and others will be directed  toward  assessing the  geotechnical  and
hydrological characteristics of the deposit and site for mine and infrastructure

Ensuring   that  the  project   proceeds  in  a  manner  that   respects   local
socio-economic  priorities,   incorporates  a  high  standard  of  environmental
management and provides  direct tangible  benefits to local  communities are key
objectives  of  the  programs  at  Xietongmen.   These   principles  will  guide
on-the-ground  programs  and  development  of  environmental  and social  impact

- -----------------
1The estimate was prepared by Continental  staff and audited by Gregory  Mosher,
P.Geo., of Wardrop Engineering,  an independent  qualified person. By prescribed
definition,  "Mineral  Resources" do not have demonstrated  economic  viability.
Copper and gold  equivalent  calculations  use metal  prices of  US$1.00/lb  for
copper and US$400/oz for gold.  Adjustment factors to account for differences in
relative  metallurgical  recoveries  for  gold and  copper  will  depend  on the
completion  of  definitive  metallurgical  testing.  CuEQ  = Cu % +  (Au  g/t  x


Expanded Stakeholder Engagement

A  community  engagement  program  was  initiated  in  2005,  with  the  goal of
establishing an active dialogue with the residents in the local Tibetan villages
and various authorities in the region to discuss and gain input on plans for the
project,  and to assess what other local benefits it could provide. In its early
stages in 2005, local villagers were employed as samplers, trail builders and in
other  activities  at site and  residents  of Rikaze  worked in the core logging
facilities  located  there.  In addition,  project  staff met with teachers at a
community  school  to  discuss  what  resources  might  be  needed.  Since it is
necessary for many of the children to board at the school,  there was a need for
additional  furniture  and  bedding to make  dormitories  and eating  areas more
functional.  The project was able to assist in the  acquisition of some of these
resources, as well as additional books and sporting equipment.

As project  activities  will be accelerated  in 2006,  the community  engagement
program will also be expanded.  Formal baseline socio-economic and environmental
studies will be in progress, and one priority is to train local people to assist
with data collection. Longer term plans are also being developed, in conjunction
with local and national agencies,  to assess and develop the skills of the local
people.   This  would  include  broadening  their   understanding  of  the  mine
development process, assessing their interest in employment opportunities at the
potential  operation or in other local  services,  and  initiating the necessary
educational programs.

Mark Rebagliati, P.Eng., a Qualified Person as defined under National Instrument
43-101,  is supervising  the drilling and quality  assurance and quality control
("QAQC")  programs on behalf of Continental  Minerals  Corporation.  The program
includes  rigorous QAQC procedures.  Acme Analytical  Laboratories of Vancouver,
BC, an ISO 9001:2000 accredited laboratory,  performs the sample preparation and
assaying  for the  project.  Gold  analysis is by 30 g Fire Assay fusion with an
Inductively Coupled Plasma-Emission  Spectroscopy (ICP-ES) finish. Copper assays
are done by four acid  digestion  with an ICP-ES  finish.  Continental  includes
standards,  blanks and  duplicates  in  addition  to the  laboratory's  internal
quality control work.

Gerald Panneton
President & CEO
Continental Minerals Corporation

For further information:
Continental Minerals Corporation                      Great China Mining Inc.
Tel:   604 684 6365                                   Tel:  604 641 1366
Toll Free 1 800 667 2114                              www.greatchinamining.com
www.continentalminerals.com                           ------------------------
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             No regulatory authority has approved or disapproved the
                  information contained in this news release.

This release  includes  certain  statements that may be deemed  "forward-looking
statements". All statements in this release, other than statements of historical
facts, that address future production, reserve potential,  exploration drilling,
exploitation activities and events or developments that the companies expect are
forward-looking  statements.  Although the  companies  believe the  expectations
expressed  in  such   forward-looking   statements   are  based  on   reasonable
assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual
results or developments may differ materially from those in the  forward-looking
statements.  Factors that could cause actual results to differ  materially  from
those in  forward-looking  statements  include market prices,  exploitation  and


exploration successes,  and continued availability of capital and financing, and
general economic,  market or business  conditions.  Investors are cautioned that
any such statements are not guarantees of future  performance and actual results
or   developments   may  differ   materially   from  those   projected   in  the
forward-looking statements.

       Information Concerning Estimates of Measured and Inferred Resources

This news  release  also  uses the  terms  "measured  resources"  and  "inferred
resources".  Continental  Minerals  Ltd.  and Great  China  Mining  Inc.  advise
investors  that  although  these terms are  recognized  and required by Canadian
regulations  (under  National  Instrument  43-101  Standards of  Disclosure  for
Mineral  Projects),  the  U.S.  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  does  not
recognize  them.  Investors  are cautioned not to assume that any part or all of
the mineral  deposits in these  categories will ever be converted into reserves.
In addition, "inferred resources" have a great amount of uncertainty as to their
existence, and economic and legal feasibility.  It cannot be assumed that all or
any part of an  Inferred  Mineral  Resource  will ever be  upgraded  to a higher
category.  Under Canadian rules, estimates of Inferred Mineral Resources may not
form the basis of feasibility or  pre-feasibility  studies,  or economic studies
except  for  Preliminary  Assessment  as defined  under  43-101.  Investors  are
cautioned not to assume that part or all of an inferred  resource exists,  or is
economically or legally mineable.

For more  information  on Continental  Minerals  Corporation,  Investors  should
review the Company's  annual Form 20-F filing with the United States  Securities
Commission at www.sec.gov and its home  jurisdiction  filings that are available
at www.sedar.com.

For more  information  on Great China Mining Inc.,  Investors  should review the
Company's  annual  Form  with  the  United  States   Securities   Commission  at