EXHIBIT 10.9 QUITCLAIM DEED ROBERT A. DOAK, JR, with an address of 1207 Alta St., Trinidad, Colorado 81082 ("Grantor") for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, hereby quitclaims to SUN RIVER ENERGY, INC with an address of 7609 Ralston Rd, Denver, Colorado 80002 ("Grantee"), its successors and assigns forever, all of Grantor's right, title and interest of whatever kind and nature in and to the lands described or identified on Exhibit A attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof (containing 3 pages in Part 1 and 12 pages in Part 2 thereof) including, without limitation (a) interests in coal, oil and gas, gold, silver and other base and precious metals, and any other mineral rights of any type or nature owned by Grantor in lands located in Colfax County, New Mexico, but excluding all timber rights and all mining claims and deeds heretofore issued to third parties and recorded in the deed and claim records of Colfax County, New Mexico. Witness the hand and seal of the Grantor as of the 23rd day of March, 2006. By: Robert A. Doak, Jr NOTARY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT State of Colorado ) ) County of Las Animas ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me 23rd day of March 2OO6. My commission expires: 4/21/2009 Notary Public EXHIBIT A to Quitclaim Deed ASSETS Part 1: All coal and other minerals, the base and precious metals, and petroleum and other mineral oils contained in the following described land located in Colfax County, New Mexico, together with the right to enter upon said described lands for the purpose of prospecting for and working the same and to remove the products thereof, as reserved unto Grantor in Maxwell Deed 1005 to Dolan B. Smith dated September 12, 1904 (recorded in Book U, Page 591); however, excluding coal rights, which were conveyed by Grantor to Charles Springer in Maxwell Deed No. 1040, dated June 5, 1905 (recorded in Book X, Page 120): BEGINNING at a point upon the boundary line between the States of Colorado and New Mexico, said point being seven hundred ninety-two (792) feet west of the intersection of the Range !in~ between Ranges 22 East and 23 East of the New Mexico Principal Meridian with said State boundary line, said point of beginning also being nine hundred twenty-four (924) feet east of the Eighty-third (83) Mile Stone on said state boundary line; thence south 24(degree) 15' east two thousand nine hundred thirty-seven and one-hundredth (2937.01) feet; thence south 45(degree)40' east two thousand six hundred seventy-three (2673) feet; thence south 4(degree) 15' west one thousand four hundred six and forty-six hundredths (1406.46) feet; thence south 55(degree)45' east three thousand four hundred ninety-eight (3498) feet; thence south 3(degree)0' east two thousand thirteen (2013) feet; thence south 46(degree)35' east one thousand one hundred eighty-eight (1188) feet; thence south 16(degree)0' east three thousand six hundred sixty-three and one-hundredth (3663.01) feet; thence south 24(degree)0' east one thousand two hundred ninety-three and six tenths (1293.6) feet; thence south 40(degree)5' east four thousand three hundred fifty-six (4356) feet, more or less, to intersection with southerly boundary of Section 5, Township 31 North, Range 23 East of the New Mexico Principal Meridian; thence east five thousand six hundred seventy-four and forty-eight hundredths (5674.48) feet, more or less, to the corner common to sections 3, 4, 9 and 10, Township 31 North, Range 23 East of the New Mexico Principal Meridian; thence south 5(degree)9' east one thousand four hundred fifty-two (1452) feet; thence south 86(degree)47' east one thousand five hundred fifty-one (1551) feet: thence south 79(degree) 16' east three thousand one hundred forty-nine and fifty-two hundredths (3149.52) feet; thence north 36(degree)29' east four hundred sixty-nine and ninety-two hundredths (469.92), feet, more or less, to a point at or near the middle of the right of way of The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company; thence north 3(degree)41' west seven hundred fifty-two and four-tenths (752.4) feet; thence north 8(degree)46' east nine hundred fifty-seven (957) feet; thence north 24(degree)46' west two thousand nine hundred four (2904) feet; thence north 50(degree)29' west three hundred three and six-tenths (303.6) feet; thence north 27(degree)9' west one thousand four hundred ninety-nine and fifty-two hundredths (1499.52) feet; thence north 15(degree)33' west one thousand three hundred twenty (1320) feet; thence north 3(degree) 13' east two thousand two hundred ninety and two tenths (2290.2) feet; thence north 18(degree)51' west one thousand six hundred fifty-nine and nine tenths (1659.9) feet; thence north 39(degree) 17' west one thousand eight hundred sixty-six and eight tenths (1866.8) feet, more or less, to the point of intersection between the boundary line between Sections 27 and 34, Township 32 North, Range 23 East of the New Mexico Principal Meridian, and the western line of the Part 1-. Page 1 right of way of The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company; thence westerly along said section line to the section corner common to Sections 27, 28, 33 and 34, Township 32 North, Range 23 East of the New Mexico Principal Meridian; thence westerly along the section line between Sections 28 and 33, Township 32 North, Range 23 East of the New Mexico Principal Meridian, three thousand six hundred thirty (3630) feet, more or less, to the southwest corner of a tract of land conveyed by the Board of Trustees of The Maxwell Land Grant Company to Mrs. Edith R. Brandenburg by deed dated August 12, 1892, recorded June 9, 1894, Book 0, page 49, records of Colfax County, New Mexico; thence north along the west boundary of said Brandenburg tract two thousand three hundred ten (2310) feet, more or less, to the northwest corner of said Brandenburg tract; thence east one thousand nine hundred seventy and fifty-one hundredths (1970.51) feet, more or less, to intersection with the eastern boundary line (or an extension thereof) of a tract of land conveyed by the Board of Trustees of The Maxwell Land Grant Company to Dolan B. Smith by deed dated September 18, 1896, recorded April 2 1908, Book Deeds W, page 188, records of Colfax County, New Mexico; thence north one thousand two hundred forty-six (1246) feet along the eastern boundary of said Dolan B Smith tract; thence north 43(degree)53' east two thousand three hundred fifty-eight and six tenths (2358.6) feet, more or less, to the corner common to Sections 1, 22, 27 and 28, Township 2 North, Range 3 East of the New Mexico Principal Meridian; thence north along the section line between said Sections 21 and 22, two thousand six hundred seventy-three (2673) feet, more or less, to intersection with the boundary line between the States of Colorado and New Mexico; thence westerly along said State boundary line to the place of beginning, containing 5,361.1 acres. All coal and other minerals, the base and precious metals, and petroleum and other mineral oils contained in the following described land located in Colfax County, New Mexico, together with the right to enter upon said described lands for the purpose of prospecting for and working the same and to remove the products thereof, and all timber and a right-of-way in connection with removal of same, as reserved unto Grantor in Maxwell Deed 1148 to S. A. Wiseman dated August 13, 1907 (recorded in Book W, Page 149); however, excluding coal rights, which were conveyed by Grantor to Charles Springer in Maxwell Deed No. 1040, dated June 5, 1905 (recorded in Book X, Page 120): BEGINNING at the quarter corner to Sections Twenty-three (23) and Twenty-four (24), Township Thirty-one (31) North, Range Twenty-three (23) East, N.M.P.M.; Thence North 13.19 chains to the intersection with the south line of the tract conveyed by The Maxwell Land Grant Company to John L. Laub by Deed No. 612, dated January 18, 1899; Thence South 80 degrees 40 minutes east along said Laub tract 688.4 feet to the southeast corner of the tract conveyed by Frances Bickely McCarty and Thomas C. McCarty, her husband, to Edgar Popejoy by deed dated May 28, 1947, recorded in Book 83 of Deeds at Page 585 of the records of Colfax County; Thence North 25 degrees 18 minutes West 540 feet; Thence North 74 degrees 02 minutes East 347 feet; Thence North 9 degrees 20 minutes East 225 feet; Thence South 80 degrees 40 minutes East 1430 feet to intersection with the West right-of-way line of the New Mexico and Southern Pacific Railroad (now A.T. & S.F. Ry.), said point of intersection being the eastern-most point on the boundary of the said tract conveyed by McCarty to Popejoy; Thence North-westerly on a curve following the eastern boundary of said tract and west right-of-way line of the railroad for a distance of 360 feet; thence North 41 degrees 14 minutes West 556.5 feet, more of less, to the point where the Part 1-Page 2 West right-of-way line of the railroad intersects the eastern boundary of the tract of land conveyed by The Maxwell Land Grant Company to S. A. Wiseman by deed No. 1148, dated August 13, 1907, and recorded in Book W of Deeds at Page 149 of the records of Colfax County, New Mexico; Thence following the boundary of said Wiseman tract and along the right-of-way of the New Mexico and Southern Pacific Railroad on the following courses and distances: Thence North 41 degrees 14 minutes West 45.60 chains to a point opposite the "Roth Slaughter House"; Thence North 28 degrees 1 minute West 42.66 chains to a point on the West side of the right-of-way of the New Mexico and Southern Pacific Railroad; thence North 65 degrees 57 minutes West 210 feet from the North end of Bridge No. 192; thence North 52 degrees 41 minutes West 19.35 chains; thence North 22 degrees 16 minutes West 8.24 chains; thence North 28 degrees 29 minutes West 7.16 chains; thence North 82 degrees 13 minutes West 4.80 chains; thence North 42 degrees 53 minutes West 42.50 chains; thence North 22 degrees 21 minutes West 10.40 chains to the northeast corner (a point at the mouth of said canon from the west-south of Hillside Station); thence following the course of said side canon on the following courses and distances; thence south 36 degrees 29 minutes West 7.12 chains; thence North 79 degrees 16 minutes West 47.72 chains; thence North 86 degrees 47 minutes West 23.50 chains to the northwest corner of the tract, which corner is South 5 degrees 9 minutes East 22 chains, from the corner to Sections Three (3), Four (4), Nine (9) and Ten (10), Township Thirty-one (31) North, Range Twenty-three (23) East; thence following southerly along divide between Railroad and Coal Canons and Railroad and Dillon Canons on the following courses and distances: thence South 17 degrees 31 minutes East 41.51 chains; thence South 34 degrees 7 minutes East 26.36 chains; thence South 7 degrees 54 minutes West 22.72 chains; thence South 2 degrees 24 minutes East 30.26 chains; thence South 38 degrees 36 minutes East 35.41 chains; thence South 26.64 chains to the northwest corner of the tract heretofore contracted to be sold to J. V. Cooney, Land Contract No. 482; thence East 33.50 chains to the northeast corner of said J. V. Cooney tract; thence South 58 degrees East 15 chains; thence East 63 chains to quarter corner to Section Twenty-three (23) and Twenty-four (24), Township Thirty-one (31) North, Range Twenty-three (23) East, the point of beginning, containing 1834.89 acres, more of less. Part 1- Page 3 All rights reserved by Grantor in each of the deeds listed below covering lands in Colfax County, New Mexico and not subsequently conveyed to a third party in a subsequent deed recorded in the Colfax County records. The information listed under the headings "Location of Land" and "Rights Reserved by Maxwell Land Grant Co." is intended as a general description only, and the parties intend that Grantor convey to Grantee all rights that actually were reserved by it in each deed that is referenced by Book and Page under the heading "Deed Recorded" (and retained by Grantor), as to the lands specifically described in each such deed. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Original Deed Date Deed Recorded Location of Land Rights Reserved by Approx. Maxwell Land Grantee No. Sections Twp. Range Grant Co. Acres Book Page ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Herman Mutz 130 12/13/1890 K 439 25 & 35 28 N 15 E Coal, Minerals 275 30 28N 16E ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- James Scully 738 6/25/1900 Q 175 12 27 N 15 E Minerals 149 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Herman Mutz 793 2/18/1901 Q 192 25, 26, 35, 36 28 N 15 E Minerals 1,310 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Herman Mutz 456 7/3/1897 Q 56 2 27 N 15 E Coal & Minerals 200 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exhibit A --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Original Deed Deed Recorded Location of Land Rights Reserved by Approx. Grantee No. Date Book Page Sections Twp. Range Maxwell Land Grant Co. Acres --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ute Creek Ranch Company 878 2/2/1902 Q 229 13 & 14 27 N 17 E Coal and other minerals (Timber 520 rights conveyed to Jeanne Soden 1391 8/16/1919 44 289 in Deed recorded in Book 102, Page 249) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Joseph Jackson, et al. 886 3/1/1902 Q 232 9& 10 27 N 17 E Minerals & Oil 355 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXHIBIT A Original Deed Deed Recorded Location of Land Rights Reserved by Approx. Grantee No. Date Book Page Sections Twp.Range Maxwell Land Grant Co. Acres - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- William B. Hickman 1553 5/3/1946 80 600 10 & 3 26 N 19 E Oil 202 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ John H. Harris Walter S. 866 ll/25/l901 Q 219 1,2,3,4,5, & 6, 26 N 23E ,Minerals, 10,564 McCloud 7 to 18 inclusive Oil 26N 22E 1, 2 & 12 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Red River Cattle Co. 1262 1/1/1911 W 313 19 to 36 inclusive 26 N 23 E Coal, Minerals & Oil 21,972 24, 25 & 36 26N 22E 2 to 11 inclusive 25N 23E 14 to 23 inclusive 1 & 12 25N 22E - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EXHIBIT A ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Original Deed Date Deed Recorded Location of Land Rights Reserved by Approx. Grantee No. Sections Twp. Range Maxwell Land Grant Co. Acres Book Page ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mrs. Cornelia M. 11 1/8/1889 J 540 16 27 N 21 E Coal, Minerals 120 Gale Mrs. Sarah Brooks ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Marion Littrell 228 5/24/1892 Q 19 16 & 21 27 N 21 E Coal, Minerals 80 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Marion Littrell J. C. Gale 287 5/9/1893 Q 20 16, 17, 20, 21, 28 & 29 27 N 21 E Coal, Minerals 1,600 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK EXHIBIT A --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Original Deed Deed Recorded Location of Land Rights Reserved by Approx. Grantee No. Date Book Page Section Twp. Range Maxwell Land Grant Co. Acres INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Henry Smith 12 12/13/1889 Q 43 10,11 & 15 31 N 24E Coal& Minerals 716 (coal and other minerals) (Coal was conveyed to Charles Springer in Deed 1040, recorded in Book X, Page 120) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R. P. Letton 99 9/25/1890 M 329 26 & 35 31N 23E Coal & Minerals 160 W. H. Letton --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Frederick Rohr 199 9/2/1891 M 473 13 31 N 23 E Coal & Minerals (coal and 48 other minerals) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Walter F. Piper 776 12/24/1900 Q 190 26 & 27 32 N 24 E Minerals 404 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- T. F. McAuliffe 797 3/20/1901 Q 193 12, 13 & 25 29 N 23 E Oil 1,100 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- John Baldwin 815 6/5/1901 Q 197 4 30N 24E Oil 213 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXHIBIT A --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Original Deed Date Deed Recorded Location of Land Rights Reserved by Approx. Grantee No. Book Page Sections Twp. Range Maxwell Land Grant Co. Acres --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- David Howarth 858 11/2/1901 Q 215 5 & 6 30 N 24 E Coal, Minerals & Oil 628 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mathias B., A. Claude, C. T. and Frank Stockton 895 5/16/1902 Q 238 14, 15, 16, 21, 22, 30 N 23 E Coal, Minerals & Oil 3,003 (may 26, 27, 28, 34, 35 (coal and other minerals) be 287) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alfred W. Manby 925 10/27/1902 U 126 29, 30, 31 & 32 29 N 24 E Coal & Minerals 9,247 25, 34, 35, 36 29 N 23 E 5 ,6 7 29 N 24 E 1, 2, 3, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 21, 22, 23, 27, 28 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- S. A. Wiseman 1148 8/13/1907 W 149 10, 11, 14, 15,22, 31 N 23 E Minerals & Oil 1,808.88 23 (coal and other minerals (Coal excluded - Conveyed to Charles Springer in Book X, Page 120) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Frederick Dahrens 1169 11/28/1907 W 227 6 30 N 23 E Minerals 137 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Watson Spencer 1187 5/5/1908 W 197 1 & 12 29 N 23 E Oil 758 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0. H. B. Turner 1425 1/9/1923 50 639 1, 2, 11 & 12 30 N 23 E Oil 802 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXHIBIT A -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Original Deed Date Deed Recorded Location of Land Rights Reserved by Approx. Grantee No. Sections Twp. Range Maxwell Land Grant Co. Acres Book Page -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E. T. Springer 1488 1/9/1931 61 500 27, 28, 32, 33, 34, 29 N 22 E Coal, Minerals & Oil 27,199 35 28N 23E 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 16, 19, 20, 21, 28, 29, 30 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 28N 22E 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 32, 33, 34, 35 &36 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- P. F. King John C. Taylor 1178 3/6/1908 W 196 20, 21, 22, 23, 26, 25 N 23 E Oil 6,685 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- John C. Taylor 1244 12/23/1909 W 245 5, 8, 17 & 20 24 N 23 E Coal, Minerals & Oil 1,502 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Red River Cattle Co. 1263 1/20/1911 43 196 7, 18 & 19 24 N 23 E Coal, Minerals & Oil 7,736 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kosia F. Mayo 805 4/18/1901 W 43 4 27 N 23 E Oil 20 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- James H. Power 867 12/21/1901 Q 220 8 27 N 23 E Coal & Minerals 40 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thomas F. Rogers 870 12/31/1901 Q 223 8 27 N 23 E Coal & Minerals 40 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sidney H. Rogers 871 12/31/1901 Q 222 8 27 N 23 E Coal & Minerals 160 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Red River Ditch Co. 872 12/31/1901 Q 225 33 28 N 23 E Coal & Minerals 78 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C. W. Cruise 908 9/2/1902 Q 255 4 27 N 23 E Coal & Minerals 80 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- G. W. Rogers 912 9/27/1902 W 19 8 27 N 23 E Coal & Minerals 80 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXHIBIT A --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Original Deed Date Deed Recorded Location of Land Rights Reserved by Approx. Grantee No. Book Page Sections Twp. Range Maxwell Land Grant Co. Acres --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Phillip M. Davenport 927 1/20/1903 W 217 4 27 N 23 E Coal, Minerals & Oil 120 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- S. H. Rogers 1027 6/15/1905 W 41 7, 18, 19 27 N 24 E Coal, Minerals & Oil 4,403 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 27 N 23 E 16, 21, 22, 23, 24 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- S. H. Rogers 1082 1/2/1907 W 86 16, 17 & 18 27 N 23 E Coal 832 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- John Blewett 1084 12/29/1906 W 91 33 28 N 23 E Coal & Minerals 81 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- G. W. Rogers 1087 1/23/1907 W 243 9 27 N 23 E Minerals & Oil 80 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rudolph Miller August 1195 6/9/1908 W 204 6 & 7 27 N 24 E Coal, Minerals & Oil 5,027 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10 27 N 23 E 11, 12 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E. R. Manning 1355 12/12/1916 43 15 31,32 & 33 28 N 23 E Oil 868 5 27 N 23 E --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Henry M. Porter 778 12/1/1900 59 199 12, 13,24,25,35,36 25 N 21 E One-half of all Oil 22,413 18, 19, 30, 31, 32 25 N 22 E 33 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 24 N 21 E 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 29, 30 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 17 24 N 22 E 18, 19, 20 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- M. W. Mills 934 3/25/1903 W 281 10 24 N 22 E Coal & Minerals 640 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXHIBIT A --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Original Deed Date Deed Recorded Location of Land Rights Reserved by Approx. Grantee No. Sections Twp. Range Maxwell Land Grant Co. Acres Book Page --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Andrew Hem 950 6/15/1903 W 226 23 & 26 25 N 22 E Minerals & 36 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Red River Cattle Co. 953 5/1/1903 43 193 3 & 4 24 N 22 E Coal, Minerals & Oil 348 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- F. C.Peterson 993 2/23/1904 Q 294 3 & 4 24 N 22 E Coal & Minerals 156 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anastacio Herrera 1076 11/17/1906 W 84 23 25 N 22 E Coal, Minerals & Oil 28 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J. M. Caldwell 1192 4/29/1908 W 213 13 25 N 22 E Oil 80 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E.W. Calley 1200 7/16/1908 W 206 25 25 N 22 E Oil 40 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mrs. J.H. Shanks 1219 3/16/1909 W 231 23 25 N 22 E Oil 39 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A. H. West 1245 2/18/1910 W 251 24 25 N 22 E Coal, Minerals & Oil 40 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Charles Hortenstein 1268 7/5/1911 W 269 13 & 14 25 N 22 E Coal & Minerals 240 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J. D. Archuleta 1282 1/7/19 13 W 317 21 25 N 22 E Coal & Minerals 20 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anastacio Herrera 1287 2/1/19 13 W 283 23 25 N 22 E Coal, Minerals & Oil 54 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- L. L.Cahill 1360 1/30/1917 43 91 28 25 N 22 E Coal, Minerals & Oil 33 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- John Gallagher 880 1/17/1902 Q 228 16, 17, 19, 27 N 16 E Coal, Minerals, Oil 3,009 20 , 21. 26 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33 EXHIBIT A - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Original Deed Date Deed Recorded Location of Land Rights Reserved by Approx. Grantee No. Sections Twp. Range Maxwell Land Grant Co. Acres Book Page - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mary Witt 929 2/18/1903 Q 256 31 27 N 16 13 Coal, Minerals & Oil 997 36 27 N 15E 1 26 N 1513 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ute Creek Ranch Co. 996 4/15/1904 W 6 34 & 35 26 N 16 E Minerals & Oil 2,615 2, 3, 10 25 N 16 E - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Herman Froelick 1006 9/6/1904 W 13 24, 25 & 36 27 N 15 13 Minerals 915 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ute Creek Ranch Co. 1031 8/10/1905 W 39 31,32 & 33 26 N 16 E Coal, Minerals & Oil 10,260 35, 36 26 N 15 E 1, 2, 11, 12, 13 25 N 15 E 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 25 N 16 E 16, 17, 18 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ David B. Cole 1405 8/28/1920 46 381 35 & 36 27 N 15 E l5E Coal, Minerals & Oil 1,000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ D. B. Cole 1440 8/6/1923 1, 2, 13, 13, 24 26 N 15 13 Coal, Minerals & Oil 355 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Harry B. Riley 1500 1/10/1934 64 528 13 26 N 15 E Coal, Minerals & Oil 8 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ O. P. Pesman 881 2.18.1902 Q 199 20 27 N 22 E Coals & Minerals 160 EXHIBIT A -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Original Deed Date Deed Recorded Location of Land Rights Reserved by Approx. Grantee No. Sections Twp. Range Maxwell Land Grant Co. Acres Book Page --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Daniel W. Jackson 1179 3/10/1908 W 198 19 & 20 27 N 23 E Coal, Minerals & Oil 381 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E. R. Manning 1204 6/22/1908 W 225 7, 24 & 27 27 N 22 13 Oil 238 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wm. Van Bruggen 1205 6/29/1908 W 222 2 26 N 2213 Oil 80 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A.L. Hobbs 1242 11/1/1909 W 241 19 & 20 27 N 24 E Coal, Minerals & Oil 8,298 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 27 N 23 E 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 29, 30, 31, 32, 33 34, 35, 36 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- John Morrow 896 5/20/1902 Q 240 26, 34, 35 32 N 24 E Minerals 821 T. D. Leib (may be 2, 3 31 N 24 E 239) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dolan B. Smith 1005 9/12/1904 U 591 19, 20, 21, 28, 29, 32 N 23 E Coal and other minerals 5,361 30, 32, 33, 34 3, 4, 5, 10 31 N 23 E --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- John Lillie 686 11/21/1899 Q 150 22, 27 32 N 24 E Coal and other minerals 160 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Frank E. Anderson 332 8/6/1894 0 111 22, 23, 26, 27 32 N 24 E Coal and other minerals 309 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- William Linwood 430 3/19/1897 Q 122 17, 18, 19, 20 31 N 24 E Coal and all other minerals 150 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXHIBIT A --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Original Deed Date Deed Recorded Location of Land Rights Reserved by Approx. Grantee No. Sections Twp. Range Maxwell Land Grant Co. Acres Book Page --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- William Linwood 91 9/11/1890 N 310 17, 18, 19,20 31 N 24 E Coal and other minerals 250 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fred Rohr 307 12/5/1893 N 428 13, 24 31 N 23 E Coal and other minerals (Describes land totaling 116/2/3 acres. Coal rights in N 1/2 of Section 13 conveyed to Charles Springer in Deed 1040 recorded in book X Page 120) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- John L. Laub 612 1/19/1899 Q 129 23, 24 31 N 23 E Coal and other minerals 57 (Coal and other minerals in 1200' x 800' feet was conveyed to Richard Mc Michael in Deed 1062 Book W, Page 71. Coal in portion of land in Sec. 23, T31N-R23E was conveyed to recorded in Book X, Page 120) All rights reserved by Grantor in each of the deeds listed below covering lands in Colfax County, New Mexico and not subsequently conveyed to a third party in a subsequent deed recorded in the Colfax County records. The information listed under the headings "Location of Land" and "Rights Reserved by Maxwell Land Grant Co." is intended as a general description only, and the parties intend that Grantor convey to Grantee all rights that actually were reserved by it in each deed that is referenced by Book and Page under the heading "Deed Recorded" (and retained by Grantor), as to the lands specifically described in each such deed. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Original Deed Date Deed Recorded Location of Land Rights Reserved by Approx. Maxwell Land Grantee No. Sections Twp. Range Grant Co. Acres Book Page ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Herman Mutz 130 12/13/1890 K 439 25 & 35 28 N 15 E Coal, Minerals 275 30 28N 16E ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- James Scully 738 6/25/1900 Q 175 12 27 N 15 E Minerals 149 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Herman Mutz 793 2/18/1901 Q 192 25, 26, 35, 36 28 N 15 E Minerals 1,310 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Herman Mutz 456 7/3/1897 Q 56 2 27 N 15 E Coal & Minerals 200 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------