Momentum Biofuels steps up and fulfills big order for new customer

HOUSTON  (Jan.  18) -- Led by CEO  Gregg  Enders,  the  new  management  team at
Momentum  Biofuels has quickly shown its ability to penetrate world markets with
a successful  tolling  agreement  pilot project that featured the  production of
250,000 gallons of European spec,  canola-based,  B100 biodiesel in the month of
December.  The hugely  successful run already has resulted in an identical order
from the confidential  customer with company  officials  mapping out a long-term
arrangement between the two entities.

"Most of the biodiesel companies we considered are still talking about what they
might be able to do," a spokesman  for the  customer  said.  "Momentum  Biofuels
stepped  up and  produced  what we  needed  on  time,  under  budget,  and  with
better-than-required  spec fuel for our  customer.  The pilot  project could not
have gone any better and we expect to have a long-term deal in place very soon."

Located in the Houston suburb of League City, Momentum Biofuels  (OTCBB:MMBF) is
an alternative fuel processing  company  dedicated to producing safe, clean, and
environmentally-friendly  fuels  for  the  future.  Momentum  manufactures  high
quality  and  low-cost   biodiesel   fuels  for  local,   state,   and  national
distributors,  jobbers,  and government fleets.  Designed to be used in its pure
form or mixed with  petroleum-based  diesel  fuel,  biodiesel  is  derived  from
vegetable oils and animal fat.

"We  were  delighted  to  be  selected  as  the  preferred   producer  for  this
confidential  pilot  project," said Gary Johnson,  Chief  Operating  Officer for
Momentum  Biofuels.  "We have the ability to produce up to 20 million gallons of
biodiesel a year from this one facility and many others are planned.

"The fact we own our plant was  instrumental in our ability to react quickly and
fulfill this particular  customer's  needs.  The world currently is experiencing
inflated  feedstock and commodity  chemical prices yet we were able to produce a
quality product at a  cost-effective  price due to the  proprietary  technology,
small  capital  investment,  and low  operating  expenses  of our  low-pressure,
low-temperature  batch plant  design.  Quite  simply,  our system of  production
works, and it works right now."

Since the  plant's  completion  in the  summer of 2007,  Momentum  Biofuels  has
produced more than  1,000,000  gallons of U.S. and European spec  biodiesel from
soy, corn, palm, canola, yellow grease, and chicken tallow.

"Green initiatives are not going away and it's become increasingly  obvious that
biodiesel will play a meaningful role in preserving our environment and reducing
our  dependence  upon foreign  energy," said Gregg Enders,  CEO and President of
Momentum Biofuels. "Momentum plans to be a significant part of that story.

"Our business model of generating  revenue from  biofuel-related  activities and
products will ultimately  spell the difference  between Momentum and most of our
competition.  Together with the talented  management  team we've assembled here,
we've  created a new  strategic  plan --  complete  with a  marketing  strategy,
production  model,  and  financial  pro  forma -- that  will not only  take this
primary  plant to full  production  as  quickly as  possible,  but one that will
encourage  co-location  agreements to build additional plants that will be owned
and  operated by Momentum  Biofuels.  We also have a variety of  margin-friendly
business  initiatives  in our plans  that will  drive  profitability  and market

A much  cleaner-burning  fuel than regular  petroleum  diesel,  biodiesel has an
extremely  high flash point,  which makes it much safer to transport.  It's also
easier on engines while emitting a drastically reduced odor.  Biodiesel delivers
similar torque,  horsepower,  and  miles-per-gallon  as petroleum diesel with no
need to make  engine  modification  or changes in the fuel  handling or delivery