Erin Pickard (Media)
- --------------------
303-786-7000 ex. 2295

Jim Blackman (Investor Relations)

                     Tombstone Cards Acquires Key Technology
           Further positions firm for expansion in Web-to-print market

Boulder,  Colo.-- May 20,  2008--  Tombstone  Cards,  Inc.  (OTCBB:  TMCI) today
announced that it had purchased  ownership of the underlying  technology  kernel
for Tombstone's  proprietary  software,  OIEPrint(TM),  from its  European-based
software development partner InDis.

"The technology is a small component of OIEPrint, but it's one that we wanted to
own outright,"  said John Harris,  Tombstone  president.  "We initially used the
software  in our custom  playing  cards  business  and it  confirmed  OIEPrint's
broader  applications.  The purchase is a natural  progression  of our intent to
bring  OIEPrint  to print  shops  and  product  customizers.  Ownership  of this
underlying  software platform puts us at a better position to rapidly respond to
customer and market needs."

The purchase from InDis was made through a combination of cash and common stock.

The  agreement  also  provides  Tombstone  with the  exclusive  rights to market
OIEPrint software world-wide. "We are receiving interest in OIEPrint from around
the globe,"  said Neil Cox,  Tombstone  chairman and CFO.  "Clearly,  there is a
growing demand for Web-to-print  services. By securing these rights, we are well
situated to take advantage of today's international opportunities."

OIEPrint  2.0,  currently in beta testing,  is a  Web-to-print  template  driven
application  that  allows  individuals  to create  high-resolution,  print ready
images, giving the power of professional design to the average user through some
of the easiest-to-use customization software in the industry.

The software is designed for print shops and product customizers,  whose clients
can start the design process,  select from a variety of customizable  templates,
upload  photos,  logos and graphics  from their  desktop files and then add Rich
Text or even  Text-Along-a-Path.  The final output not only provides print-ready
graphics at 300 dpi (dots per inch) but saves the design work in separate layers
in the SQL database for future editing.

With version 2.0, OIEPrint will be available across platforms including Windows,
Unix or Mac. The new version also makes customizable "skins" available, allowing
OIEPrint  clients  to brand the look of the online  editing  tool with their own

About Tombstone Cards

Based in Boulder, Colo., Tombstone Cards (OTCBB: TMCI) provides what it believes
to be  the  easiest-to-use  print  and  product  customization  software  in the
industry. Its Web-to-print template-driven application, OIEPrintTM, opens up new
markets and service offerings for digital printing  companies,  giving the power
of professional  design to their customers.  The online image editing  software,
which has been tried and proven in the custom playing card industry, is a leader
in the  emerging  market for  automated  custom image  applications.  To see the
software in action, visit www.tombstonetechnologies.com.
