2460 WEST 26th AVENUE, SUITE 380-C
                                 COLORADO, 80211

Securities and Exchange Commission
Attn:    Ms. Tia Jenkins
Senior Assistant Chief Accountant
Office of Beverages, Apparel and Health Care Services
Division of Corporation Finance
Mail Stop 3861
Washington, D.C.  20549                                         January 14, 2010

Re:      Concord Ventures, Inc.
         Form 10-K for the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2008
         Filed on March 31, 2009

         Form 10-Q for the Quarterly Period Ended September 30, 2009
         Filed on November 16, 2009

         File No. 0-27055

Dear Ms. Jenkins:

We refer to your comment  letter dated December 10, 2009 and regret the delay in

We appreciate your patience and understanding in waiting for our response.

We would respond to your comments as follows:

Form 10-K for the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2008
- -----------------------------------------------------

Item 9A(T). Controls and Procedures, page 19
- --------------------------------------------

Evaluation of Disclosure Controls and Procedures, page 19
- ---------------------------------------------------------

1.       We note  that you only  include  a  partial  definition  of  disclosure
         controls and procedures ("DC&P").  Please be advised that if you choose
         to define DC&P,  you must include the entire  definition  from Exchange
         Act Rule  13a-15(e).  Tell us whether you will in future filings remove
         the partial DC&P definition and include a citation to Exchange Act Rule
         13a-15(e),  or provide the entire DC&P  definition,  along with a clear
         conclusion regarding effectiveness with respect to each component.

     We have filed an  amendment  to our December 31, 2008 Form 10K removing the
     partial  DC&P  definition  and  including a citation  to Exchange  Act Rule
     13a-15(e) as you have suggested (refer Attachment I).

     We also  confirm  that  in  future  filings  we  shall  continue  with  the
     disclosure in the form that you have suggested to us.

Management's Annual Report on Internal Control over Financial Reporting, page 19
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2.       Please  tell  us the  framework  used by  management  to  evaluate  the
         effectiveness of your internal controls over financial  reporting (e.g.
         COSO), and confirm to us that you will disclose the framework in future
         filings as required by Item 308T(a)(2) of Regulation S-K.

     We can confirm  that  management  used the COSO  framework  to evaluate the
     effectiveness of our internal financial reporting.

     We have filed an amendment  to our  December  31, 2008 Form 10K  confirming
     that  management used the COSO framework to evaluate the  effectiveness  of
     our internal financial reporting (refer Attachment II).

     We also  confirm  that in future  filings  we shall  continue  to  disclose
     management's use of the COSO framework to evaluate the effectiveness of our
     internal financial reporting

Exhibit 31.1
- ------------

3.       It appears you are using an outdated  Section  302  certification  that
         does not comply with the  language  required by Item  601(b)(31)(i)  of
         Regulation  S-K.  Please amend your annual  report to include a revised
         Section 302  certification  that conforms to the exact wording required
         by Item  601(b)(31)(i)  of  Regulation  S-K. Also apply this comment to
         certifications furnished with your future filings.

     We have filed an amendment to our December 31, 2008 Form 10K which includes
     a revised  Section 302  certification  that  conforms to the exact  wording
     required by Item 601(b)(31)(i) of Regulation S-K (refer Attachment III).

     We also  confirm  that in future  filings  we shall  continue  to include a
     revised  Section  302  certification  that  conforms  to the exact  wording
     required by Item 601(b)(31)(i) of Regulation S-K.

Form 10-Q for the Fiscal Quarter Ended September 30, 2009
- ---------------------------------------------------------

Item 4. Controls and Procedures, page 21
- ----------------------------------------

4.       Based  on  your  disclosure,  it  appears  to us  that  your  principal
         executive officer and principal  financial officer  only concluded that
         your DC&P were  effective  to  ensure that  information  required to be
         disclosed by the Company in reports  that it files or submits under the
         1934 Act is  recorded,  processed,  summarized and reported  within the
         time period  specified in the SEC  rules and forms.  Confirm to us that
         you will disclose in future  filings the  conclusion of  your principal
         executive  officer and  principal  financial  officer,  regarding  the
         effectiveness  of you DC&P (as defined  in Exchange Act Rule  13a-15(e)
         or Rule  15d-15(e)) as of the end of  the period covered by the report,
         based on the  evaluation  of  your DC&P  required by  paragraph  (b) of
         Exchange  Act  Rule  13a-15  or  Rule  15d-15.  Refer  to  Item  307 of
         Regulation S-K.

         We have filed an  amendment  to our  September  30, 2009 Form 10Q which
         discloses  the  conclusion  of  our  principal  executive  officer  and
         principal financial officer regarding the effectiveness of our DC&P (as
         defined in Exchange Act Rule 13a-15(e) or Rule 15d-15(e)) as of the end
         of the period  covered by the report,  based on the  evaluation  of our
         DC&P  required by  paragraph  (b) of  Exchange  Act Rule 13a-15 or Rule
         15d-15 (refer Attachment IV).

         We also confirm that in future filings we shall  continue  disclose the
         conclusion of our principal  executive officer and principal  financial
         officer regarding the effectiveness of our DC&P (as defined in Exchange
         Act  Rule  13a-15(e)  or Rule  15d-15(e))  as of the end of the  period
         covered by the report,  based on the evaluation of our DC&P required by
         paragraph (b) of Exchange Act Rule 13a-15 or Rule 15d-15.

     In connection  with responding to your comments,  the Company  acknowledges

          -    the company  responsible  for the  adequacy  and  accuracy of the
               disclosure in the filing;

          -    staff  comments  or changes to  disclosure  in  response to staff
               comments do not foreclose the  Commission  from taking any action
               with respect to the filing; and

          -    the  Company  may not assert  staff  comments as a defense in any
               proceeding  initiated  by  the  Commission  or any  person  under
               federal securities laws of the United States.

If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Yours sincerely
For and behalf of
Concord Ventures, Inc.

/s/ David J Cutler
David J Cutler

                                                                    ATTACHMENT I


Evaluation of Disclosure Controls and Procedures
We  maintain a system of  disclosure  controls  and  procedures  (as  defined in
Securities  Exchange  Act Rules  13a-15(e)  and  15d-15(e)  that is  designed to
provide  reasonable  assurance that information that is required to be disclosed
is accumulated and communicated to management  timely.  At the end of the period
covered by this report,  we carried out an evaluation  under the  supervision of
our Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer, of the effectiveness of
the design and operation of our disclosure  controls and procedures  pursuant to
Securities Exchange Act Rule 13a-15.

Based on that  evaluation,  our Chief  Executive  Officer  and  Chief  Financial
Officer  concluded that our disclosure  controls and procedures are effective in
timely alerting them to material information required to be disclosed in the our
periodic filings with the SEC.

                                                                   ATTACHMENT II

Management's Annual Report On Internal Control Over Financial Reporting

Our management is responsible for establishing and maintaining adequate internal
control over financial reporting.  Internal control over financial reporting, as
defined in Exchange Act Rule 13a-15(f),  is a process  designed by, or under the
supervision  of, our principal  executive and principal  financial  officers and
effected by our Board of Directors,  management and other personnel,  to provide
reasonable  assurance  regarding the reliability of financial  reporting and the
preparation  of financial  statements for external  purposes in accordance  with
generally  accepted  accounting  principles  based on  criteria  established  in
Internal  Control--Integrated  Framework  issued by the  Committee of Sponsoring
Organizations  of the  Treadway  Commission  and  includes  those  policies  and
procedures that:

     o    Pertain  to the  maintenance  of  records  that in  reasonable  detail
          accurately and fairly reflect the transactions and dispositions of our

     o    Provide  reasonable   assurance  that  transactions  are  recorded  as
          necessary to permit preparation of financial  statements in accordance
          with generally accepted accounting  principles,  and that our receipts
          and expenditures are being made only in accordance with authorizations
          of our management and directors; and

     o    Provide reasonable  assurance regarding prevention or timely detection
          of  unauthorized  acquisition,  use of  disposition of our assets that
          could have a material effect on the financial statements.

Because of its inherent  limitations,  internal control over financial reporting
may not  prevent  or detect  misstatements.  Projections  of any  evaluation  of
effectiveness to future periods are subject to the risk that controls may become
inadequate  because of changes in  conditions,  or that the degree of compliance
with the policies or procedures may  deteriorate.  All internal control systems,
no matter how well designed,  have inherent limitations.  Therefore,  even those
systems  determined to be effective can provide only  reasonable  assurance with
respect to financial statement preparation and presentation.

Our management assessed the effectiveness of our internal control over financial
reporting as of December 31, 2008. Based on this assessment, management believes
that as of December 31, 2008, our internal  control over financial  reporting is
effective based on those criteria.

This  annual  report  does not include an  attestation  report of the  company's
registered  public  accounting  firm regarding  internal  control over financial
reporting.  Management's  report was not subject to attestation by the company's
registered  public  accounting  firm  pursuant to temporary  rules of the SEC to
provide only management's report in this annual report.

                                                                  ATTACHMENT III

I, David J. Cutler, certify that:

1. I have reviewed this Annual  report on Form 10-K/A of Concord Ventures, Inc.;

2. Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement of a
material fact or omit to state a material fact  necessary to make the statements
made, in light of the  circumstances  under which such statements were made, not
misleading with respect to the period covered by this report;

3.  Based  on my  knowledge,  the  financial  statements,  and  other  financial
information included in this report, fairly present in all material respects the
financial  condition,  results of operations and cash flows of the registrant as
of, and for, the periods presented in this report;

4.  The  registrant's  other  certifying  officer  and  I  are  responsible  for
establishing and maintaining  disclosure  controls and procedures (as defined in
Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e)) for the registrant and have:

              a. Designed such  disclosure  controls and  procedures,  or caused
         such  disclosure  controls  and  procedures  to be  designed  under our
         supervision  to  ensure  that  material  information  relating  to  the
         registrant including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us
         by others  within  those  entities,  particularly  during the period in
         which this report is being prepared;

              b. Designed such internal  control over  financial  reporting,  or
         caused such internal  control over  financial  reporting to be designed
         under our supervision,  to provide reasonable  assurance  regarding the
         reliability  of financial  reporting and the  preparation  of financial
         statements for external purposes in accordance with generally  accepted
         accounting principles;

              c.  Evaluated the  effectiveness  of the  registrant's  disclosure
         controls and  procedures  and presented in this report our  conclusions
         about the effectiveness of the disclosure  controls and procedures,  as
         of the  end of  the  period  covered  by  this  report  based  on  such
         evaluation; and

              d.  Disclosed  in  this  report  any  change  in the  registrant's
         internal  control over  financial  reporting  that occurred  during the
         registrant's  most recent fiscal quarter (the  registrant's 4th quarter
         in the case of an annual  report) that has materially  affected,  or is
         reasonably  likely to  materially  affect,  the  registrant's  internal
         control over financial reporting; and

5. The registrant's other certifying officer and I have disclosed,  based on our
most recent  evaluation of internal  control over  financial  reporting,  to the
registrant's  auditors  and the audit  committee  of the  registrant's  board of
directors (or persons performing the equivalent functions):

              a. All  significant  deficiencies  and material  weaknesses in the
         design or operation of internal control over financial  reporting which
         are reasonably  likely to adversely affect the registrant's  ability to
         record, process, summarize and report financial information; and

              b. Any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or
         other  employees  who  have a  significant  role  in  the  registrant's
         internal control over financial reporting.

Date:   January 14, 2010

                                             /s/ David J. Cutler
                                             David J. Cutler,
                                             Chief Executive Officer &
                                             Chief Financial Officer

                                                                   ATTACHMENT IV


Disclosures Controls and Procedures

We have adopted and maintain disclosure controls and procedures (as such term is
defined in Rules 13a 15(e) and 15d-15(e)  under the  Securities  Exchange Act of
1934,  as  amended  (the  "Exchange  Act"))  that are  designed  to ensure  that
information  required to be disclosed in our reports  under the Exchange Act, is
recorded,  processed,  summarized and reported within the time periods  required
under  the  SEC's  rules and forms  and that the  information  is  gathered  and
communicated to our Chief Executive Officer and Principal  Financial Officer, as
appropriate, to allow for timely decisions regarding required disclosure.

As required by SEC Rule  15d-15(b),  our Chief  Executive  Officer and Principal
Financial  Officer carried out an evaluation  under the supervision and with the
participation  of  our  management,  of the  effectiveness  of  the  design  and
operation of our  disclosure  controls and  procedures  pursuant to Exchange Act
Rule  15d-14 as of the end of the period  covered by this  report.  Based on the
foregoing  evaluation,  our Chief  Executive  Officer  and  Principal  Financial
Officer have concluded that our disclosure controls and procedures are effective
in timely alerting them to material  information  required to be included in our
periodic SEC filings and to ensure that information  required to be disclosed in
our periodic SEC filings is  accumulated  and  communicated  to our  management,
including our Chief Executive Officer and Principal  Financial Officer, to allow
timely decisions  regarding required disclosure as a result of the deficiency in
our internal control over financial reporting discussed below.