
THIS AGREEMENT is made as of the 7th day of December, 2011.


                ecoTech Energy Group (Canada) Inc, a British Columbia
                company  having an  office at 101 - 26633  Gloucester
                Way, Langley, British Columbia, V4W 3S8

                (the "EEGC")
                                                               OF THE FIRST PART


                Overwaitea Food Group Limited Partnership, a British Columbia
                company having an office at 19855 92A Avenue, Langley, British
                Columbia, V1M3B6

                (the "OWFG")

                                                              OF THE SECOND PART


A.   The OWFG  operates  a grocery  business  in western  Canada  under the name
     "Overwaitea Food Group".

B.   The OWFG wishes to purchase from the EEGC and the EEGC has agreed to supply
     to the OWFG,  Products for the OWFG's  business on the terms and conditions
     set out herein.

C.   EEGC has developed  proprietary  biomass energy and fresh food  propagation
     systems and methods,  that deliver quality and  quantifiable  advantages in
     the  sector  of  fresh  vegetable  and  fresh  Fish  reproduction,  growth,
     nutrients and grow-environment  cleanliness,  with no pollution or mutation
     from artificial,  chemical or fossil hydrocarbon  fuel-derived  pesticides,
     herbicides   or   synthetic    growth    inducements,    (commonly   called
     "fertilizers"),  utilizing  indoor  protected  hydroponic  aquaculture  and
     aquaponics (crossover)  "all-natural  sustenance"  methodologies customized
     from proven systems developed by, among others,  HydroNov Inc., of Mirabel,
     Quebec and the Alberta Government Crop Diversification Division.

D.   EEGC  describes  the  ecoGROW  system as a unique  blend of the  heretofore
     developed systems, plus the additions of propagation of shrimp, zooplankton
     and  phytoplankton  and  culture  of  natural  micro-organisms,  nutrients,
     vermiculture and pest predators.

E.   Beyond  Organic - is the term used by EEGC in the context of this Agreement
     to include all of the conventionally  described attributes of growing fauna
     and flora in an environment  that does not use fossil fuel,  pharmaceutical
     or industrial chemical-derived growth accelerants, concentrated hormones or
     other  chemically  processed  industrial  minerals  for pest  and  parasite
     destruction  and  disease  control;  but  differs  from  legally  described
     "Organic"  food due to being  not  grown  in a soil or  conventional  tilth
     medium, as described in law in the term "Organic",

F.   ecoGROW  Food  Circle;  (ecoGROW  is a trade name of EEGC),  describes  the
     water- borne  application  or feeding of naturally  occurring  nutrients to
     fish,  vegetables,  crustacean  products and their lower food chain natural
     prey or  foodstuffs  to produce an  all-natural  range of fish,  shrimp and
     produce for sale,  protected from disease and pestilence using non-invasive
     regional pest predators and natural  immunity  build-up from proven natural

G.   EEGC   offers   indoor,   airborne-pollution-protected,   optimum   growing
     conditions;   with   species-specific   temperature   control,  low  energy
     consumption,  species-specific  optimum  lighting,  provided by proprietary
     biomass fuelled thermal energy that enables hydroponic and aquaculture with
     off-grid   independence  where  necessary  and  no  spill  of  conventional
     greenhouse "light  pollution";  natural air and water medium filtration and
     food cleanliness derived from a myriad of technologies, which when compiled
     with the  combination  of the  technologies  compiled  for the ecoGROW Food
     Circle  natural  fresh  foods  production   system,   gives  a  unique  and
     proprietary "trade secret" production method.

(The  processes and rights to the use of the processes  described in Recitals C,
D, E, F and 0, are hereinafter together referred to as the "Process").

NOW THEREFORE in  consideration  of the mutual  covenants and agreements  herein
contained and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency
of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows:


1.1      Definitions.

         Unless  the  context  otherwise  requires,   the  following  terms  and
         expressions  shall have the meanings set forth below  wherever  used in
         this Agreement:

         (a)      "Products" means all goods acquired by OWFG from EEGC for sale
                  in the ordinary course of OWFG's business and without limiting
                  the foregoing,  includes without imitation,  all of the listed
                  produce, fish and shrimp as identified in Schedule "A".

1.2      Governing Law.

         This Agreement shall be construed and enforced in accordance  with, and
         the  rights  of the  parties  shall  be  governed  by,  the laws of the
         Province of British  Columbia.  Each of the parties hereto  irrevocably
         submits to the exclusive  jurisdiction of the courts of the Province of
         British  Columbia  over any  action  or  proceeding  arising  out of or
         relating to this  Agreement and the parties  hereto  irrevocably  agree
         that all claims in respect of such  action or  proceeding  may be heard
         and determined in such courts of the Province of British Columbia.



2.1      Products.

         EEGC agrees with the OWFG, to  grow/produce  and supply Products to the
         OWFG, including without limitation those Products,  quantities,  grades
         and specifications as respectively stated in the following schedules:

         Schedule "A" - Products
         Schedule "B" - Products Volume
         Schedule "C" - Products Specifications

         as may be amended  from time to time.  Such  Products  supplied by EEOC
         shall be high quality Products that meet OWFG's  specifications,  to be
         grown/produced  using the Process at EEOC's McBride,  British Columbia,
         facility,  on a timely basis and in such quantities as may be requested
         by the OWFG from time to time,  at the  agreed  cost,  as stated in the
         aforesaid schedules.

2.2      Variety/Type/Specification/Volume of Products.

         EEOC  shall  grow/produce  such   variety/type/specification/volume  of
         Products  as OWFG  may  request  from  time to time  including  without
         limitation  those  Products,  volumes  and grades as stated in Schedule
         "A", Schedule "B" and Schedule "C" attached hereto.

2.3      Purchase Volume of Products.

          a)   Provided that the EEGC is able to provide a continuous  supply of
               high  quality  Products on a timely  basis that meet OWFG's needs
               and specifications,  grown/produced through the Process at EEOC's
               McBride, British Columbia, facility, OWFG agrees to purchase such
               Products from EEGC at the prices agreed to by the parties in this
               Agreement.  EEOC and OWFG  agree  that  notwithstanding  anything
               stated in this  Agreement,  the volume of Products  purchased  by
               OWFG as stated in Schedules  "A" and "B" hereto will be gradually
               phased  in over a two year  period,  during  which  time OWFG may
               continue to source and purchase products, that would otherwise be
               able to be supplied by EEGC,  in such  quantity and  selection as
               OWFG may deem fit,  from its  existing  suppliers.  Such two year
               period shall be calculated as  commencing  from the  commencement
               date of the delivery of the first delivery of Products by EEGC in
               which  EEGC is able to  provide  to OWFG,  consistent  volume and
               consistent quality of Products that  meets OWFG's specifications,
               as may be ordered by OWFG from time to time.

          b)   As EEGC is able to grow/produce  more volume of Products from its
               McBride,  British Columbia facility, EEGC shall offer such excess
               volume of Products firstly to OWFG to purchase. In the event OWFG
               is  unable or does not wish to  purchase  such  excess  volume of
               Products from EEOC,  then in such case, EEGC shall be entitled to
               sell  such  Products  to a third  party,  but only with the prior
               written consent of OWFG, at its sole discretion.

               In the event that there is a sale by EEGC to a third party of any
               products  grown/produced through the Process from EEGC's McBride,
               British Columbia facility:


               (i)  such products  cannot be offered or sold to such third party
                    on better terms and conditions than offered to OWFG; and

               (ii) upon the sale of any such  products to a third  party,  EEGC
                    shalt pay to OWFG,  20% of EEGC's Not  Profits  (as  defined
                    below) from the sale of such products.

         The term "Net Profits" as stated above means earnings before  interest,
         taxes,  depreciation  and  amortization  (EBITDA),  calculated by EEGC,
         acting  reasonably and in good faith,  allocating all of its costs on a
         basis that is  equitable  and  reflective  of the actual and true costs
         incurred in relation to growing,  producing,  selling and  distributing
         products,  such that EEGC does not allocate any different  costs to the
         same products sold to different customers.

2.4      Lower Cost Suppliers.

         In the event OWFG is able to source similar products of similar quality
         (without  consideration that such other products are not grown/produced
         using the Process or anything similar thereto) at a lower cost to OWFG,
         EEGC  agrees to reduce the cost of its  Products  to at least match the
         price of products that OWFG would be able to purchase  elsewhere.  EEGC
         shall  keep the price of such  Products  reduced  for so long as OWFG a
         able to purchase  alternate  similar products from other suppliers at a
         lower cost.

2.5      Failure to Meet Product Quality and Volumes,

         In  the  event  EEGC  fails  to  meet  OWFG's   quality  and/or  volume
         requirements  for  Products,  as may be  demanded  by OWFG from time to
         time,  OWFG shall not be obligated to purchase  Products from EEOC, and
         OWFG may source alternate  products from other suppliers as OWFG in its
         discretion deems fit, without any liability to EEOC.

2.6      Failure to Meet Products Specifications.

         In the event, the Products fail  to  meet the  specifications  for such
         Products,  as may be required  by OWFG,  OWFG may refuse to accept such
         Products  without any  liability  to EEOC.  Alternatively,  if OWFG  is
         prepared to accept the Products, OWFG, acting reasonably,  may re-grade
         the  Products,  and  pay a  reduced  cost  for the  re-graded  Products
         consistent with a lower value attributable to such re-graded Products.

         OWFG, may revise its  specifications  for the Products,  as well as the
         quantity  and type of Products  needed from time to time to meet OWFG's
         requirements.  In case of such  changes,  OWFG will  provide  EEGC with
         ninety (90) days prior notice of such change of specifications  for the

2.7      Delivery of Products.

         All  Products  delivered  to OWFG by EEOC,  shall be  delivered  FOB to
         OWFG's designated Langley warehouse or such other location as otherwise
         directed in advance by OWFG.  It is  understood  and agreed by EEOC and
         OWFG,  that the cost of Products stated in Schedule "A" is inclusive of
         the delivery  cost and that the Products are to be delivered  OWFG in a
         "ready to sell"/"finished" form.


         In the event OWFG, in its  discretion,  chooses to pick up the Products
         rather than to have them delivered,  the cost of the Products picked up
         by OWFG  will  accordingly  be  reduced  by the  delivery  cost that is
         otherwise included into the cost of the Products,

2.8      Failure to Deliver.

         Notwithstanding  anything in this  Agreement  to the  contrary,  to the
         extent that the EEOC fails,  for whatever reason (save only the default
         of OWFG) to  deliver  such  Products,  within  48  hours  (Sundays  and
         statutory  holidays excluded) of OWFG ordering the Products (as per the
         OWFG order  delivery  process),  OWFG shall be  entitled to any and all
         damages  that it may suffer as a result of the  failure of EEOC to meet
         such deadline. In the event EEGC fails to deliver Products to OWFG on a
         timely basis,  OWFG, has the right to purchase and obtain products from
         any alternate source of supply as the OWFG in its sole discretion deems

2.9      Shortfall Payment.

         In the event OWFG is required to purchase  products  from an  alternate
         supplier as a result of the  failure of EEGC to supply  Products of the
         quality,  quantity,  specification  and/or  type  required by OWFG on a
         timely basis,  for any reason  whatsoever,  other than a reason that is
         beyond the reasonable control of EEGC, EEGC shall forthwith pay to OWFG
         any  additional  costs that OWFG incurred to purchase  products from an
         alternate supplier as a result of EEOC's failure to supply Products. In
         this regard,  EEGC hereby authorizes OWFG to deduct such costs from any
         monies payable or owing to EEOC by OWFG.

2.10     Input Cost Adjustments.

         In the event of a change  in the input costs of the production  Process
         of the  Products  due to  circumstances  beyond  EEGC's  control,  EEOC
         shall,  upon 30 days  written notice to OWFG detailing such increase of
         input  costs,  be  entitled  to add such direct  input  costs,  without
         further mark-ups or charges of any kind,  onto the cost of the Products
         payable by OWFG.  In the event  input  costs  are  reduced,  EEOC shall
         forthwith  provide  written  notice to OWFG detailing  such decrease of
         input costs,  and such savings shall  proportionately  be adjusted from
         the price of  the  Products to reflect  such lower input  costs.  Other
         than as stated  in this  paragraph  2.10 or by mutual  agreement of the
         parties,  in no  event shall the costs of the Products to OWFG,  exceed
         those costs stated in Schedule "A".

2.11     Audit Rights.

         OWFG  shall be  entitled  upon  written  notice  to EEGC,  to audit the
         records and books of EEOC  relating to the  McBride,  British  Columbia
         facility to review  EEGC's sales,  costs and profits.  In the event the
         audit discloses any material discrepancies/inconsistencies,  EEGC shall
         be  responsible  to pay any shortfall  owing to OWFO, if any, and shall
         also be responsible for paying for OWFG's costs incurred for performing
         such an audit.



         3.1 All Products  purchased by OWFG from EEOC  pursuant to the terms of
         this  Agreement  shall be  payable  by OWFG  within 30 days of both the
         delivery  and  receipt of the  Products at OWFG's  designated  delivery
         location (net 30 days).


4.1      Use of the Process.

         EEOC  represents  and warrants to OWFG that all  Products  produced for
         sale and supplied to OWFG pursuant to this Agreement, shall be produced
         by EEOC using the Process.


5.1      Ownership Rights to the Process.

         EEGC  represents  and  warrant to OWFG that EEGC  either  owns or has a
         perpetual  license  to use  all  intellectual  property  rights  to and
         related  to the  Process  and  that  all  Products  grown/produced  and
         supplied to OWFG  pursuant to this  Agreement  using the Process,  will
         have been grown/produced by means of the Process.

5.2      Right to License and Sell Intellectual Property Rights.

         EEGC has the full right and authority at its  discretion to license and
         to sell,  transfer and assign the  intellectual  property rights to the
         entire Process to OWFG, and to enter into and to carry out the terms of
         this  Agreement  as  well as to  grant  all the  rights  stated  in the
         Agreement to OWFG.

         EEOC hereby consents to and authorizes OWFG, at OWFG's  discretion,  to
         promote and  advertise  the Products in such manner as OWFG in its sole
         discretion  deems fit,  including  without  limitation,  to promote and
         advertise   the   Products  on  the  basis  that  the   Products   were
         grown/produced using the Process,


6.1      Term and Termination.

         This Agreement  shall be effective for a five (5) year term  commencing
         from the  commencement  date of the  delivery of the first  delivery of
         Products  by EEGC in which EEOC is able to provide to OWFG,  consistent
         volume  and   consistent   quality  of  Products   that  meets   OWFG's
         specifications, as may be ordered by OWFG from time to time, OWFG shall
         have the option of renewing  this  Agreement for up to ten (10) further
         terms  of one (1)  year  each,  upon  the  same  terms  and  conditions
         contained  herein  except  this  right of  renewal,  such  option to be
         exercised by the OWFG at least three (3) months prior to the expiration
         of the original/renewal  term, as the case may be.  Notwithstanding the
         term set out  herein,  the OWFG  may,  at its  option,  terminate  this
         Agreement upon providing to EEOC, 30 days prior written notice.



7.1      Negotiations  for  Sale  and  Purchase  of  McBride,  British  Columbia

         EEOC and OWFG agree to act  promptly,  reasonably  and in good faith to
         negotiate  the  terms  of a sale by EEGC  and  purchase  by OWFG of the
         McBride,  British  Columbia  facility,  from  which  the  Products  are
         produced,  and to  complete  such  negotiations  within 150 days of the
         execution  of this  Agreement.  OWFG  may  either  proceed  with or not
         proceed  with  entering  into a  binding  purchase  contract  for  such
         facility  after  completion  of such  negotiations.  OWFG  in its  sole
         discretion,  may then decide whether or not it wishes to proceed on the
         terms and conditions satisfactorily negotiated by both parties.

7.2      Agreement Subject to Negotiations.

         In the event the negotiations for the sale and purchase of the McBride,
         British Columbia facility are not  satisfactorily  completed within 150
         days  of the  execution  of  this  Agreement,  OWFG  may  in  its  sole
         discretion  immediately terminate this Agreement without any liability,
         claim or recourse by EEGC against OWFG.

8.       NOTICES

8.1      Notices.

         All written notices, consents and approvals permitted or required to be
         given hereunder shall  be in writing,  shall be delivered or telecopied
         and shall be deemed  to have been given and received when  delivered in
         person addressed to the  persons set forth below, or when  communicated
         by tolecopy  during normal  business  hours (and  otherwise on the next
         business day):

                  if to the EEOC, addressed to:

                  ecoTech Energy Group (Canada) Inc.,
                  101 - 26633 Gloucester Way, Langley
                  British Columbia, V4W 3S8

                  Attention: Cohn Victor Hall

                  if to the OWFG, addressed to:

                  Overwaitea Food Group Limited Partnership
                  19855 92A Avenue, Langley
                  British Columbia, V1M3B6

                  Attention: Blendle Scott (with a copy to the Legal Department)

Any party may from time to time by notice in writing given pursuant to the terms
hereof change its address for the purpose of this Agreement.



9.1      Nature of Relationship.

         It is understood  and agreed by the parties  hereto that this Agreement
         does not create  any  fiduciary  relationship  between  them,  and that
         nothing in this Agreement is intended to make any party an agent, legal
         representative,   subsidiary,  joint  venturer,  partner,  employee  or
         servant of the other for any purpose.

9.2      Entire Agreement.

         This  Agreement  contains  the entire  agreement  between  the  parties
         relating to the supply and purchase of Products and no prior warranties
         or  representations,   collateral  or  otherwise,  prior  stipulations,
         agreement  or  understanding,  verbal or  otherwise,  shall be valid or
         enforceable unless embodied in this Agreement.

9.3      Non-Waiver.

         The failure of the OWFG to insist upon the strict performance of any of
         the  agreements,  terms,  covenants or  conditions  hereof shall not be
         deemed a waiver of any  rights or  remedies  that the OWFG may have and
         shall not be deemed a consent, acquiescence or waiver of any subsequent
         breach or default in respect of any such  agreement,  terms,  covenants
         and conditions whether of the same or a different character.

9.4      Non-Transfer.

         This Agreement and all benefit  derived  therefrom is  non-transferable
         and not assignable by the EEGC,  except with the prior written  consent
         of the OWFG which may be arbitrarily withheld. Notwithstanding any such
         consent  being given by the OWFG and any such  transfer  or  assignment
         being  effected,  the EEOC shall remain  liable to the OWFG for any and
         all obligations incurred to the date of the transfer or assignment.

9.5      Severability.

         If any covenant,  term or other provision of this Agreement is invalid,
         illegal or incapable of being  enforced by reason of any rule of law or
         public  policy,  all other  conditions,  terms and  provisions  of this
         Agreement shall  nevertheless  remain in full force and effect,  and no
         covenant,  term or provision  shall be deemed  dependent upon any other
         covenant, term or provision unless so expressed herein.

9.6      Time of Essence.

         Time is of the essence in this Agreement.

9.7      Enurement.

         This  Agreement  shall be binding  upon and enure to the benefit of the
         parties hereto and their respective  successors and assigns as the case
         may be.


9.8      Cumulative Remedies.

         All rights and remedies of each party shall be  cumulative  and none of
         them shall limit or exclude any other right or remedy  provided by this
         Agreement or by law.

9.9      Credit Inquiries.

         The EEGC  agrees  that the OWFG  may  conduct  investigations  and make
         inquiries  of such  person or  persons as the OWFG,  in its  reasonable
         judgment,  deems appropriate concerning the credit standing,  character
         and  qualifications  of the EEOC.  The EEOC, by its  execution  hereof,
         consents  and  agrees to the  conduct  of such  investigations  and the
         making  of such  inquiries  by the OWFG and  covenants  and  agrees  to
         provide the OWFG with such information as it may request in relation to
         its respective credit standing.

9.10     Recitals.

         The parties hereby  acknowledge and declare that the foregoing recitals
         are  true  and  correct  in  substance  to the  best  of  each  party's
         respective  knowledge,  and are  incorporated  to and form part of this


10.1     Confidential Information.

         The EEGC will keep strictly  confidential all information  (hereinafter
         called  the  "Confidential  Information")  regarding  the  business  or
         activities  of the OWFG that the EEOC may acquire,  see, or be informed
         of as a direct or indirect  consequence of negotiating or entering into
         this  Agreement  or any  other  transaction  with the  OWFG,  including
         without   limitation,   anything  in  relation  to  this   transaction.
         Confidential  Information shall not include  information that is in the
         public  domain,  that was known to the EEOC at the time of  exposure to
         the EEOC,  or that is  learned  by the EEOC  hereafter  by  independent
         discovery or through a third party  without  breach of an obligation of
         confidentiality  or good faith.  The EEGC will not use,  duplicate,  or
         disclose  to  any  other  person  or  corporation,   any   Confidential
         Information or any recollections thereof, except as first authorized by
         the OWFG in  writing.  EEOC  shall not make  reference  to OWFG for any
         promotional,  public or any other business purpose without OWFG's prior
         written consent.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF this Agreement has been executed as of the day and year first
above written.

EcoTECH Energy Group (Canada) Inc.
By its authorized signatory(ies)

Colin Victor Hall

overwaitea Food Group Limited Partnership
by its General Partner, Overwaitea Food Group Ltd.,
By its authorized signatory(ies)

Blendle Scott

                             Schedule "A" (Products)


                                  SCHEDULE "B"
                                 PRODUCTS VOLUME