For immediate release

             Global Green, Inc. Initiates Advanced Trial in Quest of
                               Salmonella-Free Egg

     FDA announced new  regulation in effort to promote egg safety  Tallahassee,
Fla - August 8, 2012 - Global Green, Inc. (OTCBB:GOGC)  announced today that the
Company has initiated an advanced  trial for its patented,  exclusively-licensed
vaccine,  Salmogenics.  The  purpose  of the  study is to  determine  how long a
chicken can be protected  against  Salmonella  after it begins laying eggs. If a
layer hen is not infected with the  Salmonella  bacteria,  then neither the egg,
nor the chick,  when it hatches,  will have  Salmonella.  There is a "timelined"
vaccine  effect that will be logged and  sequenced  during the study,  beginning
from a  newly-hatched  chicken,  to the 18-20 weeks before the chicken becomes a
layer  hen,  and,  after  that,  until  the end of the  hen's  productive  life.
Currently,  Salmogenics  has proven  effective  in  helping  to combat  multiple
strains of Salmonella in broilers,  chickens  produced for  consumption.  In the
U.S. alone, The National Chicken Council reported in 2011 that 9 billion broiler
chickens were produced.  The Vaccine is currently in the final stage of the USDA
approval process.

The most recent  estimate by Global Industry  Analysts  predicts that the global
market for eggs is  estimated  to reach  1,154  billion by the year 2015.  Tests
conducted  through third parties have found that  Salmogenics  has been shown to
significantly  reduce  Salmonella in the egg. Ongoing tests will be conducted to
determine the efficacy of reducing  Salmonella in egg-laying  hens. By combining
Salmogenics with the preventive measures that the USDA has mandated,  management
believes that  Salmonella  could  potentially be reduced in the egg industry and
that the vaccine's market potential could be expanded significantly.
On July 9, 2012, the Food and Drug  Administration  (FDA) announced a regulation
expected  to  prevent  approximately  79,000  cases  of  foodborne  illness  and
associated  deaths each year caused by consumption of eggs contaminated with the
bacterium Salmonella  enteritidis.  The rule specifically addresses the presence
of Salmonella in the shell of the eggs as the Salmonella bacteria can invade the
egg through the shell after the egg is laid.

Salmogenics  is  injected  directly  into the egg,  before the chick is hatched,
improving the immune system,  health and welfare of the chicken, and providing a
healthier source of protein for humans in a cost effective manner.  From the egg
injected  with  Salmogenics,  either a broiler or an egg laying hen is  hatched.
Once hatched,  either of these would be expected to show a significant reduction
in the presence of  Salmonella or could  essentially  be  Salmonella-free  for a
given period of time.  The planned study would  confirm how long the  egg-laying
hen would be protected from  Salmonella,  and if a "booster"  injection would be

 "The new  regulation as mandated by the FDA is an important  step in the public
health  strategy.  The facts show that  Salmonella is a hazard we can and should
address.  Salmogenics  shows great  potential in becoming an essential  tool for
producing a "zero tolerance for  Salmonella"  egg. Global Green is excited about
being part of the solution," commented Dr. Mehran Ghazvini,  Chairman and CEO of
Global Green.

According to the FDA,  "egg-associated illness caused by Salmonella is a serious
public  health  problem.   Infected   individuals  may  suffer  mild  to  severe
gastrointestinal  illness,  short  term or  chronic  arthritis,  or even  death.
Implementing  the  preventive  measures  would  reduce the number of  Salmonella
enteritidis  infections from eggs by nearly 60 percent." Global Green, Inc. is a
green pharmaceutical  company committed to identifying  technology platforms and
commercializing products that contain natural organisms that are not genetically
modified,   utilizing  pharmaceutical  standards.   Salmogenics,  the  Company's
flagship product,  was developed by Nutritional  Health Institute  Laboratories,
LLC, a research affiliate and majority shareholder.  The vaccine is currently in
the  final  stage of the USDA  approval  process.  For more  information,  visit

Forward-Looking Statement

This press release may contain  certain  forward-looking  statements  within the
meaning of Section 27A of the  Securities  Act of 1933, as amended,  and Section
21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.  Investors are cautioned
that such  forward-looking  statements  involve risks and  uncertainties,  which
include  among  others,  the  inherent  uncertainties  associated  with  smaller
reporting  companies,  including without  limitation,  other risks detailed from
time to time in the Company's  periodic  reports filed with the  Securities  and
Exchange Commission.

Pam Lagano