STOCK OPTION PLAN

                        LEADER MINING INTERNATIONAL, INC.

                                STOCK OPTION PLAN

                                    ARTICLE I

Purpose of Plan

1.1    The purpose of the Plan is to assist directors, officers, consultants and
       key employees of the Corporation  and its  Subsidiaries to participate in
       the growth and  development of the  Corporation  and its  Subsidiaries by
       providing such persons with the  opportunity,  through share options,  to
       acquire an increased proprietary interest in the Corporation.

                                   ARTICLE II

Defined Terms

Where used  herein,  the  following  terms  shall have the  following  meanings,

2.1      "Board" means the board of directors of the Corporation;

2.2      "Business  Day" means any day,  other than a Saturday  or a Sunday,  on
         which The Alberta  Stock  Exchange (or on such stock  exchange on which
         such Shares are listed and posted for trading) open for trading;

2.3      "Corporation" means Leader  Mining International Inc., and includes any
         successor corporation thereto;

2.4      "Eligible  Person"  means any director,  officer,  consultant  or  full
         time employee of the  Corporation  or any Subsidiary;

2.5      "Market  Price" at any date in respect of Shares  shall be the  closing
         price of such Shares on The Alberta  Stock  Exchange  (or on such stock
         exchange on which such Shares are listed and posted for trading) on the
         last  Business Day  preceding the date on which the Option is approved.
         In the event that such Shares did not trade on such  Business  Day, the
         Market  Price shall be the average of the bid and ask prices in respect
         of such Shares at the close trading on such date;

2.6      "Option" means an option to purchase Shares granted under the Plan;

2.7      "Option  Price"  means  the  price  per  share at which  Shares  may be
         purchased  under the Option,  as the same may be adjusted  from time to
         time in accordance with Article VIII hereof;

2.8      "Optionee" means a person to whom an Option has been granted;

2.9      "Plan" means the Stock Option Plan, as embodie  herein, as the same may
         be amended or varied from time to time;

2.10     "Shares" means the common shares of the  Corporation,  or, in the event
         of an adjustment contemplated by Article VIII hereof, such other shares

         or securities to which an Optionee may be entitled upon the exercise of
         an Option as a result of such adjustment; and

2.11     "Subsidiary"  means  any  corporation  that  is  a  subsidiary  of  the

                                   ARTICLE III

Administration of the Plan
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3.1 The Plan shall be administered by the Board of Directors.

3.2    The Board shall have the power, where consistent with the general purpose
       and intent of the Plan and  subject  to the  specific  provisions  of the

      (a)    to  establish  policies  and to adopt  rules  and  regulations  for
             carrying out the purposes,  provisions  and  administration  of the

      (b)    to interpret  and construe the Plan and to determine  all questions
             arising  out of the Plan and any  Option  granted  pursuant  to the
             Plan, and any such interpretation, construction or termination made
             by the Committee  shall be final,  binding and  conclusive  for all

      (c) to determine  to which  Eligible  Persons,  Options are granted and to
grant Options;

      (d) to determine the number of Shares covered by each Option;

      (e)    to determine the Option Price;

      (f) to  determine  the time or times  when  Options  will be  granted  and

      (g)    to  determine  if the Shares that are subject to an Options will be
             subject to any restrictions upon the exercise of such Option; and

      (h) to prescribe the form the instruments relating to the grant,  exercise
and other terms of Options.

                                   ARTICLE IV

Shares Subject to Plan

4.1    Options  may be granted in respect of  authorized  and  unissued  Shares,
       provided that the aggregate  number of Shares of all classes reserved for
       issuance  under this Plan,  subject to  adjustment  or  increase  of such
       number  pursuant to the provisions of Article VIII hereof,  together with
       any Shares  reserved  for  issuance  under any  options  for  services or
       employee stock  purchase or stock option plans or any other plans,  shall
       not exceed 10% of the  issued and  outstanding  Shares at the date of the
       grant  of  the  Option,  or  such  greater  number  of  Shares  as may be
       determined  by the Board and approved by The Alberta  Stock  Exchange (or
       any stock  exchange  on which the Shares are then  listed)  and any other
       relevant regulatory authority. Shares in respect of which Options are not
       exercised  shall be available for  subsequent  Options under the Plan. No
       fractional shares may be purchased or issued under the Plan.

                                    ARTICLE V

Eligibility, Grant and Terms of Options

5.1    Options may be granted to directors,  officers,  full-time  employees and
       consultants of the Corporation or of any Subsidiary of the Corporation.

5.2    The Option Price on Shares that are the subject of any Option shall in no
       circumstances be lower than the Market Price of the Shares at the date of
       the grant of the Option,  less the maximum  discount  permitted under the
       by-laws and polices of The Alberta Stock  Exchange (or any stock exchange
       on which the  Shares  are then  listed).  In the event  that the  maximum
       discounts  permitted  under the by-laws and policies of The Alberta Stock
       Exchange  (or any stock  exchange  on which the Shares  are then  listed)
       should  differ at any relevant  time,  the lower of the two figures shall
       govern for the purposes of this section 5.2.

5.3    In no event may  the term of an Option exceed five years from the date of
       the grant of the Option.

5.4    The total number of Shares to be optioned to any Optionee under this Plan
       together with any Shares reserved for issuance under options for services
       and employee  stock  purchase  plans or any other plans to such  Optionee
       shall not exceed 5% of the issued and  outstanding  Shares at the date of
       the grant of the Option.

5.5 An Option is personal to the Optionee and is non-assignable.

                                   ARTICLE VI

Termination of Employment; Death
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6.1    Subject to section 6.2 hereof and to any express resolution passed by the
       Committee  with respect to an Option,  and all rights to purchase  Shares
       pursuant thereto, shall expire and terminate on the earlier of the expiry
       date fixed for such  option or ninety  (90) days from the date of ceasing
       to be a director,  consultant or full-time employee of the Corporation or
       of any Subsidiary of the  Corporation  (unless The Alberta Stock Exchange
       consents  in  writing  to a longer  period)  and shall be  limited to the
       number of shares  purchasable  by that person  immediately  prior to such
       termination  and that person  shall have no right to  purchase  any other
       shares.  In no event shall an option or any part  thereof be  exercisable
       after the date fixed in the option for its expiration.

6.2    Options shall not be affected by any change of employment of the Optionee
       or by the Optionee ceasing to be a director where the Optionee  continues
       to be employed on a full-time basis by, or continues to be a director of,
       the Corporation or any Subsidiary of the Corporation.

6.3    If, before the expiry of an Option in accordance  with the terms thereof,
       the employment of the Optionee by the Corporation or by any Subsidiary of
       the  Corporation  shall  terminate for any reason  whatsoever  other than
       termination by the  Corporation for cause,  but including  termination by
       reason of the death of the  Optionee,  such  Option  may,  subject to the
       terms  thereof  and any other  terms of the Plan,  be  exercised,  if the
       Optionee is  deceased,  by the legal  personal  representative(s)  of the
       estate of the Optionee during the first three months  following the death

       of the Optionee,  or if he is alive, by the Optionee,  at any time within
       three months of the date of termination of the employment of the Optionee
       (but in either case prior to the expiry of the Option in accordance  with
       the terms thereof), but only to the extent that the Optionee was entitled
       to exercise such Option at the date of the termination of his employment.

                                   ARTICLE VII

Exercise of Options

7.1    Subject to the  provisions of the Plan,  an Option may be exercised  from
       time to time by delivery to the Corporation at its registered office of a
       written notice of exercise  addressed to the Secretary of the Corporation
       specifying the number of Shares with respect to which the Option is being
       exercised and  accompanied  by payment in full of the Option Price of the
       Shares to be purchased.  Certificates for such Shares shall be issued and
       delivered to the Optionee  within a reasonable time following the receipt
       of such notice and payment.

7.2    Notwithstanding  any of the  provisions  contained  in the Plan or in any
       Option,  the  Corporation's  obligation  to issue  Shares to an  Optionee
       pursuant to the exercise of an Option shall be subject to:

      (a)  completion of such registration or other qualification of such Shares
           or  obtaining   approval  of  such  governmental   authority  as  the
           Corporation   shall   determine  to  be  necessary  or  advisable  in
           connection with the authorization, issuance or sale thereof;

      (b)  the  admission  of such  Shares to listing on any stock  exchange  on
           which the Shares may then be listed; and

      (c)  the receipt from the Optionee of such representations, agreements and
           undertakings,  including as to future dealings in such Shares, as the
           Corporation or its counsel determines to be necessary or advisable in
           order to safeguard  against the violation of the  securities  laws of
           any jurisdiction.

      In this connection the Corporation  shall, to the extent  necessary,  take
      all  reasonable  steps  to  obtain  such  approvals,   registrations   and
      qualifications  as may be  necessary  for the  issuance  of such Shares in
      compliance  with  applicable  securities  laws and for the listing of such
      Shares on any stock exchange on which the Shares are then listed.

                                  ARTICLE VIII

Certain Adjustments

8.1 Appropriate  adjustments in the number of Shares subject to the Plan, and as
regards Options  granted or to be granted,  in the number of Shares optioned and
in the Option Price, shall be made by the Board to give effect to adjustments in
the  number  of  Shares  of  the   Corporation   resulting  from   subdivisions,
consolidations  or  reclassifications  of the  Shares  of the  Corporation,  the
payment of stock  dividends  by the  Corporation  (other than  dividends  in the
ordinary  course)  or  other  relevant  changes  in  the  capital  stock  of the

                                   ARTICLE IX

Amendment or Discontinuance of Plan
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9.1 The Board may amend or discontinue the Plan at any time; provided,  however,
that no such  amendment  may increase  the maximum  number of Shares that may be
optioned  under the Plan,  change the manner of  determining  the minimum Option
Price or,  without  the  consent  of the  Optionee,  alter or impair  any Option
previously granted to an Optionee under the Plan.

                                    ARTICLE X

Miscellaneous Provisions
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10.1   The holder of an Option shall not have any rights as a shareholder of the
       Corporation  with  respect  to any of the Shares  covered by such  Option
       until such holder shall have exercised such Option in accordance with the
       terms of the Plan  (including  tendering  payment  in full of the  Option
       Price of the Shares in  respect  of which the Option is being  exercised)
       and the Corporation shall issue such Shares to the Optionee in accordance
       with the terms of the Plan in those circumstances.

10.2   Nothing in the Plan or any Option  shall  confer  upon any  Optionee  any
       right to continue in the employ of the  Corporation  or any Subsidiary of
       the  Corporation or affect in any way the right of the Corporation or any
       such  Subsidiary  to  terminate  his  employment  at any time;  nor shall
       anything in the Plan or any Option be deemed or construed  to  constitute
       an agreement,  or an expression of intent, on the part of the Corporation
       or any such  Subsidiary to extend the  employment of any Optionee  beyond
       the time that he would normally be retired  pursuant to the provisions of
       any  present  or  future  retirement  plan  of  the  Corporation  or  any
       Subsidiary or any present or future  retirement policy of the Corporation
       or any  Subsidiary,  or beyond  the time at which he would  otherwise  be
       retired pursuant to the provisions of any contract of employment with the
       Corporation or any Subsidiary.

10.3 References herein to any gender include all genders.

                                   ARTICLE XI

Shareholder and Regulatory Approval
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11.1   The Plan shall be  subject to the  approval  of the  shareholders  of the
       Corporation  to be given  by a  resolution  passed  at a  meeting  of the
       shareholders of the  Corporation,  and to acceptance by The Alberta Stock
       Exchange (or any stock exchange on which the Shares are then listed). Any
       Options   granted  prior  to  such  approval  and  acceptance   shall  be
       conditional  upon such  approval and  acceptance  being given and no such
       Options may be exercised unless and until such approval and acceptance is