
                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION

                      EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 (AMENDMENT NO. )

Filed by the Registrant [X]
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [_]

Check the appropriate box:

[_]  Preliminary Proxy Statement              [_]  Confidential, for Use of the
[X]  Definitive Proxy Statement                    Commission Only (as permitted
[_]  Definitive Additional Materials               by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
[_]  Soliciting Material Pursuant to
     sec.240.14a-11(c) or sec.240.14a

                              WESTBANK CORPORATION
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
[_]  No fee required.
[_]  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.

     (1)  Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

     (2)  Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

     (3)  Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
          pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which the
          filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):

     (4)  Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

     (5)  Total fee paid:

[_]  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.
[_]  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule
     0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was paid
     previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement number,
     or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

     (1)  Amount Previously Paid:

     (2)  Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

     (3)  Filing Party:

     (4)  Date Filed:


                              WESTBANK CORPORATION

                                    NOTICE OF
                                 ANNUAL MEETING
                                 OF SHAREHOLDERS
                                 APRIL 21, 2004
                                 PROXY STATEMENT

                             Your Vote Is Important
           You are urged to exercise your right to vote by indicating
           your choices on the enclosed proxy card. Please date, sign
               and promptly return your proxy card in the enclosed
          postage-paid envelope. You may, nevertheless, vote in person
                           if you attend the meeting.

                              WESTBANK CORPORATION
                                 225 PARK AVENUE
                   WEST SPRINGFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS 01089-3310

                      TO BE HELD WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21, 2004

                                                                  MARCH 15, 2004


Notice is hereby given that the 2004 Annual Meeting of Shareholders of Westbank
Corporation (the "Corporation") will be held at 9:00 AM on Wednesday, April 21,
2004, at the Best Western Sovereign Hotel & Conference Center, 1080 Riverdale
Street, West Springfield, Massachusetts, for the following purposes, all as set
forth in the Proxy Statement accompanying this notice:

     1.   Election of the individuals listed as nominees in the Proxy Statement
          accompanying this notice of meeting.

     2.   To approve the Westbank Corporation 2004 Recognition and Retention

     3.   Ratification of the appointment of the firm of Grant Thornton LLP as
          the Corporation's independent public accountants for the fiscal year
          ending December 31, 2004.

     4.   To act upon such other matters as may properly be brought before the
          meeting or any adjournment thereof.

The record date and hour for determining shareholders entitled to notice of, and
to vote at, the meeting has been fixed at 5:00 PM, March 1, 2004.

                                              By order of the Board of Directors

                                              Robert J. Perlak

West Springfield, Massachusetts
March 15, 2004



                                 PROXY STATEMENT

Approximate date of mailing
March 15, 2004

                              WESTBANK CORPORATION
                                 225 PARK AVENUE
                   WEST SPRINGFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS 01089-3310
                                 (413) 747-1400

                            TO BE HELD APRIL 21, 2004


This Proxy Statement is furnished to shareholders in connection with the
solicitation of proxies on behalf of the Board of Directors of Westbank
Corporation (the "Corporation") to be used at the 2004 Annual Meeting of
Shareholders of the Corporation to be held at the Best Western Sovereign Hotel &
Conference Center, 1080 Riverdale Street, West Springfield, Massachusetts, on
Wednesday, April 21, 2004 at 9:00 AM and at any adjournments thereof.

The close of business on March 1, 2004 has been fixed as the record date for
determination of shareholders of the Corporation entitled to notice of and to
vote at the 2004 Annual Meeting of Shareholders. The only class of issued and
outstanding voting securities of the Corporation is the $2.00 par value Common
Stock (the "Common Stock"). As of the record date, the number of shares of
Common Stock outstanding and entitled to vote at the 2004 Annual Meeting of
Shareholders is 4,459,920.  Each share of Common Stock is entitled to one vote.

The affirmative vote of a majority of the shares of Common Stock of the
Corporation represented at the 2004 Annual Meeting is required to approve the
Westbank Corporation 2004 Recognition and Retention Plan and to appoint the
auditor of the Corporation. The affirmative vote of a plurality of the votes
cast by shareholders is required to elect Directors.

Execution of the enclosed proxy will not affect the shareholder's right to
attend the meeting and vote in person. A shareholder that has given a proxy has
the power to revoke it at any time before it is exercised by delivering notice
of revocation, or a duly executed proxy bearing a later date, to the Treasurer
of the Corporation.



The By-Laws of the Corporation provide, in substance, that the Board of
Directors shall be divided into three classes as nearly equal in number as
possible and that the term of office of one class shall expire and a successor
class shall be elected at each Annual Meeting of the Shareholders. The
Corporation's Board of Directors presently consists of nine members.

Six Directors will continue to serve after the 2004 Annual Meeting of
Shareholders. In accordance with the By-Laws of the Corporation, three (3)
nominees shall be elected to serve a three(3)-year term, until the 2007 Annual
Meeting of Shareholders, and for such further time as may be required for the
election and qualification of their successors. Unless returned proxies properly
indicate that authority to vote for any of the nominees named herein is
withheld, all proxies received by the Corporation in time for the 2004 Annual
Meeting of Shareholders will be voted in favor of the election of the nominees
listed below. In the event any of the nominees named herein becomes unable or
unwilling to accept nomination for election, the persons identified as proxies
in the accompanying form of proxy will vote the shares represented by executed
proxies in favor of the nomination and election of such substitute nominees as
the Board of Directors of the Corporation may select.

The following tables name the individuals nominated for Director and those
Directors of the Corporation who will continue to serve after the Meeting, and
indicate their age, the period of time they have served as Director of the
Corporation or its predecessor, their position with the Corporation, and their
principal occupation or employment. No nominee or Director holds a directorship
in any corporation, other than the Corporation, with a class of securities
registered pursuant to Section 12 of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934 or
subject to the requirements of Section 15(d) of such Act or any corporation
registered as an investment company under the Investment Company Act of 1940.


The following individuals are nominees for election as a Director of the
Corporation at the 2004 Annual Meeting to serve for a 3-year term until the 2007
Annual Meeting of Shareholders:

- ----------------------------------   ---     ------------------------       ------------
Roland O. Archambault
  PINNACLE RACEWAY                    71                1989                  Director

Donald R. Chase
    PRESIDENT AND                                                      Director, Vice Chairman of
    CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER                                             the Board, President and
  WESTBANK                            57                1990             Chief Executive Officer

George R. Sullivan
  SULLIVAN PAPER COMPANY, INC.        50                1997                  Director

The following Directors will continue to serve after the meeting:

- ----------------------------------   ---     ------------------------       ------------      ---------------
Mark A. Beauregard
  WAITE AND DRISCOLL                  52                1986                  Director              2005
David R. Chamberland
  CHICOPEE BUILDING SUPPLY, INC.      65                1989                  Director              2006
Ernest N. Laflamme, Jr.
  TREASURER                                                                   Director,
  CITY OF CHICOPEE                    72                1987             Chairman of the Board      2006
G. Wayne McCary
  EASTERN STATES EXPOSITION           61                1999                  Director              2006
Robert J. Perlak
  PRIVATE INVESTOR                    68                1987              Director and Clerk        2005
James E. Tremble
  VALLEY COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS, INC. 65                1986                  Director              2005


The total number of special and regular meetings of the Board of Directors of
the Corporation during the fiscal year ended December 31, 2003 was twelve (12).
Each Director attended at least 75% of all Board of Directors meetings held in
2003 during the period for which each was a Director. All Directors are
encouraged to attend the Annual Meeting of Shareholders. Nine (9) Directors
attended the 2003 Annual Meeting of Shareholders.

All members of the Board of Directors, with the exception of Mr. Chase, are
"independent" as that term is defined by the applicable listing standards of
Nasdaq. Mr. Chase is considered an inside Director due to his employment as an
executive officer of the Corporation.


The Board of Directors each year appoints Directors to serve on standing
committees of the Board of Directors, including the Executive Committee, the
Compensation Committee, the Nominating Committee and the Audit Committee. The
members of the Executive Committee, the Compensation Committee, the Nominating
Committee and the Audit Committee of the Corporation also make up these same
committees for Westbank ("the Bank"), the wholly owned subsidiary of the
Corporation. All Directors attended at least 75% of the meetings of committees
of which they were a member during the period each was a Director.


The members of the Executive Committee in 2003 were Messrs. Laflamme,
Beauregard, Chase, Sullivan and Tremble. The Executive Committee met eleven (11)
times during 2003.


The Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors consists of five (5)
Directors. Current member of the Committee are Messrs. Laflamme, Beauregard,
McCary, Sullivan and Tremble. Each of the members of the Compensation Committee
meets the definition of an "independent director" as defined in the National
Association of Securities Dealers ("Nasdaq") listing standards, as those
standards have been modified or amended. The Compensation Committee determines
compensation for executive officers of the Company and the Bank, which
determinations are approved by the Board of Directors. The Compensation
Committee met four (4) times during 2003.



The Nominating Committee of the Board of Directors consists of three (3)
Directors. Current member of the Nominating Committee are Messrs. Chamberland,
Laflamme and Sullivan. The Board of Directors has adopted a written charter for
the Nominating Committee, a copy of which is attached to this proxy statement as
Appendix B and is available at the Company's Web site,
www.westbankcorponline.com. Each current member of the Nominating Committee
meets the definition of an "independent director" as defined in the Nasdaq
listing standards, as those standards have been modified or amended. The
Nominating Committee met one (1) time during 2003.

The Nominating Committee identifies candidates for the Board of Directors and
recommends individuals to be presented for shareholder approval at the annual
meeting of shareholders and to fill any vacancies on the Board. Prospective
nominees are evaluated by the Nominating Committee on the basis of a subjective
review of the background of each prospective nominee and the current needs of
the Company. Factors considered by the Committee include:

     o    the candidate's background, including, but not limited to, education
          and employment experience;
     o    the candidate's standards of integrity, work ethic and commitment;
     o    the candidate's ability to devote sufficient time and effort to the
          duties of a Director, including, but not limited to, the candidate's
          service on other boards of directors; and
     o    the candidate's specific skills and experience in light of the needs
          of the Company and the Board of Directors, including, but not limited
          to, the need for specific expertise to serve on committees of the

The Committee may also consider other factors as it deems appropriate. The
Committee may determine to interview candidates, either in person or by
telephone. Upon completion of the evaluation process, the Committee recommends
candidates for election to the Board of Directors.

The policy of the Nominating Committee is to consider any Director candidate
recommended by the shareholders on the same basis that the Committee considers
candidates identified by the Committee. Recommendations must be made in writing
to Clerk, Westbank Corporation, 225 Park Avenue, Post Office Box 149, West
Springfield, Massachusetts 01090-0149, with whatever supporting material the
shareholder deems appropriate. All requests must be received at the above
address on or before December 1, 2004 for consideration at the 2005 Annual
Meeting of Shareholders.


From time to time, the Corporation, through the Bank, enters into banking
transactions, in the ordinary course of business, with certain of the executive
officers and Directors of the Corporation, their immediate families or entities
in which such persons may have a ten percent (10%) beneficial interest or for
which such persons may serve as executive officers. All loans made to such
persons are on substantially the same terms as comparable transactions and do
not involve more than the normal risk of collection. The aggregate amount of
such loans at December 31, 2003 was $6,996,000. As of the date of this Proxy
Statement, all of the loans described herein are performing loans in accordance
with their original terms.




The Audit Committee of the Board of Directors has developed a charter for the
Committee, which was approved by the full Board on May 15, 2003. The complete
text of the charter, which reflects standards set forth in SEC regulations and
Nasdaq rules, is attached to this Proxy as Appendix C.

The members of the Audit Committee are Messrs. Archambault, Chamberland, McCary
and Sullivan. The Board of Directors, in its business judgment , has determined
that all members of the Audit Committee are "independent", as required by the
applicable listing standards of Nasdaq and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2004, and
the rules promulgated thereunder.

Management of the Company is responsible for the preparation, presentation and
integrity of the Company's financial statements and for the effectiveness of
internal control over financial reporting. Management and the internal Audit
Department are responsible for maintaining the Company's accounting and
financial reporting principles and internal controls and procedures designed to
assure compliance with accounting standards and applicable laws and regulations.
The independent auditors are responsible for auditing the Company's financial
statements, expressing an opinion as to their conformity with generally accepted
accounting principles and annually auditing management's assessment of the
effectiveness of internal controls over financial reporting.

As set forth in more detail in the charter, the Audit Committee's primary
responsibilities fall into three (3) broad categories:

     o    first, the Committee is charged with monitoring the preparation of
          quarterly and annual financial reports by the Corporation's
          management, including discussions with management and the
          Corporation's outside auditors about the annual financial statements
          and key accounting and reporting matters;

     o    second, the Committee is responsible for matters concerning the
          relationship between the Corporation and its outside auditors,
          including recommending their appointment or removal, subject to
          ratification by the shareholders; reviewing the scope of their audit
          services and related fees, as well as any other services being
          provided to the Corporation; and determining whether the outside
          auditors are independent (based in part on the annual letter provided
          to the Corporation by the outside auditors pursuant to INDEPENDENCE

     o    third, the Committee oversees management's implementation of an
          effective system of internal controls, including review of policies
          relating to legal and regulatory compliance, ethics and conflicts of
          interests; and review of the activities and recommendations of the
          Corporation's internal and external auditing programs.


The Committee has implemented procedures to ensure that during the course of
each fiscal year it devotes the attention that it deems necessary or appropriate
to each of the matters assigned to it under the Committee's charter. To carry
out its responsibilities, the Committee met four (4) times during Fiscal Year

The members of the Audit Committee are not full-time employees of the Company
and are not performing the functions of auditors or accountants. As such, it is
not the duty or responsibility of the Audit Committee or its members to conduct
"field work" or other types of auditing or accounting review or procedures or to
set auditor independence standards. Members of the Committee necessarily rely on
the information provided to them by management and the independent accountants.
Accordingly, the Audit Committee's considerations and discussions referred to
above do not assure that the audit of the Company's financial statements has
been carried out in accordance with generally accepted accounting standards,
that the financial statements are presented in accordance with generally
accepted accounting principles, or that the Company's auditors are, in fact,

In overseeing the preparation of the Corporation's financial statements, the
Committee met with both management and the Corporation's outside auditors to
review and discuss all financial statements prior to their issuance and to
discuss significant accounting issues. Management advised the Committee that all
financial statements were prepared in accordance with generally accepted
accounting principles, and the Committee discussed the statements with both
management and the outside auditors. The Committee's review included discussion
with the outside auditors of matters required to be discussed pursuant to

With respect to the Corporation's outside auditors, the Committee, among other
things, discussed with Grant Thornton LLP matters relating to its independence,
including the disclosures made to the Committee as required by the INDEPENDENCE
Listed below are aggregate fees billed to date to the Corporation for the fiscal
year ended December 31, 2003 by the Corporation's principal accounting firm,
Grant Thornton LLP:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Audit Fees                                                       $105,521
Tax Services                                                     $ 30,601 (a)

(a)  The Audit Committee has considered whether the provision of these services
     is compatible with maintaining the principal accountant's independence.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Finally, the Committee continued to monitor the scope and adequacy of the
Corporation's internal auditing program, including proposals for adequate
staffing and to strengthen internal procedures and controls where appropriate.


On the basis of these reviews and discussions, the Committee recommended to the
Board of Directors that the Board approve the inclusion of the Corporation's
audited financial statements in the Corporation's Annual Report on Form 10-K for
the fiscal year ended December 31, 2003, for filing with the Securities and
Exchange Commission.

Respectfully submitted by:

  Roland O. Archambault                   David R. Chamberland
       CHAIRMAN                           G. Wayne McCary
                                          George R. Sullivan
                                                  THE AUDIT COMMITTEE


The Company has adopted a Code of Ethics applicable to the members of the Board
of Directors, all employees of the Company, the Chief Executive Officer, the
Chief Financial Officer, the Controller and persons performing similar
functions. A copy of the Code of Ethics is attached to this Proxy Statement as
Appendix D and is available at the Company's Web site,
www.westbankcorponline.com. The Company will report amendments to or waivers
from its Code of Ethics as such apply to the Company's Chief Executive Officer,
Chief Financial Officer and Controller in a manner consistent with Item 10 of
Form 8-K of the Securities and Exchange Commission.


Shareholders may communicate directly with the Chairman of the Board of
Directors or the Board of Directors as a group by writing to the Chairman of the
Board of Directors, Westbank Corporation, 225 Park Avenue, Post Office Box 149,
West Springfield, Massachusetts 01090-0149. Shareholders may communicate with
any committee of the Board of Directors by writing to the Chairman of such
committee at the address listed above. All correspondence will be reviewed by
the Clerk of the Company, who shall forward the correspondence to the
appropriate Director or committee.


In addition to the President of the Corporation, who is a Director and is listed
in the tables above, the other executive officers of the Corporation are as
follows: Gary L. Briggs, age 53, is Executive Vice President of the Corporation
and the Bank; John M. Lilly, age 55, is Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer of
the Corporation and is also Executive Vice President and Treasurer of the Bank.
Each executive officer serves for a one-year term or until their successor is
elected and qualified.


                          BENEFICIAL OWNERSHIP OF STOCK

The following table sets forth certain information as of the record date with
respect to all individuals known to the Corporation to be the beneficial owner
of more than 5% of the outstanding Common Stock of the Corporation:

                                 NUMBER OF SHARES                PERCENT OF
- -------------------------       ---------------------        ------------------
Richard S. Sullivan
Carol B. Sullivan
96 Prynwood Road                                                    8.43%
Longmeadow, MA 01106                 375,949

Donald R. Chase
Diana L. Chase
39 Timber Ridge Road
West Springfield, MA 01089           352,463  (2)                   7.90%



(1)  Under regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission, a person is
     treated as the beneficial owner of a security if the person directly or
     indirectly (through contract, arrangement, understanding, relationship or
     otherwise) has or shares (a) voting power, including the power to vote or
     to direct the voting, of such security, or (b) investment power with
     respect to such security, including the power to dispose or direct the
     disposition of such security. A person is also deemed to have beneficial
     ownership of any security that such person has the right to acquire within
     60 days.
(2)  Included in the shares beneficially owned by Mr. Chase are 245,175
     unexercised stock options.

The following table and related notes set forth information as of the record
date regarding the Corporation's Common Stock beneficially owned by each
Director and nominee and by Directors, nominees and officers of the Corporation:

- -------------------          ----------------------------     ------------------
Roland O. Archambault                   26,202 (4)                       .59%
Mark A. Beauregard                      28,992                           .65
David R. Chamberland                    10,412                           .23
Donald R. Chase                        352,463 (4)(5)                   7.90
Ernest N. Laflamme, Jr.                 67,737                          1.52
G. Wayne McCary                         12,975                           .29
Robert J. Perlak                        54,231                          1.22
George R. Sullivan                      36,500 (4)                       .82
James E. Tremble                        31,170                           .70

All Directors, nominees and
Executive Officers as a group
(11 persons, including those           861,580                         19.35
named above)(3) (5)

Section 16(a) of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the
"Exchange Act"), requires the Corporation's Directors, Executive Officers and
holders of more than 10% of the Corporation's Common Stock to file with the
Securities and Exchange Commission initial reports of ownership and reports of
changes in ownership of Common Stock and other equity securities of the
Corporation. The Corporation believes that, during the fiscal year ended
December 31, 2003, all such persons complied with all Section 16(a) filing
requirements. In making this statement, the Corporation has relied upon the
written representations of its Directors and Executive Officers.


(1)  Based upon information provided to the Corporation by the indicated
(2)  Under regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission, a person is
     treated as the beneficial owner of a security if the person directly or
     indirectly (through contract, arrangement, understanding, relationship or
     otherwise) has or shares (a) voting power, including the power to vote or
     to direct the voting of such security, or (b) investment power with respect
     to such security, including the power to dispose or direct the disposition
     of such security. A person is also deemed to have beneficial ownership of
     any security that such person has the right to acquire within 60 days.
(3)  The information in the table includes all shares under stock options that
     were exercisable on the record date or 60 days thereafter. As of that date,
     Mr. Chase owned exercisable options to purchase 245,175 shares, and all
     Directors and Officers as a group owned exercisable options to purchase
(4)  Indicates a nominee for election as a Director of the Corporation at the
     2004 Annual Meeting of Shareholders.
(5)  For the purposes of the above table, the term "Executive Officer" means any
     individual elected as an Executive Officer of the Corporation.


Compensation decisions for executive officers of the Corporation are made by the
Compensation Committee and approved by the full Board of Directors. Mr. Chase,
who is a member of the Board of Directors, as well as an executive officer of
the Corporation, is not a member of the Compensation Committee and neither
participated in the discussion of nor voted upon his compensation package as a
member of the Board of Directors.


Set forth below is the report of the Compensation Committee of the Corporation
regarding executive management compensation, as required by applicable rules of
the Securities and Exchange Commission.

The executive compensation program of the Corporation consists of three (3)
primary components: base salary, cash incentive compensation and stock options,
all of which are administered by the Compensation Committee.

Decisions by the Compensation Committee relating to the compensation of the
Corporation's executive officers are approved by the full Board of Directors,
except as otherwise set forth herein. In determining the proper amount of
compensation for each executive officer, the Compensation Committee considers
various factors, including, inter alia:

     o    the performance of the Corporation;
     o    the individual's performance as an executive officer of the
     o    the amount of compensation paid to similarly situated executive
          officers in similar sized corporations; and
     o    the length of service with the Corporation.

During 2001, the Corporation engaged the firm of Kaeding, Ernst & Company to
review the Bank's retirement plans for executive officers, including the 1995
Westbank Executive Supplemental Retirement Plan. As a result of this review, the
Compensation Committee adopted the 2001 Supplemental Retirement Plan. The
purpose of the supplemental plans is to provide executives with retirement
benefits that are comparable to those provided to its other employees.
Supplemental retirement benefits are provided to all of the executive officers
and certain other participants under various non-qualified plans. The 2001
Supplemental Plan is designed to provide a retirement benefit at normal
retirement (age 65) equal to seventy-five percent (75%) of the participant's
compensation at retirement, less fifty percent (50%) of the Social Security
benefit and the simple life annuity value of the participant's account balances
derived from employer-provided contributions under all qualified and
non-qualified defined contribution plans maintained by the Corporation.
Supplemental retirement benefits are provided to certain employees, including
each executive officer, whose benefits under the Westbank Money Purchase Plan
are limited in amount under federal tax laws and regulations.


During 2001, the Compensation Committee engaged Thomas Warren & Associates, Inc.
to assist in establishing salary levels and an incentive compensation plan for
the Corporation's senior executives pursuant to the Corporation's Incentive
Compensation Plan, which is used by the Compensation Committee as a guide in
determining executive officer compensation.

The Corporation also maintains the 1996 Incentive Stock Option Plan ("the 1996
Plan"). The 1996 Plan was established to promote the growth and profitability of
the Corporation and provide key employees with an incentive to achieve corporate

During 2003, the Chief Executive Officer, Donald R. Chase, received a salary
increase of $34,097, an increase of eight percent (8%) of his base salary. The
increase was recommended by the Compensation Committee following its evaluation
of Mr. Chase's performance as Chief Executive Officer and the overall
performance of the Corporation for 2002. In addition, as a result of The
Incentive Compensation Plan, Mr. Chase received a cash bonus, payable in 2004,
of $171,694 based on the Corporation's 2003 performance.

The Compensation Committee believes that the 2003 compensation of executive
officers was reasonable, given the Corporation's performance and utilizing the
criteria listed above.

Respectfully submitted by:
         Ernest N. Laflamme, Jr.                     Mark A. Beauregard
                  CHAIRMAN                           G. Wayne McCary
                                                     George R. Sullivan
                                                     James E. Tremble


The following table sets forth the cash compensation paid, as well as long-term
compensation paid, for each of the last three fiscal years to all executive
officers of the Corporation who received over $100,000.00 in cash compensation
during 2003.


                              ANNUAL COMPENSATION                            LONG-TERM COMPENSATION
                              -------------------                            ----------------------
                                                                   AWARD                            PAYOUTS
                                                     OTHER       ----------                      -------------
                                                     ANNUAL      RESTRICTED                      ALL OTHER
NAME AND                                             COMPEN-     STOCK        OPTIONS/  LTIP     COMPEN-
- ------------------         ----  --------  --------  ----------  -----------  --------  -------  -------------
Donald R. Chase            2003  $440,197  $171,694     N/A         N/A            N/A    N/A      $233,594
PRESIDENT AND              2002  $406,100  $158,986     N/A         N/A        102,375    N/A      $194,909
CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER    2001  $376,544  $ 58,880     N/A         N/A            N/A    N/A      $115,916

Gary L. Briggs             2003  $223,803  $ 38,579     N/A         N/A            N/A    N/A      $ 67,207
EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT-  2002  $206,758  $ 71,442     N/A         N/A         31,500    N/A      $ 55,056
LENDING                    2001  $192,761  $ 26,460     N/A         N/A            N/A    N/A      $ 38,813

John M. Lilly              2003  $225,959  $ 77,158     N/A         N/A            N/A    N/A      $ 88,257
TREASURER AND              2002  $208,995  $ 71,442     N/A         N/A         31,500    N/A      $ 72,971
CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER    2001  $194,765  $ 26,400     N/A         N/A            N/A    N/A      $ 47,283


(1)  The items included for 2003 consist of the following: annual contribution
     on behalf of the Money Purchase Pension Plan amounting to $20,822 for each
     executive; annual allocation under the company's supplemental pension plans
     of $205,772, $39,894 and $60,785 for the accounts of Messrs. Chase, Briggs
     and Lilly respectively; annual contribution on behalf of the company's 401K
     plan of $7,000, $6,491 and $6,650 for Messrs. Chase, Briggs and Lilly


Westbank Corporation has entered into an employment agreement with Mr. Donald R.
Chase to secure his services as President and Chief Executive Officer. This
employment agreement has a term of three years, beginning on December 17, 2003,
and may be renewed annually after a review of the executive's performance. This
agreement provides for an initial minimum annual salary of $429,235,
discretionary cash bonuses, and participation on generally applicable terms and
conditions in other compensation and fringe benefit plans. It also guarantees
customary corporate indemnification and errors and omissions insurance coverage
throughout the employment term and for so long as the executive is subject to
suit for claims deriving from service to Westbank Corporation and Westbank after
termination. Westbank Corporation and Westbank may terminate the executive's
employment, and the executive may resign, at any time with or without cause.
However, in the event of termination during the term without cause, the
executive will be owed severance benefits generally equal to the value of the
cash compensation and fringe benefits (including the value of accruals under
both tax-qualified and nonqualified benefits plans in which he participates)
that the executive would have received if he had continued working for the
remaining unexpired term of the agreement. The same severance benefits would be
payable if the executive resigns during the term following: a loss of title,
office or membership on the board of directors; material reduction in duties,
functions or responsibilities; or other material breach of contract by Westbank
Corporation or Westbank that is not cured within 30 days. For 90 days after a
change in control, the executive may resign for any reason and collect severance
benefits as if he had been discharged without cause, calculated as if the
remaining unexpired term of the agreement were three years. If Westbank
Corporation or Westbank experiences a change in ownership, a change in effective
ownership or control, or a change in the ownership of a substantial portion of
their assets as contemplated by section 280G of the Internal Revenue Code, a
portion of any severance payments under the employment agreement might
constitute an "excess parachute payment" under current federal tax laws. Federal
tax laws impose a 20% excise tax, payable by the executive, on excess parachute
payments. Under the employment agreement, Westbank Corporation would reimburse
the executive for the amount of this excise tax and would make an additional
gross-up payment so that, after payment of the excise tax and all income and
excise taxes imposed on the reimbursement and gross-up payments, the executive
will retain approximately the same net after-tax amounts under the employment
agreement that he would have retained if there were no 20% excise tax. The
effect of this provision is that Westbank Corporation, rather than the
executive, bears the financial cost of the excise tax. Neither Westbank
Corporation nor Westbank could claim a federal income tax deduction for an
excess parachute payment, excise tax reimbursement payment or gross-up payment.


Westbank Corporation and Westbank have jointly entered into thirty-month change
of control agreements with each of Messrs. Briggs and Lilly. The term of these
agreements is perpetual until Westbank gives notice of non-extension, at which
time the term is fixed for three years. Generally, Westbank may terminate the
employment of any officer covered by these agreements, with or without cause, at
any time prior to a change of control without obligation for severance benefits.


However, if Westbank or Westbank Corporation signs a merger or other business
combination agreement, or if a third party makes a tender offer or initiates a
proxy contest, it could not terminate an officer's employment without cause
without liability for severance benefits. The severance benefits would generally
be equal to the value of the cash compensation and fringe benefits that the
officer would have received if he or she had continued working for an additional
thirty months. Westbank would pay the same severance benefits if the officer
resigns after a change of control. If Westbank or Westbank Corporation
experiences a change in ownership, a change in effective ownership or control,
or a change in the ownership of a substantial portion of their assets as
contemplated by section 280G of the Internal Revenue Code, a portion of any
severance payments under the change of control agreements might constitute an
"excess parachute payment" under current federal tax laws. Federal tax laws
impose a 20% excise tax, payable by the officer, on excess parachute payments.
Under the change of control agreement, Westbank Corporation would reimburse the
officers for the amount of this excise tax and would make an additional gross-up
payment so that, after payment of the excise tax and all income and excise taxes
imposed on the reimbursement and gross-up payments, the officers would retain
approximately the same net-after tax amounts under the change of control
agreement that they would have retained if there were no 20% excise tax. The
effect of this provision is that Westbank Corporation, rather than the officers,
bears the financial cost of the excise tax. Neither Westbank Corporation nor
Westbank could claim a federal income tax deduction for an excess parachute
payment, excise tax reimbursement payment or gross-up payment.


In February, 1985, the Board of Directors of the Corporation unanimously adopted
the 1985 Incentive Stock Option Plan for Key Employees (the "1985 Stock Plan"),
which was approved by the shareholders at the Annual Meeting in April, 1985.

The 1985 Stock Plan is administered by the Board of Directors. The Board of
Directors was authorized to grant stock options to the professional and
supervisory employees of the Corporation and its subsidiaries at any time until
February 19, 1995.

All options were granted at 100% of the fair market value of the Common Stock of
the Corporation on the date of the grant. Each stock option terminates not more
than 10 years after the date of the grant. Options are exercisable in such
installments as may be determined by the Board of Directors. Payment of stock
purchased on the exercise of a stock option must be made in full at the time the
stock option is exercised. Options may not be assigned or transferred, other
than by will or the laws of descent or distribution.

As of February 19, 1995, the 1985 Stock Plan expired. No options were granted or
available for granting during 2003.

A total of 6,750 options were exercised in 2003. No options were terminated
during 2003 and a total of 506 options remain unexercised as of the record date.



On February 21, 1996, the Board of Directors unanimously adopted the Westbank
Corporation 1996 Stock Incentive Plan (the "1996 Plan"), which was approved by
the shareholders at the Annual Meeting in April, 1996. The 1996 Plan was amended
at the 2002 Annual Meeting of Shareholders to increase the number of shares
reserved for issuance thereunder by 200,000.

The 1996 Plan is administered by the Compensation Committee (the "Committee").
The Committee is authorized to grant Employee Awards under the 1996 Plan to any
employee. In practice, Employee Awards are made to a group of management

All options are granted at 100% of the fair market value of the Common Stock of
the Corporation on the date of the grant. Each stock option terminates not more
than 10 years after the date of the grant. Options are exercisable in such
installments as may be determined by the Committee. Payment of stock purchased
on the exercise of a stock option must be made in full at the time the stock
option is exercised. Options may not be assigned or transferred, other than by
will or the laws of descent or distribution.

The Board of Directors may, at any time, terminate and, from time to time, may
amend or modify the 1996 Plan, without approval of Westbank shareholders, except
to the extent that such shareholder approval is required by applicable law or
regulation. There is no set termination date for the 1996 Plan.

No stock options were granted during 2003, while 20,800 options were exercised
and 1,050 options were terminated. A total of 505,670 options remain unexercised
as of the record date and 11,950 options are available for future grants.


                                                       NUMBER OF SECURITIES         VALUE OF UNEXERCISED
      NAME         ON EXERCISE (#)   REALIZED ($)      OPTIONS AT FY-END (#)            AT FY-END ($)
- ----------------   ---------------   ------------   --------------------------   --------------------------
                                                    EXERCISABLE  UNEXERCISABLE   EXERCISABLE  UNEXERCISABLE
                                                    -----------  -------------   -----------  -------------
Donald R. Chase          0                0             211,050         34,125    $1,550,912       $192,156
Gary L. Briggs           0                0              75,600         10,500       589,450         59,125
John M. Lilly            0                0              75,600         10,500       589,450         59,125

(1)  Based on the difference between the options exercise price and the closing
     price of the common stock on the date the options were exercised.



The following table sets forth certain information as of December 31, 2003
concerning outstanding awards and securities available for future issuance
pursuant to the Corporation's equity compensation plans.

                                     (a)                    (b)          Number of securities remaining
                           Number of securities to    Weighted-average   available for future issuance
                           be issued upon exercise   exercise price of     under equity compensation
                           of outstanding options,  outstanding options,  plans (excluding securities
    Plan category            warrants and rights    warrants and rights     reflected in column (a)
- -------------------------  -----------------------  --------------------  -----------------------------
Equity compensation plans         627,080                  $10.78                    26,000
approved by security
- -------------------------  -----------------------  --------------------  -----------------------------
Equity compensation plans           N/A                      N/A                       N/A
not approved by security
- -------------------------  -----------------------  --------------------  -----------------------------
Total                             627,080                  $10.78                    26,000


As set forth below, executive officers and employees are eligible to participate
in the Westbank Money Purchase Pension Plan.

The Bank maintains a Money Purchase Pension Plan (the "Plan") available to
employees of the Corporation and the Bank. Full-time employees become eligible
to participate in the Plan when they have both (i) reached the age of 20-1/2 and
(ii) completed six (6) months of service (as defined in the Plan).

Contributions to the Plan may be made by both the Bank and a participant. The
Bank's contributions will be made to the Plan whether or not a participant
chooses to contribute. The annual contribution by the Bank to each participant's
account for 2003 equals 7% of a participant's annual compensation, plus 5.7% of
a participant's annual compensation in excess of the participant's Social
Security Taxable Wage Base.



During 2003, Directors of the Corporation who are not salaried employees
received Directors' fees of $14,000. The Chairman of the Board of Directors
received annual remuneration of $19,500, while the Clerk of the Corporation
received an annual fee of $16,500. Directors who are also salaried employees
receive no additional compensation for their services as Directors of the


In February, 1995, the Board of Directors of the Corporation unanimously adopted
the 1995 Directors Stock Option Plan (the "1995 Plan"), which was approved by
the shareholders at the Annual Meeting in April, 1995.

The 1995 Plan is administered by the non-employee Directors. The purpose of the
1995 Plan is to enhance the Corporation's ability to attract and retain highly
qualified individuals to serve as members of the Corporation's Board of
Directors and to provide additional incentives to non-employee Directors to
promote the success of the Corporation.

On each anniversary of the effective date of the 1995 Plan, each eligible
Director is granted an option to purchase 1,000 shares of the Corporation's
Common Stock. A total of 8,000 options were granted on February 15, 2004 at an
option price of $22.90 per share. A total of 6,050 shares remain available for
future grants under the 1995 Plan. The Plan is scheduled to terminate on
February 15, 2005.

Each stock option terminates not more than 10 years after the date of the grant.
Payment of stock purchased on the exercise of an option must be made in full at
the time the stock option is exercised. Options may not be assigned or
transferred, other than by will or the laws of descent or distribution. A total
of 20,325 options were exercised during 2003.



On February 21, 1996, the Board of Directors adopted the Westbank Corporation
1996 Stock Incentive Plan (the "1996 Plan"), which was approved by the
shareholders at the Annual Meeting in April 1996.

The 1996 Plan authorizes the automatic grant of nonqualified stock options
("Director Stock Options") to non-employee Directors ("Eligible Directors") upon
the terms and conditions set forth in the 1996 Plan. The 1996 Plan is intended
to provide incentives and rewards for employees and Eligible Directors (i) to
support Westbank's business and human resource strategies and the achievement of
its goals, and (ii) to associate the interests of employees and Eligible
Directors with those of Westbank's shareholders. The Directors portion of the
plan has expired and no Director Stock Options were granted in 2003.

No Director Stock Option may be exercisable later than twenty years and one day
from the date of its grant. However, if an Eligible Director ceases to be an
Eligible Director for any reason, all Director Stock Options which are otherwise
exercisable shall terminate on the earlier of three years after such cessation
date or the expiration date, whichever first occurs. A total of 3,150 Director
Stock Options were exercised and 3,281 Options were terminated during 2003.


On September 7, 2001, Cargill Bank, a wholly owned subsidiary of the
Corporation, merged with and into Park West Bank and Trust Company, a wholly
owned subsidiary of the Corporation, and presently operate under the name

During 1992, Cargill Bancorp, Inc., adopted a Stock Option Plan for its
Directors and officers, which plan is now administered by the Corporation. All
options expire fifteen (15) years after the date of the grant. A total of 3,400
options were exercised during 2003, while no options terminated and 9,164
options remain unexercised. No options are available for future grants.



Set forth below is a graph illustrating the return that would have been realized
(assuming reinvestment of dividends) by an investor who invested $100 in common
stock of the Corporation on December 31, 1998, in each of the following:

     a.   The Standard & Poor's 500 Index
     b.   A hypothetical fund with investments in the stock of peer corporations
          (the "Peer Group")
     c.   Westbank Corporation

The Peer Group consists of New England financial institutions with assets
totaling between $400 million and $1 billion. The members of the Peer Group are:

Bancorp Rhode Island, Inc.              MASSBANK Corp.                            Northeast Bancorp
Bar Harbor Bank Shares                  Merchants Bancshares, Inc.                Northway Financial, Inc.
Central Bancorp, Inc.                   Mystic Financial, Inc.                    Slade's Ferry Bancorp
First National Lincoln Corporation      New Hampshire Thrift Bancshares, Inc.     Union Bankshares, Inc.
Hingham Institution for Savings         NewMil Bancorp, Inc.                      Wainwright Bank & Trust Company
LSB Corporation

                      --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------
                      12/31/98  12/31/99  12/31/00  12/31/01  12/31/02  12/31/03
- --------------------- --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------
Westbank Corporation  $ 100.00  $  69.42  $  59.56  $  85.51  $ 125.30  $ 179.81
- --------------------- --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------
Custom Peer Group     $ 100.00  $  83.21  $  72.81  $  81.43  $ 101.45  $ 138.93
- --------------------- --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------
S&P 500               $ 100.00  $ 119.53  $ 107.41  $  93.40  $  71.57  $  90.46
- --------------------- --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------


During 2003, certain of the Corporation's executive officers, Directors and
nominees for Director, beneficial owners of more than 5% of the outstanding
common stock of the Corporation and members of their immediate family and
associates had, and expect to have in the future, transactions in the ordinary
course of business with the Bank, including borrowings, on substantially the
same terms, including interest rates and collateral, as those prevailing at the
time for comparable transactions with other persons, and not involving more than
normal risk of collectibility or presenting other unfavorable features.


                          EMPLOYEE STOCK OWNERSHIP PLAN

On January 1, 1989, the Corporation's Employee Stock Ownership Plan (the "ESOP")
became effective. The ESOP is administered and otherwise governed by the
provisions of the ESOP and a related Trust Agreement. Pursuant to the terms of
the ESOP, the Trustee may invest the ESOP's Trust Assets in, among other
investments, shares of the Common Stock of the Corporation. As of the record
date, no shares of the Common Stock of the Corporation were owned by the ESOP

                       2004 RECOGNITION AND RETENTION PLAN


The Board of Directors of the Corporation has adopted the Westbank Corporation
2004 Recognition and Retention Plan, subject to approval by a majority of the
holders of the outstanding shares of our common stock. The following summary is
qualified in its entirety by the full text of the plan document. The plan
document is included at the end of this Proxy Statement as Appendix A and is
incorporated by reference into this proposal.


We are asking for shareholders to approve the Westbank Corporation 2004
Recognition and Retention Plan so that we will be able to grant stock awards to
certain key officers, employees and directors. Most of the companies with which
we compete for directors and management-level employees are public companies
that offer stock awards as part of their director and officer compensation
packages. By approving this plan, our shareholders will enable us to offer a
more competitive compensation package in attracting and retaining highly
qualified directors, officers and employees. In addition, the value of the stock
awards that we would grant under this plan relates directly to the market price
of our common stock. Adding stock awards to our compensation packages would link
the financial interest of our directors, officers and employees with the
financial interest of our shareholders.

Applicable regulations permit us to implement a stock award plan only if we
obtain the approval of the holders of a majority of our shares of common stock.
If we do not receive this approval, it will not be possible for us to grant
stock awards under this plan. In this event, we expect that the Board will
consider substituting other forms of compensation to assure that our
compensation packages for officers, directors and employees are competitive with
those of other publicly traded financial services companies in our market area.



The purpose of the plan is to promote the growth and profitability of the
Corporation and its shareholders, to provide certain key officers, employees and
directors of the Corporation and its affiliates with an incentive to achieve
corporate objectives, to attract and retain individuals of outstanding
competence and to provide such individuals with an equity interest in the


ADMINISTRATION. The plan will be administered by those members of the
Compensation Committee of the Board who are "disinterested directors" under the
federal tax and securities laws. In general, disinterested directors are
directors who (1) are not, and never were, officers or employees of the
Corporation or the Bank; and (2) do not receive material compensation from the
Corporation or the Bank except for service as a director. There must be at least
two disinterested directors on the Compensation Committee and this committee has
broad discretionary powers.

establish a trust and will contribute certain amounts of money or property to be
determined by the Board of Directors, in its discretion. No contributions by
participants will be permitted. The trustee will invest the assets of the trust
primarily in the shares of our common stock that will be used to make restricted
stock awards. It is currently anticipated that the fund will purchase common
stock on the open market or in private transactions and that the trust will not
purchase previously authorized but unissued shares from the Corporation. The
trust is not authorized to purchase more than 88,100 shares of common stock of
the Corporation and cannot purchase more than this number. As of February 18,
2004, the aggregate fair market value of the shares to be purchased under this
plan was $1,995,465 based on the closing sales price per share of the
Corporation's common stock of $22.65 on the Nasdaq National Market on February
17, 2004.

ELIGIBILITY. The committee selects the people who receive restricted stock
awards under the plan. Any employee of the Corporation, the Bank or any
affiliate approved by the Board of Directors may be selected to receive stock
awards. As of February 18, 2004, the committee had not selected the employees
and directors who will receive stock awards.

TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF AWARDS. The committee may, in its discretion, grant
awards of restricted stock to eligible individuals, up to a maximum of 88,100
shares. The committee will determine at the time of the grant the number of
shares of common stock subject to an award, the vesting schedule applicable to
the award and may, in its discretion, establish other terms and conditions
applicable to the award. In setting terms and conditions, it must not grant
restricted stock awards with an effective date that is before the date that we
receive shareholder approval for the plan.

As a general rule, shares of our common stock that are subject to a restricted
stock award are held in trust for the benefit of the award recipient until
vested and, when vested, are transferred from the fund to the award recipient.
While the shares are held in the fund, the award recipient receives dividends
and exercises voting rights. In the alternative, the committee may authorize the
immediate distribution of the restricted shares to the award recipient in the
form of a stock certificate bearing a legend containing the applicable vesting


MERGERS AND REORGANIZATIONS. The number of shares available under the plan and
any outstanding awards will be adjusted to reflect any merger, consolidation or
business reorganization in which the Corporation is the surviving entity, and to
reflect any stock split, stock dividend or other event generally affecting the
number of shares. If a merger, consolidation or other business reorganization
occurs and the Corporation is not the surviving entity, the funding agent will
hold any money, stock, securities or other property received in the fund, and
adjust any award by allocating such money, stock, securities or other property
to the individual eligible for the award.


The Board of the Corporation has the authority to suspend or terminate the plan
in whole or in part at any time by giving written notice to the committee, but
the plan may not be terminated while there are outstanding awards that may vest
in the future. Upon the termination of the plan, the trustee will make
distributions from the trust as directed by the committee and will return any
remaining assets of the trust to the Corporation.


The following discussion is intended to be a summary and is not a comprehensive
description of the federal tax laws, regulations and policies affecting the
Corporation and recipients of awards that may be granted under the plan. Any
descriptions of the provisions of any law, regulation or policy are qualified in
their entirety by reference to the particular law, regulation or policy. Any
change in applicable law or regulation or in the policies of various taxing
authorities may have a significant effect on this summary. The plan is not a
qualified plan under Section 401(a) of the Internal Revenue Code.

The stock awards under the plan do not result in federal income tax consequences
to either the Corporation or the award recipient. As a general rule, once the
award is vested and the shares subject to the award are distributed, the award
recipient will generally be required to include in ordinary income, for the
taxable year in which the vesting date occurs, an amount equal to the fair
market value of the shares on the vesting date. The Corporation will generally
be allowed to claim a deduction, for compensation expense, in a like amount. If
dividends are paid on unvested shares held under the plan, such dividend amounts
will also be included in the ordinary income of the recipient. The Corporation
will be allowed to claim a deduction for compensation expense for this amount as

Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code limits the Corporation's deductions
for compensation in excess of $1.0 million per year for the chief executive
officer and the two other most highly paid executives named in its proxy
statement. Compensation amounts resulting from restricted stock awards will be
subject to this deduction limitation if this amount of the restricted stock
awards plus other compensation of the executive that is subject to the limit
exceeds $1.0 million. No executive of the Corporation currently receives
compensation subject to this limitation. We expect that the committee will take
these deduction limits into account in setting the size and the terms and
conditions of restricted stock awards. However, the committee may decide to
grant restricted stock awards all or a portion of which will exceed the
deduction limit.


The preceding statements are intended to summarize the general principles of
current federal income tax law applicable to awards that may be granted under
the plan. State and local tax consequences may also be significant.

The Board of Directors unanimously recommends a vote "for" the adoption of the
Westbank Corporation 2004 Recognition and Retention Plan.

                           DIVIDEND REINVESTMENT PLAN

In 1989, the Corporation implemented a Dividend Reinvestment and Common Stock
Purchase Plan (the "Dividend Reinvestment Plan"), which was amended during 1995
and the amendment was approved by the shareholders at the 1995 Annual Meeting.
Pursuant to the amended Dividend Reinvestment Plan, shareholders of the
Corporation's Common Stock may invest all or a portion of that shareholder's
quarterly cash dividend, plus up to $10,000 per calendar quarter, in additional
shares of the Corporation's Common Stock. The Dividend Reinvestment Plan was
amended in 2002 to increase by 500,000 the number of shares reserved for
issuance thereunder. The 2002 amendment was approved by shareholders at the 2002
Annual Meeting. During 2003, 42,308 shares of the Corporation's Treasury Stock
were reissued through the Dividend Reinvestment and Common Stock Purchase Plan.


                        RATIFICATION OF THE SELECTION OF
                          CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS

The Board of Directors solicited proposals from various accounting firms to act
as the Corporation's certifying accountants for the fiscal year ending December
31, 2003. After reviewing the proposals received, the Board of Directors
approved a recommendation of the Audit Committee that the Corporation select as
its certifying accountants the firm of Grant Thornton LLP ("Grant"). The
shareholders approved the selection of Grant at the 2003 Annual Meeting of

Grant's report on the Corporation's financial statements during the most recent
fiscal year preceding the date hereof contain no adverse opinion or disclaimer
of opinions, and was not qualified as to audit scope or accounting principles.

During the last fiscal year and the subsequent interim periods preceding the
date hereof, there were no disagreements between the Corporation and Grant on
any matters of accounting principle or practices, financial statements
disclosure, or auditing scope or procedure, which disagreements, if not resolved
to the satisfaction of Grant, would have caused Grant to make a reference to the
subject matter of disagreements in connection with its reports.

None of the "reportable events" described under Item 304(a)(1)(v) of Regulation
S-K promulgated under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 ("Regulation S-K")
occurred within the Corporation's two most recent fiscal years and any
subsequent interim periods preceding the date hereof.

During the last fiscal year and the subsequent interim periods preceding the
2003 fiscal year, the Corporation did not consult Grant regarding any of the
matters or events set forth in Item 304(a)(2)(I) and (ii) of Regulation S-K.

Representatives of Grant are expected to attend the 2004 Annual Meeting of
Shareholders and will be available to respond to appropriate questions.

The Board of Directors recommends a vote FOR ratification of the selection of
Grant Thornton LLP as the Corporation's auditors and, unless otherwise directed,
proxies will be voted in favor of this selection.


Based solely on a review of reports furnished to the Corporation or written
representations that no forms were required, the Corporation believes that the
Corporation's officers, Directors and greater than ten percent (10%) beneficial
owners complied with the requirements of section 16(a) of the Securities and
Exchange Act of 1934.


                                 OTHER BUSINESS

As of the date of this Proxy Statement, the Board of Directors of the
Corporation is not aware of any business to be presented at the 2004 Annual
Meeting other than matters referred to in the Notice of Annual Meeting and this
Proxy Statement. If any other matters properly come before the meeting, or any
adjournment thereof, the enclosed Proxy will be voted on such matters in
accordance with the recommendations of the Corporation's Board of Directors.


The expense of this solicitation on behalf of the Board of Directors will be
paid by the Corporation. To the extent necessary in order to assure sufficient
representation of shareholders at the Meeting, officers and employees of the
Corporation may personally, by telephone or by other means, contact shareholders
to request the return of proxies. Banks, brokerage houses and other
institutions, nominees or fiduciaries will be requested to forward the proxy
material to beneficial owners in order to solicit authorizations for the
execution of proxies. The Corporation may, upon request, reimburse such banks,
brokerage houses and other institutions, nominees and fiduciaries for their
expenses in forwarding such material.

                              STOCKHOLDER PROPOSALS

Any stockholder proposals (including Director nominations) submitted pursuant to
Exchange Act Rule 14a-8 and intended to be presented at the Corporation's 2005
Annual Meeting of Stockholders must be received by the Corporation by December
20, 2004 to be eligible for inclusion in the Proxy Statement and Form of Proxy
to be distributed by the Board of Directors in connection with such meeting.
Such proposals must also comply with the requirements as to form and substance
established by the SEC if such proposals are to be included in the Proxy
Statement and Form of Proxy.

The Corporation's By-Laws provide that any stockholder proposals (including
Director nominations) intended to be presented at the Corporation's 2005 Annual
Meeting, other than a stockholder proposal submitted pursuant to Exchange Act
Rule 14a-8, must be received in writing at the principal executive office of the
Corporation on or between the dates of December 17, 2004 and January 31, 2005,
together with all supporting documentation required by the Corporation's Amended
By-Laws. However, if the 2005 Annual Meeting is scheduled to be held on a date
more than thirty (30) days before April 21, 2005, or more than sixty (60) days
after April 21, 2005, a stockholder's notice shall be timely filed if delivered
to, or received by, the Corporation at its principal executive office not later
than the close of business on the later of (a) seventy-five (75) days prior to
the date of such rescheduled Meeting or (b) the fifteenth (15th) day following
the day on which public announcement of the date of such Annual Meeting is first
made by the Corporation.


                                  ANNUAL REPORT

A copy of the Corporation's Annual Report for 2003, including financial
statements, is enclosed. The Annual Report is not to be regarded as proxy
soliciting material.

                                             By order of the Board of Directors

                                                      Robert J. Perlak

Dated:  March 15, 2004




                                                                      APPENDIX A

                              WESTBANK CORPORATION
                       2004 RECOGNITION AND RETENTION PLAN

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

                                   ARTICLE I:

Section 1.1       General Purpose of the Plan............................... A-4

                                   ARTICLE II:

Section 2.1       Award..................................................... A-4
Section 2.2       Award Notice.............................................. A-4
Section 2.3       Bank...................................................... A-4
Section 2.4       Beneficiary............................................... A-4
Section 2.5       Board..................................................... A-4
Section 2.6       Change of Control......................................... A-5
Section 2.7       Code...................................................... A-6
Section 2.8       Committee................................................. A-6
Section 2.9       Company................................................... A-6
Section 2.10      Disability................................................ A-6
Section 2.11      Disinterested Board Member................................ A-6
Section 2.12      Effective Date............................................ A-7
Section 2.13      Eligible Director......................................... A-7
Section 2.14      Eligible Employee......................................... A-7
Section 2.15      Employer.................................................. A-7
Section 2.16      Exchange Act.............................................. A-7
Section 2.17      FDIC Regulations.......................................... A-7
Section 2.18      Person.................................................... A-7
Section 2.19      Plan...................................................... A-7
Section 2.20      Retirement................................................ A-7
Section 2.21      Share..................................................... A-7
Section 2.22      Trust..................................................... A-8
Section 2.23      Trust Agreement........................................... A-8
Section 2.24      Trust Fund................................................ A-8
Section 2.25      Trustee................................................... A-8


                                  ARTICLE III:
                           SHARES AVAILABLE UNDER PLAN

Section 3.1       Shares Available Under Plan............................... A-8

                                   ARTICLE IV:

Section 4.1       Committee................................................. A-8
Section 4.2       Committee Action.......................................... A-9
Section 4.3       Committee Responsibilities................................ A-9

                                   ARTICLE V:
                                 THE TRUST FUND

Section 5.1       Contributions............................................. A-9
Section 5.2       The Trust Fund............................................A-10
Section 5.3       Investments...............................................A-10

                                   ARTICLE VI:

Section 6.1       To Eligible Directors.....................................A-10
Section 6.2       To Eligible Employees.....................................A-10
Section 6.3       Awards in General.........................................A-11
Section 6.4       Share Allocations.........................................A-11
Section 6.5       Dividend Rights...........................................A-11
Section 6.6       Voting Rights.............................................A-12
Section 6.7       Tender Offers.............................................A-12
Section 6.8       Limitations on Awards.....................................A-13

                                  ARTICLE VII:

Section 7.1       Vesting of Awards.........................................A-13
Section 7.2       Designation of Beneficiary................................A-13
Section 7.3       Manner of Distribution....................................A-14
Section 7.4       Taxes.....................................................A-15


                                  ARTICLE VIII:
                            AMENDMENT AND TERMINATION

Section 8.1       Termination...............................................A-15
Section 8.2       Amendment.................................................A-15
Section 8.3       Adjustments in the Event of a Business Reorganization.....A-15

                                   ARTICLE IX:

Section 9.1       Status as an Employee Benefit Plan........................A-16
Section 9.2       No Right to Continued Employment..........................A-16
Section 9.3       Construction of Language..................................A-16
Section 9.4       Governing Law.............................................A-17
Section 9.5       Headings..................................................A-17
Section 9.6       Non-Alienation of Benefits................................A-17
Section 9.7       Notices...................................................A-17
Section 9.8       Required Regulatory Provisions............................A-18
Section 9.9       Approval of Shareholders..................................A-18


                              WESTBANK CORPORATION
                       2004 RECOGNITION AND RETENTION PLAN

                                   ARTICLE I:


The purpose of the Plan is to promote the growth and profitability of Westbank
Corporation and its affiliated companies and to provide eligible directors,
certain key officers and employees or Westbank Corporation and its affiliated
companies with an incentive to achieve corporate objectives, to attract and
retain directors, key officers and employees of outstanding competence, and to
provide such directors, officers and employees with an equity interest in
Westbank Corporation and its affiliated companies.

                                   ARTICLE II:

The following definitions shall apply for the purposes of this Plan, unless a
different meaning is plainly indicated by the context:

SECTION 2.1       AWARD means a grant of shares to an Eligible Director or
                  Eligible Employee, pursuant to Section 6.1 or 6.2.

SECTION 2.2       AWARD NOTICE means, with respect to a particular Award, a
                  written instrument signed by the Corporation and the Award
                  recipient evidencing the granting of the Award and
                  establishing the terms and conditions thereof.

SECTION 2.3       BANK means Westbank and any successor thereto.

SECTION 2.4       BENEFICIARY means the person designated by and Eligible
                  Director or Eligible Employee, pursuant to Section 7.2, to
                  receive distribution of any shares available for distribution
                  to such Eligible Director or Eligible Employee, in the event
                  such Eligible Director or Eligible Employee dies prior to
                  receiving distribution of such shares.

SECTION 2.5       BOARD means the Board of Directors of the Company.


SECTION 2.6       CHANGE OF CONTROL means any of the following events:

                  (a)      the consummation of a reorganization, merger or
                           consolidation of the Company with one or more other
                           persons, other than a transaction in which:

                           (i)      at least 51% of the equity ownership
                                    interests of the entity resulting from such
                                    transaction are beneficially owned (within
                                    the meaning of Rule 13d-3 promulgated under
                                    the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as
                                    amended ("Exchange Act"), in substantially
                                    the same relative proportions by persons
                                    who, immediately prior to such transaction,
                                    beneficially owned (within the meaning of
                                    Rule 13d-3 promulgated under the Exchange
                                    Act) at least 51% of the outstanding equity
                                    ownership interests in the Company; and

                           (ii)     at least 51% of the securities entitled to
                                    vote generally in the election of directors
                                    of the entity resulting from such
                                    transaction are beneficially owned (within
                                    the meaning of Rule 13d-3 promulgated under
                                    the Exchange Act) in substantially the same
                                    relative proportions by persons who,
                                    immediately prior to such transaction,
                                    beneficially owned (within the meaning of
                                    Rule 13d-3 promulgated under the Exchange
                                    Act) at least 51% of the securities entitled
                                    to vote generally in the election of
                                    directors of the Company;

                  (b)      the acquisition of all or substantially all of the
                           assets of the Company or beneficial ownership (within
                           the meaning of Rule 13d-3 promulgated under the
                           Exchange Act) of 25% or more of the outstanding
                           securities of the Company entitled to vote generally
                           in the election of directors by any person or by any
                           persons acting in concert;

                  (c)      a complete liquidation or dissolution of the Company;

                  (d)      the occurrence of any event if, immediately following
                           such event, at least 50% of the members of the Board
                           of Directors of the Company do not belong to any of
                           the following group:

                           (i)      individuals who were members of the Board of
                                    Directors of the Company on the effective
                                    date; or

                           (ii)     individuals who first became members of the
                                    Board of Directors of the Company after the
                                    effective date either:

                                    (A)     upon election to serve as a member
                                            of the Board of Directors of the
                                            Company by affirmative vote of
                                            three-quarters of the members of
                                            such Board, or of a nominating
                                            committee thereof, in office at the
                                            time of such first election; or


                                    (B)     upon election by the shareholders of
                                            the Company to serve as a member of
                                            such board, but only if nominated
                                            for election by affirmative vote of
                                            three-quarters of the members of the
                                            Board of Directors of the Company,
                                            or of a nominating committee
                                            thereof, in office at the time of
                                            such first nomination;

                           PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that such individual's election or
                           nomination did not result from an actual or
                           threatened election contest or other actual or
                           threatened solicitation of proxies or consents other
                           than by or on behalf of the Board of Directors of the

                  (e)      approval by the stockholders of the Company of any
                           agreement, plan or arrangement for the consummation
                           of a transaction which, if consummated, would result
                           in the occurrence of an event described in Section
                           2.6(a), (b), (c) or (d); or

                  (f)      any event which would be described in Section 2.6(a),
                           (b), (c), (d) or (e), if the term "Bank" were
                           substituted for the term "Company" therein.

         In no event, however, shall a Change of Control be deemed to have
         occurred as a result of any acquisition of securities or assets of the
         Company, the Bank, or a subsidiary of either of them, by the Company,
         the Bank, or any subsidiary of either of them, or by any employee
         benefit plan maintained by any of them. For purposes of this Section
         2.6, the term "person" shall have the meaning assigned to it under
         Sections 13(d)(3) or 14(d)(2) of the Exchange Act.

SECTION 2.7       CODE means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (including the
                  corresponding provisions of any succeeding law).

SECTION 2.8       COMMITTEE means the Committee described in Section 4.1.

SECTION 2.9       COMPANY means Westbank Corporation and any successor thereto.

SECTION 2.10      DISABILITY means a condition of total incapacity, mental or
                  physical, for further performance of duty with the Company,
                  which the Committee shall have determined, on the basis of
                  competent medical evidence, if likely to be permanent.

SECTION 2.11      DISINTERESTED BOARD MEMBER means a member of the Board who (a)
                  is not a current employee of the Company or a subsidiary, (b)
                  does not receive remuneration from the Company or a
                  subsidiary, either directly or indirectly, in any capacity
                  other than as a director, except in an amount for which
                  disclosure would not be required pursuant to Item 404(a) of
                  the proxy solicitation rules of the Securities and Exchange
                  Commission and (c) does not possess an interest in any other
                  transaction, and is not


                  engaged in a business relationship, for which a disclosure
                  would be required pursuant to Item 404(a) or (b) of the proxy
                  solicitation rules of the Securities and Exchange Commission.
                  The term Disinterested Board Member shall be interpreted in
                  such manner as shall be necessary to conform to the
                  requirements of Rule 16(b)(3) promulgated under the Exchange

SECTION 2.12      EFFECTIVE DATE means April 21, 2004.

SECTION 2.13      ELIGIBLE DIRECTOR means a member of the Board of Directors of
                  an Employer who is not also an employee of any Employer.

SECTION 2.14      ELIGIBLE EMPLOYEE means any employee whom the Committee may
                  determine to be a key officer or employee of the Employer and
                  selects to receive an Award pursuant to the Plan.

SECTION 2.15      EMPLOYER means the Company, the Bank and any successor thereto
                  and, with the prior approval of the Board of Directors of the
                  Company, and subject to such terms and conditions as may be
                  imposed by the Board, any other savings bank, savings and loan
                  association, bank, corporation, financial institution or other
                  business organization or institution. With respect to any
                  Eligible Employee or Eligible Director, the Employer shall
                  mean the entity that employs such person or upon whose board
                  of directors such person served.

SECTION 2.16      EXCHANGE ACT means the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934, as

SECTION 2.17      FDIC REGULATIONS means the rules and regulations of the
                  Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.

SECTION 2.18      PERSON means an individual, a corporation, a bank, a savings
                  bank, a savings and loan association, a financial institution,
                  a partnership, an association, a joint-stock company, a trust,
                  an estate, an unincorporated organization and any other
                  business organization or institution.

SECTION 2.19      PLAN means the Westbank Corporation 2004 Recognition and
                  Retention Plan, as amended from time to time.

SECTION 2.20      RETIREMENT means, with respect to an Eligible Employee,
                  termination of all service for all Employers as an employee at
                  or after the normal or early retirement date set forth in any
                  tax qualified retirement plan of the Bank, whether or not the
                  individual in question actually participates in any such tax
                  qualified plan of the Bank, and, in the case of an Eligible
                  Director, termination of all service for all Employers as a
                  voting member of the Employer's board of directors after the
                  attainment of the latest age at which the Eligible Director is
                  eligible for election or appointment as a voting member of the
                  Employer's board of directors under the Employer's charter.

SECTION 2.21      SHARE means a share of common stock of Westbank Corporation,
                  par value $2.00 per share.


SECTION 2.22      TRUST means the legal relationship created by the Trust
                  Agreement pursuant to which the Trustee holds the Trust Fund
                  in trust. The Trust may be referred to as the "Recognition and
                  Retention Plan Trust of Westbank Corporation."

SECTION 2.23      TRUST AGREEMENT means the agreement between Westbank
                  Corporation and the Trustee therein named or its successor
                  pursuant to which the Trust Fund shall be held in trust.

SECTION 2.24      TRUST FUND means the corpus (consisting of contributions paid
                  over to the Trustee and investments thereof) and all earnings,
                  appreciations or additions thereof and thereto, held by the
                  Trustee under the Trust Agreement in accordance with the Plan,
                  less any depreciation thereof and any payments made therefrom
                  pursuant to the Plan.

SECTION 2.25      TRUSTEE means the Trustee of the Trust Fund from time to time
                  in office. The Trustee shall serve as Trustee until it is
                  removed or resigns from office and is replaced by a successor
                  Trustee or Trustees appointed by Westbank Corporation.

                                  ARTICLE III:
                         SHARES AVAILABLE UNDER THE PLAN


                  The maximum number of Shares available for Awards under the
                  plan shall be 88,100, subject to adjustment, pursuant to
                  Section 8.3.

                                   ARTICLE IV:


                  The Plan shall be administered by the members of the
                  Compensation Committee of Westbank Corporation who are
                  Disinterested Board Members. If the Committee consists of
                  fewer than two Disinterested Board Members, then the Board
                  shall appoint to the Committee such additional Disinterested
                  Board Members as shall be necessary to provide for a Committee
                  consisting of at least two Disinterested Board Members.



                  The Committee shall hold such meetings, and may make such
                  administrative rules and regulations, as it may deem proper. A
                  majority of the members of the Committee shall constitute a
                  quorum and the action of a majority of the members of the
                  Committee present at a meeting at which a quorum is present,
                  as well as actions taken pursuant to the unanimous written
                  consent of all of the members of the Committee without holding
                  a meeting, shall be deemed to be actions of the Committee. All
                  actions of the Committee shall be final and conclusive and
                  shall be binding upon the Company and all other interested
                  parties. Any Person dealing with the Committee shall be fully
                  protected in relying upon any written notice, instruction,
                  direction or other communication signed by the Secretary of
                  the Committee and one member of the Committee, by two members
                  of the Committee or by a representative of the Committee
                  authorized to sign the same in its behalf.


                  Subject to the terms and conditions of the Plan, and such
                  limitations as may be imposed by the Board, the Committee
                  shall be responsible for the overall management and
                  administration of the Plan and shall have such authority as
                  shall be necessary or appropriate in order to carry out its
                  responsibilities, including, without limitation, the

                  (a)      to interpret and construe the Plan, and to determine
                           all questions that may arise under the Plan as to
                           eligibility for Awards under the Plan, the amount of
                           Shares, if any, to be granted pursuant to an Award,
                           and the terms and conditions of such Award;

                  (b)      to adopt rules and regulations and to prescribe forms
                           for the operation and administration of the Plan; and

                  (c)      to take any other action not inconsistent with the
                           provisions of the Plan that it may deem necessary or

                                   ARTICLE V:
                                 THE TRUST FUND


                  Westbank Corporation shall contribute, or cause to be
                  contributed, to the Trust, from time to time, such amounts of
                  money or property as shall be determined by the Board, in its
                  discretion. No contributions by Eligible Directors or Eligible
                  Employees shall be permitted.



                  The Trust Fund shall be held and invested under the Trust
                  Agreement with the Trustee. The provisions of the Trust
                  Agreement shall include provisions conferring powers on the
                  Trustee as to investment, control and disbursement of the
                  Trust Fund, and such other provisions not inconsistent with
                  the Plan as may be prescribed by or under the authority of the
                  Board. No bond or security shall be required of any Trustee at
                  any time in office.


                  The Trustee shall invest the Trust Fund in Shares and in such
                  other investments as may be permitted under the Trust
                  Agreement, including savings accounts, time or other
                  interest-bearing deposits in or other interest-bearing
                  obligations of the Company, in such proportions as shall be
                  determined by the Committee; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that in no
                  event shall the Trust Fund be used to purchase more than
                  88,100 Shared (subject to adjustment pursuant to Section 8.3).
                  Notwithstanding the immediately preceding sentence, the
                  Trustee may temporarily invest the Trust Fund in short-term
                  obligations of, or guaranteed by, the U.S. Government or an
                  agency thereof, or the Trustee may retain the Trust Fund
                  uninvested or may sell assets of the Trust Fund to provide
                  amounts required for purposes of the plan.

                                   ARTICLE VI:


                  Subject to the limitations of the Plan and such limitations as
                  the Board may from time to time impose, the number of Shares
                  that an Eligible Director may be granted as an Award shall be
                  determined by the Committee in its discretion; PROVIDED,
                  HOWEVER, that in no event shall the number of Shares allocated
                  to an Eligible Director in an Award exceed the number of
                  Shares then held in the Trust and not allocated in connection
                  with other Awards.


                  Subject to the limitations of the Plan and such limitations as
                  the Board may from time to time impose, the number of Shares
                  that an Eligible Employee may be granted as an Award shall be
                  determined by the Committee in its discretion; PROVIDED,
                  HOWEVER, that in no event shall the number of Shares allocated
                  to an Eligible Employee in an Award exceed the number of
                  Shares then held in the Trust and not allocated in connection
                  with other Awards.



                  Any Award shall be evidenced by an Award Notice issued by the
                  Committee to the Eligible Director or Employee, which notice

                  (a)      specify the number of Shares covered by the Award;

                  (b)      specify the date of grant of the Award;

                  (c)      specify the dates on which such Shares shall become
                           vested; and

                  (d)      contain such other terms and conditions not
                           inconsistent with the Plan as the Board or Committee
                           may, in its discretion, prescribe.


                  Upon the grant of an Award to an Eligible Director or Eligible
                  Employee, the Committee shall notify the Trustee of the Award
                  and of the number of Shares subject to the Award. Thereafter,
                  until such time as the Shares subject to such Award become
                  vested or are forfeited, the books and records of the Trustee
                  shall reflect that such number of Shares have been awarded to
                  such Award recipient.


                  (a)      Unless the Committee determines otherwise with
                           respect to any Award and specifies such determination
                           in the relevant Award Notice, any cash dividends or
                           distributions declared and paid with respect to
                           Shares subject to the Award that are, as of the
                           record date for such dividend, allocated to an
                           Eligible Director or Eligible Employee in connection
                           with such Award shall be promptly paid to and
                           retained by such Eligible Director or Eligible
                           Employee. Any cash dividends declared and paid with
                           respect to Shares that are not, as of the record date
                           for such dividend, allocated to any Eligible Director
                           or Eligible Employee in connection with any Award,
                           shall, at the direction of the Committee, be held in
                           Trust or used to pay the administrative expenses of
                           the Plan, including any compensation due to the

                  (b)      Unless the Committee determines otherwise with
                           respect to any Award and specifies such determination
                           in the relevant Award Notice, any dividends or
                           distributions declared and paid in property other
                           than cash with respect to Shares shall be subject to
                           the same vesting and other restrictions as the Shares
                           to which the Award relates. Any such dividends
                           declared and paid with respect to Shares that are
                           not, as of the record date for such dividend,
                           allocated to any Eligible Director or Eligible
                           Employee in connection with any Award, shall, at the
                           direction of the Committee, be held in the Trust or
                           used to pay the administrative expenses of the Plan,
                           including any compensation due to the Trustee or, in
                           the case of a stock dividend, used for future Awards.



                  (a)      Each Eligible Director or Eligible Employee to whom
                           an Award has been made that is not fully vested shall
                           have the right to exercise, or direct the exercise
                           of, all voting rights appurtenant to unvested Shares
                           related to such Award. Such a direction for any
                           Shares as to which the Eligible Director or Eligible
                           Employee is not the record owner shall be given by
                           completing and filing, with the inspector of
                           elections, the Trustee or such other person who shall
                           be independent of the Company as the Committee shall
                           designate in the direction, a written direction in
                           the form and manner prescribed by the Committee. If
                           no such direction is given by an Eligible Director or
                           Eligible Employee, then the voting rights appurtenant
                           to the Shares allocated to him shall not be

                  (b)      To the extent that the Trust Fund contains Shares
                           that are not allocated in connection with an Award,
                           all voting rights appurtenant to such Shares shall be
                           exercised by the Trustee in such manner as the
                           Committee shall direct to reflect the voting
                           directions given by Eligible Directors or Eligible
                           Employees with respect to Shares allocated in
                           connection with their Awards.

                  (c)      The Committee shall furnish, or cause to be
                           furnished, to each Eligible Director or Eligible
                           Employee who is not the record holder of the Shares
                           relating to his or her Award all annual reports,
                           proxy materials and other information furnished by
                           Westbank Corporation, or by any proxy solicitor, to
                           the holders of Shares.


                  (a)      Each Eligible Director or Eligible Employee to whom
                           an Award has been made that is not fully vested shall
                           have the right to respond, or to direct the response,
                           with respect to the Shares related to such Award, to
                           any tender offer, exchange offer or other offer made
                           to the holders of Shares. Such a direction for any
                           Shares as to which the Eligible Director or Eligible
                           Employee is not the record owner shall be given by
                           completing and filing, with the inspector of
                           elections, the Trustee or such other person who shall
                           be independent of the Company as the Committee shall
                           designate in the direction, a written direction in
                           the form and manner prescribed by the Committee. If
                           no such direction is given by an Eligible Director or
                           Eligible Employee, then the Shares shall not be
                           tendered or exchanged.

                  (b)      To the extent that the Trust Fund contains Shares
                           that are not allocated in connection with an Award,
                           all responses to tender, exchange and other offers
                           appurtenant to such Shares shall be given by the
                           Trustee in such manner as the Committee shall direct
                           to reflect the responses given by Eligible Directors
                           or Eligible Employees with respect to Shares
                           allocated in connection with their Awards.


                  (c)      The Committee shall furnish, or cause to be
                           furnished, to each Eligible Director or Eligible
                           Employee, all information furnished by the offeror to
                           the holders of Shares.


                  (a)      No Award shall be granted under the Plan prior to the
                           date on which the Plan is approved by shareholders
                           pursuant to Section 9.9.

                  (b)      An Award by its terms shall not be transferable by
                           the Eligible Director or Eligible Employee other than
                           by will or by the laws of descent and distribution,
                           and the Shares granted pursuant to such Award and
                           held in the Trust shall be distributable, during the
                           lifetime of the Recipient, only to the Recipient.

                                  ARTICLE VII:


                  Subject to the terms and conditions of the Plan, unless
                  otherwise determined by the Committee and specified in the
                  Award Notice relating to an Award, Shares subject to each
                  Award granted to an Eligible Director or Eligible Employee
                  under the Plan shall become vested as follows: (i) twenty
                  percent (20%) of such shares shall become vested on the first
                  anniversary of the date of the grant; (ii) an additional
                  twenty percent (20%) of such Shares shall become vested on the
                  second anniversary of the date of grant; (iii) an additional
                  twenty percent (20%) if such Shares shall become vested on the
                  third anniversary of grant; (iv) an additional twenty percent
                  (20%) of such Shares shall become vested on the fourth
                  anniversary of the date of grant; (v) an additional twenty
                  percent (20%) of such Shares shall become vested on the fifth
                  anniversary of the date of grant; AND PROVIDED, FURTHER, an
                  Award shall become one hundred percent (100%) vested upon the
                  Award recipient's death, Disability, Retirement or after a
                  Change of Control.


                  An Eligible Director or Eligible Employee who has received an
                  Award may designate a Beneficiary to receive any undistributed
                  Shares that are, or become, available for distribution on, or
                  after, the date of his death. Such designation (and any change
                  or revocation of such designation) shall be made in writing in
                  the form and manner prescribed by the Committee. In the vent
                  that the Beneficiary designated by an Eligible Director or
                  Eligible Employee dies prior to the Eligible Director or


                  Employee, or in the event that no Beneficiary has been
                  designated, any undistributed Shares that are, or become,
                  available for distribution on, or after, the Eligible
                  Director's or Eligible Employee's death shall be paid to the
                  executor or administrator of the Eligible Director's or
                  Eligible Employee's estate or, if no such executor or
                  administrator is appointed within such time as the Committee,
                  in its sole discretion, shall deem reasonable, to such one or
                  more of the spouse and descendants and blood relatives of such
                  deceased person as the Committee may select.


                  (a)      Except as provided in Section 7.3(b), as soon as
                           practicable following the date any shares granted
                           pursuant to an Award become vested pursuant to
                           Section 7.1, the Committee shall take such actions as
                           are necessary to cause the transfer of record
                           ownership of the Shares that have become vested from
                           the Trustee to the Award holder and shall cause the
                           Trustee to distribute to the Award holder all
                           property other than Shares than being held in
                           connection with the Shares being distributed.

                  (b)      The Committee may, in its discretion, cause the
                           transfer to an Award recipient of record ownership of
                           the Shares subject to such Award that have not yet
                           vested. Any such Shares shall be held in certificated
                           form only and the certificate therefor shall bear the
                           following, or a substantially similar, legend:

                           The securities evidenced hereby are subject to the
                           terms of an Award Notice dated [DATE] between the
                           issuer and [NAME OF AWARD RECIPIENT] pursuant to the
                           Westbank Corporation 2004 Recognition and Retention
                           Plan, a copy of which is on file with the issuer and
                           may be inspected at the issuer's executive offices at
                           225 Park Avenue, West Springfield, Massachusetts
                           01089. No sale, transfer, hypothecation or other
                           disposition of these securities may be made except in
                           compliance with the terms of such Award Notice and
                           the terms of the Plan.

                  (c)      The Company's obligation to deliver Shares with
                           respect to an Award shall, if the Committee so
                           requests, be conditioned upon the receipt of a
                           representation as to the investment intention of the
                           Eligible Director or Eligible Employee or Beneficiary
                           to whom such Shares are to be delivered, in such form
                           as the Committee shall determine to be necessary or
                           advisable to comply with the provisions of applicable
                           federal, state or local law. It may be provided that
                           any such representation shall become in operative
                           upon a registration of the Shares or upon the
                           occurrence of any other event eliminating the
                           necessity of such representation. The Company shall
                           not be required to deliver any Shares under the Plan
                           prior to (i) the admission of such Shares to listing
                           on any stock exchange on which Shares may then be
                           listed, or (ii) the completion of such registration
                           or other qualification under any state or federal
                           law, rule or regulation as the Committee shall
                           determine to be necessary or advisable.



                  The Company, the Committee or the Trustee shall have the right
                  to require any person entitled to receive Shares pursuant to
                  an Award to pay the amount of any tax which is required to be
                  withheld with respect to such Shares, or, in lieu thereof, to
                  retain, or to sell without notice, a sufficient number of
                  Shares to cover the amount required to be withheld.

                                  ARTICLE VIII:
                            AMENDMENT AND TERMINATION


                  The Board may suspend or terminate the Plan in whole or in
                  part at any time by giving written notice of such suspension
                  or termination to the Committee; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that the
                  Plan may not be terminated while there are outstanding Awards
                  that may thereafter become vested. Upon the termination of the
                  Plan, the Trustee shall make distributions from the Trust Fund
                  in such amounts and to such persons as the Company may direct
                  and shall return the remaining assets of the Trust Fund, if
                  any, to Westbank Corporation.


                  The Board may amend or revise the Plan in whole or in part at
any time.


                  (a)      In the event of any merger, consolidation, or other
                           business reorganization (including but not limited to
                           a Change of Control) in which Westbank Corporation is
                           the surviving entity, and in the event of any stock
                           split, stock dividend or other event generally
                           affecting the number of Shares held by each person
                           who is then a holder of record of Shares, the number
                           of Shares held or permitted to be held in the Trust
                           Fund, the number of Shares covered by outstanding
                           Awards, and the number of Shares available as Awards
                           in total or to particular individuals or groups shall
                           be adjusted to account for such event. Such
                           adjustment shall be effected by multiplying such
                           number of Shares by an amount equal to the number of
                           Shares that would be owned after such event by a
                           person who, immediately prior to such event, was the
                           holder of record of one Share, unless the Committee,
                           in its discretion, establishes another appropriate
                           method of adjustment.


                  (b)      In the event of any merger, consolidation, or other
                           business reorganization (including but not limited to
                           a Change of Control) in which Westbank Corporation is
                           not the surviving entity, the Trustee shall hold in
                           the Trust Fund any money, stock, securities or other
                           property received by holders of record of Shares in
                           connection with such merger, consolidation, or other
                           business reorganization. Any Award with respect to
                           which Shares had been allocated to an Eligible
                           Director or Eligible Employee shall be adjusted by
                           allocating to the Eligible Director or Eligible
                           Employee receiving such Award the amount of money,
                           stock, securities or other property received by the
                           Trustee for the Shares allocated to such Eligible
                           Director or Eligible Employee, and such money, stock,
                           securities or other property shall be subject to the
                           same terms and conditions of the Award that applied
                           to the Shares for which it has been exchanged.

                                   ARTICLE IX:


                  This Plan is not intended to satisfy the requirements for
                  qualification under Section 401(a) of the Code or to satisfy
                  the definitional requirements for an "employee benefit plan"
                  under Section 3(3) of the Employee Retirement Income Security
                  Act of 1974, as amended. It is intended to be a non-qualified
                  incentive compensation program that is exempt from the
                  regulatory requirements of the Employee Retirement Income
                  Security Act of 1974, as amended. The Plan shall be construed
                  and administered so as to effectuate this intent.


                  Neither the establishment of the Plan nor any provisions of
                  the Plan nor any action of the Board or the Committee with
                  respect to the Plan shall be held or construed to confer upon
                  any Eligible Director or Eligible Employee any right to
                  continue in the service of any Employer. The Employers reserve
                  the right to dismiss any Eligible Director or Eligible
                  Employee or otherwise deal with any Eligible Director or
                  Eligible Employee to the same extent as though the Plan had
                  not been adopted.


                  Whenever appropriate in the Plan, words used in the singular
                  may be read in the plural, words used in the plural may be
                  read in the singular and words importing the masculine gender
                  may be read as referring equally to the feminine or the
                  neuter. Any reference to an Article or Section number shall
                  refer to an Article or Section or this Plan, unless otherwise



                  The Plan shall be construed and enforced in accordance with
                  the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts without giving
                  effect to the conflict of laws principles thereof, except to
                  the extent that such laws are preempted by the federal laws of
                  the United States of America. The Plan shall be construed to
                  comply with applicable FDIC regulations.


                  The headings of Articles and Sections are included solely for
                  convenience of reference. If there is any conflict between
                  such headings and the text of the Plan, the text shall


                  The right to receive a benefit under the Plan shall not be
                  subject in any manner to anticipation, alienation or
                  assignment, nor shall such right be liable for or subject to
                  debts, contracts, liabilities, engagements or torts; provided,
                  however, that any recipient of an Award who makes an election
                  pursuant to Section 83(b) of the Code to include the value of
                  the Shares subject to such Award in gross income for federal
                  income purposes when granted rather than when vested shall
                  have the right to margin such Shares to finance the payment of
                  taxes. Any Shares so margined shall nevertheless remain
                  subject to the forfeiture provisions and other terms and
                  conditions of the Award.


                  Any communication required or permitted to be given under the
                  Plan, including any notice, direction, designation, comment,
                  instruction, objection or waiver, shall be in writing and
                  shall be deemed to have been given at such time as it is
                  personally delivered or five (5) days after mailing if mailed,
                  postage prepaid, by registered or certified mail, return
                  receipt requested, addressed to such party at the address
                  listed below, or at such other address as one such party may
                  by written notice specify to the other:

                  (a)      If to the Corporation:
                               Westbank Corporation
                               225 Park Avenue
                               West Springfield, Massachusetts 01089
                               Attention:  Clerk

                  (b)      If to an Eligible Director or Eligible Employee, to
                           the Eligible Director's or Eligible Employee's
                           address as shown in the Employer's records.



                  The making and payment of Awards under this Plan shall be
                  conditioned upon and subject to compliance with Section 18(k)
                  of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act, 12 U.S.C. 1828(k), and
                  the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder.


                  The Plan shall not be effective or implemented unless approved
                  by the holders of a majority of the total votes eligible to be
                  cast at any duly called annual or special meeting of the
                  Company. No award shall be made prior to the date on which the
                  Plan becomes effective.


                                                                      APPENDIX B

                              WESTBANK CORPORATION
                          NOMINATING COMMITTEE CHARTER


     The Nominating Committee is a committee of the Board of Directors, with the
responsibility to:

     o    identify individuals believed to be qualified to become members of the
          Board of Directors, consistent with criteria approved by the Board and
          such other factors as the Committee deems appropriate, and to select,
          or recommend to the Board, the nominees to stand for election as
          Directors at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders, and nominees to fill
          vacancies in the office of a Director (including a vacancy created by
          an increase in the size of the Board of Directors).

     o    consider candidates recommended by the Company's shareholders in
          accordance with the procedures set forth in the Company's annual proxy
          statement and, in its discretion, to consider candidates proposed by

     o    assist management in the preparation of the disclosure in the
          Company's annual proxy statement regarding the operation of the

     o    make regular reports to the Board and propose any necessary action to
          the Board.

     o    review this Charter on an annual basis and recommend any changes
          hereto to the Board for approval.

     o    perform any other duties or responsibilities expressly delegated to
          the Committee by the Board from time to time relating to the
          nomination of the Board and committee members.


     The Committee shall elect one (1) member of the Committee as its
     Chairperson. The Committee shall hold at least one (1) regular meeting each
     year and such special meetings as may be required. Meetings may be called
     by the Chair of the Committee or the Chairman of the Board. The presence in
     person or by telephone of two (2) members shall constitute a


     quorum. Meetings may be held at any time, any place and in any manner
     permitted by applicable law and the Company's Bylaws. Minutes of the
     Committee's meetings shall be kept. The Committee shall have authority to
     create and delegate specific tasks to such standing or ad hoc subcommittees
     as it may determine to be necessary or appropriate for the discharge of its
     responsibilities. The results of the meetings shall be reported to the full

     Prospective nominees shall be evaluated by the Nominating Committee on the
     basis of a subjective review of the background of each prospective nominee
     and the current needs of the Company. Factors considered by the Committee
     shall include:

     o    the candidate's background, including, but not limited to, education
          and employment experience.
     o    the candidate's standards of integrity, work ethic and commitment.
     o    the candidate's ability to devote sufficient time and effort to the
          duties of a Director, including, but not limited to, the candidate's
          service on other boards of directors; and
     o    the candidate's specific skills and experience in light of the needs
          of the Company and the Board of Directors, including, but not limited
          to, the need for specific expertise to serve on committees of the

     The Committee may also consider other factors as it deems appropriate. The
     Committee may determine to interview candidates, either in person or by
     telephone. Upon completion of the evaluation process, the Committee
     recommends candidates for election to the Board of Directors.

     The Nominating Committee will consider any Director candidate recommended
     by the shareholders on the same basis that the Committee considers
     candidates identified by the Committee.


     The Committee shall consist of three (3) or more Directors, who shall be
     appointed annually and who are subject to removal at any time, by the Board
     of Directors. Each Committee member shall meet the definition of
     "independent director" under the listing standards of the Nasdaq rules or
     any other statute, rule or regulation applicable to the Company. Each
     Committee member shall serve until his or her Committee service is
     terminated by the Board.


     The Committee shall have the resources and authority necessary to discharge
     its duties and responsibilities, including the authority to retain special
     counsel or other experts or consultants, as it deems appropriate, without
     seeking approval of the Board or management. The Committee shall have sole
     authority to retain and terminate any search firm to be used to identify
     Director candidates, including sole authority to approve the search firm's
     fees and other retention terms.


                                                                      APPENDIX C

                              WESTBANK CORPORATION
                             AUDIT COMMITTEE CHARTER

There shall be a committee of the Board of Directors known as the Audit
Committee. The Audit Committee shall be composed of a minimum of three (3)
directors who are independent of the management of the corporation and are free
of any relationship that, in the opinion of the Board of Directors, would
interfere with their exercise of independent judgment as a Committee member.

The Audit Committee shall provide assistance to the Directors in fulfilling
their responsibility to the shareholders, potential shareholders and investment
community relating to corporate accounting, reporting practices of the
corporation, and the quality and integrity of the financial reports of the
corporation. In so doing, it is the responsibility of the Audit Committee to
maintain free and open communication among the Directors, the independent
auditors, the internal auditor and the financial management of the corporation.

In carrying out its responsibilities, the Audit Committee believes its policies
and procedures should remain flexible, in order to best react to changing
conditions and to ensure to the Directors and shareholders that the corporate
accounting and reporting practices of the corporation are in accordance with all
requirements and are of the highest quality.

In carrying out these responsibilities, the Audit Committee will:

o    review and recommend to the Directors the independent auditors to be
     selected to audit the financial statements of the corporation and its
     divisions and subsidiaries.

o    meet with the independent auditors and financial management of the
     corporation to review the scope of the proposed audit for the current year
     and the audit procedures to be utilized and, at the conclusion thereof,
     review such audit, including any comments or recommendations of the
     independent auditors. Particular emphasis should be placed on the adequacy
     of such internal controls to expose any payments, transactions or
     procedures that might be deemed illegal or otherwise improper.

o    annually, review the quality and independence of the independent auditors
     by reviewing the resumes of key partners and managers responsible for the
     audit, the independent auditors' description of established quality control
     procedures and the independent auditors' most recent peer review report.


o    review with the independent auditors, the company's internal auditor, and
     financial and accounting personnel, the adequacy and effectiveness of the
     accounting and financial controls of the corporation, and elicit any
     recommendations for the improvement of such internal control procedures or
     particular areas where new or more detailed controls or procedures are

o    review the internal audit function of the corporation, including the
     independence and authority of its reporting obligations, the proposed audit
     plans for the coming year and the coordination of such plans with the
     independent auditors.

o    review at each meeting findings from completed internal audits and the
     progress on completing the proposed internal audit plan.

o    review the financial statements contained in the annual report to
     shareholders with management and the independent auditors to determine that
     the independent auditors are satisfied with the disclosure and content of
     the financial statements to be presented to the shareholders; review any
     changes in accounting principles.

o    provide sufficient opportunity for the internal and independent auditors to
     meet with members of the Committee without members of management present.

o    submit the minutes of all meetings of the Audit Committee to, or discuss
     the matters discussed at each committee meeting with, the Board of

o    investigate any matter brought to its attention within the scope of its
     duties, with the power to retain outside counsel for this purpose if, in
     its judgment, that is appropriate.


                                                                      APPENDIX D

                              WESTBANK CORPORATION
                                 CODE OF ETHICS

WESTBANK CORPORATION'S reputation for integrity is perhaps our most valuable
asset and is determined by the conduct of our Directors and Officers. Our
position with the Bank must never be used, directly or indirectly, for private
gain, to advance personal interests or to obtain favors or benefits for us,
members of our families or any other person.

The following sets forth certain standards and rules of conduct as they apply to
both personal and business life.


     Maintaining a confidential relationship between our subsidiaries and each
     of our customers, potential customers, stockholders, employees and
     suppliers is a fundamental principle of the banking industry. Confidential
     information which might reflect favorably or adversely upon the investment
     value or future market value of any business enterprise, including our own
     Bank, shall not be used in any manner for the purpose of personal advantage
     or to provide advantage to others.

     The material discussed at our subsidiaries and/or Board meetings is
     extremely confidential. Topics for discussion at these meetings will
     include the Bank's plans, Bank management performance, the
     credit-worthiness of our borrowers and other confidential topics.
     Information discussed at these meetings cannot be discussed elsewhere.
     Confidential information should never be discussed in an environment where
     it might be overheard by any unauthorized individuals.


     Legal, regulatory and ethical considerations make it mandatory that
     Directors and Officers avoid any and all conflicts of interest situations.
     Specifically, Directors and Officers must:

     A.   Avoid any potential conflict of interest involving insider information
          or any information involving customer accounts, i.e. deposits, loans
          or trusts. The insider shall excuse themselves from any discussions
          and abstain from any decisions where a conflict of interest exists.

     B.   Avoid involvement of any kind in the credit approval process when the
          credit being considered will directly or indirectly benefit him or her
          (this policy includes loans, overdrafts, immediate credit on funds and
          any other form of credit).


     C.   Avoid any potential conflict of interest involving any of the
          Corporation's Trust accounts by not participating in discussions and
          the decision-making process on such accounts.

     D.   Directors and Officers shall disclose to the President and to the
          Board of Directors any actual or potential conflicts of interest as
          soon as the situation arises (any substantial ownership or beneficial
          interest which they or members of their immediate family have in
          customers, suppliers or competitors of the Bank and, if a conflict of
          interest with the Bank exists, appropriate action shall be taken).

     E.   Use only arm's-length transactions when buying, selling or leasing
          assets or services to the subsidiaries. Competitive bids will be
          obtained for any service, fee or product in excess of $10,000
          purchased from a Director or Director-related company, except in an
          emergency. (It is the policy of all the subsidiaries to contract for
          assets and services using only arm's-length transactions that are in
          the best interest. Directors and Officers are asked to honor this
          policy and to refrain from influencing or asking for special
          considerations in negotiating contracts for needed assets or

     F.   All dealings must be based strictly on merit, regardless of race,
          color, national origin, age, handicap, gender or creed.

     G.   Any discussion or decision that may involve a conflict of interest
          shall be fully documented in the appropriate committee and/or Board of
          Directors Minutes.


     It is vital that our word is viewed as our bond and, for that reason,
     Directors and Officers may not make any actual or apparent commitments,
     formal or informal, regarding the Holding Company without prior
     authorization in accordance with existing policies.

     It is improper for Directors or Officers or members of their immediate
     family to accept a gift of cash or securities from a customer, supplier or
     from any other person or business seeking a business relationship with the
     subsidiaries. Directors and Officers and members of their immediate
     families may accept other gifts, including food, entertainment, advertising
     or promotional items of modest value, or gifts of a nominal value on
     special occasions such as Christmas. Nominal or modest value is a value
     that would be within the ability of the Director or Officer to reciprocate
     on a personal basis or with legitimate claim for reimbursement under
     similar circumstances.

     No gift may be received if it is in return for any favor or in any attempt
     to influence any transaction. The above restrictions do not apply, however,
     to gifts that have no business purpose and are received from close friends
     and family members.


     The high standard of financial integrity that Westbank Corporation is
     obligated to observe requires that each of us be above criticism in his/her
     own financial affairs. If financial difficulties occur, the President of
     the Holding Company is available to help you.

     The indispensability of our Directors and Officers Liability Insurance
     coverage must never be underestimated.

     No Director or Officer, nor any member of his/her family, may trade in
     Westbank Stock if the trade is based on information not known outside of
     the Bank.

     Directors and Officers always live by rules. Any illegal conduct by a
     Director or Officer of Westbank or any of its subsidiaries reflects
     unfavorably on the Bank. Therefore, each Director and Officer shall refrain
     from any illegal conduct or activity. For purposes of this Code of Ethics,
     "illegal conduct or activity" is defined as any conduct, activity or
     omission which constitutes a crime as determined under the Laws of the
     United States or the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.


     Directors and/or Officers may obtain loans from the subsidiaries or other
     banks or financial institutions, on reasonable and customary terms to
     finance normal credit needs. Loan Officers cannot approve loans to family

     With respect to Federal Regulation O (Reg. O), all Directors and
     policy-making officers should be familiar with the provisions of the
     Regulation including the reporting provisions.


     For purposes of complying with Section 16(b) of the Securities and Exchange
     Act, any Director or Executive Officer must inform the President and Chief
     Executive Officer of Westbank Corporation of his or her intent to purchase
     or otherwise acquire any additional shares of Westbank Corporation stock
     prior to such purchase.


     It is recommended that all current Directors and Officers read and sign
     this Code annually, and that any potential new Director or Officer be
     totally familiar and in agreement with this Code prior to being appointed
     or hired.

As a Director and/or Officer of WESTBANK CORPORATION, I was elected to serve the
needs and the Bank's employees and not to serve my personal financial needs.
Therefore, by signing my name below, I acknowledge that I have read the above
Code of Ethics and agree to comply with it.


                              WESTBANK CORPORATION

     I, the undersigned holder of common stock of Westbank Corporation, hereby
appoint Gary L. Briggs and Kathleen A. Jalbert, or either of them, with the
power of substitution, proxies of the undersigned to vote the shares of the
undersigned at the 2004 Annual Meeting of Shareholders of Westbank Corporation
to be held at 9:00 A.M., April 21, 2004, at the Best Western Sovereign Hotel &
Conference Center, 1080 Riverdale Street, West Springfield, Massachusetts, and
at any adjournment thereof, with all the powers the undersigned would possess if
personally present. Said proxies are specifically authorized to vote as
indicated below.


1.   ELECTION OF DIRECTORS: To elect the following Directors of the Corporation
     for a three-year term until the 2007 Annual Meeting of Shareholders.

     Roland O. Archambault                  [_] FOR    [_] AGAINST   [_] ABSTAIN
     Donald R. Chase                        [_] FOR    [_] AGAINST   [_] ABSTAIN
     George R. Sullivan                     [_] FOR    [_] AGAINST   [_] ABSTAIN



3.   SELECTION OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS: To ratify the appointment, by
     the Board of Directors, of Grant Thornton LLP as the Corporation's
     independent public accountants for the fiscal year ending December 31,
                                            [_] FOR    [_] AGAINST   [_] ABSTAIN

4.   OTHER BUSINESS: In their discretion, to act upon the transaction of such
     other business as may properly come before the meeting and any adjournment


                                                    (Signature of Shareholder)

                                                   (Signature, if jointly held)

                                                 When signing as Attorney,
                                                 Executor, Administrator,
                                                 Trustee or Guardian, please
                                                 give full title. IF MORE THAN
                                                 ONE TRUSTEE, ALL SHOULD SIGN.
                                                 ALL JOINT OWNERS MUST SIGN.