
                               EXTENSION AGREEMENT

           This Extension Agreement dated January 25, 2007, is made and entered
into by and among Thomas Pharmaceuticals Ltd. (the "Company"), Thomas
Pharmaceutical Acquisition Corp. (the "Purchaser") and iVoice, Inc. (the
"Seller"). The Purchaser, the Company and the Seller are sometimes individually
referred to as a party and collectively as the "Parties."

           WHEREAS, the Parties entered into a Stock Purchase Agreement dated
August 7, 2006 (the "Agreement");

           WHEREAS, pursuant to said Agreement because a Closing of the
Agreement did not occur prior to October 31, 2006, the Seller is permitted to
terminate the right of Purchaser to effectuate a Closing of the Agreement
pursuant to Article X Section 10.1 thereof;

           WHEREAS, the Purchaser is seeking to obtain financing in order to
enable Purchaser to consummate the purchase transaction provided for in the
Agreement (the "Financing");

           WHEREAS, the Purchaser is also seeking to obtain interim funds
amounting to $200,000 ("Bridge Financing") for operations of the Company pending
completion of the Financing through the issuance of convertible debentures of
the Purchaser exchangeable for securities of the Company and/or the Purchaser
(the "Purchaser Convertible Debenture") under certain conditions provided for

           WHEREAS, the holder(s) of the Purchaser Convertible Debenture(s)
intend to deposit funds into an account of the Purchaser and disburse the same
as provided hereinafter, as a loan to the Company which loan is represented by a
note ("Note") executed by the Company which is exchangeable for securities of
the Company as provided below;

           WHEREAS, the Parties have agreed to extend the date within which the
Purchaser may purchase the Securities upon the terms and conditions set forth
herein and in the Agreement;

           NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and the respective
representations, warranties, covenants, agreements and conditions hereinafter
set forth, and intending to be legally bound, each Party hereby agrees as

           1.   Each of the terms, conditions and provisions of the Agreement,
                including the capitalized definitions included therein, are
                incorporated herein by reference, and shall have full force and
                effect except as provided or modified by the terms of this
                Extension Agreement.

           2.   The Expiration Date provided for in Article X Section 10.1(d) is
                and shall be extended to and through the date on which the
                Securities and Exchange Commission declares effective a
                Registration Statement for the distribution of common stock of
                the Company to the shareholders of the Seller (the "Spin-off"),
                and the Purchaser shall have the right to purchase the
                Securities through such Expiration Date as extended in this
                Extension Agreement.

           3.   Notwithstanding the extension of the Expiration Date, the
                provisions of Article X Section 10.2 of the Agreement shall
                remain in full force and effect as if no extension of the
                Expiration Date has transpired.

           4.   The proceeds of the Purchaser Convertible Debenture(s) shall be
                disbursed as follows: (i) Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000) to
                Dewey Devlin & King, LLC, (ii) Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000)
                to Snow Becker Krauss P.C. for its own account and (iii) One
                Hundred Sixty Thousand Dollars ($160,000) to the Company in
                exchange for a Note payable to the Purchaser of the same sum
                executed by the Company. Such funds shall be disbursed in
                accordance with the budget attached as Exhibit A. The parties
                hereto agree to exercise good faith to expend such funds
                expeditiously in accordance with such budget.

           5.   The One Hundred Sixty Thousand Dollars ($160,000) paid to the
                Company in exchange for the Note shall be held in the accounts
                of the Company and shall only be drawn upon by instruments
                signed by a signatory authorized in writing by the Board of
                Directors of TPL and by Farris M. Thomas, Jr.

           6.   In the event that the Purchaser fails to consummate the purchase
                of the Securities prior to the Expiration Date, the holders of
                the Purchaser Convertible Debenture(s) shall have the right to
                convert the Purchaser Convertible Debenture(s) into securities
                of the Company equal in kind, number and price as have been
                issued to the Seller, pari passu, including any dilutive
                issuance thereafter, except that with respect to any lien over
                the assets of the Company held by the Seller, the lien of the
                holder of the secured Purchaser Convertible Debenture shall be
                equal in all respects except shall be subordinate to the lien of
                the Seller.

           7.   Purchaser covenants that it will not incur any liability for any
                reason whatsoever unless at the time thereof there is a balance
                of funds in its accounts to fully cover payment therefor.

           8.   The Parties hereby confirm that the President of the Company has
                no authority to enter any obligations which bind the Company
                without the express written approval of the Board of Directors
                of the Company.

           9.   The Parties hereby consent to (i) the sale and issuance by the
                Company and the purchase by the Seller of an additional $25,000
                10% Secured Convertible Debenture (the "Additional Debenture")
                with similar terms to the previous $360,000 10% Securied
                Convertible Debenture issued January 6, 2006, the $100,000 of
                Administrative Service Convertible Debentures issued January 6,
                2006, and the $225,000 Secured Convertible Debentures issued
                April 27, 2006. The proceeds from the Additional Debenture shall
                be used to fund the cost of legal fees incurred by the Company
                to register the shares to be distributed in the Spin-off. The
                Additional Debenture is hereby added to the definition of
                Securities appearing in the Recitals of the Agreement and the
                sum "$1,235,100" appearing in Article III Section 3.1 of the
                Agreement is hereby replaced with the sum "$1,260,100".

           10.  The Parties hereby reconfirm the effectiveness of Article VII
                Section 7.7 of the Agreement as of the date hereof and
                acknowledge that the Note holder shall be required to enter into
                a similar release naming the investor as a Releasor and

                                       Thomas Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

                                       By:  __________________________________



                                       Thomas Pharmaceutical Acquisition Corp.

                                       By:  __________________________________



                                       iVoice, Inc.

                                       By:  __________________________________
                                            Jerome Mahoney,
                                            President and
                                            Chief Executive Officer