(Rule 14a-101)


                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION
              Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) Securities
                              Exchange Act of 1934

Filed by the Registrant                              [ ]

Filed by a party other than the Registrant           [X]

         Check the appropriate box:

[X]      Preliminary Proxy Statement

[ ]      Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only
         (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))

[ ]      Definitive Proxy Statement

[ ]      Definitive Additional Materials

[ ]      Soliciting material pursuant to Rule 14a-11(c) or Rule 14a-12


                (Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

                            Millenium Management, LLC

(Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of filing fee (Check the appropriate box):

[X] No fee required

[ ] Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.

         (1)  Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

         (2)  Aggregate number of securities to which transactions applies:

         (3)  Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
              pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which
              the filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined.)

          (4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

         (5) Total Fee paid:

[ ]      Fee paid previously with preliminary materials

[ ]      Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange
         Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting
         fee was paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration
         statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

         (1) Amount previously paid:

         (2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

         (3) Filing party:

         (4) Date filed:

                            Millenium Management, LLC
                         155 N. Lake Avenue, Suite 1000
                               Pasadena, CA 91101

                                December 27, 2002

Dear Limited Partner:

     Enclosed  is a  Solicitation  of Consents  seeking the  approval by written
consent (the Consents") of the limited partners (the "Limited Partners") of Real
Estate   Associates   Limited  VI,  a  California   limited   partnership   (the
"Partnership"),  to remove the current  general  partners  and to  continue  the
Partnership and elect Millenium Management,  LLC, a California limited liability
company ("Millenium") as the new general partner of the Partnership.

     The goal of Millenium in soliciting  the Consents is to elect  Millenium as
the new general  partner of the Partnership so that Millenium can (i) distribute
cash on hand, (ii) investigate claims against the Partnership's  current general
partners,  (iii) reduce  management  fees by ten percent (10%),  (iv) review the
Partnership's books and records to analyze alternatives,  including the possible
liquidation of the limited and general  partner  interests that the  Partnership
holds and (v) make a subsequent proposal to obtain the Limited Partners' consent
to amend the Partnership Agreement to provide that the Partnership be liquidated
on or before January 1, 2005 (the Partnership  Agreement currently provides that
the Partnership does not have to be liquidated until the year 2032).

     A review  of  documents  and  reports  publicly  filed  by the  Partnership
indicates  that  the  remaining  assets  held  by  the  Partnership   include  a
significant  amount of cash on hand  ($1,704,668  as of September  31, 2002) and
potentially  valuable  real  estate and other  assets.  Millenium  believes  the
Partnership should be exploring  opportunities to sell the Partnership's  assets
(limited and general partner interests in other partnership(s)) to third parties
now to maximize  the  potential  cash  returns to the Limited  Partners on their
original investment

     Most  importantly,  on November  15,  2002, a jury in the class action case
brought against National Partnership Investment Corporation  ("NAPICO"),  one of
the general partners of the Partnership,  and other defendants found that NAPICO
had knowingly  violated various sections of the Securities  Exchange Act and had
acted with malice,  oppression or fraud in breaching  its fiduciary  duty to the
limited  partners.  The jury  awarded  the limited  partners of the  Partnership
compensatory and punitive damages of approximately $42,000,000. Many of the same
officers and  employees  who were  managing the affairs of the general  partners
when the various wrongdoings occurred continue to manage the Partnership. Do you
want  general  partners  who have been  found  liable  for  securities  fraud to
continue to manage the Partnership?

     We urge you to carefully read the enclosed Consent  Solicitation  Statement
in order to vote your interests.  Please note that we can give no assurance that
limited  partner value will be increased by the election of Millenium as the new
your vote is represented, please

sign,  date and return the  enclosed  GREEN  Consent of Limited  Partner form as
promptly  as  possible  in the  enclosed,  prepaid  envelope.  If you  have  any
questions, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Vahan Saroians at 626-585-5920.

                                         Very Truly Yours,

                                         Millenium Management, LLC

                            SOLICITATION OF CONSENTS
                                LIMITED PARTNERS
                        Real Estate Associates Limited VI
                            Millenium Management, LLC
                     a California limited liability company

                                December 27, 2002


     Millenium   Management,   LLC,  a  California   limited  liability  company
("Millenium"),  is seeking the approval by written  consent (the  "Consents") of
the limited partners (the "Limited  Partners") of Real Estate Associates Limited
VI, a California limited partnership (the "Partnership"),  to remove the current
general  partners  and to continue  the  Partnership  with  Millenium as the new
general  partner of the  Partnership.  The  election of  Millenium  as a general
partner is conditioned  upon the approval of the removal of the current  general

     In the event that the current general  partners are removed and the Limited
Partners do not approve  continuing  the  Partnership  with Millenium as the new
general partner,  Millenium will initiate an additional consent  solicitation to
continue the Partnership  with a different,  new general  partner.  In the event
that the Limited  Partners do not elect to continue the  Partnership  with a new
general  partner within sixty (60) days after the removal of the current general
partners,  the  Partnership  will be dissolved and the assets of the Partnership
will be  liquidated  pursuant  to  Sections  13.3 and 13.4 of the  Partnership's
Restated  Certificate  and Agreement of Limited  Partnership  (the  "Partnership

     This Consent  Solicitation  Statement and the accompanying GREEN Consent of
Limited  Partners  form are first being  mailed to Limited  Partners on or about
December 27, 2002. Limited Partners who are record owners of Limited Partnership
Interests as of December  20, 2002 (the  "Record  Date") may execute and deliver
Consent.  A beneficial  owner of Limited  Partnership  Interests  who is not the
record owner of such Limited  Partnership  Interests must arrange for the record
owner of such Limited Partnership  Interests to execute and deliver to Millenium
a Consent form that reflects the vote of the beneficial owner.

     In  reviewing  this  Consent  Solicitation  Statement  please  consider the

     o    On November 15, 2002, a jury in the class action case brought  against
          National Partnership  Investment  Corporation  ("NAPICO"),  one of the
          general partners of the  Partnership,  and other defendants found that
          NAPICO had  knowingly  violated  various  sections  of the  Securities
          Exchange  Act and had  acted  with  malice,  oppression  or  fraud  in
          breaching its fiduciary duty to the limited partners. The jury awarded
          the limited  partners of the  Partnership  compensatory  and  punitive
          damages of  approximately  $42,000,000.  Many of the same officers and

          employees who were  managing the affairs of the general  partners when
          the various  wrongdoings  occurred continue to manage the Partnership.
          Do you want general partners who have been found liable for securities
          fraud to continue to manage the Partnership?

     o    The remaining  assets of the  Partnership  are 20 limited  partnership
          interests  and a general  partner  interest in Real Estate  Associates
          Limited III ("REAL  III"),  which,  in turn,  holds three more limited
          partnership interests (the "Limited Partnership Assets"). Based on the
          fact that the  Partnership  has not disclosed that it is exploring the
          alternative  of selling  the  Limited  Partnership  Assets,  Millenium
          believes that the current  general  partners are not actively  seeking
          opportunities to sell the Limited Partnership Assets.

     o    If Millenium is successful in replacing the current  general  partners
          Millenium  plans  to  consider   opportunities  to  sell  the  Limited
          Partnership Assets.  While considering such  opportunities,  Millenium
          will provide detailed  financial  information about Partnership assets
          to the  limited  partners  which the  current  General  Partners  have
          continuously withheld.

     o    If Millenium is appointed as the general  partner,  Millenium plans to
          solicit  consents  of the Limited  Partners  to amend the  Partnership
          Agreement to provide that the  Partnership  be liquidated on or before
          January 1, 2005 (the Partnership Agreement currently provides that the
          Partnership  does  not have to be  liquidated  until  the year  2032);
          although Millenium's not contractually bound to do so.

     o    If  Millenium  is  appointed  as the new  general  partner,  it or its
          affiliates  would generally be entitled to the same fees as previously
          paid to the current general partners.  Although  Millenium will not be
          contractually bound to do so, Millenium intends,  upon its election as
          the new  general  partner,  to reduce the annual  management  fees set
          forth in Section 9.5 of the  Partnership  Agreement and any other fees
          payable to the general partner or its affiliates by at least 10%.

     o    If  Millenium  is  appointed  as the new general  partner,  it will be
          entitled  to at least a 1%  interest  in all  profits  and  losses and
          distributions,  as well as liquidation proceeds of the Partnerships to
          the same extent as the former  general  partners  pursuant to Sections
          7.1 and 8.1 of the Partnership Agreement.

     o    NAPICO  has  received  $206,433  in  management  fees and  $22,740  as
          reimbursement for administrative costs for the year ended December 31,
          2001. The current general partners and its affiliates will continue to
          collect  management  fees  until  they  sell the  Limited  Partnership
          Assets,  and  therefore  have a  financial  incentive  not to sell the
          Limited Partnership Assets.  Based on publicly available  information,
          except for the initial limited partner Bruce Nelson, who is an officer
          of NAPICO, none of the officers or directors of NAPICO own directly or
          beneficially   any   Limited   Partnership   Interests.   Because  the
          Partnership  has recently sold a  significant  number of its assets in

          1998,  Millenium  believes that the  management  fee should be reduced
          below 4% of the Partnership's invested assets.  Although Millenium may
          have a financial  incentive not to sell the Limited Partnership Assets
          because it also will receive  management fees,  Millenium's  incentive
          not to sell the  Limited  Partnership  Assets  is  significantly  less
          because (i) it will be collecting  management  fees which are 10% less
          for managing  the Limited  Partnership  Assets if Millenium  decreases
          management  fees as it  intends  to do and  (ii) its  affiliate  holds
          approximately 4.1% of the Limited  Partnership  Interests.  Therefore,
          Millenium  has a stronger  incentive  to ensure the prompt sale of the
          Limited Partnership Assets at a favorable price.

     Considerations  other than those  identified,  such as  investment  and tax
considerations,  exist which should be weighed in replacing the current  general
partners  with  Millenium.  Limited  Partners  are  advised to read this  entire
Consent  Solicitation  Statement  carefully and to consult with their investment
and tax advisors before making a decision whether or not to consent. Please note
that  Millenium  can  give no  assurance  that  limited  partner  value  will be
increased by the election of Millenium as the new general partner.  YOUR VOTE IS

     The Consents are solicited  upon the terms and subject to the conditions of
this  Consent  Solicitation  Statement  and the  accompanying  form of  Consent.
Removal of the  current  general  partners  and the  election  to  continue  the
Partnership  with Millenium as the new general  partner  requires the consent of
the  record  holders  of a  majority  of  the  outstanding  limited  partnership
interests  ("Limited  Partnership  Interests")  of  the  Limited  Partners  (the
"Required  Consents").  If Millenium  receives the  Required  Consents,  it will
become the new general partner, as provided in the Partnership Agreement.

     Section  9.9(d)  of the  Partnership  Agreement  provides  that the vote of
Limited  Partners  owning a majority of the Limited  Partnership  Interests  may
remove a general partner. Section 13.4 provides that the Limited Partners owning
a majority  of the  Limited  Partnership  Interests  may elect to  continue  the
Partnership and elect a new general partner if an event of dissolution occurs by
the removal of a general partner.

     Under the Partnership Agreement and California law, Limited Partners do not
have dissenters' rights of appraisal in connection with these Proposals.




                              AVAILABLE INFORMATION

     The  Partnership  is  subject  to  the  informational  requirements  of the
Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934,  as  amended  (the  "Exchange  Act"),  and in
accordance therewith files reports,  consent  solicitation  statements and other
information with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "Commission"). Such
reports,  consent  solicitation  statements and other information filed with the
Commission  can be  inspected  and  copied at the  public  reference  facilities
maintained by the Commission at Room 1024, 450 Fifth Street,  N.W.,  Washington,
D.C. 20549, and at the Commission's  Regional Offices,  233 Broadway,  New York,
New York 10279 and 175 W. Jackson Boulevard, Suite 900, Chicago, Illinois 60604.
In addition,  the  Commission  maintains a site on the World Wide Web portion of
the Internet that contains reports,  proxy and information  statements and other
information  regarding registrants that file electronically with the Commission.
The address of such site is


     Millenium is a California limited liability company that was formed in 1999
for the  purpose of seeking to become the  general  partner of other real estate
limited  partnerships.  The sole Manager of Millenium is Everest  Properties II,
LLC  ("Everest"),  who manages all of the  business  affairs of  Millenium.  The
principal office of Millenium is 155 N. Lake Avenue,  Suite 1000,  Pasadena,  CA
91101; telephone (626) 585-5920.

     The following are the resumes of Everest officers.  The business address of
each of the participants is 155 N. Lake Avenue, Suite 1000, Pasadena,  CA 91101.
Millenium does not own any Limited Partnership Interests.

     W. Robert  Kohorst.  Mr.  Kohorst has been the President of Everest and its
predecessor  since 1995. He is a lawyer by  profession.  From 1984 through 1990,
Mr. Kohorst was the President of the Private Placement Group for Public Storage,
Inc., a national U.S. real estate  syndicator.  Mr.  Kohorst's  responsibilities
included all structuring,  marketing,  investor services and accounting services
for private placement syndications for Public Storage, Inc., and its affiliates.
Upon leaving Public  Storage,  Inc. in 1990, Mr. Kohorst was the Chief Executive
Officer  and  principal  of two  businesses,  Tiger  Shark  Golf,  Inc.,  a golf
equipment manufacturer,  and Masquerade  International,  Inc., a manufacturer of
costumes.  In 1991 Mr.  Kohorst  co-founded KH Financial,  Inc.,  which has been
engaged in the acquisition of general partner  interests,  real estate companies
and related  assets.  Mr.  Kohorst has been the President of KH Financial,  Inc.
from its  inception to the present.  Mr.  Kohorst  holds a Juris Doctor from the
University of Michigan and a Bachelor of Science  degree in accounting  from the
University of Dayton.

     David I.  Lesser.  Mr.  Lesser has been the  Executive  Vice  President  of
Everest and its predecessor since 1995. He is a lawyer by profession.  From 1979
through 1986, Mr. Lesser  practiced  corporate and real estate law with Kadison,
Pfaelzer,  Woodard, Quinn & Rossi and Johnsen,  Manfredi & Thorpe, two prominent
Los Angeles law firms.  From 1986 through  1995,  Mr. Lesser was a principal and
member of Feder,  Goodman & Schwartz and its predecessor  firm,  co-managing the
firm's corporate and real estate practice. Between 1990 and 1992, Mr. Lesser was
counsel to Howard,  Rice,  Nemerovski,  Robertson,  Canady & Falk. Mr. Lesser is

also a Vice President of KH Financial, Inc. Mr. Lesser holds a Juris Doctor from
Columbia  University  and a  Bachelor  of Arts  degree  from the  University  of

     Christopher K. Davis. Mr. Davis is a Vice President and the General Counsel
of Everest, which he joined in 1998. He is a lawyer by profession.  From 1991 to
1995, he practiced  securities and corporate law with Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher, a
prominent  national law firm  headquartered  in Los  Angeles.  From 1995 through
1997, he served as Senior Staff Counsel and then Director of Corporate  Legal of
Pinkerton's,  Inc., a worldwide provider of security,  investigation and related
services.  At Pinkerton,  Mr. Davis was  responsible for directing the corporate
section of the legal department. Mr. Davis holds a Juris Doctor from Harvard Law
School and a Bachelor  of Science  degree in  Business  Administration  from the
University of California, Berkeley.

     Peter  J.  Wilkinson.  Mr.  Wilkinson  is a Vice  President  and the  Chief
Financial  Officer of Everest,  which he joined in 1996.  He is an accountant by
profession. From 1981 through 1987, he worked for Deloitte Haskins and Sells and
Coopers  and  Lybrand  in London and Sydney in their  audit  divisions,  gaining
significant experience in a variety of industry segments.  From 1987 to 1990, he
was the company  secretary  and  controller of Gresham  Partners,  an Australian
investment bank where, in addition to being  responsible for all financial,  tax
and  administrative  matters,  he was involved with analyzing  leveraged buyout,
property finance and business acquisitions.  Mr. Wilkinson joined BankAmerica in
the United States and from 1991 to 1996 held a number of positions,  culminating
in being the Division  Finance  Officer for the Corporate Trust and Mortgage and
Asset Backed divisions. In this capacity, he was responsible for presentation of
all financial  information and financial due diligence during their divestiture.
Mr. Wilkinson holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Nottingham  University and
is an English chartered accountant.


     Information  contained in this section is based upon  documents and reports
publicly filed by the Partnership,  including the Annual Report on Form 10-K for
the fiscal year ended  December 31, 2001 (the "Form 10-K") and the Form 10-Q for
the period ended  September 31, 2002 ("Form  10-Q").  Although  Millenium has no
information that any statements contained in this section are untrue,  Millenium
has not independently  investigated the accuracy of the information contained in
this section or for the failure by the  Partnership to disclose events which may
have  occurred  and  may  affect  the  significance  or  accuracy  of  any  such
information.  Millenium disclaims  responsibility for the following  information
except to the extent prohibited by law.

Current General Partners

     The Partnership is a limited partnership formed under the laws of the State
of  California  on  October  12,  1982.  The  Partnership  was  formed to invest
primarily in other limited  partnerships or joint ventures which own and operate
primarily federal,  state or local  government-assisted  housing projects and to
acquire, lease, sell or mortgage real or personal property. The general partners
of  the  Partnership  are  NAPICO,  a  California   corporation,   and  National
Partnership  Investment Associates ("NAPIA"), a limited partnership formed under
the California  Limited  Partnership  Act and consisting of Messrs.  Nicholas G.

Ciriello, an unrelated individual,  as general partner, and Charles H. Boxenbaum
as limited  partner.  The business of the Partnership is conducted  primarily by

     Prior to December 30, 1998,  NAPICO was a wholly owned subsidiary of Casden
Investment  Corporation  ("CIC"),  which is wholly owned by Alan I.  Casden.  On
December 30, 1998, Casden Limited Partnership Assets Operating Partnership, L.P.
(the  "Operating  Partnership"),  a majority owned  subsidiary of Casden Limited
Partnership  Assets Inc., a real estate  investment  trust  organized by Alan I.
Casden,  purchased a 95.25% economic interest in NAPICO.  The current members of
NAPICO's Board of Directors are Charles H.  Boxenbaum,  Bruce E. Nelson and Alan
I. Casden. Partnership Assets

     On  December  3,  2001,  Casden  Properties  Inc.,  entered  into a  merger
agreement and certain other transaction  documents with Apartment Investment and
Management  Company,  a  Maryland  corporation  ("AIMCO")  and  certain  of  its
subsidiaries,  pursuant  to which  AIMCO,  on March 11,  2002,  acquired  Casden
Properties Inc. and its subsidiaries, including NAPICO.

     The  Partnership  holds limited  partnership  interests in 20 local limited
partnerships.  The  Partnership  also holds a general  partner  interest in Real
Estate Associates Limited III ("REAL III") which, in turn, holds limited partner
interests in 3 local limited partnerships. The other general partner of REAL III
is NAPICO.  Therefore, the Partnership currently holds interests either directly
or indirectly in 23 local limited  partnerships.  Each of the local partnerships
owns a low income housing project which is subsidized and/or has a mortgage note
payable  to or insured  by  agencies  of the  federal  or local  government.  In
December  1998,  the  Partnership   sold  its  interests  in  10  local  limited
partnerships and its general partner  interest in one local general  partnership
to the Operating Partnership.

     The local partnerships in which the Partnership has invested were, at least
initially,  organized by private  developers who acquired the sites,  or options
thereon,  and applied for  applicable  mortgage  insurance  and  subsidies.  The
Partnership  became the  principal  limited or  general  partner in these  local
partnerships  pursuant to arm's-length  negotiations with these  developers,  or
others,  who  normally  act as  general  partners.  As a  limited  partner,  the
Partnership's  liability for  obligations  of the local limited  partnership  is
limited  to its  investment.  The local  general  partner  of the local  limited
partnership retains  responsibility for developing,  constructing,  maintaining,
operating and managing the project.  Under certain circumstances of default, the
Partnership  has the right to replace the general  partner of the local  limited
partnerships.  As  discussed  above,  the  Partnership  is a general  partner in
certain of the local partnerships,  but otherwise does not have control of sale,
refinancing or operating decisions.

     Although each of the  partnerships  in which the  Partnership  has invested
will generally own a project which must compete in the  marketplace for tenants,
interest  subsidies  and rent  supplements  from  governmental  agencies make it
possible to offer these  dwelling  units to eligible  "low income"  tenants at a
cost significantly below the market rate for comparable  conventionally financed
dwelling units in the area.

     During  2001,  the  projects in which the  Partnership  had  invested  were
substantially  rented.  The following is a schedule of the status as of December
31,  2001,  of the projects  owned by local  limited  partnerships  in which the
Partnership, either directly or indirectly through REAL III, has invested

                                DECEMBER 31, 2001
                               For Rental                 Percentage of
Name and Location        No. Of      No. Of            Units      Total Units
Local Partnerships       Units     Section 8         Occupied       Occupied

Boynton Terrace            89            89             89             100%
Boynton Beach, FL
Cady Brook Apts.           40           None            39              97%
Charlton, MA
Cassidy Village            98            50             96              98%
Columbus, Ohio
Century Plaza             120           120            118              98%
Hampton, VA
Crockett Manor             38            38             30              79%
Trenton, TN
Eastridge Apts.            96            65             88              92%
Briston, VA
Filmore I                  32            32             27              84%
Phoenix, AZ
Grant-Ko Enterprises       40           None            37              93%
Platteville, WI
Hummelstown Manor          51            50             51             100%
Hummelstown, PA
Kentucky Manor             48           None            48             100%
Oak Grove, KY
Lonsdale Housing          131           131            128              98%
Providence, RI
Marshall Plaza I           40            40             39              98%
Lorain, Ohio

                            AND GENERAL PARTNERSHIPS
                                DECEMBER 31, 2001

                                         Units Authorized
                              For Rental                  Percentage of
Name and Location        No. Of        No. Of          Units        Total Units
                          Units      Section 8        Occupied        Occupied

Marshall Plaza II          50            48             48              96%
Lorain, Ohio
New-Bel-Mo                 34           None            27              79%
New Glarus, Bellemont,
Monticello, WI
Oakridge Apts. II          48           None            47              98%
Biloxi, MS
Oakwood Manor              34            34             30              88%
Milan, TN
Park Place                126            125            123             98%
Ewing, NJ
Parkesedge Elderly Apts.   45            45             45             100%
Parkesedge, PA
Penneco II                 76            76             54              71%
Johnstown, PA
Sauk-Ko Enterprises        30           None            23              77%
Baraboo, WI
Sol 413                    12            12             12             100%
Old San Juan, PR
Valley Oaks Senior         50           None            50             100%
Gault, CA
Villas de Orocovix         41            41             39              95%
                           --            --             --              ---

TOTALS                  1,369           996           1,304             95%
                        =====           ===           =====             ===

Outstanding Limited Partnership Interests

     According  to the  Partnership's  Form  10-K,  there  were  16,805  Limited
Partnership  Interests  (representing  8,405 units)  issued and  outstanding  at
December  31,  2001,  held by 3,269  holders  of  record.  A Limited  Partner is
entitled to one vote for each Limited Partnership Interest owned by such Limited
Partner.  Millenium  owns no Limited  Partnership  Interest in the  Partnership.
According to the Form 10-K, except for the initial limited partner Bruce Nelson,
who is an officer of NAPICO,  none of the  officers or  directors  of NAPICO own
directly or beneficially any Limited Partnership  Interests.  No person is known
to own  beneficially  in excess  of 5% of the  outstanding  Limited  Partnership


     On August 27, 1998,  two  investors  holding an aggregate of eight units of
limited  partnership   interests  in  Real  Estate  Associates  Limited  III  (a
partnership in which NAPICO is a general  partner) and two investors  holding an
aggregate  of  five  units  of  limited  partnership  interest  in  Real  Estate
Associates  Limited  VI  (another  partnership  in which  Company  is a  general
partner) commenced an action in the United States District Court for the Central
District of California on behalf of themselves and all other similarly situated,
against the  Partnership,  NAPICO and certain  other  affiliated  entities.  The
complaint  alleges that the  defendants  breached  their  fiduciary  duty to the
limited  partners  of such  Funds  and  made  materially  false  and  misleading
statements in the consent solicitation  statements that were disseminated to the
limited  partners  of  such  Funds  relating  to  approval  of the  transfer  of
partnership interests in limited partnerships to the Operating Partnership.  The
plaintiffs  sought  preliminary  and  permanent   injunctive  relief  and  other
equitable relief, as well as compensatory and punitive damages.

     On November 15, 2002, a jury in the above  described case found that NAPICO
had knowingly  violated various sections of the Securities  Exchange Act and had
acted with malice,  oppression or fraud in breaching  its fiduciary  duty to the
limited  partners.  The jury  awarded  the limited  partners of the  Partnership
compensatory and punitive damages of approximately $42,000,000. Many of the same
officers and  employees  who were  managing the affairs of the general  partners
when the various wrongdoings occurred continue to manage the Partnership. Do you
want  general  partners  who have been  found  liable  for  securities  fraud to
continue to manage the  Partnership?  For more  information on this case and the
verdict, you may visit the website for class counsel at


     The  Limited  Partners  are being  asked to approve by written  consent the
following actions (the "Proposals") pursuant to the Partnership Agreement:

     (1) the removal of the current general  partners,  NAPICO and NAPIA, as the
general partners of the Partnership; and

     (2) the  continuation of the Partnership  with Millenium as the new general
partner of the Partnership (which is conditioned upon the approval of Proposal 1

Removing the General Partner

     A review of documents and reports  publicly  filed by the  Partnership  and
books and records available to partners indicates that the remaining assets held
by the Partnership are potentially valuable real estate assets. These assets are
interests in low-income  housing  projects  which are  subsidized  and/or have a
mortgage  note  payable  to or  insured  by  agencies  of the  federal  or local
government.  The Form 10K notes the economic  impact of the  combination  of the
reduced  payments  under  the  Housing  Assistance  Payment  contracts  and  the
restructuring  of the  existing  FHA-insured  mortgage  loans  under  MAHRAA  is
uncertain.  Millenium believes the Partnership should be exploring opportunities
to sell the Limited  Partnership  Assets to third  parties  now to maximize  the
potential cash returns to the Limited Partners on their original investment. The
Partnership has not indicated that it is exploring this alternative.

     NAPICO, the current general partner primarily  responsible for managing the
Partnership,   has  received   $206,433  in  management   fees  and  $22,740  as
reimbursement for administrative  costs for the twelve months ended December 31,
2001 and the general partner primarily responsible for managing the Partnership,
has  received  $51,609  in  management  fees and  $12,309 as  reimbursement  for
administrative  costs for the three months ended  September 31, 2002.  Millenium
has  committed to reduce annual  management  fees pursuant to Section 9.5 of the
Partnership  Agreement and any other fees payable to the general  partner or its
affiliates by at least 10%.

     The current  managing  general partner will continue to collect  management
fees  until it  sells  the  Limited  Partnership  Assets,  and  therefore  has a
financial  incentive  not to  sell  the  Limited  Partnership  Assets.  Although
Millenium  may have a financial  incentive  not to sell the Limited  Partnership
Assets because it also will receive  management fees,  Millenium's  incentive to
sell the Limited Partnership Assets is significantly greater because (i) it will
receive  management  fees which are 10% less than the current  fees for managing
the Limited Partnership Assets if Millenium decreases  management fees as it has
indicated it intends to do and (ii) it has an affiliate  that owns a significant
number of Limited  Partnership  Interests.  Therefore,  Millenium has a stronger
incentive  to ensure  the prompt  sale of the  Limited  Partnership  Assets at a
favorable   price.   The  current  general   partners  and  its  affiliates  own
significantly  fewer  Limited  Partnership  Interests  in  the  Partnership  and
therefore  do not  have  the  same  financial  incentive  to  sell  the  Limited
Partnership Assets as do the Limited Partners.

     Millenium  believes that removing the current general partners and electing
Millenium as the new general partner will provide the Limited  Partners with the
best potential to maximize the potential cash returns to the Limited Partners in
the near future.  The goal of Millenium in  soliciting  the Consents is to elect
itself  as the  new  general  partner  of the  Partnership  so  that  it can (i)
distribute cash and cash equivalents on hand ($1,704,668 as of December 31, 2001
to the extent not required for the continued operation of the Partnership,  (ii)
investigate claims against the Partnership's  current general partners including
without  limitation  reviewing  the books and  records to examine  why the costs
associated  with the  transaction  in 1998  involving  the sale of  assets to an
affiliate of the general  partner were so exorbitant  and  potentially  making a
claim  against  the general  partners  if in fact the costs were not  legitimate
expenses of the transaction,  (iii) reduce  management fees by ten percent (10%)
based  on  Millenium's  indication  of its  intent  to do so,  (iv)  review  the
Partnership's books and records to analyze alternatives,  including the possible
liquidation of the limited and general  partner  interests that the  Partnership
holds and (v)  obtain the  Limited  Partners'  consent to amend the  Partnership
Agreement to provide that the  Partnership be liquidated on or before January 1,
2006 (the Partnership Agreement currently provides that the Partnership does not
have to be liquidated until the year 2032).

     Millenium  believes  that the  cash (to the  extent  not  required  for the
continued  operation of the  Partnership)  should be  distributed to the Limited
Partners.  The Partnership had previously made cash  distributions of $2,769,110
to the Limited  Partners in March 1999  following the  Partnership's  sale of 10
partnership  interests  in late  1998.  As  indicated  above,  the  Partnership,
however,  still holds a  significant  amount of cash and cash  equivalents  that
Millenium  believes  is  not  necessary  for  the  continued  operation  of  the
Partnership and should be distributed to the Limited Partners.

Admission of New General Partner

     If the  Required  Consents  are  obtained  to remove  the  current  general
partners and elect  Millenium as the new general  partner,  the current  general
partners will not retain any of the rights,  powers or authority accruing to the
general partner following their removal as general partners;  provided, however,
that the Partnership must purchase the current general partners' interest in the
Partnership at its fair value on the date of such removal as provided in Section
9.9 of the Partnership Agreement,  with the fair value determined, if necessary,
in  accordance  with  the  arbitration  procedure  of the  American  Arbitration
Association.  If Millenium is appointed as the new general  partner,  it will be
entitled to a 1% interest in all profits and losses, and cash distributions made
by the  Partnership  prior to dissolution or liquidation  (the same as which the
current general partners are entitled to).

     Millenium does not anticipate any circumstance  under which Millenium would
not desire to become the new general  partner.  A material  adverse change would
include bankruptcy,  foreclosure or other impairments on the value or operations
of the  Partnership's  assets.  Millenium  reserves the right to withdraw before
admission as the new general  partner in the event of a material  adverse change
in the Partnership.

     Millenium, as the new general partner, will be entitled to a 1% interest in
all  profits,  losses  and  distributions  of the  Partnership  pursuant  to the
Partnership  Agreement.  Upon total or partial liquidation of the Partnership or
the  disposition  or  partial  disposition  of a Limited  Partnership  Asset and
distribution of the proceeds,  pursuant to the Partnership Agreement,  Millenium
would be entitled to a liquidation fee equal to the lesser of (i) 10% of the net
proceeds to the Partnership from the sale of a Limited Partnership Asset or (ii)
1% of the sales price (including the mortgage) plus 3% of the net proceeds after
deducting  an  amount  sufficient  to pay  federal  and  state  taxes,  if  any,
calculated at the maximum rate then applicable.  No part of such liquidation fee
shall be paid,  unless the Limited  Partners shall have first received an amount
equal to (i) the greater of (A) their aggregate capital contributions, or (B) an
amount  sufficient  to  satisfy  the  cumulative  state and  federal  income tax
liability,  if any,  arising  from the  disposition  of all Limited  Partnership
Assets disposed of to date,  calculated at the maximum tax rate then applicable,
less,  (ii) all amounts  previously  distributed  to Limited  Partners under the
Partnership Agreement. Prior to the receipt by the Limited Partners of an amount
equal to the greater of (i) their aggregate  capital  contributions,  or (ii) an
amount  sufficient  to satisfy the  cumulative  tax  liability  arising from the
disposition of all Limited  Partnership  Assets  disposed of to date, the unpaid
liquidation fee shall accrue for later payment to the General Partners.


Distribution and Expiration Date of Solicitation

     This Consent Solicitation Statement and the related Consent are first being
mailed to Limited  Partners on or about December 27, 2002.  Limited Partners who
are record owners of Limited Partnership  Interests as of December 20, 2001 (the
"Record Date") may execute and deliver a Consent.  A beneficial owner of Limited
Partnership  Interests  who is not the record owner of such Limited  Partnership
Interests  must  arrange  for  the  record  owner  of such  Limited  Partnership
Interests to execute and deliver to  Millenium a Consent form that  reflects the
vote of the beneficial owner.

     This solicitation of Consents will expire at 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time on the
earlier to occur of the following dates (the "Expiration Date"): (i) January 31,
2003  or  such  later  date  to  which   Millenium   determines  to  extend  the
solicitation,  and (ii) the date the Required  Consents are received.  Millenium
reserves  the right to extend this  solicitation  of Consents for such period or
periods as it may determine in its sole discretion from time to time;  provided,
however that it will not extend this  solicitation past March 28, 2003. Any such
extension  will be  followed as promptly  as  practicable  by notice  thereof by
written  notice to the Limited  Partners,  as well as filing a Form 8-K with the
Securities  and Exchange  Commission  (the "SEC").  During any extension of this
solicitation  of  Consents,  all Consents  delivered  to  Millenium  will remain
effective,  unless  validly  revoked and not  rescinded by a later dated consent
delivered to Millenium prior to the Expiration Date.

     Millenium  reserves the right for any reason to terminate the  solicitation
of  Consents at any time prior to the  Expiration  Date by filing a Form 8-K (or
amendment to the proxy solicitation) with the SEC.

Voting Procedures and Required Consents

     The consent of Limited Partner form included with this Consent Solicitation
Statement is the ballot to be used by Limited  Partners to cast their votes. For
each  Proposal,  Limited  Partners  should mark a box  adjacent to the  Proposal
indicating  that the Limited  Partner votes "For" or "Against" the Proposal,  or
wishes to  "Abstain."  All  Consents  that are  properly  completed,  signed and
delivered to Millenium,  and not validly  revoked prior to the Expiration  Date,
will be given effect in accordance with the specifications  thereof.  If none of
the boxes on the  Consent  is marked,  but the  Consent  is  otherwise  properly
completed and signed, the Limited Partner delivering such Consent will be deemed
to have voted "For" the Proposals.

     Each Proposal  requires the consent of the record  holders of a majority of
the  Limited  Partnership  Interests  of the  Limited  Partners  (the  "Required
Consents").  Accordingly, adoption of each Proposal requires the receipt without
revocation  of the  Required  Consents  indicating  a vote  "For" the  Proposal.
Millenium is seeking approval of each of the Proposals.  The continuation of the
Partnership  with  Millenium as the new general  partner is  conditioned  on the
approval  of the  removal  of  the  current  general  partners.  Otherwise,  the
Proposals  are not  conditioned  on the  approval  of the other  Proposals.  The
failure of a Limited  Partner to deliver a Consent or a vote to  "Abstain"  will

have  the same  effect  as if such  Limited  Partner  had  voted  "Against"  the
Proposals.  Limited  Partnership  Interests  not voted on  Consents  returned by
brokers,  banks or  nominees  will have the same  effect as Limited  Partnership
Interests voted against the Proposals.

     If Limited  Partnership  Interests  to which a Consent  relates are held of
record by two or more joint holders or tenants in common, in which case all such
holders must sign the  contract.  If a Consent is signed by a trustee,  partner,
executor,  administrator,  guardian, attorney-in- fact, officer of a corporation
or other person acting in a fiduciary or  representative  capacity,  such person
must so indicate when signing and must submit with the Consent form  appropriate
evidence of authority to execute the Consent. In addition,  if a Consent relates
to less than the total number of Limited Partnership  Interests held in the name
of such Limited  Partner,  the Limited  Partner must state the number of Limited
Partnership  Interests recorded in the name of such Limited Partner to which the
Consent  relates.  If a Consent is  executed  by a person  other than the record
owner,  then it must be accompanied by a valid proxy duly executed by the record

     All  questions as to the validity,  form,  eligibility  (including  time of
receipt),  acceptance, and revocation of Consents, and the interpretation of the
terms and  conditions of this  solicitation  of Consents,  will be determined by
Millenium,  subject to the provisions of the Partnership  Agreement,  as well as
state and federal law.  Millenium  reserves the absolute  right to reject any or
all Consents that are not acceptable. Millenium also reserves the right to waive
any  conditions  as to  particular  Consents or Limited  Partnership  Interests.
Neither  Millenium,  nor any of its affiliates,  shall be under any duty to give
any notification of any such defects, irregularities or waiver, nor shall any of
them incur any  liability for failure to give such  notification.  Deliveries of
Consents  will not be  deemed to have been  made  until  any  irregularities  or
defects therein have been cured or waived.

     In the event Millenium  determines to extend this  solicitation of Consents
in its sole discretion or this solicitation of Consents expires,  Millenium will
notify the Limited  Partners as promptly as practicable  thereafter by notice of
such extension or the results of this solicitation of Consents by written notice
to the Limited Partners, as well as filing a Form 8-K with the SEC.

Completion Instructions

     Limited Partners are requested to complete, sign and date the GREEN Consent
of Limited  Partner form included with this Consent  Solicitation  Statement and
mail, fax, hand deliver,  send by overnight  courier the original signed Consent
to  Millenium  Management,  LLC, 155 N. Lake Avenue,  Suite 1000,  Pasadena,  CA
91101, Fax No.: 626-585-5929.

     Consents  should  be  sent  or  delivered  to  Millenium,  and  not  to the
Partnership,  at the  address  set  forth  on the  back  cover  of this  Consent
Solicitation  Statement.  A  prepaid,  return  envelope  is  included  for  your

Power of Attorney

     Upon  approval of a Proposal,  Millenium  will be expressly  authorized  to
prepare any and all  documentation  and take any further  actions  necessary  to
implement the actions  contemplated  under this Consent  Solicitation  Statement
with respect to the approved  Proposal.  Furthermore,  each Limited  Partner who

votes for a  Proposal  described  in this  Consent  Solicitation  Statement,  by
signing the attached Consent, constitutes and appoints Millenium, acting through
its officers and employees,  as his or her  attorney-in-fact for the purposes of
executing any and all documents  and taking any and all actions  required  under
the Partnership Agreement in connection with this Consent Solicitation Statement
or in order to implement  the approved  Proposal,  including the execution of an
amendment to the Partnership  Agreement to reflect  Millenium as the new general
partner of the  Partnership or to reflect the  dissolution of the Partnership in
accordance  with the  applicable  Proposal,  and  including  the selection of an
appraiser  to  appraise  the  Partnership's  assets  as may be  required  by the
Partnership Agreement.

Revocation of Consents

     Consents  may be  revoked at any time prior to the  Expiration  Date,  or a
Limited Partner may change his vote on one or both Proposals, in accordance with
the  following  procedures.  For a revocation or change of vote to be effective,
Millenium  must  receive  prior  to the  Expiration  Date a  written  notice  of
revocation or change of vote (which may be in the form of a subsequent, properly
executed  Consent)  at the  address  set forth on the  Consent.  The notice must
specify the name of the record holder of the Limited  Partnership  Interests and
the name of the person having  executed the Consent to be revoked or changed (if
different),  and must be executed in the same manner as the Consent to which the
revocation or change  relates or by a duly  authorized  person that so indicates
and that  submits  with the notice  appropriate  evidence of such  authority  as
determined by Millenium.  A revocation or change of a Consent shall be effective
only as to the Limited  Partnership  Interests listed on such notice and only if
such notice complies with the provisions of this Consent Solicitation Statement.

     Millenium  reserves the right to contest the validity of any  revocation or
change of vote and all questions as to validity (including time of receipt) will
be  determined  by  Millenium,  subject  to the  provisions  of the  Partnership
Agreement, as well as state and federal law.

No Dissenters' Rights of Appraisal

     Under the Partnership Agreement and California law, Limited Partners do not
have dissenters' rights of appraisal in connection with these Proposals.

Solicitation of Consents

     Neither the Partnership nor the current general  partners are  participants
in this  solicitation  of  Consents.  Millenium is the only  participant  in the
solicitation.  Millenium will initially bear all costs of this  solicitation  of
Consents,  including fees for attorneys, the solicitor and the tabulator and the
cost of  preparing,  printing and mailing this Consent  Solicitation  Statement.
Millenium  shall seek  reimbursement  for such costs from the Partnership to the
extent allowed under the  Partnership  Agreement and applicable law. In addition
to the use of mails,  certain  officers or regular  employees of  Millenium  and
Everest may solicit Consents, for which no additional  compensation will be paid
to those persons engaged in such solicitation.

     Limited  Partners are encouraged to contact Mr. Vahan Saroians of Millenium
at the telephone number set forth on the back cover of this Consent Solicitation
Statement with any questions  regarding this  solicitation  of Consents and with
requests for additional copies of this Consent  Solicitation  Statement and form
of Consent.

                            SOLICITATION OF CONSENTS
                                LIMITED PARTNERS
                        Real Estate Associates Limited VI
                        a California Limited Partnership

     Deliveries of Consents,  properly  completed and duly  executed,  should be
made to Millenium Management, LLC at:

                         155 N. Lake Avenue, Suite 1000
                               Pasadena, CA 91101
                              Fax No.: 626-585-5929

     Questions and requests for  assistance  about  procedures for consenting or
other  matters  relating  to this  solicitation  may be  directed  to Mr.  Vahan
Saroians at the address and telephone number listed below.  Additional copies of
this Consent  Solicitation  Statement  and form of Consent may be obtained  from
Millenium as set forth below.

     No  person  is  authorized  to  give  any   information   or  to  make  any
representation not contained in this Consent  Solicitation  Statement  regarding
the  solicitation  of Consents  made  hereby,  and,  if given or made,  any such
information  or  representation  should  not  be  relied  upon  as  having  been
authorized  by  Millenium  or any other  person.  The  delivery of this  Consent
Solicitation   Statement  shall  not,  under  any   circumstances,   create  any
implication that there has been no change in the information set forth herein or
in the affairs of Millenium or the Partnership since the date hereof.

                            Millenium Management, LLC
                         155 N. Lake Avenue, Suite 1000
                               Pasadena, CA 91101
                                 (626) 585-5920

                                   APPENDIX A

                          (Definitive Copy of Consent)

                        Real Estate Associates Limited VI
              a California Limited Partnership (the "Partnership")

                           CONSENT OF LIMITED PARTNER



                             REVOCATION OF CONSENT.

The undersigned has received the Consent  Solicitation  Statement dated December
27, 2002  ("Consent  Solicitation  Statement") by Millenium  Management,  LLC, a
California  limited  liability  company  ("Millenium"),  seeking the approval by
written consent of the following proposals:

     (1) the  removal of the  current  general  partners,  National  Partnership
Investments Corp., a California  corporation and National Partnership Investment
Associates, a California limited partnership; and

     (2) the  continuation of the Partnership  with Millenium as the new general
partner of the Partnership (which is conditioned on the approval of proposal (1)

     Each of the  undersigned,  by signing and returning  this  Consent,  hereby
constitutes and appoints  Millenium,,  acting through its officers and employees
as his or her  attorney-in-fact  for  the  purposes  of  executing  any  and all
documents  and  taking  any and  all  actions  required  under  the  Partnership
Agreement in connection with this Consent and the Consent Solicitation Statement
or in order to  implement  an approved  proposal;  and hereby  votes all limited
partnership  interests of the  Partnership  held of record by the undersigned as
follows for the proposals set forth above,  subject to the Consent  Solicitation

Proposal                            FOR             AGAINST             ABSTAIN

1. Removal of General Partners      [ ]               [ ]                 [ ]

2. Continuation of the Partnership  [ ]               [ ]                 [ ]
   with a new general partner, Millenium

(Please sign exactly as your name appears on the  Partnership's  records.  Joint
owners should each sign. Attorneys-in-fact, executors, administrators, trustees,
guardians,  corporation  officers or others  acting in  representative  capacity
should indicate the capacity in which they sign and should give FULL title,  and
submit appropriate evidence of authority to execute the Consent)

                                  Dated: _______________________, 200_
                                        (Important-please fill in)

                                           Signature / Title

                                           Signature / Title

                                           Telephone Number