Millenium Management
155 N. Lake Ave., #1000
Pasadena, CA 91101
Phone: 626-585-5920
Fax: 626-585-5929

June 19, 2003


     Re: Offer to Purchase Units for $9,200 Per Unit

Dear Unit Holder:

     This letter and enclosure  supplements  the Offer to Purchase dated June 3,
2003 and replaces the  Agreement of Transfer and Letter of  Transmittal  that we
sent to you  previously.  We wish to  respond  to  questions  raised by  limited
partners who have  contacted us regarding our Offer,  and to clarify  statements
made in the  letter  dated June 16,  2003 from the  General  Partner  and in the
amended  preliminary consent  solicitation  statement filed June 16, 2003 by the
General Partner (the "Amended Preliminary Solicitation").

     o    YOU CAN NOW BE SURE TO AVOID PRORATION.  We have provided a box on the
          enclosed  Agreement by which you can indicate  that you do not want to
          sell any of your  Units if  proration  will be  required.  If you have
          already  sent in an  Agreement,  and would like to check the box,  you
          must send in the enclosed new Agreement.*

          WOULD GIVE YOU MORE FOR YOUR  UNITS.  There is no  proposal  currently
          being made by the  General  Partner,  despite  the  references  in the
          General  Partner's  letter  concerning  the "Proxy  Materials" and the
          General Partner's confusing request that you return a consent form.

     o    $9,200 per Unit is $200 per Unit more than the Minimum Price for which
          approval may be sought in the Amended Preliminary Solicitation, and it
          is AN ACTUAL CASH OFFER, not speculation on what may or may not happen
          many months from now.

     o    The possible  distribution  of $1,325 by the  Partnership  in 2003, if
          made,  reduces  the  theoretical   liquidating   distribution  amounts
          discussed in the Amended Preliminary Solicitation, and would NOT be in
          addition  to such  amounts.  Therefore,  the Offer  price is  directly
          comparable  to  the  amounts  discussed  in  the  Amended  Preliminary
          Solicitation; i.e., you are comparing "apples to apples." We wished to
          clarify  this  point  because,  although  it is clear  in the  Amended
          Preliminary Solicitation,  we believe it was not made adequately clear
          in the General Partner's June 16 letter.

     o    Nobody has  committed to purchase the  Partnership's  Property for any
          price. The Amended Preliminary Solicitation,  if finalized and sent to
          limited   partners,   MAY  ask  you  to  authorize  the  sale  of  the
          Partnership's  properties to any unspecified  party if it would result
          in a distribution  of cash to the limited  partners of at least $9,000
          per Unit. The General Partner estimates that, depending on the outcome
          of due  diligence to be performed by two  prospective  purchasers  and
          other factors that may affect the property,  a sale of the  properties
          pursuant to their non-binding offers would result in a distribution of
          from $9,200 to $13,000 per Unit,  although  the $13,000  amount  seems
          very unlikely based on the General  Partner's  comments in the Amended
          Preliminary Solicitation that it expects the prospective purchasers to
          reduce their offers.

     o    CASH TODAY VERSUS ??? We believe it is highly  uncertain if and when a
          liquidating  distribution  from the Partnership may occur;  and highly
          uncertain  if it would  be any  more  than  the  $9,200  Millenium  is
          offering  now: (1) it is uncertain if any  liquidation  proposal  will
          actually be made to the limited partners,  and if made, whether or not
          it would be approved by the limited partners; (2) it is uncertain what
          the  terms of any such  proposal  would  be,  if made  (note  that the
          Amended  Preliminary   Solicitation  differs  significantly  from  the
          original Preliminary Solicitation);  (3) it is uncertain if and when a
          transaction  would occur even if a proposal  were made to and approved
          by the limited  partners,  since the General Partner has not indicated
          that it would approve a sale if the limited  partners  authorized  it,
          and the  General  Partner has stated that it does not want to sell the
          Property  for the  amounts in the  non-binding  offers;  and (4) it is
          uncertain what distribution would result from such a transaction.  The
          Amended  Preliminary  Solicitation,  if finalized and sent in the same
          form,  would  request  advance  approval of any  transaction  yielding
          anything over $9,000 per Unit at any time before the end of 2003 (with
          a possibility of extension to close a pending transaction).

     o    The  Amended   Preliminary   Solicitation  also  states  that  if  the
          Partnership  elects at some point to sell the Property,  the Operating
          General Partner would have an option effectively to acquire all of the
          Partnership's  assets at a price that gives the  Partnership  the same
          amount as the sale of Property would.  There is no indication  whether
          or not the Operating  General  Partner would exercise this option and,
          if so, how much time the Operating General Partner would have to close
          the transaction.

     We urge you to read the Offer to  Purchase  completely  and to  return  the
enclosed  Agreement of Transfer and Letter of Transmittal  promptly (green form)
in the envelope provided.

     The Offer has been extended and is now scheduled to expire on July 8, 2003.
For answers to any questions  you might have  regarding  these  materials or our
Offer,  or  assistance in the  procedures  for accepting our Offer and tendering
your Units, please contact us at (800) 611-4613 (toll free).

                                        Very truly yours,

                                        MILLENIUM MANAGEMENT, LLC

* The Offer to  Purchase  has been  amended to replace the fourth  paragraph  of
"Details of the Offer - 1. Terms of the Offer; Expiration Date; Proration" with:

     `UnitHolders  may indicate,  by checking a box on the Letter of Transmittal
     (the "All or None  Box"),  that they only wish to sell their  Units if they
     will be able to sell all of their Units,  without any proration.  If on the
     Expiration Date more than 80 Units have been Properly Tendered,  unless the
     Purchaser amends the Offer to increase the number of Units to be purchased,
     the Purchaser  will not accept for payment any Units from Unit Holders that
     checked  the All or None  Box.  If more than 80 Units  have  been  Properly
     Tendered without  checking the All or None Box, then the above  description
     of proration  will apply only to tenders of such Units that do not have the
     All or None Box checked.'