(Rule 14a-101)


                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION
              Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) Securities
                              Exchange Act of 1934

Filed by the Registrant                              [ ]
Filed by a party other than the Registrant           [X]
         Check the appropriate box:
[ ]      Preliminary Proxy Statement
[ ]      Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only
         (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
[ ]      Definitive Proxy Statement
[X]      Definitive Additional Materials
[ ]      Soliciting material pursuant to Rule 14a-11(c) or Rule 14a-12

                (Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

                           Everest Properties II, LLC
                            Millenium Management, LLC
    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of filing fee (Check the appropriate box):
[X]     No fee required
[ ]     Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.
        (1)  Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:
        (2)  Aggregate number of securities to which transactions applies:
        (3)  Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
             pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which
             the filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined.)
        (4)  Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
        (5)  Total Fee paid:
[ ]     Fee paid previously with preliminary materials
[ ]     Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange
        Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting
        fee was paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration
        statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.
        (1) Amount previously paid:
        (2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
        (3) Filing party:
        (4) Date filed:

VOTE           VOTE          VOTE           VOTE            VOTE           VOTE

                           Everest Properties II, LLC
                            Millenium Management, LLC
                         155 N. Lake Avenue, Suite 1000
                               Pasadena, CA 91101

                                 April 28, 2004

To the Limited Partners of
Secured Investment Resources Fund, L.P. ("SIR1") and
Secured Investment Resources Fund, L.P. II ("SIR2") (the "Partnerships")

     Re:  Electing a New General Partner;
          Over $2,500,000 Improperly Taken From SIR2 by Current General Partners

Dear Limited Partner:

     We are seeking your approval to remove James R. Hoyt and his company as the
general partners of your Partnerships,  and elect Millenium  Management,  LLC, a
California limited liability company ("Millenium"), as the new general partner.

     We have heard from many limited partners and thank you for the interest you
have shown in deciding the future of your  Partnerships.  Certain  questions are
being asked by many of you, so we wanted to respond in this letter.

Q:   Why have we not received the Partnerships financial reports and SEC filings
     over the past 5 years?
A:   We spent  over 6 months  and more than  $50,000  in legal  fees to obtain a
     court  order  requiring  Mr. Hoyt to turn over the books and records of the
     Partnerships.  Why did he fight so hard against  turning  over  partnership
     records? We think we know the answer. Mr. Hoyt and his affiliated companies
     improperly took more than $2,500,000 in cash out of SIR2 as an "advance" of
     management fees for many future years. That money appears to have come from
     the excess proceeds from refinancing SIR2's Las Vegas apartment property in
     2001,  which  nobody even knew had  occurred  because Mr. Hoyt has not been
     providing  any  reports.  That money should have been  distributed  to Unit
     holders who had not seen a distribution for years, rather than taken by Mr.
     Hoyt. The Partnership  Agreement clearly prohibits the general partner from
     borrowing money from the  Partnership.  What other fees or monies have been
     misappropriated  from the  Partnerships?  As the new  general  partner,  we
     intend to find out and take all  reasonable  steps to recover that money on
     behalf of the Partnerships. By itself, this is enough reason to replace the
     current general partners.

Q:   What will Millenium do with the  Partnerships if it becomes the new General
A:   At this point,  it is impossible for us to tell you exactly what we will do
     with the Partnerships or their assets. However, we can and do commit to the

     o    Provide  Liquidity:  Within  six months of taking  over,  we expect to
          complete our review of the  Partnerships and their properties and make
          a proposal to the limited  partners that will offer limited partners a
          way out of  their  Partnership  for a fair  value.  We  simply  cannot
          predict exactly what that proposal will be, because there are too many
          unknowns  at this time.  For  example,  the missing  $2.5  Million was
          previously  unknown. We will give limited partners a chance to vote to
          approve or disapprove of whatever  proposal we make,  whether or not a
          vote is legally  required.  For those limited partners who do not want
          to wait  for our  proposal,  as  soon  as we have  adequate  financial
          information,  we will  determine  a price at which  you can sell  your
          units to one of our  affiliates  that  invests in limited  partnership
          units, and offer that possibility.
     o    Investigate:   We  will  scrutinize  the  financial   records  of  the
          Partnerships to see if any additional  improper  conduct has occurred,
          such as the improper use of Partnership  funds,  during the many years
          that the Partnerships have not issued financial reports to you.
     o    Make SEC  Filings:  We will  work  with the  Securities  and  Exchange
          Commission  to try to bring the  Partnerships  into good  standing and
          comply with SEC reporting requirements.
     o    Report To Investors:  We will provide you with regular  reports on the
          financial  condition  and  operations of the  Partnerships  and timely
          Schedule K-1 tax documents.

Q:   Has Millenium taken over other partnerships? If so, what did you do?
A:   Over the past 12 years, Millenium and its affiliates have become substitute
     general partners in more than 25 private limited  partnerships.  Variously,
     we have:  liquidated the partnerships by selling properties to unaffiliated
     third parties, refinanced the property debt and distributed the proceeds to
     limited  partners,  obtained  limited  partner  approval of proposals  that
     offered  the choice to stay in or get cashed out at a set price;  or simply
     managed the properties better while offering to buy out individual  limited
     partners that wanted to liquidate their investment in the partnership.

Q:   What is in it for Millenium?
A:   We want to find  out  what  has  happened  with  the  investments  that our
     affiliates  have  made in the  Partnerships,  and to take  control  of that
     investment  away  from a  general  partner  who  we  believe  has  violated
     partnership  agreements and federal law and done a terrible job. Also, when
     we propose a transaction to the limited partners,  it will probably include
     some  type of  compensation  to  Millenium,  perhaps a  disposition  fee or
     brokerage   commission  upon  the  sale  of  a  property,   or  some  other
     compensation that would make sense for the transaction being proposed.  But
     you will have a vote on whatever we propose.

     Equally important is what is NOT in this for Millenium. We are NOT GOING TO
     COLLECT  PROPERTY  MANAGEMENT  FEES.  Mr.  Hoyt owns a property  management
     company  that he uses to manage the  Partnerships'  properties  and collect
     management fees. It gives Mr. Hoyt, like any general partner who does this,
     a conflict  of  interest:  if the  Partnership  is  liquidated,  those fees
     independent  property managers to manage more than 3,500 apartment units we
     already  control  and we  will  do the  same  with  your  Partnerships.  We
     supervise  our  property  managers  closely to control  costs and  increase
     revenues and profits; and if they are not doing an adequate job, we replace
     them with another company that will.

Q:   How do we know that Millenium will not be as bad or worse than Mr. Hoyt?
A:   We know we will do a much better job of managing the Partnerships and their
     properties and keeping you informed, but ultimately,  the only way you will
     know if that is true will be to give us the  chance to prove it.  Millenium
     has already  created  benefits for you - at our own cost we have discovered
     and  disclosed to you a $2.5 Million  misappropriation  by Mr. Hoyt. Do you
     want Mr. Hoyt to be  responsible  for  deciding if or when the  Partnership
     gets that money  back?  We will  continue  to uncover  and report the truth
     about  the  Partnerships  and,  as the  new  general  partner,  pursue  the
     Partnership's rights against Mr. Hoyt and any other parties.

     We  have  already  invested  significant  time,  money  and  initiative  to
     communicate   with  you  and  try  to  make  a  positive   change  to  this
     disappointing  investment,  on the speculation that enough limited partners
     are sick and tired  enough of the  current  general  partners'  failure  to
     communicate,  failure to make distributions,  failure to liquidate, or just
     plain failure to do anything!

Q:   Why not just  make the  current  general  partners  sell the  Partnerships'
     properties and liquidate the Partnerships?
A:   We have heard from several limited partners that Mr. Hoyt's representatives
     said they will liquidate the Partnerships soon. Given his past conduct, can
     you  possibly   trust  Mr.  Hoyt?  Do  you  want  a  general   partner  who
     misappropriated  money  from  at  least  one of the  Partnerships  to be in
     control of the  liquidation  proceeds if properties  are actually sold? How
     can we  possibly  believe  that he will  not do it  again?  Do you want the
     properties  sold  before  someone  else gets a chance to  analyze  what has
     actually happened in these  Partnerships  during the last five years, while
     you received no financial reports?

     Limited partnership agreements and limited partnership laws provide for the
ability to remove and replace the general partners for a reason;  and it is time
that you, as a limited  partner,  exercise that right to salvage what you can of
your investment in the Partnerships.

     It  is  unlikely  that  anyone  other  than  Millenium,   much  less  other
professional  property  investors,  will  come  along and offer to take over the
Partnerships and improve their situation.

     Please review the entire Consent Solicitation Statement dated April 5, 2004
we  previously  sent to you and VOTE TO PROTECT  WHATEVER  VALUE IS LEFT IN YOUR

     To be sure your vote is  represented,  please  sign,  date and  return  the
enclosed  Consent  of  Limited  Partner  form as  promptly  as  possible  in the
enclosed,  prepaid  envelope.  If you have  previously  voted and do not wish to
change your vote, there is no need to return an additional  Consent. If you wish
to change your vote, a subsequently  signed and dated Consent will supersede any
previously dated Consent from you.

     We  are  extending  the  Expiration   Date  for  the   solicitation.   This
solicitation  of Consents will expire at 11:59 p.m.  Pacific Time on the earlier
to occur of the following  dates (the  "Expiration  Date"):  (i) May 26, 2004 or
such later date to which Millenium  determines to extend the  solicitation,  and
(ii) the date the Required  Consents  are received (as  described in the Consent
Solicitation Statement).

     If you have any  questions,  please do not hesitate to contact us toll free
at (800) 611-4613, or at (626) 585-5920.

                                     Millenium Management, LLC

                                     /S/ W. Robert Kohorst
                                     W. Robert Kohorst