May 16, 2005
                                                   Via Facsimile: (202) 772-9203
                                                         and submitted via EDGAR

Jeffrey B. Werbitt
Office of Mergers and Acquisitions
Securities and Exchange Commission
450 Fifth Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20549-0303

         Re:    Secured Investment Resources Fund, L.P. (the "Partnership")
                Schedule TO-I filed April 15, 2005, by Millenium Management, LLC
                File No. 005-80666

Dear Mr. Werbitt:

     This letter  responds to the  Staff's  comments  conveyed in your letter of
April 27, 2005.  Numbered paragraphs below correspond to the numbered paragraphs
in your letter.

     1. Limited  partnerships  like the Partnership are not normally held in any
manner other than direct ownership by the individual  beneficial owner (or their
custodial account, such as an IRA). This Partnership is typical and 1,216 refers
to  beneficial  holders.  To  assure  that  this  would  not  be  a  Rule  13e-3
transaction, we calculated that if 8,000 units were tendered by the unit holders
with the smallest positions  (resulting in the elimination of the highest number
of unit holders), it would still be mathematically impossible to have fewer than
300 unit holders.

     2. In response to the comment, the Schedule TO is being amended.

     3.  The  offeror's  financial   statements  are  not  material  to  persons
considering  the Offer  because:  (i) the offer is for  cash;  (ii) for  persons
selling their  securities,  Purchaser's  ability to finance the  transaction  is
disclosed; and (iii) for person's not selling their securities,  the Purchaser's
financial  condition as it might have been relevant to Purchaser's  potential to
effectuate a change of control is not  relevant in this case  because  Purchaser
already controls the Partnership,  as its general partner. Therefore, we believe
nothing further is required to comply with Item 10 of Schedule TO-T.

     4. The  offer  materials  already  discuss  the  considerations,  including
"risks,"  that we believe are material to the  decision  whether or not to sell,
particularly  in the bullet points (as suggested by Section  III.B.1 of Exchange
Act  Release No.  34-43069),  and also in "Effects of the Offer." In addition to
the conflict of interest  disclosure,  the  following  statements  appear in the
bullet points:

Securities and Exchange Commission
May 16, 2005

     The  Purchaser  is  making  the Offer  with a view to  making a profit  for
     itself. Accordingly, the desire of the Purchaser to purchase Units at a low
     price  conflicts with the desire of the Unit Holders to sell their Units at
     a high price.

     Unit  Holders who tender their Units will be giving up the  opportunity  to
     participate  in any  potential  future  benefits  from  ownership of Units,
     including distributions resulting from any future sale of the Partnership's

     Therefore,  we believe our bullet points address potential "risks" involved
in the offers and we believe the comment is unwarranted.

     Your proposed "risk factor"  concerning  the lack of a depositary  does not
apply to this offer because (as is typical) these limited  partner units are not
represented  by  negotiable  instruments.  Therefore,  unlike  tenders of shares
represented by negotiable instruments, tendering partners do not suffer the risk
associated  with endorsing a negotiable  share  certificate and delivering it to
another party (the Purchaser or a depositary).

     5. We first  sought to provide this "All or None" option to unit holders in
connection with a previous offer:  Wilder Richman Historic  Properties II, L.P.,
Schedule  TO-T filed June 3, 2003,  by  Millenium  Management,  LLC and  Everest
Properties II, LLC; File No.: 5-79056.  At that time, I spoke with Abby Adams to
seek the Staff's  input on this topic.  Ms. Adams  concurred  with my conclusion
that  there was  nothing to  prohibit  us from  providing  such an option to the
limited  partners.  We added the option to the Wilder Richman offer and included
it in a few subsequent offers without receiving comments from the Staff.

     The Staff did  comment  again on this issue in a pair of  parallel  offers:
Urban Improvement Fund Limited - 1973 and Urban Improvement Fund Limited - 1974,
Schedule  TO-Ts filed January 6, 2004, by Everest  Properties II, LLC, File Nos.
5-55067 and 5-61575. Based on the Staff's comments, the "All or None" option was
altered to make it function, as a technical matter, as a last-minute  withdrawal
of the  tender by the  tendering  security  holder.  Thus,  if on the day of the
Expiration  Date more  than  8,000  units are  tendered  (unless  the  Purchaser
amends),  the tenders by all Unit  Holders that checked the All or None Box will
be deemed  automatically  withdrawn.  Under such  circumstances,  the only units
tendered upon the expiration of the offer will be those tendered by Unit Holders
that did not check the All or None Box, and in accordance  with the terms of our
offer and Rule 14d-8, those units would be prorated if they exceeded 8,000.

     The reviewer for the Urban  offers was Michele M.  Anderson,  and I believe
she may have consulted with Nicholas Panos, as well (although I am not certain).
At the time, Ms.  Anderson  agreed that this worked under the rules. We continue
to believe  that  there is  nothing  prohibiting  such an  automatic  withdrawal
feature conditioned on a completely objective criterion.

     6. In response to the first part of the comment, the first paragraph of the
section identified in the comment is being amended.

     Regarding  the  second  part of the  comment,  the  first  sentence  of the
Withdrawal  Rights  section  provides that  withdrawal is permitted "at any time
after  June 11,  2005"  which  date was meant to be 60 days after the offer date
but, due to a typo,  is only 57 days after the offer date.  I apologize  for the
error.  Given that the error is in favor of the unit holders,  we will honor the
June 11 date, unless the Staff would prefer that we amend it to June 14.

Securities and Exchange Commission
May 16, 2005

     7. The  Purchaser  has made and is  expected to make other  investments  in
limited  partnership  interests  of  other  partnerships.  The  members  of  the
Purchaser  committed in advance,  in writing, to provide capital up to a certain
amount, without reference to or knowledge of the specific offers to be made.

     The  Purchaser  will not be  making  an equity  offer.  Several  exemptions
applied  to  the  Purchaser's  initial  formation  and  issuance  of  membership
interests,  including  without  limitation  Sections  3(a)(11)  and  4(2) of the
Securities Act.

     8. (Part II, Item 2. Properties) In response to the comment,  the Purchaser
has provided additional information in its current letter to Unit Holders, which
is being filed as an exhibit to the amendment filed concurrently herewith.

     Closing paragraphs:  While acknowledging the Staff's positions, and without
implying any specific issue with such position,  we respectfully decline to make
the statements  requested.  There is no requirement that we do so. To the extent
the requested  statements are accurate statements of applicable law, there is no
reason to obtain  from  bidders a  recitation  of such law.  To the  extent  the
statements go beyond applicable law or reflect  interpretations  of law that may
be open to dispute,  it would not be fair or appropriate  to require  bidders to
make statements that might prejudice their right to take a contrary  position at
some later time, if the occasion arose.

     We are filing an amendment concurrently with this letter. We do not believe
that the amendment  materially  changes the information  already provided to the
Unit Holders. Please contact the undersigned if you have any questions regarding
our  responses  to the  Staff's  comments  and to advise us if the Staff has any
further comments.

                                     Very truly yours,

                                     Christopher K. Davis
                                     Vice President and General Counsel

Enclosures with fax copy