Exhibit 10.16

     This EXECUTIVE EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is made effective as of
this 14th day of October, 1994 (the "Effective Date"), between COMPS,
InfoSystems, Inc., a Delaware corporation, hereinafter referred to as "COMPS,"
and Chris Crane, hereinafter referred to as "Employee."

     IN CONSIDERATION of the promises and of the mutual covenants contained
herein, and for other good and valuable consideration, receipt of which is
hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto do hereby agree as follows:

     1.  Employment.  COMPS hereby affirms its employment of Employee, and
Employee hereby affirms such employment, upon the terms and conditions set forth

     2.  Duties.  Employee is engaged in the position of President and Chief
Executive Officer of COMPS.  Employee shall faithfully and diligently perform
the duties customarily performed by persons in the position for which Employee
is engaged, together with such other duties the Board of Directors of COMPS
shall designate from time to time.  As part of Employee's duties, Employee
acknowledges and understands that: (a) Employee will devote utmost knowledge and
best skill to the performance of his duties; (b) Employee shall devote his full
business time to the rendition of such services, subject to absences for
customary vacations and for temporary illness; and (c) Employee will not engage
in any other gainful occupation which requires his personal attention without
prior consent of the Board of Directors with the exceptions that Employee may
personally trade in stocks, bonds, securities, commodities or real estate
investments for his own benefit, Employee may continue in his capacity as
President of the corporate general partnership that owns the building that COMPS
leases, and Employee may continue in his capacity as a Director on the Board of
Directors for Beeba's Creations, Inc.  Employee agrees to submit to periodic
physical examinations for any valid COMPS purpose as determined in the sole
discretion of the Board of Directors of COMPS.

     3.  Compensation.
         3.1  Base Salary.  As compensation for the proper and satisfactory
     performance of all duties to be performed by employee hereunder, COMPS
     shall pay to Employee a salary of $12,500.00 per month, for each whole
     month during the employment term (as defined in Section 4 below) of this
     Agreement, payable in arrears in equal, semi-monthly installments ("Base
     Salary").  The compensation Committee of the Board of Directors will review
     Employee's Base Salary each year to determine if a change in Employee's
     Base Salary will occur.

          3.2  Bonus.  Before the commencement of each fiscal year, the Board of
     Directors and Employee shall agree upon objectives for Employee to meet
     that year.  Those objectives are for the purpose of determining bonus
     compensation to Employee.  The mutually agreed to objectives, if met, will
     result in a target bonus to Employee of $50,000.00 for fiscal year 1995.
     The Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors will review Employee's
     Bonus each year to determine if a change in Employee's Bonus will occur.


          3.3  Customary Fringe Benefits.  Employee shall be entitled to such
     fringe benefits as COMPS customarily makes available to executive employees
     of COMPS ("Fringe Benefits").  Such Fringe Benefits may include vacation
     leave, sick leave, and health insurance coverage.  COMPS reserves the right
     to change the Fringe Benefits on a prospective basis, at any time,
     effective upon delivery of written notice to Employee, and in all events
     the Fringe Benefits shall terminate upon termination of employment.

     4.  Term.  The employment term pursuant to this Agreement shall commence on
the Effective Date set forth above, and shall remain in effect until October 15,
1997 (the "Expiration Date") , unless Employee's employment is terminated sooner
in accordance with the provisions of Section 5 below.  If the Agreement is not
terminated pursuant to Section 5, the Agreement shall continue from year to year
after October 15, 1997, unless either party to the Agreement shall give written
notice to the other of a desire to change, amend, modify or terminate the
Agreement, at least 30 days prior to October 15, 1997, or each succeeding
October 15.

     5.  Termination.  This Agreement and the employment of Employee shall
terminate prior to its expiration date under the following conditions:

          5.1  Death.  The death of Employee.

          5.2  Disability.  The permanent disability of Employee (permanent
     disability shall exist when Employee suffers from a condition of mind or
     body that indefinitely prevents Employee from satisfactory further
     performance of his duties, even with reasonable accommodation, for a
     cumulative period of 120 business days in any consecutive twelve month
     period following the commence of employment.

          5.3  Termination for Good Cause.  Upon receipt by Employee of written
     notice from Employer that Employee's employment is being terminated for
     "good cause."  The Employer has "good cause" to terminate Employee's
     employment if Employee engages in the following:

               5.3.1  Any willful misappropriation of property or funds
          belonging to COMPS, or its employees, clients, or visitors.

               5.3.2  Sexual harassment or discrimination towards any employee,
          client, or visitor of COMPS.

               5.3.3  Consuming or being under the influence of alcohol or
          illegal drugs while at work.

               5.3.4  Commission of a felony which results in conviction.

               5.3.5  Breach of any of the provisions of Sections 8 or 9 hereof.

               5.3.6  Competition with COMPS (as defined in Section 11) by



               5.3.7  Employee fails or refuses to faithfully and diligently
          perform the usual and customary duties of his employment which failure
          or refusal is not cured within 30 days after written notice thereof is
          given to Employee.

               5.3.8  Employee fails or refuses to comply with the policies,
          standards and regulations of the Employer which from time to time may
          be established, which failure or refusal is not cured within 15 days
          after written notice thereof is given to Employee.

          5.4  Resignation.  At any time during the term of this Agreement,
     Employee may provide notice of his intent to resign.

          5.5  Termination For Other Than Good Cause.  COMPS may terminate
     Employee's employment at any time without good cause, upon written notice
     delivered to Employee that Employee's employment is being terminated for
     "other than good cause." It shall be deemed a termination by COMPS without
     good cause under this Paragraph 5.5 if Employee resigns within 30 days of
     having been removed from the position described in Paragraph 2 without his

     6.  Compensation Upon Termination.

          6.1  Payment of Compensation Upon Termination For Good Cause.  In the
     event Employee is terminated for good cause, as set forth in Section 5.3,
     he/she shall receive two weeks' notice that his employment is terminated
     and Employee shall be entitled only to the compensation set forth as base
     salary herein, prorated through the date of said notice.  When Employee is
     terminated for good cause as defined in Section 5.3, Employee is entitled
     to no other severance compensation arising out of this Agreement and out of
     his employment relationship with COMPS, and Employee shall permanently and
     absolutely forfeit all rights to all other benefits otherwise accruing by
     reason of Employee's employment by COMPS.

          6.2  Payment of Compensation Upon Termination Other Than For Good
     Cause.  In the event Employee's employment is terminated for other than
     good cause, Employee shall receive Base Salary continuation in an amount
     described below, only if Employee executes a general release of claims in a
     form acceptable to COMPS, releasing any and all claims Employee has against
     COMPS arising out of his employment or the termination of said employment.
     Employee is not entitled to any Base Salary continuation pursuant to this
     Section unless he/she signs the general release described above.  The Base
     Salary continuation described in this Section amounts to six months' base
     salary continuation at his then current Base Salary level if Employee's
     employment terminates for other than for good cause prior to November 1,
     1995, seven months' Base Salary continuation if Employee's employment is
     terminated for other than good cause between November 1, 1995 and October
     31, 1996, and eight months' Base Salary continuation at his then current
     Base Salary level if Employee's employment is terminated other than for
     good cause after October 31, 1996.  Employee shall also be entitled to
     receive a pro rata share of his target bonus for that year if he is
     terminated for other than good cause.  For instance, if the target bonus
     that year was $50,000.00, and



     Employee was terminated for other than good cause after three months, he
     would receive a $12,500.00 bonus upon termination. Employee is entitled to
     no other compensation when his employment is terminated for other than good

     7.  Arbitration/Sole Remedy for Breach of Agreement.  Except as provided in
Section 8, in the event of any dispute between Employer and Employee concerning
any aspect of the employment relationship, including any disputes upon
termination, all such disputes shall be resolved by binding arbitration before a
single neutral arbitrator.  The arbitrator shall be selected from the American
Arbitration Association through its procedures.  All rules governing the
arbitration shall be the rules as set forth by the American Arbitration
Association.  The arbitrator is bound to rule only on whether or not there has
been a violation of the terms of this Agreement and to render an award, if any,
that is consistent with the terms of this Agreement.  Neither party to this
Agreement is entitled to any legal recourse or rights or remedies other than
those provided within this Agreement.  The Employee's sole remedies for claims
arising out of his employment, with the exception of Workers' Compensation
remedies, are those set forth in this Agreement.  In the event of a termination
of employment, the arbitrator is limited to a determination of whether or not
the discharge was for good cause or for other than good cause.  If an
arbitration is brought for something other than a termination of employment, the
arbitrator is limited to award contract damages.  The arbitrator may apportion
the costs of the arbitration, including arbitrator's fees, among the parties,
but shall have no power `to award attorneys' fees.  Each party shall be
responsible for its own attorneys' fees.

     8.  Trade Secrets.  As used in this Section 8, "Trade Secrets" shall mean,
without limitation, any document or information relating to COMPS' products,
processes or services, including documents and information relating to
Inventions, and to the research, development, engineering or manufacture of
Inventions, and to COMPS, purchasing, customer or supplier lists, which
documents or information have been disclosed to Employee or become known to
Employee as a consequence (in whole or in part) of or through Employee's
employment by COMPS (including documents, information or Inventions conceived,
originated, discovered or developed by Employee), which is not generally known
in the relevant trade or industry.  "Inventions" shall mean discoveries,
concepts, and ideas, whether patentable or copyrightable or not, including but
not limited to processes, methods, formulas, techniques, devices, designs,
programs (including computer programs), computer graphics, apparatus, products,
as well as improvements thereof or know-how related thereto, relating to any
present or anticipated business or activities of COMPS.

         8.1  Acknowledgement of Proprietary Interest.  Employee recognizes the
     proprietary interest of COMPS in all Trade Secrets.  Employee acknowledges
     and agrees that any and all Trade Secrets, whether developed by Employee
     alone or in conjunction with others or otherwise, shall be and are the
     property of COMPS.

         8.2  Covenant Not to Divulge Trade Secrets.  Employee acknowledges and
     agrees that COMPS is entitled to prevent the disclosure of Trade Secrets.
     As a portion of the consideration for the employment of Employee and for
     the compensation being paid to Employee by COMPS, Employee agrees at all
     times during the term of the employment by COMPS and thereafter to hold in
     strictest confidence, and not to use, disclose or allow to be disclosed to
     any person, firm, or corporation, Trade Secrets,



     including Trade Secrets developed by Employee, other than disclosures to
     persons engaged by COMPS for the purpose of furthering the business of
     COMPS, or other than use in the pursuit of the business of COMPS.
     Specifically, Employee may disclose trade secrets to prospective alliance
     partners or prospective clients of COMPS. Employee shall obtain
     confidentiality, trade secret and/or proprietary information agreements
     from those prospective alliance partners or clients, before he discloses
     any trade secrets.

          8.3  Confidential Information of Others.  Employee represents and
     warrants that if Employee has any confidential information belonging to
     others, Employee will not use or disclose to COMPS any such information or
     documents.  Employee represents that his employment with COMPS will not
     require him to violate any obligation to or confidence with any other

          8.4  Injunctive Relief.  Employee agrees that the breach of any
     provision of Sections 8, 9 and/or 11 of this Agreement will cause COMPS
     irreparable injury and damage.  Consequently, Employee agrees that because
     remedies at law may be inadequate to protect COMPS against breach of these
     provisions or this Agreement, COMPS shall be entitled, in addition to all
     other remedies available to it, to the granting of an injunction, including
     ex parte temporary relief, restraining Employee from violating Sections 8,
     9 and/or 11 of this Agreement.  The parties agree that a breach of Sections
     8, 9 and/or 11 of this Agreement by Employee, which is alleged in a
     verified complaint or affidavit filed by COMPS with a proper court, shall
     entitle COMPS to the immediate issuance, without notice or hearing, of a
     temporary restraining order precluding the continuance of the conduct in
     question until a hearing on a preliminary injunction.  A preliminary
     injunction may be issued by the court, without bond, upon a proper showing
     of: a) the breach; b) the confidential nature of the information, which may
     be shown by affidavit and in-camera to the court; c) ownership of the
     information by COMPS; and d) that the confidential or proprietary
     information was furnished to Employee or that Employee became aware of that
     information during his employment with COMPS.

     9.  No Adverse Use.  Employee will not at any time use COMPS' Trade Secrets
or Inventions in any manner which may directly or indirectly have an adverse
effect upon COMPS' business, nor will Employee perform any acts which would tend
to reduce COMPS' proprietary value in Trade Secrets or Inventions.

    10.  Return of Materials at Termination.  In the event of any termination
of Employee's employment, Employee or Employee's representative will promptly
deliver to COMPS all materials, property, documents, data, and other information
belonging to COMPS or pertaining to Trade Secrets or Inventions.  Employee shall
not take any materials, property, documents or other information, or any
reproduction or excerpt thereof, belonging to COMPS or containing or pertaining
to any Trade Secrets or Inventions.

    11.  Covenant Not to Compete.  Employee agrees that, during Employee's
employment, and during any period prior to which payments to Employee under
Sections 5 and 6 and Exhibit B are completed, Employee will not directly or
indirectly compete with COMPS in any way, or prepare to compete or assist any
other person or entity to compete with COMPS in any way, and that Employee will
not act as an officer, director, employee, consultant, more than



three percent (3%) shareholder, significant lender, or agent of any other entity
which is engaged in any business in California, Arizona, or Nevada of the same
nature as, or in competition with, the business in which COMPS is now engaged or
in which COMPS becomes engaged during the term of Employee's employment.

     12.  General Provisions.

          12.1  Payments.  All payments due pursuant to the terms of this
     Agreement shall be delivered in person, or by first class mail, postage
     prepaid to the last known address of the other party.  Payments may be in
     lawful money of the United States, or may be made by check, draft or
     warrant of the paying entity.

          12.2  Notices.  Any notices to be given hereunder by either party to
     the other may be effected by either personal delivery in writing, or by
     mail, registered or certified, postage prepaid with a return receipt
     requested.  Mailed notices shall be addressed to the other party to the
     address appearing beneath the party's signature on this Agreement, but each
     party may change its address by written notice in accordance with this
     paragraph.  Notices delivered personally shall be deemed communicated as of
     the date of delivery.

          12.3  Complete Agreement.  Employee acknowledges receipt of this
     Agreement and COMPS' Employee Agreement Concerning Confidentiality, Trade
     Secrets, Outside Employment and Solicitation of BREIC Employees and agrees
     that these Agreements represent the entire Agreement with Employer
     concerning the subject matter hereof.  These Agreements supersede any and
     all other Agreements, either oral or in writing, between the parties hereto
     with respect to the matters discussed herein of Employee and contain all of
     the covenants and agreements between the parties with respect to the terms
     and conditions of Employee's employment.  Each party to these Agreements
     acknowledges that no representations, inducements, promises or agreements,
     orally or otherwise, have been made by any party or anyone acting on behalf
     of any party which are not embodied herein.

          12.4  Severability.  If any provision of this agreement is held by a
     court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void or unenforceable, the
     remaining provisions shall nevertheless continue in full force without
     being impaired or invalidated in any way.

          12.5  Other Benefits.  Any amounts payable under this Agreement, other
     than Base Salary, shall not be deemed salary or other compensation for the
     purpose of computing benefits under any pension plan or other arrangement
     of COMPS for the benefit of its employees.

          12.6  No Waiver.  Either party's failure to enforce any provision of
     this Agreement shall not in any way be construed as a waiver of any such
     provision, or prevent that party from thereafter enforcing each and every
     other provision of this Agreement.



          12.7  Successors and Assigns.  The rights and obligations of COMPS
     under this agreement shall inure to the benefit of and shall be binding
     upon the successors and assigns of COMPS.  Employee shall not be entitled
     to assign any of his rights or obligations under this agreement.

          12.8  Applicable Law.  This agreement shall be interpreted, construed,
     governed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the state of

          12.9  Amendments.  No amendment or modification of the terms or
     conditions of this agreement shall be valid unless in writing and signed by
     the parties thereto.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto execute this Agreement, effective as
of the date first above written

EMPLOYEE:                                  COMPS InfoSystems, INC., a California
/s/ Christopher A. Crane         
- --------------------------------           By: /s/ Christopher A. Crane
Print Name and Address                         ------------------------
                                               Its:  Pres & CEO
Christopher A. Crane
- --------------------------------
1880 Cam Monrovia
- --------------------------------
La Jolla, CA 92037
- --------------------------------

