600 Bayview Avenue
                             Inwood, New York 11096
                             Telephone: 516-239-7000
                                Fax: 516-239-2508

                                                         August 29, 2007

Mr. Mack Fulmer
c/o Fleet Global Services, Inc.
119 Gatlin Avenue
Orlando, Florida  32806

Dear Mr. Fulmer:

      This  sets  forth  the  terms on which Cargo Connection Logistics Holding,
Inc., a  Florida  corporation  ("Cargo")  will  acquire  all  of  the issued and
outstanding  shares of capital stock of Fleet Global  Services,  Inc., a Florida
corporation   ("Fleet")   (such   purchase  being  referred  to  herein  as  the
"Transaction").  Cargo intends to close the  Transaction as soon as practicable.
Cargo and Fleet are  sometimes  individually  referred to herein as a "Party" or
are collectively referred to as the "Parties".

      1.   Purchase Price. Cargo will purchase all of the issued and outstanding
capital  stock  of  Fleet  for  an aggregate  purchase  price  consisting of the
following (the "Purchase Price"): (a) $1,000,000 in cash (the "Cash Component"),
(b) 270,000,000  shares of common stock of Cargo (the "Common  Stock"),  and (c)
such number of shares of Common Stock,  valued at the closing price per share of
the Common Stock on the Closing Date of the  Transaction,  as equals ten percent
(10%) of the net earnings before interest,  taxes, depreciation and amortization
("EBITDA")  of Fleet's  business  for the two (2) years  ending on the first and
second  anniversary of the closing of the Transaction  (the "Earn Out Payment"),
up to a maximum number of shares equal to one-third of the outstanding shares of
the Common Stock as of the Closing Date (the "Stock Component"),  provided, that
Cargo  may  elect  to  issue  shares  of  preferred   stock  of  Cargo   bearing
substantially the same rights, powers and preferences as shares of Common Stock,
as the Stock  Component  issued  within 120 days  thereafter  based on financial
information  maintained by Cargo.  Fleet  understands and agrees that any Common
Stock issued pursuant to this  Transaction may be subject to a "lock-up"  period
reasonably  acceptable  to Cargo,  and Fleet shall  execute and deliver all such
definitive   documentation   representing  such  lock-up  agreement  as  may  be
reasonably required by Cargo.

      2.   Due Diligence.  Consummation  of  the  Transaction is contingent upon
Cargo's  completing,  and   being  satisfied  with   the   results   of,  a  due
diligence review of Fleet. The purpose of such a review is to provide Cargo with
information with regard to the business, operations and financial condition (the
"Business")  of Fleet.  To assist Cargo in  conducting  this review,  Fleet will
provide,  or cause to be  provided,  all  information  with respect to itself as
Cargo may reasonably request and/or as is customary in this kind of transaction,
including audited year-end and unaudited


internally-prepared  interim   financial   statements.   In  addition,   Fleet's
auditors,  counsel,  officers and directors and other agents or  representatives
will be made  available to discuss with Cargo at reasonable  times any aspect of
Fleet's Business or the Transaction which Cargo may deem relevant.

      3.   Conditions.   Consummation  of  the  Transaction  is  subject  to the
following conditions:

           (a) the  execution  of  mutually acceptable definitive documentation
               that contains  such  representations,  warranties,  covenants and
               other terms as are customary,  which definitive documentation the
               Parties agree to use their best efforts to negotiate, execute and
               consummate by September 30, 2007 or, if practicable,  any earlier

           (b) approval  of  the  Transaction by the board of directors of Cargo
               and the board of directors and shareholders of Fleet;

           (c) the consent to the Transaction and the granting of any waivers by
               any necessary third parties;

           (d) receipt  by  Cargo  from  the  accountants  of  Fleet of a report
               indicating  that there are no material weaknesses with respect to
               the internal controls of Fleet;

           (e) the  absence  of material adverse change in the Business of Fleet
               since the date hereof;

           (f) the absence  of  any pending or threatened litigation which would
               prevent the closing of  the  Transaction or  materially adversely
               affect the Business of either Party;

           (g) the  receipt  by  Cargo  of  financial  statements  and/or  other
               information   requested  by  Cargo,   including  certified  audit
               workpapers  as may  be  available  to  Fleet,  that  sufficiently
               demonstrates  the  financial  condition of Fleet,  including  its
               earnings and cash flow;

           (h) compliance with the requirements of paragraph 8 below;

           (i) the purchase of all the issued and outstanding  capital  stock of
               Fleet by MF prior to the closing of the Transaction;

           (j) the  closing  of a financing transaction by Cargo of an aggregate
               amount of at least $1,500,000;

           (k) the  forgiveness  of  all  intercompany  debt  of Fleet to Fulmer
               Logistics  Corporation  ("Fulmer")  and  its  affiliates  (in the
               amount of  $2,743,663 as of July 31,  2007),  or any  replacement

           (l) settlement of the  pending  litigation  between  Cargo Connection
               Logistics,  Inc. and Fleet for the amount of $56,000,  payable by
               Fleet or its  stockholders  to Cargo out of the  proceeds  of the
               Cash Component;

           (m) receipt by Cargo of audited financial statements of Fleet for the
               fiscal years ended December 31, 2006 and 2005, and all additional
               information required to be filed by Cargo with the SEC;


           (n) the execution  and delivery of the employment agreements referred
               to in paragraph 9; and

           (o) MF to be granted one (1) seat on the Board of Directors of Cargo.

      4.   Expenses.  Whether  or  not  the Transaction is completed, each Party
will  bear its own  expenses  relating  to the  Transaction,  including  without
limitation its legal  representation  and accounting fees incurred in connection
herewith and the Transaction.

      5.   Brokers.  Each Party hereto agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the
other from and against and in respect to any claim for finders fees or brokerage
claims relating to the Transaction or the consummation thereof, based in any way
on agreements,  arrangements or understandings  claimed to have been made by the
indemnifying party with any third party.

      6.   Confidentiality.

           (a) Neither  the  Parties, Fulmer  Logistics Corporation,  nor any of
               their  respective  directors,   officers,   employees,   members,
               partners, representatives,  subsidiaries,  affiliates, agents and
               advisors shall disclose or use, and each of them shall direct its
               representatives   not  to  disclose  or  use,  any   Confidential
               Information (as defined below) with respect to the other Party or
               the  Transaction in any manner other than in connection  with the
               evaluation of the  Transaction.  For purposes of this  paragraph,
               "Confidential   Information"  means  any  information  about  the
               Parties,  whether or not marked  "confidential"  or identified as
               such by either of the Parties;  provided that it does not include
               information  that is (i) or  becomes  generally  available  to or
               known by the public other than as a result of improper disclosure
               by a Party, (ii) obtained by a Party from a source other than the
               other Party, which is not bound by a duty of confidentiality,  or
               (iii)  required  to be  disclosed  by law,  rule,  regulation  or
               judicial  process.  If the  Transaction  is  abandoned  or is not
               otherwise  consummated,  then each Party shall either  destroy or
               return any Confidential Information received from the other Party
               promptly upon request.

           (b) Neither the  Party  that  receives  Confidential  Information  (a
               "Recipient")  nor its directors,  officers,  employees,  members,
               partners, representatives,  subsidiaries,  affiliates, agents and
               advisors  ("Representatives"),  will  disclose  to any person the
               existence of this  Agreement,  the fact that any  investigations,
               discussions or negotiations  are taking place between the parties
               concerning  the  Transaction  or any of the terms,  conditions or
               other facts with respect to any such  Transaction,  including the
               status  thereof,  except if required by law or in connection with
               financing activities.  Recipient agrees to be responsible for any
               breach  of  this  Agreement  by  its  Representatives.  The  term
               "person" as used in this Agreement will be interpreted broadly to
               include,   without   limitation,   any   corporation,    company,
               governmental  agency  or  body,  entity,  partnership,  group  or


           (c) The  Confidential Information  will be used  by  Recipient solely
               for the purpose of  evaluating  the  Transaction.  Except for the
               limited  right to use as set forth in the  immediately  preceding
               sentence,  no right or  license  of any kind,  either  express or
               implied, under any mask work, patent, copyright,  trade secret or
               Confidential   Information  is  granted  hereunder.   Information
               furnished by a Party shall remain the exclusive  property of such
               Party. Each Party shall own all right,  title and interest in and
               to all methods,  compounds,  ideas and technology  (including all
               intellectual  property rights therein) derived or developed by or
               on behalf of Recipient from Confidential Information disclosed by
               such Party.

     7.   No Shop.   Fleet  agrees  that it will not, and it will not permit its
representatives,  including  officers,  directors,  stockholders  or agents,  to
negotiate directly or indirectly with or furnish any information relating to any
potential  acquisition,  merger or a sale of Fleet or Fleet's business or assets
to any party  other than Cargo  until the earlier of: (a) ninety (90) days after
the date  hereof  or (b) the  termination  by  either  Party in  writing  of the
negotiations relating to the Transaction.

     8.   Conduct Until Closing.  Fleet  agrees  that during the period from the
date hereof  through the Closing Date: (a) its business will be operated only in
the  ordinary  course,  (b) it will not  dispose  of any of its  assets  used in
connection  with its Business other than in the ordinary  course of business and
(c) it will not make any  distribution  or any  other  payment  to its  security
holders (except as  contemplated  hereby),  officers,  directors or its or their
affiliates, other than salary and management fees paid in the ordinary course of
business  consistent  with past practice,  unless with prior written  consent of

     9.   Employees.  Fleet  agrees  to use its reasonable commercial efforts to
retain for the benefit of Cargo all employees  necessary to Fleet's  operations.
In  connection  with the  closing of the  Transaction,  Cargo  shall  enter into
employment agreements with the following persons ("Key Employees") for a minimum
of two (2) years and on other terms reasonably  acceptable to Cargo, which shall
include non  competition  covenants for the term thereof plus an additional  two
years: (a) MF at an annual salary of $200,000.00 and (b) Cassandra Everett at an
annual salary of $100,000.00.

     10.  Miscellaneous. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of
which shall be deemed an original and all of which shall  constitute one and the
same instrument. This Agreement shall be interpreted under the laws of the State
of New York,  without  regard to its  conflicts of law  principles.  The parties
hereto irrevocably and unconditionally  consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of
the courts of the State of New York with respect to any dispute relating hereto.

         If the above accurately  sets  forth  our understanding with respect to
the proposed Transaction, please sign where indicated below.



                                         CARGO CONNECTION LOGISTICS
                                          HOLDING, INC.

                                         By:    /s/ Jesse Dobrinsky
                                            Name: Jesse Dobrinsky
                                            Title:  President

Accepted and agreed as of
the date first above written:


By:   /s/ Mack Fulmer
   Name: Mack Fulmer
   Title: President

/s/ Mack Fulmer
- --------------------------------
Mack Fulmer
