We  consent  to the incorporation by reference in this Registration Statement of
GTC  Telecom  Corp.  (the  "Company") on Form S-8, and in the Reoffer Prospectus
referred  to  therein, of our report dated October 11, 1999, on our audit of the
financial  statements  of GTC Telecom Corp. as of June 30, 1999  and 1998, which
report  is  included  in  the  Company's  Annual Report on Form 10-KSB (File No.
O-25703).  We  also  consent  to  the  use  of  our name as it appears under the
caption  "Experts."

                                                 /s/ Corbin & Wertz
Irvine,  California                              CORBIN  &  WERTZ
May 19,  2000