WASHINGTON,  D.C.  20549

                                 FORM  8-K/A

                            CURRENT  REPORT


   Date  of  Report  (Date  of  earliest  event  reported):   April  7,  2000

                         GoPublicNow.com,  Inc.

        (Exact  name  of  registrant  as  specified  in  its  charter)


             (State  or  other  jurisdiction  of  incorporation)

       033-05384                                          33-0886032
    ----------------                              ------------------------
 (Commission  File  Number)                (IRS  Employer  Identification  No.)

 5000  Birch  Street,  West Tower, Suite 4900, Newport Beach, CA  92660
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
          (Address  of  principal  executive  offices)     (Zip  Code)

                                   (949)  752-2797
              Registrant's  telephone  number,  including  area  code:

                        DermaRx  Corporation
                        c/o  Connolly  &  Halloran  PC
                        1121  Broadway,  Suite  202
                        Boulder,  CO  80302
                       (303)  440-7676
               (Former  name,  address  and  telephone  number)



     (a)  Pursuant  to  an  Acquisition  Agreement (the "Acquisition Agreement")
dated  as  of February 24, 2000 among DermaRx Corporation ("DMRX"), shareholders
of  DMRX  holding  a  majority  of  the  DMRX  shares  (the  "Shareholders") and
GoPublicNow.com,  Inc.,  a Nevada corporation ("GPN-Nevada"), effective on April
6,  2000,  GPN-Nevada  was  merged with and into DMRX and the separate corporate
existence  of  GPN-Nevada  ceased  in  a  transaction  referred to as a "reverse
acquisition."  Simultaneously  with  the merger, the name of DMRX was changed to
GoPublicNow.com  ("GPN"  or  the  "Company"),  and all the outstanding shares of
common  stock  of GPN-Nevada were exchanged on a one-for-one basis for shares of
common  stock of the Company.  Immediately prior to the merger, the common stock
of  DMRX  was  reduced  by  a  one  for  five  reverse  stock  split.

     Notice  of  the  merger  and the reverse stock split was sent to all of the
shareholders  of  DMRX  on  a Schedule 14C information which was first mailed to
shareholders  on  or  about  March  15,  2000.

     The Acquisition Agreement was adopted by the unanimous consent of the Board
of  Directors of GPN-Nevada and DMRX on February 24, 2000.  A written consent of
the  shareholders of GPN-Nevada and DMRX was also adopted by the shareholders of
those  corporations  on  February 24, 2000.  In accordance with SEC rules, after
mailing  the  Schedule  14C  information statement, the shareholder approval for
DMRX  was  effective  on  April  5,  2000.

     Prior  to  the  Acquisition  Agreement, DMRX had 2,019,900 shares of common
stock  outstanding.  At  the  time  of  the merger and subsequent to the reverse
stock  split, DMRX had 750,080 shares outstanding.  By virtue of the merger, the
shareholders  of  GPN-Nevada  acquired  10,326,123  shares  of  the  Company and
consequently  obtained  majority  control  of  the issued and outstanding common
stock  of the combined entities.  The total issued and outstanding shares of the
combined  entities  subsequent  to  the  merger  was  11,076,203  shares.

     The  officers  of GPN-Nevada continued as officers of GPN subsequent to the
merger.  See  "Management"  below.  The  officers, directors, and by-laws of GPN
will  continue  without  change.


     (b) The following table sets forth certain information regarding beneficial
ownership  of  the  common  stock  of  GPN  as  of  the  date  hereof  by:

     each  person or entity known to own beneficially more than 5% of the common
     each  of  GPN's  directors;
     each  of  GPN's  named  executive  officers;  and
     all  executive  officers  and  directors  of  GPN  as  a  group.

                                            Name and Address of     Amount and Nature of Beneficial   Percent of
Title of Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Beneficial Owner (1)    Ownership                         Class (2)
- ------------------------------------------  ----------------------  --------------------------------  -----------

Common Stock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Bruce A. Berman (3)                           8,000,000         72.2%
- ------------------------------------------  ----------------------  --------------------------------  -----------

Common Stock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Marcus Hurlburt                                 500,000          4.5%
- ------------------------------------------  ----------------------  --------------------------------  -----------

Common Stock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Eric Hopkins (4)                                      0          0.0%
- ------------------------------------------  ----------------------  --------------------------------  -----------

Common Stock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Jeffrey M. Diamond (5)                            5,000            *
- ------------------------------------------  ----------------------  --------------------------------  -----------

Common Stock                                All Officers and Directors as a Group         8,505,000         76.8%
                                            (4 persons)

1.     Unless  otherwise  referenced, the address for each of these shareholders
is c/o GoPublicNow.com, Inc., 5000 Birch Street, West Tower, Suite 4900, Newport
Beach,  CA  92660.
2.     Based  on  a  total  of  11,076,203  shares  issued  and  outstanding.
3.     Mr.  Berman's  shares  are  held  by  The  Berman  Family Trust but owned
beneficially  by  Mr.  Berman.
4.     Does  not  include  options to purchase 200,000 shares at $3.75 per share
which  are  not  presently  exercisable.
5.     Reflects  options  to purchase 5,000 shares at $3.75 per share.  Does not
include  options  to  purchase  50,000  shares  at $3.75 per share which are not
presently  exercisable.
*     Less  than  1%



     (a)  The  consideration exchanged pursuant to the Acquisition Agreement was
negotiated  between  the  shareholders  of  DMRX,  DMRX  and  GPN-Nevada.

     In  evaluating GPN-Nevada as a candidate for the proposed acquisition, DMRX
and  its  shareholders  used  criteria  such  as  GPN-Nevada's proposed internet
financial  services  business  (as  set forth more fully below under "Business")
and  other anticipated operations, and GPN-Nevada's and its principal's business
name  and reputation.  DMRX and GPN-Nevada determined that the consideration for
the  merger  was  reasonable.

     (b)  GPN  as  the  combined  entity  intends  to  continue  its  historical
businesses  and  proposed  businesses as set forth more fully immediately below.
The  historical  business and operations of DMRX shall no longer be continued by


     GoPublicNow.com  ("GPN"),  is a Nevada Corporation headquartered in Newport
Beach,  California.  The Company was initially formed in December 1999 and began
generating  business  in  April  2000.


     The  number  of  companies going public and requiring access to capital has
significantly  increased  in  recent  years (see Industry Description and Trends
below).  There  is  also  significant  growth  in  the  use  of the Internet for
offering  efficient  business-to-business  commerce.  GPN  intends  to  offer  a
variety  of  financial  consulting  services  targeted  toward  this  market.


     When  fully  operational,  GPN's  operations  will  consist  of three major
components.  First  is a network of financial service providers that can satisfy
many  of  the  demands  of  companies desiring to go public or needing access to
capital  or  GPN's  advanced business services.  Second is a unique, interactive
web portal site that can serve as the conduit between the clients, the financial
service  providers  and  GPN,  allowing  benefits  for  all parties.  Third, the
Company  effectively  becomes  an  emerging  growth  company  incubator.



     GPN  intends  to  derive  revenue  from a number of sources.  First, client
companies  that  wish  to  become  members of the site and access premium online
content  will  pay  a  membership  fee.  Second, to the extent permissible under
applicable  regulations,  the  Company  will  be  paid  a  small  percentage (or
finder's  fee')  for  any  business  services that are placed through our site.
Third,  the  Company  will  receive  an equity position in companies that become
public  in  three  years  that  are  a  member  of  GPN's  site.

     The  Company's primary website will be www.gopublicnow.com.   GPN presently
owns  the following Internet URL's designed to protect the value of its website:


     GPN recognized the importance of protecting its intellectual property.  Our
legal  counsel  is  in the process of seeking to register with the US Patent and
Trademark  Office  for  service  marks  for  the  following:

Go  Public
Go  Public  Now
Go  Public  Network


     GPN  intends  to  offer a single source financing solution to any qualified
business that wants to become public or obtain capital, as well as provide other
related  services  to  existing  public  companies.

     GoPublicNow.com  will  target companies that are seeking capital and intend
to  go  public, as well as licensed investment bankers and brokers, etc that are
interested  in  these  types  of  companies.

     Specific  web  addresses  will  be  targeted  toward  different  audiences,
however,  with  the  exception  of  the  front-end of the site, services will be
equally  available  to  all  addresses.

     GPN  intends  to  offer  the  following  services:

     Free  Services

     As  a  financial  Internet  portal  site,  provide  free  access  to timely
financial  information  in a customizable, easy-to-use format.  This information
may  include  some  or  all  of  the  following:
- -     Stock  quotes


     Stock  ticker
     Market  news
     Information  about Going Public B i.e. IPO's, mergers, shell mergers, etc.,
     including  strategy,  timing  and  costs.
     Information  about  different  types  of  financial programs - i.e. private
     placements,  secondary  offerings,  DPO's,  Internet  offerings,  etc.

     The  web site will also provide a unique interactive business questionnaire
that will assess whether a candidate company has the potential to Go Public Now.
If  the candidate company is qualified through the questionnaire to go public in
accordance  with  criteria  determined  by  GPN, the site will notify GPN.  If a
candidate  company  does  not meet minimum criteria necessary to become a public
company,  the  site will explain its reasoning to the candidate company and will
offer  the  candidate  company  the  ability  to  contact GPN to discuss further

     Professional service providers, including accountants, attorneys, PR and IR
firms, web site designers, etc., will be able to utilize the web site's referral
service  feature.


     Premium  Services

     Listing  companies and their financing needs for potential investment under
     appropriate  regulatory  guidelines  on  the  website.

     Submitting  listed  companies  to investment sources that are registered on
     the   Company's  website  whose  financial  products  match  the  company's
     unique profile.

     Evaluating  businesses  and  providing them with a strategy to prepare them
     for  going  public.

     Potential  investment by a proprietary proposed incubator bridge/venture in
     select  companies.



     GPN  intends  to  develop  a  pricing  strategy which derives revenues from
member  companies  as  well  as  from  service  providers.



     $500  client  membership  fee  for  access  to  all  premium  services.

     3% equity interest in client company if client company is a start-up, 2% if
client  company  is pre-IPO with less than $1 million in annual sales, and 1% if
client  company  is  pre-IPO  with  over  $1  million  in  annual  sales.

     Most  Investment  Bankers  charge  $25,000  to $50,000 initial fees for due
diligence  and expenses without guaranteeing a successful financing.  GPN's $500
fee  allows  companies  to  access  a  wide  variety  of financial services at a
fraction  of  the  cost.


     Up  to  10%  of  fees  collected  by  PR  and  IR  firms.

     Up  to  10%  finder's  fee  for  web  design  services.

     Up  to  10%  fee  from  media  referrals.

     Banner  /  web  advertising  fees  to be determined under market conditons.

     These  referral fees are relatively standard in the various industries.  By
combining  financial  services  in  a  "one-stop-shop"  format, the Company will
potentially  be in the position of being able to receive fees from a broad range
of  providers at the same time as well as obtaining favorable pricing for client


     GPN's  Management,  based  on  years of combined investment experience, has
developed  a  series  of  multiple  choice  questions  and  answers  for  GPN's
interactive  web  site  questionnaire.  The  questions  are  designed to analyze
companies  for  listing  on  the  GPN  web site that meet the criteria generally
necessary  to  become  a public company, and to explain to companies that do not
presently  meet  the  criteria  why they are not a candidate to GoPublicNow.com.
GPN's  screening  process for reliable service providers has been developed from
years  of  Management's  experience  providing  like  services.


     GPN  intends  to  create  a  Web-enabled marketplace that targets companies
seeking  capital as well as investors, fund managers and other business services
resources.  By  combining  Management's  experience in the corporate finance and
IPO  marketplace  with the exponential growth of the Internet, GPN may provide a
global  network  of clients with a comprehensive "one-stop-shop" for finding and
utilizing  financial  business  services.  The  Company is positioned to provide
market  leadership in this rapidly growing industry sector due to the Management
team's  background and track record of performance in the financial marketplace.


     GPN's  operations will consist of two major components: first, a network of
financial  service  providers  with wide ranging experience in servicing the IPO
marketplace;  second, a unique, interactive website that serves as a value-added
conduit  between GPN and its clients, thus allowing both parties to communicate,
collaborate  and  partner.

     A  key component to the Company's launch strategy is to quickly build brand
awareness  for  the  GoPublicNow.com  website through advertising, publicity and
cross-promotional  campaigns.  GPN  hopes to have a competitive advantage due to
the  following:

     Being  early  to  market  and  establishing  a  commanding  client  base
     Maintaining  high  quality  financial  service  providers
     Maintaining a broader range of financial service offerings than other sites
     Maintaining  marketing  to  maximize  web  site  awareness  and  traffic
     Utilizing  economies  of  scale  to  reduce  costs,  increase  margins, and
negotiate  preferential  agreements

     In  order to drive users to the Go Public web site, the Company plans to do
the  following:

     Utilize  internet  marketing  via banner ads, link swapping, co-promotions,
     Utilize  traditional  marketing  programs  such  as  business print ads and
     business  radio  ads.
     Attend  Investment  Banking  and  Business  Development  trade  shows  and
     Telemarket  to  investment  banking  firms  and  strategic  partners.
     Telemarket  to  and/or  email  follow-up  on site visitors through database

     Market  Assessment  &  Analysis

     As  much  as $24 billion in fresh funding flowed from Venture Capital firms
to  startup  companies in 1998, according to The National Association of Venture
Capitalists.  According  to  the Los Angeles Times, investors poured $65 billion
into  first time stock offerings in 1999.  Twenty First Century Internet Venture
Partners  claims  they  receive approximately 1,600 business plans each year and
are only able to fund no more than four or five of them.  Due to GPN's potential
resources,  as  well as the proposed online screening process, the Company could
theoretically  be  able  to  relatively  efficiently  take  those 1,600 or 7,550
business  plans  and  shop  them  to  multiple  venture  funds.

     International  Potential

     GPN  recognizes  that  one of the greatest advantages of the Internet is to
lower  global  boundaries  and allow direct personal contact between individuals
and  businesses  around  the  world.  A  key  advantage  of business-to-business
financing  over  the  Internet  is  that  it  removes  layers  of middlemen that
traditionally  exist in current international financing operations.  GPN will be
well  positioned  to assist international companies in accessing US capital.  In
the  future,  the  Company  expects to offer targeted services for international
clients,  and expects to have multiple versions of its web site online featuring
foreign languages and personalized content for different countries and cultures.



     The Company will be subject to state and federal regulation with respect to
securities,  as  well  as  rules  and regulations with respect to certain of the
services  it  provides.  In  order  to  better  resolve some of those regulatory
issues,  and  to  support  the  wide  variety of services GPN plans to offer the
companies,  GPN  intends  to acquire or establish a NASD licensed broker/dealer.
The  Company's Management presently has the experience and licenses necessary to
perform  some  broker/dealer  services.


     The  market  for  capital  and  financing  resources  for  emerging  growth
companies  is  intensely  competitive.  Additionally, the Company competes in an
industry  segment  in  which  numerous competitors exist that have substantially
greater  resources  than  the  Company.  There are several companies that have a
meaningful  presence  on  the  Internet  to  provide  capital to emerging growth
companies,  such  as  Idealabs,  Garage.com,  and  Twenty First Century Internet
Venture  Partners.  There  can  be  no  assurance  that  existing  or  potential
competitors  of  the  Company  will not develop products equal to or better than
those  marketed by the Company.  Numerous smaller competitors also exist in this
industry.  They  tend  to  be:  (i)  Specialized  (and  only  offer  one type of
financing  service);  (ii) Traditional (non-Internet, face-to-face operators) or
(iii)  Small  scale  B  only  able  to  accommodate a few clients each year. The
Company  does  not  anticipate  directly  competing  with conventional financing
sources.  The  Company  intends  to  welcome  any  and  all legitimate financing
sources  to  participate in clients financing needs.  The Company will receive a
fee  for  any  financing  that  comes  through  the  GPN  Network.


     GPN  currently  subleases  3,460 square feet at 5000 Birch St., West Tower,
Suites  4600  and  4900, Newport Beach, CA  92660 at a cost of $8,650 per month.


     GPN presently has 20 employees, of which 8 are in management.  GPN believes
its  relations  with  its  employees  are  good.


     Since  inception,  the  Company has funded its capital requirements through
funding  from  its  founder  and from private equity financing.  As of April 17,
2000,  the  Company's  sources  of liquidity included cash of approximately $2.3


     In  December  1999 and January 2000, the Company funded its initial capital
requirements  through  the  sale of securities to private investors in a private
bridge  offering  generating a total of $1.35 million.  The bridge offering sold
541,800  units  at  $2.50  per  unit,  with each unit consisting of one share of
common  stock,  one  warrant  to purchase one share of common stock at $7.50 per
share and one warrant to purchase one share of common stock at $10.00 per share.

     Through  April  2000 , the Company raised an additional $2.13 million via a
private placement  of  approximately  569,000 Units at $3.75 per Unit, with each
Unit consisting of  one share of Common Stock, one Warrant to purchase one share
of Common Stock at  $7.50  per  share,  and one Warrant to purchase one share of
Common Stock  at  $10.00  per  share.

     The  Company  believes  that proceeds from its bridge financing and private
placement  funds will be sufficient to cover working capital requirements for at
least 12 months.  Should revenue levels expected by the Company not be achieved,
the Company would require additional financing during such period to support its
operations, continued expansion of its business and acquisition of technologies.
Such  sources  of  financing  could  include  capital  infusions  from strategic
partners  of  the  Company, additional equity financings or debt offerings.  The
Company has made no arrangements or commitments for such financing and there can
be  no  assurance  that  the  Company  will  be able to obtain such financing on
satisfactory  terms,  if  at  all.


                       MARKET  FOR  GPN  SECURITIES

GPN's  common  stock  is  presently traded on the OTC Bulletin Board operated by
Nasdaq  under  the symbol "GNOW".   Prior to April 6, 2000, the Company's common
stock  traded  under the symbol "DMRX".  The following table sets forth the high
and  low closing prices for shares of GPN common stock for the periods noted, as
reported  by  the  National  Daily  Quotation  Service  and the Over-The-Counter
Bulletin Board.  Quotations reflect inter-dealer prices, without retail mark-up,
mark-down  or  commission  and  may  not  represent  actual  transactions.

                    CLOSING PRICES
YEAR . .PERIOD                               HIGH    LOW
- ----    ------                             -------  ------
2000    First quarter                      $  3.75  $ 0.08
        Second quarter (through April 18)  $  6.63  $ 0.75

1999    First quarter                      $ 67.38  $ 1.48
        Second quarter                     $ 24.90  $ 6.25
        Third quarter                      $  2.25  $ 0.75
        Fourth quarter                     $  3.12  $ 0.05

1998    Second quarter                     $ 29.78  $21.48
        Third quarter                      $ 32.72  $20.02
        Fourth quarter                     $ 21.48  $ 0.50

     On  September 1, 1999, the Company effected a one for five reverse split of
its  Common  Stock.  Effective April 5, 2000, the Company effected an additional
one  for  five  reverse  split  of  its  Common Stock.  The table above has been
adjusted  to  reflect  the  cumulative  effect  of  these  splits.

     The  number  of  beneficial holders of record of GPN common stock as of the
date  of  the  merger was approximately 300.  Many of the shares of GPN's common
stock  are  held  in  "street name" and consequently reflect numerous additional
beneficial  owners.

     In  addition  to  freely  tradeable shares, GPN has a minimum of 10,325,123
shares  of  common  stock  outstanding  which could be sold pursuant to Rule 144
after  completion  of  the  appropriate holding period.   In general, under Rule
144,  subject  to  the  satisfaction  of  certain  other  conditions,  a person,
including our affiliates, who has beneficially owned restricted shares of common
stock  for at least one year would become entitled to sell, in certain brokerage
transactions,  within  any  three-month period, a number of shares that does not
exceed  the  greater of 1% of the total number of outstanding shares of the same
class,  or  the  average  weekly  trading  volume during the four calendar weeks
immediately  preceding  the sale.  A person who presently is not and who has not
been  an  affiliate for at least three months immediately preceding the sale and
who  has beneficially owned the shares of common stock for at least two years is
entitled  to sell such shares under Rule 144 without regard to any of the volume
limitations  described  above.




     The  following table sets forth the names and ages of the current directors
and executive officers of GPN who will remain so with the combined entity, their
principal  offices and positions and the date each such person became a director
or  executive officer.  Our executive officers are elected annually by the Board
of  Directors.  Our  directors  serve  one year terms until their successors are
elected.  The  executive  officers serve terms of one year or until their death,
resignation  or  removal  by  the  Board  of  Directors.  There  are  no  family
relationships between any of the directors and executive officers.  In addition,
there  was no arrangement or understanding between any executive officer and any
other  person pursuant to which any person was selected as an executive officer.

     Our  directors  and  executive  officers  are  as  follows:

     The  Officers,  Directors  and  Executive  Management of the Company are as

     Name                    Age          Positions
     ----                    ---          ---------

BRUCE  BERMAN                42           Founder,  President,
                                          Chief Executive Officer and  Chairman

ERIC  HOPKINS                45           Chief  Financial  Officer  and

MARCUS  HURLBURT             40           Vice  President,  Broker  Relations

JEFFREY  M.  DIAMOND         34           Chief  Technical  Officer  and

     BRUCE BERMAN, first worked in the emerging growth finance industry, forming
his  first  finance company at age 23.  After generating substantial success and
arranging  a  successful  buyout  of  his finance company, Mr. Berman co-founded
a renewable energy company in the mid  1980s.  Mr. Berman then  went  on in 1994
to establish the Michelson Group,  Inc.,  a  corporate development firm that has
successfully assisted companies  in  their quest to become public entities.  Mr.
Berman has decided to share and utilize  his  knowledge,  skills  and experience
through his current innovation, GoPublicNow.com., which he founded in late 1999.


     ERIC  HOPKINS,  worked  most  recently  as  the  Director  of  Finance  for
Unisys-PulsePoint  Communications,  a  NASDAQ manufacturer of telecommunications
products.  At  Unisys-PulsePoint, Hopkins focused his efforts in stockholder and
lender  relations,  private  equity  placements,  debt negotiation, and became a
major  participant in the company's acquisition by Unisys Corporation.     Prior
to  his  job  at  Unisys-PulsePoint,  Mr.  Hopkins served as the Chief Financial
Officer  at  Tanknology  Environmental  International,  a  publicly  traded
environmental  services  company.  Hopkins, a CPA, spent several years in public
accounting  in  both  large  and  small firms.  He began his career with Motel 6
L.P.,  where  he  worked  for  more  than twelve years in both finance and field
operations.  He  graduated  from Kent State University with a B.A. in accounting
and  obtained  his  MBA  from  Pepperdine  University.

     MARCUS  HURLBURT, is a Registered Securities Principal with a series 24, 7,
22  and 63 licenses.  He has over 10 years of experience as an Investment Banker
assisting  emerging  growth  companies  with  corporate  development and capital
finance.  Mr.  Hurlburt has been the Executive Vice President and Branch Manager
of  the  corporate headquarters and Director of Investment Banking for an Irvine
based  Broker  Dealership  in  California.

     JEFFREY  M.  DIAMOND,  has  worked  as  an  Information  Technology  (IT)
professional  since  1982.  He founded a Southern California programming company
that  expanded  into  Local Area Networking (LAN) and Wide Area Networking (WAN)
consulting services.  After experiencing success in these endeavors, he left his
firm  to  become  the  Director of Client Services for a major Novell Networking
firm  in  Los  Angeles.  Continuing  his  IT  career, Mr. Diamond maintained the
positions  of IT director for a premier Hilton Hotels Resort property as well as
the  position  of  the IT director for a Los Angeles area business law firm.  In
1994, Mr. Diamond formed QuickNet, Inc., an Internet-centric Digital Engineering
firms.   In  1999, Jeff successfully negotiated the sale of QuickNet Corporation
and  its  Intellectual  Property  holdings.  Mr.  Diamond, a UCI graduate, holds
undergraduate  degrees  in  both  Computer  Science  and  Political Science.  He
continued  his  formal education earning a Juris Doctor in law and is a licensed
California  attorney  with  an  emphasis  in  business  law  and  negotiation.


                      EXECUTIVE  COMPENSATION

     Bruce Berman, the Company's Founder, President and Chief Executive Officer,
receives an annual salary of $120,000.  When the Company's market capitalization
reaches  $140 million, his salary will be increased to $180,000 annually through
2000.  Mr.  Hurlburt  receives  a  salary  of  $95,000  annually.  The  Company
currently  reimburses  Management  for  expenses  and  costs associated with its
operations  and  provides  auto  lease  allowances  to  its  officers.

     The  Company  has  an  employment  agreement  with  Eric Hopkins, its Chief
Financial  Officer.   Pursuant  to that Agreement, Mr. Hopkins receives $100,000
in  salary  for  his first year and $120,000 in salary for his second year.  Mr.
Hopkins  also  received  options  to  purchase 200,000 shares of common stock at
$3.75  per  share.  These  options  vest  monthly  over  a  two-year  period.

     Jeffrey  M. Diamond, Chief Technical Officer, receives a salary of $100,000
annually.  He  also  received options to acquire 5,000 shares of Common Stock at
$3.75  per share as a signing bonus and options to purchase an additional 50,000
shares  of Common Stock at $3.75 per share which will vest on a pro rata monthly
basis  over  a  one-year  period.

     The  Company  has  not had a bonus, profit sharing or deferred compensation
plan  for  the  benefit  of  its  employees,  officers  or  directors.


                        DESCRIPTION  OF  SECURITIES


     The  Company's  Articles  of  Incorporation  authorize  the  issuance  of
100,000,000  shares of common stock, $0.001 par value per share.  The holders of
each share of common stock (i) have equal rights to dividends from funds legally
available  therefore,  when,  as  and  if  declared  by  the  Company's Board of
Directors, (ii) are entitled to share in all assets of the Company available for
distribution,  (iii)  do not have pre-emptive, subscription or conversion rights
and  (iv)  are  entitled to one non-cumulative vote at all shareholder meetings.

     All  shares  of  common  stock  now  outstanding  are  fully  paid  for and
non-assessable  and  all  shares  of  common stock which are the subject of this
Offering,  when  issued,  will  be  fully  paid  for  and  non-assessable.

     Stockholders  have  no  cumulative  voting  rights,  which  means  that
Stockholders owning more than 50% of the outstanding stock can vote to elect all
directors.  Accordingly,  the  remaining Stockholders would not be able to elect
any  of  the  Company's  directors.


     The  Company  is  authorized  to issue up to 10,000,000 shares of Preferred
Stock,  par  value  $.001 per share.   The preferred stock of the Company can be
issued in one or more series as may be determined from time to time by the Board
of Directors without further stockholder approval.  In establishing a series the
Board  of  Directors  shall  give  to  it  a  distinctive  designation  so as to
distinguish  it  from  the shares of all other series and classes, shall fix the
number  of  shares  in such series, and the preferences, rights and restrictions
thereof.  All  shares of any one series shall be alike in every particular.  All
series  shall  be  alike except that there may be variation as to the following:
(1)  the  rate of distribution, (2) the price at and the terms and conditions on
which  shares  shall  be  redeemed,  (3)  the  amount  payable  upon  shares for
distributions  of  any  kind,  (4) sinking fund provisions for the redemption of
shares, and (5) the terms and conditions on which shares may be converted if the
shares of any series are issued with the privilege of conversion, and (6) voting
rights  except  as limited by law.  There is presently no preferred stock issued
or  outstanding.


     The Company does not presently anticipate that it will pay dividends on its
Common  Stock  at  any time in the foreseeable future.  The payment of dividends
will  depend,  among  other things, upon the earnings, assets, general financial
condition,  and  other  factors.  In  the  event  that  the Company successfully
completes  a  merger or acquisition as contemplated hereunder, the Management of
the  acquired company will, in all likelihood, have sole and exclusive authority
to  determine  whether  Common  Stock  dividends  will  be  paid  thereafter.


                               RISK  FACTORS

     DEVELOPMENT  STAGE COMPANY.  The Company is a development stage enterprise,
as  defined  by  generally  accepted  accounting  principles.  The  Company  was
incorporated  in  December  1999 and has generated nominal revenue to date.  Its
primary  activities  to date have been capital formation, the development of its
web  page  and  marketing research.  The Company's success is dependent upon the
successful  development  and  marketing  of  its  financial  network through the
internet,  as  to which there is no assurance.  Unanticipated problems, expenses
and  delays  are  frequently  encountered  in  establishing  a  new business and
developing  new  products.  These  include,  but  are  not  limited  to, lack of
consumer  acceptance, competition, product development, and inadequate sales and
marketing.  The  failure  of  the  Company to meet any of these conditions would
have  a  materially adverse effect upon the Company and may force the Company to
reduce or curtail operations.  No assurance can be given that the Company can or
will  ever  operate  profitably.

     FUTURE  CAPITAL  NEEDS.  To date the Company has relied on funding from its
founder,  from  bridge financing and from the proceeds of a private placement to
fund  operations.  The  Company  raised  gross  proceeds  of  approximately $3.5
million  in  its private placements.  To date, the Company has generated nominal
revenue  and  the  Company has limited cash liquidity and capital resources. The
Company's future capital requirements will depend on many factors, including the
Company's  ability  to  market  its  web  site  successfully,  cash  flow  from
operations,  and  competing  market  developments.  The  Company's business plan
requires  additional  funding  beyond  its  present  resources.  Consequently,
although  the  Company  currently  has  no  specific  plans  or arrangements for
financing,  the  Company  intends  to  raise additional funds subsequent to this
Offering  through private placements, public offerings or other financings.  Any
equity  financings  would  result  in  dilution  to  the Company's then-existing
stockholders.  Sources  of debt financing may result in higher interest expense.
Any  financing,  if  available,  may be on terms unfavorable to the Company.  If
adequate  funds  are  not  obtained,  the  Company  may  be  required  to reduce
operations.  The  Company  anticipates  that  its  existing  capital  resources,
together with the net proceeds of this Offering, will be adequate to satisfy its
operating  expenses  and  capital  requirements  for  twelve  months.

industry  in  which  the  Company  intends  to  operate  is subject to extensive
regulation  on  the  federal,  state and local levels.  Among other regulations,
Company  securities  offerings  are  subject  to  rules  and  regulations of the
Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  and  State  "blue  sky" authorities.  The
Company  believes  that  it will be required to structure its operations and fee
structures  in  accordance  with  applicable  state and federal securities laws.
There  can  be  no assurance as to what, if any, future actions such legislative
and regulatory authorities may take or the effect thereof on the industry or the


     COMPETITION.   The  market for capital and financing resources for emerging
growth  companies  is  marked  by numerous small, as well as large, competitors.
Additionally,  the  Company  competes  in  an industry segment in which numerous
competitors  exist  that  have substantially greater resources than the Company.
There  are  several companies that have a meaningful presence on the Internet to
provide  capital  to emerging growth companies such as Idealabs, Garage.com, and
Twenty  First Century Internet Venture Partners.  There can be no assurance that
existing or potential competitors of the Company will not develop products equal
to  or  better  than  those  marketed  by  the  Company.   The  Company does not
anticipate  directly competing with conventional financing sources.  The Company
intends  to  welcome  any and all legitimate financing sources to participate in
its  clients  financing  needs.

     INTERNET  RELATED  RISKS.  The  Company  is  subject to federal, state, and
local laws concerning the conduct of business on the Internet.  Today, there are
relatively few laws specifically directed towards online services.  However, due
to  the increasing popularity and use of the Internet and online services, it is
possible  that laws and regulations will be adopted with respect to the Internet
or  online  services.  These  laws  and  regulations  could cover issues such as
online  contracts,  user privacy, freedom of expression, pricing, fraud, content
and  quality  of  products  and  services,  taxation,  advertising, intellectual
property  rights  and  information  security.  Applicability  to the Internet of
existing  laws governing issues such as property ownership, copyrights and other
intellectual property issues, taxation, libel, obscenity and personal privacy is
uncertain.  The  vast majority of these laws were adopted prior to the advent of
the  Internet  and  related technologies and, as a result, do not contemplate or
address  the  unique  issues  of  the  Internet  and  related  technologies.

     DEPENDENCE  ON MANAGEMENT.  The Company's success depends, to a significant
extent,  upon  certain key employees and directors, including primarily Bruce A.
Berman.  The  loss  of  services  of one or more of these employees could have a
material  adverse  effect  on  the  business  of  the Company.  In addition, the
Company has a substantial need for additional qualified management and marketing
personnel.  The  Company  believes  that  its future success will also depend in
part  upon  its  ability  to  attract,  retain and motivate qualified personnel.
There  can be no assurance that the Company will be successful in attracting and
retaining  such  personnel.  Competition  for  such  personnel  is intense.  The
Company  does  not maintain a policy of key man life insurance on any employees.

     PROTECTION  OF  PROPRIETARY  INFORMATION.  Currently,  the Company does not
hold  patents  or  trademarks  on  any of its names, products or processes under
development.  The  Company  is presently seeking trademark protection of certain
of  its  names and logos.  The Company treats its technical data as confidential
and  relies  on internal nondisclosure safeguards, as well as on laws protecting
trade  secrets,  to  protect  its  proprietary  information.  There  can  be  no
assurance that these measures will adequately protect the confidentiality of the
Company's  proprietary information or that others will not independently develop
products  or technology that are equivalent or superior to those of the Company.
The  Company  may  receive  in  the  future  communications  from  third parties
asserting  that  the Company's products infringe the proprietary rights of third
parties.  There  can  be  no  assurance that any such claims would not result in
protracted  and  costly  litigation,  having  a  materially adverse and negative
effect  on  the  Company  and  its  financial  results.


to  expand  its  level  of  operations.  The Company's operating results will be
adversely  affected  if net sales do not increase sufficiently to compensate for
the  increase  in operating expenses caused by this expansion.  In addition, the
Company's  planned  expansion  of operations may cause significant strain on the
Company's  management,  technical, financial and other resources.  To manage its
growth effectively, the Company must continue to improve and expand its existing
resources  and  management  information  systems  and  must  attract,  train and
motivate  qualified managers and employees.  There can be no assurance, however,
that  the  Company  will  successfully  be  able to achieve these goals.  If the
Company  is  unable  to manage growth effectively, its operating results will be
adversely  affected.

     CONTROL  BY  OFFICERS  AND  DIRECTORS.  The  officers  and directors of the
Company  beneficially  own  or  control  8,500,000  shares  of  the  Company's
outstanding  Common  Stock, or 76.8% of the issued and outstanding Common Stock.
As a result, such persons may be able to elect a majority of the Company's Board
of  Directors,  to  dissolve,  merge,  or sell the assets of the Company, and to
direct  and  control  the Company's operations, policies and business decisions.
See  "Principal  Stockholders."

     LACK  OF  DIVIDENDS.  The  Company  does  not  intend to declare or pay any
dividends  on  its outstanding shares of Common Stock in the foreseeable future.

LOW-PRICED  STOCKS.  The  Securities  Enforcement  and Penny Stock Reform Act of
1990  requires  additional disclosure relating to the market for penny stocks in
connection  with  trades  in any stock defined as a penny stock.  The Commission
has  adopted  regulations  that  generally define a penny stock to be any equity
security  that  has  a  market  price  of  less than $5.00 per share, subject to
certain  exceptions.  Such  exceptions  include  any  equity  security listed on
Nasdaq  and  any  equity  security issued by an issuer that has (i) net tangible
assets  of  at least $2,000,000, if such issuer has been in continuous operation
for three years, (ii) net tangible assets of at least $5,000,000, if such issuer
has  been  in  continuous  operation for less than three years, or (iii) average
annual  revenue  of  at  least $6,000,000, if such issuer has been in continuous
operation  for  less  than  three  years.  Unless an exception is available, the
regulations  require  the  delivery,  prior to any transaction involving a penny
stock,  of a disclosure schedule explaining the penny stock market and the risks
associated  therewith.

     SHARES ELIGIBLE FOR FUTURE SALE.  Approximately 10,326,123 of the Company's
Common  Stock  are "restricted securities," and under certain circumstances may,
in  the future, be sold in compliance with Rule 144 adopted under the Securities
Act.  In  general,  under Rule 144, subject to the satisfaction of certain other
conditions,  a  person,  including  an  affiliate  of  the  Company,  who  has
beneficially  owned  restricted  shares of Common Stock for at least one year is
entitled  to  sell,  in  certain  brokerage transactions, within any three-month
period,  a  number of shares that does not exceed the greater of 1% of the total
number of outstanding shares of the same class, or if the Common Stock is quoted
on Nasdaq or a stock exchange, the average weekly trading volume during the four
calendar  weeks  immediately  preceding the sale.  A person who presently is not
and  who  has  not  been  an  affiliate of the Company for at least three months
immediately  preceding  the  sale  and  who has beneficially owned the shares of
Common  Stock  for at least two years is entitled to sell such shares under Rule
144  without  regard  to  any  of  the  volume  limitations  described  above.


of  Incorporation  authorize  the issuance of up to 100,000,000 shares of Common
Stock.  The  Company's  Board of Directors has the authority to issue additional
shares  of  Common Stock and to issue options and warrants to purchase shares of
the  Company's  Common  Stock  without shareholder approval.  Future issuance of
Common  Stock  could  be at values substantially below the Offering Price in the
Offering and therefore could represent further substantial dilution to investors
in  the  Offering.  In  addition,  the  Board could issue large blocks of voting
stock  to  fend  off unwanted tender offers or hostile takeovers without further
shareholder  approval.

     AUTHORIZATION  OF PREFERRED STOCK.  The Company's Articles of Incorporation
authorize  the  issuance of up to 10,000,000 shares of Preferred Stock in one or
more  series.  The  Company's  Board  of  Directors has the authority to fix the
number  of  shares  and  to determine or alter for each such series, such voting
powers,  full  or  limited,  or  no  voting  powers,  and  such  designations,
preferences,  and  relative,  participating,  optional, or other rights and such
qualifications,  limitations,  or  restrictions  thereof, as shall be stated and
expressed  in  the  resolution  or resolutions adopted by the Board of Directors
providing  for  the  issue  of  such  shares.  The  Board  of  Directors is also
authorized  to  increase or decrease (but not below the number of shares of such
series  then  outstanding)  the number of shares of any series subsequent to the
issue  of  shares  of  that  series.

certain  forward-looking  statements,  including among others: (i) the projected
sales growth of the Company's products; (ii) anticipated trends in the Company's
financial  condition  and  results  of  operations; (iii) the Company's business
strategy  and  (iv) the Company's ability to distinguish itself from its current
and  future  competitors.  These forward-looking statements are based largely on
the  Company's  current  expectations  and  are subject to a number of risks and
uncertainties.  Actual  results  could  differ  materially  from  these
forward-looking  statements.  In addition to the other risks described elsewhere
in  this  "Risk Factors" discussion, important factors to consider in evaluating
such  forward-looking  statements  include:  (i) changes to external competitive
market factors or in the Company's internal budgeting process which might impact
trends  in the Company's results of operations; (ii) anticipated working capital
or  other  cash requirements; (ii) changes in the Company's business strategy or
an  inability  to  execute  its  strategy  due  to  unanticipated changes in the
industry; and (iv) various competitive factors that may prevent the Company from
competing  successfully  in  the  marketplace.  In  light  of  these  risks  and
uncertainties,  many  of which are described in greater detail elsewhere in this
"Risk  Factors"  discussion, there can be no assurance that the events predicted
in  forward-looking  statements  contained  in  this  Form  8-K  will  in  fact,



     Not  applicable



     As  of  the  date  of  the  Merger,  Paul  C.  Roberts,  Certified  Public
Accountant,  the  independent  accountant  previously  engaged  as the principal
accountant  to  audit  the   financial   statements  of  DermaRx Corporation was
terminated.  As of the same date, the firm of Miller & McCollom was  engaged  as
the  independent  accountant  for  the  DermaRx Corporation  for  the year ended
February 29, 2000 and the firm of Corbin & Wertz was engaged as  the independent
accountant for GoPublicNow.com for the period ended March 31, 2000.

     The  audit  reports  of  Paul  C.  Roberts on the financial  statements  of
DermaRx  Corporation  did  not  contain  any  adverse  opinion  or disclaimer of
opinion, nor  were  they  qualified  or modified as to audit scope or accounting
principles.  The  decision  to  change  accountants was approved by the board of
directors  of  the Company.  During DermaRx Corporation's two most recent fiscal
years and any subsequent interim period preceding  the  change,  there  were  no
disagreements  with  the  former  accountant  on  any  matter  of  accounting
principles  or  practices, financial statement disclosure, or auditing scope  or
procedure,  which  disagreements,  if  not  resolved  to the satisfaction of the
former  accountant,  would  have  caused  it  to  make  reference to the subject
matter  of  the  disagreements  in  connection  with  its  report.


     Not  applicable.


     Not  applicable.


                                            GOPUBLICNOW.COM, INC. AND SUBSIDIARY
                                                   (A DEVELOPMENT STAGE COMPANY)

                                               CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

                                                                  MARCH 31, 2000


                                            INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT THEREON

                          INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT

Board  of  Directors
GoPublicNow.com,  Inc.

We  have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheet of GoPublicNow.com,
Inc.  and  subsidiary, (a development stage company) (the "Company") as of March
31,  2000,  and the related consolidated statements of operations, stockholders'
equity  (deficit)  and  cash flows for the period from December 2, 1999 (date of
inception)  through  March  31,  2000.  These  financial  statements  are  the
responsibility  of the Company's management. Our responsibility is to express an
opinion  on  these  financial  statements  based  on  our  audit.

We conducted our audit in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards.
Those  standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable
assurance  about  whether  the  financial  statements  are  free  of  material
misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements.  An audit also includes
assessing  the  accounting  principles  used  and  significant estimates made by
management,  as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
We  believe  that  our  audit  provides  a  reasonable  basis  for  our opinion.

In  our opinion, the consolidated financial statements referred to above present
fairly,  in  all  material respects, the financial position of the Company as of
March 31, 2000, and the results of their operations and their cash flows for the
period  from  December  2,  1999  (date  of inception) through March 31, 2000 in
conformity  with  generally  accepted  accounting  principles.

                                                      CORBIN  &  WERTZ

Irvine,  California
May  9,  2000


                                            GOPUBLICNOW.COM, INC. AND SUBSIDIARY
                                                   (A DEVELOPMENT STAGE COMPANY)

                                                      CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET

ASSETS                                                                MARCH 31, 2000

Current assets:
  Cash and cash equivalents                                              $2,763,677
  Marketable equity securities                                              271,681
    Total current assets                                                  3,035,358

Property and equipment, net of accumulated depreciation of $1,970            55,528

Capitalized web site development cost                                        97,736

Other assets                                                                 16,499



Current liabilities:
  Accounts payable and accrued expenses                                  $   80,807

Deferred revenue                                                            259,466

    Total liabilities                                                       340,273

Commitments and contingencies

Stockholders' equity:
  Preferred stock, $0.001 par value; 10,000,000 shares authorized;
    no shares outstanding                                                         -
  Common stock, $0.001 par value; 50,000,000 shares authorized;
    10,219,472 shares issued and outstanding (including 551,672 shares
     committed but not issued)                                               10,220
  Additional paid-in capital                                              3,198,065
  Deferred compensation                                                     (17,187)
  Accumulated other comprehensive income                                     17,715
  Deficit accumulated during the development stage                         (343,965)
    Total stockholders' equity                                            2,864,848


                                            See independent auditors' report and
                         accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements


                                            GOPUBLICNOW.COM, INC. AND SUBSIDIARY
                                                   (A DEVELOPMENT STAGE COMPANY)

                                            CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS


                                                               DECEMBER 2, 1999
                                                               (DATE OF INCEPTION)
                                                               MARCH 31, 2000

Net revenues                                                   $               -

Operating expenses:
  Employee compensation                                                  126,232
  Selling, general and administrative expenses                           224,293
    Total operating expenses                                             350,525

Operating loss                                                          (350,525)

Other income (expense):
  Interest income                                                          7,360

Loss before provision for taxes                                         (343,165)

Provision for taxes                                                          800

Net loss                                                                (343,965)

Other comprehensive income - unrealized gain on marketable
  equity securities, net of tax of $0                                     17,715

Comprehensive loss                                             $        (326,250)

Basic and diluted net loss per common share                    $           (0.04)

Basic and diluted weighted average common  shares outstanding          9,521,819

                                            See independent auditors' report and
                         accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements


                                            GOPUBLICNOW.COM, INC. AND SUBSIDIARY
                                                   (A DEVELOPMENT STAGE COMPANY)


                        FOR THE PERIOD FROM DECEMBER 2, 1999 (DATE OF INCEPTION)
                                                          THROUGH MARCH 31, 2000

                                                                                         Accumulated     Accumulated
                                                                 Additional                Other         During The   Total
                                               Common Stock      Paid-in     Deferred    Comprehensive   Development  Stockholders'
                                           Shares         Amount  Capital    Compensation   Income         Stage        Equity
Balance, December 2, 1999 (date
  of inception)                                 -        $     -     $      -  $      -       $     -        $      -   $        -

Founders' capital contribution on
  December 3, 1999                      8,775,000           8,775      (8,275)        -             -               -          500

Estimated fair market value of 201,000
shares of common stock issued to
 employees on  December 3, 1999           201,000             201      50,049   (17,187)            -               -       33,063

Sale of 541,800 shares of common stock
  at $2.50 per share  on December
   10, 1999  through January 17, 2000,
     net of offering costs of $87,050
      (including 150,000 shares
       issued to consultants and
        finders)                          691,800             692   1,266,758         -             -               -    1,267,450

Sale of 551,672 shares of common stock
  at $3.75 per share on January 18,
   2000  through March 31,  2000,
     net of offering  costs of
      $187,343                            551,672             552   1,880,875         -             -               -    1,881,427


                                            GOPUBLICNOW.COM, INC. AND SUBSIDIARY
                                                   (A DEVELOPMENT STAGE COMPANY)


                        FOR THE PERIOD FROM DECEMBER 2, 1999 (DATE OF INCEPTION)
                                                          THROUGH MARCH 31, 2000

Estimated fair market value of
 warrants  granted to consultant                -               -       8,658         -             -               -        8,658

Unrealized gain on marketable equity
 securities                                     -               -           -         -        17,715               -       17,715

Net loss                                        -               -           -         -             -        (343,965)    (343,965)
                                       ----------         -------  -----------  ---------      -------       ---------  -----------

Balance, March 31, 2000                10,219,472         $10,220  $3,198,065  $(17,187)      $17,715       $(343,965)  $2,864,848
                                       ==========         =======  ==========  =========      =======       ==========  ===========

                                            See independent auditors' report and
                         accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements


                                            GOPUBLICNOW.COM, INC. AND SUBSIDIARY
                                                   (A DEVELOPMENT STAGE COMPANY)

                                            CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS

                                          DECEMBER 2, 1999
                                               (DATE OF
                                           MARCH 31, 2000

Cash flows from operating activities:

  Net loss                                                                                            $      (343,965)
  Estimated fair market value of vested common stock granted to employees                                      33,063
  Estimated fair market value of warrants granted to consultant
  Adjustments to reconcile net loss to net cash used in operating
    Depreciation                                                                                                1,970
    Write-off of property and equipment                                                                        12,000
    Changes in operating assets and liabilities:
      Other assets                                                                                            (16,499)
      Accounts payable and accrued expenses                                                                    80,807
      Deferred revenue                                                                                          5,500

  Net cash used in operating activities                                                                      (218,466)

Cash flows from investing activities:
  Purchases of property and equipment                                                                         (69,498)
  Costs incurred to develop web site                                                                          (97,736)

  Net cash used in investing activities                                                                      (167,234)

Cash flows from financing activities:
  Founders' capital contribution                                                                                  500
  Proceeds from the sale of common stock, net of offering
    costs of $274,393                                                                                       3,148,877

  Net cash provided by financing activities                                                                 3,149,377

Net increase in cash                                                                                        2,763,677

Cash at beginning of period                                                                                         -

Cash at end of period                                                                                 $     2,763,677

Supplemental disclosure of cash flow information:
  Cash paid during the period for:
    Interest                                                                                         $             -
    Income taxes                                                                                     $             -

Supplemental disclosure of non-cash investing and financing activities:
  During the period ended March 31, 2000, the Company received 180,000 shares of restricted common
stock from a public company for services to be rendered, valued at $253,966 (see Note 1).

                                            See independent auditors' report and
                         accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements


                                          GOPUBLICNOW.COM, INC. AND SUBSIDIARY
                                                   (A DEVELOPMENT STAGE COMPANY)

                                      NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

                        FOR THE PERIOD FROM DECEMBER 2, 1999 (DATE OF INCEPTION)
                                                          THROUGH MARCH 31, 2000

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Organization  and  Operations
- -----------------------------

GoPublicNow.com,  Inc.  (a  development stage company) ("GPN" or the "Company"),
was  incorporated  on  December  2,  1999  according to the laws of Nevada.  The
Company  has  been  in  the  development  stage since its inception.  During the
development  stage,  the  Company  is  primarily  engaged  in  raising  capital,
obtaining  financing,  developing  its  web  site, advertising and marketing the
Company,  and  administrative  functions.  The  Company intends to provide a web
site  dedicated  to  helping their customers grow and obtain financing for their
business  ventures.

Principles  of  Consolidation
- -----------------------------

The  consolidated  financial  statements include the accounts of the Company and
GoBizNow.com, a majority owned and a non-operating subsidiary in the development
stage.  All  significant  intercompany  balances  and  transactions  have  been
eliminated  in  consolidation.

Risks  and  Uncertainties
- -------------------------

The  Company is a start-up company subject to the substantial business risks and
uncertainties  inherent  to  such  an  entity,  including  the potential risk of
business  failure.

The Company has a loss of $343,965 for the period from December 2, 1999 (date of
inception)  through  March 31, 2000 and an accumulated deficit of $343,965 as of
March  31,  2000.  Management  believes  that  its  positive  cash  balance  of
$2,763,677  and  revenues  generated  from new contracts subsequent to March 31,
2000  will  be sufficient to funds its operations, capital expenditures, working
capital  requirements and web site development costs for the next twelve months.
There  is  no assurance the Company will be able to generate sufficient revenues
or  obtain  sufficient funds when needed, or that such funds, if available, will
be  obtained  on  terms  satisfactory  to  the  Company.

Use  of  Estimates
- ------------------

The  preparation  of  financial statements in conformity with generally accepted
accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that
affect  the  reported  amounts  of  assets  and  liabilities  and disclosures of
contingent  assets  and  liabilities at the date of the financial statements, as
well  as  the  reported  amounts  of  revenues and expenses during the reporting
period.  Actual  results  could  differ  from  those  estimates.


                                           GOPUBLICNOW.COM, INC. AND SUBSIDIARY
                                                   (A DEVELOPMENT STAGE COMPANY)

                                      NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

                        FOR THE PERIOD FROM DECEMBER 2, 1999 (DATE OF INCEPTION)
                                                          THROUGH MARCH 31, 2000

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------

Organizational  Costs
- ---------------------

The  Company adopted Statement of Position No. 98-5 ("SOP 98-5"), "Reporting the
Costs  of  Start-Up  Activities."  SOP  98-5  requires that all non-governmental
entities expense the cost of start-up activities, including organizational costs
as  those  costs are incurred.  The effect of this pronouncement is reflected in
the  accompanying  consolidated  financial  statements.

Fair  Value  of  Financial  Instruments
- ---------------------------------------

Financial  Accounting  Standards  Board  ("FASB")  issued Statement of Financial
Accounting  Standards  No.  107  ("SFAS  107"), "Disclosures About Fair Value of
Financial  Instruments."  SFAS 107 requires disclosure of fair value information
about  financial instruments when it is practicable to estimate that value.  The
carrying  amount  of  the  Company's  cash  and  cash  equivalents,  marketable
securities,  trade  payables  and  accrued expenses approximates their estimated
fair  values  due  to  the short-term maturities of those financial instruments.

Customer  Concentration
- -----------------------

The  Company  will not be dependent on any single customer or group of customers
for a significant portion of its annual sales.  The Company's customer base will
change  on  a  continuous  basis  as  new  customers  are  added  or  removed.

Cash  and  Cash  Equivalents
- ----------------------------

For  purposes  of the statement of cash flows, cash and cash equivalents consist
of  demand  deposits  in  banks  with  an  initial  maturity of 90 days or less.

Marketable  Securities
- ----------------------

Marketable securities consist of equity securities and are stated at fair market
value. During the period from December 2, 1999 (date of inception) through March
31,  2000,  the  Company  recorded  marketable  securities valued at $253,966 in
consideration  for  future  services  from  an unrelated party.  Pursuant to the
Statements  of  Financial  Accounting Standards No. 115, "Accounting for Certain
Investments  in Debt and Equity Securities," available for sale investments  are
to  be  recorded at their fair market value, with any unrealized gain or loss to
be  reported  as  other comprehensive income (loss) for the period ended.  As of
March  31,  2000, the Company determined the fair market value of the underlying
marketable  securities  to  be  $271,681 and accordingly, reported an unrealized
gain of $17,715 as other comprehensive income and cumulative unrealized gain for
the  period  then  ended.


                                           GOPUBLICNOW.COM, INC. AND SUBSIDIARY
                                                   (A DEVELOPMENT STAGE COMPANY)

                                      NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

                        FOR THE PERIOD FROM DECEMBER 2, 1999 (DATE OF INCEPTION)
                                                          THROUGH MARCH 31, 2000

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------

Property  and  Equipment
- ------------------------

Property  and  equipment  is stated at cost.  Depreciation is computed using the
straight-line  method  over  the  useful  life  of  three  and  seven  years.
Depreciation  expense  for  the  period  ended  March  31,  2000  was  $1,970.

Betterments,  renewals,  and  extraordinary repairs that extend the lives of the
assets  are  capitalized;  other repairs and maintenance charges are expensed as
incurred.  The  cost  and  related accumulated depreciation applicable to assets
retired  are  removed  from the accounts, and the gain or loss on disposition is
recognized  in  current  operations.

The  telephone  system originally purchased and installed during the period, was
replaced  shortly  after  March  31,  2000.  Due  to  the fact that the original
telephone  system  has no alternative use for the Company, and no salvage value,
management  has  written-off the total cost of this telephone system of $12,000.
This  expense  is  reflected  in  the  accompanying statement of operations as a
selling,  general  and  administrative  expense.

Capitalized  Web  Site  Development
- -----------------------------------

In  March  2000, the Emerging Issues Task Force reached a consensus on Issue No.
00-2,  "Accounting  for  Web  Site Development Costs" ("EITF 00-2"). Pursuant to
EITF  00-2,  the  Company  has  capitalized  approximately  $98,000  of web site
development  costs  as  of  March  31,  2000.  No  amortization expense has been
incurred  as  the  web  site  was  not  operational  at  March  31,  2000.

Long-Lived  Assets
- ------------------

During 1995, the FASB issued Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 121
("SFAS  121"),  "Accounting  for  the  Impairment  of  Long-Lived Assets and for
Long-Lived  Assets To Be Disposed Of," which requires that long-lived assets and
certain  identifiable  intangibles  to be held and used by an entity be reviewed
for  impairment  whenever  events  or changes in circumstances indicate that the
carrying  amount  of  an  asset  may not be recoverable.  In accordance with the
provisions  of  SFAS  121,  the  Company regularly reviews long-lived assets and
intangible  assets  for  impairment  whenever events or changes in circumstances
indicate  that the carrying amount of the assets may not be recoverable.   Based
on  its  analysis, the Company believes that no impairment of the carrying value
on  its  long-lived  assets exists at March 31, 2000.  There can be no assurance
however,  that  market  conditions  will not change or demands for the Company's
services  will continue which could result in impairment on long-lived assets in
the  future.


                                           GOPUBLICNOW.COM, INC. AND SUBSIDIARY
                                                   (A DEVELOPMENT STAGE COMPANY)

                                      NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

                        FOR THE PERIOD FROM DECEMBER 2, 1999 (DATE OF INCEPTION)
                                                          THROUGH MARCH 31, 2000

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------

Income  Taxes
- -------------

The  Company  accounts  for income taxes under Statement of Financial Accounting
Standards  No. 109 ("SFAS 109"), "Accounting for Income Taxes."  Under SFAS 109,
deferred  tax  assets  and  liabilities  are  recognized  for  the  future  tax
consequences  attributable  to  differences  between  the  financial  statement
carrying  amounts  of  existing  assets and liabilities and their respective tax
bases.  Deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured using enacted tax rates
expected  to  apply  to  taxable  income  in  the years in which those temporary
differences  are  expected  to be recovered or settled. A valuation allowance is
provided  for  significant  deferred  tax assets when it is more likely than not
that  such  assets  will  not  be  recovered.

Stock-Based  Compensation
- -------------------------

The  FASB  issued  Statement  of  Financial  Accounting Standards No. 123 ("SFAS
123"),  "Accounting  for  Stock-Based  Compensation," which defines a fair value
based  method  of  accounting  for  stock-based compensation.  However, SFAS 123
allows  an  entity to continue to measure compensation cost related to stock and
stock  options  issued  to  employees  using  the intrinsic method of accounting
prescribed by Accounting Principles Board Opinion No. 25 ("APB 25"), "Accounting
for Stock Issued to Employees."  Entities electing to remain with the accounting
method of APB 25 must make pro forma disclosures of net income (loss), as if the
fair  value  method  of  accounting  defined  in SFAS 123 had been applied.  The
Company  has  elected  to  account for its stock-based compensation to employees
under  APB  25.

Revenue  Recognition
- --------------------

The  Company  will  recognize  revenue  during  the  month in which services are
provided  and  on  a  straight-line  basis  over the life of the membership dues
received.  On  certain  agreements,  the Company will take an equity position in
the  client  rather than a cash position, which the Company will record pursuant
to  SFAS  115  and  record  deferred  revenue and recognize the revenue over the
contract  life, as defined.  In addition, the agreements may contain a return of
equity  clause  which  specifies  that  if  the  Company  does  not  satisfy the
requirements  of  the  agreement, as defined, the Company must return all equity
instruments  to  its  clients.

- -----------

Advertising  costs  are  expensed  as incurred.  For the period from December 2,
1999  (date of inception) through March 31, 2000, no advertising costs have been


                                           GOPUBLICNOW.COM, INC. AND SUBSIDIARY
                                                   (A DEVELOPMENT STAGE COMPANY)

                                      NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

                        FOR THE PERIOD FROM DECEMBER 2, 1999 (DATE OF INCEPTION)
                                                          THROUGH MARCH 31, 2000

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------

Earnings  Per  Share
- --------------------

The  Company  has  adopted  Statement  of Financial Accounting Standards No. 128
("SFAS 128"), "Earnings Per Share."  Under SFAS 128, basic earnings per share is
computed  by  dividing  income  available  to  common  shareholders  by  the
weighted-average  number  of  common shares assumed to be outstanding during the
period  of computation.  Diluted earnings per share is computed similar to basic
earnings  per  share  except  that  the  denominator is increased to include the
number  of  additional  common  shares  that  would have been outstanding if the
potential common shares had been issued and if the additional common shares were
dilutive.  Because  the  Company has incurred net losses, basic and diluted loss
per  share  are  the  same  as  additional  potential  common  shares  would  be

Comprehensive  Income
- ---------------------

The  Company  has  adopted  Statement  of Financial Accounting Standards No. 130
("SFAS  130"),  "Reporting Comprehensive Income." SFAS 130 establishes standards
for  reporting  and display of comprehensive income and its components in a full
set of general-purpose financial statements. The effect of SFAS 130 is reflected
in  the  accompanying  consolidated  financial  statements.

Segments  of  Business
- ----------------------

The  Company  has  adopted  Statement  of Financial Accounting Standards No. 131
("SFAS  131"),  "Disclosures  about  Segments  of  an  Enterprise  and  Related
Information"  was  issued.  SFAS  131  changes  the  way public companies report
information  about  segments  of  their  business  in  their  annual  financial
statements  and  requires  them  to report selected segment information in their
quarterly  reports  issued  to  shareholders.  It  also  requires  entity-wide
disclosures  about  the  products  and services an entity provides, the material
countries in which it holds assets and reports revenues and its major customers.
The  Company currently operates in one segment, as disclosed in the accompanying
statement  of  operations.

Recent  Accounting  Pronouncements
- ----------------------------------

In  June  1998,  the FASB issued Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No.
133  ("SFAS  133"),  "Accounting  for  Derivative  Instruments  and  Hedging
Activities."  SFAS  133  establishes  accounting  and  reporting  standards  for
derivative  instruments,  including  certain  derivative instruments embedded in
other  contracts,  and  for  hedging  activities.  It  requires  that  an entity
recognize  all  derivatives as either assets or liabilities on the balance sheet
at  their  fair value.  This statement, as amended by SFAS 137, is effective for
financial statements for all fiscal quarters to all fiscal years beginning after
June  15,  2000.  The  Company  does not expect the adoption of this standard to
have  a material impact on its results of operations, financial position or cash
flows  as  it currently does not engage in any derivative or hedging activities.


                                           GOPUBLICNOW.COM, INC. AND SUBSIDIARY
                                                   (A DEVELOPMENT STAGE COMPANY)

                                      NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

                        FOR THE PERIOD FROM DECEMBER 2, 1999 (DATE OF INCEPTION)
                                                          THROUGH MARCH 31, 2000

- ------------------------------------

Property  and  equipment  consist  of  the  following  as  of  March  31,  2000:

     Automobiles                  $     26,375
     Computers  and  equipment          18,731
     Furniture                          12,392
     Less  accumulated  depreciation    (1,970)

                                  $     55,528

- ---------------------------------

Preferred  Stock
- ----------------

The  Company's  articles  of  incorporation authorize up to 10,000,000 shares of
$0.001  par  value  preferred stock.  Shares of preferred stock may be issued in
one  or  more  classes  or series at such time the Board of Directors determine.
All  shares  of any series shall be equal in rank and identical in all respects.
As  of  March  31,  2000,  no  preferred  shares have been designated or issued.

Common  Stock
- -------------

From  the  Company's  date  of inception to the period ended March 31, 2000, the
Company  had  issued  an  aggregate  of  8,775,000 shares of common stock to the
founders  for  $500.

On  December  3,  1999,  the  Company  issued  201,000  shares  of the Company's
restricted  common stock (valued at $50,250 based on the estimated fair value on
date of grant) to employees.  The shares are contingent upon employment and vest
on  various  dates  through  December  2001.  As  of  March 31, 2000, a total of
132,250  shares  vested  resulting  in  compensation  expense  of  $33,063 being
recognized  for  the  period  ended  March  31,  2000.

On  December  3,  1999,  the  Company  issued  150,000  shares  of the Company's
restricted  common  stock  to  a third party for services rendered in connection
with  raising  funds  pursuant  to  PPM  1999.

On  December  7, 1999, the Company executed a private placement memorandum ("PPM
1999")  for the issuance of 541,800 shares for $1,354,500 ($2.50 per share), net
of  applicable  commissions  and  offering  costs  (estimated  at  6.5% of gross
proceeds).  As of March 31, 2000, 541,800 shares have been issued under this PPM
1999 at $2.50 per share for $1,267,450 (net of commissions and offering costs of
$87,050).  In  addition,  the Company issued warrants to purchase 541,800 shares
of  common  stock  at $7.50 per share and warrants to purchase 541,800 shares of
common  stock  at  $10 per share, which are exercisable for three years from the
date  of  grant.  The  warrants  were  valued  at  $0  (based  on  Black-Scholes
computation  under  SFAS  123).


                                           GOPUBLICNOW.COM, INC. AND SUBSIDIARY
                                                   (A DEVELOPMENT STAGE COMPANY)

                                      NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

                        FOR THE PERIOD FROM DECEMBER 2, 1999 (DATE OF INCEPTION)
                                                          THROUGH MARCH 31, 2000

- ---------------------------------------------

On  January 18, 2000, the Company commenced a private placement memorandum ("PPM
2000")  for a maximum offering of $2,250,000.  Pursuant to PPM 2000, the Company
may  sell  up  to  a maximum of 600,000 units at $3.75 per unit, where each unit
consists of one share of the Company's common stock, one warrant to purchase one
share  of  common stock at $7.50 per share and one warrant to purchase one share
of  common  stock  at $10 per share and are exercisable for three years from the
date  of  grant.  As  of March 31, 2000, the Company sold but has not yet issued
551,672  shares  of common stock for $1,881,427 (net of commissions and offering
costs  of  $187,343)  and  warrants to purchase 1,103,344 shares of common stock
which  were  valued  at  $0 (based on Black-Scholes computation under SFAS 123).

Stock  Options
- --------------

From  time  to  time,  the  Company may issue non-plan stock options pursuant to
various  agreements  with  other  compensatory arrangements.  Under the terms of
various  employment  agreements  with  employees,  the Company issued options to
purchase 341,250 shares of the Company's common stock at exercise prices ranging
from  $0.25 per share to $3.75 per share (the estimated fair market value on the
date  of  grant  by  the  Company was $0.25 per share).  The options vest over a
two-year  period  from the date of grant and are exercisable through March 2010.

The following is a status of the stock options outstanding at March 31, 2000 and
the  changes  during  the  period  ended  March  31,  2000.

                                                                                AVERAGE EXERCISE
                                                         OPTIONS                   PRICE
                                                      --------------          ------------------

     Balance,  December 2, 1999                                  -             $              -
      Granted                                              341,250                         3.30
                                                          --------              ---------------

      Balance, March 31, 2000                              341,250             $           3.30
                                                          ========            =================

      Exercisable, March 31, 2000                           17,320             $           2.59
                                                      ============            =================

      Weighted average fair value of options granted                           $           0.76


                                           GOPUBLICNOW.COM, INC. AND SUBSIDIARY
                                                   (A DEVELOPMENT STAGE COMPANY)

                                      NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

                        FOR THE PERIOD FROM DECEMBER 2, 1999 (DATE OF INCEPTION)
                                                          THROUGH MARCH 31, 2000

- ---------------------------------------------

76,250 of the options outstanding at March 31, 2000 have exercise prices ranging
from  $0.25 to $2.50 per share, a weighted average exercise price of $1.73 and a
weighted  average  remaining  contractual  life  of  9.8  years.  8,320 of these
options are exercisable at March 31, 2000.  265,000 of these options outstanding
have  an exercise price of $3.75 per share, a weighted average exercise price of
$3.75  and a weighted average remaining contractual life of 9.9 years.  9,000 of
these  options  are  exercisable  at  March  31,  2000.

SFAS  123  Pro  Forma  Information
- ----------------------------------

Pro  forma  information regarding net income (loss) is required by SFAS 123, and
has  been  determined  as  if  the  Company had accounted for its employee stock
options  under  the  fair  value  method  of SFAS 123.  The fair value for these
options  was  estimated  at  the  date  of  grant using the Black Scholes option
pricing  model  with  the  following  assumptions for the period ended March 31,
2000:  risk  free  interest rate of 8.5%; dividend yield of 0%; expected life of
the  options  of three years; and volatility factor of the expected market price
of  the  Company's  common  stock  of  0%.

For  purposes  of pro forma disclosures, the estimated fair value of the options
is  amortized  to  expense over the option vesting period.  Adjustments are made
for  options forfeited prior to vesting.  The effect on compensation expense and
net  loss  had  compensation  cost for the Company's stock option issuances been
determined  based  on  fair  value  on  the  date  of  grant consistent with the
provisions  of  SFAS  123  is  as  follows:

                                                 AS REPORTED          PRO FORMA
                                                 -----------          ---------

     Net  loss                               $     (343,965)     $     (354,272)
                                                   ========            ========

     Basic  and  diluted  loss  per  share   $       (0.04)      $       (0.04)
                                                     =====               =====

- --------

From  time  to  time, the Company issues warrants pursuant to various agreements
and other compensatory arrangements.  Under the terms of various agreements with
consultants,  the  Company  issued  warrants  to  purchase  20,125 shares of the
Company's  common stock at exercise prices ranging from $0.25 per share to $3.75
per  share.  The  warrants  vest  in three months from the date of grant and are
exercisable  through  February  2010.  Under  SFAS  123,  $12,990  of consulting
expense is to be recognized, of which $8,658 has been recognized as of March 31,
2000.  In  addition,  the Company issued 2,186,944 warrants to various investors
as  part  of  various  private  placement  memorandums  (see  Note  3).

The fair value of each warrant granted during the period ended March 31, 2000 is
estimated  using  the Black-Scholes pricing model on the date of grant using the
following  assumptions: (i) risk free interest rate of 8.5%; (ii) dividend yield
of  0%;  (iii) expected life of the warrants of three years; and (iv) volatility
of  0%.


                                           GOPUBLICNOW.COM, INC. AND SUBSIDIARY
                                                   (A DEVELOPMENT STAGE COMPANY)

                                      NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

                        FOR THE PERIOD FROM DECEMBER 2, 1999 (DATE OF INCEPTION)
                                                          THROUGH MARCH 31, 2000

- ---------------------------------------------

The  following represents a summary of warrants outstanding for the period ended
March  31,  2000:

                                               AS REPORTED          PRO FORMA
                                               -----------          ---------

     Balance,  December  2,  1999        $             -             $     -
          Granted                              2,207,069                8.72
                                               ---------                ----

     Balance,  March  31,  2000          $     2,207,069             $  8.72
                                               =========                ====

     Exercisable,  March  31,  2000            2,202,069                8.72
                                               =========                ====

     Weighted  average  fair value of warrants granted               $ 0.006

20,125  of  the  warrants  outstanding  at  March  31, 2000 have exercise prices
between  $0.25  per  share  to $3.75 per share, with a weighted average exercise
price  of  $2.86 and a weighted average remaining contractual life of 9.9 years.
15,125  of  these  warrants  are  exercisable  at March 31, 2000.  The remaining
warrants have exercise prices between $7.50 per share and $10.00 per share, with
a  weighted  average  exercise  price  of $8.75 and a weighted average remaining
contractual  life of 2.95 years.  All of these warrants are exercisable at March
31,  2000.

- -------------------------

The  tax  effects  of  temporary differences that give rise to deferred taxes at
March  31,  2000  are  as  follows:

     Deferred  tax  asset:
          Net  operating  loss  carryforward                  $     113,000
          Expenses  recognized  for  granting  of
           options  and  warrants                                     3,400
          Total  gross  deferred  tax  asset                        116,400

     Less  valuation  allowance                                    (116,400)

          Net  deferred  tax  asset                           $           -

The  valuation  allowance  increased by approximately $116,400 during the period
ended  March  31,  2000.  No  current  provision for income taxes for the period
ended  March  31,  2000  is  required, except for minimum state taxes, since the
Company  incurred  losses  during  the  period.


                                           GOPUBLICNOW.COM, INC. AND SUBSIDIARY
                                                   (A DEVELOPMENT STAGE COMPANY)

                                      NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

                        FOR THE PERIOD FROM DECEMBER 2, 1999 (DATE OF INCEPTION)
                                                          THROUGH MARCH 31, 2000

- -------------------------------------

The  provision for income taxes for the period ended March 31, 2000 differs from
the  amount computed by applying the U.S. Federal income tax rate of 34% to loss
before  income  taxes  as  a  result  of  the  following:

     Computed  tax  benefit  at  federal  statutory  rate     $     (90,000)
     State  income  tax  benefit,  net  of  federal  effect         (17,000)
     Increase  in  valuation  allowance                             116,400
     Other,  net                                                     (8,600)

                                                              $         800

As  of  March  31,  2000,  the  Company  had net operating loss carryforwards of
approximately  $90,000  and  $23,000  for federal and state income tax reporting
purposes,  which  expire  in  2015  and  2005,  respectively.

- ----------------------------------------

The  Company  subleases  its  corporate  and  operations  offices under a verbal
agreement  from a company under control of the majority stockholder.  The amount
of  rent  expense  is  passed  through at cost to the Company.  Rent expense was
$25,113  for  the  period  ended  March  31,  2000.

- --------------------------------

The  following  is  a  reconciliation  of the numerators and denominators of the
basic and diluted earnings per share computations for the period ended March 31,

     Numerator  for  basic  and  diluted  earnings  per  share:
          Net  loss  charged  to  common  stockholders          $     (343,965)
          Denominator  for  basic  and  diluted  earnings
          per  share:
          Weighted  average  shares                                  9,521,819

     Basic  and  diluted  earnings  per  share                  $        (0.04)


                                           GOPUBLICNOW.COM, INC. AND SUBSIDIARY
                                                   (A DEVELOPMENT STAGE COMPANY)

                                      NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

                        FOR THE PERIOD FROM DECEMBER 2, 1999 (DATE OF INCEPTION)
                                                          THROUGH MARCH 31, 2000

- ------------------------------

- ------

Pursuant  to  an  acquisition  agreement (the "Acquisition Agreement") Effective
April 6,  2000, the Company  ("GPN - Nevada") completed a transaction whereby it
was merged with and into DermaRX Corporation ("DMRX") and the separate corporate
existence  of  GPN-Nevada  ceased.  The  transaction  was recorded as a "reverse
acquisition" (the "Merger") where GPN-Nevada was considered to be the accounting
acquiror  as  it  retained control of DMRX after the merger. Simultaneously with
the  Merger,  the  name DMRX was changed to GoPublicNow.com ("GPN"), and all the
outstanding  shares  of  common  stock  of  GPN  -  Nevada  were  exchanged on a
one-for-one basis for shares of common stock of GPN.    Immediately prior to the
merger,  the  common  stock of DMRX was reduced by a one for five reverse split.

At the time of the merger DMRX had 766,117 shares outstanding.  By virtue of the
merger,  the  shareholders  of  GPN - Nevada acquired 10,100,123 shares of DMRX.
The  total  issued,  outstanding,  and committed shares of the combined entities
subsequent  to  the  merger was 10,866,240 shares.  Since DMRX's operations from
December 2, 1999 through the date of acquisition were insignificant, a pro forma
consolidated  balance  sheet  and consolidated statement of operations as of and
for  the  period  ended  March  31,  2000  are  not  presented  here.

Equity  Transactions
- --------------------

In  April  2000,  the Company completed its PPM 2000 by selling 17,650 shares of
its  common  stock  for  $66,187.

In  May  2000,  the  Company purchased 200,000 shares of its free trading common
stock  for  $300,000  in  a  privately  negotiated  transaction.

- ------------

In  April  2000,  the  Company  provided its initial funding of $200,000 for its
majority-owned  subsidiary  GoBizNow.com.  The  Company  commenced  a  private
placement  memorandum  selling  a  maximum  of 300,000 shares of common stock at
$1.75.  As  of  June  16, 2000, GoBizNow.com sold approximately 60,000 shares of
common  stock  for  $105,000.

In  May  2000, the Company incorporated its subsidiary GPN Securities, Inc.  The
Company  intends  to operate GPN Securities, Inc. as a broker dealer in order to
provide  funding  and  other  financial  services  to  its  customers.



To  the  Board  of  Directors
DermaRx  Corporation

We  have  audited  the  accompanying  balance sheet of DermaRx Corporation as of
February  29,  2000,  and  the  related  statements  of  operations,  changes in
stockholders'  (deficit),  and  cash  flows  for  the  year  then  ended.  These
financial  statements  are  the responsibility of the Company's management.  Our
responsibility  is  to express an opinion on these financial statements based on
our  audits.

We  conducted  our  audits  in  accordance  with  generally  accepted  auditing
standards.  Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain
reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material
misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements.  An audit also includes
assessing  the  accounting  principles  used  and  significant estimates made by
management,  as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
We  believe  that  our  audits  provide  a  reasonable  basis  for  our opinion.

In  our  opinion,  the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in
all  material  respects,  the  financial  position  of DermaRx Corporation as of
February  29,  2000,  and  the  results  of  its  operations,  its  changes  in
stockholders' (deficit) and its cash flows for the year then ended in conformity
with  generally  accepted  accounting  principles.

The  accompanying  financial  statements  have  been  prepared assuming that the
Company  will  continue  as  a  going  concern.  As  discussed  in Note 2 to the
accompanying  financial  statements,  the  Company has suffered recurring losses
from  operations  and  has  a  net  capital  deficiency.  These conditions raise
substantial  doubt  about  the  ability  of  the  Company to continue as a going
concern.  The  financial  statements  do  not include any adjustments that might
result  from  the  outcome  of  this  uncertainty.

/s/ Miller and McCollom

Miller  and  McCollom
Certified  Public  Accountants
7400  West  14th  Avenue,  Suite  10
Lakewood,  CO  80215

April  21,  2000


                                 Paul C. Roberts
                           Certified Public Accountant
                                800 Bedford Road
                            Pleasantville, NY  10570

                          INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT

To  the  Board  of  Directors  and  Shareholders
DermaRx,  Inc.

I  have  audited the accompanying balance sheet of DermaRx, Inc. at February 28,
1999,  and the related statements of operations, changes in common stockholders'
equity  and  cash flows for the year then ended.  These financial statements are
the responsibility of the Company's management.  My responsibility is to express
an  opinion  on  these  financial  statements  based  on  my  audits.

I  conducted my audits in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards.
Those  standards  require that I plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable
assurance  about  whether  the  financial  statements  are  free  of  material
misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements.  An audit also includes
assessing  the  accounting  principles  used  and  significant estimates made by
management,  as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
I  believe  that  my  audits  provide  a  reasonable  basis  for  my  opinion.

In my opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all
material respects, the financial position of DermaRx, Inc. at February 28, 1999,
and  the  results  of  its  operations  and  its  cash  flows  for them ended in
conformity  with  generally  accepted  accounting  principles.

The  accompanying  financial  statements  have  been  prepared assuming that the
Company  will  continue  as  a  going  concern.  As  discussed  in Note 2 to the
financial  statements,  the  Company's  past default on certain loan agreements,
recurring  losses,  and  past  deficiencies in working capital raise substantial
doubt  about the Company's ability to continue as a going concern.  Management's
plans  in  regard to these matters are also described in Note 2 to the financial
statements.  The  financial statements do not include any adjustments that might
result  from  the  outcome  of  this  uncertainty.

                                             /s/ Paul C. Roberts

                                             Paul  C.  Roberts
                                             Certified  Public  Accountants

Pleasantville,  New  York
June  14,  1999

                               DERMARX CORPORATION
                                 BALANCE SHEETS

                                                             February 29, 2000    February 28, 1999
                                                             -------------------  -------------------

Current assets:
 Cash and cash equivalents                                   $            1,408        $          22
 Accounts receivable - trade                                                565                5,459
 Inventory - finished goods (Note 10)                                     8,673               39,899
 Other receivables (less allowance for doubtful
 accounts, $25,000 in 2000 and $0 in 1999                                     -               31,520
                                                              -----------------    -----------------
 Total current assets                                                    10,646               76,900

Property and equipment:
 Equipment, net of accumulated depreciation of
 $18,542 in 2000 and $17,357 in 1999                                      1,762                2,948

Other assets:
 Patents, net of accumulated amortization of
 $66,461 in 2000 and $57,598 in 1999                                     84,230               93,093
                                                               ----------------     ----------------
 Total assets                                                $           96,638        $     172,941
                                                             ==================      ===============

Current liabilities:
 Notes payable                                               $          190,950        $     175,950
 Notes payable - related party                                           25,000               50,000
 Accrued interest - notes payable                                        40,625               17,601
 Accrued interest - notes payable, related party                          3,125               14,301
 Accounts payable and accrued expenses                                   31,601               28,464
 Accrued compensation                                                   143,333              143,333
 License agreement deposit                                               22,500                    -
 Other loans payable                                                     17,500                    -
                                                               ----------------     ----------------
 Total current liabilities                                              474,634              429,649
                                                               ----------------     ----------------
Commitments and contingent liabilities (Note 8)
Redeemable Preferred Stock Note
     Preferred Stock $.10 par value  800 shares authorized
     None issued in 1999 or 2000
Common stockholders' (deficit): (Notes 6, 11 and 12)
 Common stock, $.05 par value:  12,000,000
 shares authorized; 399,961 shares issued
 and outstanding in 1999 and 419,961
 shares in 2000                                                          20,998               19,998
 Additional paid-in capital                                           4,608,610            4,604,980
 Accumulated (deficit)                                               (5,007,604)          (4,881,686)
                                                                ----------------      ---------------
 Total stockholders' (deficit)                                         (377,996)            (256,708)

 Total liabilities and stockholders' (deficit)               $           96,638        $      172,941
                                                                =================      ===============

          See accompanying auditors' reports and notes to financial statements.


                               DERMARX CORPORATION
                            STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS
                                   YEAR ENDED

                                        February 29, 2000    February 28, 1999
                                        -------------------  -------------------

  Sales, net discounts                  $           18,048   $          121,262
  Cost of goods sold                                (4,420)             (18,252)
                                        -------------------  -------------------
  Gross profit                                      13,628              103,010
                                        -------------------  -------------------
  General and administrative                        97,101              279,428
  Write-down of inventory ( Note 10)                30,957               98,465
  Research and development                               -               30,000
                                         -----------------   -------------------
                                                   128,058              407,893
                                         -----------------    ------------------
  (Loss) from operations                          (114,430)            (304,883)

  Other income (expense)
  Interest income                                      360                   48
  Interest expense                                 (11,848)             (25,605)
                                         ------------------   ------------------
  Net (loss)                            $         (125,918)  $         (330,440)
                                        ===================  ===================
  Net (loss) per common share           $            (0.31)  $            (0.86)
                                        -------------------  -------------------
  Weighted average shares outstanding              401,627              383,134
                                        ===================  ===================

           See accompanying auditors' reports and notes to financial statements.

                               DERMARX CORPORATION
           FOR THE YEARS ENDED FEBRUARY 28, 1999 AND FEBRUARY 29, 2000

                                  COMMON STOCK

                                                  Par       Additional Paid-    Accumulated
                                      Shares      Value      in Capital         Deficit       Total
                                      -------  -----------  -----------        ------------   --------
February 28, 1998                     347,048  $    17,352  $ 4,474,030         $(4,551,246)  $ (59,864)
Shares issued in private placements    24,720        1,236       60,564                   -      61,800
Shares issued in connection with
   conversion of notes payable          7,466          373       18,293                   -      18,666
Shares issued for services and              -
   accrued expenses                    20,727        1,036       51,723              52,759
Net (loss)                                  -            -            -            (330,440)   (330,440)
                                      -------  -----------  -----------         ------------  ----------

February 28, 1999                     399,961  $    19,998  $ 4,604,610         $(4,881,686)  $(257,078)

Shares issued for legal fees           20,000        1,000        4,000               5,000
                                            -            -
Net (loss)                                  -            -            -            (125,918)   (125,918)
                                      -------  -----------  -----------         ------------  ----------

February 29, 2000                     419,961  $    20,998  $ 4,608,610         $(5,007,604)  $(377,996)
  ____________                        _______   __________   __________          __________  ============

           See accompanying auditors' reports and notes to financial statements.


                               DERMARX CORPORATION
                            STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS
              YEARS ENDED FEBRUARY 29, 2000, AND FEBRUARY 28, 1999

                                                                 2000                                    1999
                                                           --------------------          ------------------------------


Cash flows from operating activities:
 Net (loss)                                                    $ (125,918)                         $    (330,440)
 Adjustments to reconcile net (loss) to net cash (used)
 by operating activities:
 Expenses paid by issuance of stock                                 5,000                                 52,759
 Discount on notes amortized                                            0                                 13,095
 Depreciation                                                       1,185                                  4,831
         Amortization of patents                                    8,863                                  8,863
 Changes in assets and liabilities:
 Decrease in accounts receivable                                    5,164                                 11,341
 Decrease in other receivables                                     31,250                                      0
         Decrease in inventory including inventory write-off       31,226                                 89,217
 Decrease in prepaid expenses                                           0                                  1,487
 (Increase) decrease in other assets                                    0                                (28,000)
 Increase in accounts payable, accrued interest
 and accrued expenses                                              14,616                                 44,925
 Increase in license agreement deposit                             22,500
                                                                ----------                        ---------------
 Net cash (used) by operating activities:                          (6,114)                              (131,922)
                                                               ------------                        --------------

Cash flow from investing activities:                                    0                                      0

 Proceeds from issuance of common stock                                 0                                62,000
 Proceeds from debt obligations                                    50,000                                10,000
 Repayment of debt obligations                                    (50,000)                              (11,000)
 Proceeds from other loans                                          7,500                                     0
Net cash provided by financing activities:                          7,130                                61,000
                                                               ------------                        -------------
                                                                       -                                     -

Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents                1,386                               (70,900)

Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of year                           22                                70,922
                                                               -------------                       ---------------

Cash and cash equivalents, end of year                         $    1,408                           $        22
                                                               ---------------                     ----------------

Interest paid                                                  $   11,848                           $    22,605
                                                               ===============                      ================
Income Taxes paid                                              $        0                           $         0
                                                               ================                     =================

   See accompanying auditors' reports and notes to financial statements.


                               DERMARX CORPORATION
                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                FEBRUARY 29, 2000



The  Company  was  organized on June 4, 1985, under the name Vocaltech, Inc.  On
December  11, 1992, the Company changed its name to Innotek, Inc. and on January
24,  1995,  again  changed  its  name to DermaRx, Inc (Company).  The Company is
engaged  in  the development and sale of proprietary, non-prescription wound and
skin  care products to retailers, hospitals, nursing homes and home health care.
A  wholly-owned  subsidiary,  Dermedics,  Inc.  was inoperative during the years
ended  February  29,  2000,  and  February  28,  1999.


The  Company  recognizes  sales  and the related costs of sales upon shipment of


Property  and  equipment  are  reflected  at  cost.

Property and equipment are being depreciated over estimated useful lives of five
years,  principally  using  the  straight-line  method  for  both  book  and tax
reporting  purposes.  Patents are being amortized using the straight-line method
over  a  period of ten to seventeen years.  Depreciation expense on property and
equipment  for  2000  and  1999  respectively  were  $  1,185  and  $4,831.


(Loss)  per  share  is  computed  on the basis of the weighted-average number of
common  shares  outstanding  during the periods.  The weighted-average number of
shares of common stock does not include common equivalent shares for the assumed
exercise  of  the  common  stock  options  and  warrants, as the effect would be


For  purposes  of  the statement of cash flows, the Company considers all highly
liquid  investments  purchased with an original maturity of three months or less
to  be  cash  equivalents.

Intangibles  are  stated at amortized costs.  Amortization is computed using the
straight-line  method  over  the  estimated  useful  lives  of  the  assets.

The  carrying  value  of  cash,  trading  accounts receivable, accounts payable,
accrued  liabilities  and amounts due related parties reflected in the financial
statement  approximates  fair  value  due  to  the  short-term  maturity  of the


                               DERMARX CORPORATION
                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                FEBRUARY 29, 2000



The  preparation  of  the  financial  statements  in  conformity  with generally
accepted  accounting  principles  requires  management  to  make  estimates  and
assumptions  that  affect  the  reported  amount  of  assets and liabilities and
disclosure  of  contingent  assets  and liabilities at the date of the financial
statements  and  revenues  and  expenses  during  the  reporting period.  Actual
results  could  differ  from  those  estimates.


Inventory  is valued at the lower of cost or market, with cost determined by the
first  in,  first  out  (FIFO)  method.


The Company adopted Statement of Financial Accounting Standards ("FAS") No. 130,
"Reporting  Comprehensive  Income"  FAS No. 130 requires that the components and
total  amounts  of comprehensive income be displayed in the financial statements
beginning  in 1998.  Comprehensive income includes net income and all changes in
equity  during  a  period  that  arise  from  nonowner  sources, such as foreign
currency  items and unrealized gains and losses on certain investments in equity
securities.  The  Company  does  not have any components of comprehensive income
other  than  net  income.


The  Company  has  had  recurring  operating  losses  of $ 125,918 in 2000 and $
330,440  in  1999  ,  has been in default of certain debt agreements and has had
deficiencies  in  working capital of $463,988 in 2000 and $352,749 in 1999 which
raise  doubt  about  the  Company's  ability  to  continue  as  a going concern.

During  the year ended February 29, 2000, the Company attempted to raise capital
and  entered  into  an  acquisition  agreement  described  in  Notes  12 and 13.


                               DERMARX CORPORATION
                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                FEBRUARY 29, 2000
On  December  31,  1998,  the  Company adopted Statement of Financial Accounting
Standards  No.  131  "Disclosures  about  Segments  of an Enterprise and Related
Information:  ("SFAS  131").  The  new  rules  revise  established standards for
public  companies  relating  to  the  reporting  of  financial  and  descriptive
information  about their business segments and their enterprise-wide operations.
The  Company  operates  in  one  segment,  and  one  geographic  area.


During  the  year  ended  February  28,  1995,  the Company raised $315,500 in a
private  placement by issuance of three year notes which bear interest at a rate
of  6%  per  annum.  In  connection  with the issuance of the notes, the Company
issued  25,240  shares  of its common stock to the noteholders.  During the year
ended  February 28, 1996, holders of $230,500 of the notes plus interest accrued
thereon  converted  to common stock of the Company.  Of this amount $140,500 was
converted  by  officers  and  directors  of  the Company.  During the year ended
February  28,  1999,  holders  of  $10,000  of  the notes, plus accrued interest
thereon,  converted into 7,467 shares of common stock of the Company.  Aggregate
maturities  of  past  due  notes  payable  at February 29, 2000, are as follows:


Fiscal Year                Amount
- ------------------------  ----------

 2000                     $ 215,950
 Less:  Current Portion    (215,950)
                          $       -


The Company has changed its method of accounting for income taxes to comply with
the  provisions  of  SFAS No. 109, Accounting for Income Taxes.  This accounting
change  had  no  significant  impact  on  the  Company's  financial  statements.

As  of  February  28, 2000, the Company has net operating loss carry forwards of
approximately  $4,675,000  for  both financial statement and income tax purposes
which expire in the years 2001 through 2015, and unused research and development
credits  of  $21,000  which  expire  in  2001.  The  Company has provided a full
valuation  reserve  against the benefit of the net operating loss and unused R&D
Credits  due  to  uncertainty  regarding  its  ability to use them.  A change in
ownership  of  more  than  50%  of  the  Company  could  reduce or eliminate the
Companies  ability  to  utilize  those  loss  carryovers.

               Deferred  Tax  Assets                    $  1,850,000
               Loss  Valuation  Allowance                  1,850,000
               Net  Deferred  Tax  Assets               $          -


                               DERMARX CORPORATION
                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                FEBRUARY 29, 2000


The Company has authorized 800 shares of $.10 par value Series A 14% convertible
preferred stock.  The holders of the Series A preferred stock are entitled to 15
votes  per  share  on all matters submitted to a vote of the common shareholders
and  are  entitled  in  liquidation  to  share price plus all accrued and unpaid
dividends.  No  preferred stock shares were outstanding as of February 29, 2000,
or  February  28,  1999.


During  October  1999,  the Company had a 5 to 1 reverse stock split of its $.05
par  value  stock.  On  March  6, 2000, the Company had a second 5 for 1 reverse
stock  split.  In  accordance with SAB 83, the financial statements and footnote
disclosure  reflect  the  reverse  stock  split  for  all  reporting periods.

During  the  year  ended  February 28, 1999, the Company issued 24,720 shares of
common  stock  for  net  proceeds  of  $62,000.

During  the  year  ended  February 28, 1999, the Company issued 20,725 shares of
common  stock  for  services  and  conversion  of  accrued  expenses.

During  the year ended February 29, 2000, the Company issued 20,000 shares of
common  stock  for  legal  services.


In  July  1990,  the Company issued warrants to purchase 19,048 shares of common
stock  of  the  Company  at  $3.15 per share that expired August 1, 1994.  These
warrants  were issued along with convertible debentures.  During the fiscal year
ended  February  28,  1992, the debentures were in default.  As consideration to
waive the default, the Company extended the date of expiration for five years to
August  1,  1999.  None of the warrants were exercised before expiration and all
had  expired  prior  to  February  29,  2000.


In  April  1,  1999,  The  Company  filed a lawsuit against a former officer and
director  and  against a former business manager.  Although the Company believes
its  claims  to be meritorious, however, the ultimate outcome of the suit cannot
be  determined.

The  Company  does  not  have  any  outstanding  lease  obligations.

The  Company  has  commitments  and  contingencies  in connection with the Shell
Acquisition  Agreement  described  in  Note  11.


                               DERMARX CORPORATION
                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                FEBRUARY 29, 2000


For  the  years ended February 29, 2000, and February 28, 1999, there were three
customers, who accounted for more than ten percent of the Company's sales of its
non-prescription  products.  The  Company has suspended its direct sales efforts
after  February  29,  2000.  See  licensing  agreement  in  Note  13.


During  the  years  ended  February 29, 2000, and February 28, 1999, the Company
wrote  down  its  inventory  reflecting  decline in value by $30,957 in 2000 and
$98,465  in  1999.


As  of  February  29,  2000,  the  Company  entered  into  an  agreement whereby
shareholders  owning  or  representing not less than 51% of the Company's shares
agreed  to  sell  their  shares  to the acquiring party.  The agreement's terms,
among  others, provided that the existing business of the Company be transferred
to  a subsidiary of the Company with a subsequent spin-off of such subsidiary to
the  company's  existing  shareholders  prior  to  the  acquisition.

Other  requirements directly related to the Company, its officers and directors,
and  to  its  shareholders  were  included  in  the  agreement.


On  March  6,  2000,  the  Board  of  Directors  approved  and later approved by
shareholders,  an  amendment  to  the  Company's Certificate of Incorporation to
change  the  name  of the Company from DermaRx Corporation  to  GoPublicNow.com,
Inc.   The  Company  also  authorized  an  increase  in  the  capital  stock  to
110,000,000  shares from 12,000,000 shares and to change its par value from $.05
per  share to $.001 per share.  An added class of 10,000,000 shares of preferred
stock,  par  value  $.001,  was  also  authorized.

Subsequent  to  the  above-mentioned  stock  split,  the  Company registered the
issuance  of  346,100  shares  of  the  new  par  value  stock  under  a  salary
reimbursement  plan  and  legal  services  agreement.


                               DERMARX CORPORATION
                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                FEBRUARY 29, 2000


In  connection  with  arrangements  resulting under the acquisition agreement, a
substantial portion of liabilities existing at February 29, 2000, have been paid
or  settled.


Effective  March 1, 2000, the Company entered into a licensing agreement for the
selling of its skin care products.  A fee deposit of $22,500 was received during
February,  2000.  The balance of a $50,000 total non-refundable fee was received
subsequent  to  February  29,  2000.  The  agreement  provides  for  the amounts
received  by  the  Company  to  be  paid  for  legal  fees including the lawsuit
described  in  Note  9.  The  license is for an initial term of three years with
annual renewals so long as the licensee complies with the agreement.  The annual
licensing fee is to be 5% of net profits before taxes for the sale of designated
skin  products  with  a  minimum  of  $20,000  annual  fee after three years for
renewing  the  license.


Pro  Forma  Financial  Information
- ----------------------------------

On  April  6, 2000, DermaRx Corporation, a Delaware corporation, acquired all of
the  outstanding common stock of GoPublicNow.com, Inc., a Nevada corporation, in
a  businses  combination  described  as a "reverse acquisition."  For accounting
purposes,  the  acquisition  has  been  treated  as the acquisition of DermRx by

Immediately prior to the acquisition, DermaRx had 750,080 shares of common stock
outstanding.  As  part of DermaRx's reorganization with GoPublicNow.com, DermaRx
issued  10,326,123  shares  of  its  common  stock  to  the  shareholders  of
GoPublicNow.com  in  exchange  for  10,326,123  shares of GoPublicNow.com common
stock.  Immediately  folowing  the  merger,  DermaRx  changed  its  name  to
GoPublicNow.com,  Inc.

The  operations  of  DermaRx  had  substantially  ceased  before the time of the
acquisition  and  DermaRx had nominal assets and liabilities.  The operations of
DermaRx will not be continued by the surviving entity.  GoPublicNow (Nevada) was
incorporated  in  December  1999,  and  at  the  time  of the acquisition had no
revenue.  In  light  of  these  facts  and  circumstances,  disclosure  of prior
financial  information in pro forma presentation is not deemed to be material to
an  understanding  of  future  operations and accordingly no pro forma financial
information  is  presented  here.  For  an  understanding of the prior financial
information  of  GoPublicNow.com  (Nevada)  and DermaRx, please see the separate
audited  financial  statements  attached as exhibits to this Form 8-K/A.  For an
understanding  of  management's  plans for the surviving entity, please see Form
8-K  filed  April  6,  2000.



        GPN  as  the  successor  issuer  has  a  fiscal year end of December 31.
DMRX's fiscal year was February 28.  GPN will retain its December 31 fiscal year


*3.1     Articles  of  Incorporation  of  the  Company,  as  amended

*3.2     Bylaws  of  the  Company

*3.3     Articles and Agreement of Merger of GoPublicNow.com, Inc. into
         DermaRx Corporation

*3.4     Certificate of Merger of GoPublicNow.com, Inc. into
         DermaRx Corporation

10.1     Shell Acquisition Agreement dated February 24, 2000
- -----
*Previously filed


        Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
Registrant has duly caused this report on Form 8-K/A to be signed on its behalf
by the  undersigned  hereunto  duly  authorized.

                                            GOPUBLICNOW.COM,  INC.

                                              /s/  Bruce  A.  Berman
                                              President  and  Chief  Executive

Date:  JUNE 19,  2000