THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

Check  the  appropriate  box:
/ X /     Preliminary  Information  Statement
/   /     Confidential,  for  Use  of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule
/   /     Definitive  Information  Statement

                          TANGIBLE ASSET GALLERIES, INC.

Payment  of  Filing  Fee  (Check  the  appropriate  box):

/ X /      No  fee  required.
/   /      Fee  computed  on  table  below  per Exchange Act Rules 14c-5(g) and

     1)     Title  of  each  class  of  securities to which transaction applies:
     2)     Aggregate  number  of  securities  to  which  transaction  applies:
     3)     Per unit price or other  underlying  value  of transaction computed
pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which the filing fee
is  calculated  and  state  how  it  was  determined):
     4)     Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
     5)     Total  fee  paid:

/   /      Fee  paid  previously  with  preliminary  materials.
/   /      Check  box  if  any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange
          Act  Rule 0-11 (a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting
          fee  was paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration
          statement  number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

     1)     Amount  Previously  Paid:
     2)     Form,  Schedule  or  Registration  Statement  No.:
     3)     Filing  Party:
     4)     Date  Filed:


                         TANGIBLE ASSET GALLERIES, INC.
                                  3444 VIA LIDO
                             NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663

                              INFORMATION STATEMENT


     This  information  statement  is  being  mailed  or  otherwise furnished to
stockholders  of Tangible Asset Galleries, a Nevada corporation (the "Company"),
in  connection  with  the prior receipt by the Board of Directors of approval by
written  consent of the holders of a majority of the Company's common stock (the
"Voting  Capital  Stock")  of  proposals  (the  "Proposals")  to:

     (i)  approve  an  amendment  (the  "Articles Amendment") to the Articles of
Incorporation  to  increase  the  authorized capital stock to 265,000,000 shares
from 115,000,000 shares, which will include an increase of the authorized shares
of  common  stock,  par  value  $0.001  per  share,  to  250,000,000 shares from
100,000,000  shares.  The  number  of  authorized shares of preferred stock, par
value  $0.001  per  share  will  remain  at  15,000,000  shares;  and

     (ii)  approve an amendment (the "Bylaws Amendment") to the Company's Bylaws
reducing  the  number  of authorized Directors from seven (7) to five (5).  Both
the  Articles  Amendment and the Bylaws Amendment shall collectively be referred
to  as  the  "Amendments."

     The  Company  recently entered into a financing agreement with an unrelated
third  party  for  an equity investment in the Company (as described below).  In
order to provide for such investment, the Board of Directors believes that it is
advisable  and in the best interests of the Company to have available additional
authorized  but unissued shares of common stock in an amount adequate to provide
for  current  and  future  needs.  Additionally,  as  a  result  of  the  recent
resignations  of two of the Company's directors, and to accommodate the terms of
the  financing,  the  Board  and  a  majority of the stockholders of the Company
believe  it  advisable to reduce the number of authorized Directors to five (5).

     This  information statement is being first sent to stockholders on or about
May 27,  2002.  The  Company  anticipates  that  the  Amendments  will become
effective  on  or  about  June 17,  2002.

                        WE ARE NOT ASKING YOU FOR A PROXY


     The  vote  which  was required to approve the Proposals was the affirmative
vote  of  the holders of a majority of the Company's Voting Capital Stock.  Each
holder  of  common  stock  is  entitled  to  one  (1)  vote for each share held.

     The  record  date  for  purposes  of  determining the number of outstanding
shares of common stock of the Company, and for determining stockholders entitled
to  vote, is the close of business on March 27, 2002 (the "Record Date").  As of
the  Record Date, the Company had outstanding 41,211,463 shares of common stock.
Holders  of  the  shares  have no preemptive rights.  All outstanding shares are
fully  paid and nonassessable.  The transfer agent for the common stock is Stock
Transfer  Agency  of  Lake  Tahoe.


     A  written  consent in lieu of a meeting of Stockholders of the Corporation
(the  "Consent  to  Action")  adopting  and  approving  the  Amendments has been
executed  by the holders of a majority of the outstanding shares of common stock
of  the  Company.  The  written  consent taken pursuant to Section 78.320 of the
Nevada  General Corporation Law, which permits any action that may be taken at a
meeting  of the stockholders to be taken by the written consent to the action by
the  holders  of  the  number  of shares of voting stock required to approve the
action  at  a  meeting.

     All  necessary  corporate approvals in connection with the matters referred
to  herein  have been obtained. This Information Statement is being furnished to
all  stockholders of the Company pursuant to Section 14(c) of the Securities and
Exchange  Act  of  1934  ("Exchange Act")and the rules thereunder solely for the
purpose  of  informing  stockholders of these corporate actions before they take
effect.  In  accordance  with  Rule 14c-2 under the Exchange Act, the Consent to
Action  and the approval of the matters thereunder will be effective 20 calendar
days  following  the  mailing  of  this  Information Statement. This Information
Statement  is  intended  to  provide  such  notice.  No dissenters' or appraisal
rights  under  the  Nevada  Law  are afforded to the Company's stockholders as a
result  of  the  approval  of  the  Proposals.

                          CAPITAL STOCK OF THE COMPANY

     On  March  27, 2002 the Board of Directors approved, subject to stockholder
approval,  an  Amendment  to the Company's Articles of Incorporation to increase
the  authorized  capital  stock  to  265,000,000 shares from 115,000,000 shares,
which  will  include  an  increase of the authorized shares of common stock, par
value  $0.001  per  share,  to  250,000,000 shares from 100,000,000 shares.  The
number of authorized shares of preferred stock, par value $0.001 shall remain at
15,000,000  shares.  On  March  27,  2002,  the Proposal was approved by written
consent  of  a  holders  of  a  majority  of  the  Company's  Voting  Stock.


     The  Board  of Directors of the Company approved, declared it advisable and
in  the  Company's  best  interests  and directed that there be submitted to the
holders  of  a  majority  of  the  Company's  common stock for action by written
consent  the  proposed  amendment  to  Article  4  of  the Company's Articles of
Incorporation  to  increase the authorized capital stock from 115,000,000 shares
to  265,000,000  shares  by  virtue  of  an increase in the authorized shares of
common  stock  to  250,000,000  shares  from  100,000,000 shares.  The number of
authorized  shares  of  preferred  stock,  par  value  $0.001  shall  remain  at
15,000,000  shares.  The  Board  of Directors has fixed the close of business on
March  27, 2002 as the record date for the determination of stockholders who are
entitled  to  give  consent  and  receive this information statement.  As of the
Record  Date, the Company had outstanding 41,211,463 shares of common stock held
by  approximately  200 stockholders of record.  A copy of the Company's proposed
Articles  of  Amendment effectuating the increase is attached hereto as Appendix

     The  Company  recently  entered  into a financing agreement for the sale of
3,000,000  shares  of a newly created Series B $1.00 convertible preferred stock
("Series  B  Convertible  Preferred")  and  three  warrants,  each  to  purchase
10,000,000  shares  of  common  stock  of  the  Company  (the  "Warrants") to an
unrelated  third-party  investor,  which  will  result  in  gross  proceeds  of
$3,000,000  to  the  Company.  Each  share of the Series B Convertible Preferred
would have no dividends but be convertible into 10 shares of common stock of the
Company at the option of the holder. The Warrants are exercisable for five years
at  the  option of the holder with exercise prices of $0.10, $0.15 and $0.25 per
share,  respectively.   Additionally,  the  financing agreement provided for the
sale of 400,000 shares of the Series B Convertible Preferred and 7,000 shares of
Series  C  $100  9  %  Redeemable  Convertible  preferred  stock  (the "Series C
Convertible  Preferred")  to the Company's Chief Executive Officer and Chairman,
Mr.  Silvano  DiGenova  in  exchange  for  $700,000  owed to Mr. DiGenova by the
Company.  The  Series  C  Convertible  Preferred  is  convertible into shares of
common  stock  at  the  rate  of  $0.22  per  share.

Accordingly,  the  proposed Series B Convertible Preferred, Series C Convertible
Preferred  and  Warrants  are  convertible  into  up to 67,181,818 shares of the
Company's  common  stock.  In  order to provide sufficient amounts of authorized
common  stock  in the potential event of such conversion, the Board of Directors
of  the Company believe it necessary and in the best interests of the Company to
increase  the  number  of authorized shares of common stock.  Additional details
regarding  the  financing  are  contained within the Company's Current Report on
Form  8-K  filed  with  the  Commission  on  or  about  April  15,  2002.

     The additional shares also will be available for issuance from time to time
by  the  Company  in  the discretion of the Board of Directors, normally without
further  stockholder  action  (except  as  may  be  required  for  a  particular
transaction  by  applicable law, requirements of regulatory agencies or by stock
exchange rules), for any proper corporate purpose including, among other things,
future  acquisitions  of  property  or  securities  of other corporations, stock
dividends,  stock  splits, stock options, convertible debt and equity financing.
The  availability  of additional authorized but unissued shares will be achieved
by the increase in authorized common as described in this Information Statement.
In  the  judgment of the Board of Directors, this increase is necessary in order
to  carry  out  the  Company's  business  objectives.


     The  Amendment  will  become  effective  upon  filing  the Amendment to the
Company's  Articles  of  Incorporation,  anticipated to be approximately 20 days
after  this  Information  Statement  has  been  distributed  to  the  Company's

                          PROPOSAL TO AMEND THE BYLAWS
                            TO DECREASE THE NUMBER OF
                          AUTHORIZED DIRECTORS TO FIVE


     On  March  27, 2002 the Board of Directors approved, subject to stockholder
approval,  an  Amendment  to  the  Company's  Bylaws  decreasing  the  number of
authorized  directors  from  seven  (7)  to  five  (5).  On  March 27, 2002, the
Proposal  was  approved  by  written  consent  of a holders of a majority of the
Company's  common  stock.


     The  Board  of Directors of the Company approved, declared it advisable and
in  the  Company's  best  interests  and directed that there be submitted to the
holders  of  a  majority  of  the  Company's  common stock for action by written
consent  the proposed amendment to Article II, Section 2 of the Company's Bylaws
reducing the number of authorized directors to five.  The Board of Directors has
fixed  the  close  of  business  on  March  27,  2002 as the record date for the
determination  of stockholders who are entitled to give consent and receive this
information  statement.  As  of  the  Record  Date,  the Company had outstanding
41,211,463  shares  of  common  stock held by approximately 200  stockholders of
record.  As  a result, Article II Section 2 of the Corporation's Bylaws shall be
amended  to  read  as  follows:

     "Section  2.  Number  of  Directors.  The authorized number of Directors of
the  Corporation  shall be five (5) until changed by a duly adopted amendment to
the Articles of Incorporation or by an amendment to this Section 2 of Article II
of these Bylaws, adopted by the vote or written consent of Stockholders entitled
to  exercise  majority  voting  power  as  provided  in  the  Act."

     A copy of the Company's proposed Amendment to the Bylaws is attached hereto
as  Appendix  B.  Previously,  Richard  Viola and Yvonne E. Wong Chester, Robert
Escobio,  and  Arthur  Marcus,  four  directors  of  the  Company resigned as of
February  8,  2002,  February  28,  2002,  April  10,  2002  and April 10, 2002,
respectively.  Currently,  there  remains  two directors on the Company's Board.
As described above, the Company recently entered into a financing agreement with
an  unrelated  third  party relating to an equity investment in the Company.  In
order  to  facilitate certain terms of that financing, the Board of Directors is
believe it necessary and in the best interests of the Company to reduce the size
of  the  Company's  board  to  five  (5)  members.


     The  Bylaw Amendment will become effective approximately 20 days after this
Information  Statement  has  been  distributed  to  the  Company's stockholders.

                              SECURITY OWNERSHIP OF

The  following  table  sets  forth  certain  information  known  to  the Company
regarding  the  beneficial  ownership  of  each  class  of  the Company's voting
securities as of March 27, 2002, by (a) each beneficial owner of more than 5% of
the  Company's common stock, (b) the executive officers of the Company; (c) each
director  of  the  Company  and  (d) all directors and executive officers of the
Company  as  a group. Except as otherwise indicated, each person has sole voting
and  investment  power  with  respect to all shares shown as beneficially owned,
subject  to  community  property  laws  where  applicable.

                                                                   Amount and
Title of                                                           Nature of   Percent of
Class                      Name and Address of Beneficial Owner1   Beneficial  Class2
- -----------                --------------------------------------  ----------  ----------
                           Silvano DiGenova3
Common                     3444 Via Lido
Stock                      Newport Beach, CA 92663                 16,883,274    43.3%

                           Michael R. Haynes4
Common                     3444 Via Lido
Stock                      Newport Beach, CA 92663                     75,000      <1%

                           Richard Viola5
Common                     13 Excalibur Lane
Stock                      Nesconset, NY 11767                      1,148,078     3.1%

                           Robert Escobio6
Common                     4101 Albambra Circle
Stock                      Coral Gables, FL 33146                     848,750     2.3%

                           Yvonne E. Wong Chester7
Common                     3444 Via Lido
Stock                      Newport Beach, CA 92663                      9,000      <1%

                           Arthur Marcus8
Common                     101 E. 52nd Street
Stock                      New York, NY  10022-6018                         0       0%

                           Steven Bayern9
Common                     Five Cedarwood Court
Stock                      Laurel Hollow, NY 11791                  3,266,648     8.7%

                           Patrick Kolenick10
Common                     35 Elizabeth Drive
Stock                      Laurel Hollow, NY 11743                  3,266,648     8.7%

                           Andrew M. Denis11
Common                     11 Fairwind Court
Stock                      Northport, NY 11768                      2,325,593     6.2%

                           Tonni Giovanetti12
Common                     11 Fairwind Court
Stock                      Northport, NY 11768                      2,340,312     6.2%

Common                     All Directors and Officers as a group
Stock                      (six persons)                           18,964,102    47.4%

1)  Except  as set forth above, the address of each individual is 3444 Via Lido,
Newport  Beach,  California  92663.

2)  Based  upon  information  furnished  to  the  Company  by  the directors and
executive  officers  or  obtained  from  the Company's stock transfer books. The
Company  is  informed  that  these  persons hold the sole voting and dispositive
power  with  respect to the common stock except as noted herein. For purposes of
computing  "beneficial ownership" and the percentage of outstanding common stock
held  by  each  person or group of persons named above as of March 27, 2002, any
security  which  such person or group of persons has the right to acquire within
60 days after such date is deemed to be outstanding for the purpose of computing
beneficial ownership and the percentage ownership of such person or persons, but
is  not  deemed  to  be  outstanding for the purpose of computing the percentage
ownership  of  any  other  person.

3)  Includes  1,500,000  shares  of  Common  Stock issuable upon the exercise of
warrants  that are currently exercisable or exercisable within the next 60 days.

4)  Consists  of  75,000  shares  of  common stock issuable upon the exercise of
options  that  are  currently  exercisable or exercisable at any time within the
next  60  days.  at  any  time until September 8, 2008. Does not include 225,000
shares of common stock with respect to options exercisable at dates in excess of
60  days  from  the  date  hereof.

5) Includes 80,144 shares of common stock issuable upon the exercise of warrants
that  are currently exercisable or exercisable within the next 60 days. Does not
include  300,000  shares  of common stock with respect to options exercisable at
dates  in  excess  of  60  days  from  the  date  hereof.

6) Includes: (a) 272,830 shares of common stock owned by Aquila Airways, Inc., a
corporation in which Mr. Escobio is an officer and stockholder; (b) 95 shares of
common stock owned by Capital Investment Services, Inc. (the Placement Agent), a
corporation  in  which  Mr.  Escobio is a principal; (c) 31,711 shares of common
stock  issuable  upon  the  exercise of warrants owned by Mr. Escobio, which are
currently exercisable or exercisable within the next 60 days; (d) 100,000 shares
of  Common  Stock  issuable  upon the exercise of warrants owned by Mr. Escobio,
which  are  currently  exercisable  or  exercisable within the next 60 days; (e)
20,550  shares  of  common stock issuable upon the exercise of warrants owned by
Aquila  Airways, Inc., which are currently exercisable or exercisable within the
next  60  days;  and  (f) 8 shares of common stock issuable upon the exercise of
warrants  owned  by  Capital  Investment  Services,  Inc.,  which  are currently
exercisable  or  exercisable  within  the next 60 days. Does not include 150,000
shares of common stock with respect to options exercisable at dates in excess of
60  days  from  the  date  hereof.

7)  Includes  9,000 shares of common stock issuable upon the exercise of options
that  are currently exercisable or exercisable within the next 60 days. Does not
include  51,000  shares  of  common stock with respect to options exercisable at
dates  in  excess  of  60  days  from  the  date  hereof.

8)  Does  not  include  60,000  shares  of  common stock with respect to options
exercisable  at  dates  in  excess  of  60  days  from  the  date  hereof.

9)  Includes:  (a)  2,909,435 shares of common stock owned by Cyndel & Co., Inc.
(Cyndel),  a  corporation  in which Mr. Bayern is a stockholder and officer; (b)
16,156  shares of common stock owned by Win Capital Corp. ("Win"), a corporation
in  which  Mr.  Bayern is a principal; (c) 8,462 shares of common stock issuable
upon  the  exercise  of  warrants  owned  by  Mr.  Bayern,  which  are currently
exercisable or exercisable within the next 60 days; (d) 218,340 shares of common
stock  issuable  upon  the  exercise  of  warrants  owned  by  Cyndel, which are
currently  exercisable  or  exercisable  within  the next 60 days; and (e) 1,102
shares  of  Common  Stock  issuable  upon the exercise of warrants owned by Win,
which  are  currently  exercisable  or  exercisable  within  the  next  60 days.

10)  Includes:  (a)  2,909,435  shares  of  Common  Stock  owned  by  Cyndel,  a
corporation  in  which  Mr.  Kolenick  is  a stockholder and officer; (b) 16,156
shares  of  Common  Stock owned by Win, a corporation in which Mr. Kolenick is a
principal;  (c)  8,462  shares  of  Common  Stock  issuable upon the exercise of
warrants  owned  by Mr. Kolenick, which are currently exercisable or exercisable
within  the  next  60 days; (d) 218,340 shares of common stock issuable upon the
exercise  of  warrants  owned  by  Cyndel,  which  are  currently exercisable or
exercisable  within  the  next  60  days;  and  (e) 1,102 shares of common stock
issuable  upon  the  exercise  of  warrants  owned  by  Win, which are currently
exercisable  or  exercisable  within  the  next  60  days.

11)  Includes  162,343  shares  of  Common  Stock  issuable upon the exercise of
warrants  currently  exercisable  or  exercisable  within  the  next  60  days.

12)  Includes  163,370  shares  of  Common  Stock  issuable upon the exercise of
warrants  currently  exercisable  or  exercisable  within  the  next  60  days.

                              BY  ORDER  OF  THE  BOARD  OF  DIRECTORS

                              /s/ Silvano DiGenova
                              Silvano  DiGenova
Director,  Chairman
May 16,  2002
Newport  Beach,  California

                                  APPENDIX - A

                         CERTIFICATE  OF  AMENDMENT  OF
                            ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION
                         TANGIBLE ASSET GALLERIES, INC.
                            (After Issuance of Stock)

     I, the undersigned President and Secretary, respectively, of Tangible Asset
Galleries,  Inc.,  a  Nevada  corporation,  do  hereby  certify:

1.  That  the  Board  of  Directors  of  said corporation, as of March 27, 2002,
unanimously  adopted  a  resolution  to  amend  the  articles  as  follows:

     Article  Fourth  of  the  Articles  of  Incorporation  of this corporation,
originally  filed  on  August  30,  1995,  is hereby amended to read as follows:

"4.  A.  The  corporation  is  authorized  to  issue two classes of shares of
$0.001 par value capital stock, which classes shall be designated "Common Stock"
and  "Preferred  Stock," respectively.  The corporation shall have the authority
to  issue a total of 250,000,000 shares of Common Stock and 15,000,000 shares of
Preferred  Stock.

     B.  The  Preferred  Stock  may  be  issued from time to time in one or more
series.  The  Board  of Directors of this Corporation is expressly authorized to
provide  for  the issue of all or any of the shares of Preferred Stock in one or
more series, and to fix the designation and number of shares and to determine or
alter  for  each  such  series such voting powers, full or limited, or no voting
powers, and such designations, preferences and relative, participating, optional
or  other rights and such qualifications, limitations or restrictions thereof as
shall  be  stated  and expressed in the resolution or resolutions adopted by the
Board  of  Directors  providing  for  the  issue  of  such  shares and as may be
permitted  by  the  Nevada  Revised  Statues.  The  Board  of  Directors is also
expressly authorized to increase or decrease (but not below the number of shares
of  such  series then outstanding) the number of shares of any series subsequent
to  the  issue  of  shares  of that series.  If the number of shares of any such
series shall be so decreased, the shares constituting such decrease shall resume
the  status  they had prior to the adoption of the resolutions originally fixing
the  number  of  shares  of  such  series."

2.     The  number of shares of the corporation outstanding and entitled to vote
on  an  amendment  to the Articles of Incorporation is 41,211,463; that the said
changes  and  amendment have been consented to and approved by a majority all of
the  stockholders  of  each  class  of  stock  outstanding  and entitled to vote

________________________________               _____________________________
Michael  R.  Haynes                            Silvano  DiGenova
President                                      Secretary

                                  APPENDIX - B

                           CERTIFICATE OF AMENDMENT TO
                         TANGIBLE ASSET GALLERIES, INC.

     I, the undersigned President and Secretary, respectively, of Tangible Asset
Galleries,  Inc.,  a  Nevada  corporation,  do  hereby  certify:

     1.     That  the  Board  of  Directors of said corporation, as of March 27,
2002,  unanimously  adopted  a  resolution  to amend Article II Section 2 of the
Corporation's  Bylaws  shall  be  amended  to  read  as  follows:

     "Section  2.  Number  of  Directors.  The authorized number of Directors of
the  Corporation  shall be five (5) until changed by a duly adopted amendment to
the Articles of Incorporation or by an amendment to this Section 2 of Article II
of these Bylaws, adopted by the vote or written consent of Stockholders entitled
to  exercise  majority  voting  power  as  provided  in  the  Act."


     2.     The  number of shares of the corporation outstanding and entitled to
vote  on  an  amendment  to  the Bylaws is 41,211,463; that the said changes and
amendment  have  been  consented  to  and  approved  by  a  majority  all of the
stockholders  of  each  class of stock outstanding and entitled to vote thereon.

________________________________               _____________________________
Michael  R.  Haynes                            Silvano  DiGenova
President                                      Secretary