A Partnership of Incorporated Professionals
DAVIDSON & COMPANY -------Chartered  Accountants------------------------------

                          INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' CONSENT

We consent to the use in the Registration Statement of Normark Ventures Corp. on
Form  SB-2 of our Auditors' Report, dated June 18, 2001, on the balance sheet of
Normark  Ventures  Corp.  as  at  April  30, 2001, and the related statements of
operations,  stockholders'  equity,  and  cash  flows  and  for  the period from
incorporation  on  July  27,  2000  to  April  30,  2001.

In  addition,  we  consent to the reference to us under the heading "Experts" in
such  Registration  Statement.

                                                          /s/ DAVIDSON & COMPANY

Vancouver, Canada                                         Chartered Accountants

November  14,  2001

                          A Member of SC INTERNATIONAL

    1200 - 609 Granville Street, P.O. Box 10372, Pacific Centre, Vancouver, BC,
                                 Canada, V7Y 1G6
                  Telephone (604) 687-0947  Fax (604) 687-6172