Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities
                              Exchange Act of 1934

Filed  by  the  Registrant     (X)
Filed  by  a  Party  other  than  the  Registrant     (   )

Check  the  appropriate  box:

( )     Preliminary  Proxy  Statement
( )     Confidential,  for  Use  of  the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule
(X)     Definitive  Proxy  Statement
( )     Definitive  Additional  Materials
( )     Soliciting  Material  under  Section  240.14a-12

                             LAS VEGAS GAMING, INC.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                (Name of Registrant as Specified in its Charter)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than Registrant)

Payment  of  Filing  Fee  (Check  the  appropriate  box):
(X)     No  fee  required
( )     Fee  computed  on  table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and

     1)   Title  of  each  class  of  securities  to  which transaction applies:

     2)   Aggregate  number  of  securities  to  which  transaction  applies:

     3)   Proposed  maximum  aggregate  value  of  transaction:

     4)   Total  fee  paid:

( )     Fee  paid  previously  with  preliminary  materials.

( )     Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act
        Rule  0-11(a)(2)  and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee
        was  paid  previously.  Identify  the  previous filing by registration
        statement  number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

     1)   Amount  Previously  Paid:
     2)   Form,  Schedule  or  Registration  Statement  No.:
     3)   Filing  Party:
     4)   Date  Filed:

                             LAS VEGAS GAMING, INC.
                       3120 South Rainbow Blvd. Suite 204
                              Las Vegas, NV  89146

                                                   April 15, 2002

Dear  Shareholder:

You  are  cordially  invited to attend the annual meeting of shareholders of Las
Vegas  Gaming,  Inc.,  which  will  be  held at Spanish Trail Country Club, 5050
Spanish  Trail  Lane,  Las  Vegas, Nevada, on May 14, 2002, at 1:00 p.m. Pacific
Daylight  Time.

Details  of  the business to be conducted at the annual meeting are given in the
attached  Notice  of  Annual  Meeting  of  Shareholders  and Proxy Statement. In
addition,  we have attached our annual report to shareholders to these documents
as  a  measure  to  keep  you  better  informed  of  our  business  activities.

Whether  or  not you attend the annual meeting, it is important that your shares
be  represented  and  voted at the meeting. Therefore, I urge you to sign, date,
and  promptly  return  the  enclosed  proxy.  If you decide to attend the annual
meeting  and  vote  in  person,  you  will  of  course  have  that  opportunity.

On  behalf  of  the board of directors, I would like to express our appreciation
for  your  continued  interest  in  the  affairs  of  Las  Vegas  Gaming,  Inc.


                                              /s/ Russell R. Roth
                                              Russell R. Roth
                                              CEO and Chairman

                             Las Vegas Gaming, Inc.
                       3120 South Rainbow Blvd. Suite 204
                              Las Vegas, NV  89146
                            Telephone (702) 733-9703


                                  May 14, 2002


The annual meeting of the shareholders of Las Vegas Gaming, Inc. will be held at
Spanish  Trail  Country Club, 5050 Spanish Trail Lane, Las Vegas, Nevada, on May
14,  2002,  at  1:00  p.m.  Pacific  Daylight  Time, for the following purposes:

1.     To  elect  four directors to serve until the next annual meeting or until
their  successors  are  elected  and  qualified;

2.     To confirm the appointment of Piercy, Bowler, Taylor and Kern as auditors
for  the  Company;

3.     To  transact any other business that may properly come before the meeting
or  any  adjournment  of  the  meeting.

Shareholders of record at the close of business on April 8, 2002 are entitled to
notice  of  and  to  vote at the meeting.  The Company's proxy statement and its
2001  annual  report  to  shareholders  accompany  this  notice.

All  shareholders  are  invited  to  attend  the  meeting  in  person.

                                BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS,

                                /s/ Russell R. Roth
                                RUSSELL R. ROTH, President

Las Vegas, Nevada
April 15, 2002

Whether  or  not  you expect to attend in person, we urge you to sign, date, and
return  the  enclosed  Proxy  at your earliest convenience. This will ensure the
presence of a quorum at the meeting. PROMPTLY SIGNING, DATING, AND RETURNING THE
SOLICITATION.  Sending in your Proxy will not prevent you from voting your stock
at  the  meeting  if  you  desire  to  do so, as your Proxy is revocable at your


                             Las Vegas Gaming, Inc.
                       3120 South Rainbow Blvd. Suite 204
                              Las Vegas, NV  89146
                            Telephone (702) 733-9307

                                 PROXY STATEMENT

                     For the Annual Meeting of Shareholders
                             To be held May 14, 2002


                            MATTERS TO BE CONSIDERED

This Proxy Statement is furnished in connection with the solicitation of proxies
by  the  Board of Directors of Las Vegas Gaming, Inc. (the "Company") for use at
the  annual  meeting  of  the  shareholders  of the Company, or any adjournments
thereof.  The  meeting  will be held at Spanish Trail Country Club, 5050 Spanish
Trail  Lane,  Las  Vegas, Nevada, on May 14, 2002, at 1:00 p.m. Pacific Daylight
Time,  to  elect  four directors to serve until the next annual meeting or until
their successors are elected and qualified and to confirm the appointment of the
accounting  firm  of  Piercy,  Bowler,  Taylor & Kern as the Company's auditors.

Management knows of no other business that may properly come before the meeting.
The  above matters require for their approval the affirmative vote of a majority
of  the  shares  represented  at  a  meeting  at  which  a  quorum  is  present.

This  proxy  statement  and the enclosed form of proxy are first being mailed to
shareholders  on  or  about  April  15,  2002.


The  board  of  directors of Las Vegas Gaming has fixed the close of business on
April  8, 2002 as the record date for the determination of shareholders entitled
to  notice of and to vote at the annual meeting.  At the record date, there were
approximately 5,789,268 shares of common stock issued, outstanding, and entitled
to  vote at the meeting. Holders of common stock are entitled to one vote at the
meeting for each share of common stock held of record on the record date.  There
are  no  separate  voting  groups  or  separate  series  of  stock.


In addition to the solicitation of proxies by the board of directors through use
of  the  mails,  proxies  may  also  be  solicited  by  Las Vegas Gaming and its
directors,  officers  and employees (who will receive no additional compensation
therefore)  by  telephone,  telegram, facsimile transmission or other electronic
communication,  and/or  by  personal interview.  Las Vegas Gaming will reimburse
banks,  brokerage  houses,  custodians  and other fiduciaries who hold shares of
common  stock  in  their name or custody, or in the name of nominees for others,
for  their  out-of-pocket  expenses  incurred  in forwarding copies of the proxy
materials  to  those  persons  for whom they hold such shares.  Las Vegas Gaming
will  bear  the costs of the annual meeting and of soliciting proxies therefore,
including  the  cost  of  printing  and mailing this proxy statement and related
materials.  Las  Vegas  Gaming has spent approximately $2,000 in legal and other
expenses in the preparation of this proxy statement and other expenses connected
with  the  solicitation  of  security holders.  It is anticipated that Las Vegas
Gaming  will  spend  an  additional  $2,000  in solicitation of security holders
before  the  meeting  is  held.

Any  questions  or  requests for assistance regarding Las Vegas Gaming's proxies
and  related materials may be directed in writing to Russell Roth, at 3120 South
Rainbow  Blvd.  Suite  204,  Las  Vegas,  Nevada  89146.

                            VOTE REQUIRED AND VOTING

In  order  to obtain shareholder approval, fifty percent (50%) of the issued and
outstanding  shares  of  common  stock  entitled  to vote as of the record date,
represented  in  person  or  by  proxy,  is  required for a quorum at the annual
meeting.  Abstentions  may  be  specified and will be counted as present for the
purpose of determining the existence of a quorum. Election of directors shall be
accomplished  by the three candidates receiving a plurality of the votes cast at
a  shareholder's  meeting  by the shareholders entitled to vote in the election.

You  may  vote  by  either attending the meeting in person or by filling out and
sending  in your proxy.  Shares of common stock that are represented by properly
executed  proxies,  unless  such  proxies  shall  have  previously been properly
revoked  (as provided herein), will be voted in accordance with the instructions
indicated  in  such  proxies.  If  no  contrary instructions are indicated, such
shares  will  be  voted  FOR  the  named  nominees  for  the  board of directors
identified  herein.  Shares  represented  by proxies that have voted against the
propositions  presented at the meeting cannot be used to postpone or adjourn the
meeting  in  order  to  solicit  more  votes  for  the  proposition.

Brokers  who  hold  shares in a street name have the authority to vote when they
have  not  received instructions from the beneficial owners.  Brokers who do not
receive  instructions,  but who are present in person or by proxy at the meeting
will  be  counted  as  present  for  quorum  purposes.

                                  OTHER MATTERS

It  is  not expected that any matters other than those referred to in this proxy
statement  will  be  brought  before the meeting.  If other matters are properly
presented,  however,  the  persons  named  as  proxy  appointees  will  vote  in
accordance  with  their best judgment on such matters. The grant of a proxy also
will  confer discretionary authority on the persons named as proxy appointees to
vote  in  accordance with their best judgment on matters incident to the conduct
of  the  meeting.


                               REVOCATION OF PROXY

Any  shareholder  may  revoke  his,  her or its proxy (other than an irrevocable
proxy  coupled  with an interest) at any time before it is voted, by: (1) filing
with  the  corporate  secretary  of  Las Vegas Gaming an instrument revoking the
proxy;  (2)  returning  a  duly  executed  proxy  bearing  a  later date; or (3)
attending  the meeting and voting in person.  Attendance at the meeting will not
by  itself  constitute  revocation  of  a  proxy.


                              ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

Four  directors  are to be elected at the annual meeting, to hold office for one
year  until  the next annual meeting of shareholders, and until their successors
are  elected  and  qualified. It is intended that the accompanying proxy will be
voted  in  favor  of  the  following  persons  to  serve as directors unless the
shareholder indicates to the contrary on the proxy. Management expects that each
of  the  nominees  will  be  available for election, but if any of them is not a
candidate  at  the time the election occurs, it is intended that such proxy will
be  voted  for  the election of another nominee to be designated by the Board of
Directors  to  fill  any  such  vacancy.


The  following  sets  forth  information  regarding  each  nominee.

                    All Positions                              Years/Mos. Served
                    And Offices                                as Director
Name                with LVGI                        Age       of the Company

Russell Roth        President, Chief Executive        55       4 years
                    Officer, CFO & Director

Gary Baldwin        Secretary/Treasurer, Director     50       3 years,
                                                               10 months

Richard Irvine      Director                          60       1 year,
                                                               3 months

Michael Cane        Director                          47       10 Months


Russell  R.  Roth.   Mr. Roth has been President, Chief Executive Officer, Chief
Financial  Officer  and  Chairman of the Company since April 1998.  From January
1995  until  December  1999,  Mr.  Roth  had


been  the feature writer, editor and co-owner of the Las Vegas Investment Report
and  has managed portfolios for a few select individuals. From September 1994 to
April  1996, Mr. Roth served as President of National Investment & Tax Managers,
Inc. From January 1987 to April 1993, Mr. Roth served as Chief Financial Officer
of  Sotheby's  Holdings,  Inc.,  an  art auction company. At Sotheby's Holdings,
Inc.,  Mr.  Roth spearheaded the Company's initial public offering in 1988. From
1983  to  1986,  Mr.  Roth  served as Chief Financial Officer of Cessna Aircraft
Company  where  Mr.  Roth  coordinated  a  successful merger of the Company with
General  Dynamics  Corp. From 1974 to 1983, Mr. Roth served in various financial
capacities  for  Rockwell  International  and  the  Bendix Corporation. Mr. Roth
received  his Bachelors of Science in Economics from the University of Kansas in
1968  and his Masters of Business Administration from the University of Michigan
in 1973. He serves on the Boards of Lincoln International, Inc. and Legal Access
Technologies,  Inc.  Legal  Access  Technologies  is  a public reporting company
traded  on  the  Over-The-Counter  Bulletin  Board.

Gary  G.  Baldwin.  Mr.  Baldwin  has  served  as  Executive  Vice President and
Director of the Company since April 1998.  On August 13, 1999, he was voted into
the  position of Treasurer by the board of directors.  On December 28, 2000, Mr.
Baldwin  was  appointed  to the additional position of Secretary of LVGI.  Since
April  1997,  Mr.  Baldwin  has served as General Manager of TJ Wholesale.  From
1995 to 1996, Mr. Baldwin served as General Manager of the Old Chicago Casino in
Cripple  Creek,  Colorado.  From  1993  to  1995,  Mr. Baldwin served as General
Manager  of  the  St. Charles Riverfront Station in St. Charles, Missouri, and a
casino  property  owned by Station Casinos, Inc.  From 1989 to 1993, Mr. Baldwin
served  as  Assistant General Manager of the Imperial Palace Hotel and Casino in
Las  Vegas,  Nevada.  From  1985  to  1989, Mr. Baldwin was co-owner of Norquist
Construction  Company.  From 1984 to 1985, Mr. Baldwin served as General Manager
of  the Nevada Palace where he was licensed to participate in the profits of the
hotel-casino.  From 1978 to 1984, Mr. Baldwin was co-owner and served as General
Manager/Casino  Manager  of  the Landmark Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada.
From  1975 to 1978, Mr. Baldwin worked for the Nevada State Gaming Control Board
as  a  Senior  Financial  Investigative  Agent.  In  this  capacity, Mr. Baldwin
conducted  and  supervised major investigations throughout the United States and
Europe  on  behalf  of  the  Nevada  State  Gaming Control Board and worked with
various  federal,  state  and  local  agencies,  such  as  the Federal Bureau of
Investigations, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, and state and local
police  departments.

Over  the  past  twenty  years,  Mr. Baldwin has been active in the hotel-casino
industry.  Mr.  Baldwin  has  been  licensed  on  four separate occasions by the
Nevada Gaming Commission and on one occasion by the Colorado gaming authorities.
In  addition,  Mr.  Baldwin  has  also  served as a gaming consultant to several
Native  American Tribes, such as the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians,
for  the  past  fifteen  years.  Mr.  Baldwin  received his Bachelors of Arts in
Business  Management  from Biscayne College in Miami, Florida.  Mr. Baldwin also
received  his  Bachelors  of  Science  in Accounting and his Masters of Business
Administration  from  the  University  of  Nevada-Las  Vegas  in  1974 and 1976,

Rich  Irvine.  Mr.  Irvine has been a director of Las Vegas Gaming since January
14,  2001.  Mr.  Irvine  is  currently  Vice President of Sales for A.C. Coin, a
gaming  company  headquartered  in  Atlantic  City,  New Jersey.  Mr. Irvine was
Executive  Vice President of Planning and Development for GameTech from February
1999  through  November  2001.  Mr.  Irvine  was  President  and Chief Operating
Officer  of  Mikohn  Gaming Corporation from July 1995 until September 1998.  He
had  served  on  the  Mikohn's  corporate  Board  of Directors since it became a
publicly  traded  company in late 1993.  From 1993 to 1995 Mr. Irvine was Senior
Vice  President  -  Marketing and Entertainment for Boomtown, Inc., a Reno-


based  owner  and  operator  of  casino  properties in Verdi, Nevada; Las Vegas,
Nevada;  Biloxi,  Mississippi;  and New Orleans, Louisiana. From 1991 to 1993 he
was Vice President of Marketing for worldwide Walt Disney attractions. His first
entry  into the gaming industry came as Executive Vice President Worldwide Sales
and Marketing for International Game Technology (IGT), a leading manufacturer of
gaming machines. During his four-year tenure, IGT's revenues tripled. Mr. Irvine
was  co-founder  of Aurora Productions. During an eight-year stint there, he was
Executive Producer of such films as Heart Like a Wheel, Secret of Nihm and Eddie
and  the  Cruisers,  and  also  the Broadway show The Suicide. He also served as
President  and  Chief  Operating Officer of Straight Arrow Publishing, owners of
Rolling  Stone Magazine and as Executive Vice President of Unicorn/ Sovaminco, a
U.S.  -  (former) U.S.S.R. joint venture. He began his career in media sales for
Time,  Inc.  (now  Time  Warner)  after  attending  the  University  of Southern

Michael  Cane.  Mr.  Cane became a director of Las Vegas Gaming on July 5, 2001.
From May of 1989 to June of 2001, Mr. Cane was the President and Chief Executive
Officer  of  Tele-Lawyer,  Inc.,  a  Nevada  Corporation that was acquired in an
exchange  agreement  with  Legal Access Technologies, Inc., a publicly reporting
company,  headquartered in Las Vegas, Nevada.  At that time, Mr. Cane became the
Chairman  of the Board and CEO of Legal Access Technologies and continues to act
in  that capacity.  Mr. Cane also maintains a law practice limited to Securities
Law  in  Las  Vegas,  Nevada  with  six  other  attorneys, under the name Cane &
Company,  LLC.  Mr.  Cane attended the University of California, Irvine where he
graduated  top in his class and received a B.A. degree in Economics (June 1975).
He  then  went  on  to  receive  his Jurist Doctor degree from the University of
Southern  California  School  Of Law in May of 1978, also receiving high honors.
Among  these  honors  were  Order  of the Coif, Phi Beta Kappa, Summa Cum Laude,
Dean's Honor List, Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities, Recipient of
Three University of Southern California Scholarships, The American Jurisprudence
Award  in Constitutional Law and member of the University of Southern California
Law  Review.  He  is a licensed member of the Nevada, Washington, California and
Hawaii  State Bars, the U.S. Tax Court and maintains Real Estate Broker licenses
in  Nevada,  California and Hawaii.  During the past three decades, Mr. Cane has
been a Partner with the Newport Beach Law firm of Wellman and Cane, an Associate
Professor  of  Business  Law  at  the  University  of  Hawaii,  Chairman  of the
Department  of Financial Economics and Institutions at the University of Hawaii,
College  of  Business,  a Professor of law at Whittier College School of Law and
Western  State  University  School  of Law and has published articles on a broad
range of legal topics, including Corporate Takeovers, Tax Sheltered Investments,
The  Tax and Economic Benefits Of Structured Personal Injury Settlements, Equity
And Forfeitures In Contracts For The Sale Of Land, Default Under An Agreement Of
Sale, The Flat Tax System, and Restrictive Practices In Accreditation Of Medical
Schools.  He  is  also  the author of four books (Divorce, Taxes, Bankruptcy and
Estate Planning) in the Five Minute Lawyer books series published by Dell in May
of  1995.

Terms  of  Office

Company  directors  are elected for one-year terms until the next annual general
meeting  of  the  shareholders  or  until removed from office in accordance with
company  by-laws.

                              THE BOARD RECOMMENDS


Section  16(A)  Beneficial  Ownership  Reporting  Compliance

The  following  persons  have  failed to file, on a timely basis, the identified
reports  required  by  Section  16(a) of the Exchange Act during the most recent
fiscal  year:

                                      Number           Known Failures
                                      of Late          To File a
Name and principal position           Reports          Required Form
 -------------------------------     ---------         ---------------------
Russ Roth, CEO                           0                     0
Gary Baldwin, Sec/Treas                  1                     0
Richard Irvine, Director                 1                     0
Michael A. Cane, Director                1                     0

                           BENEFICIAL STOCK OWNERSHIP

The  following  table sets forth, as of April 8, 2002, Common Stock ownership of
the  Directors  of  the  Company,  the  persons  known  to  management to be the
beneficial  owners of more than five percent of the Common Stock of the Company,
and  the  Company's  Directors  and  Officers  as  a  group:

                                                  Amount of
                   Name and Address               beneficial        Percent
Title of class     of beneficial owner            ownership         of class
- ---------------    ---------------------------    ---------------   ------------
Common Stock       Russell R. Roth
                   3120 South Rainbow Blvd.
                   Suite 204
                   Las Vegas, NV 89146            See table below

Common Stock       Gary G. Baldwin
                   3120 South Rainbow Blvd.
                   Suite 204
                   Las Vegas, NV 89146            See table below

Common Stock       Rich Irvine
                   1055 Silver Fox Circle
                   Reno, NV  89439                See table below

Common Stock       Michael Cane
                   2300 W. Sahara Ave.
                   Suite 500
                   Las Vegas, NV  89102           See table below

Common Stock       Ken Maul
                   1616 Sunridge Dr.
                   Las Vegas, NV 89117            See table below


Common Stock       All Officers and Directors
                   as a Group (4 persons)         See table below

Stock  ownership of officers, directors and shareholders holding more than 5% of
the  outstanding  shares  of  common  stock

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                            Partially    Fully
                                                 12/31/2001  diluted    diluted
                    COMMON    OPTIONS  WARRANTS    TOTAL       %(1)      %(2)
                   ---------  -------  --------  ---------- ---------  --------
RUSS ROTH            789,177   21,500    25,000    835,677    14.32%    12.91%

GARY BALDWIN         481,933    4,400         0    486,333     8.39%     7.51%

KEN MAUL             315,940        0         0    315,940     5.46%     4.88%

MICHAEL CANE           3,500   25,000         0     28,500     0.49%      .44%

RICH IRVINE                0   25,000         0     25,000     0.43%      .39%

TOTAL              1,590,550   75,900    25,000  1,691,450    29.09%    26.13%

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(1) Based on a denominator of 5,789,268 shares of common stock outstanding as of
December  31,  2001,  plus  the particular beneficial owner's issued options and
warrants  that  were  exercisable  within  60  days.
(2) Based on a denominator of 6,471,784 shares of common stock outstanding as of
December  31,  2001,  plus  all  the  issued  options  and  warrants  that  were
exercisable  within  60  days.

                         INFORMATION REGARDING THE BOARD

The  Board  met  5  times  and the Audit and Compensation Committees met 2 times
during  this  fiscal  year  and  as  issues  were  raised signed several written
consents  to  action  without meeting. All directors attended all board meetings
and  all  appropriate  committee  meetings.

On January 14, 2001, Mr. Richard Irvine was appointed to the Board of Directors.
On  August  29,  2001,  Mr.  Ken  Maul resigned as vice president, secretary and
director  of  the Company. On July 5, 2001 Mr. Michael Cane was appointed to the
Board  of  Directors.

The  directors  are not currently paid for acting as members of the board, other
than  receiving  stock  options.


The  following  table  sets  forth certain information as to our Chief Executive
Officer  and  the  highest paid officers and directors for our last three fiscal
years.  No  other compensation was paid to any such officers or directors during
this  time  period.

                               Annual Compensation Table
                    Annual Compensation          Long Term Compensation
                    -------------------          ----------------------
                                        Other                             Other
                                        Annual Restricted          LTIP    Com-
                                        Compen-  Stock   Warrants  pay-   pensa-
Name      Title    Year  Salary  Bonus  sation  Awarded  & Option  outs($) tion
- -------- --------- ----- ------- ------ ------- -------- --------- ------ ------
Russell  Director, 1999      $0      $0      $0     0     130,000     0     0
R. Roth  CEO, CFO  2000       0  47,500       0     0      46,500     0     0
         and       2001  96,000       0       0     0           0     0     0
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Gary G.  Director, 1999 $21,250      $0 $15,000     0     100,000     0     0
Baldwin  Secretary 2000  48,000   7,500       0     0       4,400     0     0
         and       2001  84,000  25,000       0     0           0     0     0
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Rich     Director  1999      $0      $0      $0     0           0     0     0
Irvine             2000       0       0       0     0           0     0     0
                   2001       0       0       0     0      25,000     0     0
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Michael  Director  1999      $0      $0      $0     0           0     0     0
Cane               2000       0       0       0     0           0     0     0
                   2001       0       0       0     0      25,000     0     0
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kenneth  Former    1999      $0      $0 $34,500     0      80,000     0     0
L. Maul  Director  2000       0       0 $20,000     0      12,250     0     0
                   2001       0       0 $83,000     0           0     0     0
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Mark     Former    1999 $22,250      $0 $15,500     0      90,000     0     0
Valenti  Director  2000   8,000       0  35,000     0       4,400     0     0
                   2001       0       0       0     0           0     0     0
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Incentive  Stock  Options

In  2001,  the  Company issued option rights to its officers and directors under
its 2000 Stock Option Plan, including options to purchase an aggregate of 75,900
shares  of  Common  Stock  at $3.00 per share.  Russell Roth received options to
purchase  21,500  shares  of  common  stock.  Gary  Baldwin  received options to
purchase  4,400  shares  of  common  stock.   Michael  Cane and Rich Irvine each
received  options  to  purchase  25,000  shares  of  common  stock.


Insider  Participation  in  Compensation  Decisions

The  Company  has  a  three  member Compensation Committee made up of Russell R.
Roth,  Michael  Cane and Richard Irvine.  Members of the Compensation Committee,
with  the exception of Mr. Roth, are not salaried employees of the Company.  Mr.
Gary  Baldwin  and  Mr. Russell Roth are the only members of the Board receiving
any  cash  compensation  from  the  Company.   Mr.  Cane and Mr. Irvine received
options  to  purchase  50,000  shares  of  the  Company's Common Stock for their
services  during  the  year  ended  December  31,  2001.

Board  of  Directors  Report  on  Executive  Compensation

The  Board  of  Directors  has  no  existing policy with respect to the specific
relationship  of corporate performance to executive compensation.  The Board has
set  executive  compensation  at  what  the  Board  considered to be the minimal
acceptable  level necessary to retain and compensate the officers of the Company
for  their  activities  on  the  Company's  behalf.

                              SELECTION OF AUDITORS

The  Board of Directors selected Piercy, Bowler, Taylor & Kern, Certified Public
Accountants,  as  the  Company's  independent  auditors to examine the Company's
financial  statements  for  the  fiscal  year  ended  December  31,  2001.  The
shareholders  are  being  asked  to  confirm  this  appointment.

                                   AUDIT FEES

The  Company  has been billed $36,753 for professional services rendered for the
audit of its annual financial statements for the most recent fiscal year and the
reviews  of  its  quarterly  financial  statements.


There  were  no  fees  billed  by  the  Company's  auditors for: (a) directly or
indirectly operating, or supervising the operation of, the Company's information
system  or  managing  the  Company's  local  area  network;  or (b) designing or
implementing  a  hardware  or  software  system  that  aggregates  source  data
underlying the financial statements or generates information that is significant
to  the  Company's  financial statements taken as a whole. As there were no fees
billed  or expended for the above services, the Company's board of directors did
not  consider  whether  such  expenditures  were compatible with maintaining the
auditor's  independence  from  the  Company.

                           FORWARD -LOOKING STATEMENTS

This  proxy  statement  may  include  statements  that are not historical facts.
These  statements  are  "forward-looking  statements"  as defined in the Private
Securities  Litigation  Reform Act of 1995 and are based, among other things, on
the  Company's  current  plans  and  expectations  relating  to  expectations of
anticipated growth in the future and future success under various circumstances.
As  such,  these  forward-looking  statements  involve  uncertainty  and  risk.
External  factors  that could cause our actual results to differ materially from
our  expectations  include:

- -     The  Company's  ability  to  develop  its  business  plan  to  the  extent
- -     The  public's  willingness  to  accept  the  Company's  games;  and


- -     The  Company's ability to compete successfully within the gaming industry.

Other  factors  and assumptions not identified above could also cause the actual
results  to  differ  materially  from  those  set  forth  in any forward-looking
statement.  We  do  not  undertake  any obligation to update the forward-looking
statements  contained in this proxy statement to reflect actual results, changes
in  assumptions,  or  changes  in  other factors affecting these forward-looking

                          FUTURE STOCKHOLDER PROPOSALS

It  is  anticipated that the release date for Las Vegas Gaming's proxy statement
and  form of proxy for its next annual meeting of shareholders will be April 15,
2003.  The  deadline  for  submittals of shareholder proposals to be included in
that proxy statement and form of proxy is 120 days prior to that date.  The date
after  which  a  notice  of  a shareholder proposal submitted independent of Las
Vegas  Gaming's  proxy  statement and form of proxy is considered untimely is 45
days  prior  to  April  15,  2003.


The  following  documents,  filed  by  the  Company  with  the  Commission,  are
incorporated  herein  by  reference:

(i)     The  Company's Annual Report filed on Form 10-KSB with the Commission on
        April  11,  2002,  for  the  fiscal  year  ended  December  31,  2001;

(ii)    The  Company's  Quarterly Reports filed on Form 10-QSB on May 15, 2001,
        August  27,  2001  and  November  19,  2001.

(iii)   The  Company's Reports filed on Form 8-K on January 31, 2001, March 9,
        2001,  April  4,  2001,  July  20,  2001  and  September  24,  2001.

The  following documents, attached hereto, are incorporated herein by reference:

Exhibit Number     Description
- --------------     -----------

1                  Annual Report filed on Form 10-KSB

All  reports and definitive proxy or information statements filed by the Company
pursuant to Sections 13(a), 13(c), 14 or 15(d) of the Exchange Act subsequent to
the  date  of  this  Proxy Statement and prior to the date of the Annual Meeting
shall  be  deemed to be incorporated by reference into this Proxy Statement from
the  dates  of  filing of such documents.  Any statement contained in a document
incorporated  or  deemed  to  be  incorporated  in this Proxy Statement shall be
deemed  to be modified or superseded for purposes of this Proxy Statement to the
extent  that  a  statement  contained  herein or in any other subsequently filed
document  that  also is or is deemed to be incorporated by reference modifies or
supersedes  such  statement.

A  copy  of  the  documents incorporated herein by reference (excluding exhibits
unless  such  exhibits  are  specifically  incorporated  by  reference  into the
information  incorporated  herein)  that are not presented with this document or
delivered  herewith,  will  be provided without charge to each person, including
any  beneficial  owner,  to  whom  a  Proxy Statement is delivered, upon oral or
written  request  of  any  such


person and by first-class mail or other equally prompt means. Requests should be
directed  to  the  Corporate  Secretary  at  the  address  set  forth  above.


Las  Vegas Gaming is subject to the informational requirements of the Securities
Exchange  Act  of  1934,  as  amended.  Las  Vegas  Gaming  files reports, proxy
statements  and  other  information  with  the SEC.  You may read and copy these
reports,  proxy  statements  and other information at the SEC's Public Reference
Section  at  450  Fifth  Street,  N.W.,  Washington, D.C. 20549.  You may obtain
information  on the operation of the Public Reference Room by calling the SEC at
1-800-SEC-0330.  The  SEC  also  maintains  an  Internet  website,  located  at,  that  contains  reports,  proxy  statements  and other information
regarding  companies  and  individuals  that  file  electronically with the SEC.


By  Order  of  the  Board  of  Directors

/s/ Russell R. Roth
Russell  R.  Roth
CEO  and  Chairman


                             Las Vegas Gaming, Inc.

                         Annual Meeting of Shareholders
                                  May 14, 2002
The  undersigned appoints Russell Roth of Las Vegas Gaming, Inc. with full power
of substitution, the attorney and proxy of the undersigned, to attend the annual
meeting  of  shareholders  of  Las  Vegas Gaming, Inc., to be held May 14, 2002,
beginning  at  1:00  p.m., Pacific Daylight Time, at Spanish Trail Country Club,
5050  Spanish Trail Lane, Las Vegas, Nevada, and at any adjournment thereof, and
to  vote  the  stock  the  undersigned  would  be entitled to vote if personally
present, on all matters set forth in the Proxy Statement sent to Shareholders, a
copy  of  which  has  been  received  by  the  undersigned,  as  follows:

Please mark your votes as indicated [X]   Total Number of Shares Held: _________

This  proxy  when properly signed will be voted in the manner directed herein by
the  undersigned shareholder.  IF NO DIRECTION IS MADE, THIS PROXY WILL BE VOTED

1.     For  the  election  of  the  following  four nominees as directors of the
Company,  to  serve  until the next annual meeting or until their successors are
elected  and qualified:  Russell R. Roth, Gary Baldwin, Michael Cane and Richard

                      FOR  Nominees        NOT  FOR  Nominees
                          [_]                    [_]

2.     To  confirm  the  appointment  of  Piercy, Bowler, Taylor and Kern as the
Company's  auditors.

                      FOR  Appointment     NOT  FOR  Appointment
                          [_]                    [_]

In  his  discretion, the proxy is authorized to vote upon such other business as
may  properly  come  before  the  meeting.

IMPORTANT  -  PLEASE  SIGN  AND RETURN PROMPTLY. When joint tenants hold shares,
both should sign. When signing as attorney, executor, administrator, trustee, or
guardian,  please give full title as such. If a corporation, please sign in full
corporate  name  by  President  or  other  authorized officer. If a partnership,
please  sign in partnership name by an authorized person. Please sign exactly as
your  name  appears  on  your  stock  certificate(s).

Signature(s)                         Dated:  ________________,  2002

___________________________          ________________________________