THIS  AGREEMENT  dated  effective  as  of  the  1st  day  of  February,  2002.

               W.F.C.  MANAGEMENT  CORPORATION,  of
               Suite  414,  1859  Spyglass  Place,
               Vancouver,  British  Columbia,  Canada

               (hereinafter  called  "WFC  Management")

                                                            OF  THE  FIRST  PART

               LASALLE RESOURCES, INC., a company incorporated under the laws of
               the  State  of  Nevada

               (hereinafter  called  "Lasalle")

                                                           OF  THE  SECOND  PART


A.   Grayson  Hand  is  an  employee  of  WFC  ("Hand");

B.   Hand  has  geological,  business  and  management  expertise;

C.   WFC  maintains  an office with administration services, including telephone
     and  computer  services;

D.   Lasalle requires geological technical services, management services, office
     administration  services,  including  telephone  and computer services, and
     wishes  WFC  to  provide  same  to  Lasalle.

NOW  THEREFORE  THE  PARTIES  HAVE  AGREED  and  do  hereby  agree  as  follows:

1.   WFC  hereby  agrees to provide the services of Hand as President of Lasalle
     to  carry  out  management  and  direction  of the business of the Company,
     including managing and supervising and coordinating any mineral exploration
     activities  carried  out  by  Lasalle  (the  "Management  Services").

2.   WFC  hereby  agrees  to  provide  office administration services, including
     telephone  and  computer  services,  to  Lasalle  (the  "Administrative

                                    -  2  -

3.   In  consideration  of  WFC  providing  all  the Management Services and the
     Administrative  Services  to  Lasalle,  Lasalle  agrees  to  pay  to  WFC a
     consulting  fee in the amount of $750.00 U.S. per month payable on the last
     day  of  each  month  (the  "Consulting  Fee").

4.   In  addition  to  the  payment  of  the  Consulting  Fee, Lasalle agrees to
     reimburse  WFC  for  any  expenses  directly attributable to performing its
     obligations  to  Lasalle  pursuant  to  this  Agreement.

5.   It  is agreed that the Management Services to be provided by Hand on behalf
     of  WFC  to  Lasalle  will account for approximately 15% of Hand's business
     time.  The  Consulting  Fee  will  be  increased  in the event that Hand is
     required  to  spend  more  than  15%  of his business time in providing the
     Management  Services  to  an  amount  equal  to fair market value of Hand's

6.   This  Agreement shall be for a term of one year commencing February 1, 2002
     and  ending  January  31,  2003.

7.   No  amendment  or termination of this Agreement shall be valid unless it is
     in  writing  and  executed  by  both  parties.

8.   Time  shall  be  of  the  essence  of  this  Agreement.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the day
and  year  first  above  written.

by  its  authorized  signatory

/s/ Grayson Hand
Signature  of  Authorized  Signatory

Grayson Hand

Name  of  Authorized  Signatory

by  its  authorized  signatory

/s/ Grayson Hand

Signature  of  Authorized  Signatory

Grayson Hand

Name  of  Authorized  Signatory