THIS  AGREEMENT  FOR  CONSULTING SERVICES (the "Agreement") is entered into
and effective as of January 6, 2003 by and between Jason Hofman, of  1292 W 39th
Ave,  Vancouver  B.C.  Canada  V6M  1T1(the  "Consultant"),  and  Custom Branded
Networks,  Inc.,  a  Nevada  corporation,  a  Corporation  ("Custom  Branded").


     This  Agreement  is  entered into with reference to and in contemplation of
     the  following  facts,  circumstances  and  representations:

1.1  Custom  Branded  desires to engage the services of the Consultant to assist
     it  with  respect  to  business  development  and  expansion.

1.2  The Consultant desires to provide such retail services to Custom Branded as
     a  contractor  and  pursuant  to the terms and conditions set forth herein.


2.1  Term  of  Agreement  This Agreement shall be for a term of one (1) year and
     shall  terminate  on  January  6,  2004

2.2  Duties  of  Consultant  During the term of this Agreement, Consultant shall
     provide  assistance  with  identifying  and  acquiring  potential  mining
     exploration  properties  in  Brazil  for  Custom Branded. Specifically, the
     Consultant  shall  review  and  translate  data  and  help negotiate on the

2.3  Devotion to Duty  Consultant agrees to devote such time as is reasonable on
     an  "as  needed"  basis  with respect to the requirements necessary for the
     potential acquisitions. Consultant is free to represent or perform services
     for other clients, provided it does not interfere with the duties contained
     in  this  Agreement.

2.4  Duties  of  Custom  Branded  Custom  Branded shall provide Consultant, on a
     regular  and timely basis, with all approved data and information about it,
     its  subsidiaries,  its  management,  its  products  and  services  and its
     operations as shall be reasonably requested by Consultant, and shall advise
     Consultant  of  any  facts  which would affect the accuracy of any data and
     information  previously  supplied  pursuant  to  this  paragraph.

2.5  Compensation  In  consideration  of  entering  into  this Agreement, Custom
     Branded  shall  issue  to  Consultant a total of 1,500,000 shares of Custom
     Branded's  common  stock  which  shares  are  fully paid upon the execution
     hereof  and  binding  on  the  Consultant  to  the  obligations  herein.

2.6  Nondisclosure  of  Information  Consultant  agrees  that it will not at any
     time,  in  any  fashion,  form  or  manner,  either directly or indirectly,
     divulge, disclose or


     communicate  to  any person, firm or corporation, in any manner whatsoever,
     any  information  of any kind, nature or description concerning any matters
     affecting  or  relating  to  the  business  of  Custom  Branded.

2.7  Assignment  of  Agreement  Due to the personal nature of the services to be
     rendered  by  the  Consultant,  this  Agreement  may not be assigned by the
     Consultant  without  the  prior  written  consent  of  Custom  Branded.

2.8  Prohibited  Activities  Consulting  services  provided under this agreement
     shall  not  include:

- -    services  in  connection  with  the  offer  or  sale  of  securities  in  a
     capital-raising  transaction;
- -    services  that  directly or indirectly promote or maintain a market for the
     securities of Custom Branded including without limitation the dissemination
     of  information  that  reasonably  may  be  expected to sustain or raise or
     otherwise  influence  the  price  of  the  securities;
- -    services  providing  investor  relations  or  shareholder  communications;
- -    consultation  on  mergers  that  take  a  private  company  public;
- -    consultation  in  connection  with  financing  that involves any securities
     issuance,  whether  equity  or  debt.


3.1  Co-operation  of  Parties  The  parties further agree that they will do all
     things necessary to accomplish and facilitate the purpose of this Agreement
     and  that  they  will  sign  and execute any and all documents necessary to
     bring  about  and  prefect  the  purposes  of  this  Agreement.

3.2  Arbitration  The  parties  hereby  submit  all  controversies,  claims, and
     matters  of  difference arising out of this Agreement to arbitration in the
     Province  of  BritishColumbia,  according to the rules and practices of the
     Canadian  Arbitration  Association.  This  submission  and  agreement  to
     arbitrate shall be specifically enforceable. The Agreement shall further be
     governed  by  the  laws  of  British  Columbia.

3.3  Interpretation of Agreement  The parties agree that should any provision of
     this  Agreement  be  found to be ambiguous in any way, such ambiguity shall
     not  be resolved by construing such provisions or any part of or the entire
     Agreement  in


     favor of or against any party herein, but rather by construing the terms of
     this  Agreement  fairly  and  reasonably in accordance with their generally
     accepted  meaning.

3.4  Modification of Agreement  This Agreement may be amended or modified in any
     way  and  at  any  time  by an instrument in writing, signed by each of the
     parties  hereto, stating the manner in which it is amended or modified. Any
     such  writing  amending or modifying of this Agreement shall be attached to
     and  kept  with  this  Agreement.

3.5  Legal  Fees  If  any legal action or any arbitration or other proceeding is
     brought  for  the  enforcement  of this Agreement, or because of an alleged
     dispute, breach, default or misrepresentation in connection with any of the
     provisions  of  the  Agreement, the successful or prevailing party shall be
     entitled  to recover reasonable legal fees and other costs incurred in that
     action  or  proceeding,  in addition to any other relief to which it may be

3.6  Entire  Agreement  This  Agreement  constitutes  the  entire  Agreement and
     understanding  of the parties hereto with respect to the matters herein set
     forth,  and all prior negotiations, writings and understandings relating to
     the  subject  matter of this Agreement are merged herein and are superseded
     and  cancelled  by  this  Agreement.

3.7  Counterparts  This  Agreement  may  be  signed in one or more counterparts.

3.8  Facsimile  Transmission  Signatures  A  signature  received  pursuant  to a
     facsimile  transmission  shall  be  sufficient  to  bind  a  party  to this

DATED  this  6th  day  of  January,  2003.

/s/ Paul G Carter                                 /s/ Jason Hofman
- -----------------------------------               -------------------------
   Paul G Carter, President                       Jason Hofman
Custom  Branded  Networks,  Inc.