Washington, DC 20549

                                    FORM 8-K

                                  CURRENT REPORT
                     Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the
                         Securities Exchange Act of 1934

           Date of Report (Date of earliest event reported): April 22, 2003

                         THE PEPSI BOTTLING GROUP, INC.
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

  Delaware                            1-14893              13-4038356
  (State or other jurisdiction        (Commission          (IRS Employer
  of incorporation                    File Number)         Identification No.)

                         One Pepsi Way, Somers, NY 10589
               (Address of principal executive offices) (Zip Code)

        Registrant's telephone number, including area code (914) 767-6000

Item 7.  Financial Statements, Pro Forma Financial Information and Exhibits.

(a)      Not Applicable.

(b)      Not Applicable.

(c)      Exhibit 99.1      Press release dated April 22, 2003.

Item 9.  Information  Furnished  Pursuant  to Item 12 of Form 8-K -  Results  of
Operations and Financial Condition.

     On April 22, 2003, The Pepsi Bottling Group,  Inc.  announced its financial
results  for its first  quarter  ended  March 22,  2003.  The press  release  is
furnished as Exhibit 99.1 hereto and is incorporated herein by reference.


Pursuant  to the  requirements  of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of  1934,  the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

                                           THE PEPSI BOTTLING GROUP, INC.
Date April 22, 2003                           /s/ Pamela C. McGuire
                                       Pamela C. McGuire, Senior Vice President,
                                          General Counsel and Secretary

                                                                    Exhibit 99.1

Contact:          Kelly McAndrew                            Mary Winn Settino
                  Public Relations                          Investor Relations
                  (914) 767-7690                            (914) 767-7216

                             FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE


     SOMERS,  N.Y., April 22, 2003 - The Pepsi Bottling Group,  Inc. (NYSE: PBG)
today announced  first quarter 2003 income of $39 million,  or $0.14 per diluted
share,  before  the  cumulative  effect  of  the  adoption  of a new  accounting
principle.  This  compares  to  reported  first  quarter  2002 net income of $54
million, or $0.19 per diluted share.

   o On a constant  territory basis,  worldwide  physical case volume was down
     three  percent  for  the  quarter.   Constant  territory  volume  in  PBG's
     territories  in Mexico grew one percent,  while volume in the U.S. was down
     five percent, consistent with the Company's previous guidance.
   o Constant  territory  net revenue per case in the U.S. grew two percent in
     the first  quarter,  all of which came from rate  increases.  The impact of
     adopting  the FASB's  Emerging  Issues Task Force  (EITF)  Issue No.  02-16
     reduced  U.S.  net  revenue  per case by  three  percentage  points,  which
     resulted in a one percent decline in PBG's reported net revenue per case in
     the U.S.  Worldwide net revenue per case on a reported  basis declined nine
     percent,   reflecting  the  impact  of  country  mix,  primarily  from  our
     acquisition  territories in Mexico and Turkey, and the impact of EITF Issue
     No. 02-16.
   o Reported  operating income declined 10 percent in the quarter,  driven by
     the weakness in PBG's U.S. territories.

     "As we announced in March, our results this past quarter reflect the impact
of a number of challenging  conditions," said John T. Cahill, Chairman and Chief
Executive  Officer of PBG. "The shortfall in our volume growth,  particularly in
the U.S., was the principal driver behind the decline in our earnings.  However,
the discipline of our  organization  in the areas of  marketplace  execution and
pricing continues to yield positive results. We remain very focused

                                    - more -


on  reinvigorating  our  U.S.  business  and are  confident  that  the  recently
announced innovations from Pepsi-Cola in products,  packages and promotions will
be our ticket to volume growth in the second half of the year."
    Cahill  continued,  "Next month, we will launch the latest extension of the
Mountain Dew trademark,  LiveWire,  in both single serve and take home packages.
At the same  time,  the  Pepsi  Play for a Billion  promotion  will kick off and
continue throughout the summer. Near the latter part of the second quarter we'll
launch a terrific  promotion  tied in with Universal  Pictures' The Hulk.  These
programs,  along with others to be  introduced  during the third  quarter,  will
generate consumer excitement as we approach the important summer selling season.
We expect all of these new ideas to bring excitement to the category,  consumers
to the stores and volume growth to PBG.
     "We've made solid  progress in Mexico.  To date, we have  strengthened  our
local management team,  improved our partnership with Pepsi-Cola Mexico and made
measurable gains in expanding our  distribution.  In the coming months,  we will
introduce exciting new product and package innovation designed  specifically for
the Mexico marketplace."
     On a constant  territory  basis,  worldwide  physical  case volume was down
three percent for the quarter, driven by a volume decline of five percent in the
U.S. (Constant territory  calculations assume all significant  acquisitions made
in 2002  were  made  at the  beginning  of  2002  and  exclude  all  significant
acquisitions  made in 2003.  Constant  territory  calculations  have  also  been
adjusted  to reflect  the impact of EITF 02-16 as if it had been  adopted at the
beginning of 2002.) In Mexico, PBG's constant territory volume grew one percent,
a solid  performance as it overlaps  double-digit  volume growth during the same
quarter in 2002.
     Constant  territory  worldwide  net  revenue per case was flat in the first
quarter.  In the U.S.,  constant  territory  net revenue per case  increased two
percent in the first quarter, all of which came from rate increases. Net revenue
per case in Mexico was flat in local  currency,  with solid  price  improvements
offset by a higher jug water mix.
     Beginning  in 2003,  the  Company  adopted  FASB's  EITF  Issue No.  02-16,
"Accounting  by a Customer  (Including  a Reseller)  for  Certain  Consideration
Received from a Vendor."  Under this new accounting  principle,  the majority of
the bottler  incentives  we receive  from PepsiCo and other brand owners will be
reclassified from net revenues and selling,  delivery and administrative  (SD&A)
expenses to cost of sales.  The adoption of EITF Issue No. 02-16

                                    - more -


has resulted in a cumulative,  non-cash,  one-time charge of $6 million,  net of
tax and  minority  interest,  or $0.02 per diluted  share for the first  quarter
2003. The following  table details the impact of this new  accounting  change on
PBG's net revenue per case growth:

                                                     U.S.            Worldwide

     Q1 2003 Net Revenue per Case Growth              2%                (6%)
     excluding the impact of EITF 02-16

     Impact of EITF 02-16                            (3%)               (3%)

     Q1 2003 Reported Net Revenue per                (1%)               (9%)
     Case Growth

     During the first quarter of 2003,  PBG  repurchased  4.8 million  shares of
common stock.  Since the inception of the Company's share repurchase  program in
October 1999, 45.2 million shares of PBG common stock have been repurchased.
     The  Company  stated that in fiscal 2003 it expects to achieve EPS of $1.61
to $1.67  excluding  the  cumulative  effect of the  adoption  of EITF Issue No.
02-16, with worldwide constant territory volume growth of one to two percent and
an increase in reported operating income in the mid teens.
     The  Pepsi  Bottling  Group,  Inc.  (www.pbg.com)  is the  world's  largest
manufacturer,  seller and distributor of Pepsi-Cola beverages with operations in
the U.S., Canada,  Greece,  Mexico, Russia, Spain and Turkey. To receive company
news releases by e-mail, please visit www.pbg.com.
     Listen  in live to  PBG's  first  quarter  2003  earnings  discussion  with
financial  analysts  on April 22nd at 11 a.m.  (EDT) at  http://www.pbg.com.  In
response to the U.S.  Securities and Exchange  Commission's  rules on the use of
non-GAAP  measures,  attached  is  a  Reconciliation  of  Non-GAAP  Measures  to
Comparable U.S. GAAP Measures.

                                     # # #

Statements  made in this press  release  that  relate to future  performance  or
financial  results of the Company are  forward-looking  statements which involve
uncertainties  that could  cause  actual  performance  or results to  materially
differ. PBG undertakes no obligation to update any of these statements.  Readers
are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these  forward-looking  statements,
which  speak  only  as to the  date  hereof.  Accordingly,  any  forward-looking
statement  should be read in conjunction with the additional  information  about
risks and  uncertainties  set forth in PBG's Securities and Exchange  Commission
reports,  including its annual  report on Form 10-K for the year ended  December
28, 2002.

Attachments (7 pages)

                         THE PEPSI BOTTLING GROUP, INC.
                 in millions except per share amounts, unaudited

                                                              12 Weeks Ended
                                                            March        March
                                                           22, 2003     23, 2002
                                                           --------     --------

Net revenues............................................    $1,874       $1,772
Cost of sales...........................................       927          942
                                                             -----        -----
Gross profit............................................       947          830
Selling, delivery and administrative expenses...........       827          695
                                                             -----        -----
Operating income........................................       120          135
Interest expense, net...................................        53           45
Other non-operating expenses, net.......................         3            -
Minority interest.......................................         5            8
                                                             -----        -----
Income before income taxes..............................        59           82
Income tax expense......................................        20           28
                                                             -----        -----
Income before cumulative effect of change in accounting
principle ..........................                            39           54
Cumulative effect of change in accounting principle, net
of tax and minority interest............................         6            -
                                                             -----        -----
Net income..............................................    $   33       $   54
                                                             =====        =====

Basic earnings per share before cumulative effect of
change in accounting principle .........................    $ 0.14       $ 0.19
Cumulative effect of change in accounting principle ....     (0.02)           -
                                                             -----        -----

Basic earnings per share................................    $ 0.12       $ 0.19
                                                             =====        =====

Weighted-average shares outstanding.....................       279          280

Diluted earnings per share before cumulative effect of
change in accounting principle .........................    $ 0.14       $ 0.19
Cumulative effect of change in accounting principle ....     (0.02)           -
                                                             -----        -----
Diluted earnings per share..............................    $ 0.12       $ 0.19
                                                             =====        =====

Weighted-average shares outstanding.....................       287          291

                         THE PEPSI BOTTLING GROUP, INC.
                             in millions, unaudited

                                                                12 Weeks Ended
                                                                March     March
                                                              22, 2003  23, 2002
                                                               -------  --------
Cash Flows - Operations
   Net Income..................................................  $  33    $  54
   Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided
   by operations:
       Depreciation............................................    117       91
       Amortization............................................      2        2
       Changes in working capital and other non-cash charges...    (82)     (53)
   Other, net..................................................     (3)      (6)
                                                                  ----     ----

Net Cash Provided by Operations................................     67       88
                                                                  ----     ----
Cash Flows - Investments
   Capital expenditures........................................   (112)    (110)
   Acquisitions of bottlers....................................    (82)     (24)
   Sale of property, plant and equipment.......................      1        1
                                                                  ----     -----
Net Cash Used for Investments..................................   (193)    (133)
                                                                  ----     ----

Cash Flows - Financing
   Borrowing activities, net...................................    120       15
   Dividends paid..............................................     (3)      (3)
   Treasury stock transactions.................................    (98)     (31)
                                                                  ----     ----
Net Cash Provided by (Used for) Financing......................     19      (19)
                                                                  ----     ----

Effect of Exchange Rate Changes on Cash and Cash
Equivalents....................................................     (1)       -
                                                                  ----     -----

Net Decrease in Cash and Cash Equivalents......................   (108)     (64)
Cash and Cash Equivalents - Beginning of Period................    222      277
                                                                  ----     -----

Cash and Cash Equivalents - End of Period......................  $ 114    $ 213
                                                                  ====     ====

                         THE PEPSI BOTTLING GROUP, INC.
                     in millions, except per share amounts

                                                               March    December
                                                              22, 2003  28, 2002
                                                              --------  --------
Current Assets
   Cash and cash equivalents.................................  $   114  $   222
   Accounts receivable, net..................................      882      922
   Inventories...............................................      397      378
   Prepaid expenses and other current assets.................      207      215
                                                                ------   ------
      Total Current Assets...................................    1,600    1,737

Property, plant and equipment, net...........................    3,300    3,308
Intangible assets, net.......................................    4,727    4,687
Investment in debt defeasance trust..........................      171      170
Other assets.................................................      120      125
                                                                ------   ------
      Total Assets...........................................  $ 9,918  $10,027
                                                                ======   ======

Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity
Current Liabilities
   Accounts payable and other current liabilities............  $   997  $ 1,179
   Short-term borrowings.....................................      170       51
   Current maturities of long-term debt......................    1,016       18
                                                                ------   ------
      Total Current Liabilities..............................    2,183    1,248

Long-term debt...............................................    3,519    4,523
Other liabilities............................................      847      819
Deferred income taxes........................................    1,274    1,265
Minority interest............................................      352      348
                                                                ------   ------
      Total Liabilities......................................    8,175    8,203

Shareholders' Equity
   Common stock, par value $0.01 per share:
     Authorized 900 shares, issued 310 shares................        3        3
   Additional paid-in capital................................    1,750    1,750
   Retained earnings.........................................    1,096    1,066
   Accumulated other comprehensive loss......................     (485)    (468)
   Treasury stock: 34 shares and 30 shares at March 22, 2003
     and December 28, 2002, respectively.....................     (621)    (527)
                                                                ------   ------
     Total Shareholders' Equity..............................    1,743    1,824
                                                                ------   ------
      Total Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity.............  $ 9,918   10,027
                                                                ======   ======

                         The Pepsi Bottling Group, Inc.
      Reconciliation of Non-GAAP Measures to Comparable U.S. GAAP Measures
                       in millions, except for percentages

     In response to the U.S.  Securities and Exchange  Commission's rules on the
use of non-GAAP  measures,  below is a  reconciliation  of non-GAAP  measures to
measurements  required by accounting principles generally accepted in the United
States of America ("U.S. GAAP").

     We utilize  certain  non-GAAP  measures to  evaluate  our  performance.  We
consider  these  measures  important  indicators of our success.  These measures
should not be considered an  alternative to  measurements  required by U.S. GAAP
and should  not be  considered  measures  of our  liquidity.  In  addition,  our
non-GAAP  measures may not be comparable to similar  measures  reported by other
companies  and could be misleading  unless all companies and analysts  calculate
them in the same manner.

     We  believe  that  constant  territory  performance  results  are the  most
appropriate  indicators of operating  trends and  performance,  particularly  in
light of our stated intention of acquiring additional bottling territories,  and
are consistent with industry practice.  Constant territory operating results are
derived by adjusting  current year results to exclude  significant  current year
acquisitions  and  adjusting  prior  year  results  to  include  the  results of
significant  prior year acquisitions as if they had occurred on the first day of
the prior fiscal year. In addition,  constant  territory  calculations have been
adjusted  to reflect the impact of EITF No.  02-16 as if it had been  adopted at
the beginning of 2002.

     Our  constant  territory  results  exclude  the  operating  results  of the
following acquisitions made during 2003:

     -  Pepsi-Cola Buffalo Bottling Corp. of Buffalo, New York in February.
     -  Cassidy's Beverage Limited of New Brunswick, Canada in February.

     We adjusted our prior year results to include the operating  results of the
following  prior year  acquisitions  as if they had occurred on the first day of
the prior fiscal year:

     -  Fruko Mesrubat Sanayii A.S. of Turkey in March 2002.
     -  Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company of Macon, Inc. of Georgia in March 2002.
     -  Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company of Aroostook, Inc., of Presque Isle, Maine
        in June 2002.
     -  Seaman's Beverages Limited of the Canadian province of Prince Edward
        Island in July 2002.
     -  Pepsi-Gemex, S.A. de. C.V. of Mexico in November 2002.
     -  Kitchener Beverages Limited of Ontario, Canada in December 2002.

     The tables below  reconcile  our U.S.  GAAP  reported  net revenue per case
results to our  constant  territory  net revenue per case results for the twelve
weeks ended March 22, 2003 versus the twelve weeks ended March 23, 2002:

Net Revenue per
Case                                   2003 vs. 2002
                                        Impact from   Impact from
                 As     Impact from       2002 Pro     2002 EITF     Constant
              Reported     2003            Forma        No.02-16     Territory
               Change   Acquisitions    Adjustments    Adjustment     Change
             --------   ------------    -----------    ----------    ---------
Worldwide.....  -9%         0%             6%            3%             0%
U.S...........  -1%         0%             0%            3%             2%

Net Revenue per
Case in local
currency                      2003 vs. 2002

                        Impact from     Impact from
                As        2002 Pro       2002 EITF    Constant
             Reported      Forma         No. 02-16    Territory
              Change    Adjustments     Adjustment     Change
             --------   -----------     -----------   ---------
Mexico........ 100%       -100%            0%            0%

                         The Pepsi Bottling Group, Inc.
                      (in millions, except per share data)

     EITF Issue No.  02-16,  "Accounting  by a Reseller  for Cash  Consideration
Given by a Vendor to a Customer (Including a Reseller of the Vendor's Products)"

     In  January  2003,  the  Emerging  Issues  Task  Force  ("EITF")  reached a
consensus on Issue No. 02-16,  "Accounting by a Reseller for Cash  Consideration
Given  by a  Vendor  to  a  Customer  (Including  a  Reseller  of  the  Vendor's
Products),"  addressing the recognition and income statement  classification  of
various  cash  considerations  given by a vendor to a  customer.  The  consensus
requires that certain cash  considerations  received by a customer from a vendor
are  presumed  to be a  reduction  of the price of the  vendor's  products,  and
therefore  should  be  characterized  as a  reduction  of  cost  of  sales  when
recognized in the customer's income statement,  unless certain criteria are met.
EITF Issue No. 02-16 became effective  beginning in our fiscal year 2003. In the
prior year we classified  worldwide bottler incentives received from PepsiCo and
other brand owners as  adjustments  to net  revenues  and selling,  delivery and
administrative expenses depending on the objective of the program. In accordance
with EITF Issue No. 02-16,  we have classified  certain bottler  incentives as a
reduction  of cost of sales  beginning  in 2003.  We have  recorded a transition
adjustment of $6 million,  net of taxes and minority interest of $1 million, for
the cumulative  effect on prior years.  This  adjustment  reflects the amount of
bottler  incentives  that  can be  attributed  to our 2003  beginning  inventory
balances.  This  accounting  change did not have a material effect on our income
before cumulative effect of change in accounting  principle in the first twelve
weeks of 2003 and is not expected to have a material  effect on such amounts for
the balance of fiscal 2003. Assuming that EITF Issue No. 02-16 had been in place
for all periods  presented,  the following pro forma adjustments would have been
made to our 2002 reported results:

  Net Revenues                    Q1        Q2        Q3         Q4      FY 2002
  ------------                  ------    ------    ------     ------    -------
  As Reported.................. $1,772    $2,209    $2,455     $2,780    $9,216
  EITF 02-16 Adjustment........    (59)      (71)      (72)       (88)     (290)
                                 -----     -----     -----      -----     ------
  Pro Forma.................... $1,713    $2,138    $2,383     $2,692    $8,926
                                 =====     =====     =====      =====     ======

  Cost of Sales                   Q1        Q2        Q3         Q4      FY 2002
  -------------                 ------    ------    ------     ------    ------
  As Reported..................   $942    $1,185    $1,337     $1,537    $5,001
  EITF 02-16 Adjustment........    (95)     (119)     (125)      (151)     (490)
                                 -----     -----     -----      -----     -----
  Pro Forma....................   $847    $1,066    $1,212     $1,386    $4,511
                                 =====     =====     =====      =====     =====

  Selling, Delivery and
  Administrative Expenses         Q1        Q2        Q3         Q4      FY 2002
  -----------------------       ------    ------    ------     ------    -------
  As Reported..................   $695      $753      $780     $1,089     $3,317
  EITF 02-16 Adjustment........     37        49        53         62        201
                                 -----     -----     -----      -----     ------
  Pro Forma....................   $732      $802      $833     $1,151     $3,518
                                 =====     =====     =====      =====     ======

     Assuming  EITF Issue No. 02-16 had been adopted for all periods  presented,
pro forma net income and earnings per share for the twelve weeks ended March 22,
2003 and March 23, 2002, would have been as follows:

                                                       12-Weeks Ended
                                                   March             March
                                                 22, 2003          23, 2002
                                                 --------          --------
  Net income
    As reported...............................    $   33           $   54
    Pro forma.................................    $   39           $   53

  Earnings per share
    Basic - as reported.......................    $ 0.12           $ 0.19
    Basic - pro forma.........................    $ 0.14           $ 0.19

    Diluted - as reported.....................    $ 0.12           $ 0.19
    Diluted - pro forma.......................    $ 0.14           $ 0.18