Washington, DC 20549

                                    FORM 8-K

                                 CURRENT REPORT
                     Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the
                         Securities Exchange Act of 1934

         Date of Report (Date of earliest event reported): July 8, 2003

                         THE PEPSI BOTTLING GROUP, INC.
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

Delaware                              1-14893               13-4038356
(State or other jurisdiction          (Commission           (IRS Employer
of incorporation)                      File Number)          Identification No.)

                         One Pepsi Way, Somers, NY 10589
               (Address of principal executive offices) (Zip Code)

        Registrant's telephone number, including area code (914) 767-6000

Item 7.  Financial Statements, Pro Forma Financial Information and Exhibits.

(a)      Not Applicable.

(b)      Not Applicable.

(c)      Exhibit 99.1      Press release dated July 8, 2003.

Item 9.  Information  Furnished  Pursuant  to Item 12 of Form 8-K -  Results  of
Operations and Financial Condition.

     On July 8, 2003, The Pepsi  Bottling  Group,  Inc.  announced its financial
results  for its  second  quarter  ended  June 14,  2003.  The press  release is
furnished as Exhibit 99.1 hereto and is incorporated herein by reference.


Pursuant  to the  requirements  of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of  1934,  the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

                                         THE PEPSI BOTTLING GROUP, INC.
Date July 8, 2003                            /s/ Pamela C. McGuire
                                       Pamela C. McGuire, Senior Vice President,
                                          General Counsel and Secretary

                                                                    Exhibit 99.1

Contact:          Kelly McAndrew                              Mary Winn Settino
                  Public Relations                            Investor Relations
                  (914) 767-7690                              (914) 767-7216

                              FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE


     SOMERS,  N.Y.,  July 8, 2003 - The Pepsi Bottling Group,  Inc. (NYSE:  PBG)
today  reported  second  quarter  2003 net  income of $131  million,  or diluted
earnings  per share (EPS) of $0.47.  These  results  compare to reported  second
quarter 2002 net income of $139 million, or EPS of $0.47.

     o    Worldwide  physical case volume was flat for the quarter on a constant
          territory  basis.  PBG's  physical case volume was down two percent in
          the U.S.,  while  volumes  grew  three  percent  in its  international

     o    Pricing in the U.S.  marketplace  grew two  percent  during the second
          quarter.  This  growth was offset by  negative  mix and the  Company's
          adoption of FASB's  Emerging Issues Task Force (EITF) Issue No. 02-16,
          which  resulted in a reported U.S. net revenue per case decline of two

     o    Reported  operating  income was flat in the second quarter,  with soft
          results in the U.S.  offsetting growth in the Company's  international

     "During the second quarter, we faced a number of challenging  conditions in
our U.S. markets," said John T. Cahill,  Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of
PBG.  "Volume  performance  in the U.S.  was below our  expectations,  primarily
driven by softness in our cold drink business.  The introduction of Mountain Dew
LiveWire  during  the  latter  part  of  the  quarter,   however,  has  produced
encouraging  results.  Our flavor and diet soft drink  portfolios also generated
positive results with Sierra Mist leading the growth. Throughout the quarter, we
remained  disciplined  in the  execution  of our  pricing  principles,  which in
combination with strict cost controls,  helped us generate  financial results in
line with our guidance for the quarter."

                                    - more -


     Cahill continued,  "We were encouraged by the changing growth trends in our
international  territories,  which  improved  throughout  the quarter.  From new
product  introductions  in Russia,  to improved on premise  results in Spain, to
solid growth in our Canadian business,  these markets turned in positive topline
and operating profit growth.  In Mexico,  we continued to make progress in spite
of a weak carbonated soft drink market. Mountain Dew was launched throughout our
markets in Mexico and has been well received by customers  and consumers  alike,
while the  introduction  of a 2.5 liter  package  late in the second  quarter is
helping us to boost volume.  Overall, we saw solid progress in our international
businesses  this past quarter and are confident that this momentum will continue
throughout the summer season."
     On a constant  territory basis,  physical case volume in the U.S.  declined
two  percent.   (Constant   territory   calculations   assume  all   significant
acquisitions  made in 2002 were made at the  beginning  of 2002 and  exclude all
significant  acquisitions  made in 2003.) PBG's  territories in Europe turned in
solid volume performances,  with mid single digit growth overall.  Volume trends
in PBG's Canadian business were also favorable in both channels of the business.
In Mexico,  sales of jug and  bottled  water were solid with high and mid single
digit  growth  respectively.  Carbonated  soft drink  volume was soft during the
second quarter resulting in total volume growth in Mexico of one percent.
     PBG  achieved  rate  increases  in its U.S.  markets of two percent for the
quarter.  PBG's cold drink volume was down in the mid single digits, which had a
negative impact on the Company's reported net revenue per case results. This mix
effect,  as well as PBG's  adoption of FASB's EITF Issue No. 02-16,  lowered the
Company's  reported U.S. net revenue per case results by four percentage points.
Worldwide  reported  net revenue per case  declined  10 percent.  These  results
reflect the significant  impact of mix from PBG's acquired  territories,  namely
from its markets in Mexico and Turkey, on PBG's overall results. In Mexico, rate
increases  on soft  drinks and  bottled  water were offset by the shift into jug
water, which has a significantly lower sales price.
     During the  second  quarter  of 2003,  PBG  completed  its  original  share
repurchase  program of 50 million shares of common stock, which was initiated in
October 1999. PBG's Board of Directors  announced a new share repurchase program
at the Company's Annual

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Meeting in May, under which 25 million  additional shares of common stock may be
repurchased.  Approximately  1.3 million  shares have been  repurchased  to date
under the new program,  bringing the total shares  repurchased during the second
quarter of 2003 to 6.1 million shares.
     The  Company  stated that in fiscal 2003 it expects to achieve EPS of $1.61
to $1.67,  before the cumulative effect of the adoption of EITF Issue No. 02-16.
Given the volume trends of the first half of 2003,  however,  PBG expects EPS to
come in at the low end of that range.  The  Company  also stated that it expects
worldwide  constant  territory  volume  for the  full  year to be flat to up one
percent and  reported  operating  income to grow about 10  percent.  The Company
reiterated its  expectation  for solid cash flow, with cash from operations less
capital expenditures to be $400 million.
     The  Pepsi  Bottling  Group,  Inc.  (www.pbg.com)  is the  world's  largest
manufacturer,  seller and distributor of Pepsi-Cola beverages with operations in
the U.S., Canada,  Greece,  Mexico, Russia, Spain and Turkey. To receive company
news releases by e-mail, please visit www.pbg.com.
     Listen  in live to PBG's  second  quarter  2003  earnings  discussion  with
financial analysts on July 8th at 11 a.m. (EDT) at http://www.pbg.com.

                                      # # #

Statements  made in this press  release  that  relate to future  performance  or
financial  results of the Company are  forward-looking  statements which involve
uncertainties  that could  cause  actual  performance  or results to  materially
differ. PBG undertakes no obligation to update any of these statements.  Readers
are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these  forward-looking  statements,
which  speak  only  as to the  date  hereof.  Accordingly,  any  forward-looking
statement  should be read in conjunction with the additional  information  about
risks and  uncertainties  set forth in PBG's Securities and Exchange  Commission
reports,  including its annual  report on Form 10-K for the year ended  December
28, 2002.

Attachments (3 pages)

                         THE PEPSI BOTTLING GROUP, INC.
                 in millions except per share amounts, unaudited

                                                                                12-Weeks Ended                 24-Weeks Ended
                                                                         --------------------------     --------------------------
                                                                           June 14,       June 15,         June 14,       June 15,
                                                                             2003           2002             2003           2002
                                                                         -----------    -----------     -----------    -----------

Net revenues....................................................            $ 2,532        $ 2,209         $ 4,406        $ 3,981
Cost of sales...................................................              1,290          1,185           2,217          2,127
                                                                           ---------      ---------       ---------      ---------

Gross profit....................................................              1,242          1,024           2,189          1,854
Selling, delivery and administrative expenses...................                971            753           1,798          1,448
                                                                           ---------      ---------       ---------      ---------

Operating income................................................                271            271             391            406
Interest expense, net...........................................                 57             46             110             91
Other non-operating expenses, net...............................                  -              -               3              -
Minority interest...............................................                 15             16              20             24
                                                                           ---------      ---------       ---------      ---------

Income before income taxes......................................                199            209             258            291
Income tax expense..............................................                 68             70              88             98
                                                                           ---------      ---------       ---------      ---------

Income before cumulative effect of change in accounting
principle.......................................................                131            139             170            193
Cumulative effect of change in accounting principle, net of tax
and minority interest...........................................                  -              -               6              -
                                                                           ---------      ---------       ---------      ---------

Net income......................................................            $   131        $   139         $   164        $   193
                                                                           =========      =========       =========      =========

Basic earnings per share before cumulative effect of change in
accounting principle............................................            $  0.48        $  0.49         $  0.61        $  0.68
Cumulative effect of change in accounting principle.............                  -              -           (0.02)             -
                                                                           ---------      ---------       ---------      ---------

Basic earnings per share........................................            $  0.48        $  0.49         $  0.59        $  0.68
                                                                           =========      =========       =========      =========

Weighted-average shares outstanding.............................                273            283             276            282

Diluted earnings per share before cumulative effect of change in
accounting principle............................................            $  0.47        $  0.47         $  0.60        $  0.66
Cumulative effect of change in accounting principle.............                  -              -           (0.02)             -
                                                                           ---------      ---------       ---------      ---------

Diluted earnings per share......................................            $  0.47        $  0.47         $  0.58        $  0.66
                                                                           =========      =========       =========      =========

Weighted-average shares outstanding.............................                279            296             283            294

                         THE PEPSI BOTTLING GROUP, INC.
                             in millions, unaudited

                                                                                              24-Weeks Ended
                                                                                          June 14,        June 15,
                                                                                            2003            2002
                                                                                        -----------     -----------
Cash Flows - Operations
     Net income.................................................................           $ 164            $ 193
     Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided
     by operations:.............................................................
         Depreciation...........................................................             244              189
         Amortization...........................................................               4                3
         Changes in working capital and other non-cash charges..................            (181)             (89)
     Other, net.................................................................             (16)             (18)
                                                                                           ------           ------

Net Cash Provided by Operations.................................................             215              278
                                                                                           ------           ------

Cash Flows - Investments
     Capital expenditures.......................................................            (282)            (299)
     Acquisitions of bottlers...................................................             (83)             (30)
     Sale of property, plant and equipment......................................               2                7
                                                                                           ------           ------

Net Cash Used for Investments...................................................             (363)           (322)
                                                                                           ------           ------

Cash Flows - Financing
     Borrowing activities, net..................................................             329              (44)
     Dividends paid.............................................................              (6)              (6)
     Treasury stock transactions................................................            (207)              17
                                                                                           ------           ------

Net Cash Provided by (Used for) Financing.......................................             116              (33)
                                                                                           ------           ------

Effect of Exchange Rate Changes on Cash and Cash
Equivalents.....................................................................               3                2
                                                                                           ------           ------

Net Decrease in Cash and Cash Equivalents.......................................             (29)             (75)
Cash and Cash Equivalents - Beginning of Period.................................             222              277
                                                                                           ------           ------

Cash and Cash Equivalents - End of Period......................................            $ 193            $ 202
                                                                                           ======           ======

Certain  reclassifications  were made in our  Condensed  Consolidated  Financial
Statements to 2002 amounts to conform to the 2003 presentation.

                         THE PEPSI BOTTLING GROUP, INC.
                      in millions, except per share amounts

                                                                                           June 14,       December 28,
                                                                                             2003             2002
                                                                                          ---------        ----------
Current Assets
     Cash and cash equivalents...................................................          $   193          $   222
     Accounts receivable, net....................................................            1,216              922
     Inventories.................................................................              452              378
     Prepaid expenses and other current assets...................................              261              203
     Investment in debt defeasance trust.........................................              174               12
                                                                                           -------          -------
         Total Current Assets....................................................            2,296            1,737

Property, plant and equipment, net...............................................            3,411            3,308
Other intangible assets, net.....................................................            3,647            3,495
Goodwill.........................................................................            1,241            1,192
Investment in debt defeasance trust..............................................                -              170
Other assets.....................................................................              155              141
                                                                                           -------          -------
         Total Assets............................................................          $10,750          $10,043
                                                                                           =======          =======

Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity
Current Liabilities
     Accounts payable and other current liabilities..............................          $ 1,275          $ 1,179
     Short-term borrowings.......................................................              145               51
     Current maturities of long-term debt........................................            1,189               18
                                                                                           -------          -------
         Total Current Liabilities...............................................            2,609            1,248

Long-term debt...................................................................            3,630            4,539
Other liabilities................................................................              873              819
Deferred income taxes............................................................            1,326            1,265
Minority interest................................................................              379              348
                                                                                           -------          -------
         Total Liabilities.......................................................            8,817            8,219

Shareholders' Equity
     Common stock, par value $0.01 per share:
         Authorized 900 shares, issued 310 shares................................                3                3
     Additional paid-in capital..................................................            1,745            1,750
     Retained earnings...........................................................            1,224            1,066
     Accumulated other comprehensive loss........................................             (318)            (468)
     Treasury stock: 39 shares and 30 shares at June 14, 2003
         and December 28, 2002, respectively.....................................             (721)            (527)
                                                                                           -------          -------
         Total Shareholders' Equity..............................................            1,933            1,824
                                                                                           -------          -------
           Total Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity............................          $10,750          $10,043
                                                                                           =======          =======

Certain  reclassifications  were made in our  Condensed  Consolidated  Financial
Statements to 2002 amounts to conform to the 2003 presentation.