Exhibit 99.1

Contact:          Kelly McAndrew                              Mary Winn Settino
                  Public Relations                            Investor Relations
                  (914) 767-7690                              (914) 767-7216

                                                           FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

                     EARNINGS GROWTH IN FIRST QUARTER 2004

     SOMERS,  N.Y., April 13, 2004 - The Pepsi Bottling Group,  Inc. (NYSE: PBG)
today reported first quarter 2004 net income of $50 million, or diluted earnings
per share (EPS) of $0.19. This compares to reported first quarter 2003 income of
$39 million,  or $0.14 per diluted share,  before  accounting for the cumulative
effect of the  adoption  of a new  accounting  principle,  which  reduced EPS by
     o    PBG's  strong  worldwide  topline  growth was driven by a five percent
          increase in physical case volume on a constant territory basis. In the
          U.S., volume grew six percent for the first quarter and PBG's European
          territories  delivered 15 percent volume growth. In Mexico,  volume on
          an eight-ounce case basis rose two percent,  though on a physical case
          basis, volume declined two percent during the quarter.
     o    PBG delivered  solid reported net revenue per case growth in the U.S.,
          up more than two  percent  for the  quarter.  Worldwide  reported  net
          revenue per case  increased five percent,  including a  two-percentage
          point foreign currency  benefit.
     o    Reported  operating  income grew 14 percent  during the first quarter,
          reflecting the Company's balanced topline growth.

     "We're  very  pleased  with  our   progress   during  the  first   quarter,
particularly  with solid topline  performance  in the U.S.,  Canada and Europe,"
said John T. Cahill,  Chairman and Chief  Executive  Officer of PBG. "Our volume
trends in the U.S. were strong across  channels and brands.  The increased focus
by PBG and PepsiCo on  Trademark  Pepsi  enabled our cola volume to grow for the
first time in several quarters. Our entire diet soft drink portfolio

                                    - more -


generated a double-digit volume increase,  continuing its positive growth trend.
The pricing  environment in the U.S. remained favorable as the increases we took
during the fourth  quarter  of last year held in the  marketplace.  With a solid
innovation  and  marketing  calendar  ahead of us,  we  believe  we're  building
momentum as we gear up for the summer-selling season."
     Cahill  continued,  "Our European and Canadian  businesses  delivered solid
quarters.  In Europe, each of our businesses generated strong volume growth, led
by  increases  of more than 20 percent in both  Russia  and  Turkey.  Innovation
played a key role in Russia, which benefited from the launch of Tropicana juices
in  February.  Our team in  Turkey  made  substantial  progress  in  marketplace
execution,  leading to an improvement in results.  And in Canada,  volume growth
improved notably in the take-home channel.
     "In Mexico,  we made progress in a number of areas. Our eight-ounce  volume
performance  improved,  as we grew our  customer  base and improved our customer
service  capabilities.  Innovation also contributed to that improvement with the
introduction  of two new diet soft drinks and strong results from our 5.25-liter
Electropura   bottle.   We  also  are   continuing   to  fine-tune  our  pricing
architecture, taking some pricing up in Mexico City, while bringing pricing down
in select other areas."
     On a constant  territory  basis,  PBG's worldwide  volume grew five percent
during the first quarter. In the U.S., PBG's take-home and cold drink businesses
both grew six percent.  Volume growth improved  sequentially  in Mexico,  up two
percent on an  eight-ounce  case  basis  reflecting  the impact of the  upsizing
initiatives PBG executed  mid-2003.  Volume of carbonated soft drinks was up six
percent on an eight-ounce case basis.
     PBG's U.S.  reported net revenue per case grew more than two percent during
the first  quarter.  This  growth  was  driven  by both  rate and mix  benefits.
Worldwide, PBG's reported net revenue per case increased five percent, including
a two-percentage point foreign currency benefit.
     During the first quarter of 2004,  PBG  repurchased  3.1 million  shares of
common stock.  Since the inception of the Company's share repurchase  program in
October 1999, more than 67 million shares have been repurchased to date.
     PBG stated that it expects  worldwide  volume in the second quarter to grow
two to  three  percent  and  net  revenue  per  case to be up two  percent.  The
Company's  operating  income  outlook for the second  quarter is for  mid-single
digit growth. PBG expects earnings per share for the second

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quarter to be $0.49 to $0.51.
     The Company affirmed that in fiscal 2004 it expects to achieve EPS of $1.62
to $1.70. PBG also stated that it expects  worldwide  constant  territory volume
for the full year to be up two to three percent,  worldwide net revenue per case
to increase two percent and reported operating income to grow mid-single digits.
The Company affirmed its expectation for continued growth in cash flow, with net
cash  provided  by  operations  less  capital  expenditures  growth  of about 10
     The  Pepsi  Bottling  Group,  Inc.  (www.pbg.com)  is the  world's  largest
manufacturer,  seller and distributor of Pepsi-Cola beverages with operations in
the U.S., Canada,  Greece,  Mexico, Russia, Spain and Turkey. To receive company
news releases by e-mail, please visit www.pbg.com.
     Listen  in live to  PBG's  first  quarter  2004  earnings  discussion  with
financial analysts on April 13th at 11 a.m. (EDT) at http://www.pbg.com.

                                      # # #

Statements  made in this press  release  that  relate to future  performance  or
financial  results of the Company are  forward-looking  statements which involve
uncertainties  that could  cause  actual  performance  or results to  materially
differ. PBG undertakes no obligation to update any of these statements.  Readers
are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these  forward-looking  statements,
which  speak  only  as to the  date  hereof.  Accordingly,  any  forward-looking
statement  should be read in conjunction with the additional  information  about
risks and  uncertainties  set forth in PBG's Securities and Exchange  Commission
reports,  including its annual  report on Form 10-K for the year ended  December
27, 2003.

Attachments (3 pages)

                         THE PEPSI BOTTLING GROUP, INC.
                 in millions, except per share amounts, unaudited

                                                              12 Weeks Ended
                                                            March        March
                                                           20, 2004     22, 2003
                                                           --------     --------

Net revenues............................................    $2,067       $1,874
Cost of sales...........................................     1,051          927
                                                             -----        -----
Gross profit............................................     1,016          947
Selling, delivery and administrative expenses...........       879          827
                                                             -----        -----
Operating income........................................       137          120
Interest expense, net...................................        55           53
Other non-operating expenses, net.......................         -            3
Minority interest.......................................         6            5
                                                             -----        -----
Income before income taxes..............................        76           59
Income tax expense......................................        26           20
                                                             -----        -----
Income before cumulative effect of change in accounting
principle ..............................................        50           39
Cumulative effect of change in accounting principle, net
of tax and minority interest............................         -            6
                                                             -----        -----
Net income..............................................    $   50       $   33
                                                             =====        =====
Basic earnings per share before cumulative effect of
change in accounting principle .........................    $ 0.19       $ 0.14
Cumulative effect of change in accounting principle ....         -        (0.02)
                                                             -----        -----

Basic earnings per share................................    $ 0.19       $ 0.12
                                                             =====        =====

Weighted-average shares outstanding.....................       260          279

Diluted earnings per share before cumulative effect of
change in accounting principle .........................    $ 0.19       $ 0.14
Cumulative effect of change in accounting principle ....         -        (0.02)
                                                             -----        -----
Diluted earnings per share..............................    $ 0.19        $0.12
                                                             =====        =====

Weighted-average shares outstanding.....................       269          287

                         THE PEPSI BOTTLING GROUP, INC.
                             in millions, unaudited

                                                                12 Weeks Ended
                                                                 March    March
                                                               20, 2004 22, 2003
                                                               -------  --------
Cash Flows - Operations
   Net Income.................................................. $   50   $   33
   Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided
   by operations:
       Depreciation............................................    124      117
       Amortization............................................      3        2
       Changes in working capital and other non-cash charges...    (36)     (82)
   Pension contributions.......................................    (20)       -
   Other, net..................................................    (10)      (3)
                                                                 -----    -----

Net Cash Provided by Operations................................    111       67
                                                                 -----    -----
Cash Flows - Investments
   Capital expenditures........................................   (102)    (112)
   Acquisitions of bottlers....................................      -      (82)
   Sale of property, plant and equipment.......................      1        1
                                                                 -----    -----
Net Cash Used for Investments..................................   (101)    (193)
                                                                 -----    -----

Cash Flows - Financing
   Borrowing activities, net...................................   (898)     120
   Dividends paid..............................................     (3)      (3)
   Treasury stock transactions.................................    (73)     (98)
                                                                 -----    -----
Net Cash (Used for) Provided by Financing......................   (974)      19
                                                                 -----    -----

Effect of Exchange Rate Changes on Cash and Cash
Equivalents....................................................     (2)      (1)
                                                                 -----    -----

Net Decrease in Cash and Cash Equivalents......................   (966)    (108)
Cash and Cash Equivalents - Beginning of Period................  1,235      222
                                                                 -----    -----

Cash and Cash Equivalents - End of Period...................... $  269   $  114
                                                                 =====    =====

                         THE PEPSI BOTTLING GROUP, INC.
                     in millions, except per share amounts

                                                                March   December
                                                              20, 2004  27, 2003
                                                              --------  --------
Current Assets
   Cash and cash equivalents.................................  $   269  $ 1,235
   Accounts receivable, net..................................      968      994
   Inventories...............................................      441      374
   Prepaid expenses and other current assets.................      275      268
   Investment in debt defeasance trust.......................      168      168
                                                                ------   ------
      Total Current Assets...................................    2,121    3,039

Property, plant and equipment, net...........................    3,399    3,423
Other intangible assets, net.................................    3,558    3,562
Goodwill.....................................................    1,391    1,386
Other assets.................................................      148      134
                                                                ------   ------
      Total Assets...........................................  $10,617  $11,544
                                                                ======   ======

Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity
Current Liabilities
   Accounts payable and other current liabilities............  $ 1,175  $ 1,231
   Short-term borrowings.....................................      164       67
   Current maturities of long-term debt......................      180    1,180
                                                                ------   ------
      Total Current Liabilities..............................    1,519    2,478

Long-term debt...............................................    4,510    4,493
Other liabilities............................................      889      875
Deferred income taxes........................................    1,430    1,421
Minority interest............................................      402      396
                                                                ------   ------
      Total Liabilities......................................    8,750    9,663
                                                                ------   ------

Shareholders' Equity
   Common stock, par value $0.01 per share:
     authorized 900 shares, issued 310 shares................        3        3
   Additional paid-in capital................................    1,742    1,743
   Retained earnings.........................................    1,519    1,471
   Accumulated other comprehensive loss......................     (377)    (380)
   Deferred compensation.....................................       (5)      (4)
   Treasury stock: 51 shares and 49 shares at March 20, 2004
     and December 27, 2003, respectively.....................   (1,015)    (952)
                                                                ------   ------
     Total Shareholders' Equity..............................    1,867    1,881
                                                                ------   ------
      Total Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity.............  $10,617  $11,544
                                                                ======   ======