Exhibit 10.6

 Summary of the material terms of the PBG Executive Incentive Compensation Plan

The following  description of The Pepsi Bottling  Group,  Inc ("PBG")  Executive
Incentive  Compensation  Plan (the  "EICP")  is  qualified  in its  entirety  by
reference to the EICP.

- ----------

The EICP was  adopted by the Board of  Director's  Compensation  and  Management
Development Committee (the "Committee") on March 3, 2000, subject to shareholder
approval.   PBG  shareholders  approved  the  EICP  at  the  annual  meeting  of
shareholders held on May 24, 2000. A description of the EICP may be found in the
PBG Proxy Statement (the "Proxy") for such annual meeting.

Incentive  payments made under the EICP are intended to qualify as  "performance
based"  compensation  that is exempt from the one million dollar deduction limit
imposed by Section  162(m) of the Internal  Revenue Code of 1986 as amended (the

Eligibility and Awards
- ----------------------

Executive officers of PBG are eligible to receive annual incentive  compensation
under the EICP based on achievement of pre-established performance goals.

These  goals  are  established  and  certified  annually  by  PBG's  independent
directors in accordance  with the  requirements  of Section  162(m) of the Code,
through action by the Committee. Section 162(m) targets are established annually
by the Committee and each target is  accompanied  by a maximum award amount.  No
award is made if the  minimum  Section  162(m)  target  is not  met.  Currently,
Section 162(m) targets are based on earnings per share. In determining whether a
Section  162(m)  target has been  attained,  to the extent  consistent  with the
principles of Code Section 162(m),  the Committee may adjust for  capitalization
changes,  special  charges,  accounting  or tax law changes  and  certain  other
extraordinary or nonrecurring events.

In determining  the cash award payable to an executive  officer when one or more
Section  162(m)  targets have been met,  the  Committee  may  exercise  negative
discretion to reduce the amount of the applicable pre-established maximum award.
The  exercise  of this  negative  discretion  is  primarily  guided by  applying
additional  pre-established  targets  that are defined in terms of earnings  per
share or,  in the case of  certain  executive  officers,  performance  of PBG in
specified   markets  that  are  appropriate  to  the  executive   officer  (with
adjustments for certain  extraordinary  or nonrecurring  events).  To the extent
deemed appropriate by the Committee,  qualitative factors may also be considered
in applying the Committee's  negative  discretion.  The bonus  opportunity under
these pre-established  targets, which guide the Committee's exercise of negative
discretion,  is determined in light of the Committee's  periodic  examination of
annual  incentive  levels  provided  to  executives  by a peer  group made up of
comparably sized companies from the consumer goods, bottling, retail and service
industries,  and they are intended to result in comparable  compensation for PBG
executive officers to the extent consistent with performance.

These  annual  cash  incentives  and  related  performance  goals are more fully
described annually in the Proxy, in the section entitled "Compensation Committee
Report on Executive Compensation".  The actual incentive award amounts under the
EICP for  PBG's  Chief  Executive  Officer  and  four  most  highly  compensated
executive   officers  are  set  forth  annually  in  the  Proxy in  the  Summary
Compensation Table.