July 8, 2005

Mr. Michael Moran
Accounting Branch Chief
Securities and Exchange Commission
Washington, D.C.  20549

RE:     The Pepsi Bottling Group, Inc.           Bottling Group, LLC
        PBG 401(k) Program                       Item 4.01 Form 8-K filed
        PBG 401(k) Savings Program               June 6, 2005
        Item 4.01 Forms 8-K filed June 6, 2005   File No. 333-80361-01
        File No. 01-14893

Dear Mr. Moran:

     I am writing in response to your  letter,  dated July 5, 2005,  relating to
the above  referenced  Forms 8-K. In your  letter,  you provide one comment with
respect to the Forms 8-K filed by The Pepsi  Bottling  Group,  Inc.  ("PBG") and
Bottling  Group,  LLC  ("BGLLC")  and two comments with respect to the Forms 8-K
filed  by  the  PBG  401(k)   Program  and  the  PBG  401(k)   Savings   Program
(collectively,  the  "Plans").  You suggest that we either revise our filings to
reflect the comments set out in your letter or provide an  explanation as to why
we believe the comments are  inapplicable or why it is unnecessary to revise our

     Comment 1. In the first comment of your letter,  you point out that, in the
letter from KPMG LLP ("KPMG")  attached as Exhibit 16 to the PBG and BGLLC Forms
8-K,  KPMG  does  not  agree or  disagree  with the  information  in the  second
paragraph of the Forms 8-K. The second paragraph reads as follows:

          At a meeting held on June 1, 2005,  the Audit  Committee  approved the
          engagement  of  Deloitte  & Touche LLP  ("D&T")  as PBG's  independent
          auditors  and the  dismissal  of  KPMG.  This  change  in  independent
          auditors is effective as of June 1, 2005 (the "Auditor Change Date").

     You indicate  that KPMG should be able to address  whether or not they were
dismissed, effective June 1, 2005.

     We believe that KPMG's letter  satisfies the requirements of Item 304(a)(3)
of  Regulation  S-K  because,  as required by that  regulation,  KPMG  indicates
whether  they agree or  disagree  with each of the  elements  of the  disclosure
required by Item 304(a)(1).  As to your specific comment, we agree with you that
KPMG should be able to agree or

Mr. Michael Moran
Securities and Exchange Commission
July 8, 2005
Page 2

disagree  with  the  disclosure  required  by Item  304(a)(1)(i)  (whether  KPMG
"resigned,  declined  to stand for  re-election  or was  dismissed  and the date
thereof").  Indeed,  in  their  letter,  KPMG  states:  "On  June 1,  2005,  our
appointment as principal  accountants  was  terminated." It is PBG's and BGLLC's
belief that, by making this explicit  statement,  KPMG  acknowledged  and agreed
that they were dismissed by the Audit Committee, effective June 1, 2005.

     PBG and BGLLC further believe that KPMG's statement that they did not agree
or disagree with the second paragraph does not contradict KPMG's acknowledgement
of their dismissal.  Rather, KPMG's statement merely reflects the fact that KPMG
did not attend the June 1, 2005 meeting of the Audit  Committee and,  therefore,
could not agree or  disagree  with the  summary  of the  decisions  made at that
meeting, which is set out in the second paragraph.

     While  we  recognize   the   potential   distinction   of  using  the  word
"termination"  instead of "dismissal," and we note that KPMG acknowledged  their
"termination,"  we  respectfully  submit  that  there is no  significance  to be
assigned to the distinction between the two words in this instance.

     In light of the above,  we  respectfully  submit  that no  revision  of our
filing is necessary.

     Comment  2.  With  respect  to  the  second  comment  of  your  letter,  we
acknowledge  and agree that we have  reported a future  dismissal of KPMG as the
principal  accountants  of the Plans.  As we  indicated in the Forms 8-K for the
Plans, we intend to file amended Forms 8-K for the Plans when KPMG has completed
all of their  audit  work.  The  amended  Forms 8-K will set forth the date KPMG
completes   their  work  and  will  address   whether  or  not  there  were  any
disagreements  through  such date.  We currently  anticipate  filing the amended
Forms 8-K in mid-October, and we do not anticipate any disagreements with KPMG.

     Comment 3. With respect to the third comment in your letter,  we agree that
the Forms 8-K for the Plans should be signed by an authorized  representative of
the  Plans.  PBG is the named  plan  administrator  of the  Plans.  There are no
specific  individuals  who are  designated  plan  administrators  or  authorized
representatives   for  the  Plans.   As  a  result  of  PBG's   status  as  plan
administrator,  it is our position  that any duly  appointed  officer of PBG may
sign as an authorized representative of the Plans. As a senior vice president of
PBG,  I am a  duly  appointed  officer  of PBG  and,  therefore,  an  authorized
representative of the Plans.

     In connection with the above response to the comments in your letter,  PBG,
BGLLC and the Plans each acknowledge: (1) it is responsible for the adequacy and

Mr. Michael Moran
Securities and Exchange Commission
July 8, 2005
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accuracy of the  disclosures  in the Forms 8-K; (2) staff comments or changes to
disclosure in response to staff  comments do not foreclose  the  Securities  and
Exchange  Commission (the  "Commission")  from taking any action with respect to
the Forms  8-K;  and (3) it may not  assert  this  action  as a  defense  in any
proceeding  initiated  by  the  Commission  or  any  person  under  the  federal
securities laws of the United States.

     PBG, BGLLC and the Plans  respectfully  request your  consideration  of the
above responses to your comments and further request notice of whether you agree
that  revising our filing in response to your first comment is  unnecessary.  If
you have any questions or comments regarding this matter, please do not hesitate
to contact me at (914) 767-7971.


                                                 /s/ Steven M. Rapp
                                                 Steven M. Rapp
                                                 Senior Vice President,
                                                 General Counsel and Secretary

cc:      A. Forster
         D. Yawman