KNOWLEDGE FOUNDATIONS, INC.

                         STOCK REPURCHASE AGREEMENT

      This STOCK REPURCHASE AGREEMENT (this "Agreement") made as of this 18th
day  of  September, 2000 by and among Knowledge Foundations, Inc., a Delaware
corporation, formerly Calipso, Inc. (the "Corporation"), Wright &  Bleers,  a
California corporation ("W&B") and Ocean Way Investments, Ltd., a Canadian BC
corporation ("Ocean Way").


     1.1  Issuance.  Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the
Corporation  hereby  issues:  (i) to W&B one  million  twelve  thousand  five
hundred  (1,012,500) shares, par value $.001 per share, of the  Corporation's
Common  Stock,  for services rendered by W&B in connection  with  the  Merger
Agreement (the "W&B Shares"); and (ii) to Ocean Way nine hundred eighty seven
thousand five hundred shares (987,500) shares, par value $.001 per share,  of
the  Corporation's  Common  Stock  for services  rendered  by  Ocean  Way  in
connection   with  the  Merger  (the  "Ocean  Way  Shares")  (the   foregoing
collectively referred to as the "Shares").

1.2  Delivery of Certificates.  A certificate representing Four Hundred
Eighty Seven Thousand Five Hundred (487,500) of the W&B Shares and a
certificate representing Twenty Five Thousand (25,000) of the W&B Shares
shall be delivered to W&B at the closing of the Merger (the "Closing").  A
certificate representing Four Hundred Eighty Seven Thousand Five Hundred
(487,500) of the Ocean Way Shares shall be delivered to Ocean Way at the
Closing.  The certificates representing the remaining Five Hundred Thousand
(500,000) shares of the W&B Shares (the "Escrowed W&B Shares") and the
certificates representing the remaining Five Hundred Thousand (500,000)
shares of the Ocean Way Shares (the "Escrowed Ocean Way Shares") shall be
held in escrow as provided in Section 4 hereof.

1.3  Lock-Up Agreement and Investment Representation Letters.  Concurrent
with or prior to the execution of this Agreement, each of W&B and Ocean Way
shall deliver to the Secretary of the Corporation: (a) a duly executed Lock-
Up Agreement (substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A); and
(b) a duly executed Investment Representation Letter (substantially in the
form attached hereto as Exhibit B).


     2.1  Restricted Securities.  The Shares issued pursuant to Section 1.1 have
not  been registered under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, (the "1933
Act").   Each of W&B and Ocean Way hereby confirms that it has been  informed
that  the Shares are restricted securities under the 1933 Act and may not  be
resold  or  transferred unless they are first registered  under  the  federal
securities  laws or unless an exemption from such registration is  available.
Accordingly, W&B and Ocean Way each hereby acknowledge that they are prepared
to  hold  the  W&B  Shares  and the Ocean Way Shares,  respectively,  for  an
indefinite  period  and  that each of W&B and Ocean Way  is  aware  that  the

Securities and Exchange Commission Rule 144 issued under the 1933  Act  which
exempts certain resales of unrestricted securities is not presently available
to  exempt  the  resale  of  their respective shares  from  the  registration
requirements of the 1933 Act.

     2.2  Restrictive Legends.  All of the stock certificates representing the
Shares  shall  be endorsed with the restrictive legend substantially  in  the
following form:



3.1  Grant.  The Corporation is hereby granted the right to repurchase all of
the  Escrowed  W&B  Shares  and all of the Escrowed  Ocean  Way  Shares  (the
"Repurchase  Right") at the conclusion of the Second 90-Day Period  (as  such
term is defined below), except as follows:

(a)  If, within the ninety (90)-day period following the Closing (the "First
90-Day  Period"), the Corporation has received any equity financing resulting
from an Introduction (as such term is defined below) to such equity financing
source by W&B and/or Ocean Way, subject to Section 3.2, the Corporation shall
have  no  Repurchase Rights to, and shall release from escrow  in  accordance
with  Section  4 hereof: (i) the amount of Escrowed W&B Shares equal  to  the

(the dollar amount of equity financing received by the Corporation)x500,000x50%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------

and (ii) the amount of Escrowed Ocean Way Shares equal to the following:

(the dollar amount of equity financing received by the Corporation)x500,000x50%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------

If  within the First 90-Day Period, the Corporation has received by or before
the  last  day of the First 90-Day Period, One Million Five Hundred  Thousand
Dollars  ($1,500,000) in equity financing resulting from an  Introduction  to
such equity financing source by W&B and/or Ocean Way, subject to Section 3.2,
at  such time that such equity financing is received by the Corporation,  the
Corporation shall have no Repurchase Rights to, and shall release from escrow
in accordance with Section 4 hereof: (i) Two Hundred Fifty Thousand (250,000)
shares  of  the  Escrowed  W&B Shares; and (ii) Two  Hundred  Fifty  Thousand
(250,000) shares of the Escrowed Ocean Way Shares.

    (b)  If within the ninety (90)-day period following the First 90-Day Period
(the "Second 90-Day Period"), the Corporation has received by the last day of
the  First 90-Day Period, less than One Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars
($1,500,000)  in  equity  financing resulting from an  Introduction  to  such
equity  financing source by W&B and/or Ocean Way, subject to Section 3.2,  at
the  conclusion of the Second 90-Day Period, the Corporation  shall  have  no

Repurchase  Rights  to,  and  shall release from escrow  in  accordance  with
Section  4  hereof:  (i)  the amount of Escrowed  W&B  Shares  equal  to  the

(the dollar amount of equity financing received by the Corporation)x500,000x50%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------

and (ii) the amount of Escrowed Ocean Way Shares equal to the following:

(the dollar amount of equity financing received by the Corporation)x500,000x50%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------

If within the Second 90-Day Period, the Corporation has received by or before
the  last  day  of  the Second 90-Day Period an additional One  Million  Five
Hundred  Thousand Dollars ($1,500,000) in equity financing resulting from  an
Introduction  to such equity funding source by W&B and/or Ocean Way,  subject
to  Section 3.2, at such time that such equity financing is received  by  the
Corporation,  the Corporation shall have no Repurchase Right  to,  and  shall
release  from  escrow in accordance with Section 4 hereof:  (i)  Two  Hundred
Fifty  Thousand  (250,000) shares of the Escrowed W&B Shares;  and  (ii)  Two
Hundred Fifty Thousand (250,000) shares of the Escrowed Ocean Way Shares.

   (c)  Notwithstanding Paragraphs (a) and (b) above to the contrary, if by the
last  day  of  the Second 90-Day Period, the Corporation has  received  Three
Million   Dollars  ($3,000,000)  in  equity  financing  resulting   from   an
Introduction to such equity financing source by W&B and/or Ocean Way, subject
to  Section  3.2,  at  the  conclusion  of  the  Second  90-Day  Period,  the
Corporation shall have no Repurchase Rights to, and shall release from escrow
in  accordance with Section 4 hereof: (i) all of the Escrowed W&B Shares; and
(ii) all of the Escrowed W&B Shares.

For  purposes of this Agreement the term "Introduction" or "Introduced" shall
mean  the  establishment of discussions between an equity funding source  and
the  Corporation by W&B and/or Ocean Way wherein said discussions shall  have
been initiated for the specific purpose of consummating a financing involving
the Corporation, such equity financing to be on such terms and conditions  as
approved  by  the Corporation in its sole discretion.  Specifically  excluded
from  this definition is the establishment of any and all discussions between
the  Corporation  and any financing candidate not Introduced  by  either  W&B
and/or Ocean Way to the Corporation

 3.2  Fractional Shares; Reduction of Number of Shares Issued.  No fractional
shares  shall  be  repurchased by the Corporation.  Accordingly,  should  the
Repurchase  Right  extend to a fractional share, then such  fractional  share
shall be rounded to the nearest whole number.  If any fees are charged by any
third  party,  i.e., finders' fees, in connection with obtaining  the  equity
financing, the Corporation shall have no liability or responsibility  to  pay
any  such fees to such third party, and if any shares of the Corporation  are
to  be issued to any third party in connection with the financing (other than
to  investors  in  the  equity financing), the number of  shares  issued  and
released to W&B and Ocean Way pursuant to this Agreement shall be reduced  by
the amount of any such shares issuable to such third party.

     3.3   Exercise of the Repurchase Right.  The Repurchase Right  shall  be
exercisable by written notice delivered to W&B and/or Ocean Way, as the  case
may  be, within ten (10) business days of the conclusion of the Second 90-Day

Period.  The notice shall indicate the number of Shares to be repurchased and
the  date on which the repurchase is to be effected, such date to be not more
than  thirty (30) days after the date of such notice.  Concurrently with  the
release  of  such  stock  certificates to the Corporation  from  escrow,  the
Corporation shall pay to W&B and/or Ocean Way, as the case may be, in cash or
cash equivalents, an amount equal to $.001 per share.

     3.4  Recapitalization.  Any new, substituted or additional securities or
other  property  (including cash paid other than as a regular cash  dividend)
which  is  by  reason  of any stock split, stock dividend,  recapitalization,
combination  of  shares,  exchange of shares or other  change  affecting  the
outstanding  Common  Stock  as a class without the Corporation's  receipt  of
consideration (collectively, "Recapitalization") distributed with respect  to
the Shares shall be immediately subject to the Repurchase Right, but only  to
the  extent  the  Shares are at the time covered by such right.   Appropriate
adjustments  to reflect such distribution shall be made to the number  and/or
class  of Shares subject to this Agreement and to the price per share  to  be
paid upon the exercise of the Repurchase Right in order to reflect the effect
of any such Recapitalization upon the Corporation's capital structure.

4.   ESCROW.

    4.1  Deposit.  Upon issuance, the certificates representing the Escrowed W&B
Shares and the certificates representing the Escrowed Ocean Way Shares  shall
be  deposited in escrow with the Secretary of the Corporation to be  held  in
accordance with the provisions of this Section 4.  Each deposited certificate
shall  be accompanied by a duly-executed Assignment Separate from Certificate
in  the  form  of Exhibit C.  The deposited certificates, together  with  any
other assets or securities from time to time deposited with the Secretary  of
the  Corporation pursuant to the requirements of this Agreement, shall remain
in  escrow until such time or times as the certificates (or other assets  and
securities)  are to be released or otherwise surrendered for cancellation  in
accordance  with  Section 4.3.  Upon deposit of the  certificates  (or  other
assets and securities) in escrow by the Secretary of the Corporation, each of
W&B  and  Ocean  Way shall be issued a receipt acknowledging  the  number  of
Escrowed  W&B  Shares  and Escrowed Ocean Way Shares  (or  other  assets  and
securities) delivered in escrow.

     4.2  Recapitalization/Reorganization.  Any new, substituted or additional
securities  or  other property which is by reason of any Recapitalization  or
reorganization distributed with respect to the Escrowed W&B Shares and/or the
Escrowed  Ocean Way Shares shall be immediately delivered to the  Corporation
to  be  held  in  escrow under this Section 4, but only  to  the  extent  the
Escrowed W&B Shares and/or the Escrowed Ocean Way Shares, as the case may be,
are  at the time subject to the escrow requirements hereunder.  However,  all
regular  cash  dividends on the Escrowed W&B Shares and  Escrowed  Ocean  Way
Shares  (or  other  securities at the time held  in  escrow)  shall  be  paid
directly to W&B and Ocean Way, respectively, and shall not be held in escrow.

     4.3  Release/Surrender.  The Escrowed W&B Shares and Escrowed Ocean Way
Shares, together with any other assets or securities held in escrow
hereunder, shall be subject to the following terms relating to their release
from escrow or their surrender to the Corporation for repurchase and

      (a)  Should the Corporation elect to exercise the Repurchase Right with
respect  to  any  of  the Escrowed W&B Shares and/or the Escrowed  Ocean  Way
Shares,  then the escrowed certificates representing the Escrowed W&B  Shares
and/or  Escrowed  Ocean Way Shares, as the case may be,  (together  with  any
other assets or securities attributable thereto) shall be surrendered to  the
Corporation  concurrently with the payment to W&B and/or Ocean  Way,  as  the
case  may  be,  of an amount equal to $0.001 per share, and W&B and/or  Ocean
Way,  as  the case may be, shall cease to have any further rights  or  claims
with  respect  to  such  shares (or other assets or  securities  attributable

(b)  Should the Corporation elect not to exercise the Repurchase Right or
should the Corporation's Repurchase Right terminate pursuant to Paragraphs
(a), (b) and (c) of Section 3.1, with respect to any Escrowed W&B Shares
and/or the Escrowed Ocean Way Shares held at the time in escrow hereunder,
then the escrowed certificates for those shares (together with any other
assets or securities attributable thereto) shall be immediately released to
W&B and/or Ocean Way, as the case may be.

(c)  All of the Escrowed W&B Shares and/or the Escrowed Ocean Way Shares (or
other assets or securities) released from escrow shall nevertheless remain
subject to the Lock-Up Agreement, until such restriction terminates.


     5.1  Section 83(b) Election.  Under Code Section 83, the excess of the fair
market value of the Shares on the date any forfeiture restrictions applicable
to  such  shares lapse over the price paid or value of services rendered  for
such  shares  will be reportable as ordinary income on the lapse  date.   For
this  purpose, the term "forfeiture restrictions" includes the right  of  the
Corporation to repurchase the Shares pursuant to the Repurchase Right.   Each
of  W&B  and Ocean Way may elect under Code Section 83(b) to be taxed at  the
time the Shares are acquired, rather than when and as such Shares cease to be
subject  to  such forfeiture restrictions.  Such election must be filed  with
the  Internal Revenue Service within thirty (30) days after the date of  this
Agreement.  Even if the fair market value of the Shares on the date  of  this
Agreement  equals the price paid or value of services rendered (and  thus  no
tax  is payable), the election must be made to avoid adverse tax consequences



     6.1  Assignment.  The Corporation may assign the Repurchase Right to any
person  or entity selected by the Corporation's Board of Directors, including
without limitation, one or more shareholder of the Corporation.

   6.2  Notices.  Any notice required to be given under this Agreement shall be
in  writing  and  shall be deemed effective upon personal  delivery  or  upon
deposit  in  the  U.S.  mail, registered or certified,  postage  prepaid  and
properly  addressed  to  the party entitled to such  notice  at  the  address
indicated  below  such party's signature line on this Agreement  or  at  such
other  address as such party may designate by ten (10) days' advance  written
notice under this section to all other parties to this Agreement.

   6.3  No Waiver.  The failure of the Corporation in any instance to exercise
the Repurchase Right shall not constitute a waiver of any other repurchase
rights that may subsequently arise under the provisions of this Agreement or
any other agreement between the Corporation, W&B and/or Ocean Way.  No waiver
of any breach or condition of this Agreement shall be deemed to be a waiver
of any other or subsequent breach or condition, whether of like or different

  6.4  Cancellation of Shares.  If the Corporation shall make available, at the
time  and  place  and in the amount and form provided in this Agreement,  the
consideration  for  the  Shares  to  be  purchased  in  accordance  with  the
provisions of this Agreement, then from and after such time, the person  from
whom  such  shares are to be purchased shall no longer have any rights  as  a
holder  of  such  shares  (other than the right to receive  payment  of  such
consideration  in  accordance with this Agreement).   Such  shares  shall  be
deemed purchased in accordance with the applicable provisions hereof, and the
Corporation shall be deemed the owner and holder of such shares,  whether  or
not  the certificate or certificates therefor have been delivered as required
by this Agreement.

   6.5  W&B and Ocean Way Undertaking.  Each of W&B and Ocean Way hereby agrees
to  take whatever additional action and execute whatever additional documents
the  Corporation  may deem necessary or advisable in order to  carry  out  or
effect  one or more of the obligations or restrictions imposed on W&B,  Ocean
Way or the Shares pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement.
6.6  Governing Law.  This Agreement shall be governed by, construed under and
enforced in accordance with, the laws of the State of California, as such
laws are applied to contracts entered into and performed in such State
without resort to that State's conflict-of-laws provisions.

   6.7  Successors and Assigns.  The provisions of this Agreement shall inure to
the benefit of, and be binding upon, the Corporation and its successors and
assigns and W&B and/or Ocean Way, as the case may be, and W&B's and/or Ocean
Way's legal representatives, heirs, legatees, distributees, assigns and
transferees by operation of law, whether or not any such person shall have
become a party to this Agreement and have agreed in writing to join herein
and be bound by the terms and conditions hereof.

     6.8   Counterparts.   This  Agreement may be executed  in  one  or  more
counterparts.   Each such counterpart shall be deemed to be an  original  and
all such counterparts shall together constitute one and the same instrument.

     6.9  Captions.  The captions and headings of the sections included in this
Agreement  are inserted for convenience only and are not intended  to  affect
the meaning or interpretation of this Agreement.

    6.10 Entire Agreement.  This instrument contains the entire agreement of the
parties relating to the rights granted and obligations assumed in this
instrument.  Any oral representations or modifications concerning this
instrument shall be of no force or effect unless contained in a subsequent
written modification signed by the party to be charged.
6.11 Attorneys' Fees.  If any legal action, arbitration or other proceeding
is brought for the enforcement of this Agreement, or because of any alleged
dispute, breach, default or misrepresentation in connection with this
Agreement, the successful or prevailing party shall be entitled to recover
actual attorneys' fees (including fees for paraprofessionals and similar
personnel and disbursements) and other costs it incurs in that action or
proceeding, in addition to any other relief to which it may be entitled.  The
parties agree that actual attorneys' fees shall be based on the attorneys'
fees actually incurred (based on the attorneys' customary hourly billing
rates) rather than the court or arbitrator making an independent inquiry
concerning reasonableness.

   6.12 Remedies Cumulative.  The remedies of each party contained in this
Agreement are cumulative and shall not exclude or diminish any other remedies
to which such party may be lawfully entitled.

   6.13 Dispute Resolution.  All claims, disputes and other matters in
controversy ("Dispute") arising directly or indirectly out of or related to
this Agreement, or the breach thereof, whether contractual or noncontractual,
and whether during the term or after the termination of this Agreement, shall
be resolved exclusively according to the procedures set forth in this

           (a)   Neither  party  shall  commence  an  arbitration  proceeding
pursuant  to  the provisions of paragraph (b) below unless such  party  shall
first  give a written notice (a "Dispute Notice") to the other party  setting
forth the nature of the Dispute.  The parties shall attempt in good faith  to
resolve  the  Dispute by mediation under the American Arbitration Association
Commercial  Mediation Rules in effect on the date of the Dispute Notice.   If
the  parties  cannot agree on the selection of a mediator within twenty  (20)
days after delivery of the Dispute Notice, the mediator shall be selected  by
the  American Arbitration Association.  If the Dispute has not been  resolved
by  mediation  within sixty (60) days after delivery of the  Dispute  Notice,
then  the  Dispute shall be determined by arbitration in accordance with  the
provisions of paragraph (b) below.

           (b)   Any Dispute that is not settled by mediation as provided  in
paragraph  (a)  above  shall  be  resolved by  arbitration  before  a  single
arbitrator appointed by the American Arbitration Association or its successor
in  Orange  County.  The determination of the arbitrator shall be  final  and

absolute.  The arbitrator shall be governed by the duly promulgated rules and
regulations of the American Arbitration Association or its successor then  in
effect,  and the pertinent provisions of the laws of the State of  California
relating to arbitration.  The decision of the arbitrator may be entered as  a
final judgment in any court of the State of California or elsewhere.

                          [signature page follows]

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement on the day
and year first indicated above.

CORPORATION:                  Knowledge Foundations, Inc.,
                              a Delaware corporation

                              /s/ Michael W. Dochterman
                              Michael W. Dochterman, President & CEO

                                   7852 Colgate Avenue
                                   Westminster, California  92683

W&B:                          Wright & Bleers

                              Print Name:



Ocean Way:                         Ocean Way Investments, Ltd.

                              Print Name:



                                  EXHIBIT A
                              LOCK-UP AGREEMENT
                                  EXHIBIT B


                                  EXHIBIT C


           FOR  VALUE  RECEIVED ____________________________ hereby  sell(s),
assign(s)   and   transfer(s)   unto   Knowledge   Foundations,   Inc.   (the
"Corporation"), _____________________ (___) shares of the Common Stock of the
Corporation standing in __________________________ name on the books  of  the
Corporation represented by Certificate No. ________ herewith and does  hereby
irrevocably  constitute  and appoint __________________________  Attorney  to
transfer  the said stock on the books of the Corporation with full  power  of
substitution in the premises.

Dated:                   , 20____


Instruction:  Please do not fill in any blanks other than the signature line.
The  purpose of this assignment is to enable the Corporation to exercise  its
Repurchase  Right  set  forth in the Agreement without  requiring  additional
signatures on the part of the stockholder.

                                  EXHIBIT D

                         SECTION 83(b) TAX ELECTION

     This statement is being made under Section 83(b) of the Internal Revenue
Code, pursuant to Treas. Reg. Section 1.83-2.

(1)  The taxpayer who performed the services is:



     Taxpayer Ident. No.:

(2)   The  property  with  respect to which the election  is  being  made  is
___________ shares of the common stock of Knowledge Foundations, Inc.

(3)  The property was issued on _________________________.

(4)   The  taxable year in which the election is being made is  the  calendar
year __________.

(5)   The  property is subject to a repurchase right pursuant  to  which  the
issuer  has  the  right to acquire the property at the  $.001  per  share  if
certain  minimum  standards are not met.  Such repurchase  right  will  lapse
after  a 180 day period beginning on September ____, 2000 and ending on March
___, 2001.

(6)  The fair market value at the time of transfer (determined without regard
to  any  restriction other than a restriction which by its terms  will  never
lapse) is $_________ per share.

(7)  The amount paid for such property is ___________ per share.

(8)   A  copy of this statement was furnished to Knowledge Foundations,  Inc.
for whom taxpayer rendered the services underlying the transfer of property.

(9)  This statement is executed as of: _________________________.

Spouse (if any)                                   Taxpayer

      This  form must be filed with the Internal Revenue Service Center  with
which  taxpayer files his or her federal income tax returns. The filing  must
be  made  within  thirty  (30) days after the execution  date  of  the  Stock
Issuance Agreement and should be made by registered or certified mail, return
receipt  requested.  The taxpayer must retain two (2) copies of the completed
form  for  filing with its federal and state tax returns for the current  tax
year and an additional copy for its records.