222 LAKEVIEW AVENUE, SUITE 160
                         WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401

                                        12 January 2000

United States Securities and Exchange Commission
450 Fifth Street, NW
Washington, DC 20549

RE:      Net Expressions, Inc.
         File No.  0-28091

Dear Ms.  Walker:

         Net  Expressions,  Inc.  respectfully  requests  that it's Form  10-SB,
voluntarily  filed  November 15, 1999 be withdrawn  effective  immediately.  The
Company has changed its  business  plans,  and is not required to be a reporting
company,  therefore,  will not need the benefits and burdens of reporting  based
upon proposed  changes and  respectfully  requests such relief prior to becoming

                                        Very truly,

                                        /s/ Kevin S.  Slowick
                                        Kevin S.  Slowick
                                        President, CEO


File: Mintmire & Associates