AGREEMENT MADE this 18th day of July,  2000 by and between  REU-DOM  INVESTMENTS
referred to as "CUIDAO") as follows:

           WHEREAS WCBI is in the business of  exclusively  importing,  selling,
  marketing and  distributing  imported  beers and similar malt beverages in the
  various states and territories listed on the attached Exhibit "A"; and

          WHEREAS  CUIDAO  is  in  the  business  of  importing,   managing  and
 distributing a portfolio of  international  and regional brands of beer,  wines
 and spirits; and

          WHEREAS  WCBI and  CUIDAO  believe  that  there are  certain  business
 benefits and advantages which would arise from an ongoing  mutually  beneficial
 business relationship between them;

          NOW,  THEREFORE,  in consideration of the covenants and considerations
 contained herein, the parties agree as follows:

1 . CUIDAO  shall serve as the sole and  exclusive  agent for WCBI for the sales
and  marketing  of the brands,  a list of which is attached as Exhibit  "B," for
which  WCB1  has  the  exclusive  authorization  to  represent  in  the  various
jurisdictions in which it has obtained licensing and marketing rights.

       CUIDAO understands and acknowledges that the permits are not transferable
and the use of said licenses/permits are authorized by WCBI only subject to this
Agreement.  It is understood that WBCI will retain all rights  pertaining to the
licenses/permits and CUIDAO acknowledges that no rights are granted to CUIDAO in
the  product  brands,  trademarks  or trade  names  involved  by  virtue of this

2.  WCBI  authorizes  CUIDAO  to  service,  sell  and  market  to all of  WCBI's
customers, a list of which is set forth on the attached Exhibit "C."

3. WCBI shall have the right to market and distribute additional brands of beer,
in conjunction  with CUIDAO,  it being the intent of the parties that additional
brand representation shall be acquired by CUIDAO.

4. The term of this Agreement shall be for a period of five (5) years commencing
on the date of the execution of this  Agreement and shall be renewed  thereafter
on the same terms and  conditions  not less than sixty (60) days before the, end
of the initial  term for  successive  three (3) year  periods  until the parties
shall otherwise terminate their relationship.

5. CUIDAO shall have the right to use the name "WORLD CLASS BEER IMPORTS" in its
marketing  and sales efforts in the  representation  of the brands which are the
subject of this agreement.

6. At all times the respective parties shall conduct their affairs and operation
of their  business in strict  compliance  with all applicable  local,  state and
Federal laws, rules and regulations.


7. CUIDAO may also use the name "WORLD CLASS BEER IMPORTS" in  conjunction  with
its internet web site, and any other manner it deems  appropriate to further the
sales of the products and brands.  However, CUIDAO shall not use the name "WORLD
CLASS BEER  IMPORTS" in any manner which is negative,  pejorative or which would
tend to impugn or damage the good will  associated  with the name  "WORLD  CLASS

8. WCBI will receive from CUIDAO for the rights and  privileges  granted  herein
the following:

     i. WCBI will retain ownership of the inventory  currently in possession and
on its books. The inventory will remain on the books of WCBI until sold and upon
its sale shall become a receivable due from CUIDAO. The inventory sold by CUDIAO
will be reimburse at the laid in cost that included all federal excise and other
taxes and  transport  and  handling of the total  inventory up to the sum of One
Hundred  Nineteen  Thousand  and  no/100  Dollars  (US$119,000.00)  and the cash
equivalent  of the WCBI trade payable (as  identified  in Exhibit "D").  Payment
will be made by CUIDAO to WCBI immediately upon receipt from customers.

     ii. the balance of the inventory (in excess of US$119,000)  will be sold by
CUIDAO and reimbursement to WCBI,  and/or its assigns,  will be made in the form
of CUIDAO common stock, a publicly  traded  company  trading on the OTC bulletin
board of the NASDAQ stock  exchange under the symbol "CDAO." This inventory will
be reimbursed  at the laid in cost of the  inventory  (as  identified in Exhibit
"D").  The monthly cost of inventory  sold will be  reimbursed  ion common stock
based upon the  average  offer price  during the month the product is sold.  The
stock will be issued  within seven (7) days  following  the close of the monthly
books of record of CUIDAO.

     iii. The interest expense on the loan proceeds supporting the inventory (up
to  US$119,000.00)  will  be  reimbursed  to  WCBI  monthly  until  the  sum  of
US$119,000.00  is paid in full.  After  US$119,000.00 of the inventory sales has
been paid to WCBI by CUIDAO,  if at such time the loan has not been satisfied by
WCBI, CUIDAO's  continuing  obligation to pay interest expense on the loan shall

     iv. All inventory shall be sold at prevailing market prices, established by
WCBI, without discount or reduction unless agreed by the parties.

9.  CUIDAO  will  assume  responsibility  for the  current  lease of WCBI at the
premises located at 3932 N.E. 5 th Avenue,  Oakland Park, Florida, and will hold
WCBI and its  principals  harmless and  indemnify  them from any claims  arising
subsequent to this agreement under said lease.

10. CUIDAO agrees to satisfy any and all current,  existing accounts payable and
other   obligations  and   commitments  to  existing  WCBI   customers,   and/or
distributors, such as tastings, festivals, special events, etc.

11.  The  value  of the  assets,  exclusive  of  inventory,  of  WCBI  has  been
established at US$31,500.00 for purposes of this agreement.

12. CUIDAO agrees to provide full financial  disclosure of all material  matters
to WCBI upon  request.  CUIDAO  represents  that  there are no  current  adverse
financial considerations which have not been disclosed to WCBI which if known by
WCBI would tend to influence its decision to proceed with this agreement.

13. This Agreement  supersedes all prior  agreements and  constitutes the entire
agreement  between the parties  hereto with regard to the subject matter hereof.
It may not be amended  or  modified  except by an  instrument  executed  by both


14. Any notice, payment, request, instruction, or other document to be delivered
hereunder  shall be  deemed  sufficiently  given  if in  writing  and  delivered
personally  or  mailed by  certified  mail,  postage  prepaid  addressed  to the
applicable party at the address first set forth above, unless in each case Buyer
or Seller has notified the other in writing of a different address.

15. No delay or failure by either party to exercise any right hereunder,  and no
partial or single exercise of any such right,  shall constitute a waiver of that
or any other right, unless otherwise expressly provided herein.

16. This agreement shall be interpreted and governed by the laws of the state of
Florida;  and venue for any  action  arising  from  this  agreement  shall be in
Broward County, Florida.

17. This  Agreement may be executed in two or more  counterparts,  each of which
shall be deemed an original but all of which together  shall  constitute one and
the same instrument.

18. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties
hereto and their respective legal representatives, successors, and assigns.

19,  Except as may  otherwise be expressly  provided  herein,  neither party may
assign any right,  obligation,  or liability arising hereunder without the other
party's prior written consent. Any such assignment or attempted assignment shall
be null and void.

20. In the event of  litigation  arising from the terms and  conditions  of this
Agreement,  the  prevailing  party  shall  be  entitled  to  recover  reasonable
attorneys fees from the non-prevailing party at the trial and appellate levels.

21. The signature of a representative  of a party to this agreement  transmitted
by facsimile  shall be enforceable in all respects as the original  signature of
that  representative  and shall  be.binding  upon  that  party to  enforce  this
agreement according to its terms.

22. In the event any provision of this agreement  needs to be modified,  amended
or otherwise  altered in order to obtain compliance with Securities and Exchange
Commission  rules,  regulations  or  guidelines,  the parties agree to make such
modifications, retaining to the greatest extent possible the expressed intent of
the parties as set forth in this agreement.

                IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties set forth their respective hands
and seals on the date first above-written.


   /s/ Reubin Share                        / s/ C. Michael Fisher, Pres.
- ---------------------------------         -------------------------------------
By: Reubin Share, President               By: Michael Fisher, President
