This agreement is entered into this   th day of               , between
                                         ---          --------------
                                     (Hereafter referred to as "the owner" 
- -----------------------------------
or "the sponsor") and The Forsythe Group, Inc. (Hereafter referred to
as "the agent").  This agreement relates to activities to be performed, 
responsibilities to be accepted and authority to be exercised with regard 
to the properties to be known as

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Located in :

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

In consideration of the terms conditions and covenants hereinafter set 
forth, the Owner and the Agent mutually agree as follows:


As used in this Agreement the terms below shall have the following definitions
unless context otherwise requires:

101.1     "Project " shall mean the land, improvements, buildings,
          appurtenances and equipment thereon described in...


101.2     "Gross Collections" shall mean all amounts actually collected by 
          the Agent, as tenant rents, income from commercial space, community
          fees and other miscellaneous charges, but excluding
          (i) income derived from interest on investments, (ii) discounts and
          dividends on insurance, and (iii) security deposits.

101.3     "Lease" shall mean the approved agreement between the Owner and 
          a Tenant under the terms of which said Tenant is entitled to enjoy
          possession of a dwelling unit.

101.4     "Rent" shall mean that monthly amount which a Tenant is obligated
          to pay the Owner pursuant to the terms of a Lease.

101.5     "Tenant" shall mean a person occupying a dwelling unit in the
          Development pursuant to a Lease.

101.6     "Lender" shall mean the financial institution holding the mortgage 
          for the Project property.


The Owner hereby appoints the Agent, and the Agent hereby accepts appointments,
on the terms and conditions hereinafter

provided, as exclusive management agent of the Project.



The Agent agrees to keep itself informed on the applicable lender policies and
requirements, and, notwithstanding the authority given to the Agent in this
agreement, to confer fully and freely with the Owner, and the lender in the
performance of its duties hereunder.


The Agent agrees to cause an officer of the Agent to attend meetings with the
Owner at any time or times requested by the Owner.


601.1     Employees of Agent.  The Agent shall hire the Director, who will 
          be responsible and report directly to the Agent.  Said Director
          will perform duties on-site and compensation will be considered an
          expense of the Project.

          The Agent shall hire in the Owner's name the Director and on-site
          personnel necessary for the full and efficient performance of the
          Agent's duties under this Agreement.  Such employees shall be
          physically present on the Project site.  No less that one
          responsible person(s) for each twenty tenants and/or required by
          licensing regulator shall be physically present at the Project at
          such times, and in any event, for not less than 24 hours per day,
          seven days per week.  Compensation for the services of all on-site
          employees, including the Director, shall be included as operating
          expenses of the Project.

          The Agent shall develop a staffing plan which is sensitive to tenant
          occupancy and the level of service to be provided.  The Agent will be
          responsible for developing and implementing orientation and training
          for all on-site employees.

601.2     Employment of Residents and Contractors.  The Agent shall operate 
          as an equal opportunity employer in conformity with all related
          laws and regulations.  Employment practices will not discriminate
          based upon sex, race, color, sexual orientation, age, creed,
          religion, or national origin.


701.01     Services Prior to Resident Occupancy.  Prior to occupancy of the 
           Project, the Agent shall:

               (i) furnish the Owner revised estimates of maintenance and
                   operating expenses accompanied by documentation including
                   a staffing plan and where appropriate, bids, contracts or
                   comparable for any and all items so requested by the Owner
                   or lender;

              (ii) develop,  and establish such policies and procedures as are
                   necessary to carry out the Agent's responsibilities under
                   this Agreement for the effective and efficient operation
                   of the Project.  Such policies and procedures shall provide
                   the guidelines for on-site staff in the day to day
                   operation of the Project and shall include but not be
                   limited to aspects of marketing (e.g., sales practices,
                   mail list management, referral contact, affirmative fair
                   housing practices), administration (e.g., tenant
                   application and move-in, landlord-tenant relations,
                   rental agreements, bookkeeping, tenant charges, etc.)
                   personnel,(e.g., job descriptions, hiring, evaluation,
                   discharge, benefits, etc.) tenant services (e.g.,
                   housekeeping, laundry, maintenance, food service, ancillary
                   services, etc.), property management. (e.g., maintenance,
                   preventive maintenance, general repairs, etc.);

             (iii) implement marketing plan.

              (iv) retain such marketing, maintenance and managerial personnel
                   as are necessary for the preliminary marketing and sale of

               (v) provide training opportunities to marketing staff;

              (vi) establish a bookkeeping and accounting system in
                   accordance with requirements specified by the owner and
                   sufficient to document operational income and expenses of
                   the project covered by the management agreement;

             (vii) identify start-up inventory, equipment and supplies and
                   secure such as approved by the Owner and additionally will
                   develop a system for ordering and protecting inventory

                   against loss and waste;

            (viii) provide a system for bookkeeping, including payroll,
                   accounts payable, accounts receivable, general ledger, and
                   petty cash, such system being designed to generate timely
                   information regarding cash flow, as well as information
                   necessary for owner's financial reports.

701.02     Structure and Warranties. the Agent shall obtain from the Owner 
           a complete set of plans and specifications and copies of all
           guarantees and warranties pertinent to construction, fixtures and
           equipment.  With the aid of this information and inspection by
           competent personnel, the Agent shall thoroughly familiarize
           itself with the character, location, construction, layout, plan
           and operation of the Project and especially of the electrical,
           heating, plumbing, air conditioning and ventilating systems, and
           all other mechanical equipment. 

701.03     Inspection of Development.  The Agent shall participate in the
           final inspection(s) of the Project to certify the readiness of the
           units for occupancy and shall (i) inform the Owner, the Architect,
           the Contractor and the lender and insurer of all defects in
           material and workmanship discovered within the construction
           warranty period; and (ii) monitor the action taken by the
           Contractor to correct the defects; and (iii) participate in any
           formal inspection held for the purpose of identifying construction

701.04     Maintenance and Repairs.  The Agent shall cause the general
           building interior and grounds of the Project to be maintained and
           repaired according to standards acceptable to the Owner, lender
           and insurer.  The Agent shall coordinate with the Owner
           responsibility for maintaining in good working order, repairing
           and replacing the structural aspects of the building, appurtenances,
           capital equipment, and the electrical, heating, plumbing, air
           conditioning and ventilating systems, and all other mechanical
           equipment.  The Agent shall report mechanical, structural,
           electrical, plumbing, heating, ventilating or air conditioning
           problems to the owner in a timely manner.

701.05     Preventive Maintenance.  The Agent shall coordinate with the
           Owner to assure the timely accomplishment of preventive
           maintenance.  The Agent shall cause the buildings, appurtenances,
           and equipment of the Project to be maintained and repaired
           according to

           written procedures and schedules.  The Agent shall develop a
           preventive maintenance schedule including, but not limited to
           periodic inspections of the units; residency commencement and
           termination check lists; inventory control; common area
           maintenance; equipment monitoring; and monitoring of exterior
           maintenance and landscaping on a seasonal basis.  The Agent will
           develop a schedule for routine painting and replacement as well as
           a budget item to fund redecorating as necessary.

701.06     Property Insurance.  The Agent will cause to be placed in force, 
           all forms of insurance needed to adequately protect the Owner and
           the Project, including, comprehensive general liability insurance,
           fire and extended coverage insurance, burglary, and theft
           insurance.  The Agent shall promptly investigate and make a full
           written report to the Owner within five (5) days of receiving
           knowledge of any accident or claim for damage relating to the
           ownership, operation and maintenance of the Project, including
           any damage or destruction of the Project and the estimated cost
           of repair, and shall cooperate and make any and all reports required
           by any insurance company in connection therewith.

701.07     Employees of Owner.  On the basis of wage rates previously
           approved by the Owner, the Agent shall investigate, hire, pay,
           supervise and discharge all administrative and general maintenance

           No less than one responsible person(s) shall be physically
           present at the Project not less than 24 hours per day seven days per

           All personnel shall in every instance be in the Owner's and not
           in the Agent's employ.  Compensation for the services of all
           employees, as evidenced by certified payroll(s) shall be considered
           an operating expense of the Project.

701.08     Notice of Authority.  In addition to its authority to manage the 
           premises as specified herein, the Agent is authorized by the Owner
           to accept service of process and to receive and give receipt for
           notices and demands.  A notice containing such information shall
           be posted in a conspicuous place on the premises.

701.09     Service Requests of Tenants.  The Agent shall maintain businesslike 
           relations with Residents whose service requests shall be received, 

           considered, and recorded on a systematic, written basis to show the
           action taken with respect to each such request.  Complaints of a
           serious nature and all written complaints shall, after thorough
           investigation, be reported to the Owner with appropriate

           The Agent shall make provisions for delivery of services calls
           from Tenants on a 24-hour basis.

701.10     Inspection of Units.  As part of the continuing program to secure 
           full performance by the Residents of all obligations and
           maintenance for which they are responsible, the Agent shall make
           an annual inspection of all dwelling units and report its findings
           in writing to the Owner.

701.11     Review of 0perations.  The Agent shall permit the lender and
           insurer to conduct on-site evaluations of the performance of any
           or all management services which the Agent has agreed to provide
           as required by this Agreement and the Management Plan.  An
           authorized representative of the Agent shall be available during
           on-site evaluations.  The Agent shall correct any deficiencies
           noted in these evaluations within 30 days of the receipt of the
           report from the lender.

701.12     Collections and Delinquencies.  The Agent shall collect and deposit
           in the account established pursuant to Section 1001 hereof all
           rents and other charges due from Tenants and all rents or other
           payments due the Owner from lessees of other nondwelling areas of
           the Project.  The Agent agrees, and the Owner hereby authorizes
           the Agent, to request, demand, collect, receive, and give receipts
           for any and all charges or rents which may at any time be or become
           payable to the owner.  Rents and other charges shall not be
           accepted in cash by the Agent.  The Agent agrees to take such
           action, including legal action, with respect to delinquencies in
           payments due the Owner with an itemized list of all Tenants with
           delinquent accounts as of the tenth (1Oth) day of each month on or
           before the fifteenth (15th) day of same month.

701.13     Payments and Expenses.  From the funds collected and deposited 
           in the account established pursuant to Section 1001 hereof, the
           Agent shall coordinate with the Owner and cause to be disbursed
           regularly and punctually the following:

               (i) all of the real estate tax and insurance

                   premium escrow payments required of the Owner, which
                   payments shall be deemed to be part of the operating
                   expenses of the Project;

              (ii) all of the principal and interest required to be paid to
                   the lender;

             (iii) all remaining operating expenses of the Project including
                   administrative, operational, franchise fees, maintenance
                   and utility expenses and vendor payables;

              (iv) the fees of The Forsythe Group evolving from the Management
                   Agreement including the fees of the Agent as provided in
                   Section 1201.

                   With the exception of payments provided in this section
                   and payments for utilities services, the Agent shall make
                   no disbursements in excess of $15,000 unless specifically
                   authorized by the Owner, provided that emergency repairs,
                   involving manifest danger to life and property, or
                   immediately necessary for the preservation and safety of
                   the Project, or for the safety of the Tenants, or required
                   to avoid the suspension of any necessary services to the
                   Project, may be made by the Agent without regard to the cost
                   limitation imposed by this Section with the understanding
                   that the Agent will, if at all possible, confer immediately
                   with the Owner regarding every such expenditure.  The Agent
                   shall not incur liabilities to the Owner (direct or
                   contingent) which, in the aggregate, will exceed at any time
                   $15,000 or which require payment more than one year from the
                   creation thereof, unless specifically authorized by the

701.14    Governmental Orders.  The Agent shall take such action as may 
          be necessary to comply promptly with any and all orders or
          requirements affecting the Project placed thereon by any federal,
          state, county or municipal authority or other similar bodies.  The
          Agent shall not take any action under this Section unless the Owner
          so directs and shall not take action so long as the Owner is
          contesting or had affirmed its intention to contest any such order
          or requirement and promptly institutes proceedings contesting any such
          order or requirement.  The Agent shall promptly, and in no event
          later than 48 hours from the time of their

          receipt, notify the Owner in writing of all such orders and notices
          of requirements.

701.15    Utility Service and Purchases.  Subject to the approval of the 
          Owner, the Agent shall make contracts for garbage and trash removal,
          snow removal, and other necessary contracted maintenance services.
          The Agent shall secure such equipment, tools, appliances, materials
          and supplies as are necessary to maintain and repair the Project
          properly.  Payment for costs associated with these said activities
          and purchases will be included in the Project operating budget.
          The Agent shall act at all times in the best interest of the
          Owner and shall be under duty to secure for and credit to the
          Owner any discounts, commissions or rebates obtainable as a result
          of the purchase.

701.16    Records and Reports.

               (i) The Agent shall establish and maintain a comprehensive
                   system of records, books and accounts in a manner
                   satisfactory to the Owner.  All records, books and accounts
                   will be subject to examination at reasonable hours by any
                   authorized representative of the Owner, lender or insurer.

              (ii) With respect to each fiscal year ending during the term of
                   this Agreement, the Agent shall cooperate with the Owner to
                   have an annual financial report prepared by an independent
                   Certified Public Accountant, Non-audited, based upon the
                   preparer's examination of the books and records of the
                   Owner and the Agent.  Compensation for the preparer's
                   services will be considered an operating expense of the

             (iii) The Agent will prepare a semi-annual income statement which
                   compares actual and budgeted income and expenses for the six
                   (6) month period and for the "year to date", and will submit
                   each statement to the Owner within fifteen (15) days after
                   the end of each six (6) month period ending June and

              (vi) The Agent will furnish such information (including
                   occupancy reports) as may be requested by the Owner or
                   the lender from time to time with respect to the financial,
                   physical or operational condition of the 


               (v) By the fifteenth (15th) day of each month, the Agent will
                   furnish the Owner with an itemized list of all rent
                   delinquencies as of the tenth (1Oth) day of the same month.

              (vi) By the fifteenth (15th) day of each month, the Agent will
                   furnish the Owner with a statement of receipts and
                   disbursements during the previous month, and with a
                   schedule af accounts receivable and payable, and reconciled
                   bank statements for the Account as of the end of the previous

             (vii) The Agent shall cooperate with the Owner to, execute and
                   file all forms, reports and returns required by law in
                   connection with the employment of personnel, including
                   unemployment insurance, worker's compensation insurance,
                   disability benefits, social security and other similar
                   insurance, benefits and taxes now in effect or hereafter

701.17    Operating Budget. At least sixty (60) days before the beginning 
          of each new fiscal year for the Project, the Agent shall prepare
          and submit to the Owner budget, setting forth an itemized statement
          of the anticipated receipts and disbursements for the Project.

701.18    Marketing Duties.  The Agent shall immediately assume responsibility 
          for all functions and services as described in the marketing plan
          submitted.  Such responsibilities shall include but not be limited

              (i) development of and due diligence of rent-up occupancy goals;

             (ii) development of a month-by-month marketing plan;

            (iii) development of a budget for all labor and materials;

             (iv) development of marketing policies and procedures;

              (v) concept development and production coordination for
                  collateral materials as well as print and broadcast


             (vi) hiring, training and supervision of employed staff and
                  contract labor;

            (vii) informing the Owner of problems requiring adjustment to
                  the marketing plan or goals;

           (viii) maintenance of marketing effort to stabilize occupancy once
                  the Project is full.

                  Marketing activities shall be coordinated with on-going
                  operations once the Project is operational.  Activities
                  shall reflect a broad based effort including community
                  networking, media use, and print pieces.

701.19    Compliance of Tenants.

              (i) The Agent shall at all times during the term of this
                  Agreement operate and maintain the Project according to
                  the highest standards achievable.  The Agent shall secure
                  full compliance by the Tenants with the terms and
                  conditions of their respective leases, rules and

             (ii) Voluntary compliance shall be emphasized, and the Agent
                  shall counsel tenants and make referrals to social service
                  agencies in cases of financial hardship or under other
                  circumstances deemed appropriated by the Agent, so that
                  involuntary terminations of tenancy may be avoided to the
                  maximum extent consistent with sound management of the
                  Project.  The Agent will not, however, tolerate willful
                  evasion of payment of rent.

            (iii) The Agent may lawfully terminate any tenancy when, in the
                  Agent's judgement, sufficient cause occurs under the terms
                  of the Tenants's Lease.   Statements explaining evictions
                  shall be filed promptly with the Owner.

             (iv) The Agent is authorized to consult with legal counsel
                  designated by the Owner to bring actions for eviction and to
                  execute notices to vacate and to commence appropriate
                  judicial proceedings; provided, however, that the Agent

                  keep the Owner informed of such actions and shall
                  follow such instructions as the Owner has prescribed.
                  Subject to the owner's approval, costs incurred in
                  connection with such actions shall be considered as
                  operating expenses.

              (v) Tenant applications will be reviewed by the Director who
                  will make the decisions on acceptance, rejection, and
                  relocation to another facility based upon tenant's physical
                  and emotional condition.  Agent will carry out their
                  directions and judgements. 

701.2     Qualification of Tenants.  The Agent shall require prospective 
          private pay tenants to complete a confidential financial statement.
          As a condition of tenancy, the Agent shall make use of this and other
          available information to determine that the prospective tenant has
          sufficient income and assets to pay the monthly fees associated
          with tenancy.

701.21    Services to Tenants.  The Agent shall be responsible for the
          effective and efficient provision of tenant services, including the
          maintenance of safe and clean common areas and grounds; weekly
          housekeeping and laundry service; periodic window washing, carpet
          and drapery cleaning; provision of three meals per day, seven days
          per week; maintenance of twenty-four hour per day security and
          emergency call system; scheduled transportation; recreational
          facilities and activities; centrally located mail distribution;
          and other contracted services and specified in the Tenant's negotiated
          service plan.

          The Agent shall insure that systems to delivery all tenant services
          are in place, staff hired and trained prior to Project opening.

          Recognizing the contribution that quality makes to the successful
          long term marketing of the Project, the Agent shall provide
          services of consistently high quality, acceptable to the Tenants
          and the Owner.


The Agent shall perform such other acts and deeds requested by the Owner 
as are reasonable, necessary and proper in the discharge of the Agent's 
duties under this Agreement.


Everything done by the Agent under the provision of this agreement shall 
be done as agent of the Owner, and all obligations or expenses incurred 
thereunder shall be for the account of and on behalf of the Owner.  The 
Agent shall not be obliged to make any advance to, or the account of, 
the Owner or to pay any sum, except out of the funds held or provided 
as aforesaid, nor shall the Agent be obliged to incur any liability or 
obligation for the account of the Owner without assurance that the necessary 
funds for the discharge thereof will be provided.


1001.1    Operating Receipt and Expenses Account.  The Agent shall establish 
          and maintain, in an account, and which is approved by the owner, a
          separate account as Agent of the Owner for the deposit of the
          monies of the Owner, with authority to draw thereon for any
          payments to be made by the Agent to discharge any liabilities or
          obligations of the owner incurred in accordance with this Agreement.
          This account shall be carried in the name of and designated of
          record as
               L.L.C. Operating Receipts and Expense Account".  The Agent
          shall also establish such other special accounts as may be required
          by the Owner or the lender.  Any and all interest which may accrue
          on deposits contained in any accounts established in accordance
          with this paragraph shall be used by the Agent to discharge any
          liabilities or obligations of the Owner in the same manner as the
          Agent uses other monies of the Owner. 

1001.2    Community Fee and Security Deposit Account.  The Agent shall
          collect, deposit and disburse Tenants' community fee and security
          deposits in accordance with the terms of the respective Leases.
          Tenants' community fee and security deposit shall be deposited by
          the agent in an interest-bearing account, with a bank or other
          financial institution whose deposits are insured by the FDIC.
          This account shall be carried in the name and be designated of
          record as
          Security Deposit Account."


The Owner shall furnish the Director and support staff with suitable 
office space and office furniture on the site of the project and with 
electricity, heat, water and janitorial service therein.  For all operational 
staff the Owner shall provide office accommodations as necessary to perform 
their assigned functions, as well as safe storage for appropriate personal 
belongings and staff dining space furnished with tables and chairs which 
allow staff to eat or take breaks in reasonable comfort.


The compensation which the agent shall be entitled to receive for all 
Project management services performed under this agreement shall be $1,500 
per month or 7% of the gross collections of the Project which ever is 
greater.  This fee shall be computed and paid monthly based upon Gross 
collections for the preceding month.  Expenses not agreed to be charged 
to the project and all of the Agent's overhead expenses will be borne 
by the Agent out of its own funds and will not be treated as an operating 
expense of the Project.

The Agent shall receive compensation for preliminary management and 
marketing services at $1,500 per Month prior to the opening date or as 
specified in the plan.


In the performance of its obligations under this Agreement, the Agent 
will comply with the provisions of any federal, state, or local law
prohibiting discrimination in housing on the grounds of race, color, sex,
religion, or national origin as stated in POLICIES & PROCEDURES.  This
Agreement may be terminated or suspended, in whole or in part, by the
Owner upon the basis of a finding by the Owner that the Agent has not
complied with nondiscrimination provisions.


1401.1     Expiration.  Unless sooner terminated pursuant to Section 1401.2, 
           1401.3, 1401.4, 1401.5 or 1401.6 of this Agreement, the Agreement
           shall be in effect from the date of execution hereof until January
           1, 2010.  This Agreement shall be renewable with the mutual consent
           of the Owner and the Agent.

1401.2     Termination by Mutual Consent: This Agreement may be terminated 
           by the mutual written consent of the Owner and Agent only.  Owner
           and Agent shall submit their written request to terminate this
           Agreement to the lender at least sixty (60) days prior
           to the date specified for termination.

1401.3     Termination by Owner for Cause:  In the event that the Agent shall 
           fail to perform any of its duties hereunder or comply with any of
           the provisions hereof, the Owner shall notify the Agent, the lender
           and the insurer of the Owners intent to terminate this Agreement by
           delivering to the Agent

           written notice to remedy such default.  If such default is not
           remedied within thirty (30) days, from the date of notice to the
           Agent, the Owner may, with prior written consent from the lender
           and the insurer, terminate this Agreement immediately.

1401.4     Termination Because of Bankruptcy: In the event that the Owner 
           or the Agent shall become insolvent, however defined; shall be
           dissolved; shall commit an act of bankruptcy under the United
           States Bankruptcy Act (as now or hereafter amended); shall file or
           have filed against it, voluntarily or involuntarily, a petition in
           bankruptcy or for reorganization or for the adoption of an
           arrangement under the United States Bankruptcy Act (as now or
           hereafter amended); shall make an assignment of the benefit of
           creditors; shall procure, permit or suffer, voluntarily or
           involuntarily, the appointment of a receiver or trustee to take
           charge of any of the mortgaged property or any other propertied
           owned by the Owner or the Agent, voluntarily or involuntarily,
           any act, process or proceeding under any insolvency law or the
           statute or law providing for the modification or adjustment of
           the rights of creditors, either party hereto may immediately
           terminate this Agreement without notice to the other party.

1401.5     Accounting Upon Termination.  Within ten (10) days after the
           termination of this Agreement, the Owner and Agent shall account
           to each other with respect to all matters outstanding as of the
           date of termination.  The Owner shall furnish the Agent security
           against any outstanding obligations or liabilities which the
           Agent shall turn over to the Owner all records, documents or
           other instruments, waiting lists and any and all other files and
           papers in its possession pertaining to the Agent's performance
           under this Agreement,


This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of any constitute a binding 
obligation upon the Owner and the Agent, and their respective successors 
and assigns, provided that the Agent cannot assign this Agreement or any 
of its duties hereunder without the prior written consent of the Owner 
and the lender.


This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the

owner and the Agent, and no amendment or modification thereto shall be valid
and enforceable except by supplemental agreement is executed in writing and 
approved by the Owner, the Agent, the lender and insurer.


For the convenience of the parties, this agreement has been executed 
in counterpart copies, which are in all respects similar and each of which 
shall be deemed to be complete in itself so that any one may be introduced 
in evidence or used for any other purpose without the production of the 
other counterparts.


Wherever used in this Agreement, the singular number shall include the 
plural, and the plural shall include the singular; and the use of any 
gender shall apply to all genders.  The captions and the headings of the 
sections of this Agreement are for convenience only and are not to be 
used to interpret or define the provisions hereof.


No waiver of a breach of any of the agreements or provisions contained 
in this Agreement shall be construed to be a waiver of any subsequent 
breach of the same or of any other provisions of this Agreement.


If any clauses, sentence, section, paragraph, provision or part of this 
Agreement is judged to be invalid or unenforceable, such adjudication 
shall not affect or invalidate the remainder of this Agreement, it being 
understood and agreed that such invalid or unenforceable clause, sentence, 
paragraph, provision or part is and shall be severable from the remainder 
of this Agreement.

2101 NOTICE:

Whenever any notice is required to be given herein, Notice shall be deemed 
to have been given when sent by certified mail to this Agreement at the 
following addresses:



IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement the
day and year first above written.

AGENT: The Forsythe Group, Inc.        OWNER: Biltmore Group of Louisianan LLC
      ------------------------               ---------------------------------

BY:                                    By:
   ---------------------------            ------------------------------------
   Agent                                  President


                                       By: Joanne M Caldwell-Bayles
