A Self-Contained Real Estate
                                Appraisal Report of

          A Proposed 21 Unit Assisted Care Facility, Resident Manager's
                Apartment and 4 Efficiency Assisted Care Units all
                 Located on the West Side of Louisiana Highway 33
                       Just Outside the Corporate Limits of
                       Farmerville, Union Parish, Louisiana

                                MMR Investment Bank
                              Post Office Box 781440
                            Witchita, Kansas 67278-1440

                                       As Of
                                 October 20, 1998

                                    Prepared by
                              Robert M. McSherry, MAI
        Louisiana State Certified General Real Estate Appraiser No. G0891
                                3760 Chelsea Drive
                           Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70809

                          A Self-Contained Real Estate
                               Appraisal Report of

            A Proposed 21 Unit Assisted Care Facility, Resident Manager's
                  Apartment and 4 Efficiency Assisted Care Units all
                   Located on the West Side of Louisiana Highway 33
                        Just Outside the Corporate Limits of
                        Farmerville, Union Parish, Louisiana


                             Colonial Trust Company
                             5336 North 19th Avenue
                             Phoenix, Arizona 85015

                                     As Of

                               October 20, 1998

                                  Prepared by
                            Robert M. McSherry, MAI
         Louisiana State Certified General Real Estate Appraiser No. G0891
                              3760 Chelsea Drive
                          Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70809

                                                     Robert M. McSherry, MAI

                         A Self-Contained Real Estate
                             Appraisal Report of

          A Proposed 21 Unit Assisted Care Facility, Resident Manager's
               Apartment and 4 Efficiency Assisted Care Units all
                Located on the West Side of Louisiana Highway 33
                     Just Outside the Corporate Limits of
                     Farmerville, Union Parish, Louisiana


                         Church Loans and Investments
                                 5305 I-40 West
                             Post Office Box 8203
                          Amarillo, Texas 79114-8203

                                    As Of
                              October 20, 1998

                                 Prepared by
                           Robert M. McSherry, MAI
        Louisiana State Certified General Real Estate Appraiser No. G0891
                             3760 Chelsea Drive
                        Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70809

                                                     Robert M. McSherry, MAI

                                                 3760 Chelsea Drive
                                                 Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70809

Phone (504)924-8093

October 20, 1998

MMR Investment Bank
Post Office Box 781440
Witchita, Kansas 67278-1440

RE:  A proposed 21 unit assisted care facility, resident manager's apartment 
     and 4 efficiency assisted care units all located on the west side of
     Louisiana Highway 33, just outside the corporate limits of Farmerville,
     Union Parish, Louisiana.

Dear Sir:

In accordance with your request to provide an estimate of the Estimated 
Market Value of Fee Simple Interest of the Going Concern of the property 
identified as a proposed 21 unit Assisted Care Facility, Resident Manager's 
Apartment and 4 Efficiency Assisted Care Units all located just outside 
the corporate limits of Farmerville, Union Parish, Louisiana, we have 
personally inspected the subject site and reviewed the submitted plans 
and specifications for the proposed improvements and conducted a thorough 
review and analysis of all matters pertinent for the Estimate of Market 
Value herein contained.

Market Value as defined by the Department of the Treasury, Office of 
the Comptroller of the Currency, August 24, 1990, is, "The most probable 
price which a property should bring in a competitive and open market under 
all conditions requisite to a fair sale, the buyer and seller, each acting 
prudently, knowledgeably and assuming the price is not affected by undue 
stimulus.  Implicit in this definition is the consummation of a sale as 
of a specified date and the passing of title from seller to buyer under 
conditions whereby:

a.   buyer and seller are typically motivated,
b.   both parties are well informed or well advised, and each acting in 
     what he considers his own best interest;
c.   a reasonable time is allowed for exposure in the open market;

                                                      Robert M. McSherry, MAI

                                                  3760 Chelsea Drive
                                                  Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70809

Phone (504)924-8093

October 20, 1998

Colonial Trust Company
5336 North 19th Avenue
Phoenix, Arizona 85015

RE:  A proposed 21 unit assisted care facility, resident manager's apartment 
     and 4 efficiency assisted care units all located on the west side of
     Louisiana Highway 33, just outside the corporate limits of Farmerville,
     Union Parish, Louisiana.

Dear Sir:

In accordance with your request to provide an estimate of the Estimated 
Market Value of Fee Simple Interest of the Going Concern of the property 
identified as a proposed 21 unit Assisted Care Facility, Resident Manager's 
Apartment and 4 Efficiency Assisted Care Units all located just outside 
the corporate limits of Farmerville, Union Parish, Louisiana, we have 
personally inspected the subject site and reviewed the submitted plans 
and specifications for the proposed improvements and conducted a thorough 
review and analysis of all matters pertinent for the Estimate of Market 
Value herein contained.

Market Value as defined by the Department of the Treasury, Office of 
the Comptroller of the Currency, August 24, 1990, is, "The most probable 
price which a property should bring in a competitive and open market under 
all conditions requisite to a fair sale, the buyer and seller, each acting 
prudently, knowledgeably and assuming the price is not affected by undue 
stimulus.  Implicit in this definition is the consummation of a sale as 
of a specified date and the passing of title from seller to buyer under 
conditions whereby:

a.   buyer and seller are typically motivated;
b.   both parties are well informed or well advised, and each acting in 
     what he considers his own best interest;
c.   a reasonable time is allowed for exposure in the open market;

                                                      Robert M. McSherry, MAI

                                                 3760 Chelsea Drive
                                                 Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70809

Phone (504)924-8093

October 20, 1998

Church Loans and Investments
5305 I-40 West
Post Office Box 8203
Amarillo, Texas 79114-8203

RE:  A proposed 21 unit assisted care facility, resident manager's apartment 
     and 4 efficiency assisted care units all located on the west side of
     Louisiana Highway 33, just outside the corporate limits of Farmerville,
     Union Parish, Louisiana.

Dear Sir:

In accordance with your request to provide an estimate of the Estimated 
Market Value of Fee Simple Interest of the Going Concern of the property 
identified as a proposed 21 unit Assisted Care Facility, Resident Manager's 
Apartment and 4 Efficiency Assisted Care Units all located just outside 
the corporate limits of Farmerville, Union Parish, Louisiana, we have 
personally inspected the subject site and reviewed the submitted plans 
and specifications for the proposed improvements and conducted a thorough 
review and analysis of all matters pertinent for the Estimate of Market 
Value herein contained.

Market Value as defined by the Department of the Treasury, Office of 
the Comptroller of the Currency, August 24, 1990, is, "The most probable 
price which a property should bring in a competitive and open market under 
all conditions requisite to a fair sale, the buyer and seller, each acting 
prudently, knowledgeably and assuming the price is not affected by undue 
stimulus.  Implicit in this definition is the consummation of a sale as 
of a specified date and the passing of title from seller to buyer under 
conditions whereby:

a.   buyer and seller are typically motivated;
b.   both parties are well informed or well advised, and each acting in 
     what he considers his own best interest;
c.   a reasonable time is allowed for exposure in the open market;

                                                      Robert M. McSherry, MAI

Page Two

d.   payment is made in terms of cash in U.S. dollars or in terms of financial 
     arrangements comparable thereto; and
e.   the price represents the normal consideration for the property sold 
     unaffected by special or creative financing or sales concessions granted 
     by anyone associated with the sale.

Fee Simple Interest is defined by the Appraisal Institute as being, "a 
fee without limitations to any particular class of heirs or restrictions 
but subject to the limitations of eminent domain, escheat, police power 
and taxation.  An inheritable estate".

Going Concern Value is "the value created by a proven property operation." 
It includes the incremental value associated with the business concern, 
which is distinct from the value of the real estate only.  Going concern 
value includes an intangible enhancement of the value of an operating 
business enterprise which is produced by the assemblage of the land, building,
labor, equipment, and marketing operation.  This process creates an
economically viable business that is expected to continue.  Going concern
value refers to the total value of a property, including both real property
and intangible personal property attributed to business value.  Special
purpose properties such as the subject are appropriate for only one use or
for a very limited number of uses.  The highest and best use of a special
purpose property as improved, is probably the continuation of its current use,
if that use remains viable.  Therefore, in the case of special purpose
properties a going concern value is considered appropriate.

In this instance the subject property has an excellent location within 
a viable market.  As long as quality management is maintained, it's Market 
Value would be the same as it's Going Concern Value.

Included is our appraisal report which contains the various exhibits 
and data utilized in arriving at the herein contained estimate of Market 
Value for the subject property.

It is our opinion that the property herein identified as the proposed 
21 Unit Assisted Care Facility, Resident Manager's Apartment and 4 Efficiency
Assisted Care Units all located on the west side of Louisiana Highway 
33 just outside the corporate limits of Farmerville, Union Parish, Louisiana, 
was estimated to have a Market Value based on Stabilized Net Operating 
Income, as of October 20, 1998, of:

                                                      Robert M. MeSherry, MAI

Page Three



     LAND:                                     $   20,000.00
     IMPROVEMENTS:                             $1,935,000.00
     FURNITURE, FIXTURES & EQUIPMENT:          $   75,000.00
     GOODWILL OF GOING CONCERN                        -0-

The "As Is" Value of the property, derived by the utilization of the 
Discounted Cash Flow Methodology, is estimated to be, as of October 20, 
1998, but subject to completion of the property in accordance with submitted
plans and specifications within a reasonable period of time, of:


The subject property is proposed at the present time and this appraiser 
has been provided plans and specifications for the property.  The herein 
contained Estimate of Market Value is conditioned upon the completion 
of the improvements in accordance with the plans and specifications utilizing
quality materials and workmanship within a reasonable period of time. 
A final inspection by this appraiser will be required to ascertain the 
assumptions utilized in preparing this appraisal report have been fulfilled.

This appraisal report was prepared in accordance with and compliance 
of the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice promulgated 
by the Appraisal Foundation and the Guide Notes to the Standards of
Professional Practice adopted by the Appraisal Institute.  These standards
contain binding requirements and specific guidelines that deal with the
procedures to be followed in developing an appraisal, analysis, or opinion.
These uniform

                                                     Robert M. McSherry, MAI

Page Four

standards also set the requirements to communicate the appraiser's analysis, 
opinions, and conclusions in a manner that will be meaningful and not 
misleading in the marketplace, accordingly, the Departure Provision does 
not apply.

If we may be of further service to you in regard to this property or 
in any other manner, please do not hesitate to contact us at your earliest

Respectfully submitted,


Robert M McSherry, MAI
Louisiana State Certified General
Real Estate No. G0891

                                                   Robert M. McSherry, MAI

                                EXECUTIVE SUMMARY

Location:                       West side of LA Highway 33 just outside the
                                Corporate Limits of Farmerville, Union
                                Parish, Louisiana

Interest Appraised:             Fee Simple Interest

Site:                           4.00 Acres or 174,240 Square Feet, more or

Building Description:           The property will include twenty-one (21)
                                assisted care living units, a resident
                                manager's apartment and 4 efficiency assisted
                                care units all located within a single,
                                T-shaped building.  The common area amenities
                                including a full service kitchen, a dining
                                area, activities area, office/reception area,
                                adequate bathrooms which would be fully
                                equipped to satisfy the needs of the residents
                                of the assisted care facilities as well as
                                storage areas and other required additions to
                                render the subject property a functional
                                assisted care facility catering to those
                                requiring assisted care.

                                Construction characteristics include a
                                reinforced poured concrete foundation, wood
                                framing, with a combination of brick veneer
                                and vinyl siding exterior walls with the roof
                                being of composition shingles.  Although the
                                property is proposed at the present time,
                                this appraiser is aware of a similar property
                                which has been constructed by the owners of
                                the subject and our physical inspection of
                                this existing complex has been utilized in
                                conjunction with the submitted plans and

                                The property is considered to be a most
                                functional assisted living facility and is

                                                      Robert M. McSherry, MAI

                                considered a most attractive property and
                                should be well accepted by the local market.

Highest and Best Use:           Assisted care facility including all required

Cost Approach to Value          $2,110,000.00

Market Approach to Value        $2,075,000.00

Income Approach to Value:
  Stabilized Net Income:        $2,030,000.00
  Discounted Cash Flow Value:   $1,955,000.00

Final Value Estimate:
  Stabilized Net Income:        $2,030,000.00
  "As Is" Value:                $1,955,000.00


     Land                       $   20,000.00
     Improvements               $1,935,000.00
     Furniture, Fixtures
      and Equipment             $   75,000.00
     Goodwill of Going
      Concern                        -0-

                                                      Robert M. McSherry, MAI

                         IDENTIFICATION OF THE PROPERTY
The property being inspected, analyzed and for which the Market Value 
Estimate of the Fee Simple Interest of the Going Concern is applicable 
is a 4.0 acre tract of land which will be basically rectangular in shape 
with no direct frontage along the west side of LA Highway 33 with access 
provided to the site from the right-of-way of this State maintained highway 
by a right-of-way of a minimum width of 50 feet which will be a dedicated 
right-of-way providing perpetual access to the subject site from the state 
highway.  The subject site is a portion of a larger tract of land which 
is to be purchased from Lejoe Long by Biltmore, LLC for a total consideration 
of $32,000.00 for a 16 acre tract.  The property features a somewhat sloping 
topography and the 4.0 acres which are the subject of this appraisal report 
are considered the "heart" of the property providing an excellent view 
of an existing man made lake located to the southeast of the site and 
the surrounding terrain.

The property has not been purchased as of the date of this appraisal
with the closing date set to be within two weeks of the date of the appraisal 
and, at that time, a complete legal description including metes and bounds 
survey of the property including the access right-of-way will be provided 
this appraiser to ascertain the assumptions utilized within this report 
have been fulfilled.  This is a condition of this appraisal report.

                                                     Robert M. McSherry, MAI

                            PURPOSE OF THE APPRAISAL

The purpose of this report is to communicate, in a narrative format, 
the data and reasoning that the appraisers have utilized to form the herein 
contained estimate of Market Value of the Fee Simple Interest of the Going 
Concern for the property identified as a proposed 21 assisted care facility 
and 4 efficiency assisted care units all located on the west side of LA 
Highway 33, Farmerville, Louisiana.

                           OBJECTIVE OF THE APPRAISAL

The objective and function of this appraisal report is to provide an 
estimate of the Market Value of the Fee Simple Interest of the Going Concern 
of the property for use by MMR Investment Bank in order to provide long 
term financing of the subject property for the Biltmore Group, L.L.C.

The Subject property was personally inspected by this appraiser both
before and after the date of this appraisal and the submitted plans and 
specifications reviewed.  As the property is proposed construction, a 
final inspection of the property will be required by the appraiser to 
ascertain the assumptions utilized within this appraisal report have been 
fulfilled and this appraisal is also conditioned upon being completed 
in accordance with the plans and specifications utilizing quality materials 
and workmanship throughout.  Other additional conditions are contained 
in an additional section of this report.

                                                     Robert M. McSherry, MAI

                           PURPOSE OF THE APPRAISAL

The purpose of this report is to communicate, in a narrative format, 
the data and reasoning that the appraisers have utilized to form the herein 
contained estimate of Market Value of the Fee Simple Interest of the Going 
Concern for the property identified as a proposed 21 assisted care facility 
and 4 efficiency assisted care units all located on the west side of LA 
Highway 33, Farmerville, Louisiana.

                          OBJECTIVE OF THE APPRAISAL

The objective and function of this appraisal report is to provide an 
estimate of the Market Value of the Fee Simple Interest of the Going Concern 
of the property for use by Colonial Trust Company in order to provide 
long term financing of the subject property for the Biltmore Group, L.L.C.

The Subject property was personally inspected by this appraiser both 
before and after the date of this appraisal and the submitted plans and 
specifications reviewed.  As the property is proposed construction, a 
final inspection of the property will be required by the appraiser to 
ascertain the assumptions utilized within this appraisal report have been 
fulfilled and this appraisal is also conditioned upon being completed 
in accordance with the plans and specifications utilizing quality materials 
and workmanship throughout.  Other additional conditions are contained 
in an additional section of this report.

                                                     Robert M. McSherry, MAI

                            PURPOSE OF THE APPRAISAL

The purpose of this report is to communicate, in a narrative format, 
the data and reasoning that the appraisers have utilized to form the herein 
contained estimate of Market Value of the Fee Simple Interest of the Going 
Concern for the property identified as a proposed 21 assisted care facility 
and 4 efficiency assisted care units all located on the west side of LA 
Highway 33, Farmerville, Louisiana.

                          OBJECTIVE OF THE APPRAISAL

The objective and function of this appraisal report is to provide an 
estimate of the Market Value of the Fee Simple Interest of the Going Concern 
of the property for use by Church Loans and Investments in order to provide 
long term financing of the subject property for the Biltmore Group, L.L.C.

The Subject property was personally inspected by this appraiser both 
before and after the date of this appraisal and the submitted plans and 
specifications reviewed.  As the property is proposed construction, a 
final inspection of the property will be required by the appraiser to 
ascertain the assumptions utilized within this appraisal report have been 
fulfilled and this appraisal is also conditioned upon being completed 
in accordance with the plans and specifications utilizing quality materials 
and workmanship throughout.  Other additional conditions are contained 
in an additional section of this report.

                                                      Robert M. McSherry, MAI

                            DATE OF THE APPRAISAL

The effective date of this appraisal is October 20, 1998.  The subject 
site was personally inspected by this appraiser both before and after 
this date and the submitted plans and specifications for the proposed 
improvements were also reviewed by the appraiser prior to the date of 
the appraisal.

                                                   Robert M. McSherry, MAI


Market Value, as defined by the Department of the Treasury, Office of 
the Comptroller of the Currency, August 24, 1990, is, "The most probable 
price which a property should bring in a competitive and open market under 
all conditions requisite to a fair sale, the buyer and seller, each acting 
prudently, knowledgeably and assuming the price is not affected by undue 
stimulus.  Implicit in this definition, is the consummation of a sale 
as of a specified data and the passing of title from seller to buyer under 
conditions whereby:

a.     buyer and seller are typically motivated;

b.     both parties are well informed or well advised, and each acting in 
       what he considers his own best interest-

c.     a reasonable time is allowed for exposure in the open market;

d.     payment is made in terms of cash in U.S. dollars or in terms of
       financial arrangements comparable thereto; and

e.     the price represents the normal consideration for the property sold 
       unaffected by special or creative financing or sales concessions
       granted by anyone associated with the sale.

Fee Simple Interest is defined by the Appraisal Institute as being, "a 
fee without limitations to any particular class of heirs or restrictions 
but subject to the limitations of eminent domain, escheat, police power 
and taxation.  An inheritable estate".

Going Concern Value is "the value created by a proven property operation." 
It includes the incremental value associated with the business concern, 
which is

                                                   Robert M. McSherry, MAI

distinct from the value of the real estate only.  Going concern value 
includes an intangible enhancement of the value of an operating business 
enterprise which is produced by the assemblage of the land, building, 
labor, equipment, and marketing operation.  This process creates an
economically viable business that is expected to continue.  Going concern
value refers to the total value of a property, including both real property
and intangible personal property attributed to business value.  Special
purpose properties such as the subject are appropriate for only one use or
for a very limited number of uses.  The highest and best use of a special
purpose property as improved, is probably the continuation of its current
use, if that use remains viable.  Therefore, in the case of special purpose
properties a going concern value is considered appropriate.

                                                     Robert M. McSherry, MAI

                         PROPERTY RIGHTS APPRAISED

This assignment concerns the appraisal of the Fee Simple Interest with 
Fee Simple Interest defined in Real Estate Appraisal Terminology as being,
"a fee without limitations to any particular class of heirs or restrictions 
but subject to the limitations of eminent domain, escheat, police power 
and taxation.  An inheritable estate".


The larger tract from which the subject property will be partitioned 
is under the ownership of Lejoe Long and has been under this ownership 
for a period in excess of five (5) years.  The property will be purchased 
by Biltmore, LLC for a total consideration of $32,000.00 for the 16 acre 
tract which indicates a purchase price of $4,000.00 per acre.

The portion of the property which is the subject of this appraisal report
will be the 4.0 acre "heart" of this property located in the very center 
of the tract which will afford the site a view of an existing man made 
lake and the surrounding terrain and will be most conducive to the overall 
environment which is intended to be developed in conjunction with the 
subject property.

The property, as noted, is located at the center of the larger tract
and a minimum 50 foot right-of-way must be dedicated into perpetuity providing
access to LA Highway 33 to the subject site.  This is a condition of this 
appraisal report.

                                                     Robert M. McSherry, MAI

The property has been owned by the current owner, Lejoe Long, for a period 
in excess of five (5) years and there are no speculative transactions 
affecting the subject property according to the records found in the Union 
Parish Clerk of Court's Office other than those of normal business

                                                     Robert M. McSherry, MAI


This appraisal report has been made with the following assumptions and 
limiting conditions:

1.     No responsibility is assumed for the legal description or for matters 
       including legal or title consideration.  Title to the property is
       assumed to be good and marketable unless otherwise stated.

2.     The property is appraised free and clear of any and all liens or
       encumbrances unless otherwise stated.

3.     Responsible ownership and competent property management are assumed.

4.     The information furnished by others is believed to be reliable. No
       warranty, however, is given for its accuracy.

5.     All engineering is assumed to be correct.  The plot plans and
       illustrative material in this report are included only to assist the
       reader in visualizing the property.

6.     It is assumed that there are no hidden or apparent conditions of the 
       property, subsoil, or structures that render it more or less valuable. 
       No responsibility is assumed for such conditions or for arranging for 
       engineering studies that may be required to discover them.

7.     It is assumed that there is full compliance with all applicable
       federal, state, and local environmental regulations and laws unless
       noncompliance is stated, defined, and considered in the appraisal

8.     It is assumed that all applicable zoning and use regulations and
       restrictions have been complied with, unless a nonconformity has been
       stated, defined, and considered in the appraisal report.

9.     It is assumed that all required licenses, certificates of occupancy, 
       consents, or other legislative or administrative authority from any
       local, state or national government or private entity or organization
       have been, or can be obtained or renewed for any use on which the
       value estimate contained in this report is based.

                                                      Robert M. McSherry, MAI

10.    It is assumed that the utilization of the land and improvements is 
       within the boundaries or property lines of the property described and 
       that there is no encroachment or trespass unless noted in the report.

11.    The distribution, if any, of the total valuation in this report between
       land and improvements applies only under the stated program of
       utilization.  The separate allocations for land and buildings must not
       be used in conjunction with any other appraisal and are invalid if so

12.    The appraisers herein, by reason of this appraisal, are not required 
       to give further consultation, testimony, or be in attendance in court 
       with reference to the property in question unless arrangements have
       been previously made.

13.    Possession of this report, or a copy thereof, does not carry with 
       it the right of publication.  It may not be used for any purpose by
       any person other than the party to whom it is addressed without the
       written consent of the appraisers, and in any event only with proper
       written qualification and only in its entirety.

14.    Neither all nor any part of the contents of this report (especially 
       any conclusions as to value, the identity of the appraisers, or the
       firm with which the appraisers are connected) shall be disseminated
       to the public through advertising, public relations, new, sales, or
       other media without the prior written consent and approval of the

15.    The existence of hazardous materials, which may or may not be present 
       on the subject property, was not observed by the appraisers. The
       appraisers have the knowledge of the existence of such materials
       on or in the subject property.  However, the appraisers are not
       qualified to detect such substances and the presence of potential
       hazardous materials may affect the value of the property.  This value
       estimate contained within this report is predicated on the assumption
       that no such hazardous materials are present on or in the property.
       No responsibility is assumed for any such conditions or for any
       expertise or any knowledge required to discover these items.  This
       should be accomplished by an expert in the field and is a condition of
       this appraisal report.

16.    That the appraiser has personally inspected the subject property 
       and finds no obvious evidence of structural deficiencies, except as
       stated in this report; however, no responsibility for hidden defects
       or conformity to specific governmental requirements, such as the
       Americans with Disabilities (ADA) or fire, building and safety,
       earthquake, or occupancy

                                                      Robert M. McSherry, MAI

       codes, etc., can be assumed without provision of specific professional 
       or governmental inspections.

17.    This property is proposed at the present time and the appraisal is 
       conditioned upon the completion of the subject property in accordance 
       with the submitted plans and specifications utilizing quality materials
       and workmanship throughout.  A final inspection by the appraiser would 
       be required in order to ascertain the assumptions utilized in arriving
       at the herein contained Estimate of Market Value have been fulfilled.

18.    This appraisal is not based on a requested minimum valuation, a
       specific valuation or the approval of the loan.

                                                      Robert M. McSherry, MAI

Farmerville is located in the extreme northeastern corner of Louisiana 
approximately 124 miles northeast of Shreveport, Louisiana and 129 miles 
northwest of Jackson, Mississippi.  The population as of 1993 for the 
City of Farmerville was 3,010 while the population of Union Parish was 

There are 14 local public and private schools that service Farmerville
while Northeast Louisiana University lies within 24 miles of the City.

The local utilities and services include Louisiana Power and Light, natural
gas is supplied by Louisiana Gas Service and water is supplied by Peoples 
Water Company.  There is a local Police Department and Fire Department 
for personal protection.  Local telephone service is provided by South 
Central Bell.

The community enjoys 64 local churches which are either Protestant, Catholic
or Other Denomination.  There are 26 doctors servicing one local hospital.
Highways serving the area are US Highway 165, LA Highway 33 and LA Highway 
2 and the local waterway is the Oauchita River.

There are 3 daily newspapers, 2 local radio stations, one television
station and cable television is available.

                                                    Robert M. McSherry, MAI

The major employer in the area is International Paper with approximately 
1,100 union employees, Union Parish School Board (784 employees), Morehouse 
General Hospital (350190 employees) with Wal-Mart and the City of Farmerville 
and Union Parish following with 190 employees and 1680 employees respectively.

                                                    Robert M. McSherry, MAI

                 [Area Location Map Indicating Subject Property]


In anticipation that more elderly Americans will live in assisted living 
homes than nursing homes in the near future, consumer industry groups 
are saying it is time to put some minimum standards into law.  One of 
the most important things for the industry is to try not to admit residents 
it cannot provide quality care for.  Many assisted living homes charge 
additional fees for personal services residents may come to need as they 
grow older.  Some will help residents if they get sick by permitting periodic
visits from nurses, for example, or providing supervision for people with 
Alzheimer's Disease.

In order to minimize residents need to move, the consumer or trade groups
say assisted living facilities should be required to offer at least some 
help with the dozen daily activities including meals, using the bathroom, 
taking medication and shopping.  Those facilities which accept people 
with Alzheimer's or other types of dementia would also be required to 
provide 24 hour awake staff and special training for those workers.

Assisted living has become the hottest new housing option for older people
by promising to provide a happy medium between their homes and a full 
nursing home facility.  Industry estimates show that the number of elderly 
Americans living in settings that could be described as assisted living 
has probably doubled from 560,000 in 1990 to as many as 1,000,000 in 1997. 
By early next century, experts predict assisted living homes will care 
for more elderly Americans than nursing homes.

                                                      Robert M. McSherry, MAI

Although numbers are inexact, assisted living facilities ranging from
luxury apartment buildings to modest group homes provide housing along 
with personal services and some health care.  Residents may be too frail 
to live alone but too healthy to need the 24 hour medical attention of 
nursing homes.  Assisted living can be less expensive than nursing homes. 
A 1997 survey by the National Center for Assisted Living found that 52% 
costs $1,001.00 to $2,000.00 per month and 24% cost less than $1,000.00 
per month.  In contrast, monthly nursing home fees average above $3,000.00.

Assisted living's affordability has attracted the attention of law makers
worried about how the nation will ensure elderly care for the huge baby 
boom generation now middle aged.

Medicaid programs for the poor in 28 states have begun to cover some
assisted living services and the Department of Health and Human Services 
is conducting a fact finding survey.

Unlike nursing homes, assisted living homes are not regulated by the
Federal Government.  Fewer than half of the states require licensing before
it opens.  That allows for flexibility and partly explains assisted living's 

In summary, the assisted living facilities currently expanding throughout
the United States are the most popular and desirable alternative living 
situation for those elderly which require some minimal level of care but 
not the extensive

                                                      Robert M. McSherry, MAI

level required by nursing home patients.  As the population continues 
to grow older but maintain better health, the appeal thus desirability 
of assisted living facilities will continue to be enhanced.

                                                      Robert M. McSherry, MAI

                           SCOPE OF THE APPRAISAL

The appraiser has personally inspected the subject site and conducted 
an in-depth inspection of the neighborhood in which the subject property 
is located observing it's trends of development and characteristics.

Vacant land sales utilized in conjunction with the Cost Approach to Value
and in determining the estimated Market Value of the subject site, as 
if vacant, and owned in Fee Simple have been inspected by this appraiser 
and a combination of data provided by the Marshall Valuation Service Cost 
Manual and other available in-file data has been utilized in the process 
of estimating the replacement cost new of the subject improvements.

In the final analysis, the appraiser has utilized and relied upon the
experience of judgment based on the opinion of the quality and quantity 
of the data in arriving at the final value estimate of the Fee Simple 
Interest in the subject property.

The Income Approach to Value has been completed utilizing a stabilized
net income capitalized into value and a discounted cash flow method.  
Economic rents were determined by rent comparables and current data utilized 
with respect to expense projections.  Information provided by the publication 
"Trends in the Health Care Industry" as well as information provided by 
other actual ongoing facilities similar to the subject have been utilized 
in the process of estimating the projected expenses which were included 
in the Income Approach to Value.  Although the subject property is proposed 
at the present time and has

                                                      Robert M. McSherry, MAI

no income or expense history, it is considered to be a functional facility 
and a facility which is demand with respect to providing long term assisted 
living care.

                                                      Robert M. McSherry, MAI

                         DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPERTY
                                  Site Data
Size, Shape and Topography
The subject site will be a 4.0 acre rectangular shaped parcel of land
having no direct frontage along the right-of-way of LA Highway 33 with 
access to be provided by a minimum 50 foot wide right-of-way which will 
be dedicated into perpetuity which will provide an access road for the 
subject property.

The subject property is located just west of LA Highway 33 which is a
dual-lane, asphalt, State maintained traffic artery serving local and 
Parish wide vehicular traffic.  The topography is rolling and will require 
site preparation prior to construction.  The 4.0 acre tract which is the 
subject is considered to be the "heart" of the property and will feature 
a level topography with an excellent view amenity including that of a 
large man made lake to the southeast and the surrounding wooded topography 
when site preparations are complete.

The subject property is located just outside the corporate limits of 
Farmerville, Union Parish, Louisiana but will be provided with all city 
utilities and services available to properties within the corporate limits 
of Farmerville including electrical service, police and fire protection, 
public water, sewerage disposal, and refuge disposal.  Telephone service 
and natural gas service is provided by the local utility companies servicing 
the area and all services and utilities are considered adequate to provide 
the requirements of the subject property.

                                                      Robert M. McSherry, MAI

Access to the subject development will be provided as the result of an 
access road leading from the west right-of-way of LA Highway 33 to the 
4.0 acre subject site.  The access road will exit LA Highway 33, a dual-lane,
asphalt, State maintained traffic artery which services both local and 
Parish wide vehicular traffic and provides direct access to the downtown 
areas of Farmerville as well as to the outlying areas of Farmerville and 
Union Parish.  There exists several other State maintained highways including
LA Highway 2 which traverse the area and provide adequate access to the 
subject site from all areas of both Farmerville and Union Parish.

Conversations with representatives on the Farmerville City Hall indicated 
that no current zoning is applicable to areas in the unincorporated areas 
of Farmerville, Louisiana.  Land uses are controlled by deed restrictions 
or other restrictive covenants which run with the land and, although this 
appraiser has not conducted an in-depth review of the abstract to the 
subject site, no deed restrictions or other restrictive covenants are 
assumed to exist which would affect the utilization of the subject site 
as a site of an assisted living facility.

This appraiser has not conducted an in-depth review with respect to the
abstract to the subject site but no deed restrictions or other restrictive 
covenants are assumed to exist which would affect the development of the 
subject property to its highest and best use.  However, this should be 
ascertained by competent legal authority and is a condition of this appraisal

                                                      Robert M. McSherry, MAI

Review of Flood Hazard Maps found in the Union Parish Community Office 
indicated the subject property to be located in a Flood Zone "X" according 
to Flood Map No. 220359-007-A having an effective date of September 13, 
1997.  This indicates no flood insurance is required for the subject property.

Tax Data
The subject property is proposed construction property and the taxes 
on the vacant land only are minimal.  The subject property will be placed 
on the Union Parish tax rolls the year after it is completed and at that 
time will be assessed and the tax liability can be assigned.  For the 
purposes of this appraisal report and for the utilization in the Income 
Approach, taxes have been projected but are subject to change once the 
property is completed and placed on the tax rolls.

The 1997 millage rates applicable to the subject property are as follows:

          Forestry   .08 Mills
          Parish   45.04 Mills
          Total    45.12 Mills

Assisted living facilities such as the subject are assessed at 10% of 
Market Value and conversations with representatives of the Union Parish 
Tax Assessor's Office indicate an estimated Market Value for tax purposes 
will be approximately 30% less than actual Market Value.  Thus:

                                                      Robert M. McSherry, MAI

          Estimated Value of Subject                 $2,030,000.00
          Estimated Assessed Value                   $1,470,000.00
          10% - Assessed Value                       $  147,000.00
$147,000.00 X 45.12 Mills = Estimated Tax Liability  $    6,632.64

                                                      Robert M. McSherry, MAI

                               LOCATION MAP

                                                      Robert M. McSherry, MAI

           [Subject Property Location Map Indicating Subject Property]

                          Assisted Living Facility

The proposed facility containing the assisted living units will be constructed
within a single T-shaped building but a building comprised of different 
component sections housing the assisted living units in two wings with 
the public areas located in the center or core of the building.  The building 
is a modified T-shape and encompasses a total of 22,217 square feet of 
heated area.  The assisted living units contained within this facility 
will contain approximately 485 square feet of living area and feature 
a bedroom, living room, kitchenette and full bath with shower while the 
efficiency units will contain approximately 200 square feet of area.  
The gross building area was calculated by Mr. Mike Wallace, the preparer 
of the plans and specifications for the property.

Construction characteristics for this building include reinforced poured
concrete foundation with adequate grade beams and both interior and perimeter 
footings with the exterior being wood framing utilizing a combination 
of brick veneer vinyl with the roof being a composition shingle roof over 
wood decking.  Windows will be insulated, horizontal slide aluminum windows 
with each unit of the assisted care units having their own central HVAC 
unit with the common areas utilizing central, zoned units.

Interior construction will include a combination of vinyl and carpet
or ceramic tile flooring, painted or vinyl covered sheetrock walls with 
acoustical ceilings.  Lighting will be both standard and fluorescent fixtures.

                                                      Robert M. McSherry, MAI

Amenities to be contained within the assisted care portion of the building
include a full service kitchen, dining room, activities area, whirlpool 
area, staff laundry, TV rooms, offices and other required amenities as 
well as an apartment for the resident managing couple.

As previously noted, the total gross area contained within this portion
of the subject property is 22,217 square feet.  Within this total, 21 
assisted living units, 4 efficiency assisted units, the manager's apartment 
and remaining common areas will be contained.  Parking will be poured 
concrete and located at strategic locations around the site and will be 
adequate to fulfill the requirements of both the tenants and staff.
Landscaping will be extensive and utilized in conjunction with the natural
topography of the area should be most pleasing.

Each assisted living unit will include a toilet, lavatory and tub/shower
unit, through wall air conditioning unit with heat strip, drop-in over/range 
unit with vent hood as well as adequate closet and cabinet space.

A complete set of working drawings will be provided the appraiser as
a condition of this appraisal to ascertain the assumptions utilized within 
this report have been fulfilled.  A final inspection by the appraiser 
will be required.

As noted, the subject is proposed construction and this appraisal is
conditioned upon the completion utilizing quality materials and workmanship 
with a final

                                                      Robert M. McSherry, MAI

inspection by the appraiser required to ascertain the preliminary plans 
and specifications provided this appraiser were correct.

                                                      Robert M. McSherry, MAI

                             HIGHEST AND BEST USE


The Appraisal Institute defined highest and best use as follows, "that 
legal use, at the time of the appraisal, which is the most profitable 
likely use to which a property can be put."

There are several basic factors which must be considered in order to
make a proper determination of Highest and Best Use:

1.   The use must be legal, that is, legally adaptable regarding zoning
     and other restrictions;

2.   The use must be probable, not conjectural or speculative;

3.   The property must be physically adaptable to use contemplated;

4.   There must be a demand for such use;

5.   The use must be profitable, the highest return to the land over the 
     longest period of time.

Highest and best use of the land (or site) if vacant and available for 
use may be different from the highest and best use of the improved property. 
This is true if the improvement is not an appropriate use, but it makes 
a contribution to the total property value in excess of the value of the 

The above five tests have been applied to the subject property's vacant
site.  In arriving at the estimate of highest and best use, the subject 
site has been carefully analyzed.

                                                      Robert M. McSherry, MAI


Permissible Use
An investigation has been conducted in order to determine the zoning 
classification that encumbers the subject property.  The results of this 
investigation has revealed that the subject site is not affected by City 
or Parish zoning with land uses controlled by deed restrictions or other 
restrictive covenants.  The lack of zoning allows a large number of
permissible uses to be considered for the subject property but it's location
within a primarily residential area, the access provided by a dual-laned
municipal traffic artery and other factors indicate the proposed utilization
as an assisted care facility to be one of the better if not the best
permissible uses of the site and would be a legal, conforming, permissible

Possible Use
Inspection of the subject property's neighborhood has been made to determine 
any physical limitations that might be present.  The result of this inspection
has revealed the neighborhood is developed with mix of property types.
The lack of zoning which is currently applicable to the subject property 
does allow for an assisted care facility to be constructed on the site 
as well as other types of multi-family construction.  This lack of zoning 
classification will allow the property to be developed as proposed within 
this appraisal report and this is considered the most likely probable 
use to which the subject property could be put.

                                                      Robert M. McSherry, MAI

In the final analysis, the proposed utilization of the subject property 
is considered to constitute one of it's Highest and Best Uses.

                                                      Robert M. McSherry, MAI

                          THE APPRAISAL PROCESS

The real estate appraisal profession typically utilizes three basic approaches
in the process of estimating the value of a parcel of real property.  
These approaches include the Cost Approach, the Income Approach and the 
Market Data Approach.  The Cost Approach utilizes an estimate of reproduction 
or replacement costs new of the building and other on-site improvements 
to be contained within the subject property less accrued depreciation 
from all sources including physical curable and incurable deterioration, 
functional obsolescence and economic obsolescence to arrive at an estimate 
of depreciated reproduction or replacement costs for the improvements. 
The estimated value of the site, as if vacant, and determined by the 
comparison of the subject site with other similar parcels in either the 
immediate proximity of the subject or in other comparable areas is added 
to the depreciated reproduction or replacement cost estimate of the
improvements to provide an indication of value of the property being
appraised from the Cost Approach.

The Cost Approach is generally accorded the greatest credence in instances
where the property being appraised is either a proposed property or a 
new property having little or no accrued depreciation or instances where 
the property being appraised represents a special purpose type property. 
 In these instances, the Cost Approach is an accurate indication of value 
for the property and is accorded considerable credence in the reconciliation 

                                                      Robert M. McSherry, MAI

The Income Approach to Value utilizes an estimate of gross annual income 
to be generated by the property being appraised as determined to be
representative of economic rentals for this type property within the area
less an allowance considered typical for vacancy and collection losses to
arrive at an estimate of effective gross annual income which is to be
generated by the property.  Expenses typically associated with the operation
of this type property in accordance with prevailing lease terms and
conditions in the area as well as data provided by analysis of the operating
history of other similar type properties are projected and deducted from the
effective gross annual income to arrive at an estimate of net operating
income before recapture attributable to the subject.  This net operating
income is then capitalized by the most appropriate method available with
respect to the subject property in particular and the appraisal problem in
general into an indication of value for the property being appraised from
the Income Approach.  Another method of utilizing the Income Approach is the
Gross Income Multiplier technique.  This technique identifies the relationship
between the sales price (value) of a property and its gross annual income
earning potential.  The Gross Income Multiplier is derived by dividing the
sales price of a property by its gross potential income and, thus, is an
excellent indicator of buyer, seller and investor attitudes toward the
property being analyzed.  An effective gross income multiplier is also
excellent as it utilizes the actual gross income after vacancy to derive the
multiplier. use depends upon available data.

The Market Data or Direct Sales Comparison Approach utilize sales of 
comparable improved properties in either the immediate proximity of the 
                                                     Robert M. McSherry.  MAI

or in other comparable areas to derive a unit of comparison.  Each of 
the various comparable sales are carefully reviewed and analyzed by the 
appraiser, adjusted for any dissimilarities between the subject property 
and the comparable sale in such areas as date of sale, location, design, 
condition, and other physical characteristics to result in an adjusted 
unit of comparison to be utilized in the Market Data or Direct Sales
Comparison Approach to provide an indication of value for the property being

The reconciliation is the method whereby all data provided by the various
approaches utilized in the appraisal report are carefully analyzed and 
accorded weight in varying degrees.  The approach which is considered 
to be the most representative of current buyer, seller and investor attitudes 
towards the subject property is accorded the greatest credence in the 
final analysis but all the approaches are interrelated and all data gathered 
and utilized in the various approaches must be carefully analyzed in the 
reconciliation process and to ignore any available data would be improper.

                                                      Robert M. McSherry, MAI

                             COST APPROACH TO VALUE

The Cost Approach to Value, like the Sales Comparison and Income Approaches, 
is based on comparison. in the Cost Approach, the cost to construct a 
building and the value of any existing building are compared.  The Cost 
Approach to Value reflects market thinking in the recognition that market 
participants relate value to cost.  Buyers tend to judge the value of 
an existing structure by comparing it to the value of a newly constructed 
building with optimal functional utility.  Moreover, buyers adjust the 
prices they are willing to buy by estimating the cost to bring an existing 
structure to desired levels of functional utility.

Thus, by applying the Cost Approach, an appraiser attempts to estimate
the difference in worth to a buyer between the property being appraised 
and a newly constructed building with optimal utility.  An appraiser makes 
a sound value estimate by estimating the cost to construct a reproduction 
of or a replacement of the existing structure and then deducts all evidence 
of accrued depreciation in the property being appraised from the cost 
of the reproduction or replacement structure and the resulting figure, 
plus the value of the land, plus any entrepreneurial profit provides a 
value indication through the application of the Cost Approach.

The decision to utilize reproduction or replacement costs is most pertinent
and the selection plays and important part in contributing to the validity 
of the Cost Approach.  Replacement cost is defined in Real Estate Appraisal 
Terminology as

                                                      Robert M. McSherry, MAI

being, "the cost of construction at current prices of a building having 
utility equivalent to the building being appraised but built with modern 
materials and according to the current standards, design and layout.  
The use of the replacement cost concept presumably eliminates all functional 
obsolescence and the only depreciation to be measured is physical
deterioration and economic obsolescence." The appraisers will utilize the
replacement cost method supported by Marshall Valuation Service in conjunction
with the construction cost estimate provided by knowledgeable
contractors/engineers or architects.


All types of accrued depreciation affecting the subject improvements 
were considered.  Accrued depreciation is defined as, "the difference 
between reproduction cost new as of the date of the appraisal and the 
present contributory value of the improvements." Accrued depreciation 
is divided into three basic categories: physical deterioration (which
includes curable and incurable), functional obsolescence (including curable
and incurable), and economic obsolescence (which is always incurable) The
following is a discussion of each type of depreciation and the observed
depreciation applicable to the subject property.

Physical Deterioration, Curable
This type of depreciation is defined as, "the loss in value from cost 
new which can be recovered or offset through correction, repair, or
replacement of the defective items causing the loss, providing the resultant
value approximates the

                                                      Robert M. McSherry, MAI

cost of the work." The property is proposed thus no deferred maintenance 
is present.

Physical Deterioration, Incurable
This type of depreciation is defined as, "the loss from cost new which 
is impossible to offset or which would involve an expenditure substantially 
in excess of the value increase resulting therefrom." The property is 
proposed and has an effective are of 0 years and a total economic life 
of 30 years.

Functional Obsolescence
Functional obsolescence is defined as, "the loss from cost new as of 
the date of the appraisal which is caused by a superadequacy, inadequacy, 
unattractive style, poor or inefficient layout or design." Items causing 
functional obsolescence can be either curable or incurable; it is curable 
only when it is profitable to cure the item.  Incurable, functional
obsolescence involves items of initiate which would not be economical to
correct because the value would not increase so much as the cost of
correction.  Based on my inspection of the subject improvements, it is my
opinion that they are totally adequate and comparable to similar properties
in the same general price range, therefore, no loss of value from functional
obsolescence exists.

Economic Obsolescence
This type of depreciation is defined as, "the loss from cost new as of 
the date of the appraisal due to causes external to the property boundaries." 
To measure

                                                      Robert M. McSherry, MAI

this type of obsolescence the appraiser capitalizes the rent lost due 
to the external factor for the prorata share applicable to the building. 
As indicated in the site date, there are no undesirable external influences 
and, thus, there is no loss to the subject improvements due to economic 

Entrepreneurial Profit
For the Cost Approach to provide a sound indication of value, a market 
derived entrepreneurial profit must be added to the direct and indirect 
costs.  The profit figure is typically expressed as a percentage of total 
direct and indirect costs.  Entrepreneurial profit is a necessary element 
in the motivation to construct the improvements.  However, part or all 
of the profit may be lost as functional or external obsolescence if the 
market indicates that the improvements have a Market Value less than the 
current reproduction or replacement cost less physical deterioration.

The results of the investigation and analysis of this market data will
appear as follows:

                                                      Robert M. McSherry, MAI

                         COMPARABLE LAND SALE 1

Date of Sale:                        January 27, 1998

Recordation:                         Conveyance Book 1020, Page 198,
                                     Union Parish, Louisiana.

Vendor:                              Donald Hinton

Vendee:                              Jo Ann Stoy

Size:                                2.82 Acres

Consideration:                       $6,000.00

Indicated Price/Acre:                $2,127.00 per Acre

Brief Legal Description:             Tract or parcel of land located in the
                                     northeast quarter of the northwest
                                     quarter of Section 28 and the southeast
                                     quarter of the southwest quarter of
                                     Section 21, T21 N-Rl E, Union Parish,

Financing:                           Cash

Condition of Sale:                   Market

Site Utilities:                      Public

Terrain:                             Gently Sloping

Access:                              Public Asphalt Road

Highest and Best Use:                Commercial or Multi-Family

Confirmation:                        Union Parish Tax Assessors Office

                                                      Robert M. McSherry, MAI

                           COMPARABLE LAND SALE 2

Date of Sale:                        January 31, 1998

Recordation:                         Conveyance Book 1021, Page 107,
                                     Union Parish, Louisiana

Vendor:                              Ernest St. John, Jr.

Vendee:                              Hayes Caldwin

Size:                                24.0 Acres

Consideration:                       $50,600.00

Indicated Price/Acre:                $2,108.00 per Acre

Brief Legal Description:             A tract or parcel of land located in the
                                     northeast quarter of the southwest
                                     quarter of Section 6, T21N-ReW, Union
                                     Parish, Louisiana.

Financing:                           Cash

Condition of Sale:                   Market

Site Utilities:                      Public

Terrain:                             Level

Access:                              Public Road

Highest and Best Use:                Commercial

Confirmation:                        Union Parish Tax Assessor's Office

                                                      Robert M. McSherry, MAI

                           COMPARABLE LAND SALE 3

Date of Sale:                        May 7, 1998

Recordation:                         Conveyance Book 1029, Page 76,
                                     Union Parish, Louisiana.

Vendor:                              Ruth Kennedy

Vendee:                              Bobby Patrick

Size:                                11.262 Acres

Consideration:                       $37,158.00

Indicated Price/Acre:                $3,299.00 per Acre

Brief Legal Description:             Tract or parcel of land located in the
                                     southeast quarter of the southeast
                                     quarter of Section 2 and the northeast
                                     quarter of the northeast quarter of
                                     Section 11, T21N-R1E, Union Parish,

Financing:                           Cash

Condition of Sale:                   Market

Site Utilities:                      Public

Terrain:                             Slightly Rolling

Access:                              Public Road

Highest and Best Use:                Commercial

Confirmation:                        Union Parish Tax Assessor's Office

                                                      Robert M. McSherry, MAI

                            COMPARABLE LAND SALE 4

Date of Sale:                        August 17, 1998

Recordation:                         Conveyance Book 1034, Page 239,
                                     Union Parish, Louisiana.

Vendor:                              Jerry Rugg

Vendee:                              Jose Romany, M.D

Size:                                15.03 Acres

Consideration:                       $34,000.00

Indicated Price/Acre:                $2,262.00 per Acre

Brief Legal Description:             Tract or parcel of land located in the
                                     south half of the northwest quarter of
                                     Section 18, T21N-R1E, Union Parish,

Financing:                           Cash

Condition of Sale:                   Market

Site Utilities:                      Public

Terrain:                             Slightly Sloping

Access:                              Public Highway

Highest and Best Use:                Commercial or Light Industrial

Confirmation:                        Union Parish Tax Assessor's Office

                                                      Robert M. McSherry, MAI


              Date     Size/Usable     Price/Acre          Location
Sale 1        1/98      2.820 Acres     $2,127.00          Union Parish, LA
Sale 2        1/98     24.000 Acres     $2,108.00          Union Parish, LA
Sale 3        5/98     11.262 Acres     $3,299.00          Union Parish, LA
Sale 4        8/98     15.030 Acres     $2,262.00          Union Parish, LA

                                                      Robert M. McSherry, MAI


The four vacant comparable land sales contained within this appraisal 
report and utilized for analysis purposes are sales of sites located either 
in the immediate proximity of the subject or other comparable areas of 
Farmerville, Louisiana.  All sites are considered current with respect 
to date of sale as all sales have been sold within the calendar year of 
1998 thus requiring no adjustment for the time differential.  The size 
of the sales are similar with respect to the subject property with the 
exception of Sale 2 which is somewhat larger but analysis of paired sales 
did not indicate any adjustment required for this somewhat minimal size 
differential.  However, the location of all sales is considered inferior 
to that of the subject property requiring an upward adjustment for this 
locational dissimilarity between the subject property and the comparable 
sale and this sale has been adjusted accordingly.

Physical characteristics are also important factors in the desirability
of the vacant developmental site and the physical characteristics associated 
with each of these comparable sales have been analyzed, compared to the 
subject property and the proper adjustments made.

The following land sales adjustment grid has been utilized to reflect
the appraiser's opinion of the required adjustment of these comparable 
sales which results in an indicated value of the subject site, as if vacant, 
and in it's current condition.

                                                      Robert M. McSherry, MAI

After this adjustment grid has been carefully completed, it is our opinion 
that the subject site is estimated to have a Market Value, As If Vacant 
and prior to site preparation, of $5,000.00 per acre.

Therefore, the Estimated Value of the Subject Site, As If Vacant, is 
thus derived:

       4.0 Acres @ $5,000.OO/Acre                   = $20,000.00

AS IF VACANT (R/T)                                    $20,000.00

                                                      Robert M. McSherry, MAI

                          DISCUSSION OF COST APPROACH

In the construction of any project, the total cost of development can 
be divided into basic categories: direct or hard cost, and indirect or 
soft costs.  As defined in Real Estate Appraisal Terminology, the definition 
of Direct Costs is, "the cost of direct labor and materials devoted
specifically to a unit of work.  In construction, these costs are directly
related to site acquisition and construction of the improvements..." Defined
in this same text, Indirect Cost is, "that cost in the development of a
property which would not be included in a general contract for construction
or for land acquisition..."

Direct costs include the cost of items such as land acquisition, construction 
of the buildings, equipment and fixtures, the builder's profit and overhead, 
any temporary buildings for on-the-job usage, power line installation, 
and the electrical power used in the construction.  As indicated in the 
Cost Approach Schedule which follows, direct or hard costs have been broken 
down into categories of building area, elevators and other primary building 

Indirect, or soft costs, generally include fees, financing costs, and 
overhead.  As the Cost Approach Schedule indicates, the indirect costs fall 
into 8 categories.  The permits and fees sections include the estimated 
costs of a building permit, an appraisal, a survey and accounting and 
inspection charges.  Architectural engineering estimates have been based 
on typical market charges.  The legal expenses includes work done on both 
interim and permanent loan packages.

                                                      Robert M. McSherry, MAI

The insurance costs indicated are limited to construction-period coverage 
including the builder's risk.

The closing cost estimate includes costs of closing both the interim
and permanent loans.  The interest expense is based on typical current 
market conditions and covers the period of time required to complete the 
construction of the project.  The loan commitment fees are also based 
on current typical market conditions.

The appraiser's have relied upon the Marshall Valuation Service, a publication
of Marshall & Swift, 1617 Beverly Boulevard, Post Office Box 26307, Los 
Angeles, California, in estimating the replacement costs new of the subject 
property improvements.

The Cost Approach to Value, as it applies to the property being appraised,
is as follows:

                                                      Robert M. McSherry, MAI

                             COST APPROACH TO VALUE
                  Cost Source: Marshall-Swift Cost Manual and
                      Actual Costs Provided by Fred Bayles

Direct Costs:

 Primary Structure
      22,217 sq. ft. @ $59.70/sq. ft.                        $1,326,354.00

Total Direct Costs: Improvements                             $1,326,354.00

Indirect Costs:

 Plans, Specifications, Inspection     Included in Direct Costs
 Contractor's Overhead/Profit                $170,000.00
 Interim Interest                            $ 65,250.00
 Legal, Audit, Appraisal                     $ 60,400.00
 Financing Fees - Construction               $ 30,000.00
 Misc. Expenses                              $ 50,000.00
 Financing Fees - Long Term                  $162,500.00

Total Indirect Costs                                         $  538,150.00

Total Replacement Costs New: Improvements                    $1,864,504.00

Less:  Accrued Depreciation

 Physical Curable                                 -0-
 Physical Incurable                               -0-
 Functional Obsolescence                          -0-
 Economic Obsolescence                            -0-
Total Accrued Depreciation                                         -0-

Depreciated Replacement Costs: Improvements                  $1,864,504.00

Add: Land Value
      4.0 acres @ $5,000.00/acre                             $   20,000.00

Add: Site Preparation                                        $   30,000.00

Add: Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment                       $   75,000.00

                                                      Robert M. McSherry, MAI

Add: Parking, Walks, Landscaping, Porches                    $   25,000.00

Add: Entrepreneurial Profit @ 5%                             $   93,200.00

Total All Costs and Value Components                         $2,107,704.00

 COST APPROACH (R/T)                                         $2,110,000.00

Note:   Cost of Furniture, Fixture and Equipment based on costs association 
        with actual costs experienced by Southside Garden Assisted Care
        Facility and Arbor House of West Monroe, Louisiana.

                                                      Robert M. McSherry, MAI

                          MARKET DATA APPROACH TO VALUE
Market data is discussed in all the approaches to value.  Data analysis 
is needed in the Cost Approach to develop a land value indication and 
to support costs and depreciation indicators; in the Income Approach 
to establish rent levels, vacancy indications, expenses, and capitalization 
rates; and in the Direct Sales Comparison Approach to establish comparability.

The appraiser has carefully perused the Louisiana market with respect
to sales of properties considered similar to the subject property and 
none were found.  However, available data from other appraisers has revealed 
the sale of three similar type properties in other areas of the United 
States and these are included merely for analysis purposes as follows:

                                                      Robert M. McSherry, MAI

                           IMPROVED PROPERTY SALE 1

VENDOR:                            American Retirement, Inc.

VENDOR:                            Horizon Retirement, Inc.

LOCATION:                          2601 Chimney Rock Road,
                                   Hendersonville, North Carolina

RECORDATION:                       N/A

DATE:                              February, 1993

CONSIDERATION:                     $6,480,000.00

TERMS:                             $2,224,000.00 cash, assumption of a
                                   mortgage balance of $4,316,000.00.
                                   terms are considered to be cash

SITE SIZE:                         N/A

IMPROVEMENTS:                      This is a 110 unit senior living
                                   community constructed in 1988.  The
                                   units are housed in a three-story
                                   building of wood frame construction.
                                   Construction quality is considered to be
                                   average; condition at the time of sale
                                   was good. The gross building area is
                                   approximately 96,058 square feet with
                                   an average unit size of 873 square feet.

ESTIMATED GROSS INCOME:            $1,706,255.00

ESTIMATED EXPENSE RATIO:           Approximately 56 percent

NET OPERATING INCOME:              Approximately $751,844.00

                                   SP/Unit = $58,909.00
                                   SP/SF   = $    67.46
                                   SP/GI   = 3.80 GIM
                                   NOI/SP  = 0.1160 OAR

                                                      Robert M. McSherry, MAI

                         IMPROVED PROPERTY SALE 2

VENDOR:                            American Retirement, Inc.

VENDOR:                            Emeritus Corporation

LOCATION:                          2601 Chimney Rock Road,
                                   Hendersonville, North Carolina

RECORDATION:                       N/A

DATE:                              September, 1995

CONSIDERATION:                     $9,483,523.00

TERMS:                             Cash

SITE SIZE:                         N/A

IMPROVEMENTS:                      This is a 110 unit senior living
                                   community constructed in 1988.  The
                                   units are housed in a three-story
                                   building of wood frame construction.
                                   Construction quality is considered to be
                                   average; condition at the time of sale
                                   was good. The gross building area is
                                   approximately 96,058 square feet with
                                   an average unit size of 873 square feet

ESTIMATED GROSS INCOME:            Approximately $2,175,000.00

ESTIMATED EXPENSE RATIO:           Approximately 56 percent

NET OPERATING INCOME:              Approximately $957,000.00

UNIT INDICATORS:                   SP/Unit = $86,214.00
                                   SP/SF   = $    98.73
                                   SP/GI   = 4.36 GIM
                                   NOI/SP  = 0.1009 OAR

                                                      Robert M. McSherry, MAI

                           IMPROVED PROPERTY SALE 3

VENDOR:                            ABD Investments, Inc.

VENDOR:                            Merrill Associates, LP

LOCATION:                          6725 Inglewood Avenue, Stockton,

RECORDATION:                       N/A

DATE:                             July, 1994

CONSIDERATION:                    $4,200,000.00

TERMS:                            Cash

SITE SIZE:                        N/A

IMPROVEMENTS:                     This is a 74 unit senior living community
                                  constructed in 1989.  The units are
                                  housed in two-story buildings of wood
                                  frame construction. Construction quality
                                  is considered to be average, condition
                                  at the time of sale was good. The gross
                                  building area is approximately 63,730
                                  square feet with an average unit size of
                                  861 square feet.

ESTIMATED GROSS INCOME:           Approximately $1,395,000.00

ESTIMATED EXPENSE RATIO:          Approximately 70 percent

NET OPERATING INCOME:             Approximately $418,500.00

UNIT INDICATORS:                  SP/Unit = $56,757.00
                                  SP/SF   =     $65.90
                                  SP/GI   = 3.01 GIM
                                  NOI/SP  = 0.0996 OAR

                                                      Robert M. McSherry, MAI


                          Sale One           Sale Two          Sale Three
Indicated OAR              11.6%              10.09%             9.96%
Price/Unit                 $58,909.00         $86,214.00         $56,757.00
Gross Income Multiplier    3.80               4.36               3.01
Estimated Expense Ratio    56%                56%                70%

The three Improved Property Sales included within this report have been 
provided this appraiser by knowledgeable sources and other appraisers 
and are deemed accurate as they were verified by knowledgeable and ethical 
persons.  The appraiser has conducted an in-depth review of conveyances 
of similar type assisted living or congregate care facilities in the State 
of Louisiana and none were found which were considered to be reflective 
of true arms-length transactions between willing buyers and willing sellers 
with no undue duress being experienced.  These three Improved Property 
Sales have been included for the purpose of deriving an indicated Overall 
Capitalization Rate, an indicated price per unit and an indicated Gross 
Income Multiplier for utilization in the analysis process with respect 
primarily to the Income Approach to Value.  The level of services provided 
by these facilities are similar to, those to be provided by the subject 
property which would include three (3) meals per day, utilities, maid 
service one (1) day a week, flat linen service one (1) day a week, various 
assistance with respect to bathing, exercise, and transportation to various 
off-site functions as well as on-site recreational functions, counseling, 
with other services provided on a more extensive basis for additional 
expense paid by the

                                                      Robert M. McSherry, MAI

guest or resident of the facility.  It is acknowledged that a large number 
of the residents residing in the assisted care facilities are requiring 
increased levels of care and these additional expenses are being passed 
directly to the tenant as they upset the economies of an assisted care 
facility having to provide this extraordinary level of care without additional

The price per unit indicated by Improved Property Sale 2 is considered
the best available and has been accorded the greatest credence.  Accordingly:

25 Units @ $83,000.00/Unit                           $2,075,000.00

COMPARISON APPROACH (R/T)                            $2,075,000.00

                                                      Robert M. McSherry, MAI

                              INCOME APPROACH TO VALUE

The Income Approach reflects the subject's income-producing capabilities 
and requires an analysis of the project's probable market rent.  In the 
comparative analysis, we have considered factors that would probably influence
market acceptance of properties in the area.  The factors include proximity 
to major traffic arteries; location; design; amenities; and the quality 
of management.

To develop a supportable estimate of value using the Income Capitalization
Approach, realistic projections of income and expenses must be made. congregate
care facilities are unique forms of real estate with many unusual
characteristics, such as an intensive use of labor, costs of goods sold,
expenses categories, and product identity.  Therefore, special care in data
gathering and analysis are required to create an estimate of the future
income for the subject.  The appraiser will utilize data provided by the
publication, Trends in the Health Care Industry for supporting data.
The subject property is proposed at the present time and, therefore, 
has no historical income and expense data associated with the property.
The subject will contain 21 assisted care units and 4 efficiency assisted 
care units all located in a single T-shaped building which will also contain 
a resident manager's apartment and common areas for the operation of the 
facility.  The services provided the assisted living units include all 
utilities, maid service, three

                                                      Robert M. McSherry, MAI

meals a day, transportation, activities with additional laundry and maid 
service available at additional expense.  Normal day to day medical treatments
are also available for the various tenants with any extraordinary medical 
expense passed directly to the tenant.

This appraiser has had the opportunity to appraise a number of assisted
care facilities in both Louisiana and Mississippi over the last several 
years and has relied on data provided by these facilities, various industry 
publications and data provided by various health care consulting groups 
and experts in arriving at the estimated monthly rental rates and expenses 
including fixed expenses, operating expenses, staffing, dietary, reserves 
and other appropriate expenses.

This appraiser has conducted rental surveys of a number of assisted care,
private pay facilities located in the Baton Rouge, Louisiana area as well 
as a single facility located in West Monroe, Louisiana in order to arrive 
at an estimated economic rental rate for the subject property based on 
the level of services provided.  The assisted care market is still a
relatively new market and the majority of the facilities have been constructed
in larger metropolitan areas such as Baton Rouge.  The rental rates commanded 
in these larger areas are above those which can be commanded in smaller
or more rural communities in North Louisiana and appropriate adjustments 
have been made.  The most comparable property is the Arbor House of West 
Monroe, which was completed in December of 1997 and has experienced stabilized
occupancy with respect to the assisted care units within a six (6) month 
period.  These units lease for $1,725.00 per month for the basic rate 
with expenses including utilities, three (3)

                                                      Robert M. McSherry, MAI

meals a day, maid service once a week, laundry service once a week, assistance
in bathing, transportation to shopping, church and other functions as 
well as in-house recreational activities.

This appraiser has also recently completed an appraisal of a 33 unit
assisted care facility located in Baton Rouge, Louisiana which is very 
typical with respect to the subject property.  However, the monthly rate 
provided by this facility is slightly higher than those in rural areas 
with the base monthly rate being $1,850.00 per month.  The same services 
are provided including utilities, three (3) meals per day, assistance 
with daily living activities including bathing, grooming, weekly bed linen 
and towel service, weekly house keeping, transportation to medical and 
dental appointments, worship service, planned activities as well as other 
assistance required.

Based on this appraiser's personal inspection of these two facilities
and adjustment, it is our opinion that a $1,775.00 per month with services 
including electricity, three (3) meals per day, maid service, transportation, 
activities, assistance in the normal living activities as well as normal 
day to day medical treatment being provided.

The actual income and expense data of various facilities is closely held
information and these individuals have requested confidentiality with 
respect to this actual data.  Accordingly, this data has been retained 
in our various files.

                                                      Robert M. McSherry, MAI

The results of our survey and analysis indicates an economic rental rate 
for the assisted care units, based on the herein listed services being 
provided, of $1,775.00 per month and $1,100.00 per month for the efficiency 
units with the rates remaining stable over the two year projection period. 
 The projected rate includes the herein listed services being provided.
Inflation will impact expense projections as well as increased occupancy 
and these anticipated increases have also been utilized in the Income 
Approach to Value.

In order to accurately project appropriate expenses for the subject property,
the appraiser has reviewed the current publication Trends in the Health 
Care Industry with respect to historical operating expenses for assisted 
care facilities.  In addition, this appraiser has been provided itemized 
comparable expense data with respect to three separate properties located 
in the State of Louisiana but, due to confidentiality requirements, the 
names of these properties are retained in the appraiser's file at the 
request of the property owners.  However, the following summary chart 
is included for the benefit of the reader of this appraisal report and 
it also provides support for the expense projections for the subject property.
The Income Approach to Value as it applies to the property being appraised 
based on economic rental rates herein quoted and utilizing a two year 
period in order to achieve a stabilized net occupancy and thus a stabilized 
net operating income is reproduced as follows:

                                                      Robert M. McSherry, MAI


                          Property 1    Property 2    Property 3
Administrative            $249,610.00   $417,960.00   $461,530.00
Dietary                   $186,938.00   $251,184.00   $204,983.00
Maintenance               $156,914.00   $275,424.00   $193,530.00
Housekeeping/Janitorial   $ 51,340.00   $ 55,512.00   $ 52,322.00
Taxes/insurance           $ 82,000.00   $110,560.00   $ 66,738.00
Utilities                 $ 91,328.00   $ 24,360.00   $ 65,678.00
Nursing/Other                  -0-      $  9,458.00   $ 10,664.00
Per Unit Expenses         $  9,522.00   $  9,458.00   $ 10,664.00

                                                      Robert M. McSherry, MAI

                             INCOME APPROACH TO VALUE

                                     Year One

Gross Annual Potential Income:

  21 - Assisted Living Units @ $1,6775.00/month             $ 422,300.00
   4 - Efficiency Units @ $1,000.00/month                   $  48,000.00

Total Gross Annual Potential Income                         $ 470,100.00

Less: Vacancy and Collection Losses

  Assisted Living Units (25%)                               $ 105,525.00

Total Vacancy and Collection Loss                           $ 105,525.00

Effective Gross Annual Potential Income                     $ 364,575.00


Administrative            $48,500.00
Plant Operations          $35,400.00
Dietary                   $45,625.00
Housekeeping              $12,500.00
Aides                     $41,000.00
Activities                $15,000.00
Reserves for Replacement  $ 7,500.00

Total Expenses                                              $ 205,525.00

Net Operating Income                                        $ 159,050.00

Note: Management fee included in Administrative Expense.

                                                      Robert M. McSherry, MAI

                           INCOME APPROACH TO VALUE

                                   Year Two

Gross Annual Potential Income:

  21 - Assisted Living Units @ $1,675.00/month              $ 422,100.00
   4 - Efficiency Units @ $1,000.00/month                   $  48,000.00

Total Gross Annual Potential Income                         $ 470,100.00

Less: Vacancy and Collection Losses

  Assisted Living Units (10%)                               $  42,210.00

Total Vacancy and Collection Loss                           $  42,210.00

Effective Gross Annual Potential Income                     $ 427,890.00


Administrative            $48,500.00
Plant Operations          $39,550.00
Dietary                   $54,200.00
Housekeeping              $13,750.00
Aides                     $45,100.00
Activities                $16,500.00
Reserves for Replacement  $ 7,500.00

Total Expenses                                              $ 225,100.00

Net Operating Income                                        $ 202,790.00

Note: Management Fee included in Administrative Expense.

                                                      Robert M. Mcsherry, MAI


Direct Capitalization is a method used to convert a single year's income
estimate into a value indication in the Income Capitalization Approach. 
The direct capitalization formula using an overall property capitalization 
rate is:
            Value / Net Operating Income = Overall Capitalization Rate
In this appraisal, the appraisers will employ two different methods to obtain
an overall capitalization rate;

     1) Band of Investment - mortgage and equity components

     2) Underwriter's Method (derivation from debt coverage ratio)

Band of Investment
The appraisers contacted local lenders regarding rates and terms of alternate
investments as well as current market rates applicable for this market.
Annual Constant - In developing the mortgage components for the Band 
of Investment Method, the appraisers reviewed the National Mortgage Commitment
Survey conducted by the Appraisal Institute Research Department which 
surveyed sample lenders in various geographical regions throughout the 
United States.  The data quoted is based on national averages and do not 
reflect conditions inherent in all markets.  Therefore, the appraisers 
contacted local lenders regarding rates and terms applicable for this 
market area.  Lenders in the local market are quoting rates at prime plus 
1%, terms of 20 years. 75% and a loan-to-value ratio.  The local market 
closely approximates the national averages for the subject property type.

                                                      Robert M. McSherry, MAI

The appraisers reviewed available data concerning current national and 
local quoted mortgage rates and talked to various lenders in the Louisiana 
area which confirm that market rates and terms for loans of the quality 
of the subject property are available at 9% interest rate with monthly 
payments amortized for a 20 year term, a 75% loan-to-value ratio.  Therefore,
the mortgage constant is derived to be .1079671.

Equity Dividend - Current rates of return available from alternative 
investment vehicles are reviewed.  These alternative investments are more 
liquid than an investment in real estate; therefore any potential investor 
would expect a higher rate of return.  Based on this, we have been able 
to conclude that a 9% equity dividend rate is required to attract investment 
capital to the subject property's type which is considered to be slightly 
more risky than other types of real estate investments.
In order to ascertain the appropriate equity dividend or "cash-on-cash" 
rate, the appraiser has reviewed money rates for other alternate investments 
as of September 8, 1998.  The results of this analysis of comparable and 
alternative money rates are as follows:

     Certificates of Deposit   30 Day   4.68%
                               90 Day   4.96%
                              180 Day   5.04%

     Treasury Bill Rates      3 Months  4.79%
                              6 Months  4.79%
                             52 Weeks   5.00%

                                                      Robert M. McSherry, MAI

     30 Year Treasury Bond Rate         5.36%
     Merrill-Lynch Ready Assets 30 Day  5.03% (Average Yield)

As can be reflected by the above alternate investment vehicles.  Current 
rates for both short and long term yields is between the high 4.00% to 
the low 5.00% range.  The projected 9.00% equity yield or "cash-on-cash" 
return projected for the subject property provides an excellent return 
on the investor's cash, approximately 3.00% in excess of other alternate 
investment vehicles.  Accordingly, the 9.00% equity dividend rate is
considered appropriate when the overall risk and competitive rates are
considered. Derivation of Capitalization Rate - The band of investment
(or weighted average) formula for deriving an overall rate when the mortgage
constant and equity dividend rates is known as:

                   Mortgage Percent x Mortgage Constant
                   Equity Percent x Equity Dividend Rate
                        Overall Capitalization Rate

                        .75 x . 1079671 = .0809
                           .25 x .09 =.0225
                            Total = .10340
                            Rounded to .103

Underwriter's Method
In making loan decisions, institutional lenders use a debt coverage ratio 
(DCR), which is the ratio of net operating income to annual debt service. 
This measure

                                                      Robert M. McSherry, MAI

of constraint is frequently used by institutional lenders, who are general 
fiduciaries.  They manage and lend the money of others, including depositors 
and policy holders.  Because of the fiduciary responsibility, institutional 
lenders are particularly sensitive to the safety and profit and are anxious 
to avoid default and possible foreclosure.  Consequently, when they underwrite
income property loans, institutional lenders try to provide a cushion 
so that the borrower will be able to meet the debt service obligations 
on the loan even if the building income declines.

The debt coverage ratio may also be used to estimate the overall
capitalization rate by multiplying the ratio by the mortgage loan constant
(RM) and the loan-to-value ratio (M).  The debt coverage ratio, mortgage loan
constant, and loan-to-value ratio have already been determined to be 1.20,
 .1079671 and .75, respectfully.  The formula for derivation of an overall
capitalization rate from debt coverage ratio is as follows:

                    RO  = DCR x RM x M
                    RO  = 1.20 X. 1079671 X .75
                    RO  = .0971
                    R/T = .097

Review of the three (3) improved property sales contained within this 
report have indicated an Overall Capitalization Rate from a low of 9.96% 
to a high of 11.6%. These indicated Overall Capitalization Rates which 
have been derived from available market data indicates the rate chosen 
for the capitalization of the net

                                                      Robert M. McSherry, MAI

income into an indication of value based upon stabilized income of 10.5% 
is reflective of current industry attitudes and is considered appropriate 
with respect to this particular appraisal assignment.

Based on the available information we have concluded that a 10.5% is 
the most appropriate capitalization rate which is derived from the actual 
band of investments method and supported by the Underwriter's Method and 
available market data.  The location of the subject has also been considered. 

                       NET OPERATING INCOME   =       VALUE

                          $202,790.00         =       $2,027,900.00

INCOME APPROACH (R/T)                                 $2,030,000.00

                                                      Robert M. McSherry, MAI


The subject property will require a period in excess of one year to achieve 
stabilized net income.  In order to provide an estimate of the present 
value of the improvements upon completion but prior to achieving stabilized 
net operating income, the discounting process is utilized.
The income stream generated by the subject until stabilized income is 
reached is discounted into an estimate of present value and the reversionary 
value of the improvements as estimated upon achieving a stabilized net 
income is also discounted to present worth.  The market indicates a discount 
rate of 11% to be appropriate to be utilized in discounting the income 
and reversion and this is based on current rates of return on alternate 
investments and the risk associated with the subject.

                                                      Robert M. McSherry, MAI

Present Worth of Income Stream
     Year One-          $159,050.00 x .900901 =               $  143,288.00
     Year Two-          $202,290.00 x .811622 =               $  164,588.00

Total Present Value of Income Stream                          $  307,876.00

Present Worth of Reversion
     $2,030,000.00 x .811622                                  $1,647,592.00

     Present Worth of Income Stream                           $  307,876.00
     Present Worth/Reversion                                  $1,647,592.00

Total                                                         $1,955,468.00

CASH FLOW                                                     $1,955,000.00

                                                      Robert M. McSherry, MAI

                          RECONCILIATION AND FINAL VALUE

The three approaches to value have indicated the following value estimates 
of the property being appraised:

          COST APPROACH TO VALUE               $2,110,000.00

          MARKET APPROACH TO VALUE             $2,150,000.00

            OVERALL CAPITALIZATION RATE        $2,075,000.00
             ANALYSIS                          $1,955,000.00

The subject property is proposed construction and only preliminary plans 
and specifications have been provided this appraiser in order to complete 
the Cost Approach to Value.  Costs are extremely difficult to estimate 
and no two competent contractors will ever agree on the actual cost to 
construct a property.  However, this appraiser has utilized reliable sources 
including the Marshall Valuation Service Cost Manual as well as actual 
construction costs affecting a similar type property in order to complete 
the Cost Approach to Value and this approach is considered reflective 
of the cost new of the subject property.

The subject property is considered an income producing and has been valued 
based on it being a Going Concern.  The property is under competent ownership 
and will have excellent management in place and the utilization of the 
Going Concern concept is considered appropriate with respect to this particular 
appraisal problem.  Accordingly, the Indicated Value of the Property based 
on stabilized net income being generated at the end of the second year 

                                                      Robert M. McSherry, MAI

considered the best available indicator of it's current Market Value
and has been accorded the greatest credence in the final analysis.
Based on the data contained within this report, other in-file data, and 
this appraiser's review and analysis of said data, it is our opinion that 
the proposed property identified as the 21 Unit Assisted Care and 4 Unit 
Efficiency Assisted Care Facility all located on Louisiana Highway 33 
just outside the corporate limits of Farmerville, Union Parish, Louisiana 
was estimated to have a Market Value, as of October 20, 1998, but subject 
to completion according to plans and specifications utilizing quality 
materials and workmanship throughout and also subject to the other conditions 
contained within this report, and based upon Stabilized Net Operating 
Income, of:

           Land                                 $   20,000.00
           Improvements:                        $1,935,000.00
           Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment    $   75,000.00
           Goodwill of Going Concern                    -0-

The estimated "as is" value is estimated to be, as of September 20, 1998 
and subject to completion within a reasonable period of time, is:

                                                      Robert M. McSherry, MAI


                                                      Robert M. McSherry, MAI


                                                      Robert M. McSherry, MAI

                            APPRAISER'S CERTIFICATION

I certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief,...

(1)     The statements of fact contained in this report are true and correct.

(2)     The reported analyses, opinions, and conclusions are limited only 
        by the report assumptions and limiting conditions, and are my
        personal, unbiased professional analyses, opinion and conclusions.

(3)     I have no present or prospective interest in the property that is 
        the subject of this report, and I have no personal interest or bias
        with respect to the parties involved.

(4)     My compensation is not contingent upon the reporting of a
        predetermined value or direction in value that favors the cause of
        the client, the amount of the value estimate, the attainment of a
        stipulated result, or the occurrence of a subsequent event.

(5)     My analyses, opinions, and conclusions were developed, and this
        report has been prepared, in conformity with the Uniform Standards
        of Professional Appraisal Practice.

(6)     I have made a personal inspection of the property that is the subject
        of this report and all rent comparables.

(7)     No one provided significant professional assistance to the person 
        signing this report.

(8)     The reported analyses, opinions, and conclusions were developed, 
        and this report has been prepared, in conformity with the requirements
        of the Code of Professional Ethics and the Standards of Professional
        Practice of the American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers.

(9)     The use of this report is subject to the requirements of the Appraisal
        Institute relating to review by its duly authorized representatives.

(10)    I am not currently certified under the voluntary continuing education 
        program of the American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers.

                                                      Robert M. McSherry, MAI

(11)    I certify that the use of this report is subject requirements of
        the Appraisal Institute relating to review by its duly authorized

Estimated Market Value:                     /S/ROBERT M MCSHERRY       
   $2,030,000.00                            Robert M. McSherry MAI
                                            LA State Certified Real Estate
                                            Appraiser No. G0891


     Land                        $   20,000.00
     Improvements                $1,935,000.00
     Furniture, Fixtures and
      Equipment                  $   75,000.00
     Goodwill of Going
      Concern                           -0-

As Of: October 20, 1998

                                                      Robert M. McSherry, MAI



Graduate of Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Bachelor
of Science Degree in Business Administration with a Major in Finance.

     Real Estate Appraisal Course 1-A, Basic Fundamentals, Methods and
     Techniques, 1974, AIREA

     Real Estate Appraisal Course 1-B, Capitalization, 1975, AIREA

     Real Estate Appraisal Course VIII, Single-Family Residential Appraisal,
     1974, AIREA

     Real Estate Appraisal Course II, Techniques and Application, 1976 and
     1980, AIREA

     Real Estate Appraisal Course III, Rural Properties, 1979

     Real Estate Appraisal "Industrial Valuation" Course, 1984

     Seminar: R-41C - New Orleans, Louisiana, AIREA, 1978

     "Standards of Professional Practice" Course, AIREA, 1987

     "Capitalization Theory and Techniques, Part A" Course, AIREA, 1987

     "Standards of Professional Practice" Course, Appraisal Institute, 1992

     "Advanced Level Finance I & II", 1997

     "Risk Management/Ethics/Fair Housing", 1997

     "How to Value Louisiana Timberland", 1997

     "Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice" Seminar, 1997


     Real Estate Broker, State of Louisiana (1971)

                                                      Robert M. McSherry, MAI

     Monroe Redevelopment Agency, Monroe, Louisiana (1971)

     Ford, Bacon & Drive Construction and Engineering Company, Monroe,
     Louisiana (1972)

     Mississippi power and Light Company, Jackson, Mississippi (1973-1976)

     Cameron-Brown South, Inc., Mortgage Bankers, Baton Rouge, Louisiana

     Real Estate Appraiser, Monroe, Louisiana (1978-1985)

     Real Estate Appraiser, Baton Rouge, Louisiana and Jackson, Mississippi 


     Residential Member, American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers,
     Certification Number 1040

     Licensed Real Estate Broker, State of Louisiana

     Fee Inspector for the Louisiana Homeowners Warranty Corporation

     FNMA Approved Level III Appraiser, Number 1027135

     Member, American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers - MAI Designation
     (1981), Number 6291

     Certified Licensed General Appraiser, State of Louisiana, Number 0891

                                                      Robert M. McSherry, MAI

                                                      Robert M. McSherry, MAI

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