(a Development Stage Company)
                               BALANCE SHEETS

                             ASSETS            Dec 31            Dec 31
                                                1999              1998
Current Assets
   Cash                                            15             4,300
                                               ------            ------
Total Current Assets                               15             4,300
Fixed Assets
                                               ------            ------
Net Fixed Assets                                    0                 0
Other Assets
      Organization Costs                            0                 0
      Less Amortization                             0                 0
                                               ------            ------
Total Other Assets                                  0                 0
                                               ------            ------
Total Assets                                       15             4,300
                                               ======            ======

Current Liabilities
                                                     ------      ------
Total Current Liabilities                                 0           0

Long Term Liabilities
                                                     ------      ------
Total Long Term Liabilities                               0           0
                                                      -----      ------
Total Liabilities                                         0           0

Stockholders Equity
   Common Stock - $.001 par value                     3,289           2
   20,000,000 shares authorized, 3,289,500 issued
   and outstanding at 12/31/99, 10,935,000 issued
   and outstanding at 12/31/98
Additional Paid In Capital                             1,013      4,299
Beginning Retained Earnings                           -3,863         -1
   Net Loss                                             -424          0
                                                     -------     ------
   Ending Retained Deficit                            -4,287         -1
                                                     -------     ------
Total Stockholders Equity                                 15      4,300
                                                     -------     ------
Total Liabilities and Stock Holders Equity                15      4,300
                                                     =======     ======

                               SACIO, INC.
                       STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS
                     (a Development Stage Company)
                       For The Nine Month Ended

                                                     Dec 31      Dec 31
                                                       1999       1998
                                                     ------      ------
                                                     ------      ------
Total Revenue                                             0           0

Direct Cost
                                                     ------      ------
Total Cost Of Goods Sold                                  0           0
                                                     ------      ------
Gross Profit                                              0           0

Operating Expenses
   General, Selling, & Administrative                   424           0
   Licenses & Fees                                        0           0
Accounting & Audit Fees                                   0           0
                                                     ------      ------
Total Operating Expenses                                424           0
                                                     ------      ------
Loss From Operations                                   -424           0

Other Income & Expense
                                                     ------      ------
Total Other Income & Expense                              0           0
                                                     ------      ------
Loss Before Taxes                                      -424           0
                                                     ------      ------
Net Loss                                               -424           0
                                                     ======      ======

Net Loss Per Share                                      NIL           0

Weighted Average Number of Common
   Shares Outstanding                              3,289,500 10,935,000

                               SACIO, INC.
                     (a Development Stage Company)
                        STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS
                       For The Nine Months Ended

                                                      Dec 31      Dec 31
                                                       1999        1998
                                                      ------      ------

Cash Flow From Operating Activities

   Net Income (Loss)                                    -424          0

Adjustment To Reconcile Net Income (Loss) To
Net Cash In Operating Activities:
   Amortization                                            0          0
   Change In Assets And Liabilities                        0          0

Net Cash Flows From Operating Activities                -424          0

Cash Flows From Investing Activities:
   Organization Costs                                      0          0

Net Cash Flows From Investing Activities                   0          0

Cash Flows From Financing Activities:
   Issuance Of Common
   Stock For Cash                                          0          0

Net Cash Flows From Financing Activities                   0          0

Net Increase (Decrease) In Cash                         -424          0

Cash At Beginning of Period                              439      4,300

Cash At End Of Period                                     15      4,300