Exhibit 5.1

18 Mountain Laurel Drive
Littleton, Colorado 80127
phone: 303 466 4092 / fax: 303 466 4826

April 14, 2004

Board of Directors / Pure Bioscience

     Re:  Registration Statement on Form S-8


     You have requested my opinion as to the legality of the issuance by Pure
Bioscience, (the "Corporation") of up to 2,000,000 shares of Common Stock (the
"Shares") pursuant to a Registration Statement on Form S-8 (the "Registration
Statement") to be filed on or about April 14, 2004

     Pursuant to your request I have reviewed and examined:(1).The Articles of
Incorporation of the Corporation, as amended (the "Articles"); (2). The Bylaws
of the Corporation, as certified by the Secretary of the Corporation; (3). The
minute book of the Corporation; (4). A copy of certain resolutions of the Board
of Directors of the Corporation; (5). The Registration Statement; (6). The
Corporation's Stock Option Plan covered by the Registration Statement; and
(7).Such other matters as I have deemed relevant in order to form my opinion.

     Based upon the foregoing, I am of the opinion that the Shares, if issued as
described in the Registration Statement will have been duly authorized, legally
issued, fully paid and non-assessable.

     This opinion is furnished by me as counsel to the Corporation and is solely
for your benefit. Neither this opinion nor copies hereof may be relied upon by,
delivered to, or quoted in whole or in part to any governmental agency or other
person without our prior written consent.

     Not withstanding the above, I consent to the use of this opinion in the
Registration Statement.

Very truly yours,

- --------------------
Dennis Brovarone