Washington, D.C. 20549
                                    FORM 8-K
                                 CURRENT REPORT

     Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

        Date of Report (Date of earliest event reported): March 16, 2006

                          Navstar Media Holdings, Inc.
               (Exact name of registrant as specified in charter)

            Nevada                     000-50340               752980786
            -------                    ----------              ---------
 State or other jurisdiction     (Commission File Number)      (IRS Employer
     of incorporation)                                       Identification No.)

                         26, Chaowai Road, Suite A2205,
                    Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100020, China
                    (Address of principal executive offices)

               Registrant's telephone number, including area code:

                               Phone: 646.688.4413
                                Fax: 646.349.3864

                         Premier Document Services, Inc.
          (Former name or former address, if changed since last report)

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     Exchange Act (17 CFR 240.13e-4(c))

Item 1.01   Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement; Item 3.02 Unregistered
            Sale of Equity Securities

     On March 11, 2006, the Company entered into an Agreement with the
shareholders of Beijing Broadcasting and Television Media Co., Ltd. ("Beijing
Media") to acquire operational control of Beijing Media and acquire a 70%
ownership interest in Beijing Media. Pursuant to the Agreement, the Company is
issuing 2,400,000 shares of its common stock valued at $1.00 per share to the
existing shareholders of Beijing Media out of which 900,000 shares of the common
stock of Company are for securing a pre-Olympics 2008 Beijing Games sport
mini-series featuring top Chinese athletes. The 900,000 shares shall be returned
back to the Company and cancelled if the show cannot be secured.

     Beijing Media dates back to 2000 when its predecessor was founded. Beijing
Media has produced approximately 10,000 hours of programming over the years.
Beijing Media counts among its customers, CCTV, for which it produces
approximately 500 hours of programming a year, Beijing Television Station,
Beijing Digital and Mobile Television Station, Shanghai Television Station,
Guangzhou Television Station and many other television stations. Beijing Media
has a full set of pre and post production editing equipment, including 15 pieces
pre-production equipment, 10 pieces of non-linear editing equipment and 2 pieces
linear editing equipment. Beijing Media is lead by a team of well-trained
professionals with solid background of content production and distribution.
Beijing Media's top management and creation team are well respected in the

     The acquisition of Beijing Media is very important to the Company as it
will provide the Company with a platform for the TV syndicated programming
production and other content production and management. The Company is in the
process of consolidating its TV content production capabilities under the
umbrella of Beijing Media to streamline and more effectively manage the content
production business operations.

Item 5.02    Election of Director

Mr. YANG Wenquan, a major shareholder of Beijing Media, has been elected to the
board of directors of the Company. He serves as Chairman of Beijing Ruixing
Shiji Investment Co., Ltd. He also served respectively as the Marketing Manager
of Beijing Industry Development Group and prior to that as the General Manager
of Beijing Yuixing Advertisement Co., Ltd. and as an official in the Beijing
Municipal Government Foreign Affairs Service. Mr. Yang majored in law at the
Central Communist Party School. He has produced many TV series, TV programs and
movies, such as the 30 episode Fenglin Pavilion, the movie The Person Loving Me
is Gone and a daily TV show At Your Service. Mr.Yang brings with him extensive
experience in dealing with media and content in China and insight on management
and operation control.

Item 8.01    Other Events

With the acquisition of Beijing Media, the Company intends to re-organize its TV
content operations and assets under Beijing Media to more efficiently and
effectively manage and control the operations.

Item 9.01    Exhibits.

            (d)  Exhibit

         Exhibit      Description of Exhibit
         --------     -----------------------

         10.1          Agreement

         99.1          Press Release


     Pursuant to the Requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

                                                  Navstar Media Holdings, Inc.

                                                     /s/ Don Lee
Date:  March 16, 2006                                    Don Lee