Articles of Incorporation of Han Logistics, Inc.

                                                                  Filing Fee
                                                                  Receipt #
                            Articles of Incorporation
                              (PURSUANT TO NRS 78)
                                 STATE OF NEVADA
                               Secretary of State

(For filing office use)                                  (For filing office use)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    IMPORTANT: Read instructions on reverse side before completing this form.
                         TYPE OR PRINT (BLACK INK ONLY)

1.   NAME OF CORPORATION: Han Logistics, Inc.

2.   RESIDENT  AGENT:  (designated  resident  agent and his,  her or its  STREET
     ADDRESS in Nevada where process may be served)

     Name of Resident Agent: Amee Han

     Street Address: 2475 Robb Drive, #125, Reno, Nevada 89523

3.   SHARES: (number of shares the corporation is authorized to issue) Number of
     shares with par value:  50,000,000 shares of common stock Par value:  $.001
     Number of shares without par value: None.

4.   GOVERNING BOARD:   X Directors          Trustees
                       ---                ---
     The FIRST BOARD OF DIRECTORS shall consist of two members and the names and
     addresses are as follows (attach additional pages if necessary):

         Amee Han                     2475 Robb Drive, #125, Reno, Nevada  89523

         Kathleen M. Kennedy          465 Len Circle, Reno, Nevada  89511

5.   PURPOSE  (optional--see reverse side): The purpose of the corporation shall
     be:  To  transact  all  lawful  business  for  which  corporations  may  be
     incorporated pursuant to the laws of the State of Nevada.

6.   OTHER MATTERS:  This form includes the minimal  statutory  requirements  to
     incorporate under NRS 78. You may attach additional information pursuant to
     NRS 78.037 or any other  information  you deem  appropriate.  If any of the
     additional information is contradictory to this form it cannot be filed and
     will be returned to you for correction. Number of pages attached 5

7.   SIGNATURES  OF  INCORPORATORS:  The  names  and  addresses  of  each of the
     incorporators signing the articles: (Signatures must be notarized.) (Attach
     additional pages if there are more than two incorporators.)

                                            Amee Han
     -------------------------------        ------------------------------------
     Name (print)

                                            2475 Robb Drive, #125, Reno,  Nevada
     -------------------------------        ------------------------------------
     Address        City/State/Zip

                                            /s/ Amee Han
     -------------------------------        ------------------------------------
     Signature                              Amee Han

     State of      County of                State of Nevada     County of Washoe
              ----           -----

     This instrument  was  acknowledged     This  instrument  was   acknowledged
     before me on _________, 19__, by       before me on June 29, 1999,  by

                                            /s/ Amee Han
     -------------------------------        ------------------------------------
             Name of Person                 Amee Han

     as incorporator                        as incorporator of
     of                                     Han Logistics, Inc.
        ----------------------------        ------------------------------------
        (name of party on behalf of
        whom instrument was executed)

                                            /s/ Koreen A. Graciano
     -------------------------------        ------------------------------------
         Notary Public Signature                 Notary Public Signature

     (affix notary stamp or seal)           (affix notary stamp or seal)


The undersigned,  Amee Han, hereby accepts appointment as Resident Agent for the
above named corporation.

/s/ Amee Han                                                      6-29-99
- -----------------------------------------------------------   ------------------
Signature of Resident Agent                                       Date


9. The corporation shall have perpetual existence.

10. The governing board of this corporation shall be known as directors, and the
number of  directors  may from time to time be  increased  or  decreased in such
manner as shall be provided by the Bylaws of this corporation.

     In  furtherance  and not in limitation of the powers  conferred by statute,
the Board of Directors is expressly authorized:

          (a) To manage and govern the  corporation  by majority vote of members
     present  at any  regular  or  special  meeting  at which a quorum  shall be
     present  unless the act of a greater  number is required by the laws of the
     state of incorporation, these Articles or the Bylaws of the corporation.

          (b) To make,  alter,  or amend the  Bylaws of the  corporation  at any
     regular or special meeting.

          (c) To fix the amount to be reserved as working capital over and above
     its capital stock paid in.

          (d) To authorize and cause to be executed mortgages and liens upon the
     real and personal property of this corporation.

          (e) To designate one or more committees,  each committee to consist of
     two or more of the  directors  of the  corporation,  which,  to the  extent
     provided by resolution or in the Bylaws of the corporation,  shall have and
     may exercise the powers of the Board of Directors in the  management of the
     business and affairs of the corporation. Such committee or committees shall
     have such name or names as may be stated in the  Bylaws of the  corporation
     or as may be  determined  from time to time by  resolution  adopted  by the
     Board of Directors.

     The Board of  Directors  shall have  power and  authority  to sell,  lease,
exchange or otherwise  dispose of all or  substantially  all of the property and
assets of the  corporation,  if in the usual and regular course of its business,
upon such terms and  conditions as the Board of Directors may determine  without
vote or consent of the shareholders.

     The Board of  Directors  shall have  power and  authority  to sell,  lease,
exchange or otherwise dispose of all or substantially all the property or assets
of the  corporation,  including  its  goodwill,  if not in the usual and regular
course of its business, upon such terms and conditions as the Board of Directors
may  determine,  provided  that such sale shall be authorized or ratified by the


affirmative  vote of the  shareholders  of at  least a  majority  of the  shares
entitled to vote thereon at a shareholders'  meeting called for that purpose, or
when  authorized or ratified by the written  consent of all the  shareholders of
the shares entitled to vote thereon.

     The  Board  of  Directors  shall  have  power  and  authority  to  merge or
consolidate  the  corporation  upon such  terms and  conditions  as the Board of
Directors may authorize,  provided that such merger or consolidation is approved
or ratified by the affirmative  vote of the  shareholders of at least a majority
of the shares entitled to vote thereon at a shareholders meeting called for that
purpose,  or when  authorized  or  ratified  by the  written  consent of all the
shareholders of the shares entitled to vote thereon.

     The  corporation  shall  be  dissolved  upon  the  affirmative  vote of the
shareholders  of at least a majority of the shares entitled to vote thereon at a
meeting called for that purpose,  or when  authorized or ratified by the written
consent of all the shareholders of the shares entitled to vote thereon.

     The corporation  shall revoke  voluntary  dissolution  proceedings upon the
affirmative  vote of the  shareholders  of at  least a  majority  of the  shares
entitled to vote at a meeting  called for that  purpose,  or when  authorized or
ratified by the written  consent of all the  shareholders of the shares entitled
to vote thereon.

11. The following provisions are inserted for the management of the business and
for  the  conduct  of the  affairs  of the  corporation,  and  the  same  are in
furtherance of and not in limitation of the powers conferred by law.

     No contract or other  transaction of the corporation with any other person,
firm or  corporation,  or in which  this  corporation  is  interested,  shall be
affected or invalidated by (a) the fact that any one or more of the directors or
officers of this  corporation  is  interested  in or is a director or officer of
such other firm or corporation;  or (b) the fact that any director or officer of
this corporation,  individually or jointly with others, may be a party to or may
be interested in any such  contract or  transaction,  so long as the contract or
transaction  is  authorized,  approved  or ratified at a meeting of the Board of
Directors by sufficient  vote thereon by directors not  interested  therein,  to
whom such fact or relationship  or interest has been disclosed,  or the contract
or transaction  has been approved or ratified by vote or written  consent of the
shareholders entitled to vote, to whom such fact of relationship or interest has
been disclosed, or so long as the contract or transaction is fair and reasonable
to the  corporation.  Each  person who may  become a director  or officer of the
corporation is hereby  relieved from any liability that might otherwise arise by
reason of his contracting with the corporation for the benefit of himself or any
firm or corporation in which he may be in any way interested.

     The officers, directors and other members of management of this corporation
shall be subject to the doctrine of corporate  opportunities  only insofar as it
applies to business  opportunities  in which this  corporation  has expressed an
interest as determined from time to time by the corporation's Board of Directors
as evidenced by resolutions  appearing in the corporation's  minutes.  When such
areas of interest are delineated,  all such business  opportunities  within such
areas of interest  which come to the  attention of the  officers,  directors and
other members of management of this corporation  shall be disclosed  promptly to
this corporation and made available to it. The Board of Directors may reject any
business  opportunity  presented to it and thereafter  any officer,  director or
other member of  management  may avail himself of such  opportunity.  Until such
time as this corporation, through its Board of Directors, has designated an area
of interest,  the  officers,  directors  and other members of management of this
corporation  shall be free to engage in such areas of  interest on their own and
the  provisions  hereof shall not limit the rights of any  officer,  director or
other member of management of this  corporation to continue a business  existing
prior to the time that such area of interest is designated by this  corporation.


This provision shall not be construed to release any employee of the corporation
(other than an officer,  director or member of management) from any duties which
he may have to the corporation.

12. Each director and each officer of the  corporation  shall be  indemnified by
the corporation as follows:

          (a) The corporation  shall indemnify any person who was or is a party,
     or is  threatened  to be  made a  party,  to  any  threatened,  pending  or
     completed   action,   suit  or   proceeding,   whether   civil,   criminal,
     administrative or investigative (other than an action by or in the right of
     the  corporation),  by  reason  of the fact  that he is or was a  director,
     officer, employee or agent of the corporation,  or is or was serving at the
     request of the  corporation  as a director,  officer,  employee or agent of
     another corporation, partnership, joint venture, trust or other enterprise,
     against expenses (including attorneys' fees), judgments,  fines and amounts
     paid in settlement,  actually and reasonably  incurred by him in connection
     with such action,  suit or  proceeding,  if he acted in good faith and in a
     manner  he  reasonably  believed  to be in,  or not  opposed  to,  the best
     interests of the  corporation,  and, with respect to any criminal action or
     proceeding,  had no  reasonable  cause to believe his conduct was unlawful.
     The  termination  of any action,  suit or  proceeding  by judgment,  order,
     settlement, conviction or upon a plea of nolo contendere or its equivalent,
     shall not of itself  create a  presumption  that the  person did not act in
     good faith and in a manner he reasonably  believed to be in, or not opposed
     to, the best interests of the corporation and, with respect to any criminal
     action or proceeding,  had reasonable cause to believe that his conduct was

          (b) The corporation  shall indemnify any person who was or is a party,
     or is  threatened  to be  made a  party,  to  any  threatened,  pending  or
     completed action or suit by or in the right of the corporation,  to procure
     a judgment in its favor by reason of the fact that he is or was a director,
     officer, employee or agent of the corporation,  or is or was serving at the
     request of the  corporation  as a director,  officer,  employee or agent of
     another corporation,  partnership, joint venture, trust or other enterprise
     against  expenses  (including  attorney's  fees)  actually  and  reasonably
     incurred by him in connection with the defense or settlement of such action
     or suit, if he acted in good faith and in a manner he  reasonably  believed
     to be in, or not opposed to, the best interests of the corporation,  except
     that no  indemnification  shall be made in respect  of any claim,  issue or
     matter as to which such  person  shall have been  adjudged to be liable for
     negligence or misconduct in the performance of his duty to the corporation,
     unless, and only to the extent that, the court in which such action or suit
     was brought shall determine upon application that, despite the adjudication
     of liability,  but in view of all circumstances of the case, such person is
     fairly and reasonably  entitled to indemnification  for such expenses which
     such court deems proper.


          (c) To the extent that a director,  officer,  employee or agent of the
     corporation  has been  successful  on the merits or otherwise in defense of
     any action,  suit or proceeding referred to in Sections (a) and (b) of this
     Article,  or in defense of any claim, issue or matter therein,  he shall be
     indemnified  against  expenses  (including  attorneys'  fees)  actually and
     reasonably incurred by him in connection therewith.

          (d) Any  indemnification  under  Section  (a) or (b) of  this  Article
     (unless  ordered  by a  court)  shall  be made by the  corporation  only as
     authorized in the specific case upon a determination  that  indemnification
     of  the  officer,   director  and  employee  or  agent  is  proper  in  the
     circumstances,  because he has met the  applicable  standard of conduct set
     forth in Section (a) or (b) of this Article.  Such  determination  shall be
     made  (i) by the  Board  of  Directors  by a  majority  vote  of a  quorum,
     consisting  of  directors  who were not  parties  to such  action,  suit or
     proceeding,  or  (ii)  if  such  quorum  is  not  obtainable  or,  even  if
     obtainable,   if  a  quorum  of  disinterested  directors  so  directs,  by
     independent legal counsel in a written opinion, or (iii) by the affirmative
     vote of the holders of a majority  of the shares of stock  entitled to vote
     and represented at a meeting called for such purpose.

          (e) Expenses (including attorneys' fees) incurred in defending a civil
     or criminal  action,  suit or proceeding may be paid by the  corporation in
     advance of the final  disposition of such action,  suit or  proceeding,  as
     authorized in Section (d) of this Article,  upon receipt of an  undertaking
     by or on behalf of the director,  officer,  employee or agent to repay such
     amount,  unless it shall ultimately be determined that he is entitled to be
     indemnified by the corporation as authorized in this Article.

          (f) The Board of Directors  may exercise  the  corporation's  power to
     purchase  and  maintain  insurance  on behalf of any person who is or was a
     director,  officer,  employee  or  agent of the  corporation,  or is or was
     serving at the request of the corporation as a director,  officer, employee
     or agent of another corporation, partnership, joint venture, trust or other
     enterprise,  against any liability asserted against him and incurred by him
     in any such capacity,  or arising out of his status as such, whether or not
     the  corporation  would  have  the  power to  indemnify  him  against  such
     liability under this Article.

          (g) The  indemnification  provided by this Article shall not be deemed
     exclusive of any other rights to which those seeking indemnification may be
     entitled under these  Articles of  Incorporation,  the Bylaws,  agreements,
     vote of the shareholders or disinterested directors, or otherwise,  both as
     to action in his  official  capacity  and as to action in another  capacity
     while holding such office, and shall continue as to a person who has ceased
     to be a director, officer, employee or agent and shall inure to the benefit
     of the heirs and personal representatives of such a person.


13. Whenever a compromise or arrangement is proposed by the corporation  between
it and its creditors or any class of them,  and/or between said  corporation and
its shareholders or any class of them, any court of equitable  jurisdiction may,
on the application in a summary way by said corporation, or by a majority of its
stock,  or on the  application  of any receiver or receivers  appointed for said
corporation,  or on the application of trustees in dissolution,  order a meeting
of the creditors or class of creditors  and/or of the  shareholders  or class of
shareholders  of said  corporation,  as the case may be, to be  notified in such
manner as the said court decides. If a majority in number, representing at least
three-fourths  in amount of the  creditors  or class of  creditors,  and/or  the
holders of a majority of the stock or class of stock of said corporation, as the
case may be, agree to any compromise or arrangement and/or to any reorganization
of said  corporation,  as a consequence of such compromise or  arrangement,  the
said  compromise  or  arrangement  and/or  the  said  reorganization  shall,  if
sanctioned by the court to which the said  application has been made, be binding
upon all the creditors or class of creditors,  and/or on all the shareholders or
class of shareholders of said corporation,  as the case may be, and also on said

14.  No  shareholder  in the  corporation  shall  have the  preemptive  right to
subscribe to any or all  additional  issues of stock and/or other  securities of
any or all classes of this  corporation or securities  convertible into stock or
carrying stock purchase warrants, options or privileges.

15.  Meetings  of  shareholders  may be held at any time and place as the Bylaws
shall  provide.  At all meetings of the  shareholders,  a majority of all shares
entitled to vote shall constitute a quorum.

16. Cumulative voting shall not be allowed.

17. These Articles of Incorporation may be amended by resolution of the Board of
Directors  if no shares have been  issued,  and if shares have been  issued,  by
affirmative  vote of the  shareholders  of at  least a  majority  of the  shares
entitled  to vote  thereon  at a  meeting  called  for that  purpose,  or,  when
authorized,  when such  action is  ratified  by the  written  consent of all the
shareholders of the shares entitled to vote thereon.

18. Any action for which the laws of the State of Nevada require the approval of
two-thirds  of the shares of any class or series  entitled to vote with  respect
thereto,  unless  otherwise  provided in the  Articles of  Incorporation,  shall
require for  approval  the  affirmative  vote of a majority of the shares of any
class or series outstanding and entitled to vote thereon.


19. No director shall be personally liable to the corporation or any shareholder
for monetary damages for breach of fiduciary duty as a director,  except for any
matter in respect of which such  director  shall be liable under the laws of the
State of Nevada,  and  except  for any matter in respect of which such  director
shall be liable by reason  that he (i) has  breached  his duty of loyalty to the
corporation or its shareholders, (ii) has not acted in good faith or, in failing
to act,  has not acted in good  faith,  (iii)  has  acted in a manner  involving
intentional  misconduct or a knowing violation of law or, in failing to act, has
acted in a manner  involving  intentional  misconduct or a knowing  violation of
law, or (iv) has derived an improper personal benefit. Neither the amendment nor
repeal of this Article 19, nor the adoption of any  provision of the Articles of
Incorporation  inconsistent  with this Article 19, shall eliminate or reduce the
effect of this  Article 19 in respect of any matter  occurring,  or any cause of
action,  suite or claim that,  but for this  Article 19,  would  accrue or arise
prior to such amendment, repeal or adoption of an inconsistent provision.
