
     THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this 27th day of January, 2000, by and

NEVADA AGENCY AND TRUST COMPANY, 50 West Liberty Street, Suite 880, Reno, Nevada
89501,  hereinafter  called  "TRANSFER  AGENT,"  and

STANFORD  MANAGEMENT LTD., 2652 Dundas Street, West Vancouver, British Columbia,
V5K  1P9,  a  Delaware  corporation,  hereinafter  called  "COMPANY."

     NOW  THEREFORE,  for  valuable consideration and the mutual promises herein
contained,  the  parties  hereto  agree  as  follows,  to  wit:

AGENT  as  the  Transfer  Agent  and  Registrar  for the COMPANY'S Common Stock,
commencing  on  this  27th  day  of  January,  2000.

     2.  (COMPANY'S  DUTY).  The  COMPANY  agrees to deliver to TRANSFER AGENT a
complete  up-to-date  stockholder  list  showing  the  name  of  the  individual
stockholder,  current address, the number of shares and the certificate numbers,
it being specifically understood and agreed that the TRANSFER AGENT is not to be
held  responsible  for  any omissions or error, that may leave occurred prior to
this  Agreement  whether  on  the  part  of  the  COMPANY itself or its previous
transfer  agent or agents. The COMPANY hereby agrees to indemnify TRANSFER AGENT
in  this  regard.

     3. (STOCK CERTIFICATES) The COMPANY agrees to provide an adequate number of
stock  certificates  to  handle the COMPANY'S transfers on a current basis. Upon
receipt  of  TRANSFER  AGENT'S request, the COMPANY agrees to furnish additional
stock  certificates  as TRANSFER AGENT deems necessary considering the volume of
transfers.  The  stock  certificates  shall  be  supplied at COMPANY'S cost. The
TRANSFER  AGENT agrees to order stock certificates from its printer upon request
of  the  COMPANY.

     4.  (TRANSFER  AGENT  DUTIES) TRANSFER AGENT agrees to handle the COMPANY'S
transfers,  record  the  same,  and  maintain  a  ledger,  together  with a file
containing all correspondence relating to said transfers, which records shall be
kept confidential and be available to the COMPANY and its Board of Directors, or
to  any  person  specifically authorized by the board of Directors to review the
records  which  shall  be  made  available  by TRANSFER AGENT during the regular
business  hours.

     5.  (TRANSFER  AGENT  REGISTRATION)  TRANSFER  AGENT  warrants  that  it is
registered  as  a  Transfer Agent with the United States Securities and Exchange
Commission  under  the  Securities  Exchange  Act  of  1934,  as  amended.

     6.  (STOCKHOLDER  LIST)  From  time  to  time,  as  necessary  for  Company
stockholders  meetings  or  mailings,  the  TRANSFER AGENT will certify and make
available  to  the current, active stockholders list for COMPANY purposes. It is
agreed that a reasonable charge for supplying such list will be made by TRANSFER
AGENT  to the COMPANY. It is further agreed that in the event the TRANSFER AGENT


received a request or a demand from a stockholder or the attorney of agent for a
stockholder, for a list of stockholders, the TRANSFER AGENT will serve notice of
such request by certified mail to the COMPANY. The COMPANY will have forty-eight
(48)  hours  to  respond in writing to the TRANSFER AGENT. If the COMPANY orders
the  TRANSFER AGENT to withhold delivery of a list of stockholders as requested,
the  TRANSFER AGENT agrees to follow the orders of the COMPANY. The COMPANY will
then  follow  the procedure set forth in the Uniform Commercial Code to restrain
the  TRANSFER  AGENT  from  making  delivery  of  a  stockholders  list.

     7.  (TRANSFER  FEE)  TRANSFER  AGENT  agrees to assess and collect from the
person  requesting a transfer and/or the transferor, a fee of Fifteen and No/100
dollars  ($15.00)  for  each stock certificate issued, except original issues of
stock or warrant certificates, which fees shall be paid by the COMPANY. This fee
may  be decreased or increased at any time by the TRANSFER AGENT. This fee shall
be  the  property  of  the  TRANSFER  AGENT.

     8.  (ANNUAL FEE) The COMPANY agrees to pay the TRANSFER AGENT an annual fee
of  TWELVE  HUNDRED  DOLLARS  ($1,200.00)  each  year.  This  fee reimburses the
TRANSFER  AGENT  for the expense and time required to respond to the written and
oral inquiries from brokers and the investing public, as well as maintaining the
transfer books and records of the corporation. The annual fee will be due on 1ST
OF  APRIL  of  each  year  and  is  subject  to  annual  review.

     9.  (TERMINATION)  This  Agreement  may be terminated by either party given
written  notice of such termination to the other party at least ninety (90) days
before  the  effective date. The TRANSFER AGENT shall return all of the transfer
records  to  the  COMPANY and its duties and obligations as TRANSFER AGENT shall
cease  at  that time. The TRANSFER AGENT will be paid a Termination Fee of $1.00
per  registered  stockholder  of the Company at the time the written termination
notice  is  served.

     10. (COMPANY STATUS) The COMPANY will promptly advise the TRANSFER AGENT of
any  changes  or  amendments  to  the Articles of Incorporation, any significant
changes  in  corporate  status, changes in officers, etc., and of all changes in
filing  status with the Securities and Exchange commission, or any state entity,
and  to  hold  the  TRANSFER  AGENT  harmless  from  its  failure  to  do  so.

     11. (INDEMNIFICATION OF TRANSFER AGENT) The COMPANY agrees to indemnify and
hold  harmless  the  TRANSFER AGENT, from any and all loss, liability of damage,
including  reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses, arising out of, or resulting
from  the  assertion  against  the  TRANSFER  AGENT  of  any  claims,  debts  or
obligations  in  connection with any of the TRANSFER AGENT'S duties as set forth
in  the  Agreement,  and  specifically  it is understood that the TRANSFER AGENT
shall have the right to apply to independent counsel at the COMPANY'S expense in
following  the  COMPANY'S  directions  and  orders.

     12.  (COUNTERPARTS)  This  Agreement  may  be  executed  in  any  number of
counterparts,  each of which, when executed and delivered, shall be an original,
but  all  such  counterparts  shall  constitute  one  and  the  same instrument.


     13.  (NOTICE)  Any notice under this Agreement shall be deemed to have been
sufficiently  given  if  sent  by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid,
addressed  as  follows:

               TO  THE  COMPANY:
               Philip  Yee
               2652  Dundas  Street,
               W.  Vancouver,  B.C.  V5K  1P9

               TO  THE  TRANSFER  AGENT:
               50  West  Liberty  Street,  Suite  880
               Reno,Nevada  89501

     14.  (MERGER  CLAUSE)  this  Agreement  supersedes all prior agreements and
understandings  between the parties and may not be changed or terminated orally,
and  no  attempted change, termination or waiver of any of the provisions hereof
shall  binding  unless  in  writing  and  signed  by  the  parties  hereto.

     15.  (GOVERNING  LAW)  This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in
accordance  with  the  laws  of  the  State  of  Nevada.

     THIS  AGREEMENT  has  been executed by the parties hereto as of the day and
year  lst  above  written,  by  the  duly authorized officer or officers of said
parties,  and  the  same  will  be  binding  upon  the assigns and successors in
interest  of  the  parties  hereto.

                         NEVADA  AGENCY  AND  TRUST  COMPANY
                              TRANSFER  AGENT

                              BY:/S/"AMANDA  CARDINALLI"___________
                              AMANDA  CARDINALLI,  VICE  PRESIDENT

                              STANFORD  MANAGEMENT  LTD.

                              /S/  "PHILIP  YEE"_____________________
                              PHILIP  YEE/PRESIDENT